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Review This Story || Author: Fargrace


Part 1 The Life Changing event

Latvia (Part One)

The Life Changing event

By Fargrace

Most people don't know about the country I am from. Most people would never even dream of coming here if they knew the things that have happened in my life. I would say that I am an average girl for Latvia. I am 25 years old and blonde. Most women here in Latvia are either blonde or Russian. I weigh about 60 kilograms, but I'm not sure what that comes out to in pounds. My breasts are large, I believe they would be DD in America, maybe only single D, fairly firm for their size and with dark large nipples. My ass is small and shapely. Most men aren't disappointed at least not with the way I look.

Most people can't relate all their problems back to a single moment, but I can. I used to believe that most people live their entire lives without any real pain occurring in their lives and that the only suffering that occurred was when a loved one died of old age. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with me, not since I was 18. I had taken a job at the aerobics center in Vecriga. At that time, since Latvia was fairly new to being a non-soviet country, it was the first type of gym Latvia had. Only rich Mafia men and their wives or girlfriends could afford to go there. My classes were always full and it seemed like I never stopped working. I had 5 or 6 classes each day and I was well known for giving to hardest workouts that the gym had to offer.

I later found out that most of the women who attended my class hated me. Most of them disliked that not only did I do so many classes, but also that I worked harder then any of the women in the classes. They felt like I was showing off for the men who could watch the whole class through glass windows. I think in some part of my mind I was at least dressing to please the men, but when I worked out... that was for me. I remember well what I was wearing that day. I was wearing a tight pair of red nylon shorts with a white sports bra. As with most aerobics classes, we didn't wear shoes which I later found out is really weird for Americans, but very common for Latvians.

It was my last class of the day and I was just finishing up with the stretches when 3 men walked into he class. They were all handsome and muscular, but so are most men in this country. It isn't hard to find a sexy man... just hard to find a man who wants to have kids and only one woman. Anyway, the bulkiest of the men asked me if I realized that I was so sweaty that my nipples could be seen through my bra. I looked down to find that the material had become fairly transparent, but not as bad as he was claiming.

I then replied, "Could you not disturb my class please and my top is doing just fine in covering me up." The three men laughed and started walking towards me. I started to get up, but when I was almost to my feet one of the women from the front row had grabbed my hair and jerked me back to the floor. A couple of seconds later, all three men had me pinned to the floor and all the women were standing behind them.

I asked, "What the fuck is going on?"

That was when one of the women replied, " We are tired of your attitude and that you are trying to steal our men away. So we arranged for our men to give you exactly what you been begging them to do."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Get your hands off me you creeps." But my screams weren't heard by anyone. A couple of minutes later with the ladies' help, the men had my hands and feet taped to a bench press bench with my legs spread wide. I tried to get away, but I can still remember how well multiple strands of tape could hold me so well to the bench even though I was sweaty. I felt pretty scared, but the men seemed to be leaving me for the women, which in it's own way was a comfort to me.

I remember looking up into one of my student's eyes, her name was Aiga, and thinking, "oh thank god, she is going to help me out". Then a sick looking smile came across her 25 year old Russian face as she used what later I realized was a box cutter to cut away my clothes. First she cut away my shorts, slicing the outsides of my thighs while she was at it. She did it so viciously that I even felt the blade cutting into my skin. She pulled my shorts and panties away with a jerk then handed the knife over to a gorgeous dark-skinned 21-year-old gypsy girl named Olga. I never liked Olga, but she sure looked good in a leotard. She had about the same sized breasts as I did, and long black straight hair. I swear that she could have had any man that she wanted and to this day, I don't know why she felt threatened by me. She cut away my bra from the inside, which I was happier about, because I could feel the sweat rolling across the cuts on my legs and it hurt bad. I thought at the time that the wounds were deep, but they turned out to be pretty miner even though they bled a lot.

