Collected by
Blackmailed Mom pays w Her Ass /Hole
(1 stories listed)
Ariel/Sorority Girl's Humltn,Red/ Purple Ass Revenge
(42 stories listed)
B/O sink Shiny Purple Shorts & Panties pulled dn Elizabeth’s bruised red & purple ass from a spanking “SWIIICK” from above.the tails of the whip cut in all the way from the ECU Coed’s asshole up to her vagina.What a swing! Elizabeth has farted
Broomstick for Julia's Brown Button Spanked Farts Afkd
(1 stories listed)
Ariel's Peril must put cucumber up red purple paddledAssFk
(35 stories listed)
the entire large cucumber had passed into me. painfully I straightened up,still sniffling back my tears.I could feel every inch stretching & burning inside my behind.
De Hinderlaag (The Ambush) -in Dutch:
by Ootwee
(Synopsis: A young cop is chasing female criminals, and gets trapped in the ladies room where he is raped by the girls.)
Comment: On hands & knees Ariel took the vegetable forcing the green cuke tip betwn the puckered flower of her small & snug ass hole,Ariel was too tight, I got a picture of her expression of pain, it was not working, she was too tight,my tool strained,
Spanking Straight From the Headlines 2004:
by CarolinaSpanker
(Synopsis: Tasty ass employee spanked.)
Comment: Mr.Deal hauled the pretty Triton High Coed Softball Player resistier visible panty lined Ariel back over his knee.She fell forward with a loud "P-PHHHRARTHURTT", then a squeal of embarrassment as she realized she'd let out an audible fart
Schoenes Engelchen:
by Anne Sieghott
(Synopsis: Angelina Jolies Ehemann Brad ist weder mit ihrer Lebensführung noch mit der Ehe zufrieden und lässt sich auf einen unvorstellbar grausamen Racheplan ein.)
Comment: Punished.Ariel's breasts hung dn,Her breasts must hold a sec.of broom handle.extended out radially from the center of each breast forming a spider web patter of purple bruised & red puffy painful skin.
Somalia, One Way Only (german):
by kimber22
(Synopsis: A female bodied boi, just after school, joins a friend to go to Somaila where he wants to start his world trip. But everything comes different. He's kidnapped, interrogated and tortured by a beautiful amazon who loves CBT. In the end the amazon and her Somali friends forcefully turn the boi into a cute medium-titted white T-Girl, right in the middle of Africa.)
Comment: Ariel undid her bra her ample breasts were crisscrossd w inch-wide red welts.Every blow had a teat as its target because the nipples were incredibly swollen.Even the areolar skin around the nipples was one solid cherry-red swollen welt & lesser welts
Halloween Creep Night:
by redwrangler
(Synopsis: Sorority Pledge does the doodie bag trick or treat on old cranky teachers porch for Halloween.)
The Christian Discipline Diaries:
by E. E. Norcod
(Synopsis: Female discipline among True Believers in East Texas.)
Comment: Ariel undid her bra her ample breasts were crisscrossd w inch-wide red welts.Every blow had a teat as its target because the nipples were incredibly swollen.Even the areolar skin around the nipples was one solid cherry-red swollen welt & lesser welts
Hen Coop:
by Bea
(Synopsis: A husband discovers his true position in his household's pecking order.)
Comment: : Bobbed a respectful curtsey
Marie (1851) :
by Abe
(Synopsis: Marie is sold to a middle aged pedophile.)
Comment: Carbonation left in the beer to force liquid into her rectum.He withdrew the bottle,wiping up her wet farts
Black Forest Vacation (German):
by Gentle Master
(Synopsis: An unusual trip to the Black Forest)
Comment: He caned her ass for a long time. I glanced back at him and saw that there was blood on the cane because he had broken skin with it from hitting her so hard. I also noticed that he had an erection as if he was getting excited over caning Ariel.
by bigbobby
(Synopsis: )
Comment: W Nazi Swastika Armbands,treat Ariel’s ass to the buckle end of his belt.Her ass was bleeding, weltd & swelling.The belt connectd more skin would tear.Her butt was blazing red & welted from the belt spanking Ariel’s asshole hurt & was bleeding
Abenteuer in Russland - German:
by Alexandra
(Synopsis: German story about Manuela who gets abducted while Trecking through Russia. Humiliation and Degradation will accompany her on her way to become a submissiv slave. Though the first part is still mild the story will become more and more extreme.)
