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Book Project


Collected by hbeltwtrav

prison (36 stories listed)

now (29 stories listed)

/f spank punish (47 stories listed)

/f school (10 stories listed)

/f humiliate spank exhibit (51 stories listed)

f kayne (7 stories listed)

  • Things My Future Husband Will Do If He Really Loves Me: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: want to be humiliated, embarrassed, denied things, sexually tortured, given to his friends to rape, and then locked in a closet.)
  • Stripped 'N Whipped At 13: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: As a teenager, my stepdad made me strip naked, stared at my body to humiliate me, and whipped me with his belt. I held my arms over my head while he whipped me hard and really fast. Then I masturbated.)
  • Head!: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: Bizarre fantasy about what I want to be done to me. Warning: fucked-up and extreme.)
  • Love Letter To My Future Rapist: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: I am homeless and live outside. This is a serious, sincere letter to someone, anyone, who will, I hope, someday rape me.)
  • Faye's Days: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: What was done to me during 2 1/2 days in 2002. True story by an X-girl mutant.)
  • Meeting my new master for the first time: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: Taking a plane to meet a man I met online who will dominate me. Kind of a sequel to my true story. Written from the man's point of view.)
  • Desanguinated!: by FAYE KANE
    (Synopsis: The man owns my body because I own his soul. And he punishes me for it every day. It was a fair trade. He drains my blood to make me weak before brutally whipping me.)

Emma (6 stories listed)


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