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Book Project


Collected by psychopixi

Favorites (3 stories listed)

  • A Good Man: by Akasha
    (Synopsis: A submissive man is forced to endure a party gang-bang for the pleasure of his wife, no matter how humiliating the acts.)
  • Market Forces: by Freddie Clegg
    (Synopsis: An international organisation specialising in slavery recruits a marketing manager to help them with their business.)
  • Wayward Wife's Punishment: by Lex Ludite
    (Synopsis: The country in-laws offer to rehabilitate his cheating wife. It turns out they have their own reasons and agenda. It works out well for almost all concerned as he enjoys the sexual favors of a wide spectrum of kinky bed partners and is kept abreast of his cheating wife's travails. She is used and abused, big time, by an army of off the wall swingers, outraged wives, sadistic lawmen, religious fanatics and downright strange folk that people this lengthy tale. This is not for the faint hearted.)

Unfinished (2 stories listed)


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