Comment: Norcod_Mr. Deal examined her ass commenting“The nice thing about the paddle is that it doesn’t just leave swollen red marks.A hvy paddle leaves bruises.”was exemplified by the purple blotches that were appearing & spreading across Ariel's butt
German Bedtime Stories:
by Gentle Master
(Synopsis: 13 short stories for my slave - written in German, sorry - dealing with lesbianism, convent education, office sluts, nuns, very special spy inrerrogations, smugglers and tennis champions. Hope you will enjoy it!)
Comment: Dried blood surrounded the unblinking eye that was her anal passageway.He began w the wdn paddle,using it on her bottom.He rained blow aftr blow onto her ass cheeks & watched as they grew scarlet & began to swell & bruise from the paddle
Surely Hell:
by DemonMonsterDave
(Synopsis: After a long spell in a small box, a new slave is finally 'baptized' by his new owner. )
Comment: Surely Hell : by DemonMonsterDave
He starts to push his massive cock into my anus.I’ve never been fucked before,so the pain is intense as he drives it hard unstoppably inside me.He grunts his exertion w each thrust & I yelp w it,the pain sharp &
Just one hour with my sister-inlaw:
by Finc
(Synopsis: Kidnap and nasty cellar rape fantasy about my real life snooty bitch sister-inlaw.)
Comment: Ariel howled as the 3" width spread her anus,her sphincter clamping down around the narrow base once it was mercifully inside.She felt like she had a huge poop ready to drop,her butt trying to push it out,struggling to stand the plug painful inside.
Karen and Michelle’s Sad Story:
by redlegtiger
(Synopsis: This is the story of a Mother, Karen and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. )
Comment: K&M,He pushed the lg dildo in her asshole & caned her across her butt chks.Ariel was a crying,blubbering mess by the time the caning was ovr.Her ass was coverd w red welts & a few small cuts that were dribbling blood
Teresa - der lange Weg der Unterwerfung (German):
by SlavesDom
(Synopsis: Janina begegnet ihrer fruheren Freundin Teresa, die mittlerweile als Sklavin dient, und zeigt ihr, wer die geborene Herrin ist. (Janina meets her former girlfriend Teresa, who serves as a slave, and shows her, who the natural born Domme is.))
Comment: He threw my shirt & skirt on me & told me to put them on, w/o my bra & panties.'I want u to go into that shop &I want u to come back w vaseline'he told me.Oh No, he was going to take my ass!
Das Verkaufsgesprach - in German:
by Rainer Drzyzga
(Synopsis: Eine Frau will als Urlaubsvertretung Sex Arikel an einen Sex Shop verkaufen. Dort wird sie zum Star eines Rape Videos. )
Comment: Ariel reactd to the sight of the metal rod that was pushed thru the opening in the inflated butt plug & wedgd deep in her shit hole.She began screaming & begging,the first jolt of electricity was deliverd to her bowels & more tortured the teen
Alexandras Traum - German:
by Alexandra
(Synopsis: Alexandra finds herself in a strange dream.)
Comment: Courtrm,A penis shapd rod is rammd deeply up into ur ass & it's hollow core filled.The plug gradually being heated by the boiling oil.Ariel scrmd. Ltr I removd the plug from her steaming sore asshole.The sensitive skin around it red & swollen
Econotopia -German:
by Gentle Master
(Synopsis: This story deals with a new world order in the near future, where the economic competition left alone one huge company lead by an almighty computer. Employees are pampered, the unemployed are their sex slaves. Only a few rebels in the south american rain forests resist and kidnap the female chief programmer to get the codes. But this lady is tough ...)
