BDSM Library - Bound And Chained, New Beginning

Bound And Chained, New Beginning

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: This is the sequel of author's Bound and Chained. It's still a romantic story with SM scenes, but has new excitement.
New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.
New Beginning


	Kaj sighed as she watched the last of the troops.  "I feel so old."  She
turned to hide her face in Caytin's shirt.  "My baby, he's gone."
	"That boy, that just left us Mistress.  Is not a baby, but a man.  My
son is a man."  He tightened his arms around her. 
	"Master, standing here, looking at empty space isn't going to make
Tallin hurry home any sooner."  Jerrick lay a hand on his shoulder.
	"Leave me be for just a minute Lover, my son went from just a boy to a
man almost before my eyes.  Let me bask in the pride a moment.'
	Kaj sighed and turned away.  "Well bask all you want my love.  Man or
no, I lost my son.  And though I know he is where his soul is, I still miss
him."  She reached for Fain and Rook.  "Come on you two.  We didn't have time to
explore what it fully meant to be lady and consort."

	She had made it almost to her house.  Her feelings were melancholy, she
was so very proud of Tallin, he was his lady's soul-match and a FreeMan, but she
almost wish it had never happened.  When two of her Soldier/Warrior's returned,
dragging a man between them.
	"Pardon Chieftess.  But we found this just a short ride from here." 
They dropped the man, who lay there, gasping for air.
	"And who are you, man?"  Kaj just was not in the mood for anything else
to happen today.
	"Catimine."  Rook hissed.
	Kaj looked at him with a new look.  "Those that have all but destroyed
your people?"  A glint of rage flamed in her eyes.
	"Yes Mistress."  Rook was fighting the urge to attack this man.  "That
is what is the saddest thing of all.  That they could be so beautiful and do
what they did."
	Fain cried out, throwing himself over the man.  "Mistress, please,
mercy.  I know this one."
	"Move, Fain.  My Warrior's are going to crush his perverted race.  I
wasn't able to go.  My condition prevents me from seeking justice for what was
done to you.  But I will take this one.  He owes me for what his people did to
	Fain shook his head.  "Please, Mistress."  He threw himself on the
ground before him.  "I am begging for my life.  To kill him, you will have to
kill me"
	"Why, Fain what possible reason do I have to let this thing live?"
	"If it wasn't for the kind master, Mer would have never been able to
find me."  He wrapped his arms around the man protectively.  "He loved me
Mistress.  And he knew what that love would mean for me.  He is the true Prince
of the Catimine's, his mother's brother came in and killed most of the ruling
family, and enslaved the rest.  He knew that if his uncle knew he loved me, that
I was doomed.  So it was he who let me slip out in the confusion of the raid."  
He pleaded for both his first master, and his life.  "Please Mistress, not all
of the Catimine's are like those that wage a war on my people and get pleasure
out of causing grievous pain.  Look at him Mistress, he has been beaten, though
not as much as I had been, he was still beaten."
	The man looked up, his silver eyes almost lifeless.  "Please, Chieftess
of the Danes.  Kill me, torture me, anything you wish, but please.  Let my life
buy a place and a life from my siblings."  He collapsed completely, face in the
dirt.  "If you mean to kill me, let your strike be quick and true."
	Kaj looked down at both men.  One her beloved consort, who lay over
what, was left of a man, near death.  And Catimine or no, she would not allow
one, who had helped her consort die.  *Beloved, you are closer to the Temple. 
Are Trinna and Jerrick still with you? *
	*Yes, may I ask why Mistress, you are upset. *
	*I have a man dying before me, send her please.
*  No it didn't matter if he was a Catimine.  She would see him saved, and she
would see to it that his younger sibs were saved.  She owed Fain that much. 
*And come, you are going to have to restrain Fain. *
	*On my way, what is the problem?  He left here with you.  Surely he
could not have done something in that short time to warrant punishment. *
	*No, but the man that is dying is the true Catimine prince, and was his
last master, was the one that made it possible for him to be free for Mer to
rescue.  He is terrified that I will kill the man.  Has thrown himself over him
to protect him.  I may need you and Rook to hold him back while Trinna sees to
him. *
	*If this creature harmed Fain in anyway, I will kill him, Mistress. * 
Caytin motioned to Trinna.  "Mistress, your skills as a Healer are greatly in
need.  My Mistress is standing over a man who is dying."
	Trinna pulled back from the conversation she was having with Mother Anna
and Jaffrey.  "What?"  She was on guard at once.  Caytin did not exaggerate.
	"Don't ask me how, or why Mistress, but our house has been invaded
again, and this time it is by the Catimine's"

	"Please Chieftess," the man could barely speak.  "My brothers and sister
are only children.  I came, knowing that my very face would get me killed, but
please, they are only children."
	Kaj knelt before him, using her sleeve to wipe some of the blood from
his face.  "You have not come to die, boy.  The Priestess will be here soon, you
will live, and if you are as innocent, of, wrong as my consort swears, I will
see you live long and well."
	He just lay these, letting Fain hold him.  "Then I am doomed.  My family
is doomed.  I am not an innocent."
	"Hush, please, Dom.  What choice did you have?  I was there, I know what
he, and they did to you.  I don't blame you, never, anyone but you."
	Trinna knelt by where Kaj was.  "Okay Fain.  Let me help him.  It's
okay.  I give you my word as one of the many voices of the Mother, that he will
not be harmed."  Trinna waited for the man to move.
	"Come on soldier, you're in the way of a Healer."  Jerrick reached for
him and pulled him up.
	"Please Mistress, he didn't want to do anything that he did.  He was as
much a slave as I was, he didn't have a choice, don't kill him."  Fain grabbed
Kay's hand as she stood watching Trinna work.  "He loved me Mistress, was
willing to brave what ever those monster's would do to him to let me escape.
	Kaj squeezed Fain's fingers.  "He and perhaps his family are the only
ones of his race that are safe from me.  I will not hurt, or allow, to, be hurt,
anyone that enabled you to escape so that the day could come that you were mine.
	Trinna said nothing as she worked frantically on the man.  Some one had
done him so, much, harm.   The scabs on his back and as she stripped him to
keep, working, on his chest and genitals were hot, and infected.  Kaj had called
this one true.  He was dying.  But she strengthened her resolve and went back
into the war with death.
	"Boy, can you hear me?"  Kaj was loath to interrupt her sister in a
healing, but he spoke of having brothers and sisters out in the unprotected
lands.  "You are not going to be killed, and neither is your family.  Now if you
can, will you tell me where they hide?"
	"Half a days, walk, north from here.  Hiding in some caves.  Chieftess,
please, they are just frightened children."
	"You heard him Cay, go, take Jaffrey with you.  These are not grown men,
so no matter how they are dressed, it should not bother her."  Not even given
time to come to terms with the loss of her son, and already she was being called
to save more children.  And these parts of the very race her women are going to
destroy.  She looked to the two Warriors who still stood there, waiting, to be
dismissed.  "Go, and let it be known among your sisters, that if they find one
that is not connected to the monster that has done this, they are to spare them
and offer them a safe haven here.  There is much of my land that sits fallow
without any to tend it.  If they can come, they will be welcome, in exchange for
their men's freedom to work that land."
	"Ma'am, Chieftess."  The both turned and ran to regroup with their
	Kaj looked back to her sister.  "So how is he?"
	"Weak, but given just a little time, he will be fine.  It was very touch
and go there for a minute Chieftess.  There was a time there, I wasn't sure if I
could save him.'
	She nodded.  "Rook see to Steffon, if he is not strong enough to move,
Jerrick, will you carry him?"
	"I can do it Mistress, please.  You don't understand.  Every time he
would have to hurt me, he would cry, and beg my forgiveness afterwards.  Of,
all, the master's I had he was the kindest.  He loved me."
	"No, you are too upset to be thinking clearly.  What if you stumble and
fall, or drop him.  Fain, he is only, now, out of deaths door.  Don't push it."
	Steffon held on to Rook's arm.  Worried, he had heard Jerrick cursing
softly under his breath.  "Master?"
	"I'm not mad at you Steff, just at the condition this boy is in.  I hate
the Catimine's, with all my soul, but I would have never, given the chance to
make them pay, do to anyone what this boy has had done to him."
	Drav shook his head, trying to think clearly.  "I'm fine.  If they could
do all that they did to me, and I not die, then I am fine.  But Chieftess my two
brothers and sister, they are going to be very frightened.  No one is going to
harm them if they try to flee are they?
	"Caytin knows where you are talking about, I was told he and his father
used to go camping there when he was young.  No one is going to harm them boy. 
I am not like those that have done so much, ill, to so many.  Now hush, and
rest.  I am taking you to my house.  You will join the ranks of my slaves, and
look around you if you have any fear what your life is going to be like in
chains.  It was your uncle, who perverted the sacred promise between mistress
and slave.  Not me."
		*	*	*
	Half a days walk was nothing but a short ride for Caytin and Jaffrey. 
The young novice Healer was worried.  The children could be in need almost any
kind of help, and she was so worried that she would not be able to give it.  She
tightened her grip on the reigns on the other two horses as she led then down
the path. 
	Caytin was troubled enough with worries of his own.  What to do about
these new arrivals?  The boy couldn't be more than maybe eighteen, nineteen on
the outside.  And his siblings were all younger than he was.  Surely two horses
could carry back ten times their combined weights.
	He sat outside of the opening of one of the many caves.  "I know you are
all here.  It is safe.  Your brother is in my home, and a Healer has seen to
him.'  He heard a shuffle from within one of the caves.  "Jaffrey and I can sit
out here all night, we am strong, and healthy.  We also have clothes that
protect us from the weather.  Do you?  Come children.  Let me take you to your
new home.  I promise.  No one is going to hurt you.  Drav, I think that is your
brother's name, He told me where I could find you.  So come on out and let's get
out of the sun."
	A blur came from one of the upper caves and all but flew at Caytin. 
"Don't hurt my brothers."  A wild haired and equally wild-eyed girl was in his
arms.  "Please, do anything you want to me, but don't hurt my brothers."
	"Mysti!"  A young almost man stood in the cave door, a slight boy beside

	Jaffrey was out of her saddle and moving to where Caytin supported the
girl in his arms.  "Let me see her."
	Caytin eased her to the ground, dismounting.  "Don't be afraid, little
one.  Jaffrey is a Healer.  She will see to you."  Then he looked up at the
cave. "Listen to me, all of you.  No one is going to hurt any of you.  Both
come.  Jaffrey might be young, but so far, I do not see any hurts on you that
she can't at least do a fast patch to.  I came out here at your brother's
request.  Have brought a Healer, novice though she is, to tend your wounds. 
This is an unprotected area, and though usually, I would not be worried, this is
not a good time for strangers to be out.  Too easy to be hit, now, I brought
with me two mounts.  Have any of you ever ridden before?"
	The older of the two, looked from him, to Jaffrey who had finished her
once over of his sister, and was coming towards him and his younger brother. 
"Drav, my brother is alive?"  He stood there, silent as Jaffrey touched him.
Then watched as she turned and checked his younger brother quickly.
	"Yes, and if I can only get the three of you to mount up, I could take
you to where he is, and prove it to you."
	"They are as healed as I can make them Cay.  If I missed something, it
won't matter between now and the time we get them back to the Chieftess's'
	"Good, so again, I ask, you do know how to ride, do you not?"
	Both the young man and the girl nodded, but the youngest only looked at
the horse in fear.  "Then this filly can be the little ladies mount, and that
filly can be yours, young man."  He looked to the youngest.  "And I suppose I
always can ride double.  With as little as you are, it won't be adding any
weight at all."  He stopped as he noticed that all three children just stood
there and looked at him.  "Goddess protect me.  Listen to me.  I would go back
and bring your brother here to assure you that you are safe, but he is in no
condition to be moved right now.  Now, it is getting later in the day, and
breakfast is sure to be late as is.  I'm hungry, so come, it's just a short
	"You're word?"  The youth wasn't moving yet, and held a hand on the
youngest boy's shoulder.  "I can't stop you sir, but your word?"
	Caytin held out a hand.  "My word as Head of the Slaves of the Danes. 
Any go to harm you.  I will stand to block the blow.  Now come, boy.  I'm
starved, and by the looks of the three of you, it has been days since last you
had anything but leaves and berries."	
				*	*	*
	Kaj watched Fain fuss over the Catimine.  "Why do I get the feeling that
is it going to be another night before I can see how many different ways I can
make him jump?"  She muttered to Rook.
	"I don't know Mistress.  But it feels kind of strange.  The last of his
kind I saw, was the one that was forcing Emily to drink his urine and eat his
shit.  She, drown, in the midst of it all.  They kept pouring it down her
throat, and she couldn't breathe, and choked to death on urine and feces."
	She nodded.  "Am I going to have problems out of you, if I offer him
sanctuary?  No matter what he did the very fact that he enabled Fain to slip
away, and be rescued.  Would have bought him his life.  But should I see to it
that he is kept either at the Temple, or at another house?" 
	Rook shook his head.  "Fain is my consort too Mistress.  How could I
look him in the face and expect him to understand if I was not willing to give
this man a chance.  Emily was killed, but so was his mother, and he spent a
living hell for so long.  At least Emily's was as torture sessions go, I am
told, was quick to end.  He lived through it for over six cycles."

	"Fain," he tried to push him away.  "Please, your mistress, she is
watching.  I have caused you enough pain already.  Please don't make me be the
cause of any more."
	Fain snorted.  "My mistress?  Drav, you have nothing to worry about.  My
mistress is the kindest, you will ever hope to meet.  She's not going to punish
me because I care for you."  He slowly lifted the spoon back to Drav's mouth. 
"Now, I can't say how the kitchen slaves will take it if after they saw to it
that this was fixed for you, special, if you don't eat it."
	He settled down and finished the bowl of porridge that Trinna had
insisted.  That in his weakened state was about the only thing his stomach could
handle.  Then listened as Fain talked softly to him, wonderful flights of fancy
where slavery was not the promise of a horrific slow death, but one where love
and acceptance could be found.  He smiled to, himself, as he drifted off to
sleep, imagining what a wondrous place would really be like.

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	Warrel watched on as Caytin slowly coaxed the three frighten half grow
youngsters into the house.  He wasn't sure how he should feel.  He had seen
enough in his hundred and thirty-cycles, that nothing much should surprise him. 
But he had been horrified and disgusted more in the last three moons than he had
been in the last fifty cycles.  And it was all because of these three
youngster's people.  An old rage warred in his heart.  He so wanted to make them
pay for what had been done to so many in his home, but they were only children. 
He held on to that fact as he watched Caytin lead them into the Men's Quarter's. 
'They were only children.'
	"Do you need some help Cay?"  Kerfan stood in the door, watching as
Caytin soothed the children's fears.
	"If you only could Kerfan, I give you my word, I won't call you master
for the next cycle."  Caytin was glad to get help.  He would welcome it from
almost anyone at this point.
	"That's a deal then.  Okay, first, what say the three of you tell us
your names?  We can't run around calling you girl and boy from this point on."
	The older boy looked at his sister and younger brother.  "My name is
Sherendinal, but everyone just calls me Shern for short.  My sister's name is
Mystinium, but she just likes to be called Mysti.  And my little brother is
Jaximanderous.  But he just goes by Jax, my family is into very big names." 
This man just seemed to feel more in control of things.  It helped to ease his
fears just a little.  "Now Sir, Where is Dravenastinson?  We were told he was
	Kerfan looked at Caytin.  "Who?"
	"I think he means his older brother.  Drav, right?"
	He nodded.  "Yes, sir."
	"Last anyone checked, Kaj's and Caytin's second was fussing over him and
trying to talk him into sleep.  I'll take you all to see him, if you promise me
that you won't disturb him.  My daughter almost lost a battle with death to save
him.  He is very weak."  He lay a hand on the youngest's shoulder.  "You do know
Jax, we already have a Jax in your new house.  We are going to have to work
something out for the two of you."
	The boy looked up at him, fear bright in his silver eyes.  "Don't take
my name, please, sir.  It's all I got left."
	Kerfan smiled down into the boy's face.  "We might have to alter your
name, just a touch, but we won't take it, be serious.  What is your full name
	"Jaximanderous, sir."
	Kerfan nodded.  "Then why don't we try this.  How does Jaxi, or Jaxim
sound do you?"  For the young of what were well known monsters, these little
ones were so very meek.  "Or we can always add a two to the end of your name so
Jax doesn't get confused when we are talking to you.  He's just a bedwarmer, and
a loving man, but not too terribly bright.  Cay has done all that he can to try
very hard to keep things as simple as possible for him."
	The boy looked around the room.  This was going to be where he lived
now.  The Danes kept slaves out of their men.  He would spend the rest of his
life as one.  "I, I think I would like Jaxim better, sir."
	"Then Jaxim, it is, now, come on you three.  Let's go peek in on your
brother, now I meant what I said, he's asleep, and has only just been dragged
back from the Dark Mother's embrace.  Let him rest."

	Kerfan and Caytin led the three to Trinna's rooms.  Jerrick met them at
the door.  "He's asleep, Master."  He whispered.  Looking at the three dirty,
still very frightened half-grown children.  "These the ones he was worried
	"Yes, I'll do a round of introductions later, they are very intent on
seeing that their brother still lives."
	"He's in the infirmary, Fain is still with him."
	Mysti covered her mouth as she looked at her older brother, who lay on
the bed, so pale.  If it weren't for the gentle rise and fall of his chest, he
would look dead.  She turned to hide her face in Shern's chest.
	"He will be fine.  Give us just a little time, and you all will be back
up to what any child at your age should be."  Kerfan lay his hand over Jaxim's
mouth to make sure that the boy didn't cry out.  "Don't be afraid child.  I mean
you no harm."  He whispered softly in the boy's ear.  "Just don't want you to
disturb your brother's sleep,"
		*	*	*
	Drav moaned twisting fitfully.  "Ssshh," Fain tightened his hold on him. 
"Sleep, Dom, I'm here."
	The images that played out in Drav's nightmares were so much a part of
his life that the very horror had become his life.  From watching his father and
grandfather be cut down, his mother thrown to creatures that there was no
description for to be ravaged and eventually killed.  His once, peaceful people,
subjected to more horror than any human should have to live through.  And then
Fain, He was so very young back then, they both were.  He loved the boy, had
been willing to bear up under any amount of abuse his uncle rained down on him
to see him free.
	He sat up, crying out in the middle of a nightmare full of more horrors
than any could hope to see and not be forever marred from.
	"Ssshh, it's okay, I'm here."  Fain wrapped his arms around him rocking
back and forth as the Catimine in his arms broke and wept.
		*	*	*
	Caytin, with Kerfan at his side, led the three to meet Kaj.  They all
probably needed a little more medical attention.  Jaffrey had only done the
quickest of patchwork on any of them.  And a bath, badly.  But until they had
had an opportunity to meet the woman that now owned them, and see for themselves
that they had not traded one hell for another, there would be no rest for them.
	Kaj looked up from where she had been helping Terri, her nine-cycle-old
daughter with a math problem for her lessons.  "So, these are the three he was
so worried about?"
	"Yes, Mistress."  Caytin lay a hand on Shern's shoulder.  "This is
Shern, his actual name is one I couldn't even hope to pronounce."  Then he moved
to the girl who stood, clinging to her brother.  "And this one is Mysti, again,
short for a ridiculously long name."  He squeezed her shoulder lightly.  "And
this little one, is Jaxim.  His name was originally Jax, but he and Kerfan came
up with a working alternative from his, yet again, ridiculously long name.  I
can't say much about the Catimine's, but this I can.  They have names that no
normal sane being can hope to think, much-less pronounce."
	"Poor children.  Fain has told me so much of what his life had been like
there, and to think that these madmen would do this to their own people as
well."  She smiled at her daughter.  "Well, it is over now.  Slaves you might
be, but what was done to those in your world was a perversion of the sacred
trust that is shared between mistress and slave, and is not the norm."  Kaj
moved to stop in front of the three.  Looking them over closely.  "Shern, did I
hear you right?"
	"Yes, Ma'am."  He had to fight himself not to back away from her, in
fear.  She looked so different from his, own people.  She looked like one of the
slaves that the, 'now', ruler owned.  But didn't at the same time.  "Begging
your pardon, Ma'am, but what are you going to do to my little brother and
	"Same as I am going to do with your older brother and you.  Have you
cleaned up, your healing's finished, seen too, fed, and made welcome in what is
now your home.  I do believe that you and that lovely older brother of yours
will make striking pleasure slaves that will give Cay even more of a headache
than Rook would have.  And your sister, she is how old?"
	"Fifteen, Ma'am.  She will be sixteen the fifth of next moon."
	"And she is totally innocent of any wrongs, willing or not?"
	"She was going to be forced to marry my mothers brother on her sixteenth
birthday.  She has done nothing.  He kept her as innocent as any could be in the
hell that was our life."
	"Then if she is as innocent as you say, she will grow and take her place
among the women of my people.  I am sure Rhea will be happy to have yet another
adopted sister.  You child, I put under my personal protection.  Enough, you all
have seen more than enough."
	"What about me?"  Jaxim looked around worried.  Was he to be forced
under a man, like he had seen others no older then him?
	"You I would tuck away in the boy's door, but it is very empty at the
moment.  And you are far to frightened for my liking."  She looked up at Kerfan. 
"Would you ask Hirren to let him sleep with him for now.  Surely the boy can't
be afraid of Hirren, the man is over two hundred-cycles old."
	"And Shern, where do you want him to be put?"  Kerfan tousled Jaxim's
hair.  "Hirren is harmless, boy.  The babe in my daughters womb is more likely
to harm you than he."
	"Fain is going to make such a fuss if I don't let his old friend come
and stay with us.  So what do you suggest Kerfan?"
	"Shern, don't be upset, and don't become frightened.  I won't allow you
to be harmed.  But, I can't believe I am asking this question, knowing from
where you come.  But are you as of yet, untried?"
	Shern backed away, shaking his head as all the memories flooded back to
him.  Being hung naked, someone had braided weights into the scant groin hair
that he had, pulling fifty pounds that in the end, only ripped the hair from him
to have them do it again, but with less weight.  Then the thing; the hideous
thing with a mass of almost, snake, like things between its legs.  They were
more than two feet in length, and when it came up behind him.  He would never
forget the ripping as one, and then two, then three, forced their way into him. 
The number kept adding, until all eleven was in him.  He was torn so badly, the
blood running down his legs as he screamed as these monstrosities began to
harden and thicken in him.
	He didn't remember what happened next, how badly he was used.  He had
fled consciousness to escape the horror and pain, as the things thickened in
him, tearing him even more. 	
	"Stop, Shern."  Kerfan reached out to take his arm.  "I told you I
didn't want you to be upset.  And I assure you, you have no more reason to fear
me, than your little brother does Hirren."
	"Please, sir, not that.  Any thing but that."

	"Papa, take him aside and let him see what you look like.  He thinks
only his own race is built right."  Trinna stood in the doorway.  "I was looking
for you three.  There is food and a bath waiting for all three, and I have to
give you a good once over.  After working on your brother, anything less than
another tug of war with the Dark Mother, isn't going to be anything beyond me."
	Kerfan looked down at Shern, who stood by him trembling.  "Trinna is
right, let's step aside, and let me prove to you, that I am just a man."

	Trinna waited until Kerfan led Shern to an adjacent private room.  "So,
what's you decision.  I won't lie to you Kaj.  Jerrick is torn as hell.  He
would love to do nothing more than destroy the Catimine's to the man.  But these
four, they're as much victim's as Fain is and his people were.  Further more,
they are all children.  The only three of them that are even near adult are the
one I healed, the boy my father took aside to talk too, and the girl there.  He
has a solid rule.  It is part of what makes him the man I love.  He does not
make war on children.  But their Catimine's."
	"You go back to your man, and you tell him, for me.  That they are
Catimine's no more.  They're as, Dane, as he is.  The one you healed, as soon as
I can get my consort to stop hovering over him, and the boy that Kerfan is
talking to, will be two new pleasure slaves of my house.  And they are to
strictly stay as part of my house.  Like Rook, when, he came here.  There are
some women out there that aren't as wise to the situation as I am.  None of the
women in my home will ever harm them, but I can't say the same for some of the
others.  And I will not risk it."
	"You planning on having them as breeders as well as pleasure slaves
	"If they are fertile, yes.  Why wouldn't I?"
	Trinna shook her head.  "No reason that I can think of, just checking. 
The one I healed earlier, is without a doubt fertile, and if I can only take a
minute to check the other two, while I heal them, if Jaffrey missed anything
with them.  I can tell you if they will be breeders, or bedwarmers."  She looked
to Mysti.  "And the girl?"
	"Adopted into my house, to be raised along side any of the other girls
here.  She is innocent, just a maid, and I will not let her life be the payment
for the sins those creatures that hurt so many.  She, will, if she is
comfortable with it.  Call, me mother and Caytin father.  Just as the rest of my
children do.  I will not allow there to be any difference between her and them." 
She was tired, and it wasn't even mid-day yet, and all she wanted to do was go
curl up with her men and pretend that all the pain she had to deal with would go
		*	*	*
	Shern pressed his back against the wall as Kerfan slowly began to undo
the knot at his waist.  "Calm down, bright eyes.  I'm not going to attack you. 
I only want you to see that I am nothing more than a man.  I might be one of the
few freemen in my city, but I am still just a man."  He lifted his head smiling
softly at Shern, as his pants slid slowly down his legs, and a normal, healthy
looking, penis hung between his legs.  "Is this what you are afraid of?"
	The terror that had gripped Shern's heart lessened a bit.  "Do all men
here look like that?"
	Kerfan chuckled.  "More or less.  Some smaller, and some, like my
daughter's man, quite a bit bigger.  But none of the size that would hurt you. 
You are going to be a pleasure slave of your mistress's house.  That means man
or woman, you submit to them.  I am older than your mistress, and free.  So take
my word as your bond.  No one hurts a pleasure slave.  It goes against all that
our people stand for."  He pulled his pants back up, tying them again.  "I would
see to it that you started preparing for your new life, but first a bath, then
food.  After that, Trinna will want to tend to you.  And early or no, once she
is done with you.  Your mistress is going to insist you all do as your brother
is doing and get some sleep."
	"What is going to happen to my sister and brother's?  And am I supposed
to sleep with you sir?"  The fact that Kerfan wasn't anything like the thing
that had hurt him, not once but so many times, helped, but he was still
frightened.  But with his older brother Drav out of the, picture, for the
moment.  He was going to have to remember young or not.  He was, still, the
second Prince of the Catimine's.
	"Your little brother can't be more than what, eleven or so.  So he is
staying with Hirren for now.  Hirren is over two hundred-cycle's old.  He is far
too feeble to do the boy harm.  As for your sister, didn't' you hear your
mistress?  She is now a member of your mistress's house.  And will, as soon as
she reaches an age of maturity, become one of the mistresses of it."
	Shern moved towards Kerfan.  "Please, sir."  He closed his eyes as he
pressed his body close.  "Do anything you want to me, but don't hurt Drav, he's
been hurt so much already.  He led us for almost four moons on almost nothing,
to get here.  He was near death when he left us in the cave to come and beg
mercy from she who is now my mistress.  And Jax, he's just a boy."  He dropped
to his knees, tears running down his face.  "Anything sir.  Ask it of me, and I
will do it, even if it means going back to those things, but please, spare my
	Kerfan knelt on one knee to lift Shern's face.  "Listen to me.  I do not
hurt any that do not deserve punishment.  You have just been rescued, not even
fully healed yet, how in the name of the Great Mother, could you possibly have
earned any punishment?"  He knew it was a risk, but the boy needed comfort so
badly.  His arms tightened around the boy's frail frame as he kissed him.
	It was all too much for Shern.  He fell forward against Kerfan, sobbing. 
He hadn't been shown anything but hate and cruelty for so long.  He knew in his
heart that this was all just a dream, but the feeling of strong arms around him,
and the lips that brushed his forehead as he cried, were such a wonderful dream. 
He lay there against Kerfan, praying that if this were truly a dream, he would
never wake up.
		*	*	*
	Finally with lots of patentee, and more than one promise of mercy.  The
three were led away.  Trinna was impressed with Jaffrey's work, for just a
novice, not even out of her cycle's vow.  She was quite good.
	None of Kaj's girls were anywhere near the right size for Mysti, so she
called upon another of the gaggle that were all growing up in her home, and
finally a simple but decent tunic and pants were located.  And Trinna had to
explain to her how to dress herself in them.  The girl had never worn anything
but the lightest of gowns.  Poor thing, to think she was only fifteen, and had
spent the last twelve cycles forced to wear clothes, which put her on display
	Shern and Jaxim were taken to the Men's Quarter's fed, and bathed. 
Trinna swung by long enough to assure that they both were healed, their body
hair dealt with and deemed fertile.  Before ordering them both to get some rest.

	"Goddess."  She threw herself on her bed by where Jerrick was toying
with Steffon.  "I am wore slap out.  That older boy, I had to dance with the
Dark Mother to save, and then . . .."  She groaned.  "It just is not right.  No
one as lovely as those four are, should ever be as evil as those that now have
taken the throne are.  If it wasn't for the fact that you have Steff, and I do
care for him so much.  I would suggest, for Fain's sake that you take that older
boy as your Lover.  But you have Steff, and you nagged me into taking a second
consort so that you could keep him with you always."
	"Well, if Rook matures up enough in the next cycle or so, so that when
Rhea takes a consort of her own, and he can take the boy as his Lover.  Then
maybe Fain will be able to put Drav under his hand for good.  Forgive me Trin,
but I don't think I could have, even knowing how much they had been abused, ever
taken one of them as my Lover."
	"You had best change your attitude about them Jerrick.  Drav and Shern
are now, as soon as I can get around to piercing them.  Going to be pleasure
slaves of your house.  And while I am with child, I plan to see about sampling
that older one.  He looks sinfully pretty.
	A stab of jealousy struck Jerrick.  He could live with his mistress
sharing Steffon with him.  Even to the point that he knew she would give him
children as well.  But to accept one of those that had hurt so many of those he
had known and loved.  He had to fight himself from yanking back from her.  "Yes,
Mistress.  I understand, and will obey."
	Trinna rolled over on her side to look down at him.  "Do stop that
Jerrick.  I am your mistress.  That is a fact.  You are a slave, even as he is. 
Again, that is a fact.  I am not going to put up with you sulking because I
happen to have a fancy for his face.  Did you see me getting bothered when you
brought Steff home and dumped him on me?"
	"But Mistress, he is."
	"Dane, as surely as you are.  You lost your citizenship when you were
taken in the raid.  You are Dane, and so is he.  Accept it, or do I have to have
you punished for acting like a fool?"
	He looked anywhere but at her.  He knew she was right, but to just let
go of his hate, even if it were only for these four?  "Yes, Mistress, I will
try.  Forgive me if I fail you."
	"You give me too many problems about this, and I will turn your over to,
Fain with instructions to whip you bloody.  You forget.  I am a healer, and I
can repair what ever is done to you.  But you shame me, and you will bleed."
	"I'll do it."  Steffon sat up.  "Please, Mistress, if it would make it
any easier on my master, I will take him.  I trust that I am safe here, that I
am wanted.  Let me help if I can."
	"You do understand, that he is going to be a pleasure slave, Steff, so
his loyalties are not going to be only to you and us.  I don't think Jerrick
would have been as willing to take you as he did if he knew that you would be
expected to go from bed to bed.  I won't protest, and Jerrick knows better than
to try.  But you have to understand, he won't be solely yours like you are
Jerrick's and with the exception of you, Jerrick is Cay's."
	Steffon shrugged.  "I have you, I have my master, so if he is not near
but every now and then, I won't miss him too much.  Please, Mistress.  If it
would help, and maybe my master would be given a chance to come to know him
better, will you allow it?"
	"I had no say in Jerrick taking you, why should I have a say in your
taking him?"  She pulled him close to kiss him.  "As soon as I do his piercings,
you can take him aside and claim him as yours.'
	Jerrick lay there listening in shock.  What had he done?  He just saved
Steffon from being hurt.  Put him in the safest place he could imagine, and now. 
His Lover, who was barely more than a boy, was doing the same, for the exact
same reasons.  What had he quipped at Caytin about, with an example like him,
what did he expect.  Well it now seemed that those words were coming home to
haunt him.
		*	*	*
	It was many hours later, when, Kerfan sat on the side of his bed,
reaching out to shake Shern's shoulder gently.  "I know you are probably still
beat, but if you don't get up now, you won't sleep at all come night."
	Shern woke at once, pulling away from Kerfan.  "I'm sorry sir, did you
need your bed?"
	Kerfan just laughed at him.  "Bright eyes, it is only early evening.  I
am not inclined to pin you to the bed yet.  Later, but not yet.  For now, I need
you to get up, so I can see to it that you begin to understand your place here."
	Shern sat there, looking at him.  "My place sir?"
	"How old are you boy?"
	"Fourteen, sir."  He blushed.
	And when will you be fifteen?"
	"This moon, sir, two days from now.  That was why Drav left with us like
he did.  I was to be killed by those things that," he couldn't finish.  "Then he
and Jax on Mysti's sixteenth birthday. Why, what is going to happen to me?"
	"You're close enough.  I am going to strip you, see that you understand
how to properly display yourself.  And then I am going to take you to Trinna,
for your decorations."  He made shushing noises, as the boy looked at him
horrified.  "No one is going to hurt you.  Trinna is not like the little novice
that tended you earlier.  She can do the work, and block all pain."
	"But sir, if you make me do as you say, all will see me, and then."  His
happy dream was coming to an end.
	"Boy, you are a pleasure slave of this house.  Your sole purpose within
it is to give pleasure.  Not pain.  No one will hurt you as you submit to them
and their demands.  I don't know what it was like where you come from.  And
trust me, I don't want to know.  But here, we don't make it our business of
hurting little naked slaves."  He patted Shern on the cheek.  "Most surely not
one as pretty as you and you brother are.  Now up with you.  The sooner you
undress, the sooner I can show you how you are to be from this point on.  The
only time you will be excused is directly after you have come from one of your
mistresses or master's or when you first wake.  At all other times, what is
between your legs will be ready to offer pleasure."
	Shern was fighting tears as Kerfan helped him to strip.  He was going to
be forced to walk around, offering himself to any that wished him.  He was a
slave, a real slave.  And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
	He forgot himself as he slapped Kerfan's hand away as the older man
reached to touch him.  "Stop that.  You haven't done anything to be punished for
yet.  But if you fight me, I will punish you.  You are a slave of my house."
	"I'm sorry," he hung his head as Kerfan gently teased him, drawing the
beginnings of a response from him.  He moaned softly, hips moving into the hand
that held him.  It was one of the things that had been used against them so many
times.  The royal, families of the Catimine's were some of the most physical
creatures known.
	Kerfan whistled low as he looked down at the hardening young cock in his
hands.  "Goddess boy, this looks sweet.  I do think I am going to enjoy my
nights with you.  The few that I am going to have before the others get a good
look at you, and start to demand all your time."  He pulled the younger man
closer to him as he added a bit more purpose to his stroke.  "Now, listen to me,
bright eyes.  If you are caught at anytime but the ones I have stated, flaccid,
then you will be whipped.  It doesn't matter who it is.  If, they are over the
age of fifteen, sixteen if it is a woman.  And they, see, you without this hard
as it is now, they will whip you."  He kissed him softly.  "But with as quick as
this was to rise, I don't see that happening.

