BDSM Library - Latvia


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Synopsis: An accident prone women naive in many ways, finds herself a victim in a country that is as unforgiving as it is cold. She is now older and writing in her journal to help her psychiatrist recover from her hard times in life.

Latvia (Part One)

The Life Changing event

By Fargrace

Most people don't know about the country I am from. Most people would never even dream of coming here if they knew the things that have happened in my life. I would say that I am an average girl for Latvia. I am 25 years old and blonde. Most women here in Latvia are either blonde or Russian. I weigh about 60 kilograms, but I'm not sure what that comes out to in pounds. My breasts are large, I believe they would be DD in America, maybe only single D, fairly firm for their size and with dark large nipples. My ass is small and shapely. Most men aren't disappointed at least not with the way I look.

Most people can't relate all their problems back to a single moment, but I can. I used to believe that most people live their entire lives without any real pain occurring in their lives and that the only suffering that occurred was when a loved one died of old age. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with me, not since I was 18. I had taken a job at the aerobics center in Vecriga. At that time, since Latvia was fairly new to being a non-soviet country, it was the first type of gym Latvia had. Only rich Mafia men and their wives or girlfriends could afford to go there. My classes were always full and it seemed like I never stopped working. I had 5 or 6 classes each day and I was well known for giving to hardest workouts that the gym had to offer.

I later found out that most of the women who attended my class hated me. Most of them disliked that not only did I do so many classes, but also that I worked harder then any of the women in the classes. They felt like I was showing off for the men who could watch the whole class through glass windows. I think in some part of my mind I was at least dressing to please the men, but when I worked out... that was for me. I remember well what I was wearing that day. I was wearing a tight pair of red nylon shorts with a white sports bra. As with most aerobics classes, we didn't wear shoes which I later found out is really weird for Americans, but very common for Latvians.

It was my last class of the day and I was just finishing up with the stretches when 3 men walked into he class. They were all handsome and muscular, but so are most men in this country. It isn't hard to find a sexy man... just hard to find a man who wants to have kids and only one woman. Anyway, the bulkiest of the men asked me if I realized that I was so sweaty that my nipples could be seen through my bra. I looked down to find that the material had become fairly transparent, but not as bad as he was claiming.

I then replied, "Could you not disturb my class please and my top is doing just fine in covering me up." The three men laughed and started walking towards me. I started to get up, but when I was almost to my feet one of the women from the front row had grabbed my hair and jerked me back to the floor. A couple of seconds later, all three men had me pinned to the floor and all the women were standing behind them.

I asked, "What the fuck is going on?"

That was when one of the women replied, " We are tired of your attitude and that you are trying to steal our men away. So we arranged for our men to give you exactly what you been begging them to do."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Get your hands off me you creeps." But my screams weren't heard by anyone. A couple of minutes later with the ladies' help, the men had my hands and feet taped to a bench press bench with my legs spread wide. I tried to get away, but I can still remember how well multiple strands of tape could hold me so well to the bench even though I was sweaty. I felt pretty scared, but the men seemed to be leaving me for the women, which in it's own way was a comfort to me.

I remember looking up into one of my student's eyes, her name was Aiga, and thinking, "oh thank god, she is going to help me out". Then a sick looking smile came across her 25 year old Russian face as she used what later I realized was a box cutter to cut away my clothes. First she cut away my shorts, slicing the outsides of my thighs while she was at it. She did it so viciously that I even felt the blade cutting into my skin. She pulled my shorts and panties away with a jerk then handed the knife over to a gorgeous dark-skinned 21-year-old gypsy girl named Olga. I never liked Olga, but she sure looked good in a leotard. She had about the same sized breasts as I did, and long black straight hair. I swear that she could have had any man that she wanted and to this day, I don't know why she felt threatened by me. She cut away my bra from the inside, which I was happier about, because I could feel the sweat rolling across the cuts on my legs and it hurt bad. I thought at the time that the wounds were deep, but they turned out to be pretty miner even though they bled a lot.

I wanted to get away so bad, but the nudity didn't bother me since I didn't really see any men around any more. I struggled as much as I could which caused my breasts to swing wildly back and forth. One of the women said that I was acting like a haughty bitch in heat. That is when I saw my boss and about 10 other men standing off to one side. My boss was always nice to me, so I figured he had brought the cavalry, but I was wrong. My boss walked up and took the knife from Olga and said very proudly, "Your fired, I emptied out your locker for you and your clothes have been thrown out as well as your purse. I kept what little money you had on you to pay the cleaning lady for this mess you are creating on your way out." It occurred to me then that I no longer had any clothes to get home in, nor did I have any money to pay for trolleybus to get me home.

