BDSM Library - Humanitarian famine assistance

Humanitarian famine assistance

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Synopsis: Kathy's participation in a demonstration in favour of famine is fatal to her, because politicians are too slow to allocate enough relief.

Humanitarian famine assistance

Author:  Rotneb

Synopsis: Kathy's participation in a demonstration in favour of famine is fatal to her, because politicians are too slow to allocate enough relief.

The story is only fantasy

To prepare a necessary charity demonstration

- ... I will finish my talk on the gruesome hunger problems in Africa, due to several unfortunate circumstances in connection with wars and climate. A whole world is starving. People lack first of all food.

Political negotiations are underway but it takes time. Therefore, any contribution to keeping people alive unto the politicians reacting will be grateful. The contribution does not need to be money. We are happy to receive food at our aid centre from tomorrow.

We will be very happy for cereals and live animals for slaughter. Living slaughter animals can even keep the meat fresh to it arrive to the needy peoples.

Unfortunately, transports of live animals for slaughter are troublesome in extreme areas. It is worst in remote rural villages, where people perhaps will die before the food arrives. Please, have you a brilliant solution, it must obviously be tested.

People were concerned after the lecture and gathered in groups.

- If politicians could get started, was the problem much smaller. Why must it go so slowly?

- Because no country will take the lead. Always it is a question of money. No politician will look his constituents in the eyes if they used too much money.

- Yes, but we must tackle it now. The worst is, as it was said, the inaccessible villages, where it is very difficult to keep the people alive.

- We can provoke politicians to work, with an intelligent cow, which could reach the remote villages. I have an idea. I would speak with some girlfriends on something that maybe can set the policies in motion. I'll call right around to some girls, to get together for a meeting.

- Hi Tina, we have just finished an information session about the famine in Africa and I would like to talk to you about it. Can we meet?

Yes, and bring with some of your girlfriends. Only girls, yes, it becomes a girl action and all must be aged 18 years, as us.

- OK, see you home with me at 15 oclock.

- What is it about?

- It is a truly shocking surprise. Try to get some more with.

- Yes, we are four girls on shopping; I ask the others that they want to appear to you. You will not tell more? OK, we'll see.

- Who was that?

- It was Kira, she would have liked we all came out to her. She said only that she wants us to do a very provocative girl action for the hungry in Africa.

- It sounds exciting. We come with.

Again there was phoned around.

- Hi, Lisa, we are heading out to Kira, a true girl sitting. Do you want to be with us?

- It depends on what it is about.

- We must set up an action to help the famine in Africa. We have to provoke politicians to send aid to the hungry people.

- That I would like to help.

Next day the girls met.

- Sit in, so we can get started. I do not think there will be more.

- Hey, It was good that you all could come. I am very sure that not all of you will contribute this action to obtain food for the people as affected by famine in Africa. Maybe no one of you will be with and it's OK. But here is the proposal, so we can discuss it.

Linda and I were going to a briefing at the Organization FOOD TO AFRICA. It was a very sad meeting.

Politicians may not have taken them together to provide help to the famine. People are dying in droves from hunger.

Without that tell you about my idea, I said at the meeting:

We can provoke politicians to work, with an intelligent cow, which could reach the remote villages.

Yes, people shook their heads. Such a cow does not exist, but it could be a solution to bring the hungry people fresh meat.

To you girls I have to emphasize strongly, that this which I say from now, is just to get the politicians to provide help and support to Africa.

... The intelligent cow, who can find the remote villages in Africa, is us girls...

Kira was quickly adjourned.

- What are you saying? Should we be cows? What do you mean? Do you really think we should be sent to Africa, as cows, as meat?

- Of course, we should not be sent to Africa as food. It will never be accepted, we are after all humans. But we had to provoke the politicians with our action, so they can decide them to send aid to the hungry.

I think we girls should act as the intelligent cow by a great action tomorrow. The action must be a very strong provocation, so everyone can see that there is a problem that must be resolved quickly.

Now to the most difficult, for how do we do it? We girls provoke always best to act completely naked. Yes, you heard right.

We need to go completely naked to the town square where the real action takes place. We must act as human traffic jams on the square.

The girls sat in silence for a time and so round. No one dared say anything in order not to be misunderstood.

- People will think we are prostitutes, if we stand naked in the square.

- No, it is an action to help the disaster victims. It is a humane action. It will all be able to see when we set up posters.

- It's damned okay Kira. Let us do something exciting to could provoke the politicians to send aid to Africa.

- Yes, it will be fun to provoke these hang rob. I've never been naked in public before, but I will try to bite my shyness in me for a good cause.

- Do not you think all of us feel it in the same way? Well, it will be fun to try.

- Yes, shut up, where guys will stare.

- Oh, stop. I'm already pissing shy.

- You should not be it. We do it all together. We should just be cows for a day. I'm ready for the action, as a naked intelligent cow.

- It becomes a meat market.

- I dare not to help, I'm too shy.

- It's OK, but we others do, so you can just watch us.

- Dare you really walk naked through the city?

- No, but it is a really good case, so girls, we meet totally naked at the square at noon. Linda and I make some posters and bring a microphone with us. Remember, tomorrow we are cows, so we must be totally naked without jewellery, watches, rings and body piercing. We must not wear anything. As cows must we be completely anonymous.

See you on the square at twelve noon tomorrow.

After the meeting had each of the meeting participants committed themselves to call around to female friends and other acquaintances to tell about the next day's happenings at the town square.

It was with very mixed emotions most of the girls went to bed the night after the meeting for the benefit of helping the starving in Africa.

Some of the girls decided them not to participate in the tomorrow's action. Others tried to get them used to the nakedness and slept naked that night.

The morning sun waked the participants to the today's happenings at the town square.

- Have I really said yes to appear nude, as a human cow? What must the neighbours and my friends think when they see me walking naked out of the door? Oh, I think it will be too much to run naked around in the streets, although I fully agree with the action purposes.

Several of the girls were still worried and some of them said no at the last minute.

- Sorry Kathy, I did not know you have slept without clothes.

- It does not matter brother man. I just want to take a shower.

Kathy enjoyed her shower and she enjoyed her nakedness. It was really exciting thought to go naked to the town square. But would she and the other girls reach the today's girl action?

It would be fun to challenge people, especially politicians. It was OK to her; if they took pictures for the press. It was a very charitable action she was a part of and, yes, I think I look good. I would make a good figure at the press pictures of us naked girls.

She dried her body and went down to breakfast.

- What the heck, you come also naked to breakfast, sister?

- Yes, as you see, Karl. Bother you?

- No, not at all. You are otherwise being very shy. No one must see you naked. What happened to you?

Her father came into the room from the kitchen with freshly brewed coffee.