Comment: Dorm Rm Pulld dn her jeans though she had her panties on Ariel’s bent dn ovr D's lap & adjusting the white nylon panties behind her to covr white btm cheeks.Ariel 's spanking was a scorcher stinger aftr stinger on her nylon coverd red ass
Ein Wochenende -German:
by Pete Ziero
(Synopsis: Eine Ehefrau setzt die heimlichen Phantasien ihres Mannes mit ihm in die Tat um.)
Comment: Enema nozzle yanked from her asshole & she was told to squat down & expel her enema into the grating her trembling body.She managed to get enough of that mess splashd upwards that her lower butt was befouled.The teen was mortified
Hirst Hall:
by Surtea
(Synopsis: A lady agrees to a marriage but, sooner rather than later, comes to regret it.)
Comment: I picked up the first half of the cucumber,the one w elongated end & dipped it in the butter before reaching back under my skirt & easing the tip up between my cheeks to my bottomhole. I pushed & it painfully slid in.the green cuke was large
by Chris and Jen
(Synopsis: A story told from His and Her point of views. Promises of what they want to do to each other when they are reunited.)
Comment: After a few more swats on your ass to get your attention, you feel me start to push my cock into your asshole. A minute or two more trying to get it in, it finally penetrates your ass. You wiggle in pain as I push the entire length of my cock into your as
The Professor's Rape of His Teenage Students:
by Powerone
(Synopsis: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needs the student. Co-written by Powerone and SarahBell.)
Comment: He had found her weakness, her asshole.He always exploited what they feared the most.In Ariel's case,it was her sweet asshole.That would be his first conquest.Spanking her ass cheeks turning red.She felt him pull his finger from her ass as he did.
On French Soil:
by T.S.Fesseln
(Synopsis: This is a slavery story that took place in fifteen century. Sir Edward de Valence came back for his revenge.)
Comment: Panties buried into her shitty stinky butt crack where the triangle of cloth unmarred by bulges against her sex, & the bulk of her blistered butt ,the centers of each curved mound a mass of angry blisters,the rest of her bottom a bright,irritated red
Marie (German):
by Belpheghor
(Synopsis: Marie, eine junge 19-jährige Frau wird beim schmuggeln von Drogen erwischt. Um nicht ins Gefängnis zu müssen, lassen sich ihre Mutter und Marie von einem sadistischen Professor Quälen und missbrauchen. )
Comment: Mr. Deal peels off her shit & peed in bikini & brought it up to Ariel’s face,contorted in disgust as he forcd her shit & piss stained bikini ovr her head w the shit-covered ass right under her nose shit & pee staind bikini ovr her face
Montagsfolter (german):
by Mark Fritz
(Synopsis: Michael and Gerd are trained and scillful members of the interrogation-squad in some obscure dictatorship. They know how to make a female prisoner speak. When they drop in their office on Monday morning, a client is already waiting for them: young, beautiful, carefully tied up to the ceiling. They spent their working hours raping and torturing her. What a job…)
Comment: His penis workd into her inch by agonizing inch.Ariel screamed in earnest as her tight,tender anus was penetrated by this horrific piece of man meat.it was all the way in & so filled up,still screamin w stabbin pain her asshole was bleeding
Stories of Patriarchy (French):
by Frenchdom
(Synopsis: In a future world, men rule, and women submit. Two stories give an idea of such a society.)
Comment: Applyin the 2nd swat.This time Ariel's reaction succeeded in convincing the teacher that something was out of the ordinary."I got reslly good wood on that swat & then Ariel froze, squatted to her knees, & sounded a loud Fart
Historia de Corinne - Spanish:
by Sandra Raquel
(Synopsis: Corinne es una chica que por amor a su pareja decide entregarse al mundo terrible, para salvarle de daños probables (La escribí bastante condicionada sobre la Historia de O, pero le añadí mis propias fantasías). Es algo que realicé desde mis fantasías propias. Es un primer relato o novela al que me lancé, antes de tener PC y en un micro me construí una especie de editor de textos. Después lo pasé a Wordperfect....y en la actualidad lo mantengo en Word.)