My boss knew what I was thinking and I could see the smile appearing on his face. He asked if I wanted help up and all I could do at that moment was shake my head yes. He then reached down and grabbed one of my nipples and pulled as hard as he could as if by pulling on my breasts it would help me sit up. I screamed in pain and started tried to call him every bad word I could think of. If that wasn't bad enough, my boss then using the knife made two little cuts on the tips of my nipples. I screamed in pain, but in truth it didn't hurt all that much and no one could hear more than a muffle. It was more a scream of fear that they were going to kill me. He then got down on one knee and started to suck on my right nipple. Another man I didn't know started sucking the other nipple too and Olga then got down between my legs and started licking my cunt that was spread so wide for everyone to see. I was more then a little shocked, but I don't know whether it was the fear or just that they knew exactly how to pleasure me. I found myself getting very excited. I even bucked my hips in response to Olga's work on my clit. I couldn't believe it, even though I knew I didn't want this attention, my body desired their touch.

I was just about to have an orgasm when Olga stopped. The men continued to suck on my large breasts greedily, but it wasn't enough to bring me to an orgasm. Another man then walked up with what looked like a car battery and jumper cables. He attached one massive and dirty clamp to both my vaginal lips. I jerked roughly trying to get away and all arousal disappeared. The two men seeing me in such distress bit down on my nipples in what seemed like unison. Between the clamp and the biting of my breasts I couldn't help but cry. I wanted to die the pain was so great. I started to jerk, but that only made things worse. I soon stopped jerking and tried with all my strength to just lay still. The two men released my imprisoned breasts, which I thought I would be relieved, but in their absence another pain came, almost as if the blood didn't want to return to my nipples anymore. It burned and ached at the same time.

Everyone just stood there and watched. The men all had bulges in their pants and the women all had smiles on their faces. They all watched me so long that I thought they were done with me, but then the man with the jumper cables touched the other cable to my right inner thigh. I felt a pain like I had never felt before. The pain centered at my pussy and seemed to jump to my thigh. He then touched the other inner thigh and I bucked in pain. The pain was excruciating. I would have done anything at that moment to get the pain to stop, anything. He then went back to the right leg... then the left... and the right... he continued for what seemed like forever. I couldn't get used to the quick bursts of pain. He just kept touching me. Finally, he stopped.

Olga walked back up to me. She looked so pleased. "If we untape you, will you do whatever we say?" she asked. I nodded my head and she removed the tape. As soon as I could, I rolled onto the floor and started begging for my life. I was ordered to be quiet though by Olga and I complied.

"Lick my cunt you whore" Olga ordered as she sat on the same bench I was just taped too. She pulled off her workout pants and panties. I instantly without question swooped in and started licking her pussy as best I could, but I had never done it before and wasn't doing all that entirely well.

Olga then hit me squarely in the nose. It didn't hurt that much, but scared me. I dove back in to try harder at licking her pussy and again she hit me. All of a sudden, a man was behind me and shoved his dick up my ass forcing my face into Olga's fist and pussy yet again.

"Is that all the best you can do for me you stupid fucking bitch? I guess pussy isn't your choice of meat. Here, try Jauns' penis then!" As she stepped away, my eyes came in contact with the biggest penis I had ever seen. It was about 11 inches long and as wide as my hand. I didn't think that there was any way, I would do any better with him then I did with her since he was so big. I opened my mouth to accept just the head, but the man ramming my ass pushed so hard that I fell into it. Jauns then grabbed my hair and pulled as hard as he could to get the whole thing in my mouth. It was so big and so deep. I couldn't breath. I tried to push away only to be kicked in the stomach by another women I still can't remember the name of even today.

"You said you would do anything to stay alive, you can't even suck my man's dick. You stupid cunt, you're just asking to die." Jauns was still pulling hard on my head and with the kick to the stomach I had almost no air left. I wanted to keep trying to give a better blowjob, but my body would not respond the way my mind was asking it to. My hands just kept pushing at Jauns' hips.

Jauns laughed. "That's okay babe, I like your mouth better anyway. I wasn't looking for a blowjob. I just needed to take a leak." All of a sudden I felt a hot burning liquid poor down my throat. It burned and it made my empty stomach lurch with pain. I couldn't breath though so I even probably swallowed faster then he was peeing, but he just kept peeing. I was sure that I was blue in the face, I had been denied air for so long, then the man fucking me in the ass pulled out and so did Jauns. I fell to the floor gasping for air and gagging at the same time.

The man raping my ass spoke up, "That cunt shit on my prick." Everyone laughed as he grabbed my hair. "You stupid bitch, look at my dick. Look at what you did to my dick." Sure enough, there was a bit of shit at the tip of his cock just after the head, and blood and such down the length. He was about 5 to 6 inches long and of normal width, but it seemed much larger when he was raping my ass. "You better clean it off." He shouted.