I wanted to get away so bad, but the nudity didn't bother me since I didn't really see any men around any more. I struggled as much as I could which caused my breasts to swing wildly back and forth. One of the women said that I was acting like a haughty bitch in heat. That is when I saw my boss and about 10 other men standing off to one side. My boss was always nice to me, so I figured he had brought the cavalry, but I was wrong. My boss walked up and took the knife from Olga and said very proudly, "Your fired, I emptied out your locker for you and your clothes have been thrown out as well as your purse. I kept what little money you had on you to pay the cleaning lady for this mess you are creating on your way out." It occurred to me then that I no longer had any clothes to get home in, nor did I have any money to pay for trolleybus to get me home.

My boss knew what I was thinking and I could see the smile appearing on his face. He asked if I wanted help up and all I could do at that moment was shake my head yes. He then reached down and grabbed one of my nipples and pulled as hard as he could as if by pulling on my breasts it would help me sit up. I screamed in pain and started tried to call him every bad word I could think of. If that wasn't bad enough, my boss then using the knife made two little cuts on the tips of my nipples. I screamed in pain, but in truth it didn't hurt all that much and no one could hear more than a muffle. It was more a scream of fear that they were going to kill me. He then got down on one knee and started to suck on my right nipple. Another man I didn't know started sucking the other nipple too and Olga then got down between my legs and started licking my cunt that was spread so wide for everyone to see. I was more then a little shocked, but I don't know whether it was the fear or just that they knew exactly how to pleasure me. I found myself getting very excited. I even bucked my hips in response to Olga's work on my clit. I couldn't believe it, even though I knew I didn't want this attention, my body desired their touch.

I was just about to have an orgasm when Olga stopped. The men continued to suck on my large breasts greedily, but it wasn't enough to bring me to an orgasm. Another man then walked up with what looked like a car battery and jumper cables. He attached one massive and dirty clamp to both my vaginal lips. I jerked roughly trying to get away and all arousal disappeared. The two men seeing me in such distress bit down on my nipples in what seemed like unison. Between the clamp and the biting of my breasts I couldn't help but cry. I wanted to die the pain was so great. I started to jerk, but that only made things worse. I soon stopped jerking and tried with all my strength to just lay still. The two men released my imprisoned breasts, which I thought I would be relieved, but in their absence another pain came, almost as if the blood didn't want to return to my nipples anymore. It burned and ached at the same time.

Everyone just stood there and watched. The men all had bulges in their pants and the women all had smiles on their faces. They all watched me so long that I thought they were done with me, but then the man with the jumper cables touched the other cable to my right inner thigh. I felt a pain like I had never felt before. The pain centered at my pussy and seemed to jump to my thigh. He then touched the other inner thigh and I bucked in pain. The pain was excruciating. I would have done anything at that moment to get the pain to stop, anything. He then went back to the right leg... then the left... and the right... he continued for what seemed like forever. I couldn't get used to the quick bursts of pain. He just kept touching me. Finally, he stopped.

Olga walked back up to me. She looked so pleased. "If we untape you, will you do whatever we say?" she asked. I nodded my head and she removed the tape. As soon as I could, I rolled onto the floor and started begging for my life. I was ordered to be quiet though by Olga and I complied.

"Lick my cunt you whore" Olga ordered as she sat on the same bench I was just taped too. She pulled off her workout pants and panties. I instantly without question swooped in and started licking her pussy as best I could, but I had never done it before and wasn't doing all that entirely well.

Olga then hit me squarely in the nose. It didn't hurt that much, but scared me. I dove back in to try harder at licking her pussy and again she hit me. All of a sudden, a man was behind me and shoved his dick up my ass forcing my face into Olga's fist and pussy yet again.

"Is that all the best you can do for me you stupid fucking bitch? I guess pussy isn't your choice of meat. Here, try Jauns' penis then!" As she stepped away, my eyes came in contact with the biggest penis I had ever seen. It was about 11 inches long and as wide as my hand. I didn't think that there was any way, I would do any better with him then I did with her since he was so big. I opened my mouth to accept just the head, but the man ramming my ass pushed so hard that I fell into it. Jauns then grabbed my hair and pulled as hard as he could to get the whole thing in my mouth. It was so big and so deep. I couldn't breath. I tried to push away only to be kicked in the stomach by another women I still can't remember the name of even today.