	"Fain, wake up."  Caytin leaned over his consort.  "If the two of you
sleep anymore, you will be up half the night."
	"Hmmm, how long have we been out Cay?"  He gently shook Drav.  "Come on
Drav, time to get up."
	"It's early evening.  You put him to bed just after light, so it has
been several hours."
	"My brother's and sister, sir?"  Drav sat up, coming directly from
sleep, to a full wakefulness.
 	Caytin lifted an eyebrow.  "Oh, to be so young again.  Relax Drav. 
Shern has been entrusted to Kerfan.  Jaxim is with Hirren, one of the old
breeders.  And Mysti is with my daughter's learning how to be something other
than a victim.  You and your brother's might be slaves here.  But Mysti, she is
going to grow into one of the women of your house.  A daughter of Kaj's and
mine, by adoption."
	"These men, that have my brother's, they won't hurt them will they? 
Shern, he is only fourteen, and Jax, he's only twelve.  He is just a boy. 
Surely by, even, your peoples recognizing he is still only a child."
	It was Fain who laughed at him.  "Shern is with Master Kerfan.  The one
FreeMan in you mistress's house.  And he would hurt himself to see that he
didn't hurt the boy if he didn't deserve it.  And Jax, Hirren is over two
hundred.  What possible damage could he do the boy?"
	A cloud seemed to lift from Drav's features.  "If you say it is true,
Fain.  I have to believe you."
	"Come on you two.  I have to help you strip him, and see that he knows
how to display himself properly.  Remember Drav.  You are a pleasure slave in
your mistress's house."  Then he held up a hand to forestall any worrying from
Fain.  "Her house, love and you know your ladies well enough to know that none
of them are going to hurt him.  He will serve his time as a pleasure slave, and
breeder, to her house, and her house only."
	Fain nodded.  "Come on Drav.  You have to undress.  You're a pleasure
slave now, and pleasure slaves aren't allowed clothes."
	Drav move slowly, still weak to stand.  "I will obey, but what of my
brother's?  Shern is only fourteen, and Jax, Master, he is just a boy."
	"When is your brothers birthday Drav?"  Caytin hadn't thought of that
problem.  Oh with Jaxim, it wasn't even considered.  But with Shern, they might
indeed be called upon to wait.
	"He will be fifteen in a couple of days, Master.  But Jax, he's only
twelve.  He was a true newborn when my world was ripped asunder.  He is untried
Master, I took everything they wanted to do to him, on top of what I suffered.
	"If Shern is that close to fifteen, there should be no problem.  And as
far as 'Jaxim', he and Kerfan altered his name just a touch, to keep from
confusing a bedwarmer I have here that has the same name.  He is, of course, off
limits.  No boy should be touched before they are fifteen.  I say should,
because I have seen too many boys younger than that, that have had way too much
wrong done to them."  He was thinking of both his younger consorts.  And the
pain they both had been forced to learn to live with at such a tender age.
	"Thank you."  Drav finished undressing, as used to nudity as he was.  He
thought nothing about standing before the two men, naked.
	"It's a shame, Rook is so young."  Fain whispered in Drav's ear as he
began to masturbate him.
	"What are you doing?"  Drav tried to pull back, but Caytin had moved to
stand being him.
	"You are a pleasure slave now slave.  And as such, you will see to it
that you are always on display."  His voice was soft as he watched the erection
in Fain's hands grow.  "My, my.  I do believe Jerrick is going to be a wee bit
jealous of you."  He let his hand wander down to momentarily join Fain's on the
massive organ.  "But I better not.  I have two male consorts and a Lover.  So I
had best stop and behave."
	Drav wrapped his arms around Fain, pressing against him.  "If I am to be
a pleasure slave, Fain, let me please you first.  Come on, 'Meena', I hurt you
so much, let me make up for it."
	Fain smiled, shaking his head as he pulled away.  "Later Drav, but right
now, I think Cay needs to take you to Jerrick's mistress.  She is the Healer
that saved your life earlier.  She is going to do some decorations on you, and
the reason the Healer's do them, is that they can block any pain."
	"Decorations, I don't understand.  I can understand why I am to walk
around like this, but what decorations?"
	"You will be pierced.  Rings and bells for your nipples, and just a ring
for your scrotum."  Caytin explain.  Taking the leash he had brought with him
and fastening it to Drav's collar.  Drav looked down, he hadn't realized he was
wearing one.  He must have really been sleeping hard at some point.  "Don't
worry your pretty head over it, slave.  They are quite lovely.  And will look
absolutely scrumptious on you."
	Drav just nodded.  He had been willing to do anything to buy his
brother's and sister sanctuary.  "Yes, Master."  That word again.  He had been
using Dom, the Taberon word for master, since he was six, and now, would use it
until the day he died.

 New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	"Warning, Steff."  Jerrick smiled as Caytin led Drav in.  His very large
and very erect penis stood out from his body proudly.  "You think you have a
handful with me.  That one that you have every intentions of taking as your
Lover, is almost frightening."
	Steffon perked up.  "Really?" He took Jerrick's arm.  "Show me."
	"Steady, Drav."  Fain held his arm as Jerrick led Steffon over to him. 
"He's going to touch you.  He's blind.  He can't see you.  He doesn't know just
what you have."
	"It's okay, 'Meena', I trust you."  Drav closed his eyes at the feel of
Steffon's hands on him.
	"You're right, Master.  He is longer than you, but you have him beat in
thickness any-day."  He turned his head to the last place he had heard Fain's
voice.  "If it would make it easier on you, Fain.  I can take him as a Lover. 
That way you won't have to worry all the time.  When he isn't with one of the
others of our house, he will be with me.  And I am always with my master and
	Fain nodded, then remembered that Steffon couldn't see him nod.  "Thanks
Steff, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel.  You're Jerrick's so
if someone tried to hurt him and you can't stop it, your master can."
	"You do realize Steff, that having a pleasure slave as your Lover is
going to be a very hard thing for you.  He can not give you, outside his
mistress, his total devotion."  Caytin warned him.
	"Yes, sir I have been warned of that already.  But I'm not taking him as
my Lover like you did my master.  I am taking him as mine for the same reason my
master took me as his.  To give him someone to hide behind if he needs to."
	"And my boy here, knows full well, I am not going to let anything happen
to him.  So like it or not, I am going to be protecting them both."
	"It's only for a few more weeks, a moon at the most, Master.  Then I
will see again, and won't have to cling to you quite as much as I do."
	Jerrick lifted his head, pulling away slightly, but not completely. 
"Take your time, baby.  I enjoy knowing you need me.  Not even having to see to
it that your new Lover here, is taken care of if need be, lessens the pleasure I
feel knowing that you need me."  Steffon felt so very good in his arms as he
inhaled his sweet scent, kissing him.
	Drav turned to Fain.  "Lover?  I don't understand."
	"Steffon has decided to take you as his Lover.  It is a fact of life for
you now.  You are his.  You will call all in this house, mistress, or master
from this point on.  But him, he is your true master.  He has lain claim to you. 
And that is if not for life, for a very long time."
	He sighed.  Enough that he was a slave and just a pleasure slave at
that.  But now he belonged to another slave, and this one blind.  The chain on
his leash jingled a bit as he knelt at Steffon's feet.  "Master."
	Jerrick laughed at the horrified look on Steffon's face.  "Get used to
it kid.  He's yours now, and will be as bad about calling you master, as you
are, me.  Which should, come, as no surprise to you.  As you hear me call mine
that all the time."
	"Stand up, please, it's a waste of effort for you to kneel before me,
I'm blind.  I can't see you do it."
	"No, Steffon, but others can.  He is only doing what he will be expected
to do from this point forth with you."  Caytin handed Jerrick Drav's leash.  "I
brought him to see the Healer.  He has yet to be decorated."
	"Well if the lot of you have finished deciding who owns whom, I am
ready.  Steff, doll, bring him in here.  It is a clear path, just follow my
	Jerrick handed Steffon Drav's leash.  "Mind where he steps slave, or it
will be me you answer too."  He warned Drav.
	"I won't let him fall Master, I would never have.  No matter who he is." 
He drew himself up to his full height, of a little more than seven feet.  "I
might be a slave, Master, and I might belong to one.  But I am still, regardless
of what the chieftess has decreed.  I still consider myself the true Prince of
Catimine.  And we were once a good people." 
	"Just so you know.  He is my Lover, and I love him near as much as I
love my wife and child."
	"Jerrick!"  Trinna snapped at him.  "Stop trying to frighten him. 
Goddess, keeping that monster he has hard is going to be hard enough without you
scaring him into losing it.  You hoping to catch him failing, so you can punish
him or something?  After I finish with him, you will submit to him for your
	He looked up, shocked.  He hadn't realized how she would punish him,
other than having him whipped, if he failed her.  But now he did.  "Yes,
Mistress."  He dropped to his knees.
	"Follow my voice, love, you do know you really should have said
something to him.  Just because he is your Lover, does not give him the right to
threaten yours.  Jerrick would have been in Cay's face if he had said to you,
what he just said to Drav."
	"I'm sorry Mistress, you too Drav.  I'm just going to have to get the
hang of this.  Please be patient with me.  If I make mistakes."
	"I was not frightened, Master.  I was offended."  Drav did not care for
the way the man was willing to humiliate him, by accusing him of letting anyone,
as helpless as his new master was, get hurt.  "I would have never let you fall
Master.  No matter what, you could beat me, have me tortured, for days, and I
still would have never let you fall."
	"I must say, Drav.  If I had any doubt of your rank, that speech ended
it."  Kerfan stood in the door with Shern.  "You really were the true prince of
your people."
	"Yes, Master.  I am my father's son.  And as such, began to learn duty
and honor before I was out of diapers."
	"If that boy of Jerrick's hadn't snapped you up before I had a chance to
meet you.  I would have, pleasure slave or no."
	"Sorry, Kerfan.  But Steff kindly beat you all to the draw."  Caytin
smiled as Steffon led Drav, or Drav led him if truth were known.  To the table
where, Trinna, stood.
	"Okay, up on the table Drav."  Trinna reached for the piercing needle. 
"Steff, do you want the standard rings and bells, or something a little
	"What do you mean, Mistress?"
	"I have the little one bell rings, and some a bit bigger, that have one
larger bell, and a smaller one on each side."  She pressed the ring into his
hands.  "It is not a punishment ring, it won't hurt him.  The large bell is only
slightly bigger than the one in the normal ones.  And the two smaller ones,
smaller than it."
	He thought about it.  And wondered if when he could finally see again,
how nice they would look.  And smiled.  "Yes Mistress, I like these."
	"Now, hold your boy's hand and keep talking to him while I do this.  You
want him to know that you are with him, through each step."
	Steffon blindly reached for Drav's hand, which Drav took.  "I'm here
	"Did you see the rings?"
	"Yes, Master I did.  And, the, Lady Healer is right, they are pretty. 
Thank you for choosing them for me."
	"I can't wait until I can see again.  To see what my mistress looks
like.  To, see my master. Who I love more than I have ever loved anything or
anyone other than my mistress.  And to see you, because, I have this feeling I
am going to come to love you as must as I love my mistress and master."
	"I had thought before Fain, who was my 'Meena', that I couldn't love,
and after I let him go, I thought I would never love again.  But here and now,
Master.  I believe I can learn how to again."  His hand left Steffon's to tangle
in his hair as he pulled his mouth close, to, kiss him.
	"I wish my mistress was finished with you."  Steffon whispered in his
ear.  "My master is going to take up your time soon enough, but I would like to
be the first."  He remembered what it had meant to him for Jerrick to be his
first when he came here.  He wanted to give that to Drav.

	"Goddess, young lust.  Do you remember being that young Cay?"  Kerfan
	"What, none of the boy's in the Men's Quarter's pinned you to a bed as
of late.  I get that treatment from not only my Lover, but the two consorts I
share with Kaj all the time.  That is why I am not running for fear of having to
be treated for sugar shock."
	Kerfan looked down at Shern, who stood there, watching what was going
on, his hand mindlessly stroking his erection.  "You enjoying the view, bright
	"My brother is not being hurt Master.  For the first time since I can
recall.  He is on a table having things done to him, and not being hurt."
	"There's you one Kerfan.  If he grows up to be even half the man his
older brother is.  Then Steff is not going to be the only man in this house to
be envied."
	Kerfan, looked, down at Shern who looked up at him, with a look that
wasn't fearful, nor was it eager, More curious than anything else was. 
"Goddess, Cay.  He's near a boy.  And you would have me take him, a pleasure
slave as my Lover.  I don't know.  I'm not quite like Steff.  When I finally do
decide to take a Lover.  I do expect total faithfulness from him.  His duty to
his house excluded.  I want him to be mine."
	Trinna looked up as she healed the last piercing.  "You are a FreeMan,
Papa, take him to Kaj, and tell her what you want.  The only reason she stuck
them in the position as pleasure slaves was so that they could be better
protected.  Short of a consort, a pleasure slave is the most valued.  If you
want him, take him.  Kaj won't do more than a show of fussing. 
	"You're right.  Come in here Shern.  Trin, do you have anything to spare
that he can wear?  If I am going to take him as mine, he is not going to be
paraded around with that displayed.  He was propositioned three times getting
	"Look in the chest Papa, I am sure Steff won't miss a single pair of
pants.  With as often as he is out of them, it really won't be a hardship for
him.  He only two or three right now, but after seeing him as pretty as he was
at our mating, I think Jerrick is going to see to ordering him more in varying
colors and cuts.  My first consort isn't a vain man, but he is making my second
into being as bad as Cay.'
	"Jerrick."  Kerfan moved to the mentioned chest.  "This does not take
away from any punishment your mistress has for you.  But you will see that my
boy is able to get into his pants without a problem."
	Jerrick looked to Caytin, with a plea in his eyes.
	"Do it, slave.  Your mistress is right.  Had I spoke to Steffon the way
you did Drav, you would have ended up deserving a lashing, because you would
have gotten into my face.  I am ashamed of you."
	"Yes, Master."  His head hung as he stood and began to undress. 
"Master, how do you wish me to help him?"
	"Bend over the bed."  Kerfan handed Shern a small bottle of oil.  It
wasn't blue nor was, it, gold.  "It will ease your entry, but nothing else.  He
will feel you fully."
	"Master?"  Shern wasn't sure what to do.  The man couldn't be telling
him what he thought he was.
	"You can't possibly get dressed in the condition you are in now, so
either, you take what is offered, or the man blows you.  Either way the problem
will be gone.  And a little lesson in humility will be good for my daughter's
man.  He has gotten entirely to far above himself these last few days.
	"But, Master, I don't want to hurt him.  He will hate me for that." 
Shern was very upset.  "Either way, Master, he will hate me."
	"Jerrick, slave."  Kerfan turned to the man, who was bent, knees on the
floor over the edge of the bed.
	"You word.  I have seen you live by it, no matter how much you wished
you could break it.  You word that you will not hate my Lover."
	Jerrick swallowed back his fear.  "My word Master."  He lifted up,
turning to look at Shern.  "Master, my word.  And yours is right.  You can't go
out like that."  He turned back and lay over the edge of the bed again.  "If it
hurts a little, Master, it's what I deserve for my mouth."
	Shern looked to Kerfan.  "What should I do?"
	Kerfan stepped close, taking the small bottle of clear oil from him. 
"Ssshh, I take it this is the first time you have ever been on the giving end?" 
	The boy nodded.  "Has he, it hurt so bad the first time for me, and that
was before the thing."
	"He is Cay's Lover, Shern.  He has bent for his master many times. 
Don't worry there, he's no virgin."  He ran his oil slickened hands over Stern's
throbbing erection.  Then positioned him directly behind Jerrick.  "Slave, reach
behind you and part your cheeks."  He waited only until Jerrick had obeyed. 
"Okay now, slave, take a deep breath."  And he guided Shern into his rectum. 
Pushing the boy forward hard, so the he was inside Jerrick with one thrust.
	Jerrick bit the covers to keep from making any sound.  The rough and
abrupt penetration, was nothing like he had ever had done to him, or done to
Steffon.  And knowing that his older brother would be next and his size worried
Jerrick as he gritted his teeth as he felt Shern, begin to move in him.  'God,
it hurt.'  He would come to peace with these ex Catimine's.  Even if it killed
him.  Bending to Caytin, his master, was one thing, even feeling Steffon as he
bent for him, sharing their love.  Was one thing, but this was hell.  By the
time his mistress had forgiven him for his mistake, it would probably hurt to
walk for a week.
	Kerfan stood behind Shern, hands roaming his body as he kissed the
younger man.  "I think I'll have you pierced.  But no rings, in your nipples,
you are not a pleasure slave, but bars.  But your scrotum, what do you think
bright eyes, a nice ring there, would look quite lovely.  And it would be,
excluding the women here who will just have to sample you.  All for me."
	The thought of wearing piercings like his brother only made him moan low
and begin to pound even harder into the body under him.  "Please, Master." 
	"Don't cum yet, bright eyes, wait for permission."  At this rate, he was
going to be the one, trying to hide his aroused state to anyone in the halls.
	"Please Master, it is so tight, please."  He was in tears again, wanting
to cum so badly, but not knowing what his new master would do to him if he did
without his permission.
	"How long has it been for you, Shern.  Should I show mercy and let you,
or make you show some restraint?"
	"Never Master, I was forbidden.  I couldn't even hold it to . . .."  He
shuddered.  Crying out in horror as his first, glorious blaze of orgasm took
him.  He just cried as he rocked harder and harder as it exploded from him,
again and again.
	Jerrick cried out in pain as Shern began to trust harder as he came, it
was horrible.  The Catimine's head of his cock swelled and almost felt like it
was flowering.  "Mercy."  He forgot his pride, his place.  His only desire was
to end this pain.  "Mistress, Master, mercy."
	Both Trinna and Caytin moved as one to come to his aid.  But Kerfan
gently pulled the sobbing youngster from him.  'Ssshh, both of you.  Yes, mercy,
Jerrick."  He looked to Trinna.  "See to it, when he submits to Steffon's Lover
that you use the blue oil.  I had no idea how tender he still was."
	"Well Papa, I had no idea that, that was the boy's first either.  They
are just a little different from us. Had I known he was a virgin to this, I
would have insisted on it to begin with.  You might be a FreeMan, and my father. 
But he is my first consort, and father of my the child in my womb."  She held
him, as he rested against her. Not sobbing, or even crying, but he was trembling
as he struggled to control his emotions.
	Shern was still, being, held by Kerfan.  "I'm sorry Master.  Please,
don't send me to the thing.  I will be better."
	"Hush, I don't know what kind of thing you are talking about.  But I am
not going to punish you for not being able to mind.  Goddess, boy, I would have
never warned you like I did, had I known that was the first time you had ever
surrendered to the pleasure."
	Caytin knelt by the bed, reaching for Jerrick's face as he lay there
against Trinna.  "Lover, are you going to be okay?"
	"Yes, Master, sorry, I know I have to sound like some kind of half-grown
bedwarmer.  But there at the end, it grew.  The head did at any rate. And it
opened up in me."  He just shuddered again.
	"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."  Now he just knew he would hate
	"I'm okay, Master.  Sorry for scaring you."
	"I really am sorry Jerrick.  Had I known it was his first, I would never
have let him do that, or at the very least, picked another oil."
	"My mouth got me in this position Master, I will live to the end of it."
	"Well Trin, has your man's taste of pain, put a stop to the work you are
doing, or can I get my slave here cleaned up and see him done up as prettily as
Steff's boy is?"
	"Just the bars right?  Any special color, or just gold?"  She patted
Jerrick's arm.  "You're going to be all right now aren't you?"
	"Yes Mistress."  He smiled a little lop sided.  "Give's a whole new
meaning to the words, my mouth got my ass in trouble."
	Steffon stood there, wanting to go to his master, but not sure if he
should.  "Mistress?"
	"Drav, see that he makes it over here without stumbling."  Trinna stood,
as Caytin took her place at once.
	"Yes, Mistress."  He pressed the end of his leash in Steffon's hand. 
"Come on, Master."  He led him slowly, ever careful of his lack of sight.  To
where Caytin sat with Jerrick.
	"Master?"  Steffon felt the bed bump his knees.
	Jerrick reached out for him, pulling him close.  His grip was very
possessive, on him.  "I'm okay, baby.  Just have to learn how to keep an eye on
my mouth.  Sorry for upsetting Drav, I'll try to remember he is yours from this
point on.  And that if any talked to you like I did him.  My master is right, I
would have ended up in hot water, because I don't care, male or female, I would
have snapped."  Then he looked to where Caytin sat, watching him.  "I'm sorry
for shaming you Master.  I'll try real hard from this point on, not to make that
mistake again."
	"And you know, shamed or not, I still love you.  My love was set in
stone the night you and Fain helped me after my punishment." 

	"Does this thing ever go down boy?"  Kerfan shook his head, as he felt
Shern, harden, again as he cleaned him with a wet cloth.
	Shern blushed.  "I don't know what is wrong with it Master.  It never
used to be like this."
	"He has never been allowed to touch himself Master."  Drav dared to make
a comment.  Needing to explain his little brother's condition.
	"By the Goddess, if even after what he just had with Jerrick he is still
this touchless.  I am going to have to keep him chained to my bed, and hidden
from the women.
	"Rook is like that.  It just pops up at all sorts of times."  Caytin
commented.  "Leave it alone for now, and if he still is unable to get his pants
on, I am sure that with as many of us as they are in this room, one of us will
see to it.  At least Trinna doesn't have the problem Mother Anna had with Rook. 
She won't have him ejaculating all over her as she pierces him.  She can pain
block, after all."
	"Okay, Shern, up on the table with you.  Trinna, is my daughter.  She is
not going to hurt you.  She didn't hurt your brother, did she?"
	"No Master."  He knew his master kept telling him he was safe, but
already, in the short time he had been here, he had had to hurt someone.  And
word or not, he was still so very worried that Jerrick would hate him for what
he had done to the man.
	"So, Papa, what color?"
	Kerfan looked the boy over, his silver hair and eyes were striking, but
he wanted some contrast.  "Onyx, I do believe.  Will go well with all the silver
in his coloring."
	"His scrotum ring as well?"
	"Yes.  I have no doubt that he will look so tempting that I really will
have to chain him to my bed, and keep him hidden."
	"Well you know the drill, Papa.  Talk to him.  He's your Lover now, tell
him what that means for him."
	"Other than keeping me happy, not much."  He smiled down at Shern who
was trying not to watch as Trinna began to work.  "And giving me someone to keep
me company when the mad house of the Men's Quarter's drives me away for weeks
and even moons at times.  Hell, having him along, I might just start taking up
residency somewhere other than in the Men's Quarter's."
	"I would be alone with you, all the time Master?  Not be allowed to see
my brother's or sister?"
	"Don't be silly, Shern.  Even if I moved and had a house built where I
usually camp.  I would still allow you to see both your brother's and your
sister.  I will not break up a family like that.  The four of you have suffered
quite enough loss for many lifetimes.  But I would like to consider that as a
possibility.  I have to talk to Kaj first.  Free I might be, but outside this
house, I own nothing but this gold chain around my throat.  And that means too
much to me to sell it.  It is my badge as a FreeMan."
	"Papa, I am a priestess of the Temple.  I can ask for almost anything,
and it will be considered.  If Kaj won't part with the gold, I'll see if I can
take care of it.  You are my father.  And the Temple owes you that much for my
service to the Mother.  With out you, I would not be here."
	"Let me think about it Trin.  Even as crazy as this place makes me
sometimes.  It has been my home for near twenty cycles."

	Trinna finished Shern's piercings.  "Well Papa, one of you are going to
have to see to him.  I won't have a man, even if he is not mine, leaving my
rooms in that condition."
	"Cay, I seem to be in something of a predicament here.  I can't very
well tend my boy, with my daughter in the room, but he can't leave like this. 
He would never get his pant's on."
	Caytin looked first to Jerrick, then to Steffon.  "Steff, dear, will you
send your boy over to take care of matters?  Or are we going to have to explain
how life for a man is here to them?"
	"Yes, sir."  Steffon turned, reaching for Drav, who moved into his
reach.  "My Master has told me, and now I am telling you.  There is no
distinction with the men here.  Shern probably trusts you more than any of us
here.  Could you go and take care of him."
	"Master, my uncle didn't distinguish among the men either, but I can't
do to him what he did to me.  Please, he is my brother, don't order me to hurt
	"Damn them."  Kerfan swore.  "Boy, I am not asking anyone to hurt him. 
Goddess, what, a thought.  Just to come and see to it that he can finally get
his pants on."
	"That answer enough for you Drav?"  Jerrick mumbled. 
	He took his leash from Steffon.  "Yes, Master."
	"I am going to have to get him to tell me what kind of thing he is so
afraid of.  So far he has twice in as many hours, begged me not to send him to
them.  I can't even imagine what could strike that kind of fear in him."

	All the talk and wonder was lost on Shern, as he felt Drav, kiss him
softly.  "It's me, Shern, I won't hurt you."  His hand moved down to encircle
him, stroking him slowly as he continued to kiss him.  "You heard your master,
he hasn't ordered me to hurt you, he isn't like those that used to hurt you so
	"I'm glad Kaj isn't here right now."  Trinna hid her face in her
father's chest.  "To see and hear him like that, she would have tore out of here
with blood in her eyes, and not gave damn about her condition.  The fact that I
am pregnant is the only thing that is keeping me from doing just that.  No
creature that is capable of doing what these did to his or her own people. Never
mind what they did to the Merican's, but those two were their own people.  To do
what they did, negates their right to live."
	"Actually, if Rook were here with Fain and Caytin, it might be a good
thing.  Let her see how different true Catimine's are from those that now sit
upon the throne."  Kerfan growled.  "Caytin, call her, and tell her to bring
Rook with her."
	"Yes, sir."  *Mistress, Kerfan has asked for you and Rook to come to
Trinna's rooms.  There is something he wants you to see. *
	*Is it going to piss me off Cay? *
	*Yes, Mistress, it most certainly will. *
	*Thought so.  So you and Fain plan on pouncing on me? *
	*If need be. *
	*Okay, let me get Rook dressed, be there in a few minute's. *
	"She's coming.  And is ready to be pissed off as she put it.  Be ready
Fain, you and I might have to knock her to the floor to keep her from storming
off in a rage."
	"If she is going to be that upset, Master, why did you ask her to bring
Rook?"  Fain looked at Kerfan.
	"Because he is the youngest and weakest of the three of you.  And she
would rather die than hurt him in a fit of rage.  Punish him, maybe, but hurt
him as she tried to go through him, never."

	Again all of this was lost on the two, as Drav worked his way down
Shern's body, to help him to see to his end." 
	"Master."  Shern cried out, at the feel of soft warm lips on him.  "May
	"Go ahead, I can work on your control later.  Just get to a point that I
can get you dressed.  Kaj is on her way, and you aren't a pleasure slave."
	Shern cried out softly as he felt the beginnings of another orgasm roll
down his back and into his brother's mouth.  Twice so far, and both times, had
been without pain.  Could it possibly be that the dream was a reality and he was
at long last free from the pain he had known all his young life?
	Drav locked his lips around the head.  Tongue probing and teasing as it
began to open up and another smaller knot of almost tentacle like feelers filled
his mouth with his brother's cum.
		*	*	*
	"What do you think they want to talk to you about Mistress?"  Rook stood
by her outside Trinna's rooms.
	"I don't know pretty face, but I have a feeling it has something to do
with those that were brought in today."  She knocked on her sister's door.
	"Come on in, Kaj."  Trinna's voice sounded through the door.
	"Okay, I'm here.  What is so important that I had to be here?"
	"Those two.  I want to ask Shern a question that is sure to upset him,
but I want to know the answer, and you need to have a better understanding of
who and what they are."  Kerfan stood by Shern.  The young man in pants finally. 
"First, before anything else.  Just so you know Kaj, I haven't taken anything
from my house yet, but this boy I do.  I have made him, as young as he is, my
Lover.  He belongs to me, and unless it is your or Trinna, I would appreciate
you telling the rest of the ladies, hands off.  We have six new breeders in this
house and one that once he finishes growing, will make it seven.  Leave this one
to me."
	"You're right Kerfan.  The only thing that has separated you from the
rest of the men here, other than you disappearing acts to go hide every now and
then, is the Chain around your throat.  You want the boy?  He's yours.  Gives me
one less to worry about.  Now what is so important to drag me down here?  I was
being amused by Rook."
	Kerfan looked down at Shern.  "You know who I am don't you?"
	"Yes, Master, you own me."  Bright silver eyes, so trusting.
	"Then you believe I will never let you be harmed out side of punishment,
	There were the beginnings of a look of fear.  "Yes, Master, I think so."
	"Then answer me this.  Twice you have begged me not to throw you to
things, what things are you talking about?"
	Shern looked up at him, as he began to shake.  "Please, Master, if you
don't know what they are, then they are not of this place.  Don't make me tell. 
	"Drav, what is he talking about?"  There was going to be no getting
anything out of this frightened boy.
	"We never knew what they were called Master, just referred to them as
things.  Huge white, monstrosities, that were used to torture so many for my
uncles amusement.  They were hideous to look at.  Huge, upper arms bigger around
than the largest man I have seen here chests.  And a body that was large enough
and powerful enough to rip full grown trees from the ground.  But what Shern is
afraid of, is what they were used for.  He or any of the others that my uncle
thought to chain up.  They are not human, in any way, and like no race that I
have ever heard of.  Where your manhood lies, they would have things, ranging
between nine and fifteen, that were alive and almost snake like as they tore
their way, one after another into which ever was unfortunate to be chained
before them.  These things when they reach the full, length and thickness that
they were capable of.  Were almost two feet in length and easily three inches in
diameter, each, and triple in thickness as they harden.  I was only hung there
for them once, and that was after I allowed Fain to slip away.  And it was the
only time, that I know of that my uncle used the one with fifteen of the things. 
He was honestly trying to kill me, I think.  But Shern, my uncle seemed to
delight in watching him suffer.  He has been torn countless times."  He looked
down.  "I am worried that he will never get over it.  There is only so many
times that one can have that done to him, and not die, before it scars him for
	"How old were you?"  Kaj cupped Shern's chin.  "Listen to me.  You are
far away from where you were, and never, do you hear me?  Never will I ever
allow that sadistic madman to come near you again."
	"When, Mistress."  Shern was lost in her soft moss green eyes that
glowed with an almost maternal force.
	"The first time, you don't have to go into the horror of it, but how old
were you?"
	"Six, Mistress, my uncle made a big production of my birthday, and then
had me stripped and thrown to them.  He didn't even chain me that time, he just
turned two on them loose on me."
	"Stand in front of the door Rook!"  Caytin and Fain reacted almost as
one to Kaj's growl of rage as she turned to seek revenge.
	"Move.  They sent a child, a six cycle old baby to that."  Kaj struggled
between Caytin and Fain who held on for dear life.
	Trinna moved quickly coming up in front of Kaj.  A resounding slap
sounded out through the room.  "Chieftess!" She barked.  "Calm yourself.  You
are going to hurt your men.  As a Priestess, and Speaker for the Mother, I
command you to stand down."
	Kaj locked glares with Trinna.  "Why the hell do you suddenly have to
remember your place in things?  These mad dogs have to be put down."
	"And they are going to be.  Kerfan only wanted you to understand what
those you welcomed into your house, have known as reality for the last twelve
cycles.  So that you would be more patient with them if they gave you cause to
be ill with them."
	Kaj nodded.  "From this point forward, until I change my mind.  Those
that are still mine are pardoned from all punishment.  As long as they try to
behave, and don't cause too much trouble.  You are safe."
	"Same goes for my boy, Kaj.  I never realized how much someone could do
to destroy another.  Just as soon as Mother Kaylin is back, I am sending him to
see her.  She is good enough a Healer to heal a mind.  And I will see to it that
he never has to fear anything like that from me, ever."
	"So, Mistress, is it safe to step out of the doorway now?"
	Kaj smiled at her youngest.  "Yes, pretty face, it's safe.  Smart of
them to have you stand where you did, even as angry as I am at what was done, I
would never hurt you."
		*	*	*
	Jerrick, watched, quietly as Kerfan took Shern from the room, then Kaj
left with her three.  Leaving him alone with his mistress and both his Lover,
and his Lover's Lover.  One that he knew he owed for his treatment of him.  And
he had felt what his kind had in the way of a sexual organ, and it frightened
him.  "Mistress," he whispered,  "Mercy."
	Drav went to his knees before Jerrick.  "No, Master, I'm not my little
brother.  I was once Fain's master.  I know what I'm doing.  I won't hurt you." 
He took the older man in his arms.  "My word, like you gave yours to Shern when
you promised not to hate him.  I won't hurt you."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.