I reached over to grab what was left of my shorts to wipe it off, when he stepped on my fingers. "No you stupid cunt, with your mouth". He then shoved his penis in my mouth too. It wasn't as large as the last one and if I moved it just right I could breath through my nose, but god, it tasted horrible. At that moment, I puked all the piss in my stomach back up and sprayed him from the waste down.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I instantly forgot the pain in my pussy from the battery cables, the pain in my stomach from the kicking and the piss, the pain in my bleeding breasts, and the pain in my throat and lungs from the huge cock and started licking his body with my tongue as I begged for forgiveness. I was sure that they were going to kill me at that moment and in Latvia, it wouldn't even be hard to get away with. I continued to plead and lick as fast as I could. The crowd of people behind me started laughing and the man just stood there. I think he was as shocked as I was, maybe even more.

Then like a hurricane, the man grabbed me by the hair and threw me at the bench. He started barking orders faster then I could comprehend, but everyone obeyed his orders as if their life depended on it. I found myself being lifted off the ground and held down to the bench by so much tape and hands that I couldn't budge if I wanted too. Then the man I puked on started fucking me with his piss covered, shit covered, and blood covered penis. He did it so hard that I thought he was trying to tear my pussy apart. It hurt, but was sort of arousing too. I hated it even though I found myself going through multiple orgasms with one right on top of the other. The man was wild with anger and the fact that I seemed to be enjoying it with my body at least pissed him off even more.

I think that it was probably on my sixth or seventh orgasm that I felt the first jolt. The same man from earlier with the jumper cables was back. While one man tried to fuck me to death another man was sending jolts of electricity from one breast to the other. My body felt like a war was being played out on it. My chest was exploding. My heart was beating harder then it ever had before or ever should have. All the while my pussy was betraying me and pissing off my rapist.

Then as quickly as it had begun... it ended. I passed out. I don't know if it was from the pain or the pleasure. I probably never will know. I found myself clean. Even the cuts on the side of my hips were covered in bandages. I was naked and I was maybe two or three blocks from the gym on a park bench. My nipple was pierced with a nail and on the nail was a letter. It was typed and stated very clearly that they never wanted to see or hear from me again. Not to ever go back to the gym and not to expect any help from the police or they would finish what they started.

Now seven years later, I find myself going to a therapist and him telling me that the only way to understand how my life's events have affected me is to relive them in a controlled atmosphere. He told me to write what happened in a story and to bring it to him the following week and that he and I would experience it together. All I know is because of my first job... my life was never the same.

Latvia (Part Two)

The Recovery Boyfriend

By Fargrace

I would like to explain that the reason I am writing this is that my therapist feels it necessary for me to relive my past events in a controlled atmosphere so that I will be able to understand how I felt and with this understanding I will be able to go on with my life. I am currently 25 years old, but my life actually started taking a unique turn when I was only 18. I am now about 60 kilograms with a very slender figure. My ass is very firm due to a habit I have of over exercising, or exercising to the point of exhaustion. My breasts are either D or DD in American bra sizes and still fairly firm. I am about 5 and half feet tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I think that I am beautiful and if my life events have proven anything, it is maybe that I am too beautiful.

After loosing my job and the events that followed it, I didn't start socializing again for about three months. I spent most of my time in bed and I moved back home to the country with my parents. It was about three months later when a couple of my friends that I had known since kindergarten insisted that I go clubbing with them for my birthday. They were about a week late so they had a hard argument, but eventually they did convince me. They knew what happened and swore that nothing would happen like that with them around. I believed them and went out with them since they were my oldest and dearest friends. That was the night I met Mikails, or Michael in English.

Mikails was and still is a gypsy. He had beautiful dark skin and hair so black you could get lost in it's black on black highlights. His face had high cheekbones and he was pure muscle from head to foot. In truth, he wasn't anything special by Latvian standards. If anything because of his gypsy heritage most women wouldn't like him, but for me, he was truly desirable. He was dancing with three other women when he saw me and immediately walked away from them. My girlfriends saw him too, but they responded less than favorable to his approach. As he walked toward the table he never stopped looking at me, but when he asked me to dance, my girlfriends told him in many unpleasant words to get lost. I didn't say yes or no, so he took my lack of response to mean no and walked away. As the night progressed my girlfriends spent the night dancing just with me and it was very pleasant, but I told them that I wanted to try and dance with a man. They said okay and they would keep an eye on me. I went over to Mikails and asked if he was still willing to dance with me. He responded by taking my hand and leading me out onto the dance floor. He was such a great dancer and was always careful not to touch too much of me, but still just enough. At the end of the night we traded phone numbers and went our separate ways. My friends had kept their promise and brought me home safely.