- What kind of a disgrace to appear nude up for breakfast, slut. Enough you are nineteen years, but you still live at home. Can you get some clothes on?

- I will be naked today.

 Kathy looked defiantly at her father, who shook his head.

- You said last night that you were going to a demonstration today. You will probably not go naked into the street, slut?

-  I will actually do it. We need to demonstrate for food to Africa's hungry...

- What kind of crazy ideas get you girl. However, you girls are not really wise to walk around naked. You will guaranteed be arrested by the police.

- Maybe, but we do it here in a good reason. Politicians will not provide food to the starving in Africa so that we will provoke the politicians to do something.

- How would you do that, there's no one who can get the politicians started?

- Easy enough. We naked girls offer us as naked human cows. Yes, as fresh meat, ready for export to Africa.

- Shut up, Kathy is a cow.

- It's we always shown, Peter. You may not go as a cow; no one permits it, because you are humans.

- Of course not, that's why we are doing this action. I think this action will be so exciting.

- Good luck with your venture, wenches. You get at least very high attentions. Well, now come mom with the bread. Please, sit down and eats.

It was a morning meal where everyone sat and glanced over at Kathy. Her mother was not so excited to her daughters choice.

After breakfast, Kathy stood and looked down the street, half hidden behind the window curtain from the first floor apartment. People hurried past in the street below, cars sped past. Should she really go there?

- Do you find it difficult to get down the street?

Katy turned to her mother, who had been washing up and now stood behind her. Her father was at work and her brother was in high school.

- Yes, I'm really scared. See all those people who go out there.

- There is no more than usual to be. There are always people on the street.

- I know but I shall go completely naked out there, uh, what thinking people. I'm too shy. I do not think I will go down there.

- Let be. I also think it is a foolish demonstration.

- It may well be that you believe it, Mom, but we girls do not think it is hopeless. We will help those poor people who are starving.

- Well, you also have something delicious meat you are a beautiful human cow, Kathy. They will rejoice in Africa to get such a delicious roast.

- Oh, Shut up, Mom. I am going now. I will not listen to your moronic comments.

There was a good half hour yet before the girls would meet in the square, so Kathy had good time. She stood waiting behind the street door. People who walked past had seen that she was completely naked behind the glass door, but they were too busy to stop.

Kathy was still ready to go up in the apartment again as her neighbours; an elderly couple was coming down the last steps on the stairs.

- Oh, God, Kathy, it is you. But you've got no clothes on you.

Kathy looked a bit confused back over her shoulder. The woman had frightened a hand for her mouth.

- I am ... I am going out to a demonstration where we should be naked.

- Demonstrates you naked nowadays? I did not know it. - The man smiled - In my youth we only lured the girl out to a night bathing in forest lakes in the moonlight.

- We demonstrate to help the hungry in Africa.

- Yes, it is some horrific pictures of starving children we see on television. Well, enjoy.

Kathy felt compelled to go out on the street with the elderly couple.

So she stood there totally naked. People stopped up shortly to looking at her; others pretended they did not see her. Two 12-13 year girls were giggling on the other side of the street. Kathy began hesitantly, to go against the city.

A little further away, she saw a second naked girl walking on the sidewalk. Kathy move up to her.

- It was good I saw you. I was just about to turn back. I'm not comfortable with people staring at me. I have never before shown me naked in public. Ugh, I am worried that participate in our demonstration.

- I have neither been naked in the street before. It is sick, what we do. My boyfriend said that he hoped that they really sent us to Africa as food, when we are so stupid.

- It must not happen. They can not do that, right? Hello, my name is Kathy. I did not see you at the meeting.

- No, I got a call from my friend Lisa, she think we together could participate in this exciting demonstration. I wonder how many girls show up. Now, we are at least two.

Of course the police came when the naked girls created street disorder.

- Young ladies, so we'll stop here. You can not walk around naked on the streets and roads.

- We are heading for a lawful demonstration, it is declared.

- It is good with you. There is declared a demonstration to benefit of the hungry in Africa. What should you be without clothes at the demonstration?

- We are involved as naked human cows into the demonstration.

- I do not care whether you think you are cows, girls. I must have your names, age and residence. You must with a guaranteed pay for this here.

- Dear policeman, can we continue when you get these informations, because we ought to be on the square shortly.

- Yes, but only until, some notifies you for disorderly conduct or indecent exposure.

- Thank you, officer. My name is Lisa Beck, I am 19 years old and lives Albert Street 43...

A successful demonstration

More and more naked girls of about twenty years of age arrived to the town square where people curiously began to assemble. Banners were already unpacked when the Town Hall clock struck twelve noon.

Kathy kept a small placard with a map of Africa with more rural areas highlighted with colour. The text of the placard was clear: Politicians, this is where people are starving.

Four naked girls were walking around with a yellow cloth in front of them, which tells in red lettering: Cows simple life is to feed the hungry in Africa.

Two naked girls stood near a large placard with two pictures. The first picture showed hungry, lean adults and children in a desert-like landscape. Over the image stood briefly: We are starving to death. The second photo showed four young healthy, shapely naked girls in a lush forest. Beside the image was the text: How long need the hungry people waiting for food? We naked girls have - meat. Dear politicians, have you nothing else to send to the hungry people. Then send us down to Africa, as slaughter cows. But can you politicians live with this conscience that we naked girls only are cows to you.

Another naked girl standing next to Kathy with a small placard saying: Delicious meat and we are starving. The text was accompanied by a picture of a negros hand which had a good grip on a white girls naked rump to brand her meat quality, the second picture showed a starving mother with her dying child.

More naked girls sat at a large banner with the inscription: Politicians, Africa need food. These naked livestock may be sent as meat today.

Kira and Linda's posters shocked not only their audience, but also the many turning out naked girls.

- Are we sure that we get it right? It is quite provocative. - Asked one of the naked girls, Kathy.

- What if the politicians really want to send us to Africa, as cows?

- With the posters we really challenger the politicians. Well, maybe it could happen.

- You make me afraid. We must stop this.

- It becomes more degrading, if we are letting the others doing these alone and how do you think we can get past the crowds. People stands, like herring in a barrel around us.

Yes, it is degrading and a totally humiliation Kathy think. The whole square was filled with people and we naked girls are actually caught in the middle of the square.

There was whistled and screamed. There were oceans of peoples who try to photograph.

- Shut up how you provoke, wenches. Just that you are completely naked.

- The girls are right. The politicians do not like to give human aid to the hungry, it costs money. - Yes, but there are indeed mess. Nobody will send them to Africa for food, right?

- Hi Linda, I think you are going too far with the posters. It is okay that we are demonstrating for food to Africa. But you ask the politicians more straightforward, to send us to Africa as meat cows, today.