"You said you would do anything to stay alive, you can't even suck my man's dick. You stupid cunt, you're just asking to die." Jauns was still pulling hard on my head and with the kick to the stomach I had almost no air left. I wanted to keep trying to give a better blowjob, but my body would not respond the way my mind was asking it to. My hands just kept pushing at Jauns' hips.

Jauns laughed. "That's okay babe, I like your mouth better anyway. I wasn't looking for a blowjob. I just needed to take a leak." All of a sudden I felt a hot burning liquid poor down my throat. It burned and it made my empty stomach lurch with pain. I couldn't breath though so I even probably swallowed faster then he was peeing, but he just kept peeing. I was sure that I was blue in the face, I had been denied air for so long, then the man fucking me in the ass pulled out and so did Jauns. I fell to the floor gasping for air and gagging at the same time.

The man raping my ass spoke up, "That cunt shit on my prick." Everyone laughed as he grabbed my hair. "You stupid bitch, look at my dick. Look at what you did to my dick." Sure enough, there was a bit of shit at the tip of his cock just after the head, and blood and such down the length. He was about 5 to 6 inches long and of normal width, but it seemed much larger when he was raping my ass. "You better clean it off." He shouted.

I reached over to grab what was left of my shorts to wipe it off, when he stepped on my fingers. "No you stupid cunt, with your mouth". He then shoved his penis in my mouth too. It wasn't as large as the last one and if I moved it just right I could breath through my nose, but god, it tasted horrible. At that moment, I puked all the piss in my stomach back up and sprayed him from the waste down.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I instantly forgot the pain in my pussy from the battery cables, the pain in my stomach from the kicking and the piss, the pain in my bleeding breasts, and the pain in my throat and lungs from the huge cock and started licking his body with my tongue as I begged for forgiveness. I was sure that they were going to kill me at that moment and in Latvia, it wouldn't even be hard to get away with. I continued to plead and lick as fast as I could. The crowd of people behind me started laughing and the man just stood there. I think he was as shocked as I was, maybe even more.

Then like a hurricane, the man grabbed me by the hair and threw me at the bench. He started barking orders faster then I could comprehend, but everyone obeyed his orders as if their life depended on it. I found myself being lifted off the ground and held down to the bench by so much tape and hands that I couldn't budge if I wanted too. Then the man I puked on started fucking me with his piss covered, shit covered, and blood covered penis. He did it so hard that I thought he was trying to tear my pussy apart. It hurt, but was sort of arousing too. I hated it even though I found myself going through multiple orgasms with one right on top of the other. The man was wild with anger and the fact that I seemed to be enjoying it with my body at least pissed him off even more.

I think that it was probably on my sixth or seventh orgasm that I felt the first jolt. The same man from earlier with the jumper cables was back. While one man tried to fuck me to death another man was sending jolts of electricity from one breast to the other. My body felt like a war was being played out on it. My chest was exploding. My heart was beating harder then it ever had before or ever should have. All the while my pussy was betraying me and pissing off my rapist.

Then as quickly as it had begun... it ended. I passed out. I don't know if it was from the pain or the pleasure. I probably never will know. I found myself clean. Even the cuts on the side of my hips were covered in bandages. I was naked and I was maybe two or three blocks from the gym on a park bench. My nipple was pierced with a nail and on the nail was a letter. It was typed and stated very clearly that they never wanted to see or hear from me again. Not to ever go back to the gym and not to expect any help from the police or they would finish what they started.

Now seven years later, I find myself going to a therapist and him telling me that the only way to understand how my life's events have affected me is to relive them in a controlled atmosphere. He told me to write what happened in a story and to bring it to him the following week and that he and I would experience it together. All I know is because of my first job... my life was never the same.

Review This Story || Author: Fargrace
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