I continued to see Mikails for quite some time. I used him as a security blanket from the world and he did a wonderful job of protecting me, but he always seemed a little curious about why I was always so scared. Finally, one day he asked and I decided that I could tell him. I don't know why I told him and to this day I feel that it was a mistake. He changed on that day though. He continued to protect me, but his protection started to have a price. He would tell me to do things for him and being afraid to loose him I did them. After a while, I moved out of my parents' house and moved in with him. He never asked much, most of the time he just asked to see me masturbate while he watched or allow him to take pictures of me naked. A lot of the time, I enjoyed his little tasks as much as he did. They started to become an every day thing that I expected and needed. Later in life, I realized that he was slowly making me his submissive. We continued like this for about a year, but then money started to get low and I needed to go to work to make ends meet. He helped me find a job that seemed safe. I turned out to be a law firm that I was to act as a secretary. I received really good money and I liked whom I worked with, but my sexual exploits with Mikails started to dwindle.

Mikails didn't like that lack of sex so his games started to change. He brought me to a local shopping center. The place was packed with people old and young. I remember that I was wearing a beautiful white sundress with matching high heels. No bra was needed with the dress and because the bottom was so free moving I could wear normal white panties with it. Mikails brought me to middle of the hallway and ordered me to remove my panties right then and there. I started to refuse, but then he told me that if I didn't, he would leave me forever. I couldn't believe it. I thought he loved me. I told him to shove it and he said okay and started to walk away. I got scared. I chased after him crying and begging him not to leave me. Everyone in the shopping center stopped walking and went quiet just so as that they could watch what was going on. He stopped and turned around without saying a word and just looked at me. I knew what he expected, but it was even harder with everyone watching me. I whispered to him, "Please, let me wait a bit then I will do it." He smiled, but shook his head, he told me something along the lines that the reason why people were watching us was my fault and that since it was my error, I had to live with it. I nodded and then reached under my dress and started to pull my panties off. I was crying, but doing it quietly. When they were off, he told me to use them to dry my tears and I did. Then he took them from me and we continued our shopping spree.

Mikails told me as we walked around to bookstores and electronic stores that I had done well and that I deserved a treat. I was happy he felt that way and realized that other than the actually act of removing my panties; it was kind of nice not to be wearing them. He asked me what kind of food I felt would be a worthy treat to what I had done. I still couldn't believe that he was willing to leave me over such a stupid thing, and decided that we should go to the fancy Italian restaurant. He thought that the restaurant was a good choice and we went. He asked for non-smoking, but the only place free was out on the patio. I didn't like the idea of being outside without panties on, but I agreed anyway since I liked smoke even less. When we went out the wind caught my dress and blew it up, I caught the front at the last minute but the back of the dress went up and I flashed everyone inside the restaurant with my bare butt. I heard a few men say how sexy I was and a couple old ladies grunt in disgust, but I sat down in a hurry and tried to forget it. Mikails liked it though and as soon as I sat down and the waiter left us the menus he told me that I wasn't aloud to touch my dress for the rest of the day. I started to argue, but stopped. Mikails thought I stopped, because of his glaring eyes, but in truth I figured that all I had to worry about was a quick dash back inside the restaurant because the car was parked in an underground parking lot accessible by the street and by the inside of the restaurant. So I figured I would save that fight for another time. We ate our meal and talked. Everything seemed back to normal minus a cool breeze across my pussy every once in a while. When the meal was done, he went inside to pay. On the way in, he caught the waiter and it seemed he asked for the bill. Then gave the waiter some money. The waiter grinned and walked away. As soon as the wind seemed to die down, I followed Mikails in.

Mikails said that he was sorry for how he acted earlier and that he felt really bad. He escorted me down to the car and said that we should go out for some drinks. It was about that time that it started raining and since the last thing I wanted was to walk around in the rain and have my dress blowing up, I recommended the dance club that was connected to the restaurant that we had just eaten at. He thought that it was a wise decision and we went back up to the bar portion of the restaurant. We then sat down at the bar and had a few cocktails. After a while Mikails asked me if I wanted to dance. The song was slow so I thought that there wasn't anything to worry about as far as exposure was concerned.

Now I would like to remind you that Mikails always knew how to dance. Well, living with him for so long, I started to learn too. At this point, we were a wonderful duo as far as amateur dancing was concerned. The dance was a waltz and we did it so well it seemed like magic. After a while I realized that I was starting to get excited and my pussy was so wet that it was running down my legs and I loved it. We danced the waltz for over an hour only stopping once in a while for the fast songs to get another drink. After a while though, I found myself getting very drunk. I told Mikails that I didn't want to drink any more and he seemed okay with that. Then a fast song came, and since I didn't want to drink we stayed on the dance floor. It was a swing style song, which was Mikails favorite style of dance. I liked it too, but it occurred to me too late that I wasn't dressed enough for swing music. Before I knew it, Mikails and I had the entire bar watching us doing swing dancing. At first I thought it was because we were so good, but then I realized it was because Mikails had tossed me around so many times that I had flashed everyone in the bar my pussy at least five times a piece. I was so shocked that I stopped dancing immediately. I slapped Mikails and ran to the bathroom.