The girls were shy and were waiting for a break at the large audience in the square. Something had to breaking the now hot atmosphere.

Kira took her microphone and climbed on a table so everyone could see her naked body. She looked across the crowded square. People were silent.

- Hello, everybody. I am glad that so many have gathered here in the square.

You must forgive us girls that we are completely naked, but we want to show that there is a great human disaster in Africa. There is famine.  Every day die hundreds of People of hunger.

What do our politicians? Nothing. They just sit at their fat dinners and discuss, without considering the decision to send food and other help until the worst affected areas.

We young naked girls want the politicians to listen and take their working clothes on. It must happen now.

Tomorrow there are many more people who die of hunger in Africa and what about the next day and the next? The politicians just eat more and more, and politicians just continuing their discussions.

We girls can not do much. But we have something that can keep people alive some longer. We have our meat. Each of us have meat enough to keep at least 100 people alive in one day.

Isn't it amazing, I can give hope to 100 people to live a day more?

One day the politicians have more to decide for them, to help 100 hungry people who would otherwise die today.

Think of me as a naked human cow. Just a cow as can give meat to the hungry people. Then the villagers can be kept alive just another day more, and hope that the politicians decide for them to sending other food.

As said at the yesterday at the 'Food to Africa' meeting: A whole world is starving.

Organization 'Food two Africa' takes from today against any contribution that can keep people alive until the politicians can find something to the remedy hungers.

The contribution does not need to be money. The organization may also receive foods in the emergency aid centre, as grain and living slaughter animals. The meat animals, of course, can keep the meat fresh onto using as food for the hungry.

Transport of live slaughter animals is difficult to remote villages because of climate and crimes.

Well, dear audience and politicians, the solution is an intelligent cow that by it self can help to find the hungry people in the most inaccessible villages.

Here you have the intelligent cow, us naked girls. Here stand so much good tasty meats, isn't it?

Of course there is. We are completely naked and defenceless as slaughter cows. As naked, we are without identity; we can not prove who we are. We are only animals.

It is the politicians' guilt and responsibility.

Had the politicians set in time to help the starving in Africa, the organization 'Food to Africa' would not have any urgent need for food gathering, and certainly not to receive live meat animals?

Then we would not have stood here, as cows just waiting to be exported as food aid. Look at our signage.

Yes, we have previously given money to the organization 'Food to Africa'.

But the hungry people can not eat money and it takes time to get bought foods for the money and get the foods carried by location.

Because of the politicians can not find together to help, we need to donating our meat to the organization 'Food to Africa'.

Only the politicians can stop us, by allowing a rapid and other help to Africas hungry people.

Dear politicians. You can not agree to send us naked young girls of the place as meat cows. We have as young girls another life ahead of us. Oh, Makes somewhat. We do not want this. We're all afraid to be real human cows.

The longer you wait, dear politicians, more people will starve and die before the help arrives. It is your conscience.

It should also be on your conscience that it becomes necessary for us naked girls to being sent to Africa as meat livestock so the people can be kept alive until you finally decided youre for aid.

We naked girls will not end up as food. We make it if you do nothing politicians. Help us, stop us and help the hungry people in Africa.

Here are a few comments from one of the other naked girls.

Kira waved to Linda, who came up on the table.

- Hey, folks. It is not fun to stand here and show our naked meat to you, as if we already are human cows.

But our meat is fresh and delicious. Just ready to be sent to Africa, and then by yourself can bring the meat up to the hungry people in the worst affected areas of famine.

Yes, it should not be a piece of meat? - Grinning Linda and shook her body as her breasts swung slightly provocative.

- You must not make the audience hungry, Linda. The meat is hereby booked as aid to Africa's hungry people. - Admonished Kira. The audience cheered.

- Yes, let's be serious. We naked girls are now available to the organization 'Food to Africa's' program to food collecting for Africa's famine-affected areas until the politicians decide to provide aid.

Dear audience. We are not slaughter livestock. We fear that politicians will use us as food. We are also people like you.

Dear audience, pressure the politicians to act just now then we should not be sent naked to Africa as farm livestock, ready as food.

But until the politicians decide and organize something different food than us, we donate ourselves as naked human cows to the organization 'Food to Africa'.

Will the organization 'Food to Africa' accept us as live slaughter animals ready for export as aid to Africa?

- My name is William Schmidt from the organization 'Food to Africa'. Yesterday evening I was asked to come to the square of these girls.

Yes, the girls have right, from today we are taking against money and food to the starving in Africa. All the time, many people are dying of hunger and we can only help a little. We have a growing need for more assistance.

I think that these young naked girls already have helped a lot. They have given a splendid good advertisement for the organization 'Food to Africa'.

So, therefore I say unto you naked girls: Thank you have done it, but go home and get some clothes on.

- We are not only naked here to make advertising but especially to get the politicians to act now. Will 'Food to Africa' accept us as naked meat cows? We stand ready to take to Africa, as the politicians bad conscience.

- Naked girls, you run a huge risk. Seriously naked girls, the aid organization 'Food to Africa', can only accept true live animals. Therefore, first you have to sign a legal document into which you officially donate you as human meat cows and as aid gifts to the organization 'Food to Africa'

We would like to take you to store up a few hours. But you should know that we have a flight south early tomorrow, and have the politicians not responded, you have to coming with the flight to Africa as food.

Then tomorrow at 7, there is no turning back for you naked young girls, OK?

Here, naked girls, here is the document that you must sign if you believe something with your demonstration.

It is a normal gift form, which we use to receiving large donations.

- But ... but we should read it first.

Kira was surprised by the rapid reversal of their demonstration. She was not sure she liked it. She looked at the others now silent naked girls. What they expected of her?

- Sure, take your time, we can wait. You must also mention that you renounce you all human rights for the project to succeed.

The naked girls were confused and bewildered. They were aware that they would now go further than it was supposed to if they sign the document.

The audience stood waiting, hopeful for the real drama.

The girls read the document silently through and hesitated. The document tied them if politicians did nothing.

None of the girls wanted to end up as food in Africa.

Kathy looked again on the headline: Donation of aid to the organization 'Food to Africa'. Then indicate donor by name, Social Security number, address and city.

Once more she read the rest of the text: Donation is a gift that can only be used for emergency relief to needy people on the African continent. Organization 'Food to Africa' is obligated to disclose the money or food as soon as possible to the beneficiaries. If it is donated money there must soonest be purchased foods to dispatch. Then date and signature.

- What do we do girls, must we sign?

- I do not think we should do it. Imagine if the politicians do nothing.

- Oh, nonsense, we are people like them; the politicians cannot allow anything happens to us. It would be murder on us, it is criminal. So the politicians dare only to put something else going on, so we will escape.

- Yes, that's why we're here for and we have even launched this happening. Should we not complete it?

