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Book Project


Collected by KateD36green

uncatagorized (26 stories listed)

Teachers (39 stories listed)

Violent and Extreme (3 stories listed)

  • Celeste's Pacific Downfall: by Lex Ludite
    (Synopsis: Celeste, the news anchor, comes a cropper when she is kidnapped, assaulted and humiliated by a band of serial rapists who threaten to ruin her career if she reveals what happened. She obeys, taking the first step that leads to her ultimate demise as the star of a snuff film shot on a remote Pacific island.)
  • Pooch's Story: by Mr. Ed
    (Synopsis: The miserable slave was punished by her masters and mistresses. Very strong stuff but well written.)
  • Long Legs: by Torrent
    (Synopsis: Greta is a runner in a race for her life. Hot on her trail are a tax accountant, a 270-pound Carolina redneck, two very big dogs, buzzards, four midget wrestlers -- and Maxine.)


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