When I got in there, I locked myself in. Inside, I cried so hard and the harder I cried the more my pussy ached. I realized then that I really had enjoyed what was happening to me that day, but felt betrayed by Mikails. I then took tissue out and wiped my pussy dry, wiped my eyes dry and decided that it was time to go home. I freshened up my make-up and walked back out into the bar, but Mikails was nowhere to be seen. After I looked around a little bit, I went to the bartender and asked about Mikails, the bartender told me that he told him to tell me that he went home without me. I wanted to cry, but decided that I had better head home.

As I stepped outside, I realized that the rain was coming down real hard and really fast. I didn't have an umbrella nor did I have a coat. I was happy that I had some money to pay for the bus. I knew that this was just another one of Mikails punishments so I tried to make the best of it. I ran out and tried to get to the bus stop as quickly as I could. Of course, no matter how fast you get to the stop, doesn't mean the bus comes any faster. I was getting soaked. My hair was matted down and my dress was now transparent. Every part of my body was visible. My nipples were standing out hard. My pubic hair was holding the dress close and my ass was just round enough to literally catch all the rain. I might as well have been naked. I was so soaked and cold. My breasts were rock hard they were so cold. Then I saw it, a taxi. I had just gotten to the taxi and looked at the driver when I realized that the man was looking a little too close at me. The last thing I thought a good idea was to get in a car with a stranger and have that stranger drive me somewhere out of my control, so I ran back to the bus stop, just in time to catch my bus. Unfortunately, it was about 10pm on a Friday and the bus was just full enough to have all seats taken and a few people standing. I had to stand too and when doing so, show everyone on the bus what I looked like nearly naked, but this wasn't Mikails doing. This was my decision and I liked it. I realized that I had to hold the straps over my head and when I did so, it pulled the dress up almost entirely exposing my pussy, but in truth hid it more since the fabric was no longer touching my sex. Well that was the case for all but the woman who was sitting next to where I stood and the woman behind me sitting.

I thought I was pretty safe though with women sitting next to me, but I was wrong. One woman who was sitting closest to me had obviously had too much to drink. She reached up and started rubbing my clit. I wanted her to stop, but it felt so good. Meanwhile one arm as holding on the security strap to stop me from falling, the other hand was at first trying to stop the woman, but then on its own desire held the woman's hand next to my sex to get more. I knew an orgasm was coming and found myself rubbing my nipples through the dress while the whole bus watched me getting fingered by another woman. She rubbed the clit just enough then inserted her finger. Before long I was bucking my hips to her finger movements while pinching my own nipples. An orgasm erupted and I fell to the floor free from the woman's touch, but I wanted more. While lying there on the floor of the bus, I started to masturbate. I loved the touch of my fingers even better than the woman. The ticket man for the bus then asked if he could help and two other men had come closer to see if they could get a better view. I didn't answer, but a couple of seconds later I had another orgasm.

It was then that I realized that the next stop was mine. I got up while everyone gave me space, no one wanted to. I tried to fix my dress. I grabbed my purse and got off at my stop. I entered my apartment wondering what to expect from Mikails. When I entered, he was sitting in his favorite chair watching the television. He indicated that he liked what he saw and acted as if it was entirely my choice. I fucked him all night long. I had so many orgasms while I thought about what happened that night. He fell asleep with a wilted penis while I masturbated a couple more orgasms out of myself. Then when I awoke in the morning, I called a friend that lived in the same town and moved out that same day. I haven't seen Mikails since and I have no desire to.

Latvia (Part Three)

The Artist

By Fargrace

I would like to explain that the reason I am writing this is that my therapist feels it necessary for me to relive my past events in a controlled atmosphere so that I will be able to understand how I felt and with this understanding I will be able to go on with my life. I am currently 25 years old, but my life actually started taking a unique turn when I was only 18. I am now about 60 kilograms with a very slender figure. My ass is very firm due to a habit I have of over exercising, or exercising to the point of exhaustion. My breasts are either D or DD in American bra sizes and still fairly firm. I am about 5 and half feet tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I think that I am beautiful and if my life events have proven anything, it is maybe that I am too beautiful.

"As the article says, you will be paid 100 lats for one days work. That is 10 hours at 10 lats an hour. I need a model with a nice body, but your face isn't important for my artwork. I have to say, you will be perfect." The artist replies.

"Why so much? For Latvia that is almost an entire months pay." I ask.

"I do plaster work. I am going to be putting lots of plaster all over your body. The position is stressful and it takes a long time for the plaster to set up. Also, the artwork is with you nude and blind for the entire 10 hours. Most models won't do this without a decent paycheck."