- You are not really smart girls. Do you know you your risk? William Schmidt said.

- Yes, to be sent to Africa as food for the famine people. But it can not happen, and then the peoples would be cannibals. I do not think they want to be this.

- When you are hungry and are dying of hunger, it means nothing what meat you eat. Everything can be eaten, and if you are sent there as a human cows, then you are food of course. It is not long ago there were real cannibals in Africa.

- It's true, but we're here for to get the politicians to send food to the hungry in Africa. The politicians must be those who can stop us.

- Let us hope so, otherwise it will be disastrous to you naked girls. - William Schmidt said.

- I will not be with anymore. I am afraid that we're wrong. I would not like to be eaten as a cow. I have a long life ahead of me.

- Of course we are too. Nothing fatale will happens to us.

- Yes, but do you other keep on?

- No, I dare not to continue. It was fun until he came with the document. No, I dont sign this stupid paper.

Several of the naked girls pulled them and got some clothes of the audience to cover the worst nudity. Several of the other naked girls were worried and hesitated.

The onlookers understood the naked girls and the demonstration seemed to disintegrate. A part of the audience in attendance was still in an expectant mood. They hoped that the naked girls perfected their happenings; this would have been so exciting.

Of course there was no one that really believed that the naked girls would be sent to Africa as emergency and food. But it was an exciting fantasy.

- Tell me, are not you a little touchy when you take clothes back on? Come on, you not to complete your project?

- Yes, but we dare not to go...

- You forget the poor starving in Africa. It was a good purpose and you have already provoked us and certainly the politicians. Why take the clothes on now before you have finished the project. Show the politicians, however, that you stand for something with your demonstration. Then, strips off again and show solidarity with the needy.

The audience began dissatisfied to boo and pep.

Weeping undress the girls again and joined the remaining naked girls, who still stood irresolute back.

Then the naked young girls sign the papers to the donation. Then the naked girls were formally slaughter livestock and the organization 'Food to Africa' property.

The documents were collected and the audience clapped. The naked girls stood timid and afraid in the middle of the square.

The naked girls waiting in uncertainty, they waited for that others would take some decisions. The whole square was waiting. William Schmidt entered up on the table which the girls previously had used.

- Naked girls, the aid organization 'Food to Africa', do not yet know whether they can accept your donation. We are investigating it now. Unfortunately, you have to wait here in the square to a solution is found.

- Should we just stand totally naked?

- It is surely not a problem for you girls. Yes, you must be naked as long as you are in our custody and if we must take care of you. To us you are only human cows, as you voluntary have assigned yourself.

The naked girls enthusiasm had been triggered at their signatures at the donation papers.

It had been a fun and exciting demonstration, but suddenly its all having become reality.

The naked girls regret their signature and would rather run away. After one hour a phone rang.

- Hello, yes, it is William Schmidt from the organization 'food to Africa'.

- I understand. Is it true? Are you saying that politicians have informed you that they will not prevent the naked girls in their voluntary donation?

- What did you say? Unbelievable, are the politicians agree with the naked girls in that they are the only ones who quickly can bring fresh meat out to the most isolated areas then people can survive to the official emergency supplies arrive. Yes, of cause it may take some time. I think the naked cows will understand.

- OK, what about the legal?

- Yes, Yes. Lawyers follow it up because it is a voluntary donation.

- Certainly, yes, we'll make sure that the meat reaches the hungry. Yes, it will be arranged, as a normal export.

Kathy looked against the man who spoke in the mobile phone. She could not hear what was said. She welcomed the fact that this soon was over so she again could get clothes on.

She felt uncomfortable by being naked in front of all the people. Worst it was with the young men who had shown more than curious interest to her and the other naked girls. Well, it was probably natural.

Most awful it was that her friends and family would certainly not forget this demonstration in the future. She believing they have a lots of photos and they could even see the naked pictures of her and the other girls in tomorrow's newspapers and magazines.

William Schmidt closed the mobile phone and looked seriously toward the assembly.

- Spectators and naked girls. I've got answers. I am sorry that you had to wait. In the meantime you have some beautiful things to look at.

He smiled at the many naked girls in front of him.

- There is new from the political and legal page regarding your donation girls.

The naked girls so expectantly up at the man.

- Ladies and gentlemen. As has been said repeatedly, the organization 'Food to Africa' is ready to receive any contributions that can keep people alive in the famine hit parts of Africa.

Contributions may be money. It also can be food which has long term durability, as corn, rice, dried meat and of course, live animals as can be exported and can be slaughtered on the spot where aid is required.

Transport of live cows and other slaughter animals to the most remote areas, are often cumbersome and there is a risk that the animals will be robbed by gangs, die of disease or as victims of the wild animals before they reach their destination.

Therefore, we need some safe method to get our aid safely ahead to the hungry people then more people will be rescued and survives.

These enthusiastic young naked girls have shown us a solution, the intelligent cow.

Organization 'Food to Africa' accepted these naked girls offers on the donation as naked human cows.

The politicians seem well on the concept of the intelligent cows. They believe it is the solution for getting a quick help to the most inaccessible areas, so they can have time to organize, the real aid.

Yes, naked girls, your demonstration gets the politicians to open the cash boxes, and even in other countries. Moreover, other countries also look at the possibility of sending naked human female cows, as prompt aid.

Your voluntary donations are Legal accepted, as it is African aid.

That means naked girls that there are given the green light to send you to Africa as food for the hungry people. Yes, naked girls, right now we have hard to imagining that you are export cattle. But you will be the first on place to save many people.

The naked girls were shocked; they did not know what to do.

- No, no you can not do it. - Shouted one of the naked girls. - It's murder, we are killed.

- Of course, all slaughter cows are killed, so the meat can be used as food. You knew it well when you donate your meat. Just look at the meat in supermarkets. This is meat from animals which have been killed by the butchers.

The reality began to dawn on the naked girls. The whole which had started up as a fun and provocative action for the hungry in Africa was now deadly seriously for the naked girls since they had signed their donation as slaughter cows.

The audience was puzzled what should it means. It suddenly seems in order that the naked girls were going to Africa, to the aid effort. The naked girls had even demonstrated that it would happen.

Of course it was a humiliation for the girls, but it was now once decided, both politically and legally.

- I want the organization 'Foods to Africa's' behalf to thank the naked girls for their donation. Especially the naked girls families have my sympathy for the girls' action.

The naked girls have done all of their own volition. They knew what they did and now they can not undo their actions. They have voluntarily renounced them all their rights as human beings, and therefore can not revoke their decision. We'll treat the livestock well. Preliminary, the naked girls brings to the collection centre.

All this meat will be with the plane tomorrow morning to Africa. The meat must be brought out quickly, so more of the hungry can survive.