	Shern was a little nervous as he sat beside Kerfan at dinner that night. 
Everyone kept looking at him.  Some with amused curiosity in their eyes, others
with just barely contained hostility.  "Master, I don't think they like me."  He
whispered to Kerfan.
	The older man lay his fork down before looking up at the congregated men
at the men's table.  "I will only say this once, and if I have to repeat myself,
I will do so with a cane.  "Shern, and both his brother's and sister, were as
much victim's if not more as any of those that were hurt by them.  Those that
now rule the Catimine's are not the ruling family.  Take a look over to where
Steff is sitting with Jerrick.  The boy beside him, is the rightful heir, he is
the true Prince of the Catimine's.  His uncle killed off most of his family when
he stole the throne from them.  He has spent the last twelve cycles little more
than a slave.  I will not go into the things that were done to him or my boy
here.  Suffice to say.  If any of you think you could bear up under such weight
and still stand, as, well as they have so far.  Then I am telling you, you are a
fool.  Now you will stop looking at him as if he were some kind of a monster. 
Or I will start swinging."
	To the man, they looked down.  Not willing to meet Kerfan's dark look.
	"Well I was going to make a speech saying pretty much what Kerfan did,
but I think he has said quite enough.  And if you think I will stand as
protection for you if you push him.  You are wrong.  If anything, I might send
you to my consort first, so that he can see to heating your back before Kerfan
deals with your butts."
	"And trust me, Mistress, by the time I am finished, they will need to
seek the Priestess for a Healing before going to Kerfan."  Caytin had no
patience for stupidity, and there was entirely too much of it in the feel of the
	"And the only thing that would make me help them is my vow to the
Mother.  One of those poor children that they are scaring so with their ugly
eyes, is my second consort's Lover."  She reached out to pat Drav on the hand. 
"Don't worry none, pet.  Didn't your hear your master?  If Steff can't protect
you, then he will.'
	"And anyone be mean to my new sister, and I will beat the crap out of
you, and the only woman in this house that can hold her on with me is my
mother."  Rhea sat by Mysti.
	"I'm too old to do anything, but the little boy in my care, had best not
be bothered either."  Hirren continued to eat, like this sort of discussion was
some thing he heard everyday.
		*	*	*
	Drav walked back to the rooms he shared with Trinna and Steffon. 
Jerrick following closely.  So far, though a few had commented on his looks, but
none had taken up his blatant invitation.  He was about to go mad.  Steffon had
taken to making sure he stayed hard, to keep him from possibly looking bad, and
the constant teasing was driving him crazy.  He moaned, as it was Jerrick that
reached back and touched him.  "Please, Master."  It had been cycles since last
he had been teased and denied for so long.
	"Was looking like it was beginning to soften there a bit Drav.  Can't
have that.  So you keep a hand on things until your master gets you home, and
then, after I'm done with him, we'll see if he is still up to playing with you."
	Trinna chuckled.  "Jerrick, you are beginning to sound like me.  That's
	"I am only teasing the boy Mistress.  I won't ever hurt him.  I paid for
my mistake, and I don't plan to make that one again."	"I know that."  Then to
Steffon, "you heard your master, love, have your Lover amuse himself, and warn
him not to cum.  Goddess what a mess that would be."
	"You heard her, didn't you Drav?  Do I have to make it an order?" 
Steffon slowed even more to walk by Drav.
	"No Master, but please.  I don't know how much more I can take of this
continual stimulation."
	"Steffon, baby."  Jerrick let Trinna continue on as he slowed even more
to pull up next to his boy.  "He can't really be punished for failing you, you
know that.  But a few pops on the butt isn't punishment."  He looked up to where
Trinna had stopped and waited for them to join her.  "Is it Mistress?"
	She just laughed.  "I swear, Jerrick, you are becoming as perverse as
Kaj swears I am.  No, he fails to obey, and it will be me, who delivers five
swats to his tail, and after all he has been through.  I am sure they will be
like nothing but the gentlest of love pats."
	"Tell that to my backside Mistress.  It was days before I could
comfortably sit, last time you took it into your head to spank me.  And I hadn't
even been bad.  It was just in play.  God only knows what it would be like if
you were serious."
	Drav was beginning to become worried.  What would happen to him, if he
couldn't control himself?  The threat of a spanking was almost amusing, but he
also knew by stories, how much more powerful his new people were than he was,
	Steffon chuckled.  "Mistress, you're scaring him.  Please, tell him you
are only teasing."
	Trinna snorted.  "Drav, Goddess, boy.  Are you that beat down, that you
are upset with our teasing you?  Your, mistress has put you behind her for now. 
And until such time as she decides that you have come to peace with your new
life here, you will stay behind her."
	Drav sighed, a little more relaxed.  "But Mistress, I thought you were
my mistress?"
	"Oh I am one of them, particularly with you now belonging to my second
consort.  But Kaj is your first mistress.  And will remain so until one of the
women decide to take your from pleasure slave and breeder and slap the title of
consort on you.  Now hush and work on that thing, it's beginning to sag.  And
you never know how long Kaj is going to let you stay behind her, until she
thinks you are man enough to face what is coming your way should you fail."
	Drav stopped.  "When she decides if I am man enough?"  His tone was
hard.  "Pray tell Mistress, how much more of a 'man' can she possibly ask me to
be.  I have watched my Father, and grandfather cut down before my eyes when I
was six.  My mother thrown to those things to be ravaged until dead.  I have
been beaten, raped, tortured, so many times, that the scars on my body have
scars.  My fourteen-cycle-old brother has been through near as much as I, with
one added perversion, he was never allowed to feel pleasure.  My uncle had in
his twisted idea of humor, planned to see my brother dead, without ever being
allowed to feel any pleasure as a man.  My sister had been forced to wear gowns
so thin that it would have made her no more exposed had she been forced to walk
around as naked as I am now.  She had spent the last twelve cycles, living under
the knowledge that on her sixteenth birthday was to be forced to wed her own
uncle.  My little brother and I were to die with the consummation of their
wedding.  And Jax, oh I know you have chosen to change his name to Jaxim.  Was
three days old when my uncle took the throne.  So tell me Mistress, please.  How
much more of a 'man' does she want me to be?"  There were no tears in his eyes,
but the pain cut at all of them as his soul raged and rebelled at having to be
referred to yet again as something less than a man.
	Trinna moved to where he stood.  "I'm sorry, Drav.  I did not mean to
belittle any of the things your and your siblings have faced so far.  Perhaps,
the term 'man enough', was the wrong one to make.  'Healed enough', should have
been the words I chose.  And because I was wrong in my words, I won't mention
this little speech of yours to anyone.  Just do try to remember Drav.  You are a
slave now, and not one under the mask of hostage, but honest and open.  You have
to learn to control those bouts of yours."  She patted his cheek.  Smiling as
she looked down at his raging erection. "Though, I have to say.  It did seem to
do a lot to help with your waning offer."
	"I'm sorry Mistress, I don't know what gets into me sometimes.  I used
to be beat often for my pride, that my uncle believed I had no right to."  He
hung his head, mentally kicking himself.  So far in one day, twice he had
forgotten himself and had spoken out of turn.
	"There is nothing wrong with pride, boy.  You just got to learn how to
display it here, that's all.  Now, if you had held your peace, and once we had
made it back to my mistress's rooms, while I was toying with your master, you
could have done your best to remind my mistress of just how much of a man you
really are.  That would have been a proper and approved display of pride.  And
trust me Drav.  I have felt what you have on you.  I don't know about your
mistress, but I am positive, with out any question in my mind.  That you are
indeed a man."
	Drav moved close to her, before dropped to his knees.  "You would have
me Mistress?"
	Trinna reached to Steffon, and took the leash from him.  Then unhooked
his leash from his collar and re-hooked the latch to the ring in his scrotum. 
Thus laying claim to him.  Before beginning too firmly stroke him.  "Tell me
Drav.  How do you say 'little one' in your language?"
	Drav moaned softly, thrusting slightly.  "'Shin Mee', Mistress."
	"Then, 'Shin Mee', cum."  She gripped harder her rhythm gaining speed. 
As she cupped the head of his erect penis.
	Drav cried out low, as he felt the blaze of heat wash over him as he
began to cum.  He threw his around her, mouth accepting Her very essence.  She
kissed him, silencing his cries as his orgasm took him.  Warmed at the feeling
that she shared with him.  No, she would never what her older sister had with
her man.  But being a Healer gave her many things that helped to make up for it. 
Like this, his heart and soul opening to her.  Allowing her to see the very
depth of his innocence.
	It was so like the feeling he had, had when Steffon had welcomed him
this afternoon.  So very alike, and yet nothing at all.  It was more moving.  It
was the first time a woman had ever given him any pleasure.  Even when his uncle
had in his few rare moments of kindness, allowed him a slave, they were always
male, like Fain had been, always young, and always so abused.  And he had always
had to continue that abuse. 
	He had unwittingly, just once allowed, his uncle the pleasure of seeing
him fall in love with his first.  But after being forced to stand and watched,
and even take part in some if it.  As he was tortured to death.  He had sworn,
never again.  Then, when, they gave him, Fain the very next day, he had done all
that he could not to care for him.  But had fallen in love with him all within
hours.  "Mistress," he buried his face in her neck.  "I love you."
	"Ssshh, look up baby."  She held her hand up, running her tongue across
the palm of her hand, before reaching with her other to pull his head to her. 
Mouth firm but tender on his.  She was surprised at how sweet it was.  But then
again, the Catimine's were a different race all together.  "Here you go,
dearest, clean my hand."  She stroked his hair.  "Think on this 'Shin Mee'.  My
second consort started out as my first's Lover, and now I love him dearly.  If
you love me, as much as I am sure I am going to grow to love you.  Do not be too
shocked in the near future if I ask for submission to be mine."  She kissed him,
deeply, again.
	He took her wrist in his hand as he brought her hand to his mouth. 
Licking and sucking her fingers.  His bright silver eyes, never leaving hers.  
Tears glinted in the light as they flowed down his face.
	"Good boy, now the floor, you can't leave a mess here."  She stroked his
hair as he lowered his head and mouth to the floor to lick away the rest of his
release.  "You're such a good boy.  And yes, I supposed I am going to have to
become used to being on bottom.  Because, I would very much like to feel you in
me, and I am sure your master has plans of his own for you, and his does for
	Drav pressed his forehead to the floor.  "Yes, Domma."
	Trinna raised an eyebrow at him.  "Domma?"
	"Forgive me Mistress.  I misspoke."  He lifted his body up to his knees.
	"That all depends on what it means.  Now tell me what does Domma mean?" 
She touched his cheek, "no danger pet."
	"It is, Taberon, for what you are."
	"The Taberon?  I thought you were a Catimine."  It was Jerrick's
confused voice,
	"Our people and the Taberon's were once one in the same.  But more years
than all but our eldest scholars can recall, or should I say could recall.  They
were some of the first to die.  We were one race.  But the evil that is
perpetrated in our name is not that of the true Catimine, but our distant, and
perverted kin.  The only thing we share with them is our tongue.
	Trinna reached out, cupping his chin.  "Had that word been one that they
owned only.  Just as soon as Kaj had lifted the ban on punishing you.  I would
have had whipped you until your back was cut to ribbons, and I would have let
them heal slowly.  Leaving your old scars to keep the new-ones company.  For if
you were using words and thoughts as these madmen do.  I would know you lied to
me.  Nothing that could do that to another living creature could ever love me,
but as it is only your wish to be open and honest with me.  Call me that, and if
it makes it any easier for you, that and nothing else.
	She rose, holding to the leash that was hooked to the ring in his
scrotum.  "So, come on, 'Shin Mee'.  I have such plans for you, but first, I
think you need to take this knowledge to your mistress posthaste.  Soon enough
you will have the chance to please me, and if you do so well, I might just nag
my sister into letting me change the rings to bars, and see to it that other
than Jerrick and I, you will belong to my little consort only.  Much like your
little brother is for my father."  She hugged him.  "Don't be afraid for your
people.  My sister is a very wise woman, and she will listen to you as I have
already read your heart.  I know the truth of your worlds."
	Drav went to his knees, kissing her feet, "Domma."  He was openly
sobbing.  He would see that not all his people died,  "My life is yours, do with
it anything you wish."
	She tugged on his leash.  "First stand up."  She fussed at him.  "Have
you crawl from her room to mine yes, but for now walk."
	He stood, blushing, really blushing for the first time in something
other than shame.  "Yes Domma."
	"I do believe Master, you and I will be shearing a lot of time
together," Steffon, pressed against, Jerrick.  "And I know this is going to
sound so bad. But it would do him and her worlds of good."
	Jerrick looked down at his Lover, who was so trusting of him to lead him
down the hall behind Trinna and Drav, "and how do you figure that?"
	"Because, mistress Kaj and Caytin had already snatched up the first
victim of this nightmare.  And, yes I'm blind.  But as soon as the Lead
Priestess of the Temple returns, my mistress has assured me that my sight will
be returned.  You were, her, first, and in you she finds things she finds with
no other man.  But with him, she is a Healer Master.  In him, she will blossom
into the Healer that she always aspired to be.  Before the week is out, if you
are willing Master, we will have a third consort in him."
	Jerrick stood at the door behind Trinna, thinking about what Steffon had
said.  Could he say yes, even knowing the truth, could he say yes?
	Caytin opened the door, surprised to see Trinna and the very new slave
that Fain had been worrying so about  "Mistress?"  This was not what he
expected.  "Is there a problem?"
	"Yes, but it's not with Drav here.  He is rapidly becoming my," she
looked to Drav.  "What is the word for 'pet', love?"
	"'Bin,' Domma."
	She nodded, kissing his cheek in reassurance.  "I have my 'Bin', here
that is very worried about his people.  As a Priestess of the Temple, though I
am only a journeyman, and only allowed the rank of Priestess.  It isn't going to
be that much longer before I take my final vows and earn the duty of Mother to
all of you.  So you must listen to me when I tell you this."
	Kaj sat up in bed.  "Tell me when, Priestess, has the crown ever failed
to listen to one who speaks for the Mother?  So tell me, what is the problem
that has you dragging him out this time of night?"
	"Go on, baby, tell your mistress what you just told me. Knowing she will
believe you because not only do I believe you, but Cay will too,"
	Slowly, with patience and encouragement, they got the story from him.
	Kaj was up, ignorant of her lack of clothes, pulling her tunic over her
upper body, and pulling a pair of Caytin's baggy pants on,   "Mother forgive me. 
I have sent my women to slaughter innocents."
	"Chieftess."  Trinna lay a hand on her arm.  "Send another of the guards
or one of the FreeMen in your city.  But your son prevents you from going
	Kaj jerked her arm.  "Don't you think I know that Priestess?  I will not
send out a woman who is still a maid.  So I go to find the eldest of the
trainee's we have.  It's been cycles since last I had to call upon my consort to
help a girl give her virginity to the Goddess, but for this I will.  A, young,
rider on the fastest horse we have must get a message to the leaders of my
women."  She was heading for the door before she stopped and caught Drav's eye. 
"Drav, just so you know.  If I had know this earlier.  I could have taken care
of it sooner."  She smiled at him.  "But as I didn't know the right questions,
and you didn't know to tell me.  I will just take care of it, and we won't talk
about this again."  Then to Trinna  "Jerrick and Fain shared time with Caytin
before when he needed it.  Will you and he see to it that Fain and Rook are
taken care of?"
	"Lover," Caytin was just finishing dressing.  "Both Fain and Rook are my
consorts.  Consider them your Lover's, for now, as well."
	"Yes Master, and consider mine and his likewise."  What the hell, he
might as well get used to the idea of having Drav as a third-consort.  There was
nothing he could refuse his mistress, and she knew it.
	"Okay your four, let's go.  Drav, 'Bin', on your knees, it's time to
crawl for me."
	Drav looked at her as she led him down the hall, too shocked for words. 
He had knowingly given himself to the Chieftess of his new people.  All to save
his younger brothers and sister.  But here in one day, first he had been made a
pleasure slave, then another slaves a blind one no less, had taken him and told
him he was his Lover.  And now, the chieftess had heard him.  Had believed him,
all because his wonderful domma did.  And if he could only please this wonderful
young woman, who kept calling him boy, even though he knew he had to be her age,
if not older.  He would possibly become more than just a pleasure slave.  "Thank
you Domma."

	Fain touched Steffon's arm.  "I'm sorry, if I startled you."  He began.
	Steffon just smiled at him.  "It's okay.  I'm used to people doing
	"He's yours, right?"  Steffon nodded.  "Will you get mad at me if I
asked you if I could make love to him.  He used to be my master.  It was because
of him that I got away.  I don't know how much of his language you know, but I
was his 'Meena' his dearest."
	"He was your lover first, correct.  Maybe not like yours is to Jerrick,
but he was first?"
	"Yes, Domma.  And he was the one I loved too much to let stay with me. 
I love him Domma and if you and my master won't get mad at me. May I still love
	Trinna looked to Steffon.  "Fain was the one that your slave suffered
so, when he freed him.  And he, who is Kaj, Cay and Rook's consort, has an old
love in another house.  The, very, lover that rescued him when he let him go. 
The two of them at least have the comfort of being in the same home."
	Steffon shrugged his shoulders.  "If that gets me more of your time when
it is just you and I, I'm all for it."  He looked down, blushing.  "I love you
Master, never doubt that, but she is my mistress."
	Jerrick pulled him against him tightly.  "And she is my mistress too so
you don't have anything to explain."
	"Mistress, if I asked something out of you, would you please think about
it before saying no?"
	"And what honey, makes you think, I will say no?"
	"You don't know him real good yet Mistress.  But if I'm going be sharing
him with Fain, please, would you be willing to do like you did for my master,
and take my Lover as your consort?"
	"It sounds like you are trying to barter your Lover."  She put the
amusement he couldn't see in her face, in her voice.
	He grinned, because he knew he had won.  "Yes, Mistress, that's exactly
what I'm doing.  If he has a friend here that he can go and be with, outside of
this house, and one that he can be here with, And what with my master wanting to
spend as much time with his Lover as he does. That means I get more of your
time, alone."
	Trinna laughed hugging him.  "You've only been with me for such a short
time.  And all ready you know how to pull my heart strings."  She turned holding
out a hand to Drav.  "Did you hear your master 'Shin Mee'?  If my first consort
agrees to taking you as his as well, would you honor me with your life, love and
	Drav went to Jerrick who was standing there looking a little stunned.
"Matter, will you have me?   Anything you want from me is yours.  But you were
her first.  So, will you have me?"
	Jerrick shook his head chuckling.  "Like I have whole lot of say in the
matter Drav.  But you are right on one thing.  I will worry less about my lady,
if I know that when I am with Steff she can be with you. So yeah, I accept you." 
And in the standard tradition of the men here, he kissed him
	"Goddess, but am I going to be teased."  Trinna giggled.  "Not even a
full priestess, and all ready I have three consorts."  She dragged a chair close
to the bed.  "Well at least now, I can be as amused at my men and their antics
as my sister is."
	"You don't want to join us Mistress?"  Jerrick kissed the back of her
	"Later, when it is just my three, but until then, I think I'll watch and
maybe come up with deferent ways to make you all scream.   Now go have fun." 
She undressed before sitting down in the chair, one leg lifted over the arm,
exposing her sex, to her fingers.  "Now, remember this boys, only one is exempt
from punishment.  No one cums before I do, and I plan to take my time."
	"Mistress, do you have a whip, or should I go to the Men's Quarter's to
get one?"  Fain kissed Drav quickly.
	Trinna smiled.  "Cay left me one here, back when he realized that my
man, after a good warming up had the most uncontrollable orgasms.  It's over
there in the same chest I keep my oils in.  You will note.  That he also had
manacles just a touch higher up than Jerrick is with his hands raised above his
head, leaving him on his tiptoes.  But for the fact that there is one of his
folded spread bars in there as well.  He is at your complete mercy.
	Drav sat beside Fain.  "I know you always used to like it when I whipped
you, those few times I could and it not be to see how long it took me to whip
you bloody"
	"With the exception of Cay, who is my Master.  You were the only one to
ever really take me all the way like that."  He slipped to his knees, head
bowed, legs slightly parted, fingers locked behind his head.  "What would you
want of this lowly slave, Dom?
	"I would tell you to blow me, but my domma has forbidden me to cum
before she does, so I will do my best to see to it that you do before she does.
She's a Healer. 'Meena'. What damage she does, she can repair."
	"He'll get five lashes for every time he cums before I do, and you will
get three, once my sister realizes how healed you truly are.  Oh it might take
your little brother a little more time, but that is not what the issue here is. 
Shern belongs to my father, a FreeMan.  When he decides his Lover is ready to
face real punishment, if ever.  That will be his call."
	"If you would like Domma, I can go to mistress Kaj and ask her to
release me from her protections."  He smiled at her.  "That was why some of my
scars seemed excessive.  After you are hurt so much, you begin to learn to like
it.  But, never will I ever drive my new family off. I have a wonderful domma. 
I've got a Dom that is becoming very dear to me.  And he has one that has
accepted me. I can't ever let them know what was done to me, nor that I found
pleasure in it'.  He swore to himself in his mind and heart.  Never realizing
what a Healer was capable of.

	"Fain, while you go and get your toys, I think I need to take Drav aside
for a minute.
	"Yes, Mistress just please make sure there is a little left for me." 
Fain blew him a kiss as he went looking into the chest and all the new toys
Caytin had given Jerrick
	"Come on 'Bin'."  She reached for the leash still attached to the ring
in his scrotum.  "Fain, dear, there is in the bottom of that chest a drawer.  In
it is a three-latched leash.  It has been over two cycles when I was given it as
a gag gift at my womanhood celebration.  It comes from the time quite a few
cycles ago, when we actually had pleasure slaves, and every act of lovemaking
wasn't in a desperate attempt to conceive a child."  She removed the single hook
from his scrotum to latch another, slightly heavier, one to it.  Standing up she
treats both nipple rings to the same treatment.  Not unbearably painful, but
enough weight to know that they were 'THERE'  "There you go.  Now why don't we
step aside for a moment, and have a little talk about things you don't know
about Healers, like even though we can't read minds we can hearts and fears."
She led him to the infirmary.
	'She knows.  Lord and Lady protect me, she knows.'  He followed behind
her at a quick crawl.  He didn't dare stand up.  She knew how sick he was.  And
now she was showing him the most kindness one could show something as sick and
perverted as he was.  She was going to cast him out in private.
	"I'm not going to cast you out, you fool.  Inform Kaj that you are mine,
and she has no say over your life anymore, yes.  Probably beat you bloody for
being stupid enough to think that I would hold you to blame for what was done to
you, absolutely.  But cast you out for something you had no control over? 
	He huddled on the floor at her feet.  "But, Domma. My uncle he saw to it
that I was an embarrassment.  That even if the day ever came that I got away,
the first person to find out the truth would not want anything to do with me."
	"Perhaps in that warped world you used to live in that was so.  But we
are not like them.  We do not blame the victim."  She tugged on his leash.  "Now
up on the table with you.  I am going to make you feel ever so much better." 
She went to get the bag and hose, along with the famous blue oil.  "This should
leave you feeling cleaner than you have in a long time, and make your time with
Fain that much more fun."  She waited until the water was near scalding before
filling the bag.  Un-stopping a bottle, she emptied its entire contents into the
bag.  Laying it to one side to give it a little time to cool some. She stood
over him smiling.  "So you are a fan of the kennels Hmmm?"  She stroked his
hair.  "Though I never much thought of them, because my other two men would not
welcome them.  It isn't unheard of here."  She bent to kiss him.  "Now, while I
am letting the water cool some, let's see what we can do about this hair of
	"You still going to keep me with you?"
	Her smile only deepened.  "Yes, but your have two different masters now
that will see to it, you don't have to seek the kennel's often for pleasure."
	He closed his eyes as he felt a warm tingling heat infuse his scalp.  "I
never sought them Domma, my uncle always had to drag me down, knowing what would
happen there."  Bright silver eyes, so full of shame and self-disgust met her
green.  It was the height of his day to watch me give myself over to the dogs. 
And by the time he got me there, and the dogs started.  I no longer cared."  He
turned his face into her hand that was helping his hair to grow,  "I wanted to
die, he and all those things that came with him.  They found my crying in
pleasure as I came with a dog on top of me, and another licking at my balls." 
He sobbed.  "I'm sorry Domma, I didn't want to do it.  But I had no say, and by
the end, if felt so good.  I didn't want them to stop.  So very little felt good
to me."
	She moved her hands down his body, leaving his hair, which was now, when
he stood, would fall straight and glossy to past his buttocks.  She had wanted
to treat Jerrick to the same kind of treatment but silly old ninny, wanted to
grow it the old fashioned way.
	The scars under her hands began to fade.  "Some might call me perverse,
and maybe I am.  But I won't have one of my men carry scars like these."  A
single tear slipped from her eyes as she healed the branding on his right ball
sack.  "If it hadn't been because I have seen Fain and the damage they did him. 
I would probably run screaming from this."  She continued to stroke him talking
to him softly.  "Did you know he was eight when they branded him?"
	"They did me, as they killed both my father and grandfather, so they
could die, knowing my fate."  He felt her warm breasts as she pressed his head
into them,
	"Ssshh, it's, gone baby.  And no one is ever going to do that to you
again.  Just as soon as the other priestesses who have gone to help the Merican
women and children who are dying in the streets.  I'll have your cuffed and
marked as my third and final consort.  The mark is a tattoo, not a brand.  And
you will never feel it.  Like your piercings, when I do your marking, I will
block the pain."
	He held her, crying softly.  "You still want me?  Even after all you
know of me, you still want me?"
	"Yes, I want you.  Furthermore with you as my consort.  I won't have to
worry about making sure that I give children to my consorts before you.  Oh I
still plan to gift your master first, but if my time just happens to be upon me,
and all I have with me is you, then, oh well."  He moaned as she kissed him.  "I
wonder how the water will feel now?"
	"It doesn't matter how hot it is Domma.  I have had much worse forced
into me than just hot water."
	She hushed him, as she released the knob letting a trickle of water flow
over her wrist.  "I don't know about those sick fucks that got such a perverted
thrill seeing how much they could make you scream.  But I only want to help you,
not hurt you."  She patted his leg.  "Now roll over, and let me do just that."
		*	*	*
	"I know it's late Kalla, but Finna is the only one left of my trainees
that is over sixteen and still a maid.  I won't send a virgin out, not with
these monsters that are, out there, in the night."
	"I would seriously doubt your sanity if you had Kaj.  So, Cay's going to
do the honors?"
	"No, Mistress."  Caytin took the girls hand, kissing it gently.  "The
honor is all mine."
	"But your aren't one of the bedwarmers.  What good will it do us if I
come away from you with child?"  Finna wasn't a shy girl, she had been hoping
that her mother would finally be able to afford Tallin's mating price as her
first consort.  But he was free now, and had gone with his lady and soul.
	"Though I can't promise that, that, won't happen Finna.  I can promise
to do my best to keep it from happening.  I will not achieve release in you."
	She thought about it.  "And I really do need to do this, don't I?"
	"I wouldn't be here waking you and your mother up, if it wasn't that
important.  It's not the Catimine's that are our enemies, but the Taberon.  And
our Warrior's need to know that.  They can't take to just killing wholesale
until one of the priestesses get there."
	Finna nodded.  "Okay, I'll do it."  She looked at her mother,  "You knew
eventually I would have to become a woman.  I am not like you.  Shelli is nice
and all, but I've always preferred men to women."
	"You do this girl, and my word as your chieftess.  Upon your return, you
will be given the first pick of the new men we have.  Out side of the ones that
belong to my house and women already.
	"If the Catimine's aren't our enemy, what chance do I have with one of
those, two or is it three?  They are almost pretty enough to be girls, which
should thrill my mother to no end.
	"If I know my sister, only half as well as I think I do, we have exactly
one left.  And he is only twelve.  But I promise him to you if you are willing
to wait just a few more cycles.  And promise to make him your first consort. 
Then he is yours."
	"Do I have to wait until he's fifteen to bring him home?  I won't
disgrace him, but it would be nice to have the chance for us to get to know each
other.  He will be back in the Men's Quarter's in the Armory under my fathers
care by the twelfth bell every night."
	"For now, it would probably be better if you moved into my house to be
near him.  But we will talk about this after you return.  I hate your first has
to be this way, but I have to warn my women.  And I don't dare go myself. 
Because I am pregnant."
	"So, Kaj, can I offer you a glass of wine or something?  There is going
to be no rest for any of us tonight.  Just as soon as my girl becomes a woman,
she is going to be off.  And I won't go back to bed, and neither will Shelli
until we bid her good hunting."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	"Jerrick," Fain held up a tangle of cord and weights.  "I know what this
is used for, but not how to put it on.  Every time Cay used it on me, I was
blindfolded and gagged."
	Jerrick pulled back from his play with Rook and Steffon.  "Bring it
here, I can show you much better than trying to explain it."  He took the thin
rope that had two slipknots in the middle, about five inches apart.  He smiled
at Fain, as he carefully wrapped the rope around the younger man's penis, gently
working the loops of the slipknots around and behind him, capturing his balls. 
Looping the ends between the slipknots, to tighten the rope around him.  Taking
the two ends, running them up to separate his balls, and through the rope that
held Fain's balls captured.  Once worked through Jerrick left them drop down to
dangle between his legs.  "There you go.  I'm blindfolded and gagged when he
ties me up like this too, but I know exactly what's happening to my balls at all
times.  It doesn't matter blind, deaf or dumb.  I know."  He tugged on the
ropes.  "Come on Lover, since our mistress has taken his partner from him for
now, let's keep him company."  He reached out and took Steffon's hand in his, 
"You too, Rook.  Steff and I were having a nice time with you.  But don't you
think it's only right if Fain join's us?"  'Damnit, I've been around my master
too much.  Now I'm, even, sounding like him.'  He grumbled to himself.  "Damn
son," he lifted a twenty-pound weight from the chest.  "This the best you can
do?  Damn you're spoiled.  He kept adding more and more weight until I cried
mercy at fifty pounds.  I thought they were being ripped off."
	"Look in there again Jerrick.  There is another twenty pound weight and
twenty more one pounder's."
	"Merciful Mother."  Jerrick didn't catch his first true slip into their
mass mentality.  But Steffon did, and he smiled.  Giggling, softly, to himself.
	"That's sixty pounds, Fain.  You can't tell me my master would make you
live through that."
	"Oh, not all at once.  But he starts with the forty, which if I were
standing free, would have brought me to my knees.  Then as he 'paints my back'. 
Every time I cum, he adds a weight, then if I cum again, he adds another, and so
on and so forth.  My record to date is fifty-two.  I won't count the
fifty-third, I passed out."  He smiled.  "He can do something for me that Mer,
though I will always love him as I do my mistress and consorts.  He, taught, me
that there was no reason to feel shame in your humiliation and pain.  But he
never helped me to fully eternalize it.  That was why I used to get so mad at
the rest of you for worrying over me every time I got the littlest of wounds. 
There isn't a pain that on one level or another, I can't embrace.  If I could
possibly explain it to you in words you would understand.  I would.  The closest
thing, I can come up with, is one hell of a religious experience."
	Jerrick just laughed at him.  "Oh, I think I understand what you are
trying to say Fain.  Just keep in, mind who, my mistress is, and he is my Lover
after all.  My lady has jumped at the chance, after he has left, more than once
to see me dance."
	Rook looked at the two men worried.  He understood his rank as third and
all.  But Fain wasn't like Caytin.  He was one of his people, even before he
became a Dane.  "Jerrick, you do know what will happen if you hurt him, don't
	Jerrick helped Fain up.  "Yeah Rook, all too well.  Your consort, who is
my Lover and master, will chew me up and spit me out and then the lady Kaj will
do it all over again.  Don't worry Rook.  I am not going to be stupid."  He
looked around for a stool.  Fain was shorter than he was by a good six inches. 
"Rook, honey, could you hand me that stool?"
	"Are you going to whip me Jerrick?"  Fain looked absolutely thrilled. 
"Please, be my Master, even if it is only for a short time.  Make me beg."
	Jerrick cupped his chin in his hand.  "You do know if Trin comes out of
that room with my boy's boy, and sees me with you, and doing what you are
begging me to do.  I am probably going to be the next one to be hung up here." 
He crushed Fain's lips under his.  "Fuck it.  You only live once." Before Caytin
and Trinna, he had went his entire life, doing anything possible to avoid pain,
now it not only didn't bother him, but in the right doses, he had come to love
it.  "Now you know the rules, no cumming.  I know she isn't in the room right
now, but that doesn't matter.  You cum, I will see to it that she knows about
it.  And will even take the three for your five."
	"My back Master, please, my back.  I can't stop myself if you whip me
anywhere else."  Fain was beginning to get worried.  Not that Jerrick would hurt
him, he hoped he would.  But that the light flexible crop like whip would strike
his balls one time too many and he would lose control.
	"Master?"  Steffon sounded worried.  There had been real fear in Fain's
voice.  "You aren't going to hurt him, are you Master?"
	Jerrick couldn't help himself he just started to laugh.  "He only hopes
he is that lucky baby.  He is afraid of me for a different reason, all together. 
You heard our mistress.  No one is allowed to cum before she does, and if I take
this whip to his balls, it will only be a matter of four or five strikes before
he starts to cum all over the place.  And he knows well enough how our mistress
will deal with him.  She is a sweet girl and all, but she can be absolute hell
on us if we disobey.  Lady Kaj and my Lover turned Rook and Fain over or her for
her to keep and eye on until they get back.  So if he fails, it will be to her
he has to answer to.  And remember sweetie.  Your mistress is a Healer.  She can
have him whipped damn near to death, and fix him."
	Steffon shook his head.  "She wouldn't do that to him, just for his lack
of control."  Then he stopped.  "Would she?"
	Jerrick stepped closer to him, pulling Steffon against him.  "Of course
not."  He whispered softly into is ear.  "But he doesn't know that.  That is
part of the game, the not knowing.  Relax, your mistress is never going to play
any of these games with you.  It wouldn't be right.  You already have had enough
put on your plate so far.  Even after the Healer's come and fix you.  I don't
think she would ever be comfortable with trying this with you.  Trust me Steff. 
You are not, anything like Fain, Rook, or even me.  You just don't find pleasure
in the same things we do.  And she respects the fact that I have put you behind
	Steffon held him close.  "If you want me to try, I, I don't think I
could handle what he, and if what you say is true, you do, but I will try to
give you something."
	Jerrick just held him, shaking his head.  "No, Steff, I would never ask,
I honestly would rather die than hear you cry in pain."
	"I love you."  He began to weep as he pressed his head against Jerrick's
chest.  "You have given me so much Master.  I love you, I love my mistress, but
I still love you so much."
	"Hush now, baby.  I love you too, as much as I love our mistress and the
child she carries.  But you are going to have to calm down, or I will turn him
over to Rook and spend the rest of the night, showing you just how much I do. 
And I don't think Fain will appreciate me doing that."
	Steffon pulled back nodding.  "I understand, Master.  Have fun."

