BDSM Library - A normal working day...

A normal working day...

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A normal working day…


Clara High

       Eight oclock in the morning. She entered her office. The secretary stood up to salute Her in the reception room.

there is a problem, We must take relevant measures in time! Advice the chief of the special section to maintain fifteen minutes readiness, please!

Lizelote Caroline Ingeklocht Welskopf Maria Schtumpf Siegel von Siegrogh Kanginski or in short and officially Ingeklocht Siegel was the Chief Secretary of  the Main Consult Commission of the Social Health Monitoring Service of the Social Ministry of Democratic Order Republic of Middle Europe known as Dorme. That was her full official public rank and position. In fact she was Miss General Ingeklocht Siegel from Special Punishment Forces (SPF) of the Secret Security Service of Dormes Government. She was secret Head of this SS Service. The Service was in fact unofficial constant government of Dorme. All decision taken by the Dormes ministries and the government at all were unofficially inspired, ordered or asked to be taken, by the Service. It was a wide purpose structure intended to monitor and control all aspects of internal and international life of the Dorme. Wide spectre of information was coming to the Service. It was elaborated, analysed and taken in consideration when some decision had to be taken. The women of Health Service were these which were taking the decisions and which were controlling the whole policy in the Dorme. The eyes of the society werent seeing the real things. Part of Women on high society position was content with the societys situation and didnt pay care at all for the men troubles. They wanted to keep and to make these new relations even deeper. A small part of that group knew who really moved the life in Dorme, the other didnt care at all. The other part was jealous to the first ones for their privileges and wanted to obtain them. They were considering the society processes as occasional and natural. Both groups were considering males as inferiors and as working voiceless hands only, the tool for obtaining pleasure as well… For another huge part of Women, remembering the old order, men were necessary defenders against the life difficulties. Most of them were not so content by new order, but the new relations were very comfortable for them too. New laws gave them opportunity to possess and to use the men without any limits. The life was really good. Total suppression over the men was comfortable for all. Even the softest characters were rushing with all their power in these relations. The men were under the line… Their animalistic status prevented them from possibility to obtain any information… The man was living with face in the dust… The processes in the society officially ordered or obviously seemed as occasional were actually planned and put into action by Her Service.  Behind all laws and decision accepted by the Dormes Parliament stood the shadow of the Service...                                                                             

Miss Siegel was elegant Woman about forty in excellent body form. She was very enthusiastic sportswoman. She loved tennis, paintball, swimming and so on and so on. She was very hot fan of hunting as well. She was very strict in carrying out Her service duties. Having finished Her education at twenty three, at thirty three she was already deputy directress of the Service with very wide experience behind Her back.  Her grandmother Pricille Schtumpf Siegel was member of the first committees for social saving established in the totally ruined society in middle Europe after the World crisis, the most severe social cataclysm ever remembered, had stroke the humanity. After the eventual creation and stabilization of the state of Dorme, she had succeeded to make good career in the Army and special services and left to her daughter Malvina, Ingeklochts mother very high social status. The family in Her childhood time was small She, her Mother, her Grandmother and two her sisters, one two and the other five years elder. Her sisters names were Ilone-Hane and Crista Mari. As far as men were not considered as human beings in society anymore as per New Laws, due to their social harmfulness and destructive nature, they were degraded to the status of “human animals” without any social rights. All material and fiscal property was transferred to the Womens hands. “The animals” were the slaves only and very little number of them had rights to live freely in the cities and villages together with the Women. Most of men living with the Women were their slaves, servants or some kind of dependents. The Siegel family possessed one hundred men among which were three teachers for the children, ten personal servants - two for each of the five Women in the family, two sexual slaves one for each of the two elder Women, one young sexual slave practitioner, ten toilet slaves, ten furniture slaves, ten slaves for general use, ten worker slaves, two drivers, one high qualified masseur slave, one coiffeur, one manicurist, one pedicurist, one dental care slave, one bath and bed preparing slave, one cook, three table serving slaves, two animator slave and thirty guard eunuchs slaves. The two Women and the three girls were served and pleasured in all possible respects. The men could be sold, or given under rent to the other Women. They were to be punished, trained and reeducated in a proper manner if their use required it. The hard exploitation was causing the fast exhaustion of their organisms. As a result of it the men were not living more than 45 years in average. The killing and final disposal of the males was not a crime… All reasonably thinking Women considered this as a unnecessary lose of material property and profits, so men murder was not practiced so often, if not necessary. Nevertheless, the males were kept in harsh cruel and merciless regime and suppression.