"Ok, so what does this work entitle?"

"Well, you will be more or less with your butt in the air and all your weight on your hands and feet. I plaster starting from the bottom and work my way up. You will be wearing a mask with breathing tubes and a bag over your head to prevent your hair from getting stuck in the plaster. Once the plaster has become hard enough on your hands and feet, then I do your head. Once the plaster around your head is hard enough, I work on the rest of your body. If you need something to drink then I will hook up some juice or what not to the tube in your mouth for you to drink. It will be long tedious work, but in the end I should have a good cast and lots of pictures to sell. Are you still interested? I am ready to begin now." The artist sits back and waits for my response.

"Now, I didn't realize it would start so soon, I'm not even wearing make-up."

"You don't need make-up. You look fine. All that I am interested in is your body and your patience. Do you have other plans for today?" He asks.

"Well no, but how do I know your money is good. Do you have a contract ready to be signed?"

"No, no contract. It is a little after noon now. We can start immediately and I promise to have you out of the plaster by 10pm tonight. Here is 100 lats so you know that you are going to get paid." He handed me the money.

"Well okay, I guess I'm ready." I say questioningly.

"Ok go back there and take off all of your clothes." He points to a shabby curtain in another room. "Also, you will see a bottle of oil, rub it all over your body. It will help prevent the plaster from sticking to you too much and ensure a good clean mold."

I went back and started removing my clothes. In truth, I was a little excited both emotionally and erotically. The idea that this artist was going to pay me so much money for one days worth of work sounded great. Also, I liked the idea of getting to show everyone what I looked like naked and no one getting to see my face. I looked in the mirror. God, I had a nice body. I mean nothing special by Latvian standards, but still very impressive. I found the oil and started rubbing it on my body. It wasn't normal oil, which surprised me. I started with feet and worked my way up. It made my skin tingle and slightly burn, sort of like using Bengay or Icy Hot muscle cream. It burned enough that I thought it a good idea not to rub my sex with it. I rubbed a little in my bush just to make sure that my pubic hairs didn't get stuck in the plaster and just the very top of my butt, but not the crack of my ass. I continued up and did my breasts and neck. As I put down the bottle, I noticed that my whole body burned and my sex, even though I hadn't touched there was begging for me to play with it. I couldn't believe it, I had some man waiting to do his art and all I could think of was rubbing my clit and having an orgasm.

"Ok, I will be right back. I need to go get some more water for the plaster, just wait for me." He then walked out of the room as if on cue.

I sat down and started rubbing my clit. It felt so wonderful. I had gotten really good at masturbation. I haven't spent a night with a man in the longest time. I didn't feel like I could trust anyone after Michael. It had been about a year or so since we broke up. To be honest, this artist will be the only man to see me naked since Michael. Oh, I knew that I would finish within just another 30 seconds when the artist returned.

"I'm ready, please come on out."

Oh I wanted to scream. My whole body was begging to be fucked. My pussy was so swollen that it looked like I had put a chunk of beef between my legs. The artist didn't seem to notice nor care.

"Please stand over here inside this wood box." He said as he pointed to what looked like a sand box without any sand. "Place your feet on one end and your hands about a foot in front of your feet, with both your hands and your feet being spread apart by about two feet."

As I got down into this position, I felt very exposed. My ass and pussy were now the main objects on display it seemed. I was just starting to get second thoughts when the artist dumped a huge vat of what looked like white cream inside the box.

"Ok, don't move a muscle. Don't move your fingers, your toes, or even your head. Just stay like that. I'm going to go get your mask and the bag to go over your hair and face."

He then left me alone in the room. Of course the first thing to happen is that I started to itch. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to ruin what the artist was trying to make. My sex was itchy, but that was from not getting to finish, but then my nose, my breasts that were just hanging in mid air, and of course my back. It seemed like forever before he returned with the mask.

"Have you moved at all? If you have, tell me now so that I don't find out when I think that I am done."

"No, I have been a good little girl." I replied. "I have to say though, that oil is making me itch."

"Ya, it sometimes does that, where does it itch? If you would like I will scratch that spot for you."

"Please would you, my nose itches and my back." I thought it best not to ask for my sex and breasts.

He then rubbed my nose and scratched my back. He didn't act in anyway out of place. "Ok, it seems to have set pretty good. Tell me, can you move your fingers or your toes."

"No, wow, I can't move anything except my head. I can't even bend my knees."

"Ya, the plaster is pretty good then. Here let me put this mask and bag over your head and then we will get started on the next step. Oh no… I forgot. Um, I don't know how to tell you this, but I am going to have to shave you."

"My head, no way, I thought you said that my head didn't matter with the bag."

"Not your head silly girl, your pussy. It will ruin the mold. I am so sorry, I didn't even think of that. Would that be alright?"