	Trinna lead Drav back into the room, she had been right, he was feeling
much better now.  Poor thing, to live with the fear that no sane man or woman
would ever want anything to do with him because of what that monster had done to
him.  She smiled at Jerrick as he looked up at her.  Lifting her finger to her
lips to signal him to be quiet.  A look of amusement filled his eyes as he
	"Rook."  He covered the younger mans mouth.  "Ssshh, we don't want to
spoil this.  Go over there and stand with Steff for me, please.  I have to get a
blindfold for Fain.  It will be better if he doesn't see what is coming, don't
you think?"
	Rook looked from him to where Drav was standing, smiling.  "Understood." 
He moved to step close to where Steffon stood.  "I know you say you are used to
people sneaking up on you, but I am not used to being able to, so again, sorry
if I startled you."
	Steffon just smiled.
	Fain watched as Jerrick approached him with the blindfold.  "You are you
going to rob me of my sight too, Master?"  It wasn't enough that he knew that
Jerrick would whip him, and his balls until he would probably earn at least
twenty maybe twenty-five lashes with the whip, but he was going to blind him as
	"What did you expect, slave?  It's, pretty, much standard for how the
men in this place play with each other.  Now hush."  He tied the blindfold over
Fain's eyes.  "You be good now, boy."
	Drav took the cord like whip from Jerrick, rather amused at the making
of it.  He had become so accustomed to the long ones that made so much noise,
and lost so much of their bite before it touched skin, that this shorter, more
compact version was a truly interesting design.  He felt the length of it, the
thin but flexible core of it.  It truly was a cross between a whip and a riding
crop.  Oh the things he could do with it and the things that it could do to him.
	"Go on, 'Shin Mee', have fun."  Trinna pulled Jerrick close as Drav
neared his once slave.  Not striking yet, but rather instead, trailing the end
of the whip down his spine.
	"You do know when they go home, who is going to hang there, don't you
love?"  Trinna smiled at Jerrick.  "You did such a good job in getting him
ready.  Perhaps Drav can do the same for you.  Just think, I can watch and
listen, without getting all sweaty."
	Jerrick watched as Fain jerked with the first blow to his shoulders.  "I
understand and will do anything you say baby, but I just don't know if Steff is
going to feel comfortable with the thought of Drav doing it.  My boy, he isn't
like the lot of us in the room.  He's more like a kitten in a lions den."
	She sighed.  "Oh well, it was a through.  I suppose I am going to have
to get all sweaty after all.  Because you respond so well when I have you where
he is.  Best you get our second consort to a point that it no longer frightens
him so much.  I will never hurt him like I do you, but there is no reason why he
should be afraid of me.  Goddess, what kind of a mistress would I be if I
ignored his nature and abused him and it?"
	"That is what I just told him.  Give him time Mistress, he's only been
here for what a couple of days.  Let him come to know you better, then it won't
bother him."  Jerrick helped her into a chair, pulling away as she leaned
against the back, legs parting as she began to tease herself as she watched all
that was going on before her.
	Fain cried out, part in pain, part in fear as the kiss of the whip hit
his balls again.  He knew that all it would take was one maybe two better placed
blows and he would cum.  And he knew all too well what would happen then. 
Jerrick hadn't been joking when he warned him about his mistresses' nature and
if he failed to obey.  Then the whipping he was getting right now would be
nothing compared to the one she would give him.  And then, that one would
probably go on for a very long time, because the more he was whipped the more he
would respond to it.  "Please, Master, not again, whip me, anywhere but there." 
He was sobbing.
	"Why the tears 'Meena?'"  Drav's voice was soft in his ear.  "You know
you are going to cum, accept that, enjoy it.  What is a few more lashes to the
pleasure that you will feel?"  He reached down and began to toy with Fain's
erection.  "You will never know how much I missed you once I let you go.  And
here now, having you like this again, oh sweet 'Bin' the words escape me."  He
stepped back.  Reaching down to part the legs that dangled there.  He was going
to need something to see that they stayed parted.  He turned and looks to where
Jerrick was holding Steffon watching closely, ever ready to step in if it went
too far.  "Master, might this slave have something to part his legs?"
	"There is a bar love, you know where it is.  Hurry and get it, I want to
see just how long Fain can stand this attention."  Trinna laughed softly.  "Here
I had planned to take my time, but with the noise he is making and what the
three of you are doing, I am so close."
	Jerrick pushed Steffon into Rook's arms.  "Yes Mistress, hold him for me
Rook.  I will be right back."  He moved to get what was needed.  Drav wasn't
doing too badly.  He had been right all in all.  He did know what he was doing. 
Jerrick couldn't decide if this was a good thing, or a bad one.  He knew his
ladylove.  Just as soon as Steffon had gotten past his fears, he had a real bad
feeling that the boy would be the one to do this to him, as she would toy with
Steffon.  'Well, fuck it, at least he isn't as strong as my master is.  How bad
could it be'?
	It only took a matter of minutes before Fain hung there.  His legs
parted with a four-foot bar separating them.  All his weight had been on his
arms and shoulders already, but now, he was even more vulnerable.  The weights
on his balls pulling them down and making then a greater target for the whip. 
And with his legs spread, as they were, nothing would impede the aim of the
whip, as it lashed again and again.
	Drav aimed and placed a particularly hard blow along the crack of Fain's
cheeks.  Which only made the man cry out and begin to lose the battle for
control.  The next blow, which was just slightly harder than the rest had been
coming down from behind to land squarely on the back of his ball sack and he was
a goner.  He cried, begged and screamed as he came in huge, ropes of release as
they sprayed from him.  He had failed, now the real pain would begin. 
	Drav lowered the whip as he came close.  "Ssshh, 'Meena', no more.  The
Lady has finished.  I won't hit you again."
	Trinna laughed at the mess that he had made across her floor.  "Goddess
Fain, what has your lady been feeding you?  Or not feeding you as the case may
be.  I haven't seen that much of an explosion since my first night with my first
consort."  He had lasted longer than she had, and when he had finally given in
to the pain, goddess but what a mess.
	Jerrick helped Drav to gently ease the boy down.  "Good job Fain.  I'm
impressed."  He let Fain lean back against Drav as he dropped to his knees to
begin to un-cuff his ankles.  "You do realize that now, that you have out done
her, she is going to see to it that I have to do the same.  Caytin is going to
just love you."
	Fain smiled softly as he thrust up into the hand that was gently teasing
him.  It was nice.  He hadn't remembered how much he had missed his old Dom. 
And now, to think, he had Caytin and Rook here as his consorts, Mer at another
house, but he could still see him.  And now, the most wonderful of all things,
Drav was here and would be here always.  Top it all of with the most wonderful
of mistresses any slave could ever hope to have, what more could he ever hope to
	Rook waited only long enough for Jerrick to come back to where he was
holding Steffon, trying to sooth the blind mans fears.  Before he stood, and
looked for a rag to start the clean up.  Surely the Healer would not ask Fain to
do this.  He had been pushed far enough.  "Mistress, a towel, or something,
please."  He looked to Trinna who was still sitting there looking very amused.
	Trinna looked at him, smiling.  "So, you are the little one that takes
care of al the loose ends I see.  Go on Rook, there are plenty of towels in the
infirmary.  I am sure you know what to do."  She held out her hand to Jerrick. 
"Come here love, and help Steff to follow."
	"Come on baby."  Jerrick helped Steffon to stand.  "It's okay, she's not
mad, trust me, if anything, she couldn't be happier."
	Steffon wasn't sure about his safety, not after all that he had heard. 
It wasn't the first time in his life that he had wished he could see, but right
now, like this, it was the most desperate need he had ever had.
	Trinna reached out to stroke Steffon's hair as Jerrick pulled him close
to her.  "Poor baby, you're afraid.  Why, have I done anything to lead you to
think I would ever hurt you?"
	Steffon swallowed back the lump in his throat as he lifted his head. 
His sightless blue eyes so open and honest.  "You're going to hurt my master,
Mistress, and make him cry."  He shuddered under her touch.  "I'm sorry, I don't
mean to say anything Mistress, but, I love my master.  Please, don't hurt him."
	Jerrick just chuckled, squeezing Steffon close.  "Sorry, Trin, I thought
I had explained it to him well enough, looks like I am going to have to try
	Trinna shook her head.  "Won't do you a bit of good love.  Until he can
see again, we can talk until we are both blue in the face, and he still won't
believe that you want this.  But after his eyes see again, then maybe, he will
see how much you respond, and then he will understand."  She stroked Steffon's
cheek.  "Well, for now, until the First Mother, Priestess Kaylin returns and
takes care of your vision.  I give you this promise.  No more games.  I won't
have you terrified of me.  And, trust me love.  If it weren't for the fact that
your master does enjoy this so much, I would never toy with him like this. 
Perverse I might be.  But I am not like the madman that did what was done to
your Lover or his family."

	There was a soft knock on Trinna's door, as Kaj poked her head in. 
"Goddess, Trin, what a mess."  She smiled as Rook was hurrying to finish
cleaning up all the traces of Fain's release.
	"Blame your second consort.  All it took was a few well-placed blows,
and he was shooting all over the place.  Rook was kind enough to offer to clean
it up.  I don't think Fain is in any kind of condition to be trying to do much
of anything right now.  I would not be surprised if Cay had to carry him home." 
She looked fondly at the man in her new third consort's arms.  "Oh, and Kaj, I
am going to take and exchange the rings in Drav's nipples to bars.  I seem to be
no more able to deny my second his wish to put his Lover under my protection
than I was my first when he asked me to take his."
	Kaj nodded smiling.  "What did I tell you Cay?  My little sister is as
much a sucker for pretty faces as I am.  I already knew this was probably going
to, happen, Trin.  You are a Healer.  And if anyone has ever needed to be
underneath a Healer's hand more than him, I have yet had the misfortune to meet
him or her."  She looked to where Drav still supported Fain.  "I am going to
assume that she has asked for your consent, and you gave it.  Good for you." 
She looked to Cay.  "Love, could you please see what you can do about supporting
our consort on the walk to my rooms?"
	Caytin smiled, chuckling to himself.  "It looks like I am not the only
one to have this effect on him."  He gently took Fain from Drav.  "Come on love,
time to get you home."
	Trinna watched as Caytin bent and scooped Fain into his arms.  "I was
right, there is no way he is going to be able to do much more than sleep for the
rest of the night.  And Chieftess, that is my diagnosis as a Healer."
	Kaj nodded.  "It's going to take me a little time to get used to coming
to terms with the fact that now that you are wed, and with child, you are
rapidly becoming ready to take your final vows.  To think, I will have one of
the sworn Voices of the Mother, who is also a Healer, in my house.  Don't worry
about it Healer.  He isn't going to be doing anything more than sleep tonight. 
It's been one hell of a day for him.  Poor dear, I think I am going to have Cay
go rather easy on him for the next week or so.  Or at least as long as it takes
him to finish walking around in the clouds over you're new consorts arrival." 
She held out a hand to Rook who took it and pulled close.
	"Well, I will see you sometime in the morning, right now, I need to see
what I can do to settle my second and third.  Poor Steff, the sooner Kaylin
makes it back here and helps him, the better I am going to like it.  The poor
boy is afraid of me, as if I was going to hurt him."  Trinna fussed.
	"You touch that boy, and I will bring you up on charges, Mistress." 
Caytin stood at the door.  "My Lover has put him behind him, and until such time
as he removes his protection, no one can touch him."
	"I know that Caytin, you don't have to worry about my second.  Goddess,
what kind of sick bitch do you take me for?  Jerrick might enjoy what I share
with him, but to do that to Steff.  The little one is blind.  I would no more do
that to a blind man than I would a child."  She growled at him sharply.  "Now
you go home with your lady and let me do what I was born to do and take care of
those that need caring for."  She pulled Jerrick close.  "And Caytin, for now,
until Mother Kaylin returns, we both are going to have to hold off with Jerrick. 
Steff, can't see how he reacts, and I will not have him afraid that his master
is being hurt."
	Caytin nodded.  "Yes Healer, I understand.  Sorry Jerrick, but until the
Mother gets back, you are just going to have to wait."
	Jerrick smiled.  "It is okay Master, I kind of figured that out already. 
But that's okay.  I am no more likely to let my boy think that my mistress is
hurting me, than she is.  It's only a month or so longer.  I can wait."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	Kaj woke to the sound of the Temple bells.  She was up at once.  The
bells could only mean one thing.  The Priestesses had made it back with their
precious cargo.  "Come on you three, don't you hear the bells?"  She was
fighting to pull her tunic and pants on as quickly as possible.
	"I am going to be needed to be seen out there Mistress.  Some of these
children they have to be scared near to death."  Rook was pulling his clothes on
as fast as Kaj was.  "They know me.  Of all of my family, Miri and I were seen
most often by the younger ones the ones that were alone and abandoned.  We used
to do what we could to get enough food and blankets out to them in the winter." 
He looked down.  "Miri couldn't go out for fear of being taken like Emily was,
but I would bring as many of them as I could to help her to help them."  There
were tears in his dark blue eyes. "Some times we could help them, or at least
for a little while, but mostly."  He leaned against her.  "I was twelve when I
had my first baby die in my arms."
	She held him tight.  "It won't happen this time.  It wasn't just you and
your twin trying to battle death, but the greatest Healers on this world who
were guided by the Mother to save these children.  Now, let's go and see what we
can do about adopting as many as we can for our house."
	Caytin touched her arm.  "Kaj, are you going to allow the bedwarmers to
adopt as well?  This is the only chance they will have at being father's."
	Kaj gave him a firm look.  "Fertile or bedwarmer, it doesn't matter.  If
they are over the age of fifteen, they are considered men in my house, and have
as much right to offer these poor little ones their love as anyone, up to and
including you and I."
	Kaj almost ran right into her sister as she stepped out of her door. 
"So you heard?"
	"Yes, the bell is very distinctive.  It is a summons, there is not a
woman in the city that won't hear it."  Jerrick was behind her, Steffon as
holding to his arm, Drav was close, and looked very worried.
	The women of Kaj's house, the men as well poured out of every door that
led outside.  All in a single-minded goal to save as many of the children and
infants that could be saved.
	Kaylin met Kaj as she passed her front gate.  "Chieftess, I have two
things I need you to see to."  The Priestess didn't mix words.  The tiny newborn
in her arms mewed softly, not a cry, but not a, happy noise ether.  "This little
one, he was born on the return trip.   And his mother died.  I tried to save
her, but she only asked that I see to her son, I promised that I would see him
placed in the safest place outside of the Temple, and then she asked to die." 
She pushed the covers off the infants face, pale skin, silver eyes and hair,
spoke volumes of the child's paternity.  "The child was a product of rape.  The
poor girl would not kill it in her womb, but after he was born, she had no more
desire to live."  She handed the child to Kaj.  "You have, or so I have been
told, four of them in your house already.  So surely you can see to his care."
	Kaj took the infant boy from her.  "Thank you Mother.  Now you said that
there were two things.  Is there another like him, a little half-breed that
needs a home?"
	Kaylin shook her head, a look of supreme rage on her face.  So very
little phased Kaj's oldest friend that it took her by complete surprise.
	"Hand your new son to one of your other consorts Kaj, you will need to
restrain your first."  She advised.
	Fain took the baby from her, a frightened look on his face.  "I have him
	A cold knot of fear filled Kaj as she gently took Caytin into her arms. 
"Is it Tallin?"
	The Priestess shook her head.  "No, your son and his mate made it home
safely, but the young guardswoman Finna.  She made it in time to stop a while
sale slaughter.  And was on her way home when she was attacked.  The young woman
did her mother proud, but there were too many for her to win.  We found her in
the pits of the castle, barely alive.  She, Kaj, I have never seen creatures
like what was attacking her, hurting her.  It took all that I had to keep the
young woman from seeking the peace of the Dark Mother."  She led them to the
back of a wagon, where Finna lay, not aware of anything around her but, not,
asleep.  "She has been like this for the last moon.  I would have started to
heal her mind, but I had so many other things to do, than to put the saving of
life aside to work on her."
	Caytin pulled at Kaj's hold as the horror flowed from her to him.  "I
did this, I might as well have given her to these monsters."  He was hysterical. 
	"No, Cay, look at me."  Kaj grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to
look at her.  "She is alive.  She will be healed.  Don't beat yourself my love. 
How were we to know?  She should have stayed with the troops and not tried to
make it back alone.  No blame, I will not allow any to place blame that includes
	"But her mother, she is going to want to skin me alive, and I will stand
for it.  She was a maid before me.  If I had not done what I did, she would not
be like that."
	Kaj spun him around to watch the wagons full of the refugees from the
Catimine's roll into her city.  "And had you not done what was needed.  Those
wagons would not be here.  Finna will heal.  It is a horrible thing that
happened.  But no more horrible than what those four in my house had to live
through.  She will heal."  She stroked his hair as he wept against her.  "Now,
come on love.  There are so many of the little ones that need our help.  Let
Mother Kaylin see to her."  She looked back to Kaylin.  "Priestess Just as soon
as the young woman is healed she can see her mother, but not until."
	Kaylin nodded.

	All around them, adults, women and men alike were trying to coax
frightened children into the light of the full moon.
	"Listen to me, love, gather up all that you think you can take on, I am
taking this little one and heading home, It isn't quite summer yet, and the air
is still a bit cool for someone his age."  Kaj kissed him as she took her new
son from Fain.  "You too green eyes, It is totally up to you how many of these
little ones you think you can see to.  Raising the little ones is a man's job
after all.  She kissed him on the cheek.  "But this one, I think I am going to
be stingy with for a while, he is so very pretty, and his mother is forever gone
from him.  So it is to me that goes the honor of seeing to it that he grows up
in a home full of love."  She moved off towards the house, where she knew that
there was warmth and a home for this little orphan.
	By one's and two's the children were collected, some coming willingly,
others crying as they were picked up.  And all around the area of the wagon's a
litany of soft words, promises and assurances of home and love from the men as
they gathered them.
	Caytin still feeling bad for what had happened to Finna and his belief
that had he not taken her from a maid to a young woman, she would not be in the
shape she was in looked around.  Seeking those he felt would come with him and
be his children if not gladly, at least not with the tears he was hearing from
so many.
	He saw two, a little girl and an even smaller boy, huddling together. 
Well, it was a place to start.  "Hello little ones."  He moved to kneel so that
he was nearer their height.
	The little boy squealed and threw himself at Caytin.  "Da."
	The girl looked at him warily, reaching to try to pull the boy back away
from him.  "No, Jorry, he's not out daddy."  She tried to pull the boy away, but
the little one was having no part of it.
	"Da!" Jorry was stubbornly holding onto Caytin.
	The girl was near tears.  "He's not our daddy Jorry.  Our daddy did like
our mommy and left us." She looked up at Caytin.  "Please, he don't mean to be
like this."
	Caytin just held the boy.  "What is your name dear?"
	"And his is Jorry, correct?"
	She nodded.  "Tell him you aren't his Da.  We don't have a Da anymore. 
He left us."
	Caytin just smiled shaking his head.  "If your parents left you, then
that was very bad on their part.  But if he wants, if you both want, I can and
will be your papa.  I have raised scores of children, daughters and sons alike. 
Why is it do you think you were brought here?"
	"They didn't tell us.  Only to get into the wagon, and that they would
take us somewhere that we would be safe."  She looked at him closely.  "Are you
	Caytin met her eyes with his own.  "If you are afraid that I will hurt
you or your, brother?"  She nodded.  "Then put that out of your head Tisha.  I
am far safer, than any you have met other than the priestesses that brought you
here.  I am a man and real men do not abuse and harm any as little and innocent
as you are.  The very thought is bad to me."  He was trying to convey meanings
he was very worried were beyond either of these children.  "Let me take you
home.  Let me be your papa, let me love you.  Your new mother is the Chieftess
of this city, like the King.  So you all will be special."  Actually other than
Rhea and Tallin, there was no rank, but it was something they understood, and
they would finally learn the way of things here later.  But for now, he wanted
to get them into a safe place.
	Ern walked around not at all sure what to do.  He was now a full-fledged
consort, and his mistress had sent him out to get at least one if not more to
raise.  He was still having problems accepting his new life, but to be a father. 
He wasn't sure if he was going to keep from failing on that task.
	A movement from the shadows of one of the wagons caught his attention. 
There was someone there, someone small.  "Hello," he put on his most friendly
	The little shadow pulled back farther into the darkness.  "Hey, it's
okay.  I am not gonna hurt you.  No one here is.  You can come on out.  I might
not be the greatest father material in the world, but I don't beat up on kids."
	The small figure moved slowly forward, not fully coming out of hiding,
but not pulling back so much anymore either.  "You're not one of the bad men are
you?"  A clear, very feminine voice from the shadows. 
	'Great, she's a girl.  Oh fuck'. He thought to himself.  "No, baby, I'm
not one of the bad men.  My mistress would have killed me by now if she had
thought I was.  So come on out here so I can get a good look at you.  We're out
here, gathering up as many as we can take home and adopt.  You would like that
wouldn't you?"
	She moved towards him, her fingers working on the lacings of her
tattered top.  "I won't fight you sir, just don't hurt me."
	Ern reached out quickly and stopped her.  "No, I don't do that girl.  No
man here will."  He looked around looking for someone to help him.  Eyes
stopping on Caytin who was still talking to two younger kids.  "Come on kid, I
have someone I want you to meet."  He all but dragged her across the space
between him and Caytin  "Caytin, I think, no I know.  I need your help here."
	Caytin looked up, smiling.  "Ah, Ern, she is a very sweet looking little
girl. Your mistress is going to be so pleased."
	Ern all but threw the girl at him shaking his head.  "No, anyone but me. 
I'm sorry Cay, but I can't."  He didn't know if the Head Consort would
understand, or if he would be in trouble.  "She's been raped, someone had kept
her so that she knows what to do now.  Cay, I'm only nineteen.  I don't have a
clue what to do for her.  Please, master, help her, help me."  Ern was near
tears.  He knew that he should be able to face the problem and take it on.  But
the fact that this little girl had offered her body to him, thinking that that
was what he wanted from her.  He had a little sister that couldn't be much older
than this one was.  "Please Cay, I got a kid sister that is her age.  And when I
look at her, and think of Cally."  There were no other words.
	The look of irritation on Caytin's face went quickly to compassion then
to outrage.  "It's okay Ern.  Of course at your age, with a sister as young as
she, when faced with the ugliness that was done to a child such as she.  No one
can expect you to be able to take it on."  He turned his attention to the girl. 
"Hello, precious, Ern here seems to think I am the one best suited to stand as
you papa."  He reached out to touch her cheek.  "What is your name, or because
of your past few cycles, you no longer remember it?"
	The filthy little waif looked up at him a look of, not quite, disgust on
her face.  "I'm eight, not stupid.  After my daddy and momma died.  I, was,
taken by the bad men.  But they never could take my name away from me."  She
looked very proud of herself.  "My name is Kit."
	Caytin only allowed himself a brief smile.  He knew if he laughed at her
bravado, the odds of the girl taking it wrong were just too high.  "Well Kit, I
do believe if I take you home to raise with my mistress, I as your papa, and she
as your momma, this inner strength you have will be nurtured and allowed to
blossom into a strong and confident young woman one day."  He looked up at Ern. 
"Tisha and Jorry need to be taken to the house and put into the hands of what
ever bedwarmers that are not out here seeking their one chance of fatherhood. 
Take my 'new' daughter here to see her momma and then first to a bath, and then
to a hot meal.  I believe my Mistress is going to be as impressed with her and
her inner strength as I am."  He never once talked to or about the young girl in
any way that was a slight to her self-esteem.  He was amazed with all that he
was picking up from her that she was still as strong as she was.  And he would
rather loose an arm than take that from her.
	Kit looked from Caytin to Ern and then back again.  "Please, what are
you going to do to me? The ladies in the blue robes told me that they were
bringing me to where the bad men could never find me.  What happens next?"
	Caytin dropped to a knee in front of her.  Reaching up to cup her chin. 
"The priestesses were telling the truth Kit.  There are no bad men, or bad
women, for that matter.  Here, you have been brought to us to be given a home,
love and a family.  And that is exactly what you will get, no more no, less." 
He looked up at Ern.  "Take her and my other two children and get them home.  I
have things I need to do."
	Slowly but surely, the children were collected.  It was not only Kaj's
house that rushed to aid them, but also every house in the city.  By light, all
but a few had been gathered and given a home.  The priestesses knew that those
houses outside of the city would collect the few left long before nightfall.

	"Steff," Drav's voice was soft in Steffon's ear.  "There is a little
girl, standing alone by one of the wagon's.  She is very pretty and also looks
very scared.  Trinna has instructed us to gather at least one each so she can
help us raise them.  Do you wish to go and meet this little one?"
	Steffon looked up at the sound of his voice.  "I didn't think she had
meant me too.  But I guess what with the fact that sooner or later my sight will
be returned to me, yeah.  So tell me, what does she look like, not that it
matters any.  But I would like to have a good picture in my head."
	"She is about as tall as my knee, which would be your upper thigh.  I
think, once we get her home and get her a bath.  Her hair is going to be blonde. 
I have no idea what color her eyes are, Steff.  It is too dark."  The three men
had taken just a quick moment to agree that for this night, while they were
seeing to seeing what they could do to help give so many families, that there
would be no master or slave.
	"How old would you say she is?  I am going to have a hard enough time
convincing a little kid to listen to me.  But one of the older ones, I will have
to get Jerrick to convince them that just because I am blind, doesn't mean I'm
feeble in the head."
	Drav looked the girl over, who was starring back at him and Steffon with
a confused but frightened look.  "Two, maybe three at the most.  And she is
looking at us in one of those none too sure about this look's"
	"If only I could make the little girl understand, I'm all too aware of
that feeling."  Steffon held on to Drav's arm as they approached the little
	Drav stopped just a few feet away from the girl.  "She's about three or
four feet ahead of us."
	"Thanks."  He, whispered, under his breath as he gave the small girl the
biggest smile he could muster.  Or at least he hoped it was a smile.  "Hello
honey.  It's a little late for you to be running around out here in the cold. 
My Lady told me that she would be momma to any babies I brought home that called
me papa."  He figured he was doing this all wrong, but he had no experience in
this sort of thing, just a little over a moon ago, he was still a virgin and
figured he would stay that way for the rest of his life.
	But the little girl was too young to consider anything but the key words
in his ramble.  He would take her to a place, she would have a momma, she had
never had a momma.  And he would be her papa.  "Papa?"  Her little arms rose,
fingers clasping and un-clasping.
	"Steff," Drav whispered in his ear again.  "I think the little one wants
you to pick her up."
	"Oh, okay."  He went to his knee, holding out his arms, hoping that his
new daughter was bright enough to just come on forward.  He didn't want to seem
completely helpless, but if he had to have Drav help him to find her, the jig
was going to be up.  "That's right honey.  I'm your Papa."
	Drav watched on as the little girl moved carefully and climbed into
Steffon's arms.  "Any thoughts of a name?"  He figured with as young as this one
was, if she had had one, it was probably long since forgotten.
	Steffon looked up towards where Drav's voice had been.  "A name? I
hadn't thought of that."  His hand reached out to touch the child's face.  He
was going to have to come up with a name for what was now, by Danite law, his
daughter.  "Well, I guess, I can always call her what before I came here, I
didn't have."
	"And that would be?"
	"Hope," he smiled a slightly silly look on his face.  "Before coming
here, I was doomed to spend the rest of my life blind, and a virgin, if I was
lucky.  Or taken by one of the less reputable brothels if I wasn't.  Jerrick was
willing to step in front of me, and protect me when no one else was willing to
see that I was blind and couldn't move as quickly as they wanted.  He gave me
hope, and then Trinna.  There is not a man alive that is happier than I am.  I
have her, I have Jerrick, I have you, and now it would seem I have this little
gift from god as my little girl.  So I am naming her Hope."

	Jerrick looked up as Drav led Steffon, who had a tiny little girl in his
arms.  "So, and who is this one, baby?"
	"Hope, Jerrick."  He grinned.  "Drav was the one that pointed my girl
out to me.  She's young enough that the accepting of Trinna and I as her
parents, isn't going to be a hard one."
	"Well, she might as well get used to the idea of three papa's.  Just
like my boy's here."
	"Boy's Jerrick?"  There was surprise in his voice.
	"Yeah, twin's, they look just alike, so I figure they're identical."  He
squeezed the little boy on his knee.  "This is Dowan," then he squeezed the
other lad just as tightly.  "And his brother Koran.  I figure them to be about
two or three, tops."
	"They're very pretty Jerrick, you suddenly developing tastes like
Caytin?"  Drav joked.
	"Look at Steff, hell boy, go take a good look in the mirror soon. 
Beginning, nothing, I was never really that interested in little boy's before
coming here, but I often told Mer how damned lucky he was.  And I figured what
the hell.  I got about another thirteen cycles to come to terms with what is
going to happen.  Just do me a favor Drav.  Try a little girl.  We don't touch
them, thank God."
	Drav just laughed.  "I'll see what I can do, but the little girls are
beginning to disappear at a surprising rate."
	"Then I would suggest you hall your butt out there and see what you can
do about helping one or two of these kids."  He turned his attention back on the
two in his arms.  "He's going to go out and get you both a little brother or
sister soon, and look.  See your pretty, new, little sister that your mamma's
and my second consort found us."  Jerrick looked up to where Steffon still
stood.  "Baby, why don't you set your girl there down for a minute and come over
here, just follow my voice, the ground is level underneath you."  Jerrick looked
at the frightened little girl that held on to Steffon's leg.  "It's okay Hope. 
You're papa can't see anything right now, so I just didn't want him to stumble
while he was carrying you."  He smiled at the little girl.  "But don't you worry
none.  The nice ladies in the blue robes are going to fix him soon enough, and
until they do, Drav and I will see to helping him take care of you."  Jerrick
might never had been a father before, but he had spent most of his adult life
working with boys, some as young as twelve and thirteen.  Helping them to learn
to be soldiers, in a war that there was no chance of winning.  So he had all the
practice he needed on calming the young.

	Drav looked around, trying to find another little one, a child that was
young enough not to know what he was.  He was all too aware of how many of the
older children were looking at him in fear.  'Curse my uncle'.  Drav wanted to
scream.  His whole race had become monsters to these children.
	"She's like him."  A young male voice full of hate and pain.  And the
following cry of pain as a stone was thrown at a small girl.  Hair and face were
filthy, but the dirt couldn't cover the silver of her hair or the grace of her
tiny body.
	"No!"  Drav reacted without thinking and threw himself between the child
and her attackers.  "What are you doing?  She's just a baby."  He held the child
close as he looked up at the boy who had thrown the stone.
	The boy threw another stone, hitting Drav on the shoulder.  "You're
kind, they killed my papa, took my mum."  He was in tears as he threw another
stone, this one striking Drav across the side of the head.  "You all should die,
just like my folks did."
	Drav looked up with pain filled eyes.  "Master!"  There was nothing else
he could do, forgetting the agreement that he.  Steffon and Jerrick had made. 
His arms tightened around the child in his arms.  If being stoned were what was
to happen, it would happen.  But he was not gong to let anyone else hurt this
little one.
	Both Steffon and Jerrick looked up at the panicked voice sounding out in
the night.  "Drav!"  Steffon tried to get to his feet as fast as he could.
	"Hold it, Steff, you sit here with our kids, I'll go take care of this." 
Jerrick's voice was tight.  There was no place for the pain and fear that he was
hearing in Drav's voice. He swore to himself that if the boy weren't in serious
trouble, he would be soon enough.
	What he saw as he came around one of the many wagons made his blood
freeze.  Drav and a tiny little girl were huddled in the center of a crowd of
children that were throwing rocks at them.  "Here now, what is this?"  He
grabbed one of the boy's arms before the child had a chance to throw another
rock.  "What the hell do you think you are doing?"
	The boy tried to pull away from Jerrick.  "They killed my folks, all our
folks."  They child was in tears.
	"Did Drav, or that little girl hurt you?  He held up a hand.  "I'm not
talking about his race, boy.  But did he or that baby there, did either of them
ever hurt you?"
	"No, but their kind, they killed and hurt my folks, all our folks."  The
boy was not going to back down.  He believed that the thing huddled there with
that little baby was both monsters and needed to die.
	Jerrick shook his head.  "So, you're telling me that just because it was
some of their people that did the wrong, they should pay for it?"
	"Yes," his voice was pure hate.  A hate, that, a child his age should
never have to feel.
	He nodded.  "So, you think that just because some of a race does bad
things, that each and every member of it should die?"  The boy nodded.  "Then
kid, you shouldn't be alive right now.  True, we would have never even dreamed
of committing the crimes that the Ruling members of the Catimine's have, but we
are far from innocent."  He let the boy's hand go.  "Think on that, all of you. 
Think what it would mean, if your parents had committed the grievous sin's that
a small part of the Catimine people did, and the victims expected you to die
along with the guilty, all because you were a member of their family."  The boy
broke down into heart wrenching sobs.  "It's okay boy.  Believe me, I understand
how you feel.  I felt the same way just a little over a moon ago, before I got
to know the true story."  He squeezed the youth gently.  "You see that one,
right there?  The one, that, you and your little mob were in the middle of
stoning?  He is the true prince of the Catimine's.  His uncle invaded his city
twelve cycles ago, and killed off most of the ruling family.  So the one's you
should hate, and not really the Calamine's but the Taberon.  The Catimine's
broke away from their original race, when the Taberon's began to become
something less than human.  And that little girl there, she can't be more than
what six or seven at the most.  What possible harm could she have done any of
you?  Do you understand me boy?  The lot of you were trying to kill an innocent
man, and a little girl that isn't much more than a baby."  He dropped to a knee
before the boy.  "Am I getting through to you lad?"
	"I, I'm sorry."  There were tears in his eyes as he sniffled.  "I didn't
know.  All the Calamine's I ever saw were the ones that were killing and raping
my papa and mum.  And after they raped her, they killed her too."
	Jerrick's arms tightened around the sobbing boy.  "I know.  It has to be
a very hard thing for someone your age to live though, but you did.  And now, if
it wasn't for the fact that I have my hands full with not only a pair of twins,
but the little ones that my other two consorts are collecting, I would take you
home and show you what a family is again.  But you just hold on for a bit, I am
sure that if I can't locate one from my house to come and collect you to be his
and his ladies son, one of the other men from another house will soon enough."