Ingeklocht looked out through the window. It was wonderful sunny day.

Once in her childhood Ingi, how the elder Women were calling her, was walking in the remarkable mountain park. She was in the company of Her aunt Giselle and Her Grandmother Pricille. The three Women were escorted and served by a group of ten naked male slaves. The path was passing near the edge of a bottomless precipice. It was calm shiny weather. Unfortunately, strong squall appeared when the three Women went out from the forest and approached the precipice. The wind pulled the azure ribbon from the Ingis squashhat and blew it down away to the trees deep into the precipice. The ribbon got caught on the branches of a tree and continued its jolly waving.

Ingi started to cry capriciously and with hitting with her leg, to insist the ribbon to be given to her. While her grandmother was trying to calm her somehow, her aunt addressed to a fat young man:

A young boy came to her and knelt before her. She pointed to the ribbon in the trees crown.

After that she severely whipped the man for his laziness and unacceptable negligence. He appeared to be so slow and careless in the accomplishment of her order. Having finished whipping, she spat lavishly in his face and press it down into the dust with her boot.

Ingeklocht and her Grandmother were observing the execution. After its end both Women took Ingeklocht to the Doctor. They were afraid and worry about how the experienced stress has affected their lovely pearl Ingeklocht. Doctor, a beautiful young blond woman examined her and stated that all is normal. The slight signs of the past stress were almost unnoticeable. Ingeklocht felt her divine aroma and her heart started to beat strongly. She blushed whole in shame and unknown desire and thirst. Her eyes looked down. The doctor saw all that signs of emotion and gently caressed Her head.

She passed through the menu and selected “Recent events, tasks, messages and problems”. Her secretary had selected the extraction from the information flow consisting of most important data requiring Her attention. 

“Yes, she thought to herself, We have a real trouble with the men in the new attached Cizalpian territories (Former Switzerland)”. 

Cizalpines was annexed one years ago and initially it looked like that they accepted easily the new society order brought by the Dormes female authorities, Army and Police, but when the High Council of Dorme decided to reduce and to achieve control over their financial and trading activitites, the cizalpians started to resist. Initially they sent a delegation with petition to the Dormes Parliament. In the document the cizalpians stated that they accept completely the new femdom order, they are agree the Women to be the highest part of the population and the men to be in all respect serving and worshipping them. With high politeness cizalpians were trying to explain, that they respect each individuals rights for life, freedom, dignity, self evidence, property, self-improvement and free will.

“Freedom! Dignity! Idiots! They are playing stupid or naive! They will understand the real meaning of the new order! Life and property of the men! How it is possible! Ha ha ha!”

They stated that they believe that each person is responsible for his activities and that he or she is obliged not to harm the others rights and good life. The cizalpians declared their high respect and loyalty to the state and regime.

“Of course, she thought, We are the strong side and our troops are breathing in their necks day and night!”

The next few phrases shocked and made her furious. The cizalpians dared to beg for noninterference of the state in their free merchant life, stating that the presidential positions in each company are in the hand of a Woman, surrounded by male and female deputies and assistants. On their opinion that was completely in accordance with Dormes laws and Holly Constitution.