The young naked girls were led out from the square and to the organization 'Food to Africa's' collection centre.

The naked girls had not yet fully grasped what had happened and followed helplessly after the people from the aid centre. Several of the girls wept underway.

The audience was shocked, especially the girls families. But nobody did anything.

The naked girls were already accepted as an exports livestock to the tragedy in Africa.

Living Meat Export

There was hectic activity at the aid centre, getting ready for the reception of the naked girls. In a large storage room with a few high windows was other goods removed. Someone phoned around for equipments to keep the naked girls together.

A phone call was very positive. After recording a movie about slaves, the studio still had retained effects as iron chains with neck rings. A quick agreement was made and a van was sending to get the iron chains.

The naked girls arrived and were put into storage space.

William Schmidt and several other workers from the aid centre came with into the storage room.

- Yes, naked girls, so are you here at 'Food to Africa's'. You are here as a livestock and food, but how should we treat you?

Of course, you get something to eat and water. In addition, you will soon be put in chains. It is easiest for everyone. Those of you, who will regret her donation of meat, can not escape her fate.

Of course it is also convenient for transport that you are together in chains, and the transport workers will have full control over the livestock.

African authorities and people will easily understand that you are an official emergency aid to the famine-stricken areas when you are in chains as slaves from earlier times.

African authorities are already informed about your arrival tomorrow, and that you are only human cows and should only be treated like other kind meat animals.

Kathy had trouble with getting ideas in place. Already when she was in showering this morning, she had felt that this project would go terrible wrong, but curiosity and excitement had driven her to overcome this fears and joined the other naked girls in front of the audiences on the square.

Kira and Linda had gone too far with the provocative banners and posters. On the other hand, all of us girls have knowledge to the real danger, although this danger seems to be utopia, or was it?

Kathy was interrupted in her thoughts when a gate went up and a van drove in and loaded a mass iron chains on the cement floor. Then the van disappeared and the gate were closed and locked again.

The naked young girls looked shocked at the pile of iron chains and neck rings. Many of the girls began to cry.

Now, it was serious.

One by one they got the naked young girls an iron ring locked around her neck with a padlock.

Each neck ring was associated with four feet of iron chain. It was located seven naked girls in each set of chains.

William Schmidt was pleased with the outcome.

- Well, the naked girls are put together by 7 days dinner packages to a village of about 100 hungry people. It is an excellent idea. Then here are eight weeks dinner packages.

Naked girls, youll stay here in this room tonight and the chains will be locked to the rings in the walls. Urinate? Indeed, you are animals now then do it on your place. You will be washed clean before you go to the airport tomorrow morning.

The naked girls tried to get some sleep. But it was cumbersome. Continually rattle a chain, when someone tries to pee or shit.

The naked girls had performed their toilet where they lay. It began to stink. After a short sleep was the naked girls woken early next morning.

- Wake up naked cows; you have a long day ahead of you. Shut up, which stinks of shit and urine, it is like in a pig pens. You must be fucking wash thoroughly with water before you go to the airport. First get some food.

- We regret. Please, set us free again. We will not be going to Africa.

- Sorry girls, your meat are donated as food to the starving in Africa. As you your self say, This Livestock can be sending as meat today as humanitarian aid and this will naturally happen after your own desire.

While the naked girls were engaged in eating and cleaning, became important export papers written.

- Hello. It is from the aid organization 'Food to Africa'. We have a consignment of live Livestock to be off to Africa this morning, what form should we use? Yes it is an aid product. OK, we use the ordinary export form. Thank you.

The form was found and filled out as.

Export sheet

Key Service Providers:    FOOD TO AFRICA

Export sheet for cargo

Export:                     Africa, food supply for hunger, Humanitarian aid

Quoted to:                         Foods to Africa, organisation

Address                            FA Camp 14, to distribution

Date                                  7th July 2018

Commodity                      Livestock, human female cows for food supply

HS Classification             Living red meat

Unit                                  Naked girl        

Gross weight (kg)            3360 kg         -       Weight per unit (kg)   60 kg

Cubic capacity                56 Units                 -        Units per ton   16

Shortly after became the naked girls picked up from the storage room. Kathy could not cry any more as she was pulled out, as the fifth in the chain series she was attached to.

The 56 naked girls were chased up at a closed truck normal for animal transport.

- Get your ass with you, so we are closing the door, naked girls. Have a nice trip. It is somewhat unfortunate that we do not see you again. You are a beautiful sight.

The truck started with its cargo to the airport. The naked girls could follow the driving to the airport through the air cracks.

- It is absolutely unreal. I know the way to the airport, and yet it seems new to me.

- It's probably because it is the last time you see it. I think they are serious that we will be sent to Africa as food.

As the transportation arrived to the airport terminal the naked girls leave the truck.

- Go naked cows; you must quickly into the terminal to check-in and for export controls.

- Should we go naked in there?

- Of course, indeed you are human cows, and then walk. You had to be recorded as animals for export.

- You dont mention us as animals, we are human beings.

The airport travellers looked gaping at the naked girls, who were dragged through the departure hall into rattling iron chains. Each chain was about 10 meters long, plus a few meters pulling chain in front of the naked girls. The chains were drawn in pairs through the arrivals hall.

Kathy wished she could run away, but the chain held her back. She could only follow helplessly after the naked girls in front of her. She could not be more humiliated.

- Hey, why are these naked girls put in iron chains?

- They are on their way to Africa as an aid to the hardest-hit areas as slaughter cows for the aid organization 'Food to Africa'.

- What do you say? Do you mean that these beautiful young naked girls are here as slaughter cows?

- Yes, they are donated meat cows for export.

- Are they just to be eaten as food?

- Yes. Why should their meat not be eaten?

The airport's morning passengers were confused and shocked. The travellers felt they still slept and dreamed. This must be a bad early morning joke.

The naked girls were taken to a desk with a signs to African destinations and a representative of the aid organization handed the export form to the inspector.

- Here is the export document for export performance of 56 unit human cows. The final destination is the FA Camp 14 in Somalia, for further distribution. Export licenses are granted to the aid organization 'Food to Africa'.

- Livestock, human female cows for food supply, I read right?

- Yes, I think.

- Naked girls as living red meat, you can not do that.

- Well, read the export performance papers, they are legally authorized.

- Damn, is it these naked girls? They can not be meat cows? Well, OK, it's not my problem. Let us have them check in. The plane is about to be made clear. Export documents are properly completed, including health certificate...

After a brief careful health check were the naked girls on their way out to the plane that should bring them to Africa.

- Get forward, naked cows. We must have the last cargo on board at the aircraft. Come a little quick.

- Nooo ... I will not, you can not do it against us. I am not a cow.

- Damn, slut, do not pulling the chain. You can not get away. No more nonsense with you. Get up into the transport aircraft.