	Kerfan grabbed Jerrick's arm as he moved to go help Drav with the child
he had protected.  "What in the Mother's name is going on here?"
	"Bad memories."  Jerrick lay a hand on the boy's shoulder.  "This lad,
he has had a lot taken from him, at a very early age, hell all of these kids
have, but his reaction to pain was a little more direct than we had expected. 
His father was killed.  His mother was raped, and then killed.  And when the boy
saw my consort there, and that baby of his people, he and some of the other
boy's here, started to stone them.  I stopped it, and took the time to explain
to the boy that his enemy wasn't Drav, or that little girl, not really the
Catimine's.  But rather the Taberon, the boy didn't know the difference.  Up
until last moon, I didn't know the difference."  Jerrick kept looking over his
shoulder at where Drav still huddled, not moving, arms around the girl.  "Excuse
me, Sir." 
	He knelt by where Drav almost lay.  "Are you hurt, honey?"
	"I can't move anything but my neck, Master."  There was terror is his
voice.  "Twelve cycles of abuse, all to be paralyzed by a rock thrown by a
child."  He was crying.  "The 'shin mee', she isn't hurt is she Master, please,
if I am to lose my body, tell me she's okay."
	Jerrick looked over the child that was clinging to Drav, terror in her
eyes.  "Yeah, love, she is just time.  And you are not going to lose the use of
your body.  I'll get you home and Trin will either fix you, or get someone who
can."  He looked up at Kerfan.  "I need a back support stretcher, Sir.  Drav
can't move anything past his neck."
	"You stay with him, I'll go get my daughter.  He doesn't need to be
moved at all right now."  He quickly pulled up the little boy that he had just
claimed as his and Shern's son, and headed for his house.
	Jerrick spared the boy a quick look.  "Kid, what's your name?"
	The boy bit his bottom lip.  "Trent," the boy looked at Drav is absolute
horror at what he had done.  "I'm sorry."  He was crying now.
	Drav looked up at the boy, smiling weakly.  "I don't blame you 'shin
mee'.  It has only been in the last moon that my siblings and I have been able
to get word out that the Catimine people are not the ones that are doing this." 
He looked up at Jerrick.  Where is my master, Master"
	"Waiting just behind that wagon there, hold on.  I'll see about getting
him and our kids."  He looked at the boy, who was still standing there looking
so bad.  "Trent, son, I need you to do something for me.  It's probably not
going to be easy for someone as small as you are, but Steff, my ladies and my
second consort is sitting on the other side of that wagon.  My two boy's names
are Dowan and Koran.  Steff and his little girl Hope, could you go and lead them
here.  Steff is blind.  That is why I warned you it might not be an easy task
for you.  You have to make sure that he doesn't stumble or fall."
	"What if he won't listen to me?  I'm just a boy, no body listens to
	If it weren't such a bad situation, Jerrick would have probably laughed. 
"You go and tell him that Jerrick asked you to bring him and our kids.  Trust me
son, he will be more than happy to follow you anywhere you lead."
	The boy nodded just once.  "Yes sir," before he hurried off.  The rest
of the mob that had been throwing stones, including the one that paralyzed Drav
had taken to vanishing when Jerrick had stopped them.
	Steffon looked up at the sound of running feet.  "Yes?"  He wasn't
worried anymore about being blind.  The whole city knew he was blind, and took
it in stride, as they waited for the Mother Priestess to return and see him put
to rights.
	The boy stopped, looking at the blind man and the three kids with him. 
"You're Steff, right?  And those are his kids, Dowan and Koran, and she is
	"Yes, and you are?"
	The boy broke down into tears again.  "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I
thought that it was the Catimine's that did all the bad things, didn't know
about no body called Taberon.  The man, his name is Jerrick, he told me to come
and get you and the babies, he's with the other one, the Catimine."  He was
babbling.  "He can't move anymore, and it's all my fault."
	Steffon was on his feet instantly.  "I don't have time to listen to your
bear your soul to me right now, my Lover has been hurt.  Please, if you can,
lead me to him."  He took Hope's little hand in his.  "Come on Dowan, you too
Koran.  You papa needs to see you right now."
	Trent led then back around the wagon moving as fast as he dared with the
blind man's hand on his shoulder.
	Trinna and Kerfan almost ran over the boy who was guiding Steffon to
where Jerrick knelt.
	"What, my having to dance with the Dark Mother to save your hide once,
not enough love?"  Her hands, went, at once to seek out and knit the vertebrae
that were injured.  "Goddess Drav, what am I going to do with you?"
	"I will not say I'm sorry Mistress, those children were stoning my new
daughter.  What would you have me do, stand back and let them?"  His eyes never
once lowered.  "She is one of my people.  They would see her dead because of it. 
See us both dead."
	"I don't expect you to apologize for saving the little girl, nor am I
unhappy that you have made me a mother."  She looked around at the other three. 
"All of these babies?"  She smiled patting him on the back.  "You're fine now. 
Kerfan was right in not moving you, had you been moved, it would have made the
work much harder."
	"You got four in one night, and another on the way, love."  Jerrick was
so very relieved.  In the past weeks, he had actually become very fond of Drav,
much to his surprise.  He had been worried there for a while, that he would say
something mean or cruel to the boy and end up being punished again, and that
would have been a very bad thing.  Steffon, was his Lover, as well as second
consort.  The boy because of his lack of sight didn't know how much he loved
when either his mistress or his master chose to toy with him.  Well fortunately
soon enough, that would be over.  Steffon would be able to see again, and with
his sight returned, at last able to watch as he was played with.  He was growing
anxious for the Healer to do just that with his boy.
	"So, I see.  So tell me mate.  Which of these three darlings are you
father of?  I know that the little one that is still clinging to Drav, is
without a doubt his child.  But what of you and Steff?"
	Jerrick looked to where Steffon stood, his little girl's hand closed
within his.  "You go on, baby, show off Hope.  Trust me Steff, she is just sweet
enough looking to eat."
	Steffon bent over to talk to the girl.  "Hope, honey, remember what I
said when I offered to be your papa?  About you getting a momma too.  That is my
lady, and your mother.  She's a Healer.  And will one-day real soon, take her
final vows and become on of the Mother's of the Temple.  So she should have no
problems being yours."
	Hope looked up at Trinna.  Eyes full of wonder.  "Mommy?"
	Trinna held out her hands to the little girl.  "Yes, precious, that's
right.  I'm your mommy."  She looked up at Steffon as she gathered the little
girl close.  "She is simply wonderful, love.  Thank you for your trust in me to
see that our daughter is cared for as any child of the Danes should be."
	"Hold up Trin, the surprises are just starting.  You have met Hope, and
obviously your, little one with Drav.  Now I would like you to meet my son's. 
Dowan and Koran, I got a matched set."
	Trinna laughed as she reached out to gather them to her as well. 
"Jerrick, they are darling.  I have no words to tell you all what this means to
me.  I mate, become with child, and now I have four with one on the way."  Tears
sparkled in her eyes.  "Thank you, all of you."

	Drav had tried a few words in his language, seeing if the little one
that was now his daughter understood him, but the little one only looked at him
confused.  "How old are you 'shin mee'?"
	Again the little one just looked at him confused.  Shaking her head. 
"Bad girl, evil," her soft voice was barely more than a whisper.	
	"No." Drav pulled her close.  "You are not evil.  You are the most
beautiful thing I have ever seen."  He stroked her hair as he held her.  "You
are 'Winnafinde mee', my bright shining one.  But I do think I will just call
you Winna for short.  They seem to have a hard time here with proper names."
	"Goddess, another one."  Kerfan shook his head at the tone in Drav's
voice.  "Well, I hope that my son," he looked to where Trent stood to one side,
looking lost and confused.  After the initial burst of anger and hate had left
him.  He was nothing more than just a little lost child.  "Or should I say
son's.  Both have names that they can remember, or Shern is going to be at me to
try to wrap my mind around another one of their mind twisting idea's of a name." 
He held out his hand to the boy.  "Come on child.  I have one son already, will
you make it two?"
	Trent looked up at him.  "You want me?  I was the one that threw the
first rock, and you still want me?"
	Kerfan squeezed his shoulder lightly.  "You didn't know the truth, so
yes, if you wish to call me papa, and Shern as well, yes we want you."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	All the children had been seen to, in Kaj's house.  It took a little
calming, and soothing words, but eventually they all were fed, bathed and tucked
in a warm bed.
	There were other wagons coming, but they would have the adult refugees
and none of the children.  Including one, that was held under a heavy guard,
because in it was the monster that started all of this horror.  Kaj and Caytin
both agreed that they would let the priestesses see to him first.  Allow him to
spend a few weeks living through the hell he had inflicted on so many in his
head, before she allowed Caytin to see to his death.  Caytin could not decide
what he would do to the man.  If he came from the Temple with his sanity still
intact there were so many options. 
	"Let it rest for now, love."  Kaj could only imagine the pain and grief
that her consort was suffering.  Bad enough that they had collected so many for
their home and city because of this monster, but Caytin still believed himself
to blame for Finna's fate.
	Caytin, who lay by her on the bed, rolled over on his side to look down
at her.  "One night, Kaj, please.  Give me one night with this creature.  I am
worried that once the Temple finishes with him, he will not be able to
appreciate anything I do to him.  But give me one night, Let me and the men of
my house see to it that he knows our hate, and vengeance.  Let him see and know
that Drav and his brothers still live and are secure here.  I would say let him
see Mysti still lives, but I am not sure that I want my child to see the monster
that was the living embodiment of her nightmares for so long."
	Kaj lifted a hand, to stroke his cheek.  "You're not going to let it go
are you?  It's not enough that the Temple will see to it that he suffers more in
the time with them, than you or any man could ever hope to make him suffer."
	Caytin looked down at her.  "No, Kaj, I will not let it go.  Be as angry
with me as you will.  Punish me if you feel you must.  But I want that creature. 
If only for one night, I want him and I want him before he can no longer know
what pain is.  The man that murdered my son is forever gone from me, as long as
he is still fertile and alive to produce seed.  It isn't the same, knowing that
every breath he takes is agony now.  But this, thing, he was the one that
started this pain.  If he had not done what he did, the Merican's would not have
felt the need to raid our house, and my son would be alive."
	Kaj nodded.  "Yes love, but we would still be dying.  I have to hold to
the knowledge that Remmy's death was for a purpose.  If I don't, then the pain
would still cut at me.  My belief that his death was the cost for our second
chance, is all that is keeping me from dying inside."
	"Please, Kaj, Mistress, I am not too proud to beg if I must."  Caytin
took her hand into his.  "Just one night.  And I will ask nothing else from you. 
Too many of my men deserve this."
	Kaj nodded.  Looked at where Fain and Rook curled up together, sleeping. 
"Yes, I see what you mean love.  I will tell Kaylin to hold off on his
sentencing for a day or two, and you and the men of my house can purge your pain
on him.  Just see to it that he is still alive so that the Temple can pass
judgement on him.  In the end, he will return to you and the men here, to finish
with him, but for now, see that he is left living."
	Caytin reached for her, pulling her against him.  "Thank you Kaj.  I
can't promise what kind of condition he will be in once we are finished with
him, but I promise, he will still be alive."  He would have his revenge.  True,
there was no way he or any of the men in his home could ever see to it that this
creature paid fully for the horrors he caused, but he was going to see to it
that they didn't fail in the effort to try.
	She captured his face in her hands.  "I don't care what shape he is in
when you drag the thing to the Temple.  As long as he is still alive."
	"Does he have to still be sane?"
	She just snorted softly.  "Love, he isn't sane now.  No sane creature
would have done what he did.  But no, I don't care if he is babbling when you
take him.  All I care is that he is still alive.  Now, let it go for now.  He
will be here tomorrow or the next day at the latest.  I don't want to hear about
him any more.  We have children to care for, and you and I are going to have our
hands full with Fain and Rook.  They will be suffering when they wake in the
morning.  He was responsible for so much of their pain.  I do not envy my
sister, Kerfan or Hirren.  They each have one of the three he hurt so much in
their care."  She kissed him softly.  "Now, go to sleep love.  And that is an
		*	*	*
	Kerfan held Shern as his young Lover wept against him.  "Ssshh, I know
bright eyes, trust me, I know."  He stroked his hair.
	Shern shook his head.  This man couldn't understand.  He wasn't a
monster to those boys'.  But thanks to his uncle, he and those like him were. 
"They hate me, Master.  I could see it in their eyes, and how they did
everything they could do to keep space between us.  They think I am like the
others who hurt them are."
	He lifted Shern's face to meet his eyes.  But had to close his briefly. 
The look of utter despair cut at him.  'Damn that madman.  All this for what,
what reason could he have had?'  "Give then time, Shern.  They know the truth
now, but it is going to take a little time for them to come to peace with it. 
They are you son's now as much as they are mine.  Give our boys' time to heal."
	Shern shook his head.  "But Master, they will never see me as anything
but a member of a race that hurt them so much.  Even if it wasn't one of our
people, my uncle and those with him, are still of my blood."
	Kerfan had to bite back a growl as he pinned the boy down under him. 
"No, they are nothing like you.  You are one of the gentlest souls I have ever
known.  You brothers and sister the same.  Trust me, Lover.  Soon they will see
you as I do."  He had to do something soon or this boy, that he had come to love
so much was going to suffer again, and he had suffered enough.
	Though he never had shown any of the gifts for healing, that the men of
his family occasionally did.  He had more than his own share of empathy.  He
could feel everything that his Lover did.  And he couldn't stand the feelings he
was sharing with Shern.  "Listen to me, bright eyes.  Lane and Trent are going
to be fine.  But it is you who need to let it go."  His lips were soft as he
kissed him.
	Shern looked up at him, tears in his eyes.  He had come to trust this
man more than he ever thought he could trust anyone.  He loved him.  And he
believed, foolish, as it might seem to him.  That his, master loved him too. 
"Please, Master, make love to me."  He needed this, to loose himself in the heat
that he always felt when Kerfan would bend him to his love.
	Kerfan just tightened his hold on Shern as he brushed his lips against
his brow.  "I am Lover, trust me, I am."
		*	*	*
	Kaj struggled not to fall asleep as she sat in her council room.  It
seemed like it had been weeks, when in truth, it had only been three days.  But
every time she turned around, if it wasn't one of their new children having a
problem, it was on of the refugees.  Like now, there were three women in her
room with her.  Waiting for her to decide how to integrate them into their New
	It wasn't going to be hard for one of them.  She was so old.  That the
only place she could possibly go would be the Temple.  But the other two, one
was a very worn looking woman, who had obviously seen one too many horrors.  And
the third, she couldn't be more than maybe seventeen or eighteen, and was so
pregnant that Kaj feared she was going to drop any moment.
	"Well, girl, what do you think?"  The old woman growled. 
	Kaj chuckled.  "To be honest with you old mother, I am not exactly sure. 
I was more intent on saving the children that I had not thought about much else. 
But you are right.  I am going to have to see to it that you three and any other
that come are given a place here."  She closed her eyes, sighing.  *Cay, love, I
think I might need you and Rook. *  "So, can any of you read or write?  I won't
press my luck and ask about mathematics."
	"We are women, women aren't supposed to be out, and school means going
out."  The young woman whispered, trying hard to hide herself.
	Kaj closed her eyes and counted to ten, very slowly.  "None of you have
any schooling, what of you, old mother?  Surely you lived before the war."
	"School is for rich little spoiled and pampered children, girl.  I had a
husband by the time I was fifteen, and a family by the time I was twenty."
	"I wanted to go, Chieftess, but as Bassel said, school was for those
that could afford it."  The tired woman muttered.
	Kaj looked at the young woman, who was trying to melt into the chair she
was in.  "And what about you dear?"
	The girl looked up at her, fear very bright in her amber eyes.  "No
ma'am.  My father would let me go out, and after he forced me to marry Kern,
there wasn't time."
	Kaj looked up as Caytin lead Rook into the room.  "Ah, good, am I glad
to see you two."  She held out a hand to them.  "Rook, love, I think I might
need you to help me convince these three, that everything is going to be okay
now.  Especially after I tell them what they are going to be expected to do to
begin to become part of their new city."
	Rook looked from her to the three that were in the room.  "What can I do
for you Mistress?"
	She patted her lap.  "Crawl up here and help me explain what is going to
happen to them."
	Rook didn't understand what Kaj wanted him for.  But he wasn't about to
argue with her.  So he did as she asked.  "Okay, Mistress, how can I help you to
help them?"  He wasn't at all thrilled with being where he was.  He had been
busy with his new daughter Flora.  But Kaj was his mistress, and if she wanted
him for something, then, he would do it, no matter how uncomfortable it made
	"Good, boy."  She patted his leg.  "Okay, do you three know who he is?"
	"I might not be as schooled as you, girl.  But I ain't blind or stupid." 
The old woman snapped.  "He is, or should I say, was that little girl, who is
the heir's twin."
	Kaj, tightened her arms around Rook, this old woman was getting on her
nerves.  "Look old mother.  I have let you growl so far, due to your age.  But I
am, not, a girl.  My name is Kaj, and I am the Chieftess of you new people.  You
are far too old for me to have punished for your tone.  But, do not continue to
press your luck with me.  Or I will."
	"Please, Mistress, don't."  Rook whispered in her ear.  "If your must
punish anyone, let it be me.  I place her behind me.  You are right, she is too
old to be punished."
	Kaj just shook her head, smiling at him.  "Baby, I might growl and snap,
but I am not really going to touch her.  Goddess, Rook, I was only trying to get
her to understand that I do not appreciate being talked to as if I was a half
grown girl."
	"Mistress?"  Caytin moved to stand by her.  "What is your decision on
them?"  *Why did you call me Kaj, if you only needed Rook, I could have sent
him. *
	Kaj sighed again.  "The old mother, she is to be sent to the Temple. 
There is no safer place on this world."
	Caytin nodded.  "And the other two Mistress?"
	She looked at first the older woman, who looked so worn, then here eyes
moving to the young woman.  "They need to learn our ways.  The only way I know
to do that, effectively, is to put them in your care.  They will serve as slaves
in my house for the span of two cycles.  Once they have completed their
training, they will become part of my people.  But they have to learn to think
like we do, and to do that, they have to have all choice taken from them."  *I'm
not trying to be cruel love.  But look at them.  Do you think if we didn't take
away their right to say no, that they would start to learn our ways? *
	*No, Mistress, I truly hate to say this but you are right.  Particularly
that girl, if she were any more frightened, she would give birth here and now. 
So, how do you wish I deal with them? *
	*The older woman, when she isn't studying our ways, and how to read and
write.  The kitchen could probably use another cook or server.  As for the girl,
I don't know Cay.  For now, I don't expect her to do much of anything.  Good
Goddess, look at her.  I don't think she has more than a day or two at the most
before she gives birth.  So to her, I am asking you to being to ease her fears,
and if that includes taking her to, bed, so be it. *
	Caytin looked at the poor frightened girl.  "Goddess help me."  He
muttered under his breath.
	The women watched as Kaj and Caytin discussed their future lives.  The
young pregnant woman, upon hearing that she was going to be a slave here, began
to cry.  It was no better than what she had just left.  She was near a slave to
her husband, and now, she would be one to this woman and another man.
	Kaj pushed Rook out of her lap, and moved to sit beside the weeping
girl.  "Ssshh, it's going to be fine dear.  It is only two cycles.  It will pass
before you know it.  And in that time, you will learn how to stand and think as
a woman of the Danes."  She stroked her hair.  "Now, child, what is your name?"
	The girl looked up at her, in fear and despair.  "Lauren," she was
trying to get control over herself, but the thought of being a slave, a real
one, was so very frightening.  "Please, what are you going to do to me?"
	"Nothing for now.  Other than entrust you to my Head Consort so that he
can start to see to you and dealing with your fears.  You are far too far along
to be asked to do anything."  She smiled at the girl who looked up at Caytin
with horror in her eyes.  "Don't look at him like that Lauren.  Not only is he
my first consort, but he is the head and lead consort of my entire city.  No one
and nothing will harm you in his keeping."
	Lauren just looked at him.  It was going to start all over again.  She
just knew it.  It wasn't enough that Kern had treated her like nothing and no
one, but now, she really was a nothing.
	Caytin moved slowly to where she sat with Kaj.  "You have nothing to be
afraid of dear.  I am not going to hurt you.  My mistress would skin me alive if
she thought I would hurt someone as fragile as you."  He extended a hand.  "Come
on Lauren.  Let me take you out of here."  He looked up at Kaj.  "Mistress, as
for the other women.  Should I send Jerrick, he is my Lover and second only to
me among the men who are slaves."
	Kaj nodded.  "That would be good.  At least this time, when he stands as
your Lover, he won't run the risk of being whipped for it."
	Caytin nodded.  "Yes Mistress."  He slowly began to lead the near
hysterical woman away. 
	Kaj moved to where the other woman sat, watching her.  "Calm down, I am
not going to eat you."  She patted the woman on the leg.  "So I know Bassel, and
I know Lauren, what name you want to be known as now?"
	The woman looked at her a lost look on her face.  "I don't understand. 
What do you mean what name do I want to go by now?"
	"Exactly what I said.  Bassel will become very happy in the Main Temple. 
Lauren is going to take a long time of trial and error to get her to the point
that she will be able to stand as a woman by her own right.  But you, you aren't
that little mouse that my consort led away.  So while you are here, amidst the
force of the Mother that surrounds us all, what do you want to be called?"
	The woman looked down at her hands.  "My name is Stella."
	Kaj patted her knee.  "Good name, fits very well here, among your new
	The woman looked up at Kaj, her eyes so black that her pupils were
almost lost in their depths.  "But are you?"  For the first time since she came
in with the other two there was a look of emotion on her face.  "I mean, they,
are they going to be our new people?"
	Kaj smiled as kindly as she could.  "Listen to me, Stella.  I am not
doing this because I want to, but until you and that little girl that just left
here, have a chance to learn the way we are.  Then I really don't have that much
of a choice.  Yes, as far as I am concerned.  And being the Chieftess of your
new people, I'm the only one whose thoughts matter.  As soon as you come to
terms with what it means to be one of us, I will see to it that no one will ever
question your position here among us again."
		*	*	*
	Caytin stood outside the door to the Men's Quarters.  "This will only
take a moment, and then I will see to it that you are taken care of."  He led
her into the room.  Smiling to himself as he watched Jerrick on all fours
playing with not only his son's, but his Lover's daughter. 
	The squeal of delighted children rang out in the room, as first one of
the boys, and then the other would dart in to touch him on the shoulder, only to
pull back giggling as he turned, growling and roaring in mirth at them.  Hope
would occasionally reach in to add her hand to the play, only to dart back as he
turned to try to gather her up in his arms, laughing.
	Winna stood back, holding on to Drav as she watched the others in their
play.  "It's okay Winna, he isn't going to hurt them.  They are only playing. 
Would you like to play too?"  Drav had spent all morning trying to convince his
new daughter that her past was over, and that she not only had a mother and
three father's who loved her dearly, but two brother's and a sister.  A new life
for her, one, that could never be taken away from her.
	Caytin chuckled, clearing his throat.  "I hate to break this up, but I
need your help love."
	Jerrick turn over to sit on the floor, his two boys going into his arms
immediately.  "Yes, Master, what would you have me do?"  He tried to ignore the
obvious youth of the young pregnant woman by Caytin, hoping that she wasn't what
he was supposed to help deal with.  Already, he felt almost like a dirty old
man, what with his mistress and Lover being as young and they were.  But this
girl looked even younger.
	"Hug your boys tight and send them and your other two consorts to your
lady's room.  There is a woman that is still in Kaj's council chambers that I
need you to stand in my stead for.  I will be very busy with this little one for
a while."
	Jerrick sighed in relief.  "Come here you two.  Your papa has to go help
take care of a few things, but I'll be home soon enough."  He kissed both boys
on the cheek.  "You go on with your other papa's and sister's, and don't worry
none, nothing is going to happen to take you away from me and your momma."  He
looked to Drav, who was pulling himself up.  "Do me a favor, and make sure your
master makes it home okay."
	Drav nodded.  "Yes, Master."  He held his daughters' hand with one, and
reached for Steffon's with the other.  "Come on Master, you heard what yours
said.  Let's get our children and clear out."
	Caytin waited until the six were gone.  "I see that you are beginning to
woo not only your boys, but that little girl that you have with your Lover,
good.  I hate to interrupt your games with your children.  But I can't be two,
places, at the same time.  And if I have any hope to see to Lauren here, then I
need to ask for your help."
	Jerrick smiled.  "I understand, Master.  Just so long as this time, when
I go to fill my place as your Lover, there isn't any guards itching to see blood
around, I have no problems."
	"They would have to break into my mistresses Men's Quarters to do that,
and no one would dare.  No love, this time there is no threat."
	Jerrick nodded.  "I know that Master, I was only teasing you.  So what
do you want me to do?"
	"There is a woman in the council chamber that is waiting for you.  Kaj
had no choice, to help these women learn to adapt to our ways and our laws, she
has seen to it that for the next two cycles, they are to be among the ranks of
her slaves here."  He held up a hand as Jerrick gasped.  "I know it seems harsh,
but trust me Lover, she really didn't have a choice.  Look at this one.  Do you
honestly see her or any of the women from your world being able to integrate any
other way?  They have to have all choice taken away from them, at least for a
time.  They are completely uneducated.  Can't even read or write, forget the
histories or anything else."
	Jerrick had to admit, no matter how much he hated it, that Kaj did have
a point.  "Okay, Master, I can accept that.  What do you want me to do with, or
to this other woman?"
	"What I am not going to be able to do with this girl for the time being. 
I will have to wait until after she gives birth to completely welcome her into
our house.  But the other, she does not have this problem."  Caytin lay a hand
on Jerrick's arm.  "And love, she is a woman grown, your age if not older.  So
you don't have to worry about your strange idea's of morality."
	Jerrick nodded.  "Thank you, Master.  I am going to have enough problem
trying to get most of the other kids here, to accept Drav as not being one of
those things that hurt them and their folks so badly.  "I am glad to know that I
don't have to struggle with my own conscious about having to take one her age to
my bed."
	Caytin shook his head, "Jerrick.  This girl as you put it, is very
pregnant and or should I say, was, married.  And if I am picking up things from
her correctly, her old husband was near your age."
	"He wasn't one of my men.  That is all I know.  I would have had the
hide of one of the men in my troop that took a girl that young as his wife. 
Look at her Master, she is what, fifteen, sixteen?  Even by Dane standards, she
was almost too young to be wed.  Tell me, Master, what would you do to a man
that touched one of your daughters before she was old enough to wed?"
	"I don't have to worry about that.  It simply wouldn't happen here. 
Besides, she is not as young as you think."  He looked down at the young woman
beside him, who was trying to become invisible.  "So Lauren, would you please
tell my Lover your age?"
	Again the clear amber eyes, so full of fear and dread looked up. 
	"Nineteen, Master."  He gently corrected her tightening his hold on her
as she began to weep again.  "Ssshh Lauren.  I am not going to hurt you.  It's
only for two cycles.  You will be so busy learning the new way of your life,
that it will fly by."
	Jerrick picked that time to excuse himself.  Okay, so the girl wasn't
quite as young as he thought she was, but that didn't take away from the fact
that she was still so small, and frightened.  And his natural instinct to
protect small and frightened things was coming up fast and hard in him.  "Okay,
Master, I will go see to the other one.  Just do me a favor, if you can, see
what you can do to get her to a point that she isn't quite as bad as she is
right now.  I used to be a soldier, and with her acting the way she is right
now, it draws up all my old reflexes."
	Caytin chuckled.  "Is there any wonder why I love you so?  Go on love. 
Just bring her back here to start welcoming her to her new home.  I will see you

	Caytin waited only long enough for Jerrick to slip from the room before
turning to the girl in his arms.  "So, Lauren, you have met one of the other
slaves in your home.  See it wasn't so hard, was it?"
	"What are you going to do to me?"  She fought down the need to cry
again.  But she was so afraid.
	Caytin slowly led her to the couch.  "First, I am going to see to it
that you are fed.  You look like you haven't eaten in a moon.  Then I will help
you bathe.  Forgive my honesty dear.  But you stink.  After that I will see to
dealing with your fears by going to prove as much as I can, in your condition,
that you have nothing to fear from me or my touch."
	She almost screamed, trying to pull away from him.  "No, you can't." 
She struggled weakly.  "Please, don't hurt my baby."
	Caytin restrained her as carefully as he could.  "I am not going to hurt
your baby, Lauren.  Great Mother, what an obscene thought.  Did you not
understand what I said?  I am going to prove to you or as much as I safely can,
in your condition.  That you, have, nothing to fear from me."
	She just shook her head.  "Please, she's just a baby.  She didn't do
anything.  It's, not, her fault who her father is."  She half huddled against
Caytin, sobbing.  "Please, I'll call you master, anything, just mercy."
	Caytin made a soft noise as he lifted her chin.  "You're baby, she is
	"I don't know.  But I am so afraid she is.  Please, don't do like Kern
was if she is.  Please, it isn't her fault."
	Caytin lifted an eyebrow.  "Kern, who is that Lauren?"
	She looked down, trying to curl up protectively around her belly.  "My
husband.  My father sold me to him, telling him that I was nothing but a whore,
but I wasn't.  I'm a good girl, Master.  He raped me on our wedding night.  It
wasn't until after he was finished with me that he noticed the blood on the
sheets.  He left and went to my father, to demand why he had lied.  While he was
gone, three of them, they came and they . . .."  She couldn't go on.  "Kern, he
killed them.  And then, everything was okay for several moons, until it became
obvious I was pregnant."  She just hid her face weeping.  "He beat me, so badly. 
I thought he was going to kill me, before he left.  There at the end, I hoped he
	Caytin hadn't thought he could be shocked by anything else that he
faced.  But the knowledge that this poor woman/child had been first raped by the
man who had taken her as his wife, then in less than two days, raped again by
what he now knew to be the Taberon was truly a horrid thing.  Only to be having
the horror added by the fact that she, had, come away form her rapes with child. 
"And you think that it was the Taberon who left you with child?"
	Lauren looked up at him confused.  "Taberon, who are they Master?"
	"You know them as the Catimine, but in truth it is not the real Catimine
race that is doing the wrongs that are being perpetrated in their name, but the
	Lauren looked up at him.  "How would you know, Master?  Before our King
sent his men to raid you, you didn't bother with us."
	"We knew that you were at war with our other neighbor, just not how
badly it had gotten.  Trust me, dear.  Had my mistress known what it was doing
to your people, she would have stepped in to intervene long ago.  But our people
are at peace with yours, so my lady respected that peace and left you all alone. 
But now, we can no longer afford to stand aside.  The King's youngest son is my
lady and my third consort, and our son is the King's daughter and heir's first. 
We are linked to the ruling family twice by marriage and blood."
	She nodded, almost willing to accept anything at this point.  Thinking
hard on a way to prolong the inevitable.  "Master," the word was soft.  "I still
don't understand how you know all that you know.  How does the Chieftess know
the name of the ones that are the real monsters?"
	Caytin smiled at her ploy to kill time.  "That my dear, is very easy. 
Drav, the true prince of the Catimine's happens to now be one of the consorts of
my lady's younger sister.  The Temple Healer and priestess Trinna, a little over
a moon ago, he made the long and dangerous trek from his lands to ours, to save
his younger brothers life."  He tightened his arms around her as she froze. 
Hoping that he would not have to be forced to restrain her.  "Ssshh, Lauren,
Drav is your age, if not younger.  And his brothers and sister are younger.  You
have nothing to fear from him, from any of them."
	Lauren had to force herself not to struggle.  No matter how much she
wanted to.  "What happens if he is lying?  Please, I don't think I could stand
to be made to let," she was almost screaming.  "I know, please, kill me.  Don't
let them touch me again."
	Caytin tightened his hold on her even more as he laughed.  "Lying, girl,
my lady's sister is a Temple Healer.  Trying to lie to her is as useless as
tying to forbid the day to follow the night.  He told the truth, and is telling
the truth.  His family was the first victim of this madman, even before your
people.  You should have some understanding for what his life has been like, for
what all of their lives have been like for the last twelve cycles."  Her hair,
once it was clean again would be the loveliest shade of yellow gold.  "Now, I
think it's time you get something to eat, and a bath."
		*	*	*
	Jerrick came to a stop as he entered Kaj's council chamber.  "Stella?" 
He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
	The woman who was still sitting by Kaj looked up.  A look of delighted
joy. And heart stopping fear on her face.  Joy at seeing her younger brother,
and fear at what that might mean.  "Ricky!"  Every thing else was forgotten as
Jerrick pulled her up into his arms,
	Kaj was pleased that she didn't have another problem on her hands, by
the look and reaction that the two were giving each other they knew each other
well.  "So, Jerrick, I am going to assume that you know her?"
	Jerrick laughed turning to Kaj, arms still around Stella's waste.  "Know
her, Mistress.  This woman used to warm my backside when I was growing up.  She
is my older sister."  He looked down at Stella.  "How, what happened to Warron?"
	She looked down.  "He's dead Ricky.  Jeremy too."  She pressed her face
against Jerrick's chest.  "My baby, he's dead.  They did things to him before
they let him die.  She trembled against Jerrick's body.  "Warron and I were made
to watch, and then they, they did the same to my husband."  She had bottled up
all the horror of her life, and had tried to forget it.  But now, here in her
little brother's arms, it just poured out.  "They would have done the same to
me, but the women came and stopped them."  She just wanted to die.  They had
stopped them from killing her, but for what, so she could live with the past for
the rest of her life.  Be afraid to try to sleep for the horrid memories that
haunted her dreams of her beloved son's screams and the ugly laughter of his
torturers.  Or the look on her husband's face as they dragged him to face the
same fate that they had just claimed their son.
	Jerrick didn't know what to say to her.  How could he hope to reason
with his older sister if he couldn't even make sense of them himself.  "Ssshh,
come on Stell, I can't tell you I know what you feel like, I don't.  I'm not a
woman, and not a parent, or at least not by birth."  He looked up at Kaj. 
"Mistress, would you please, if it isn't too much trouble, ask my master to
please come.  I need him and his help.  She's my sister, and I don't have, even,
the tiniest bit of the empathic abilities he has."
	"Don't feel badly Jerrick, apparently, neither do I."  *Beloved.  I need
you.  Your Lover needs you.  The other woman, the one I was going to have him
help, is his older sister.  And has had not only her child, but her husband
ripped from her.  Please, come.  I know you have your hands full with the one I
put in your care, but surely, she can be trusted to another.  Jerrick might have
some ability to help the younger men that are around him, but this is his
sister, and he grieves now as well.  Her son, was his nephew. *
	A wash of pain and grief washed over her.  *Hold him for me, Mistress, I
come. *

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	"Look, Lauren.  I need to go that woman that came with you, she is my
Lover's sister, and he needs me to help him with her.  I promise you.  No one
here is going to harm you in anyway.  Even if you sex didn't guarantee your
safety, your condition would.  No one here would dream of using force against a
woman that was with child.  So I am going to have to trust you not to be
foolish, can I?"  He kissed the top of her brow, before pulling back.  "Finish
you meal, and then, I will ask one of the others to see to it that you are
bathed.  But for now, I must go."  The worry in his tone was strong.  He had
sent Jerrick to help him take care of the two women that were now part of their
home, only to discover that the one that he had sent him for was his older
sister, and worse, the poor woman was suffering from the loss of her child.  'I
should have thought to check'.  He berated himself as he looked around for
someone to help him.  "Fain, I need your help."  He grabbed his second consorts
arm.  "I have to go, I sent Jerrick to help me with another that are now part of
Kaj's house, only to find out that she is Jerrick's older sister.  My Lover is
in need of my support and me now.  His sister has lost her son, him his nephew. 
Would you please see to it that Lauren is cared for until such time as I can get
back to her?"
	Fain pushed him gently.  "Go on Cay.  I know what he has to be going
through right now.  Jeremy was a good kid."
	Caytin kissed him briefly.  "Thank you love."
	Jerrick looked up as Caytin hurried into the room.  "Master, help Me."
there was so much pain in his words it was almost like a blow.
	Jerrick pulled Stella into Caytin's arms when he sought the support that
he knew this man would offer.  "Those bastards, they killed her boy, my nephew." 
He raged, not crying, later in his mistresses arms, he would cry, but for now. 
He didn't dare.  If he faltered any at all, his older sister would suffer more,
and he knew that she had suffered more than anyone should be asked to and still
	"I know, Kaj called me, warned me of what had happened.  Name, it, love. 
I can't offer you a 'Man's Justice'.  The animals are dead.  But anything else
you ask, if it is in my power, it is yours."
	Jerrick looked up from where he had been holding his sister.  "Please,
send her to the Temple.  If only for a little while, not only was Jeremy killed,
but Warron was too.  She lost not only her son, but her husband, my best friend
as well.  Please, Master, the priestesses can help her, in ways I don't think
anyone else can."
	"Don't bother looking up to me."  Kaj's voice was part compassion, part
fury.  "Of course she can go to the Temple, Jerrick.  Since when has any slave
ever had to beg to get the Mother's help?"
	"Thank you, Mistress."  Jerrick lifted Stella's face.  "Listen to me.  I
can't help you now.  But they can.  And now that I know where you are, and that
you are alive, and if not well, at least no longer in danger, I can be more at
peace.  Go on honey, I'll see you soon enough.  Let the Temple priestess's help
heal you.  I can't honey.  Jeremy was more like my little brother than nephew."
	A strangled sob from the door as Trinna hurried in.  Jerrick's pain had
hit her hard.  For one moment, she was truly happy that they were not matched
soul to soul.  If they had been, she would have been unable to think with the
pain he was suffering now.  "Jerrick. Love?"  She was at his side at once.
	Jerrick looked up at her, agony in his dark eyes.  "Trinna, Lady, this
is my older sister Stella."  He had to fight not to break.  "The Taberon, they
killed both her son and her husband.  My nephew is dead."
	She fought with herself to keep from giving in to the pain that he was
feeling.  To weep for him while he could not.  "What can we do for her love, for
	"I am sending her with Bassel to the Temple.  Bassel will stay there for
the rest of her days, but your consort's sister only until she finds peace.  I
would suggest that you see to him as well, but I really don't think I need
advise you on how to care for your man.  I think you already know what to do."
	Trinna nodded.  "Come on, love.  Let Cay take her and the other to the
Temple.  Surely you know there she is safe."
	"One moment please, Trin."  He needed to make sure that his sister knew
she was safe.  He wouldn't let her still think, she was in any danger.  Not
after all that she had been through already.  "Stell, This is Caytin.  He is
mistress's Kaj's first consort, and head of all of us in this city."  He held on
to her as she trembled.  "He is also my master.  I trust you in his care, and
you know I would never let anyone hurt you if I could stop him.  So just go on,
and don't be afraid of him.  Don't be afraid of anyone in this city.  You are
safe now."