“Unbelievable!!! They think that they are equal to Us! Those cizalpians! Almost all their representatives were males… And their Women, probably would be sympatric to them, due to their own really high position in society! The cizalpians stated their opinion and try to push the state to get agree with it! Hohhh! Not to interfere!!!! Ahh!!! The victims tried to command the victors!!! No! We cant accept such disobedience and efftrontery!!!”

The cizalpians were begging for canceling the decision for taking their men on regular manner on state service as unpaid workers in Dorme!

“That is already too much! They actually dont accept our power over them at all, they were throwing off the basic of femdom life by itself!!! No! Unfortunately, or fortunately, ha ha ha, We have to use armed power to support implementation of the Law in Cizalpia!”

The government was never applying the whole power, strictness and cruelness of the femdom laws immediately after the annexation of some territory. Primary soft regime was gradually getting harsher and harsher until the whole intended pressure was achieved. Obviously the cizalpians had some other ideas about the life… In vain…

Ingeklocht felt the coming excitement when she thought about the repressions which were to take place in Cizalpia. She pressed a button on the communicator. A completely naked and shaved man appeared without any delay from a small door on the back wall and stood in attention pose looking as a robot straightly ahead of himself. She looked at him and separated widely her legs and pointed down with her left thumb. The man knelt immediately and approached her chair with crawling. He stood directly in front of her divine and stopped, waiting next command. He was an experienced, well trained slave! She transferred her right leg over his shoulder. He moved forward and his forehead touched her abdomen. His lips appeared over her labia. He heard her moaning of impatience, a sight for him to continue, and slightly touched her labia with his tongue. She moaned lauder. His tongue penetrated gently in Her and started to play a nice game in there. She started to feel that …

Suddenly a buzzer rung persistently and strongly. She started out. She pressed another button.

- Yes! Her voice was annoyed.

- Excuse Me, Miss Siegel! It is five to ten. The ladies are assembled in the conferment room!

- Excellent, thank you, Frida! She switched off the communicator; she didnt want to hear the voice of her indevorous secretary… Not now… Now she had to overcome her desire for caresses and to go on meeting. She kicked the men off herself, took his chin and slapped him with her left hands back. The resounding strong slap threw him on the floor. She waved her hand in a sight to him to get out. He crawled out from the room. She remained sitting in the comfortable soft chair. In a few minutes She managed to assembly a little will and to stand. She was feeling angry and unsatisfied. She arranged her costume and went out to the meeting.

Passing the office of her secretary, she noticed deep respect and fear in the girls eyes.

“There was something slavish in that young creature…  Probably I must check her… Hmm, Well see, Well see…”

She passed near the girl without showing any attention to her. The girl was whole in readiness for reaction on just a single her sight, but in vain. Ingeklocht noticed the disappointment, which appeared in the girls eyes and smiled in herself.

“Yes, Well see… Ha ha ha…”

She entered the conferment room followed by the girl.

Madam Siegel sat on the central place in the beginning of the long table. Frida took her place on the first free chair to the left. She opened her laptop and prepared to type.

Madam Ingemacht Pljeutcz was the eldest in the hall and the most experienced Deputy Chief Secretary of the Service. She was Ingeklochts right hand. Her name had been never mentioned publically same as the names of the other Women presenting in the hall and if mentioned somewhere, it was mentioned with fear and respect. In her hand same as in the hands of all other women here were lying the fates of milion people and males (In the Dorme only the Women were considered as human beings and named „people“). Now Ingemacht Pljeutcz was hurry to answer.

Miss Siegel looked at the Women around the table.

We have to start regular selection and cleansing of Cizalpias population. Both female and male! The Cizalpias Women must prove their loyalty to femdom and real belief in female supremacy and power! They must show their readiness to collaborate with central authorities and to start to work as part of The New World Femdom Order!

When they enter their room Ingeklocht stopped and turned to Frida.