Comment: Mstr Bates,Yg Lady did u wipe ur ass last time u took a shit?He held her asscheeks wide apart & took a look."U bitch,you've got a shit stain in ur ass crack."to humiliate Ariel.He slid his finger up her ass deep ynkd it out covrd in brn
Isabels Folter (German):
by Eugene
(Synopsis: Irgendwo in Südamerika. Nach einem Militärputsch wird Isabel festgenommen und gefoltert)
Comment: Lng Awtd Mtg,U grab the chain that is connecting my breast nipples & pull on them hard,causing me to fall into your lap face dn.U slide up the skirt & pull my panties dn so my but cheeks are bare.
Tasha im Schlächterclub:
by euterquäler
(Synopsis: Tasha, eine grossbusige Frau, trifft auf den Besitzer des \"Schlächterclubs\" und wird ohne Willen die Attraktion des Abends)
Comment: Don’t turn around Ariel.Just drop ur shorts & bend over.Place ur head on the window sill.Do it now.”she felt a tug on her ass plug.“This is inconvenient,” pulling it out w an audible “fart sound”.He set it on the window sill by her face.
Cynthia's Bad Birthday:
by SoftGameHunter
(Synopsis: Snooty Cynthia gets roughed up by rednecks on their farm. She suffers great shame and shock over it.)
Comment: He flipped me onto my belly & pulled my ass up into the air.Smearing gel arnd my ass.Not an ass rape. No, not that. Anything else.Please!Anything but thaaaaat!!! It hurt so much!It wasn’t a penis. It was a fucking knife.It was a spear!,Rly his penis.
Lustschloß in Böhmen:
by Uncle Sam
(Synopsis: Geheimorganisation unterhält ein Lustschloß für ihre Mitgliederund ausgewählte Gäste. Hier können sie entspannen und ihte Neigungen ausleben.)
Comment: Lng Awtd Mtg,The first spank is hard & makes me whimper. The first one is worse again as I was already sore. u keep it up on one butt cheek for a while & then swap to the other one. U only stop when my butt cheeks are bright red & I have tears
Filmstars (german):
by AnnaMK
(Synopsis: how to become porn stars - wie man zum Pornostar wird)
Comment: SPLAT" wooden paddle “NNNNAAAAAAAHHH!”cries Ariel's still baby fat,firm flesh of her butt,first turned bloodless white,then,while the boiling hot pain flooded thru her swelling butt,a blood red glow blossomed & spread ovr the blistering ass.
Pool Party :
by pamela
(Synopsis: "You have a daughter," Rafer said...)
Comment: Mr. Greenville sprd her her butt cheeks.His penis to her tiny asshole & jammd it in w/o ceremony,pushing hard,breaching all resistance,ramming into the depths of her & laughing at her screams.He fuckd the screeching,struggling, howling girl.
A Slave Father's Diary:
by Nic Romanschak
(Synopsis: Fortunately for me, the subjugation I yearned came from a most unexpected source; our foster daughter)
Comment: He moved up pushing the head of his penis into her asshole. Painfuly,the pink-brown rose-bud spread open & he began sliding into her asshole,stretchd around his penis & as he pulld out w a fart showing brn shit smears arnd her pink asshole
Anal Agony
(1 stories listed)
Her panties hauled dn,she shudderd he shovd the end of his penis at her tight brown bud.Squirmn he got inside of her..It must have hurt because she startd spilling tears as he fuckd her ass hard & farted,before he draggd the brown shit streaked penis
Brown Streaked Finger/ Enemas
(2 stories listed)
the 21 year-olds tanned digits emerged from his oiled-up sphincter a streaky brown. That is the reality of boy sex without a full preparatory enema.