	Trinna held Jerrick close as Caytin gently helped Stella up to her feet,
and helped her along with the old woman from the room.  "She's gone baby.  You
can let go now."  Trinna had never felt this kind of pain from her mate, from
the other two yes, but never Jerrick, he had always been the strong one the
steady and dependable one of her bunch.
	He shook his head.  "No, not yet, later, tonight in our bed with Steff
and Drav yeah I'll let go.  But right now if I start, I don't think I could
	Trinna helped him up slowly.  "Not later Jerrick, now.  Nothing and no
one is more important to me than you are.  I will not have your heart bleeding
like it is.  You sent your sister to the Temple for healing.  I'm not the
Temple, but I am your lady, and I will see to it that you come through this. 
Come on, my love."

	Steffon and Drav looked up from where they had been playing with the
children as Trinna led Jerrick into the room.  "Master?"  Steffon's voice was
tight at the sound of the Jerrick's stifled sobs.
	"Have your Lover see to it that one of the bedwarmers take our children
right now.  My man who is your Lover needs us both."  There was no room for
discussion in her tone.  The emotional pain that Jerrick was in was all but
ripping her heart out.
	"Papa," Dowan sobbed as Drav tried to gather him up to take him from the
room where there was so much pain.
	In pain or not, the fear and confusion that he heard in his boys voice
snapped Jerrick back to reality.  Yes he had lost his nephew, but he could not
ignore his son's in his grief.  He reached out and grabbed both of them,
crushing them against his chest.  "Ssshh, it's okay, your papa is just upset
right now.  Not at you, never at you."  He knelt there, holding his two and
began to weep.
	"What happened Mistress?"  Steffon was worried.  He had never, not even
the few times he had heard his master sob under the lash before they stopped,
waiting for his sight to be returned so he could see how much he enjoyed it. 
Ever heard Jerrick cry like he was now.
	"What do you think?  Those thrice-damned monsters that had hurt so many
killed his nephew."  She held on to her second consort crying as her first fell
	There was no need to ask which nephew.  Steffon knew which one.  His
master only had one.  He had told him so much about him in the wee hours as they
lay together beside his mistress as she slept.  "Please, Mistress, help me to
him.  I can't see, but I need to be with him."
	"Let him finish making sure our son's understand that their papa isn't
going to abandon them like their first did, and then yes.  But right now, he
needs our babies more than he needs even me."
	"When he is ready, Mistress, I will take them and leave.  I don't think
he wants to see my face right now."  Drav gathered both Hope and Winna in his
arms.  "I know he understands that it wasn't me or my brother's or sister that
did this to his sister and nephew, but I look too much like the ones that
committed the crime."
	Jerrick looked up from where he held Dowan and Koran.  "No, Drav.  I
mean, yes, the babies don't need to be here right now, but I'm not gong to blame
you for something that wasn't yours or any of those that you loves fault."  He
sniffled, trying to control his emotions again, as he reached down and ruffled
Koran's hair.  "Go on you two, let your da take you to the playroom for
a-while."  He forced a soft smile on his face as Drav gathered them along with
their daughters and slowly led them from the room.
	The moment the door closed, Jerrick lowered his head again.  "I'm sorry
baby, I, she, after my mother died, she practically raised me.  Jeremy was more
like my kid brother than my nephew.  When I think about what those things did to
him, to Warron.  He was my best friend.  Even before Mer, it cuts me, in ways I
don't think I can ever tell you."
	Trinna stroked his cheek.  "Believe me, love, I know.  Kaj stood as my
mother through my youth.  Kerfan, my father, my mother's death hurt him so, for
so long it was feared that he would follow her.  So there for the first few
cycles, Caytin was almost as much my father and Kaj my mother.  So mourn my
love.  Mourn and know that there is not a one of us around you, that does not
understand your pain."
	Jerrick crushed her to him, his heart almost breaking as the painful
sobs were ripped from him.  For the first time in his adult life, he felt
completely at a loss for what to do or say.  "Hurt me, please, give me something
to focus on, some pain other than what is eating my heart."  He pressed himself
even harder against her.  "Please, Mistress, hurt me."
	Trinna looked to where Steffon lay against him, tears streaming.  "Go,
Steff.  I know your Master would hate himself once he came through this if he
knew how much his pain and cries cut you.  Go and wait in the outer room for
Drav, let him help you to the Men's Quarters."
	Steffon shook his head.  "I now think I understand Mistress.  I don't
need to have things hidden from me anymore.  If my master needs this, he needs
it.  But I still need to be here for him."  He blindly reached out to try to
find her hand.  "Please Mistress.  Don't make me go."
	She nodded.  "Okay baby, but if at any time it becomes too much for you,
tell me.  And I will have Drav once he returns lead you from our room."
	"Yes, Mistress."  He understood why they were worried about him.  He had
reacted so badly back when faced with this a moon ago.  But since then, between
Drav and Fain he had begun to understand that pain and love did indeed sometimes
become one in the same.  No, he did not ever think that he would ever seek what
either of his consorts did in their need for this, but he was beginning to
understand why they did.
	Drav slipped back into the room as Trinna was beginning to chain Jerrick
up.  His sobs had not ceased.  But now they were mingled with not only the pain
he was suffering, but also the need that he had pushed down for the last near
moon.  "Master?"  He sat beside Steffon on the bed.  "What is happening?"
	"My Master, begged our mistress to hurt him.  To give him some focus for
his pain."  He pressed his head into Drav's chest.  "He is hurting so much
	"Do I need to help you from the room Master?"
	"No."  Steffon shook his head.  "I'd rather hear him scream in the pain
that my mistress will cause him, than what I hear in his voice.  Let me stay. 
Hold me, but let me stay."
	Trinna stood in front of Jerrick.  "Do you need a gag, love?" 
	"Please, Mistress.  Make me scream."
	She stepped closer to him, pressing her mouth against his ear.  "Do you
want me to make you bleed love?"  Her voice was a whisper.  She knew that her
second could not see what was happening, but his hearing was very sharp.
	Jerrick moaned, "please, Mistress, anything."
	There was a sad look in her eyes as she smiled.  "Okay, love, anything
it is.  I will do what ever I can to see to it that you forget the pain you are
in, even if it is only for a little while."  She stepped back, before turning. 
"Drav, dearest, would you bring Steff over here to talk to his master, and then
come with me.  I need to talk to you in private."
	Drav nodded.  "Yes, Mistress."  He took Steffon's hand.  "Here Master,
let me help you.  Our mistress needs to talk to me, and she wants you to talk to
our master."
	Steffon let Drav lead him to where Jerrick hung.  "Here you are Master. 
If you would excuse me, our mistress wishes to speak to me."  He reached out to
stroke Jerrick's cheek.  "Master, if I could only come up with the words to tell
you how much your loss grieves me."  He stepped back, and followed Trinna into
the infirmary. 
	Trinna shut the door behind him as he followed her in.  "Drav," she
began to gather her piercing things.  "I am counting on you to hold your peace. 
Jerrick has asked a lot of me, and I will do what even it is my man needs me to
do to help him get through this."  She had to refrain from breaking down into
	Drav gathered her to him.  "I understand Mistress.  I think even my
master understands to a certain point that there are some pains that are
preferred to others."
	She nodded.  "I know.  That is why I am going to do anything in my power
to see to it that no matter how much his heart hurts, I am going to help him to
find pain that is if not greater, at least a close second.  He wants me to lash
him until he bleeds, gag him to muffle his screams, and I will pierce him.  But
not with the pretty little rings I did you, but with these."  She held out two
red ruby bars that were about half an inch in diameter.  "Later I will heal
them, after he is finish with his purging and duty to his house.  But for now,
there will be no pain block.  And this," a ring of gold again about a half inch
in width and about three in circumference.  "Well, you know where this will go. 
It's not a punishment ring, but almost.  Just as soon as he is healed of his
pain, this is the one that I will remove and replace with a smaller ring.  The
bars, they stay.  A reminder to him that thought I love him dearly, he is still
just a slave."
	Drav was stunned.  "But Mistress, has he done something to warrant the
	She shook her head.  "Of course not.  The last time he behaved above his
station here was when he threatened you.  It is not for me that I do this
precious, but for him.  He will need this in the coming days to help him focus
on what must be done, and what is expected of him."  She stroked his cheek. 
"Now, not a word.  I am still a little amazed that Steff has begged to stay,
knowing that I will hurt his master as badly as I am going to have to hurt him. 
But if you make a sound, and upset him in any way, it will be you I string up
next, and the piercings I give you will be punishment bars and ring.  And that
will be only after Cay finishes with you."
	"I would rather die than upset him, you know that Mistress.  I love you,
I love Jerrick, but he, he was the first of my new people to put me behind him
and accept me for what I am."
	"That was only because he beat everyone else to the punch.  Now come
	Jerrick looked up as Trinna and Drav returned to the room.  His eyes
going to the tray that she was carrying, but a towel over the top hid what was
there.  "Baby," he brushed Steffon's brow with his lips.  "Please, if you need
to stay, have Drav take you to the bed, and trust me and our lady.  I need this
baby.  I need this in ways that I don't think I can ever explain to you."
	"Steff, baby, go on with Drav.  I will see to your master."  Trinna
pulled the gag from the small chest that she had at his feet.  "Now listen to
me, love.  There will be only one escape, and that is if you seek it in
oblivion.  I have never done more than simply toyed with you.  But I have never
had such a great need to do more than that ever before."  She carefully worked
the penis gag in his mouth, pushing it firmly behind his teeth before securing
it.  She touched his face.  "I love you, more than any man in my life, more than
even my father.  It is that love that enables me to be strong enough to give you
what you begged for."  She touched his chest, freezing his body in place. 
"Before I begin with you.  I have some added, anything's that you requested." 
She pulled the towel from the tray, to let him see that bars and ring.  "The
ring will with time be changed for a much smaller one, but the bars remain. 
Aren't they lovely?"
	He half-moaned and half-sobbed at the sight before him.  He had never
seen anything that looked like them before in his life.  Oh he knew that there
were some consorts out there breeders as well who chose to wear them, but it
just never had occurred to him that he would one day be one of them.  But, she
was right.  They were nice.  The red color of the bars sparkled in the light,
even as they lay on the tray.  But it was the ring that he knew would go in his
scrotum that worried him the most.  It was huge.  The width of the gold was
thicker than he had ever dreamed one of them would or could be, and it was
bigger around in circumference than he was.  The idea of having that thing there
was both frightening and erotic at the same time.
	He moaned softly as a warm mouth began to bathe his left nipple, teeth
tugging to excite the flesh.  Then a cold swap as his mistress cleaned the
nipple and the skin around it.  Before beginning to work the needle behind the
nipple, so that the bar really wasn't in the nipple, but was right directly
behind it.
	His moan became a strangled and muffled cry as he felt the sharpness of
the needle begin to force it's way into his flesh.  It wasn't like most piercing
needles.  This was one that started out as all the rest did, but slowly forced
the hole wider so that the bar would fit into it without any risk of tearing.
	It hurt, Great and Merciful Mother did it hurt.  His chest was on fire
and there was no way to pull back from this horrendous agony.  Yes he had said
anything, but Goddess, he didn't know that she would take his words quite so
literally.  Tears filled his eyes, but this time they were not for the pain of
his loss, but for the pain he was suffering.
	He was glad for the gag as his mistress forced the bar into its place. 
For had he not had it, his scream would have echoed though the entire house.
	"Ssshh, love."  Trinna kissed the side of his face as she was affixing
the small gold balls on each side of the bar.  "There you go, I know it hurts,
but it will ease up soon.  Later, after I have helped you to purge yourself of
your pain, and you have seen to your duty, I will heal them.  That is my promise
to you."  She flicked his nipple gently.  Jerrick whimpered into the gag, as the
pain shot through his chest and upper muscles again.  "Hold on, sweetie, just
two more."  She bent her head to tease his right nipple, again enticing a
response from him before she began with the next piercing.
	'I take it back, good god, I take it back'.  The pain was even worse
with this one, as the burning of the needle blended with the throb from the
first as again another bar was forced through his flesh just behind the nipple. 
His howls of agony, though muffled were still so loud that he was sure that the
whole house had to know what was going on.
	Steffon buried his head in Drav's chest.  "I don't remember him ever
sounding like that."  He whispered softly.
	"Yes, well you have never been pierced before, much-less without a pain
block.  Don't worry about it.  I think most of his pain is still his grief." 
Drav hated to lie to his master, but he would rather protect him from the truth
than let him know how much Jerrick really was suffering, and how much more was
due him.  He was less worried about anything his mistress, or the head consort
would do to him, than what he could do to himself if he knew that anything he
said enabled this man to know the truth.
	Trinna held him close as he sobbed against the gag.  Nothing had ever
hurt like this, not even when his master had placed the weights on him.  And it
didn't end with the actual piercing, but continued to radiate through his entire
chest and upper torso.  Two embers of coal amidst the heat as his nipples
	"Just one more, mate."  She whispered in his ear softly, as she reached
for him.
	'NO!', he shook his head violently.  She couldn't, again.
	"Ssshh," she soothed over his historical cries.  "This one I will block
the pain.  I had no idea how fragile you were, but then again, with the fact
that we have had to put our amusement on hold because of our second consort.  I
really shouldn't be surprised."  She released his body so he hung, head against
her shoulder.  "You won't feel this one, love.  Or at least not the pain of the
piercing, I will see to it that even though I don't think I could ever equal the
pain your loss has cost you, I will see to it that I come close enough to giving
it a rival."  She dropped to her knees, noting that even though she knew he had
suffered so much with the first two, his cock was hard, and a thin stream of
pre-cum dripped from it.  "I am going to be very careful on this one.  I do not
wish to damage you in any way, my love.  For this ring, the scrotum is not the
place it will go."  Though it was not as heavy as some of the punishment rings,
he was not one of her people by birth.  He was not strong enough to carry it
there.  So she slowly began to clean the very base of his erection off.  It
would go though his penis right where it ended above the scrotum and ball sac. 
There was less of a chance that it would pull down and rip him.
	He watched in horror as she worked the needle into his erection, making
sure that nothing was harmed that would require any real healing.  'She's
piercing my dick, Goddess help me, she is piercing my dick'.  He just couldn't
believe what she was doing to him.
	"There you go, love.  I'm sorry for the pain this will cause you, but
better a pain that you can face than one that is beyond you."  She released him. 
Letting the pain block end.
	Jerrick screamed as the pain, the soul raping pain shot through his
loins.  His whole body now was one solid wall of pain.  Then blessed darkness
swelled up to take him.
	"Drav, come and help me."  Trinna moved quickly, loosening his straps so
that, he could slump to the floor.  "Come on, beloved, come back to me."  She
stroked his cheek as she removed the gag.
	"What happened?"  Steffon sat on the bed, very frightened now.
	"Nothing Master.  Like I warned you, piercings can be quite painful if
the pain is not blocked.  Master Jerrick will be fine.  That last one, well what
can I say, until you have been pierced there, you can never know the pain or the
	"You sound like someone who has had both, dear."  Caitiff stepped in the
room.  "I was on my way here to Assure my Lover his sister is safe."  Caytin
knelt by Trinna and helped her to release Jerrick.  "Aren't the two of you,
worried?  I was under the impression that your little second mate was still too
touchy for this sort of thing.  And what was my Lover thinking of in his state
of mind to ask it of you?"
	Trinna looked up at him.  "My second mate as you call him, might be
younger than I am, emotionally, and blind.  But even he understands that there
are some pains that are preferable to others.  He understands why Jerrick begged
to be hurt.  Why he, would, rather loose himself in the agony of the physical to
save his soul.  And that was what I was giving him.  Another, pain, to focus on. 
One that he could pinpoint the cause and accept.  I don't think you or Kaj can
fully understand his grief.  But I can.  Remmy was my nephew, much like Jeremy
was his.  I know what it did to me, and I would never wish that hell on anyone I
love, so yes, I am doing all that I can to see to it that he has other pain to
call his attention to."
	"But, Lady, to pierce him here?"  Caytin touched the ring through the
base of his Lover's cock.  "And without a pain block?  There is no wonder that I
was hit with so much pain as I entered this hall."
	"He did not suffer the piercing Cay.  Only the aftereffects, I blocked
the pain of the deed.  But once it was done, allowed him to feel the fullness of
the wound."  She cradled Jerrick's unconscious body close.  "His penis piercing
I will heal upon his waking.  The ring I will have removed and switched to a
smaller one through his scrotum.  But I believe that soon enough he will be
called upon to do things that though he knows are needed, are really not part of
his nature.  So the bars remain as a constant reminder to him of what he is.  I
will not heal them until he has done his duty to his people."
	Caytin nodded.  "The wagon carrying the thing arrives later today.  I
was going to ask you if you would permit me to have him so marked.  Yes, if a
moment of rage, my Lover can be quite deadly.  But to stand back and take part
in the slow destruction of a man, no matter who it is, is not in him."
	"I know."  She stroked Jerrick's cheek.  "Come back to me, my love." 
The lightest of touches of power, calling him back from where his mind had fled
to seek escape from the pain.  "Ssshh," she soothed his moan of pain as his body
began to respond to the world around him again, and the world around him was
nothing but pain.  "I gave you my word that it would end when you sought
oblivion.  I never realized that you would seek it so quickly.  I am going to
heal the lower piercing, the one that is causing so much pain.  Then if you feel
that you have purged yourself enough, no more.  But if you still need to seek
hiding behind pain that you can touch, then your master is here with us.  I need
to see to Steffon, will you turn yourself over to him?"  Her touch was light and
soothing as she went to cool the fire in his groin.
	Jerrick looked from her to Caytin who knelt beside him.  A look of worry
on his master's face, "please, Master.  I," again the dam broke.  He fell into
Caytin's arms, sobbing against him.  "Please, help me, I can't, it's killing
	Caytin's arms tightened around him, drawling a small gasp that turned
into a moan as Jerrick's nipples pressed hard into his chest.  "I'm here, Lover. 
And here is where I will stay until you no longer need me."
	Trinna patted Jerrick on the back as she stood, reaching for Drav who
had knelt there silent.  "Come on, we have another that needs us.  Jerrick will
be fine now.  But Steff, I have to see how he is holding out in all of this. 
Poor dear, to only be able to hear the pain of your Lover, and not see how he is
responding to it."
	Everything else was forgotten for Caytin, only the man in his arms
mattered to him.  "What can I do to help you, beloved?"
	"Anything, Master, anything you want.  Whip me, lash me, cane me, make
me bleed, scream, anything."  He was far past the point that he cared what
happened to him.  With one exception, "just please, Master, don't pierce me
	Caytin could well understand.  The very thought of having to have the
piercings his Lover now did, and for the most part, without any block of pain,
no, he could never do that to anyone he loved.  Made him grateful, yet again,
that he was born a man and not a woman.  "I won't precious.  I promise, no more

	Trinna held Steffon as she watched Caytin hang her mate back up a second
time, again the gag.  Realizing for the first time in her life, that watching
her sister's consort toy with hers brought no feeling of amusement or pride. 
Jerrick was seeking out this pain, not because he wanted to give himself to
either of them for their pleasure, but because it was either this pain, or
another that he could not face.
	"Mistress," Steffon's soft voice in her hair.
	"What is my master's master going to do to him?"
	She stroked his hair.  "The same as I was doing.  Giving him something
that he can grasp and hold on to as a shield against the pain that he is unable
to face.  Don't worry love.  You know Cay, he loves my man, he would never truly
hurt him past what he can bear."  She held to him tightly as the whip cut
through the air to lance Jerrick's back, bringing forth a groan.  "No matter
what you hear this day, your master is safe.  The pain he feels he has begged