"Ah… I don't really think I get a choice. I'm no longer capable of doing it."

He then left the room and returned with a bucket of water, a sponge, a bar of soap, and a razor. He then sat at my feet and got me slightly damp with the sponge. It was the soap though that did me in. He started rubbing it all over my sex. He then rubbed it in a little harder with just his hand continually touching my clit. My already aroused sex was aching. I wanted the artist to fuck me so bad. He then stopped and started using the razor and finished off with the sponge again. My sex was completely aroused and I felt more exposed then I have ever felt before. My pussy was as bare as the day I was born.

"Done, now I will reapply the oil and put the mask on you." He then squirted a ton of the itchy oil all over my sex and ass. He rubbed it in good and hard. He made sure to get every crevice of my sex and even managed to accidentally slide his finger in my ass just a tiny bit. I knew it wouldn't be long before I was screaming at him to fuck my brains out. Then he slipped the mask over my nose and made sure to get the tube in my mouth. He then put a bucket that didn't have a bottom around the tubes. The tubes then stuck out the bottom about two feet. He then filled the bucket with the same white foamy stuff he put around my feet.

"The water in this plaster will re-soften the plaster around your feet and hands which will allow them to combine as if they are one piece. Unfortunately the bucket is a little short so could I get you to bow your back and plant your face right in the middle of that plaster."

I did as he asked putting an incredible amount of strain on my back. As soon as I was in place, he put another bucket like object on top of my head and filled it also with plaster. It fit tightly around my neck and with a couple of clicks I realized I would be able to lift my head back up. My back was already starting to ache horribly and without really wanting to I started to cry into the plastic bag around my head. I then felt more liquid plaster on top of my head. It must have been a lot, because it felt like my head was being crushed.

After about an hour I felt what I assumed to be the bottomless barrel rubbing against my breasts, probably from him removing them, but I also realized that I couldn't hear anything. After a bit longer, I started to feel what I assumed to be a fan blowing air on me probably to help the plaster dry, but it was so cold and I could feel my nipples getting hard.

It seemed like forever, but I had no idea how long before I finally felt the artist touch a portion of my body again. He seemed interested in my breasts and was pulling them roughly with his hands. First he grabbed them and pulled down, I swore that he was trying to pull them off, then he pulled the right one right and the left one left. He then suddenly let go. I hoped that he was done, but he then grabbed the right nipple and pulled it down as he slipped some sort of clamp on it. I wanted to wiggle away from the clamp, but I couldn't even sort of move. He then did it again to the left nipple. It hurt so badly. It made my breasts feel like they were on fire and frozen at the same time. At this moment, I knew that I must be crying, but I couldn't hear even my own breathing let alone my sobs. My heart was beating a thousand times a second. The clamps must have weighed close to 25 pounds.

I figured that it couldn't get any worse, but then I felt his hand pulling and prodding my pussy lips. He occasionally what seemed accidental slipped a finger or thumb inside of me. It was humiliating. Then I felt something clamp onto my clit. The sudden jolt hurt so awfully. I think that I started to hyperventilate or something, but then as I tried to breathe in through my mouth I was welcomed to some very sour juice. I choked and spit it into the bag around my head. It smelled like piss. I couldn't believe it; he gave me piss to drink.

* * * * *

The artist couldn't believe his luck. He had been preparing for this for months and then she walked in, his Venus. He knew that at this moment, that she was wishing that she was dead. He had planned it perfectly. He even had the entire interview on tape. His art was going to be a hit. He explained to his camcorder that now that his victim was at his mercy that he was going to do everything he could to make this a true work of art. The plaster sign now hung from her clit and nipples, which said, "Fuck Whore" written on it.

Now came his finally portion. He had designed a plaster man that when water was pumped through it, caused the statue to move it's hips forcing it's huge 12 inch penis with a diameter of 3 inches back and forth. In addition, the huge penis also pushed water out as if it was piss or cum. The water would then pour out of the victim's cunt and be collected by what seems to be the statues balls, but in reality is just a small bowl with a plastic lining that would be clued to the victim's pussy area that also connected to the speed regulation. The more water that came out of the victim, the faster the statue would pump, up to a speed of one lung per second. The only twist was instead of using water he was using a water-based lubricant.

* * * * *

I then felt a vibration of something being moved up behind me, then my pussy was being violated by something that seemed to be shaped similar to that of a penis, but I couldn't be sure. It wouldn't slide into my pussy, which at first I was happy for, but then I felt the artists' hands rubbing more oil on me and into me. At one point I thought that I felt around 4 fingers shoved deep inside of me. Then as I was starting to feel just a bit of pleasure from his hand, it was removed and the object was replaced. This time it entered easily.