Schoolgirl Bully
(1 stories listed)
“Now put your head on the floor and pull down your pants! I wanna check your as hole.”Kate hesitated, totally humiliated and shamed, but after several kicks on her ass she started pulling them down.It was easy because the tight pants were 100% stretch and
Pants Show The Top of Her Ass Crack
(1 stories listed)
U wear tight pants almost see-through bottom seen including the indentation of your of ur bikini panties & that they go into the crack of ur ass in the back. They must ride low enough that the top of your ass crack shows.”
Sorority Panty Raid Teen Fem Doms Paddle & Ass Fuck
(12 stories listed)
What do u think u are doing boys!Stealing girls’ panties!Well hang around here & we will show u what we do to a panty raider!Sigma kappa has a simple rule catch a guy stealing panties & he gets them rammed up his ass w a broom handle!
Bikini Bottoms Dn Spankings/Amber Corn Cob Deep Up Her Butt
(27 stories listed)
Blkml Ruth-Teacher Revenge.He took a,thick corn cob & shoved it painfully up Amber’s ass.Hands held her hips as the corn was pushed in & pulled out to her humiliating Farts.It was well coated w her brn shit.Mr.Deal held it's stink in her face
Diaries/Gospel Of Deceit,Legs Up/ Spanking & Anal Humiliatn.
(26 stories listed)
4/Legs up for exposd humiliatng spanking.A groan from Ariel for as her knees were drawn up & out which,forced her butt up off the end of the table.There she was,butt high in the air w her knees sprd opn.(3)I saw her rectal hole hair had been cut.
Amanda Belt Welt Red Striped Spanked Ass Fucking
(17 stories listed)
Deal unzips the back of Amanda's Blk skirt unzips it all the way dn her ass crack.Crouching dn grabs the elastic removing Amanda's blk pantyhose,pulls dn her Carolina Blue Maidenform Panties revealing Amanda's white butt for belt spanks
Amber U need to wake up,reality & put ur big girl panties on
(11 stories listed)
Amber Tart Fart, says, some people just need to wake up to reality & put their big girl panties on!
Juli Goes Camping
(3 stories listed)
Sgl /Tchr Diaries, Paddles Farts Sits On Chair D
(21 stories listed)
Col.Lectuer.B_o ass up I pulld back my arm & swung in hard & fast.Whack!“Yeeeowwch!”That hurt her for sure!Joltd undr the impact,she cried out yelpin w gusto & real meaning as the stinging pain bled dn into her wiggling cherry red bottom.
Miranda's Latin Brn Ass (V P L )Slks Spanking-AF-Mex Ilgl
(13 stories listed)
worth displayin.Round,firm & fully packd butt given the strap,10 Best across those curvy cheeks leavin her ass a bright shade of red.
Amber/Diary7/BrattySgl Behavior = Dress Up Panties Dn 4 Hard Spa
(13 stories listed)
More modestly dressed than the nonobservant yg ladies & carry themselves more demurely & curtsey.U know that under that dress are pantied bottoms along w the probable existence of a set of purple bruised red butt cheeks & a sore asshole.
Taylor /Janice,See Dn Her Grn Cord Pants at her Ass Crack
(30 stories listed)
Taylor w brwn shldr lngth hair spanked hard.Teacher checking her out sees dn her jns her ass crack shows her Carolina Blue nylon bikini panties,Jns pulld dn she b/o for wdn paddle & pain from the swats ovr her freshly red spanked
Camp Bus Btm Fires/Skirt Up Panties Dn Paddled Red Ass Farts
(27 stories listed)
In the back of our bus he pulld my short skirt up & my cheer panties pulld dn.I had to go ovr his knee & he spanked my small,tight,shapely lil ass blood red.It was still rly sore from the school paddle.I cried w ea. Hard Spank swelling,raisin blst
Mother Like Daughter Asses Spank Fart AF Diaries GilmoreGIRL
(18 stories listed)
I noticed u because of the outline of ur panties thru ur tight skirt & the double outline of ur panties thru ur slacks,far too tight for u to hide ur secrets.B/o,ur firm yg butt thrust into my face,tight material holding ur ass.Ur butt inviting,so rd
Diary/Sherri B/o Desk See VPL's Thru Yellow Dress,Spanked A
(17 stories listed)
Col.Instrctr.B_o ass up I pulld back my arm & swung in hard & fast.Whack!“Yeeeowwch!”That hurt her for sure!Joltd undr the impact,she cried out yelpin w gusto & real meaning as the stinging pain bled dn into her wiggling cherry red bottom.