The naked girls getting into the aircraft's hold and the chains became fastened. Many of the girls cried, but they got no pity. Now they were indeed only meat animals. The aircraft door was closed and the pilot was ready for departure.

The aircraft taxi off the runway. Shortly after the transport plane was in the air with its load of food and medicines for the starving in Africa.

During the long flight they got naked girls plenty of time to think about their plight. Kathy knew that nobody could help her and the other naked girls from now. She hoped the plane would crash. So it was all over. But the plane was in the air and the nightmare continued.

Then the pilots approach land.

- We are approaching the coast of Africa. Actually, I have pity for the naked girls.

- Yes, it's unbelievable. We have flown with many very strange cargos. But a team of totally naked girls as meat cows, I would never thought I should fly around with. I'm really sorry about it, it's very pretty girls.

- Yes, they are delicious, ha, ha.

- They are magnificent. I do not think the naked girls are comfortable with it. In a few days they are slaughtered like animals and their meat has been eaten.

- OK, it helps some people to survive. But that the girls even can be slaughtered and eaten as animals is not a pleasant thought. I'm truly sorry for the naked girls.

- We are only pilots. We should not interfere in what the aid agencies are doing.

The transport aircraft has landed and the machine was unloaded for any goods, including the naked girls. All goods must quick be redistributed to smaller aircraft which can lands in more rough terrain.

The Somali customs authorities look with surprise at the naked girls.

- But, it's naked girls coming out of the plane. What are they doing here?

- It's the fact. But they are probably not what you think. Notice that they are in chains. It is human cows ready to be forwarded into the most inaccessible areas as food for the famine victims. Human cows can easily reach through difficult and hostile terrains.

- But our population is no more cannibals.

- These naked girls are indeed only cows. As cows are the naked cows ready for slaughter like a normal cow. Its only food supply.

- I do not believe people will eat human cows.

- Do not be sure of it. This is meat, yes high-quality meat and hungry people need food to survive. The naked cows are very fine food, so I do not think hungry peoples will be no reluctance to eat this delicious meat.

- Well, well, I sign the license for the naked cows. I hope really that the hungry people reject the naked cows as food.

The aid workers were busy making ready for distribution of the aid and loading of the smaller aircraft there quickly as possible would fly the aid to the remote famine-stricken areas.

After some surprise at the presence of young naked girls, the naked girls became spread out as the rest of the aid food to be distributed to various destinations, as a kind of a standard week food for each of the possible villages.

The naked girls really felt them as cows. No one talked to them and they were just dragged around as the other slaughter animals at the distributing centre.

Kathy could see that she and the other naked white girls looks more like the pigs with their bright meat than the dark Negroes, who were locally employed aid workers.

Kathy was worried what would happen. Several chains of naked girls and other aid supplies had already been sent out to small aircraft. It would soon be her turn. Indeed this was a little exciting.

She had never been in Africa before and she had slowly agreed that she should remain completely naked. No one knew her and she did not understand the language. They could say anything to her and she would not understand them, and if she said anything to the Negroes they would not understand her. Now she felt logical that the naked girls were treated like animals.

The chain with Kathy and the other six naked girls were pulled out with some mixed bags and boxes. Without a word a bag with rice was lifted up at her head and the man made a sign to her that she sticks her hands up then the bag did not fall down. The bag was heavy, thirty kilograms stood at an equivalent bag of rice, which was placed on the head of the girl beside her.

With strokes of sticks the naked girls was led to a plane which held off on the runway ready with working engines. The aid supplies were loaded onto the plane, and then the naked girls were chained to some seats inside the plane.

The aircraft took off with its expensive aid loads, which should save many people from dying of hunger. The hapless naked girls sought solace in each other. Nothing could now prevent the naked girls were flown out to the starving people as food.

Kathy looked through one of the aircraft's windows at the desolate arid landscapes as fade into the infinity. Could people really live here? If there really live some peoples, they certainly need aid to their survival.

Kathy looked down at her naked body and onto the other naked girls. She was distraught. It was real meat. How many days had she returned to live in?

The landscape changed character to a dry savannah with clefts and highly uneven terrain.

The plane went into the approach to a very small plane landing strip into the otherwise troubled terrain.

Foods to the hungry

. The small transport planes were quick unloaded for food.

Outside the aircraft, the naked girls were greeted by the late afternoon sun's rays. It had been a long day, but now they were promoting at the last runway.

Only a small group of Negroes waited at the end of the runway. With such few people the girls were aware that there still was some way before they reached their destination.

The small group of tribesmen came to the plane and pointed at the naked girls in chains. One of the aid workers explained without the naked girls understand anything. But they knew the outcome: Meat to helping against the food catastrophe.

The tribal people seemed first shocked. Then after some discussion, they smiled and began to look and feel of the naked girls, like they assessed meat of other meat animals. Kathy tried to protect herself, but she got a slap on the hand. With tears in her eyes, she accepted the humiliation.

Again was a rice bag placed on Kathy's head. The other naked girls stood also ready with bags or boxes on their heads. The rest of the emergency boxes took some of the men on their heads.

One of the Negroes took the chain with the seven naked girls and pulled them behind him as if they were normal animals.

Kathy was forced to follow when the chain tightened. Behind her she heard the cargo plane speed up and then the plane disappeared. The girls were left completely naked in the tribal possession as food. Right now, the naked girls had to bring their own meat and other food to an unknown village.

Kathy felt already the weight of the bag with rice on her head. She could not carry it very far. Constantly poked and cut the stones and dried branches into her naked soles. Her feet were wounded already after she had gone the first few hundred meters in the ruddy sun-dried soil.

Her feet have no calluses, because she always wore shoes. She had never tried this before. After a mile the naked girl in front of Kathy makes the first blood traces in the ground. This was a torture for the naked girls to go here. Negroes were uninterested; they just pulled the naked white girls forward through the very rugged and the sun dried terrain.

Shortly after sunset, making the group stopped at a single hut. The girls put their burdens on the soil at the hut. Then the naked girls were led to a thick strain of a dead large tree that stood a little away from the hut where the free end of the iron chain was fastened. One of the tribal peoples was leave back to look after the naked girls and he made a bonfire to keep the wild animals away.

There was made a major fire at the cottage and some meat became fried. Later the naked girls received some of this meat as food. Kathy thought it looked like eel and ate away until one of the girls told it was snake meats. Kathy was about to puke.

A little later they naked girls got water stored in an animal's stomach sack. The water was lukewarm and tasted some rotten. The girls were thirsty and drank greedily.

Shortly after the tired naked girls was falling asleep on the ground.

Kathy had had only just fallen asleep when she was awakened by a man. She looked up at him. His dark skin almost fell along with the sky colours, only covered he for the stars.