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	The rocks pelted the man.  As he was dragged by his silver hair. 
Towards what seemed to be like nothing more than just a house.  But the guards
that surrounded him as he was dragged towards it through the screams and curses
that rang out around him warned him that it was more than what it appeared.
	"If it wasn't for the fact that the Head Consort and those in the
Chieftess's house have a greater claim to your worthless life, I would slit your
throat myself for what you did to so many of the children we have taken into our
homes."  A large guardswoman pushed him to his knees at the entrance.
	Kaj herself opened the door.  "So, this is, it?"  There was no mistaking
the hate and disgust in her voice.
	"Yes, Ma'am, a little worse for wear, but still alive as ordered. 
Though you have no idea how tempted I was to forget myself and see to it that he
never saw the light of day again."
	Kaj just laughed cruelly.  "You did him no favors Commander, trust me. 
Before the end of the day, he is going to wish to what ever twisted god he
believes in that you had granted him a quick death."
	"I know, that was the only thing that kept me from giving it to him.  I
heard about the four that came here, and all that followed.  Tell that man of
yours to see to it that this things balls are kept so that his new daughter can
have them dipped in silver, you never know, they might make charming earrings. 
Even if they only end up as little studs."
	This time Kaj's laugh was for real.  "Zanna, you are absolutely without
shame.  But you are right, I think I will do just that.  After all the hell this
thing has put Mysti through, he owes her that much."
	"Well, Chieftess, I brought him here, alive and about as unhurt as he
could ever hope to be.  I've discharged my duty to you, and need to go home. 
Got a consort and new babies to see to, you know."
	Kaj nodded.  "Trust me Zanna, I know all about it.  Go on home, I have
taken him from you.  You are relieved of duty for now.  Go home and chase that
boy of yours around the bed a few times."  Her fingers tightened in his hair, as
she watched the guardswoman march back down the walk.  "Come on.  You have much
to answer for."  She turned and without ever looking down began to drag him down
the hall by the hair of his head.
	He tried to resist.  How dare this fool woman touch him like this?  He
would see them all die for the impudence they had shown him so far.  "Let me go,
you stupid woman."  He struck out, trying to cause pain.
	Only to be brought up short, a scream dying on his lips as Kaj pinned
him to the wall.  "Don't push me, madman.  The promise I made to my consort who
is also my soul is the only thing that keeps me from killing you now, where we
stand.  But he is right.  You do owe the men of my house more than you do the
woman, so I will let you live for now.  But do not push me again.  I am Dane. 
The Chieftess of the Danite people.  We did not, spend thousands of millennia
worrying about our pretty looks, but on strength and power.  The youngest and
rawest recruit in my guard could deal with you.  And we start training at
thirteen.  All our children, female and male alike are better and stronger than
any of those you have or should I say had, at your disposal.  It took half a
garrison to take down one young woman, who had just finished her training.  So
do not push me.  She is one of my women, and though alive, it may take more than
a full moon cycle to undo the wrongs you did to her."
	He struggled to get words around the hand that held his throat against
the wall.  "I do not care who you are woman.  I have gone as far as I will go. 
Kill me, if you think you can, but I will go no farther."
	Kaj dropped him, stepping back, trying hard not to laugh at the fool. 
"Not coming with me?  Are you sure about that?"
	"I have beaten down into nothing the fools that thought they could break
away from the father race.  The Merican's were of no challenge.  So how hard
could it be to take down a race of 'women' who actually believe in a Goddess? 
You are nothing to me but a moments dalliance, and with your looks, not even
that."  He stood to his full height of close to nine feet.
	Kaj looked up at him, a thoughtful look on her face for a moment. 
"Okay, well let me tell you this."  Her hand shot out, and gripped his crotch,
squeezing and twisting hard, bringing forth a howl of agony from the man.  "This
band of nothing but 'woman' as you called us, and our false Goddess, took you
down in a matter of days.  You are not even worth the time it would take me to
judge you and see you dead.  But my consort, my 'slave', that is right.  We do
not pervert the sacred trust between mistress and slave as you have.  He has
demanded that you be turned over to all of those in our house.  That includes
your nephews.  Drav who, is the true prince of his people, and Shern.  Jaxim is
still too young to join in on your torture.  And Mysti, Caytin who now stands as
her father will not let her anywhere near you, for fear of upsetting her too
much."  She tightened her grip again, bring forth-another howl.  "Now you will
follow me, or I will drag you by this thing in my hands.  I don't care which,
but you will come."
		*	*	*
	Caytin met her at the door to the Men's Quarters.  "You didn't have to
bring him here Lady, all you needed to do was call, I would have been more than
happy to come and get him."  He looked down at the creature as Kaj let him go
and he fell to the floor.
	"Trust me, beloved, it was my pleasure.  Why should my men get all the
fun?  I quite enjoyed dragged him through the halls by his balls."  She laughed
at the rhyme she had just made.  "Rhea is taking Mysti out for the day, for a
shopping spree.  So take all the time you need, or want.  Jaxim is going to be
with them.  So the two youngest are where they do not have to look at his face." 
Then she looked at Drav and Jerrick.  "Warning you two.  My sister is taking
Steffon to the Temple today to have one of the fully trained Healers sees to his
eyes.  See what you can do to make sure that one of the first things he sees
when he comes back here, is not that things face, or at least not whole and
	Jerrick, whose chest still burned from the unhealed piercings growled
low.  "Yes, Mistress.  Trust me, the last thing I want for him is to ever think
that his Lover looks anything like that thing on the floor.  I'll see to it, if
my master doesn't first."
	Kaj nodded just once.  "Then I will leave him in the care of my men. 
Just see to it that his heart still beats when the Temple comes for him
	Caytin waited only long enough for Kaj to leave before turning to
Donnel.  "Tell me, are you in the middle of making any of the less that pleasant
	The young man shook his head.  "But I do have a batch of just plane
un-doctored oil waiting to have some of the drugs added to it.  Anything you
wish special?"
	"Do we still have any of the fire oil in stock?"
	"I always have that, you know how rarely it is used.  But if we use it
on him now, no one is going to be able to touch him for hours.  It burns both
ways.  And I don't know about you Cay, but I do not find pleasure in pain, and
though I want to see this thing pay for what he did, I don't want to see it
quite that much.  Not even for what he owes me for the pain he caused Shail."
	"I don't mean to use it on him, or at least not in the way you are
thinking.  I was wondering if a small amount could be poured into a pan, and
heated to a sizzling boil.  I am no more willing to allow my Lover's Lover first
few sights to include that thing.  He fancies his pretty face.  But it is
entirely too much like Drav's.  I want to burn it off."
	Donnel looked at him in shock.  The man was mad, deserved to be
destroyed, there was no doubt of that, but to fry his face like that, and in the
very oil that would continue to burn for the rest of his now short life.  "The
fire oil, Cay, do you know what that will be like for him?  Nothing we do to
him, once that is used will matter.  There can never be a greater pain.  I want
to see him pay, maybe not as much as some, but I still want to see him pay, and
if you use the fire oil, then the rest is a waste of time.
	Caytin considered that point.  "Damn! Donnel, I hate to admit it, but
you're right.  What good would scarring his face with boiling fire oil do, if it
is the last thing he will ever feel.  I do not even think what the Temple has
planned for it, would cut through that pain.  No, go on, use plane oil, but see
to it that it is heated to a boiling point.  If he loses his sight, so be it. 
But the knowledge that his face looks like so many of those in my house that I
love, it sickens me."
	Jerrick lay a hand on his arm.  "Master, could you wait for a moment.  I
need to go see if I can track my mistress down and get her in here before his
face is burned off.  Like Donnel said, he needs to suffer for what he has done,
and hiding from the pain by losing consciousness isn't going to make sure he
regrets his actions near enough."
	Caytin raised an eyebrow at him.  "Why Lover, I had thought it might
take you just a little more time and incentive to begin to fulfill your duty to
your house and lady.  I am glad to see I was wrong."
	"I got three reasons to see this fucker suffer for what he did.  First,
I'm Trinna's first consort, and I love my lady dearly.  Second, Steff is my
Lover, and anything I can do to keep from letting him feel, pain, I am going to
do.  And third, I don't get rid of the pain of these fucking bars in my nipples
until it's done."
	The deposed self-proclaimed monarch that had caused so much pain and
death tried to slip out as the two were talking.  Thinking that it would not be
hard, with men, who were slaves to out wit them.  After all, he had been out
witting slaves for the last over hundred cycles.  The last twelve had been the
crowning glory of his passion for power and fame.
	"Just where do you think you are going?"  Toby blocked his way.  "You
really thought you could get out of here?  Forget that, there are too many of us
that owe you too much for the hurt you caused our children."
	The door to the Men's Quarters opened and a strangled gasp sounded out
through the room.  Shern all but flew at him.  "I'm going to kill you."  He
knocked the madman down again.  "Remember me, uncle?  Remember what you were
going to do to me upon my fifteenth birthday?  I'm fifteen now, you monster." 
He battered at the man who tried to deflect the blows of a maddened youngster. 
"I won.  I'm alive, have a master, and he loves me."  He was sobbing.  "He loves
me.  You didn't take that away from me.  I won."
	Kerfan reached down to pull Shern from where he crouched over the man. 
"Ssshh, you can't kill him, bright eyes.  Or at least not yet, it's enough for
him to see that there are those of us who know what being a master really
means."  He held the sobbing boy close.  "But you are right.  You do have a
master, and he does love you."  The look of hate in Kerfan's eyes as he locked
stairs with the man was almost like a dagger.
	The man struggled to get to his feet again.  "What does that prove?  He
tells you a few pretty words and what, you are still a slave, and even more, you
are a slave to a slave.  Trust me, boy.  I could not have wished for a more
fitting end for you than what you have given yourself."  He laughed, this
insanity becoming more and more obvious to all those around him.  "To think, you
all ran from my keep, to do what, end up here, and as slaves again.  Slaves to a
pack of women.  So when are they going to return the lot of you to their kennel? 
I want to be alive to see that.  Let me die knowing that my sisters boy, who
used to be so high and mighty is locked in a cage until needed again.  Then I
will die a happy man."
	There were several things that happened all at once.  The first being
Toby who grabbed his arms again, twisting them behind him in a painful grip. 
Both Drav and Shern loud protests that they were far better off here than they
had ever been in the hell that they had escaped from, but it all cultivated in
Kerfan's fist slamming up into the madman's face.  "Look around my throat, fool. 
Do you see a collar there?  I am a FreeMan.  No one owns me.  Shern is my Lover. 
He is, mine, and no one else but me owns him.  He owes no one allegiance but me. 
If he were a woman, I would take him as my lady, but as he is not, all I can do
is take him as my Lover."  He pulled Shern back against him.  "He knows that.  I
have spent the last moon proving to him my love.  How dare you question it?"
	Shern reached up to touch his face.  "Master, it's okay.  I know I'm
loved.  For the first time in my life, I have no doubt that a man who is my
master loves me.  Ignore him."  He melted under Kerfan's kiss.
	"I watched my mother, 'your sister' die.  Of all of us, I am the only
one old enough to remember her screams of pain and please for mercy.  You
branded me, at six, in front of my father and grandfather before you killed
them, just so they could, go to their deaths knowing, my fate.  I watched you
throw my brother to those things, how many times, never allowing him the first
moment of kindness or joy.  I had to bear up under everything you were planning
on doing to my baby brother, just to save him the pain.  I am going to enjoy
this night uncle.  You have earned everything that is coming to you, and more. 
But alas if you were given everything you were due, you would be dead within an
hour."  Drav reached out with a knife and sliced a brutal gash across the man's
cheek, knowing soon enough the bleeding would stop as the wound was cauterized
by the boiling oil.  "Look at my brother, uncle, let the sight of him finally
being allowed to have what you denied him for so long be the last thing you ever
see."  He looked to Caytin, tears in his eyes.  "Please, Master, let the oil
boil his eyes as it boils the skin from his face.  Let the sight of my little
brother knowing happiness be the last thing he sees."
	Caytin could not blame his Lover's consort for this request.  The
thought of what he had done to the boy, was the worst thing of his crimes
against his family.  To see to it that Shern only knew pain, and never pleasure. 
How could any be that cruel?  "Kerfan, if it is not asking too much of your boy
there, let him show the thing that he is indeed happy and loved.  I agree with
Drav.  Let it be his last sight before he can seen no more."
	Trinna slipped into the room as her father was beginning to show Shern
pleasure and welcome.  "Oh, dear."  She shook her head.  "Well, as it is the
men's place, I suppose I should not be too shocked."  She moved across the room. 
"Jerrick will be back soon.  I left him with Steff.  They were both fussing over
each other.  So Cay, what do you want me for?"
	"He looks far too much like your consort and Kerfan's Lover.  So we
shall burn his face from him.  His sight as well.  But once we do that, I am
rather worried that with as much pain as he will be in, that nothing else we do
is going to effect him.  Can you see to it that not only must he keep his eyes
open when his face is forced into the oil, but first that he can not pass out,
and second, the healing after the burn.  It goes against my nature to show him
any mercy, but I loathe wasting time."
	She looked the man up and down.  "You are right.  He does look too much
like Drav.  Yes, I will do this, and gladly.  He owes me for what he did to my
love and niece."
	"You will want to freeze his chest muscles for this Mistress."  Donnel
brought out a pan of boiling oil.  "It would do no good for him to inhale this
oil, and kill himself too soon."
	Trinna nodded.  "Your mother has never been anything but proud of you
Donnel, I am glad to see why."
	"Set the pan down in front of Kerfan and Shern, Donnel."  Toby held him
tight.  "Let the last thing he sees be the boy he hurt so much happy and feeling
	The man started to fight as Trinna came close.  "No, you can't do that
to me.  Woman, do you know who I am?"
	She looked at him with a sneer.  "Averixtinum, better known as Averix
the reaper for your tendency to invade any area that opposes you and slaughter
the women and children there.  Also a known rapist and pedophile.  For your love
of raping children mostly young boys under ten and girls under five.  I know
exactly who you are.  Have been helping to heal many of your victims for the
last going on half a cycle, but more intently for the last few days.  Now let me
tell you who 'I am'.  I am the journeyman Healer and Priestess Trinna.  I have
three consorts, all of which came to me because of you.  Dravenastinson is my
third and final consort.  I have a personal stake in seeing you pay for what you
did.  My first consort is still reeling from the loss of his nephew, that one of
your bands of monsters killed.  The Mother only knows how my second was spared
the pain that so many others faced.  But of the three, he is the only one that
came to me, with no scars from your poisonous taint."  She stepped back.  "Okay,
Cay, Toby, get him on his knees.  Keep his head looking forward.  I happen to
agree with you on that.  Let his last sight be that of the poor child he hurt so
much finally knowing love."
	Averix fought as hard as he could, wildly even, but he was no match for
the two who brought him down without any show of effort.  "No, you can't do
this, I forbid it.  No one lays a hand on me, I will see you all dead."  The
reality of the situation still had not sunk into his crazed mind.
	"I curse you, Averixtinum.  May your soul drift unclaimed for all time. 
I do not even see it fit to bind you to hell.  There will be no end to your pain
and madness."  She touched his chest.  "His chest is still for now, and no
matter what happens, he cannot hide in the realm of unconsciousness.  Look
Averix.  Let you last sight be of the child you sought only to destroy as he
gives himself to my father."  She stood back as Toby held him still and Caytin
forced his face into the pan, forever burning away any trace of his looks.
	With the first touch of the oil, Averix went mad, thrashing, trying to
break free, but as it closed over his eyes, searing them like two drops of water
he just jerked as his system froze and everything stopped.  He tried to inhale a
breath to scream, but his chest wouldn't work.  So he just convulsed weakly
under Caytin's hand for a few more moments.
	"Lift his face Cay.  Let me finish with him, I need to go get a bath."
	Caytin pulled the limp form up, he was in such pain, and there were no
words for what he felt.  His face, it was on fire, his eyes.  There was nothing
there now, no sight, but a white blazing pain.  He had been mad to begin with,
but now, with the horror of what he felt, his mind finally began to slip.
	"Oh no you don't.  You have many more things left to experience, so
insanity is not yet yours."  Trinna lay a hand on his face, healing the burned
flesh, his eyes, not giving him his sight back, that was gone forever, but the
pain was gone as well.  Then she reached deeper to pull him back from where his
mind was trying to hide.  "There, I am done with him.  I leave him to the men of
my home.  See to it that he feels some of the pain we have felt."  She stopped. 
"Oh, one last thing."  She ripped what was left of his pants from him.  To, lay
a hand on his buttocks.  "No matter how many times he is raped.  It will always
feel like he is nothing more than an eight-cycle-old boy.  I would make it
younger.  But I, can't, even for him."
	"I must say daughter, that was a bit surprising, even for you."  Kerfan
shook his head.  "But then again I have to remember who you are, and what you
are having to live through with your men.  So I guess all in all, it's not that
	"So we are now going to be beating and punishing a boy?"  Drav wasn't
sure if he could do that.
	"No, precious.  The only time he reacts like a boy is when he is being
raped, all the rest, he is what he is.  And will know full well why he is
getting what is happening, and know in his heart, that it is deserved."
	He breathed a sigh of relief.  "Thank you Mistress, I had thought there
for a minute, that we were going to become no better than him.  That you had
regressed his mind back to that age, and left it there."
	"He doesn't think he is eight, Goddess love, he only feels as tight as
he was at that age, and no matter how many times he is taken, it will always be
that tight.  Goddess, I am a mother.  How can you think I would do that?"
	"I don't know Trin, it sounded that way to me too."  Kerfan commented
squeezing Shern close.  "Keep in mind that you have your first consort that is
still in the process of trying to recover from what that thing had done to his
nephew.  Now I've been told that he was sixteen and not eight, but still, half
sixteen and what do you have?  And let's face it, you are very much like your
mother was when it comes to vindictiveness."
	"Okay, let me explain it one more time.  Every time one of you takes
him, it will feel to him as is his body was still, that of an eight-cycle-old
child.  Not his mind and it will always feel that way for him.  There, that,
clear it up?"  She ran a hand through her hair.  "I need to go.  The sooner I am
out of here, the sooner Jerrick and Steffon can return and finish seeing to
him."  She headed for the door.  "Oh, Papa, do me a favor and gag him, my rooms
are entirely too close to here and I don't want to be kept up all night by his
screams."  And she was gone.
	Caytin looked around at the group of men in the room.  "Well, shall we
see to our duty?"
	"I'll go get the rack."  Van moved quickly.  He didn't envy this man at
all.  Oh he believed that he had earned each and every last bit of what was
coming to him, but he couldn't help but almost feel sorry for the mad soul.  If
he had been anyone else, had committed even half the crimes he had, then the
Temple would fight to see him healed.  But even the Mother's speakers had no
compassion for one who had sinned so greatly against all life.
	"Here Cay, as the head of all slaves here, it is to you that he should
pay first."  Tam held out the rod whip to Caytin.
	Averix struggled again as Kerfan forced a very large penis gag in his
mouth.  His sight was gone, he could see no one, but he knew that all around him
there were men, slaves, who were going to see him tortured.  His mind so
desperately wanted to flee the reality of the situation, but could not.  He
didn't understand why, but something that woman had done to him, would not let
him escape into insanity.
	"No Tam, this time first blood belongs to Drav.  That thing owes him
much for what was done to him and his sib's."  Caytin held the whip out to him. 
"You are the true prince, denied you rightful place by this thing, so it is to
you that he should answer to first."
	Drav bowed his head respectfully.  "Thank you, Master."  He stood back
and watched as his uncle had what was left of his clothes ripped from him, and
even though he struggled, was secured to the rack.  "I have dreamed of this day. 
Never really believing that it would one day be mine.  Do you remember uncle,
how amused you were when I was bound between the posts in the garden and
whipped?"  The thin high whistle of the rod as it came down across Averix's back
laying a welt from one shoulder to the other.   "You know, uncle, in some ways,
I really do owe you some credit.  No man has ever been better at teaching anyone
to reduce another to nothing in such a short period of time."  Again the whistle
as the whip struck his back, just barely below the first.
	Averix screamed, not understanding how his perfect plan, which had gone
on so well for so long could have come to this.  His sister's lovely son, the
one he had such glorious dreams of watching the light die in his bright eyes for
the final time, now, lived still.  Worse yet, would help see to it that not only
was his dreams, shattered, but his life as well.
	Drav was sobbing as he lay the forth and fifth lashes to Averix's back. 
His hate and pain finally at last finding an outlet.
	"Drav, stop."  Jerrick's voice from the door as he and Steffon entered. 
"Back away for a minute precious."  He had just came from Trinna, and was in
more pain than he had ever thought he could be.  Not even the loss of Jeremy and
Warron equaled the burning in his soul.  He moved to stand before the ruined
face of the man who had caused it all.  "You son of a bitch."  He snarled
slamming his fist into Averix's stomach.  "That was my mistress that just left
here.  My 'wife', she carries my baby and if it wasn't for the fact that there
are a whole lot more folk here that you owe for the pain they have suffered.  I
would cut your damn throat myself.  I don't know why my lady thought I would
need the reminder that she put in my chest to goad me into remembering me of my
duty to 'my people'."  He all but screamed the words.  "Holding her as she cried
was all the reason I ever needed to see to it you paid and paid big."  Again his
fist slammed into Averix, but this time, it wasn't his gut but his face.  Tears
of rage in his eyes, as he turned to Caytin.  "Master, mistress Kaj sends a
request.  She doesn't care what happens to that thing between its legs, but she
said that she wanted to make sure its balls were saved.  Something about casting
them in silver as earrings for your daughter."
	The room erupted in laughter.  "That sounds like something my
granddaughter would say."  Warrel just shook his head.  "She has her mother's
spiteful streak, you know."
	"So Lover, did she say how undamaged they were to be left before I cut
them from him?"  Caytin shook his head.  Yes, his lady did indeed have her
mother's flair for revenge.  When lady Azrena ruled this house, men just didn't
get away with anything.  Compared to her, Kaj was kind and gentle.  Then again
it had a lot to do with the fact that Kaj was soul-matched to him than anything
	"I'm sorry Master, I didn't think to ask that question.  I was still too
worried about my lady, you understand how that is."
	Caytin nodded.  "I'll check with her, before I start to whip them to
make sure that I don't render them un-usable."
	Steffon who had stood back behind Jerrick for the most part stepped into
the room.  "Baby?"  He was finally able to look upon the man that he had taken
as his Lover to protect him.
	Drav dropped the whip as he went to his knees wrapping his arms around
Steffon's waist.  "Master."  He held him as tightly as he could.  "Is it really
true?  Your sight, you can see again?"  Averix, forgotten for the moment.
	"You are more beautiful than I ever though you could be.  Everything
is."  Tears in his blue eyes, that had been for so long sightless, but now, were
able to take in what they had been denied for so long.  "Our mistress, she is,
and my master, he is every bit as handsome as I believed he would be.  But you,
I didn't thing any living mortal could ever be as beautiful."  His fingers
tangled in Drav's hair as his mouth closed over his.  "I love you."  Soft words
spoken in the total openness of a heart that had, never been guarded.
	"Drav, as lovely as your reunion with your master is, you still have a
duty to see that, that thing pays for what he did to you and yours."  Caytin did
not relish the thought of separating the two.  His Lover's boy, poor child had
been blind for so long and now, on the very day of having his sight returned. 
They had to expose him to the ugliest of ugly sights.
	Steffon looked up to where Averix hung, head down, body spread on the
rack, five very angry red welts on his back.  "No, Master.  This thing, it hurt
Drav.  Hurt him in ways that I am just now beginning to understand.  "I've never
struck out against anyone in my life, never had a call too, but him, I have more
than just a call, I have a right.  I have a Lover who is also my consort, and
two son's and daughter's that I am helping to return some kind of life to, a
life that he stole from them.  So please, let it be I.  Let me beat him.  He
owes me too.  I put Drav behind me, back when he first came here, and I have not
stepped from that block.  I am his master let me make this thing pay for what he
did to what I love."  He was trembling with a rage that he had never felt
	"Go on Cay.  Let the fool learn what the meaning of the warning of being
wary of the fury of a gentle man really means."  Kerfan was not surprised at all
by Steffon's response to this all was, if anything.  Had he just stepped back
and let Drav finish what he was doing, he would have been not only surprised but
also disappointed in the young man.
	"Are you sure about this baby?"  Jerrick wasn't sure what it would do to
his boy, but like Kerfan, he understood.  "I won't try to stop you but make damn
sure you know what you are doing."
	"You've heard what he had to live through, same as me Master.  Tell me,
if that had been me, would you just stand back and do nothing?  I love him, how
can you, any of you, think that I could do anything less?"
	Caytin lay a hand on Jerrick's shoulder.  "It's hard, I know, but
eventually boys become men.  Let him, oh I am sure that later when he is with
you, the tears will come and he will rage at what he had to do.  But not at what
he did, but that he had to do it.  That someone, anyone, made him physically
defend his Lover."
	Jerrick nodded.  "Okay, you're right Master, I do hate it, I liked him
just like he was, but you're also right.  Can't keep a boy from becoming a man
forever can we?"  Then to Steffon "go on baby.  You don't need me to tell you
what I would do to someone who hurt you even one tenth as much as that thing
hurt yours, you know full well what I would do to him."
	"Thank you Master, for understanding."  Then to Drav, "I'm going to need
a little help, I've never whipped anyone before."
	Drav nodded.  "Be more than happy to help you Master, you can start back
at the top, yes they will cross each of the lash's that I had lain, but as you
are right handed it will start on his left shoulder instead of right.  Later, if
I can ever get you to the point that I can beg you into whipping me, I can see
if I can talk Cay into showing you how to do a back handed cut, but for now. 
Master, the very face that you are willing to do this for me, to show my uncle
that I am in a place and with those that are willing to love and protect me.  It
is more than I had ever dreamed I would ever have."
	Steffon dropped the whip grabbing Drav by the arms forcing him to look
at him, pain and rage in his eyes.  "He is not your uncle.  He is a rapist,
murderer and pedophile, but not your uncle.  No one who has any connection to
you is anything but wonderful.  Your family is here, your brother's and sister. 
You have babies here too.  True your, parent's were killed by this sick mad man,
but listen to me.  I don't ever what to hear you refer to him as your uncle
again.  Don't you think I know why his face is the way it is?  Did you really
think that just because he had the same features as your do, I couldn't tell the
difference?  Drav, baby, I spent most of my life blind.  Learned to see in other
ways that had nothing to do with my eyes.  I thank you for thinking of me, but
you didn't have to worry, I would have never confused what he is and what you
are.  I love you, I despise him, and that wouldn't have changed just because he
still had a pretty face.  Just like I would have considered my lady beautiful
even if she had the face of the south end of a north bound herd beast, and my
master handsome if he was as ugly as a stump.  They had taken me, and put me
between them when they didn't have too.  Now lucky I was, that she is the most
lovely woman I ever dreamed I would ever know.  And my master, well you know
him, I have to be the luckiest man alive.  All three of those I love are without
question, any man's dream of what he could desire in a mate.  That is one thing
you have that, that thing will never have.  Someone to love and protect you.  So
as I said.  Call him his name, a thing, it, or any number of other things, but
do not call him your uncle.  He isn't.

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	Jerrick was having a hard time breathing he was laughing so hard.  "The
south end of a north bound herd beast.  Trinna is going to love that."  He
leaned against Caytin.  "I just hope she doesn't ask me what went on, I watched
you go through hell because you weren't willing to tell Kaj everything.  Me, I
would spill my guts without a thought."
	"I don't think she will, and if she does, then his pretty speech will
charm her enough to keep her from feeling any slight.  After all, he said he
would have thought her lovely if she had looked that way, but since she didn't
he was even happier.  That should keep you from getting your back painted for
his words."
	"Go on boy, taking your time might make his misery greater, but it also
is wasting my time, and I don't have time to waste for anything like him."  Karl
	Steffon looked at Jerrick for some clue on how he should react.  He had
never been growled at by a man here before, much less one that was only a
bedwarmer.  Jerrick, lifted an eyebrow at him, basically letting him know, it
was his call.  He had chosen to stand for Drav, so he was taking his place among
the men in the house.  He sighed turning to look at Karl.  "I don't usually make
it a habit of being rude to anyone who is my elder, even if he isn't anything"
he cleared his throat.  His bright blue eyes were like ice.  "But a bedwarmer." 
Steffon let his feelings of being growled at be made perfectly clear in his
insult.  "But let me explain it in a way you will understand.  My master is the
lead consort's Lover.  That makes him second only to him in rank.  He took me as
his Lover.  That makes me third, and I took Drav as mine, which makes him
fourth.  The only man in this room other than my master and his that can tell me
what to do is master Kerfan, and that is because he is free."  He looked to
Jerrick and Caytin to see if he had handled it the way it should have been
handled.  Was greeted with a curt nod from Jerrick and a soft smile of approval
from Caytin.
	Karl backed down quick.  "I'm sorry, wasn't trying to tell you what to
do, it's just that thing makes me so disgusted.  I have been helping Tam and
Toby with their new little ones.  And knowing that if it hadn't been for that
thing, these babies wouldn't have been ripped from their parents.  Just because
I can never father a child, does not mean I don't understand what it means to
love one."
	"Let it go Master, who cares what he thinks, he's only a bedwarmer, and
doesn't even have a lady who is fond of him."  Drav drew Steffon's attention
back to the matter at hand.
	Steffon reached down to retrieve the whip.  "I don't give a damn what he
thinks about me.  Being blind for so long pretty much, saw to it I have a very
thick hide.  But if he is willing to slight me, then that is a slight to my
master.  And I can't let that sit.  Before the priestess helped to give me my
sight back, he was the one that stood for you as well as me, because he knew I
couldn't.  Well now I can, and I am going to make damn sure everyone knows it. 
No one slights you, or him.  And talking to me like Karl just did, was a slight
to my master, and I won't let it stand.  Now come on, he might be rude and all,
but he did have a point, let's see to it that this snake wishes he had never
stuck his head up from what ever rock he had been hiding under."
	The whistle of the whip was not quite as sharp as it had been when Drav
had wielded it, but the muffled scream that burst from Averix was almost as
loud.  "Not bad, Master.  I think you might have a natural talent for this."  He
chuckled as the whip came down again, this time the welt crossing one of the
five he had first lay down, breaking the skin where it did.  "First blood, good,
he needs to bleed a lot for what he did."
	Averix was screaming almost continuously as Steffon worked the whip down
and then back up his back two more times.  The blood was dripping from each welt
and cut as Steffon turned a deaf ear to the noise the man was making, ignoring
the tears that flowed down his face as he continued to whip him.
	Jerrick caught his hand.  "Enough baby, you made your point.  There is
no doubt to him or any of them in this room that you can and will defend your
Lover with all you have." He took Caytin's rod from him, trying to pull him
	"No!" Steffon pulled away launching himself at Averix.  "Nothing is ever
going to be enough.  Not until he is dead, and even then it still isn't enough." 
His nails clawed at the burned flesh of Averix's face, digging deep furrows in
it, before Jerrick and Drav could restrain him.  "Please, let me kill him.  He
needs to die for what he did."  He was fighting mindlessly.
	"And he will, baby, he will."  Jerrick gathered him as tight as he
could.  His Lover might be young, and not as strong as he was, but maddened like
he was, it was a hard thing.  "Steffon!" he took a chance that that name would
reach him in his maddened state.  "Be still."
	Nothing happened for a moment, then as if the very sound of his name
sunk in, the madness left his eyes, and he fell back against Jerrick sobbing. 
"I'm sorry Master, I don't know what happened."
	"You finally came up against something that was so wrong in your heart
and soul that you could just not accept."  Kerfan, Caytin and Donnel moved
close, all three had joined forces to use what little projective empathic
ability that was common in their families.  "Don't worry about it Steff.  It was
bound to happen eventually.  Sooner or later, even the most gentle of men reach
a point that they can just no longer stand back, silent and do nothing."  Kerfan
looked at Jerrick.  "Are you listening to me?"
	Jerrick was so glad to have Steffon sane again.  He almost didn't hear
the question.  "Master?"
	"I asked are you listening to me?"
	"Yes, Master."
  	"You will not punish your Lover in anyway for what just happened, nor
will you tell your mistress what just occurred."
	Jerrick looked up at Kerfan.  "Not punishing him, goes without saying. 
But Master, if my lady asks, and I don't tell her everything.  I don't want to
go through what my master did."
	"If she asks, you tell her I forbade you from saying anything, and if
she had a problem with it, she was to take it up with me.  You are a slave.  I
am free.  You have to obey me."
	Jerrick could hide behind that.  If Trinna got irritated at him, he
could blame it on her father.  Yes, he could do that, and do it gladly.  "Yes,
	"Well, now that, that little problem is taken care of, shall we go back
to dealing with a much larger one?"  Caytin was willing to wait to whip him
again for a little time, but now, his consort had been eight when he was taken
and brutalized.  It was time for a little like for like.
	Averix lifted his head as the approach, whimpering behind the gag,
shaking his head, they could not mean to whip him more.  He would have passed
out some time back from the pain, but he knew that he couldn't.  They would not
let him.
	"I think he had enough of the whip for a little while, don't you all
agree?"  Caytin began to work the pulleys and bars to bend him over even more. 
"You probably don't remember a little slave that had been only a child when he
was taken.  You gave him to Drav back then when my Lover's third consort was
still in your keeping.  I find it somewhat ironic that he was all of eight when
he was first raped by one of your people, no older when he, was, raped by you. 
And here you are, with a body, that part of it any way, that has been returned
to that age.  Shall we see how much pleasure you get out of it this time when it
is you that is on the receiving end."
	Averix began to shake his head wildly, trying to scream, to plead
perhaps.  No one cared.  There was not a man in the room that did not want to
see him, pay, to suffer, to die.
	"So Fain, love, at anytime was a lubricant used with you?"  Caytin knew
the answer, but was willing to play it out for the benefit of the monster. 
Letting him know what was coming his way, each step of the way.
	"Yes, but not before Drav became my Dom.  Almost six cycles of nothing
but hell no mercy, no kindness.  And Drav was beat when he showed me any." 
Fain's voice in the back ground cold and so full of hate that is was almost a
physical blow.  "Did you contact our mistress?"
	"Yes, unfortunately, we can't mark them as much as I would like, but
that does not mean that they will escape a good strapping.  And as Jerrick said,
she doesn't care what we do with the rest of his genitals, just his balls."  He
leaned over parting the now and forever, virgin, cheeks.  "I have never much
cared for anything under fifteen, but for you, I will make an exception."  He
forced himself in with one thrust.  Closing his eyes at Averix's screams muffled
though they were.  "I am going to have to seriously speak to my mistress, about
a plan she had right before the raid, she was considering taking the breeding
age from fifteen to thirteen.  I am really going to see what I can do to
encourage her in looking at that plan again.  But not thirteen, Goddess, a
thirteen is still too much a child, but perhaps fourteen might be acceptable." 
He thrust down again.  Grinding his hips against Averix's up-turned ass, hand
reaching down below his victim's legs to begin to caress him, almost as a gentle
lover would.
	It made to sense to Averix.  They were, in the process of torturing him
to death.  And this fool was showing a weakness by taking pity on him.  He
should have waited t deal with the Merican's after taking these bitches and
their petty 'goddess' down.  Had he done that, what slaves he would have?  Even
before that damned bitch stood by and let them scar his face and take his sight. 
There were such fine looking pieces here, and not all of them had been male.
	Caytin had pretty much surmised what he was thinking by his feeling. 
"Love?"  He looked up to where Jerrick sat, holding Steffon.
	Jerrick looked up from where he and Drav had been soothing his young and
very traumatized Lover.  "Sir?"
	"Why don't you come over here and help me.  After all, we are all men
here, and we all know compassion.  Let him have at least a moment's pleasure in
his pain."  Caytin made a slow slicing gesture across his neck with his left
hand as his right was still working on Averix's very long and hard dick.  "Don't
you agree?  One last time before he is no longer able to feel anything but
	Jerrick nodded.  Oh yes he understood all to well.  "Drav, honey, take
your master, and make sure you keep telling him that he has done nothing wrong,
that fuck earned ever thing he got."
	He paused at a table, searching through several drawers before he found
what he was looking for.  He slid the knife in his waistband.
	"An impressive sight don't you agree?"  Caytin squeezed so slightly.
	"Seen better.  They might have the length, but it took Drav a good half
moon to get to the point that he wasn't afraid of mine."  Jerrick's hands joined
Caytin's on Averix's erection.
	"That is true, but it is the blossom that flowers out of them as they
surrender that is so very lovely. You have to admit that."  *Mistress, we are
going to need a Healer very soon. *    He sent out the silent summons for help.
	*Trinna is here with me, a little upset.  But all in all she, is,
holding up much better than I thought she would be.  What do you need her for
Cay? *
	*I'm about to cut from him that flower that will grow from him at
orgasm.  I still haven't decided which is best to do.  Make him eat it, or do
like we are doing with his balls and have it dipped in silver so Drav can wear
it on a chain around his throat. Or, perhaps, to the leash link on his collar. 
So they are forever, on, display by the true prince of what was done to the
murderer of his people. *
	*That works.  She is on her way, if you can only keep him from spoiling
it all by letting him end his too soon. *
	"I just spoke to my lady, she is sending yours down to check on him.  We
have been ordered, to, present him still alive.  To the Temple priestess's that
comes for him tomorrow.  She will probably be popping in and out off and on for
most of the night."  He pulled away very abruptly.  "This is a waste of my time. 
I am not like him, I get no pleasure out of the thought of forcing myself on a
child, even if it is not a child at all, but his body feels like it is."
	"Cay, May I?"  Fain stood there, already undressed, his cock pulsating,
a small drop of pre-cum already leaking from the head.
	"Go on dear, of all of us here, you, Drav and Shern have the most right
to this."  He continued with Jerrick to stroke and tease Averix, even as the man
screamed out again as, Fain raped him.  There was no other word for what Fain
was doing to him. 
	His screams hit an even higher note and Fain reached down, passing their
hands to squeeze and twist his balls viciously.  "You remember how you got such
a kick out of doing that to me, you fuck?  Feels good don't it?"  Again the hand
closed hard and the wrist twisted. If it had not been for the fact that Averix
was locked to the rack, he would have gone to his knees.
	"You know something Jerrick, I do not think he is enjoying himself at
all.  We have been standing here for several minutes, and he has yet to even
	He looked down at the flaccid piece in his hands.  "You know, Master, I
think you're right."  He growled going to his knees before the man on the rack. 
"I am going to spend the nest three hours cleaning my mouth.  I'd rather blow a
dog than this thing."  He closed his eyes, and stuck his tongue out to begin to
bathe the head of Averix's flaccid penis.
	It was slow work.  Every time he began to even start to respond, another
rape and more pain.  Finally Jerrick pulled back.  "Look, give me help here
fella's, It's damn hard to get him hard if every time he starts to respond,
someone starts to go at him again.  Just a few minutes, I promise."
	They all stood there in silence watching what was going on, each of them
trying to figure out why Jerrick would be doing something like this.
	Finally Jerrick pulled away, the length was like all those of his race
and very striking.  "Here Master, could you please keep it up and running, I got
to go get some wine, anything to get the taste out of my mouth."
	Xavier grabbed his arm as he passed by.  "What was that all about?"
	Jerrick touched the knife that still was in the back of his pants.  "My
master is going to shorten him, by a good two or three inches soon enough.  I
don't know if you have seen or heard of my consort or master Kerfan's Lover, but
they are built just a little differently."
	Xavier shook his head, laughing low and cruelly.  "Haven't seen the
boy's in action, or at least not before today when Kerfan went out of his way to
make sure that thing saw to it that he knew how much he had failed.  But you are
right.  They are just a bit different from us, and a pretty difference it is."
	Jerrick reached for the wine decanter.  "Yeah, it is.  Been living with
that pretty difference for the last near moon."  He poured him a very large
glass.  "It's going to be forever before I get the taste of him our of my
	The older man looked at him with concern on his face.  "Was it 'that'
bad, boy?"
	Jerrick shook his head.  "Didn't really taste any different than Drav. 
But where, my consort's sweetness is welcome to me.  That only sickens me."
	Xavier nodded.  "Go to Donnel, see what he can do to help you.  Surely,
if anyone knows how to help you forge what you just had to do, he does."
	Jerrick watched as Trinna entered the room again.  "Maybe later, but
right now, I need to see to my lady."  He put the glass down.
	Trinna just shook her head at the condition that Averix was in.  "So, I
take it that the men of our house are seeing to it that he is paying?"  She held
her hand to Jerrick.
	"Oh, yeah, baby.  Before the Temple comes for him in the morning, I
think he'll be willing, even glad to go.  What exactly did you do to him?  I was
not here, for his face and all."
	"I healed the burns, cursed him and not only forbid him from hiding in
oblivion, but seeking insanity.  Though I am not sure my power is going to be
strong enough to bar his retreat into madness for much longer, not with what is
to come.  I'm only a journeyman after all.  But for now, it is my will that
blocks his escape."
	Jerrick whistled low.  "Remind me, Mistress, never to piss you off."
	She patted his cheek.  "What, those piercings weren't enough of a
warning for you?"  She let him hold her tight for a moment.  "Let me get this
over with love.  The sooner it is done, the sooner I can leave again.  While I
am here, I need to see to it that he does not bleed to death from the loss of
his testicles.   This is the last time I want to return.  As is I think I am
going to need a week long bath to make me feel clean again."
	Caytin looked up from what he was doing as he was trying to keep Averix
aroused but not to the point of release.  "Ah, Lady, am I glad to see you."
	"Let Drav come and help with this. It is him and his sister that are
going to benefit from this after all."
	Jerrick looked up to where Drav still sat with Steffon.  "Baby, send
your Lover here for a moment.  Our mistress is right.  He is the one that should
have the right to do this.  God knows he has earned it."
	Drav kissed Steffon one last time before pulling away to hurry to where
the three stood before Averix.  "Mistress?"
	Jerrick pressed the knife in his hands.  "Ssshh, don't spoil anything
yet honey, just be ready.  You'll know what to do soon enough."
	Averix's whimpered as he felt another hand on him.  This was not a man,
he knew well enough the difference.  A woman now touched him.  But why, what
possible reason could they have to allow a woman to do this?
	"Silence."  Trinna snarled at him, as he, gift, stirred in her again. 
"Just enjoy the first and last pleasure you will ever have in our keep."  She
triggered his orgasm.  Listening to his strangled cry as his hips spasmed.  His
organ expanding, flowing as he gave into what he was feeling.  It was by far the
most complete and glorious orgasm he had ever felt.  It also felt like it was
going to last forever.  The waves continued to roll out of him as his head fell
	Jerrick grabbed the flower as Averix tried to thrust forward in the
middle of his glory.  "Here take this."  He handed the knife to Drav.  "You know
what to do."
	Drav with two fingers from his right hand grasped a petal like feeler as
his left sliced down quickly, severing it forever from the man.
	The wonderful, unbelievable pleasure that Averix had been feeling
suddenly became agony as the part of him, not just the sheath but the real organ
was severed from him.  He screamed behind the gag, and continued to scream, as
the pain was never ending.
	"Now, Drav, his balls.  The sooner we get this done, the sooner our lady
can get out of here."  Jerrick took the bloody thing from him.
	'NO!' Averix had never wanted to die, pass out or loose himself in
insanity more before in his life than what he did right then.  It was not enough
that he was being tortured that he was to die.  No, they were un-manning him
	"Oh, yes."  Drav spat at him as he gripped his balls.  "How many times
did you do this to slaves in your keep?  Most of them nothing but children."  He
didn't just cut up in one easy motion, but slowly began to saw them from his
body.  One side then the second, separating the two.  Seeing to it that there
was enough skin at he top that if they were made into something other than studs
they would have a place to punch the hole for the hoop.  "Your daughter is going
to love these, Master.  I know my little sister.  If anyone ever earned part of
his worthless hide to use of jewelry, it is she."  He handed the two bloody
balls and their sac's to Caytin.
	Trinna was there at once.  Stopping the bleeding, healing the severed
arteries and veins that had been cut in the process of removing what had been
his manhood.  "The sheath is just that, a sheath.  Now that the organ and
testicles are gone, he is no longer really a he, but truly an 'it'."  She took
the three offerings from Caytin.  "I will give these to Kaj.  She can do what
ever it is she had planned for them.  This time, when I leave here, I will not
be coming back for anything less than to make sure that he doesn't die before
the Temple gets a hold of him.  Please, Cay, don't make me have to come back."
	Caytin kissed the top of her forehead.  "I won't Trin.  And no matter
how much he deserves it, I won't let anyone else take his life either.  Go on,
get a bath.  Your men shouldn't be but just a few more hours."