Lauren's Bottom Cooked Paddle Spanked Bldy Ass/AF Diaries
(32 stories listed)
Lauren 2" undr 5 ft w a firm apple shapd ass that took dozn upon dozn of vicious paddle swats from the wdn paddle passed from 1 team membr to anothr given a chance to flatten her firm butt swollen to impressive dimensions farting during her paddling
Carolina Panty Hunter.B/o Spanks,Paddles Farts(Ass Fucks)
(21 stories listed)
Hold her down w her face dn.Raise up her dress & whip her w ur riding crop upon her naked behind until it is reddened & marked w welts.Be sure to give her a good painful whipping,until she cries for mercy;then u take her ass from behind.
TN Skirt Up,Brmstk up Asshole Diaries Ms. Semones Tchr Paddled V
(37 stories listed)
Broomstick bobbing out in the classroom about a foot long, the first three inches or so of it buried in her rectum. She couldn't expel the broomstick even as she farted,commenting on the shitty fudge stains in the back of her panty seat.
Diaries/Charlotta Draped Mth Watering Ass Up Ovr Back Of Sofa
(11 stories listed)
There was now precious little white remaining on her backside. Furthermore very brightly red specks were appearing where the blows from the second series were superimposed on the welts from the first series. Two blows, one on top of the other, from this
School's In Session Amber,Wearing Panty Thong Reason For Sp
(24 stories listed)
Not Again! Amber u have violated the rules by not completing ur study assignments on time.U will get swats on the bare w the paddle.The paddle made contact w my rear, was shocked_I yelled w the intense pain-CRACK agn went the paddle on my swollen hot butt
Up Skirt Panty Crotch Flash Squats/ Diaries Girl Sits on Toilet
(14 stories listed)
He saw the top of the crack of her ass.she reached her seat, and sat down, forcing the plug painfullydeeper into her ass.
Ariel Lea Anna Says Why U Nakee?Spanks Her & SOD/A
(26 stories listed)
On the inside of the rubber dildo was a small protruding rubber knob that went into my Mistress This little knob rubbed against her clitoris as She fucked me. The harder she fucked my ass, the more the knob stimulated her
Charlotta Red Faced/UHAUL Trailer/Teen Girl Ass Denial
(26 stories listed)
OP 17 Spanking ur red behinds until they're purple & I can spank boys hard, I've done it before!I have a brother.I used to blister his butt "on the reg."for him –Ask him if his behind still hurts from all the spankings I gave him!
Ferris Wheel Asses Pointing Up Paddled Red & Purple Students
(13 stories listed)
Missy w Visible Panty Lines.Behind her admiring her shapely ass & how the light blue cotton dress hung off it.Art informed her"Lift ur dress above ur waist",a grin on his face.As the soft cotton caressed her thighs as it was lifted.
Juli Swishes Her Vis. Panty Line In Her Tan Slacks Paddled
(10 stories listed)
She would get the paddle until both cheeks were crimson and swollen to the point that they appeared ready to burst if even given one extra whack. It became apparent that a two handed grip did the most damage,her ass bleeding
Elizabeth B/o in Purple Short s Shows Purple Panty Ass Cheeks
(3 stories listed)
B/O sink Shiny Purple Shorts & Panties pulled dn Elizabeth’s bruised red & purple ass from a spanking “SWIIICK” from above.the tails of the whip cut in all the way from the ECU Coed’s asshole up to her vagina.What a swing! Elizabeth has farted