The man was about to take his shorts of, the only clothes he wore and a stiff cock came out.

Kathy looks afraid to cock. She refused to accept that she should be raped.

- No... No, you must not.

The man did not understand her not, but smiled at her resistance. She was just an animal. He never raped animals before, though a few others said that it was fun. Well, these animals were different, they resembled even the young women at home in the village, but those animals were white.

He turned the screaming animals, so it came on four legs and sat down on one knee behind the animal. He pressed his stiff, expectant cock into the animal's cunt and began pushing the screaming animals back and forth. He felt the animal heat engulfing his cock.

The animal protests were replaced by a moaning as he knew from the girls at home. The animal seems to like it, she juiced. Her sex opening was not dry. He enjoyed it and exploded into a feeling of being at one with the animal.

The rape had not been as bad as Kathy had thought. Actually, she was a little more relaxed after he had been the trigger of her. She had not even been the trigger, the orgasm was not reached. Secretly, she hoped that he would try again.

It was not the same Negro next time. Another man came and turned her violently on her back. He almost threw himself upon her and forced her legs to aside. Brutally he forced his cock into her pussy and pumped away. She screamed with the harsh treatment. Quickly he got the trigger. This was a very brutal rape and the naked girl was crying.

Kathy slowly understood that the other naked girls were exposed to the same rape as she. One by one the other men attempted on her. She was exhausted when the men disappeared to the cottage. Kathy heard a lion roar a little away just before she fell asleep.

The men watched at shift over the naked girls. The life given meats must be bringing at home to the villagers. It should not be eaten by wild animals.

The next day was hard for the naked girls. The sun baked down from a cloudless sky, while the naked girls were led through the rocky, rugged terrain. Few plants were found outside the canyons. In and around the canyons, in which there sometimes ran a little water, stood the parched African bush with trees with large dried thorns that scratched in the girls naked skin.

The African men get often filter the naked girls hair out of the thicket, or they may take the thorns out of the girls' naked feet. The few wild animals kept them at bay. Even the few lions and hyenas dared not to attack to get a slice of the delicious meat.

The naked girls were dead tired that night, but must again endure a mass rape before they could sleep.

In the afternoon on the third day they reached the village. From a distance it was just a collection huts made of clay that stood in the bumpy red landscape.

As they came closer Kathy could see people sit outside in the shade of the huts. A few children came to meets them.

Kathy was shocked to see the thin children, their legs were almost only bones and ribs were heavily marked. The heads appeared abnormally large, with sunken eyes. Two of the children had distended stomachs they had got a little to eat.

The children so much surprised at the naked white girls. What were they here? They were chained as slaves. What were slaves here to; there was certainly no food for them and what they had to work with?

The naked girls were drawn into the village centre, where their loads were unloaded them and the men. The naked girls were put together with other aid supplies.

Slowly move the villagers forward. They look heavily starved out. Some of the people were lying back in front of the huts. The village seemed to consist of about eighty people.

Kathy had seen pictures of starving Africans. But this was something else. It was real famished people with blank look in the almost dried-up eyes. All were terribly thin.

A young mother, younger than Kathy, had a baby in her arms. Kathy could not believe that there was milk in the mother's breasts, so relaxing they were. The child looked like one who was near death. How was it terrible!

Why had the people not received relief from the world community?

Kathy had almost forgotten why she and the other six naked girls were here. Kathy had genuine compassion for the poor people. She was even in good food form and she was embarrassed.

One of the men who had received the naked girls at the aircraft began to speak.

After a short time the villagers looks toward the naked white girls with wonder into their eyes. Shortly after, their wonder changed to joy, as it were informed that the naked girls were brought as animals and food. There was a light of hope in people's eyes.

The naked girls understand nothing, but they could see the people's reactions. The girls looked nervous and afraid against villagers, who now walked toward them. Once again must the seven naked girls submit to being investigated for their meat quality as though they were animals.

Kathy held her breath, as several of the gaunt women with their crooked fingers took on her. Smiling and gesticulating they reviewed total the girl's naked meats.

Kathy cried. She looked down at a very thin little girl of three year. The little girl looks with big brown eyes up at her. The poor little girl was almost just skin and bones and she found it difficult to keep balance. A woman lifted the starving child up in her arms. The little girl could not weigh very much.

The little black girl clung to her mother while she looks puzzled at the big naked white girl. The mother pointed to Kathy naked body and said something. The little girl became happy in her eyes like she got a Christmas present.

Kathy has no doubt that the girl now knew that the naked white girls was only food to the village.

Kathy actually felt a bit happy to know that she could help to save the lives of the little African girl and all the other children in the village. But she must die...

- Av...

One of the women had forced hard into Kathy's right breast. The woman smiled and chatted with the other women. The woman's touching was hard to the naked girl. It was pure sadism, and the other villagers amused themselves by Kathy reactions to women's treatment of her.

After the presentation, the naked girls were drawn to a deleted tree at the edge of the village's open space. The chain became fastened and locked securely with one of the following padlocks.

The naked girls were still at the centre of the village's interest.

At the other end of the open square some women makes ready to cooking and built a bonfire into a pit. There was no doubt; at least one of the naked girls would be this evening's dinner. The village's population had to eat before bed.

The naked girls nervousness increased. Who would be the first on the menu?

After some time, some of the men loosened the naked front girl from the iron chains. The men kept the shrieking naked brunette in a tight grip. Then they threw her to the ground in the middle of the square.

One after another of the freshest men rapes the naked white girl. Kathy was pleased she was not the first dinner. She looks eagerly to what happened. It was quite obvious that the naked girl got orgasm several times. Her screams had changed from panic to sexual pleasure.

Two men lifted the naked girl up in a standing position. The naked girl saw not the man standing behind her with a mallet.

Kathy screamed when the man struck the mallet against the naked girl's head. The naked young body collapsed in the dust. There run some nerve twitching through the naked body. The naked body was dead meat.

Kathy and the other naked girls wept, while the naked body became cut open and gutted. Then the carcass was put onto the embers of the fire. The naked carcass became fried and got slowly a golden brown colour with dark roasted sections.

The dinner was ready at the sun's decline. Everyone got something to eat that night except the six naked girls.

The smell of roast meat had spread, but Kathy was not hungry.

This night could the naked girls dont sleep. All were listening to night sounds. Cicadas, lions hunting, water buffalos high snort.

- How could they do it?

- It is looks so easy. I did not think we looked like animals so much. There is no difference. It might as well be a pig that was slaughtered and eaten.

- In fact the people were happy, the villagers really starving. Of course, none became completely filled, but we are still six human cows. I really hope that the political aid arrives in time, so our sacrifice will not be in vain.

- How can you say that?