Miss Siegel sat in her soft wide chair ant took a deep breath. She pressed the button and the man appeared again. She pointed with her thumb and he knelt and approached to her. In a second he was blocked between her legs and forced to start his work. Ingeklocht closed her eyes and hung her head back. She started to moan slightly with each tongues touch. She started to feel better and better. She felt that the servant started to move and to breathe heavy and open her eyes. She looked at him. She started to get angry…”How he dares to move…”  but suddenly… She put him back and glanced down at him.

Ingeklocht caressed mans rod gently and started to masturbate it. The man overcame his shame very fast and started to wave his body in her rhythm. Frida entered the room.

The nice game continued long. Miss Siegel was at seventh Heaven. The mans hands reached her boobs above Fridas back and were caressing them. Yes, he was very clever.

Suddenly Miss Siegel got the top… Strong convulsions passed through whole her body. Her hold became strong and Frida was almost unable to breath. Miss Siegels body froze in a bent position for a moment and got released with strong breathing out. After a few seconds she opened slightly her eyes. The man has stopped his movement in order not to disturb her pleasure. He was looking at her. His manhood was still in Frida. Miss Siegel nodded, licked her lips and closed her right eye. The man understood and obeyed. He continued the movements of love despite Fridas attempts to release herself from his hold. She was still locked between Ingeklochts legs. After some time the movements of the man became powerful and continued. He breathed loudly and strongly. After few more pushes he released his cargo in Fridas depth. His arms were over Miss Siegels boobs and whole his body was lying over Fridas one.

Miss Siegel released Frida, who stood up and corrected her clothes and rushed to the toilet. There she felt over the lavatory pan and vomited lavishly in it. Whole in fever she sat on the floor and started to cry. It was a cry of humiliation and ruined dignity. Her Mistress had allowed to a man to abuse her, a Woman, a female officer, without giving her chance to revenge or at least to get some pleasure. After few minutes, when she came in herself, she started to clean and refresh herself.

Miss Siegel slapped mans face and waved her hand to him. He kissed  the hand and went away. Ingeklocht closed her eyes and relaxed.

A slight noise awoke her. Frida has entered the room almost quietly and was staying near the door. She was looking very crying an piteous.

She entered the conferment hall. Frida was there and was looking as anything hasnt just happened. “Hmmm…May be I am wrong about her…”

All Women in the hall was fussing. There were strange chairs around the tables, instead of the usual ones, which were in the hall initially. They looked at Ingeklocht.

Nice lips appeared from there.

In few minutes women were already sitting comfortably in the well arranged and prepared, as per their preferences, chairs. Chair controllers were and vote board in same time. All the Women were looking at each other with sparking eyes, full of lust and expectation of the pleasures. Each one switched on and put her controller on relevant desired mode, discreetly marked as “U”(upper) for using of the mouth and tongue and “L”(lower) for using of the genitals. They were ready some have already treated their alive “sit places” with the squirts with turbid substance in it. Full doses were injected in. Soon the effect became visible. Suppressed moaning appeared from inside the chairs. The Women got over the organs and started to feel wonderful touching. Men son got erected and even those who were to serve with their tongues became hard below the service of the chairs leather. A young girl, obviously inexperienced took the organ of her sit immediately and moaned loudly, provoking wide smiles on the faces of the other Women. She blushed like a rose but managed to take control over herself and stopped. She became official again.

Several heavy looks full with impatience and lust were turned to her. Fires of desire were flaming there.

She took a shower in her Offices bath and prepared herself to leave for home. It was five oclock p.m. already. She was feeling tired and exhausted. She needed to sleep. The orders based on the voted decisions, the instructions and plans were flying via secret mail to their addressees for implementation. This night should be very long and only the first of many like it for many men and Women in Cizalpia.

The duty guard commands have already started their night watch. Everything was quiet and calm…

Miss Siegel escaped from the huge doors of the building and get in the limousine.

She knocked on the inner drivers window and lolled herself in the soft varnished black leather made sit. The car moved softly and silently…

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