My breasts started to go numb, but my clit being already quite sensitive wouldn't relent. I knew that something was wrong and did everything I could not to take a drink of the piss I was given to drink. That is when I felt the water and the phallic object being forced deeper into my vagina. It was slowly moving into me and it felt so big. I didn't think that I could handle something so large, but at the same time it sort of felt warm and soothing. Soon I realized that it was stretching me as wide as I had ever been stretched and retreating.

I was truly scared at the predicament that I found myself in. I couldn't move and now a huge penis like machine was raping me. It was then that I started to feel slight vibrations around my feet, hands and head. I wondered how long I had been in this artists work. I didn't think that it was more than a few hours and was starting to worry if he would ever be stopping the penis machine. I was even a bit scared that he would never let me out.

A slow warmth started building in my loins. The machine was starting to increase in speed and my pussy was starting to betray me. I found myself concentrating only on the next forced entry of the machine. I couldn't believe it; I was getting close to an orgasm. Then the orgasm passed and a second orgasm started building. After a while I lost count of how many orgasms I had. All I knew was that the orgasms were no longer pleasurable. Then I lost consciousness.

I woke to find that the machine was still fucking me, but I now no longer had any idea how long I had been in this situation.

Then the machine stopped. I felt the penis being pulled out of my pussy, but the muscles of my pussy were trying to hold it in place. About a half hour later, the plaster around my right hand and right foot came free. Another half hour the plaster around my left side came free. As soon as my hands and feet we free though, I started choking. My arms and legs wouldn't cooperate and wouldn't support me. I was being hanged because my body wouldn't hold me. I then felt the artist lift me up with one arm and then my head was free. He then let me go and I fell to the floor.

I awoke finding myself wrapped in a blanket in a room with my close sitting next to me. I noticed that my purse wasn't closed properly so I grabbed it and looked for the hundred dollars. It was there in full. I then got dressed and left knowing that I would never go back for more money.

Four months later, I received a large envelope in the mail. I opened it to find two tickets to see an art show in Old Riga. There was no note or explanation just the tickets. I didn't have a boyfriend at the time, so I asked one of my co-workers to go with me. Her name was Natalie, and she said sure and seemed happy enough just to have something to do for that Friday night.

I don't know why tickets to an art show and my encounter with the artist didn't connect, but when I walked through the front door and everyone started looking at me, I knew something was wrong.

There were three separate areas. Each had some plaster mold in it that looked like it was missing something. It turned out that there were two other women that were taken advantage of by this artist. Each of us had a picture of our faces on display as well as a picture of us completely nude. Also, a few select pictures of us in each phase of the artwork.

One girl looked like her head was stuck in a tree, while a giant bird poked her in the butt with its beak. A closer look showed that the beak was positioned to actually enter her butt in a downward motion. It must have been horrible to have the bird's beak first of all inserted into your anus repeatedly, but it must have been even worse to have the bird pushing down stretching the anus. A video was shown of the bird working. There was blood going down the woman's legs. The blood was actually even still on the plaster mold on display as if the artist didn't do anything additional after cutting the girl loose. This are was called "The Raping of Mother Nature".

The second girl looked as if she was in a plaster bed made for delivering babies. The head of the bed had two nurses over her, which was where her head and hands were locked into place. The foot of the bed had a doctor and the girl's feet up in stir-ups. The statue of the doctor had a baby in its arms. The video showed the doctor pulling the baby in and out of the girl, never quite pulling it all the way in or out. The video also had a lot of blood in it. This one was labeled, "Born Bad".

It turned out that the finished product of me looked like I was sticking my head in a man's urinal while being fucked by a white statue. In captions it said, "Being Fucked by the Porcelain God". I even had to admit to myself that the double-entendre was kind of funny, but I couldn't believe that I was being displayed in such a way. Then I realized what was hanging from my breasts. The sign that said, "Fuck Whore", raced across my mind.

I turned to run out when I realized that Natalie was there. Her mouth was wide open. I started to cry and tried to push my way through the crowd in embarrassment, but they just wouldn't move out of the way. Then I heard him.

"Thank you all for coming. Unfortunately, two of the three girls are still in the hospital from the limits that my artwork put them through. Not to worry though, the last of my girls did come for you all to meet. Please feel free to tell her what you think of her sacrifice and remember that the bar will be open all night."

If I thought that it was hard to get out of there before, it was even harder now. Everyone was trying to touch me and talk to me. Many people were grabbing my breasts and ass as they asked if I had any lasting effects. Finally, 20 minutes later I found myself outside and running down the street.

When I showed up to work on Monday, everyone was looking at me as I entered the door and my boss immediately walked up to me and brought me to the back room. In short, he said that I was fired and that my past time adventures wouldn't look good for the company. He also said that he had seen the work as well over the weekend and if I got off on that kind of stuff that I needed to see a doctor. I left in tears never to return.

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