- Tomorrow I probably will be the next to be on the dinner. I am number two in the chain. I think Linda after all died happily with a total sexual experience. I get wet between my legs of thinking about the mass rape. They gave her multiple orgasms. It must be great to die in such a sexual ecstasy.

- I've heard of anything like this in reports of natives in New Guinea. Warriors often went on raids for women. When they returned to their own village they selected the most beautiful girl. The warriors raped her in turn and as they had finished, the girl was killed and ate as dinner.

- It almost sounds like here.

- It ... it's creepy. I will not die.

- This is our fate as cows. We are here only to be eaten. We are here, that these people can get a chance to survive...

The next day became the next naked girl dinner in the same manner as the first of the girls. Kathy and the four other naked girls got this time a little of the meat.

Kathy was about to puke when they gave her the meat. Kathy stared at the piece of fried meat. It looked like another fried meat and smelled good. Of curiosity and because she was well hungry after a few days without food, she sniffed gently to the meat.

- It tastes really good.

Kathy looked towards the naked blonde girl who munched on the meat she had received.

- Tastes good? But it's human meat, how can you say it?

- Well, I suppose it is cow meat. Try it yourself to taste. I'm certainly hungry.

Kathy licked nervously at the roasted meat. It was cannibalism if she ate it. She closed her eyes and bites in the meat. It was delicious fried meat, maybe a little too salt but also with a sweet undertone. It was good meat. Kathy opened her eyes again and ate the meat.

She was embarrassed and felt guilt for the young girl whose meat she had just eaten.

- I hope my meat is just as tasty as hers.

Kathy shook her head. She was now fully aware that she would end up as dinner. She tried to accept it. She was naked and only an animal. She looked at the other four naked girls. Yes, they were all only meat as sent as aid to these hungry people.

There became much more life in the starving people. People walk around, and often they looking for the naked cows. The village accept that some of the men playing with the foods and raped the naked cows outside the food time.

 A couple of children of the village could not survive. They had been too sick. After a long ritual, the children were buried outside the village while their families wept with grief.

Kathy was crying she also had a family; she also had a mother and a father. Would they cry over her? Hardly, they did not know her fate, and they would not get anything back from her. She would not be buried. She would be eaten as meat aid, even her bones would be shatter completely of the village dogs. She wept.

The last night she was awakened several times and raped. They were only three naked girls back and all the girls were used.

Kathy awoke at the sun rise and felt the suns shining heat against her naked body. There was already an activity in the village, as there not had been in the first few days the naked girls had been there. The meat from the naked cows had given the villagers new life.

Kathy follow intense the women's works to make breakfast at some of the rice the naked girls were brought with them to the village. Some of the women breastfed their youngest children, the women had again got milk in their breasts. The older children played around their mothers and the men came together to plan the day.

Evening dinner, Kathy thought bitterly, thats me. She caressed her naked body. She felt the heat, she let her hands slide down in the groin and fondled with her sex. She felt a growing sense of sensuality and continued. Her little screams get one of the other naked girls to take on her breasts. But she was already engaged in its release. Kathy cried.

- Do not be sorry. We will all become food for the next two days.

- Sniff. Oh I wish I had never faced up to the damn demo. Sniff. Today I only am meat for the dinner. I must die. Sniff.

- I am also afraid. Now I've just gotten used to being naked.

- I feel like a whore. We are always available to ... What is it that a helicopter?

Shortly afterwards two large helicopters were in sight.

They landed just outside the village and a lot of boxes and bags were unloaded. It was the politicians' aid. The villagers helped to get the aid into the square in the village centre.

It was food and medicine. Kathy got a new hope. She was not on the menu as food.

- Oh, it was in the last minute.

The three naked girls were elated. They were rescued. They could continue their life. They would be taken back, and then brought home.

The naked girls look happy and hopeful against the two white aid workers who came toward them.

Now they were freed. Kathy was sure she was going home and getting an abortion. With the many rapes had someone probably placed a child with her? Maybe she would keep the baby? The baby would be a kind of memory of this horrible experience.

The two aid workers stopped in front of the three naked girls.

- Well. Which of you is then the today roasts?

The three naked girls stared bewildered at the two white aid workers.

- This ... is she. Must be ... but did you not take us with home?

Christiana pointed at Kathy. The emergency workers smiled.

- No, cows. You are probably infected with venereal diseases of the villagers, so we will not touch you with a barge pole. Cows, you'll stay here as food. It goes quite well.

- You have food aid with you, and then they do not need our meat.

- Naked cows. You are assigned to the village, as aid food. There is no change. A gift is a gift. Gifts are not returned. We had just come into the square to see you and you look damn good slut. Unfortunately we must return again. Have a good frying.

The last hope vanished along with the two helicopters. Kathy was both scared and hopeful; she was curious after the male rape of her. The naked girls used as food the previous day had got up to multiple orgasms. Perhaps the girls had not discovered that they were killed by the mallet. Kathy hoped.

The day passed too quickly.

Then she became detached from the chain and put a little away from the last two naked girls. Then the naked girl was brutally thrown down to the ground.

Kathy looked up at the men who stood in a circle around her. Should she really pinch so many men? They would rip her abdomen into pieces with their dicks. It meant nothing now, she was only meat. Soon she had to be slaughtered like an animal.

The first man leaned over her and spread her legs. The naked girl could not resist. She noticed the lustful cock against her pussy. She was ready to take against him, she felt he penetrated her. She wanted the best out of it and presses her lower body up against the man. He began to encounter and she tried to follow his rhythm.

Oh, she wanted to enjoy it here. She thought too much about the enjoyment that she was not present when the man cock exploded inside her. He relaxed and she was disappointed she had just gotten too little out of it.

She came up with the next man. Both reached the climax together. The man beamed satisfaction and Kathy needs a rest before the next man was underway. She got no chance she tried to protest, but she got only a slap in the face. The man was disappointed. He hit her again and then he tried again. The naked girl was trying to satisfy the man but failed. He walked angrily away.

The next man was instantly upon her. He took her from behind. A man stood before her, got her to open her mouth over his cock. The man behind her pulled her back and forth at the hips. The naked girl felt the rhythm on both ends. When the dick behind her went into her deep, went a dick in her mouth from her neck, and vice versa.

Kathy had never tried this before. Her whole body burned and suddenly both men and she became one organism with a huge release. The mans dick in front of her were pulled syringe out of her mouth and she was splashing into her face while the dick in the other end explode inside her. She was in ecstasy.

Her naked body could hardly anymore, but the men forced her through the one rape after another. She knew that she was bleeding out of her pussy. She felt devastated, she had no more strength. They raised her up. She swayed.

Suddenly everything exploded in a huge white flash.

The naked flesh fell onto the earth's red dust clear as food for the starving in a remote region of Somalia.

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