	After Trinna left, the men stood around the pathetic thing that had once
been the cause of so much fear and pain.  "Well, what else do you suggest we do? 
His organ is gone, his balls as well.  I know for a fact that each and everyone
of us have raped him at least once.  And I don't know about you, but I am going
to all but scour the skin off my manhood before I let it get anywhere near my
	Rook who had been up to that point quiet, looked up.  "Caytin, how long
would it take to heat a brand in the fire?"
	"Half and hour or so, if you want to make it permanent, why?"
	"He branded Emily in so many places.  My sister is dead, but she was
still my sister.  Miri is wed to Tallin who is not only yours but my mistress's
son.  You didn't know her, she died a long time ago, but family is family, and
what happens to any family member is never forgotten or forgiven."  There were
tears standing in his dark blue eyes.
	Caytin moved to gather him close.  "Of course not.  Forgive me love, in
the midst of seeking revenge for those that are still alive, I had forgotten to
see to it that it pay for those that were taken from us."
	Rook let him hold him.  "I was so young, Miri and I both were, but I
will never forget what he did to her.  It still haunts my nightmares."
	Caytin stroked his hair as he trembled against him.  "If my son were
here, it would be him that saw to it that, that thing pay for the pain he cause
his new family, but as he is not, I will gladly stand in his stead."
		*	*	*
	It was several hours later before the men finally decided that Averix
had paid as much as he could hope to pay to them.  The barrier that Trinna had
placed between him and insanity had, with the introduction of fire oil to the
burned tissue of his rectum, snapped, and he no longer was aware of who or where
or even what he was.
	Steffon had not been the only one to surprise the men of the Men's
Quarters with his violent reaction to Averix.  Both Donnel and Toby, who were
usually the most meek and timid of creatures were almost as violent as Steffon
had been with him.  They could never enter the ranks of the fertile men in Kaj's
home, but with the adoption on their daughters.  They had joined the ranks of
the fathers.  It was because of their new status as fathers that they had
responded as any man fertile or bedwarmer of the Dane's and saw to it that they
let the monster know to some degree, what their pain was.
	Tam, the youngest of them all, had to finally be restrained by Kerfan as
he just cut at him with the whip, sobbing.  His son Boxey had been, raped by
this thing.  And so Tam wanted to hurt him like his son had been hurt.
	"You think Tam is going to be okay, Master?"  Jerrick wanted nothing
more than to go, take his two and go home.  But since Kerfan had to restrain
Tam, the boy had been almost comatose.
	Caytin nodded.  "Even with as much as the boy hates that thing, he has
to understand, that there is nothing more we can do to him that will have any
impact.  Even killing him now wouldn't matter.  The thing was mad to begin with,
but he is now truly insane.  Madness can be punished.  Insanity, no, there is
nothing more that we can do to or for that thing.  Deep down Tam knows this.  It
will only take him a little time to come to terms with it."
	"Well, if I can make a suggestion Master, maybe it would probably be
better to keep an eye on him until the priestesses take it out of here.  The boy
has suffered enough, having to try to help his son come to terms with what has
happened to him.  I would hate to think of him having to be punished for killing
the thing before the Temple gets to him."
	"He is with Kerfan and Shern.  Xavier and Karl have taken it upon
themselves to keep an eye on Donnel and Toby.  So don't worry.  No one is going
to do anything foolish tonight."  He felt Jerrick's arms tighten around him. 
"Go on to your mistress, beloved.  She needs you now."  One last kiss before he
let the younger man go.  "And remember what Kerfan told you."
	"Master, I wouldn't have told her, even if he hadn't put me in a safe
place for not telling her.  I take it back.  I would rather be cut to ribbons
than see the look she would have knowing that that think had caused Steff as
much pain as it did."
	Caytin smiled touching his cheek.  "Is there any wonder why I love you
so?  Now, go before I take it into my head to keep you here with me for just a
little while longer."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	Kerfan and Shern had to restrain Tam as the priestesses came for Averix
the following morning.  It had not been a good night for the young man.  Kerfan
had finally had to lock him in his room with his son.  Who was still terrified
of anyone who looked like his rapist had, and even though both Kerfan and Tam
had kept telling the boy, over and over that Shern was nothing like the thing
that had hurt him, the boy was so very young.
	Finally Tam stopped struggling and dropped to the floor at Kerfan's
feet.  "Please, Master, have pity.  He's just a baby, please, let me seek the
Mother's help for him."
	Kerfan almost growled at him.  "Tam, since when has any man in your
mistress's house had to beg for help from the Temple?  There are three out
there, go on, see if one of them can stay behind long enough to see to your
	Tam kissed his hand.  "Thank you, Master."
	Shern stood by his side.  "Do you think that there is anything that they
can do for him, Master?"
	"You saw what my daughter did last night.  She is only a journeyman
Healer.  Those are sworn Speakers of the Mother, and fully trained Healer's. 
There is very little that they can't do.  So yes, love, I have every confidence
that they can help the boy."  He watched on as Tam sought the help for his new
son that the child so desperately needed.
		*	*	*
	Steffon lay in bed curled up close between Jerrick and Drav.  It had
been so long since the last time he had seen the morning light.  And to think
that now, the only time he saw darkness was when he closed his eyes.  And only
at night was it, complete, blackness.  It was such a wonderful gift.  When his
parents had seen to it that he was snuck into the men that were coming here, he
never dreamed that this would be his fate.  He had not only a mistress, but two
other consorts as well, and his sight had been returned to him.  No, this was
not at all what he had believed would happen to him back when he first came to
live here.
	Silent tears streamed down his face as he lay there, listening to the
silence, broken only by Trinna breathing, Jerrick's soft snores and Drav's
mutters as he talked quietly in his sleep.  Over the last moon, he had grown
accustomed to hearing his Lover talk in a language that he couldn't understand
when he slept.
	Drav sat up abruptly in bed.  "'Navia'."  He cried out in horror. 
"'Novum'."  His voice was pain personified.
	The silence in the room was shattered as not only Steffon but Trinna and
Jerrick came awake at the pain, in, their third consorts voice.  "Drav?" 
Steffon grabbed him, shaking him gently.  "Wake up baby.  It's just a bad
	For a moment Drav didn't recognize him, but as the horrors of the past
faded, he relaxed.  "I," he threw his arms around Steffon.  "It won't let me go
Master.  No matter how many cycles pass, the past won't let me go."
	Steffon lifted his chin, wiping the tears from his face.  "You are going
to have to make it go away baby.  You can't let that thing win."  He looked up
at Trinna, as he stroked Drav's hair.  "What can I do, Mistress?"
	Trinna had finally, after her men had made it home, been able to sleep. 
But the pain that was still so sharp and raw in the room drove all thoughts of
sleep from her.  "Drav," and even softer.  "'Meena,'" she would not take him
from Steffon, but she would see if she could ease his heart.  "Tell me, dearest. 
How can I help you?  Name it and if it is within my power.  I will see it done."
	Drav shook his head.  "Forgive me, Domma.  My past haunts me."
	Jerrick looked at him, then to Trinna.  "Trin, Lady, can I ask him a
couple of questions?  He has spoke to me and Steff to some degree, about some of
the uglier things in his past.  There is nothing in it that Steff or I have hid
from you, but maybe, he would find talking to me a little easier about this than
you."  He smiled softly at her.  "It's a guy thing, you know."
	Trinna nodded.  "Please, love, I'm not my sister.  You know I have never
gone out of my way to demand that everything the three of you discuss be
reported to me.  I am pleased that you have so far, but I don't demand it."  She
touched his cheek.  "Matter of fact, there are some things, I would rather you
never tell me.  My papa came by while the three of you were bathing, after he
and Shern had locked Tam in the room with his son.  He told me nothing, but
warned me that things happened last night that he had forbid you to speak of. 
That is enough for me.  I do not know what happened.  But if it were bad enough
to have my father putting you behind him if I were like Kaj, and got upset that
you could not tell me, that tells me all I need to know, and I don't wish to
know any more."
	"Thank you, Trin."  He looked to where Steffon still held Drav
protectively.  "Honey, I have a couple of questions for you.  Do you think you
are up to answering them?"
	Drav nodded.  "Yes, Master."
	"What were the words you were crying out in your sleep?  I mean, I am
not anything like our lady, but I would have to be dead not to have felt the
pain and fear.  I am going to assume that they were people, so who were they,
and what happened to them?"  Drav broke down into tears again.  "Ssshh, take
your time Drav.  Our lady is here your master is here, and surely you know by
now that if Steff can't protect you, I will."
	Drav struggled to compose himself.  "I was six again, Master.  I was
trying to stop them from throwing my 'Navia' from being thrown to those things." 
He shuddered.  "I keep having this dream, her and my 'Novum', but the past is
the past.  There is nothing I can do."  He turns and presses his face against
Steffon's chest.  "I was six, I watched them both die, and there was nothing I
could do.  I always believed that if I ever could avenge their death on that
thing, the nightmares would end.  But the are still with me.  I was forced to
watch them die, and I failed to save them."
	"They were your parents weren't they honey?"  Jerrick suddenly had a
feeling that if that thing lived through what the Temple was going to do to him,
insane or no.  He was going to have to end up getting the hell beat out of him,
because he was going to insist that Drav be allowed to kill him.
	Drav nodded.  "I tried Master, I swear it, but they only beat me when I
tried to protect my 'Navia', and by the time they killed my 'Novum' and 'Da
Novum' I had been branded and was unable to do anything to stop anything."
	Trinna made a soft noise as she reached past Jerrick to lay a hand on
Drav's cheek.  "'Navia', that is your word for mother isn't it?"  He nodded.
	"And they killed his father and grandfather after they branded him." 
Jerrick didn't need to know what the other two words meant.  He knew already.
	"I have already cursed that thing.  There is no greater curse than what
I lay on his soul.  I wish there were, for if I could see to it that his soul
was completely destroyed.  I would."  She was trembling with rage.
	"Ssshh, it's okay love, I think you did great last night.  Your power
held him from insanity for much longer than I thought it would.  The rest in the
Men's Quarters were just as impressed with what you did as I was.  And Cay told
me what mistress Kaj had planned for the flower of his that Drav cut from him
last night, and I have to say, that is a good touch.  He might be your slave
now, but he was and still is the true prince of those people.  So to him should
that trophy go."
	Steffon paid them no mind.  His attention was souly on his Lover.  "Is
there anything I can do for you?  I don't have much pull here, but if I can get
it.  How can I help you?"
	Drav tightened his arms around Steffon.  "Hold me."  He sobbed softly. 
"Help me to forget, even if it is only for a little while."
	"I will baby.  I have a whole lot better things for you to think about." 
He held Drav as he looked up at Jerrick who was pulling Trinna close, so that he
and his master could see to the two, even as they reached for each other.
	"You're growing up too damn fast, baby."  Jerrick brushed his lips
against Steffon's as they began to see to their mistress, and Steffon's Lover.
	Steffon moaned as Trinna reached past Drav to lock her mouth and teeth
at his throat.  "I'm sorry Master, forgive me."
	Jerrick slowly lay Trinna back as she continued to grace Drav with her
attention, before moving to press Steffon forward again his consort and Lover. 
"Forgive you, hell baby.  I can now stop worrying about taking care of yours as
well as you."  He bit at his ear as he pressed his body against him.  "My master
is right.  Boys do grow up."
	Steffon pressed back against the pressure of Jerrick's chest.  "I
started to grow up, the day you were willing to be made to bleed to protect me." 
He reached his right hand back, running his hand over his head and his fingers
through his hair.  His left hand still stroked Drav's chest and abdomen, fingers
occasionally brushing lightly, the smooth hairless area over his shaft.  "And I
fell in love with you the first time you made love to me.  I now understand what
Caytin had meant in his asking your help."  He cried out softly as he felt firm
fingers cup his balls.  "Please, Master, make me beg."
	Jerrick growled deep in his chest.  His arms tightening to an almost
crushing force.  "Beg. Baby, I'm going to make you plead."
	His entire erection was slick from the seepage of his arousal. Reaching
down first rubs it over himself to see that there was, no, pain.  Then reaching
down, he parted his Lover's ass cheeks, teasing Steffon's bud.  Over the last
moon, his mistress and he had worked out a formula.  One that always saw to it
the not only was she satisfied but he, Steff and Drav were too.  Trinna would
choose one of them for her pleasure, and which ever was his Lover was always
right behind him, and that would leave his consort and Lover to make lover to
	He had made the mistake, only once, of voicing a worry to Trinna that
their combined weight might hurt her.  The feel of having her laugh in his face
saw to it that he never did that, ever, again.
	Steffon was holding his breath as he felt Jerrick slowly enters him. 
The feeling of complete fullness anytime his Lover did this was exquisite. 
Jerrick never failed to hit his prostate with each slow and easy thrust. 
Teasing him, taunting him with the promise of more, but holding back just a bit
that would inevitably render him half-mad.
	He was torn between the wonderful feelings that Jerrick was calling up
on him with each thrust and the warmth that encircled him as he pressed himself
forward, blindly repeating Jerrick's actions on himself and Drav.  Knowing that
it was Trinna that his boy would have to beg.  But that was okay, he knew no
matter how much he begged, she would not let him find release before her.
	Trinna smiled up into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.  "Care
to hide in my love for now, 'Meena'?"  She positioned his body over her, parting
her legs even more.  "Ssshh, 'Meena'."  She carefully helped to position his
body in such a fashion that when Steffon thrust down again, he would enter her.
	It didn't matter how many times, his mistress chose to bestow her
attention on him, it always humbled him.  To think that anyone so pure and
beautiful would ever bother to give the likes of him any of her time.  Every
time she chose to do this, he was so tempted to ask her if she was certain that
she wasn't making a mistake.  True, if had not been his people who had done all
the wrongs that had been done to so many.  But it had still been his race.  He
was still so worried that one-day, his mistress would wake up and decide that
she had made a horrid mistake in welcoming him into her life, and throw him out.
	Trinna growled grabbing his head in between her hands. 
"Dravenastinson," She spat his full name at him.  "Stop it.  You are my Consort,
my love, and my man.  That is my collar and cuff you wear, and only death will
free you."  Her lips were brutal as she kissed him.  "You are mine, now and
forever, do you understand me?  'MINE'!"
	Drav had never seen his lady like this, not even when she was ill with
him for something.  He so wanted to pull away and throw himself on the floor at
her feet, but she held him where he was, and his Lover's presence assured that
he was going no where. 
	His hands lifted above his head, trying to protect it.  "Mercy."  He was
truly terrified.  He had seen what his lady could do.  But oddly enough, even in
his terror, he had not lost the hardness of his manhood, if anything, he was
even closer to surrendering.
	She reached up with her left hand, tangling it in his hair to pull his
head up to meet his eyes again, as her right lowered to squeeze his balls, not
enough to hurt, but enough so that he knew she was serious.  "Who do you belong
to?"  Her voice was flat, without emotion.
	He sobbed, pressing even farther against her.  "You, Domma.  I belong to
you.  Now and forever, my life is yours."
	Her vaginal muscles tightened around his cock that was still inside her. 
Her channels opening like she had never had to open before.  This was her
consort.  She would not let his soul continue to bleed as it was.  "Again,
slave, who do you belong to, first and foremost?"
 	"You Domma, I belong to you."  He didn't understand what she was aiming
for.  "Please Domma, mercy."
	But still she would not ease up on him.  "Yes slave, you belong to me. 
And I won't share you with ghosts.  You are mine.  You are Steffon's.  But you
no longer belong to your past.  Your past is just that, your, past.  Never again
will it ever be able to touch you.  I won't let it."  Her arms tightened around
him as her mouth opened against his lips,  "Let me love you 'Meena'.  You've
hurt enough for five lifetimes.  Just let me love you."
	Jerrick watched on as Drav trapped between his lady and Steffon gave in
and just seemed to melt.  "You were right, baby."  His hands roamed Steffon's
body as his hips began to gain strength in his thrusts.  "He is good for her. 
Neither you nor I were hurt like he was.  Now she is truly showing her true
strength as a Healer."
	Steffon was so drawn out that he couldn't think anymore.  "Please,
Master, let me."  He had watched his mistress with his Lover.  He had teased him
to the point of mindlessness.  All he wanted now was to be allowed release. 
"Please, Master, I'm begging."
	Jerrick just chuckled.  "Not yet baby, but soon, very soon."  His
fingers gripped his Lover's hips as he began to pound into him hard.  "I love
you baby, don't ever forget that.  I love you."
	It seemed like hours later, but Jerrick knew that it hadn't been more
than one, if that long.  He lay with Steffon curled up close, listening to
Trinna softly sooth the last of Drav's worries.  This time she was not anything
like she had been earlier.  This time she was soft, gentle and reassuring.  But
then again, this time she was not in the middle of trying to reach him so that
he could finally at long last, let go.  And he had.  He had been with him many
times, and this was the first time he had ever seen the boy this free.  Always
before, there had been a certain amount of reservation.  But not this time. 
There for a moment or two, he had been concerned that he was going to have to
restrain him, to keep his new found open state from getting him hurt.  'For some
reason, I have this strange feeling that Steff and I are going to be spending a
lot of our time together for a while'.  He didn't feel any threat at the though
of sharing his lady with what was for all intents and purposes 'his' husband. 
If anything, if felt right.  He shook his head chuckling softly.  'Damn, but I
do think I'm going native here'.
	Steffon stirred in his arms.  "What are you laughing about, Master?"
	"Just thinking to myself, baby.  You do, realize, this time five moons
ago, I was single.  Now I have not only one wife oh I know she is my mistress. 
But you understand what I mean, but two other husbands?  Me, I never thought
anything of those who were like Mer and Fain, but just never had any interest in
their life choices.  But now, I have Caytin, and I have you, and I can't find
the words to tell you how much I love you both.  And then there is Drav, who I
love almost as much as I love the two of you.  It's been a very eye opening time
for me, my time here.  I have learned more about myself in the last five moons
that in the last thirty-four cycles."
	Steffon smiled.  "I guess I was luckier than most.  My blindness saved
me from seeing a lot of the ugliness that went on around me.  But when you and
our lady took me in, it was like a dream come true that I had never dared ask
for.  Then yesterday, when the Mother in the Temple gave me back my sight, and I
could finally see her and you.  I honestly thought that I was dreaming again.  I
never thought anyone could look anything like her.  I don't know what I did to
earn her notice, but whatever it was, I would do it again.  Even if it meant
going back and living through the years of darkness again, she is perfect.  And
yes so maybe it's because I love you that make's you seem so wonderful.  But in
my heart, you are the very essence of what a man should look like."
	Jerrick almost choked to keep from laughing.  "Well, thank you baby. 
But as I don't think we are going to get any more sleep, let's see if we can
talk our lady and Drav into moving."
		*	*	*
	Caytin sighed.  Sitting by the young woman that had been placed in his
care.  He was beginning to believe that he was going to have to use almost force
on her to get her to the point of calming down.  But if he did that, in her
present condition, not only would it probably upset her even more, but throw her
into labor.  "Lauren, listen to me child.  Did anyone hurt you last night?"
	She looked down shaking her head.  "No, Master.
	"Has anyone in anyway, made you feel threatened?"
	She fought to keep from crying again.  She knew how much it upset him. 
"No, Master."  But it was so hard.  "I'm sorry, Master.  I'm trying to be good,
please don't hurt me."
	Caytin looked at her in shock.  "Hurt you?  Why in the name of the
Mother would I hurt you?  Do I like the fact that you are afraid of me?  Of
course not, but little one, tell me.  How hurting you could possibly make you
fear me less?"
	She looked up at him, for just a moment before lower her eye's again. 
"Master, is my new mistress going to let my husband find me again?"
	'Okay, so now we are back to where we were yesterday before I was called
away'.  He didn't have to ask if she was afraid of this man her fear was written
clearly on her face.  "It won't matter if he finds out that you are here or not,
little one.  Yes for now, you are a slave, but that is only so that you have a
chance to learn your world.  He is a slave, and a slave is what he will remain
for the rest of his life.  He will never be able to touch you."
	She looked up at him, Amber eyes brimming with new tears.  "But my
mistress, what if I make her mad?"
	"Then it is to me that she will turn your over to be punished to.  And I
will never let that beast touch you.  No matter what it is you do.  I would
rather have to whip you than think of that man touching you."
	"And you won't let anyone hurt my baby?"  The very thought that if the
child she carried were indeed the product of her rape.  That no one would do as
Kern had threatened and see, it killed.  It was almost unbelievable.
	Caytin scoffed.  "Hurt a baby?  Good Goddess girl, where did you get
such a terrible idea, that we would or even could harm an innocent child?"  Then
he cupped her chin.  "True, it has been more cycles than I can recall without
looking into our history.  But as the head consort of your mistresses' house, it
is my duty and honor to stand as the child's father.  There is no child in our
city that does not know his or her father.  And as the head of your house, I
will not let your child be the first."
	"But what if it is Kern's, I was a virgin on my wedding night, so he
knows that it might very well be."
	Caytin shook his head.  "No, precious, he lost all right to any child
you bear when he not only beat you, but was ready to kill a child all because he
was not the father.  No matter if you give birth to a baby that is only half
Mercian, or full blooded, he or she is going to call me papa.  And if I need to,
I will go and seek this man out and explain to him what his foolishness cost
him."  He leaned forward kissing her lips gently.  "Does that make you feel
	She touched her lips.  "You mean this, really?"
	He leaned back from her laughing.  "Lauren, I have fathered countless
children in my house, pray tell, what is one more?"
	"Will my mistress be gentle with her?  If I have to give her up, to see
her saved, will she make sure that my baby is taken care of."  Her voice dropped
to the softest of whispers.  "Do you think she will let me see her from time to
	Caytin gently pulled her close, shushing her as she froze against him. 
"No one is going to take your child from you Lauren.  I will stand with you as
her father.  But she will know you are her mother."  Again his kissed her
lightly.  "It's only two cycles dear.  She will never remember a time when you
were not one of the women of this city.  And she will be born free."  This time
when he kissed her, he carefully lifted her into his arms, to rest her body in
his lap.  His tongue encouraging her mouth to open to receive it.  "Am I
frightening you little one?"
	She lifted her head, a flash of something in her eyes that had not been
there for so long.  Just a glimmer of hope, but it was there all the same. "You
won't hurt me?"
	He touched her cheek as his lips captured hers again.  "No, Lauren,
never like this."
	She was so tired of being afraid.  Of not having anyone to look to for
support, Kern was her husband, and yet even when he wasn't beating her, he never
treated her like this.  Her thin arms timidly rose to wrap themselves around
Caytin's neck as she gave into his kisses.
	He pulled back slowly smiling at her.  "Shall I take you to your room? 
I am unable to welcome you fully into your new home due to your condition, but I
would like to start."  He gently lifted her into his arms, nodding to Kerfan as
the man entered the room.  "Lauren, might I introduce master Kerfan.  He is the
only FreeMan in your mistresses' house."  He made shushing noises at her as she
looked at Kerfan with a spark of fear.  "Little one, he is a man.  Unlike those
in your world, the men here do not mistreat or abuse women, most assuredly not
one as far along as you are."
	"She giving you a headache Cay?"  Kerfan was very glad that it was
Caytin and not he that were left to take care of things.
	Caytin smiled down into her face.  "No, not at all, just a needed to
reach an understanding.  But I think we are going to do just fine now, how about
you little one?"
	She never had the time to answer that question, for even as she opened
her mouth a knifing pain cut through her abdomen.  She cried out, as her hands
went to her swollen belly.
	"I do think, that I know of someone who is ready to come into the world. 
Get her to a bed Cay, I'll get my daughter."  Kerfan smiled at the girl as he
turned to leave.
	"Well, well Lauren it would seem that we are going to see our child very
soon."  Caytin had meant to move carefully with her in her condition, but now,
it was absolutely imperative that he did.  She had gone into labor and with as
weak as she was, the slightest thing could endanger both her and her child.
	He had not quite made it to the room when her water broke. Soaking her,
him and the floor.  She began to stammer apologies.  "Hush child.  You are not
the first one to so bathe me.  It would seem our baby is eager to join us.  Once
the Healer is here, I will change into better clothes to greet my new son or
daughter.  But for now don't be afraid.  I won't leave you alone."  He smiled at
her with the assurance of time on his side.  He had stood with each woman in his
house as she gave birth to his child.  And would with all certainty continue to
do so for the remainder of his life.  Though this was the first time he had
stood in as the father with the mother so frightened and weak as Lauren was.	
"Do you think my baby will be okay, Master?"
He lay her on the bed, his hand stroking her face gently.  "Ssshh, little one,
for now, just call me Caytin, or Cay as the others do.  And I have every
confidence that the babe is going to be just fine."  He sat by her, stroking her
cheek, actively projecting as much calm as he could.  "So, little one, any
thoughts for a name?"
	She shook her head.  "I didn't dare hope that far into the future,
	"Well, it looks like we are going to have to start looking into it very
soon my dear.  And please, don't call me master now.  You are in the in the
process of bringing a new life into the world.  One I am going to help you
parent.  I don't want the first words that he or she hears to be their mother
calling me master."
	"Thank you."  She closed her eyes as the next contraction rolled over
her body.
	"Take deep breaths."  He took her hand, squeezing it lightly.  "Second
contraction, they are roughly about three minutes apart.  I have to say Lauren,
it does look like your," he stopped, smiling even deeper.  "Our baby is in
something of a hurry to get here."
	A, soft, knock on the door as Trinna slipped in.  "It would seem that
this is going to be a good day for this house."  She smiled first at Caytin then
at Lauren.  "It is always a good day when a child is born."  She noticed the wet
clothing, chuckling at Caytin.  "Took a bath, again, I take it.  Why is it that
you seem to be the one that the water breaks on the most often?"
	"Just lucky I guess.  Well now that you are here, I will slip out and
make myself more presentable to meet my new child."  He patted Lauren on the
cheek before slipping out.
	"Here let me help you get out of these wet things.  You do know you are
making his day don't you?  He simply loves children.  I think that he isn't
happy unless he has a brood that he is in charge of at all times."  She slowly
helped Lauren pull the wet clothing from her. "So, how many contractions have
you had so far?"
	"Two Mistress."
	"Call me Trinna, Lauren.  You are giving birth, this is no place for
titles."  She gently parted her legs, carefully inserting a single finger into
her.  "Two, not bad.  Well, I'm here now, so the pain is over.  Let's see to
delivering your baby, shall we?"  She rubbed Lauren's swollen belly.  "I will
wait for Cay to come back before delivering her.  It shouldn't be more than a
couple more minutes."
	"Her, are your sure?  I have always believed that my baby was a girl,
but couldn't be sure."
	"Oh yes, she is without a doubt a her."
	Lauren burst into a fresh bout of tears.  "Here now, what is this?  I
had thought now that you live here, knowing your first was a girl would please
you.  But all it has done is make you cry."
	She struggled to control herself.  "I'm sorry, but," she threw her arms
around Trinna, sobbing.  "Kern kept promising me that even though he shouldn't
have blamed me for what happened, if she was the result of one of those who had
raped me, he would see her dead.  And now, here, it's so different."
	"And who is this 'Kern'?"  Trinna was not in the mood for more grief. 
Already today she had faced enough.
	"My husband."
	She was stunned.  "Why would your 'husband' kill your child?"
	"Because he is a fool."  Caytin moved towards the bed.  He had changed
into the fanciest of his clothes.  He wanted Lauren to understand that he was
honored and proud to stand with her.  "Just so you know Healer, your consort's
are out there and waiting.  But I think Jerrick is going to want to slip out for
a little while, and go to stand in my stead as my Lover and deal with this
fool."  He reached out and took Lauren's hand.  "So how is she?"
	"That is a very loaded question Cay.  Physically, she is weak, but I
don't see any problem with her delivering her daughter.  Mentally, stressed, and
emotionally well you have eyes and a heart.  Now before I let my man go and do
what ever it is that should be done to this so called fool, would one of you
kindly fill me in on what has happened."
	Lauren pressed her face into Caytin's hand.  She didn't want to talk
about it again.  "Ssshh, little one, it's okay."  He looked up at Trinna.  "I
will be brief Healer.  Her father sold her to her husband under a lie that she
was less than what they would consider a proper maid.  Upon finding out that he
had been lied to, this fool went to demand the truth from her father.  While he
was away, three of the Taberon broke into her home and raped her.  Her husband
called for immediate 'Man's Justice' on all three and killed them.  But when it
became obvious that Lauren was pregnant, he beat her.  Promising that if the
child was one of her rapist's he would kill it."
	Trinna was more than just shocked.  She was outraged.  "What? Didn't
this fool stop to think he had been with her first, it might very well be his
	Lauren looked from Caytin to Trinna.  "That way why he didn't beat me
anymore."  She instinctively defended the man.  "He knew I was a good girl, had
seen the blood on the sheets the first night, so he knew that there was no one
that had been before him.  He admitted that it could very well be his child, and
if it was, then he couldn't risk hurting me anymore.  Even said that if it
wasn't, he would just take care of it, and that I wouldn't have to worry about
it anymore.  He promised me he wasn't going to beat me anymore, ever again."
	This did not in any way excuse the man's actions in either Trinna or
Caytin's mind.  "And did he?"  Caytin's voice was soft.  "Be honest, little one. 
Did he hit you again after that promise?"
	She looked at anything but him.  "Not as hard.  Life wasn't easy for us. 
He tried to stay away from me as much as he could.  Every time he looked at me,
all he could think about is that my baby might not be his.  Those who lived
around us had known what had happened, and the chances that the baby that was
growing in my belly wasn't his.  He was mocked a lot by the men that used to be
his friends.  The women would have nothing to do with me.  That is why after
Kern had to leave to come here, and the ladies in blue came, I had to leave.  I
knew that if my baby wasn't his, that she would be killed."
	There wasn't time for this.  "It's over now.  Let's concentrate on
seeing to bringing your baby into the world to join us, shall we?"

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

 	Lauren was amazed at how quickly her labor went, once Trinna had turned
her mind fully to helping deliver her daughter.  There was no pain, and very few
contractions before the small infant slipped from her.
	Trinna patted the infants' feet lightly, to get the child to begin to
breathe.  A tiny cry rang out through the room.  It was more a mew than a cry. 
"Cay, hand me a towel.  Then come here, as this little ones father, you really
should cut the cord before I see to it that she is dealt with."  Trinna pulled
the afterbirth from Lauren, reaching for a clamp to block the cord before it was
cut.  "You have a very lovely baby Lauren.  A tiny bit small, but if your life
was even half as bad as you have described, she could be much worse."
	Caytin too a thin, clean blade from Trinna, cutting the cord, before
gently beginning to wipe the birth fluids from the fragile little form.  "She is
lovely little one.  How anyone could think to want to see such a beautiful life
cut short is unthinkable."  There was no doubt to the infant's paternity.  The
thin silver fuzz on the top of the girl's head was all that was needed to
announce it.  But the child's eyes, were her mother's.  As bright and clear, an,
amber as Lauren's were.
	"Well hurry up Cay, I still have things to take care of with her."  She
shook her head, grinning at Lauren.  "Father's, I swear.  The way they carry on,
you would think they were the ones that had done all the work."  She took the
infant back in her hands after Caytin had finished cleaning it and seeing to the
	"So, Lauren, any thought of a name now?"  Caytin took her hand again as
they watched Trinna work on their daughter.  "The primary job of the men, might
be to raise the children that their ladies give them, but it is still the
woman's place to name her child."
	Lauren looked from him to where Trinna was seeing to her daughter.  "I
don't know, I haven't even seen her yet."
	"So in other words, Cay, give the girl a few minutes.  I am sure she
will let you fawn over your new baby soon enough, but let her at least have a
few moments to look at the child and think."  Trinna fussed at him as she handed
the baby to Lauren.  "There you go my dear.  A healthy baby girl."  She stood
back smiling as Lauren and Caytin looked over the little life she had just
placed in her arms.
	Lauren's hand was trembling as she touched the baby's, 'her', baby's
cheek.  "Oh, you are so pretty."  She tightened her hold on the mewing infant in
her arms as she broke into tears.
	"Yes, dearest, she is.  You have made me a very happy man today." 
Caytin kissed her forehead.  Reaching out to add his hand to Lauren's.  "Hello,
stranger, you are by far as lovely as your mother is."
	Trinna worked on Lauren's body healing it to the point that the young
woman could walk away from this day, without any viable or internal weaknesses
of just having given birth.  "Now, my dear, may I see your baby again?  She
still has a cord that I need to see too."  She held out her hands, waiting for
Lauren to release the baby to her.  "That's a good girl."  She carefully
un-wrapped the baby.  "See sweetie, your mama and papa are right here, just as
soon as I am finished with you, then back to them you will go."  She beamed with
love and acceptance as she lay a hand flat on the tiny life's belly in her hand. 
But the beaming and happiness were quick to fade.
	"Caytin!" Trinna hissed as she lay the infant on the bed beside Lauren. 
Her gifts going again to do war with death.  "The bell, call the Temple!"
	*Mistress! *  Caytin's mind was frantic as he struggled to hold Lauren
as they watched Trinna dance with death again, to save a life.  But this time,
the life was so much more precious to him.  It was his new daughter.  *Ring the
bell, call the Temple!  Lauren's baby is dying.  'My' baby is dying. *
	Almost as quickly as the thought was passed, the sound of the bell rang
out.  A desperate sound, summoning any and all the fully trained Healer's that
could hear the summons to come.
	*Hold on, love, the summons is being made now. *  Kaj was not one for
wasted words as she moved down the halls towards the Men's Quarter's at a dead
run, almost running into Kerfan who had heard the summons as well.
	"What is wrong Kaj?"  He fell into stride with her as they both rushed
to where the battle with death was taking place.
	"That woman, the pregnant one that I left in Cay's care.  She has given
birth, and the little one, is dying.  Trinna must feel it is beyond her
abilities, she had Cay, send out a call to me to set the bell ringing."
	Kerfan picked up the pace he was taking.  "Merciful Mother, that child
has to be near mindless by now."  He held the door for Kaj as she came bursting
into the Men's Quarter's. 
	"Which room Jerrick?"  She didn't have time for pleasantries. 
	"That one Mistress."  Jerrick nodded towards a closed one.  "Is there
something wrong?"
	Kaj didn't answer him.  She headed for the room, and slipped in without
	The sight the met her cut at her heart.  Her sister was fighting over a
tiny body, her consort and mate was holding the young woman that she had put
into his care just yesterday, trying to sooth her.  "Cay," she whispered, moving
to where he held the girl.  "Go love, get Kerfan.  I'll hold her until you get
back.  But my sister is going to need help until a fully trained Healer gets
here.  Kerfan is his father."  There was no need for any other explanation.
	He nodded.  "Little one this is my, our mistress.  She will sit here
with you for just a few moments.  I won't be gone far or for long."  He hushed
her as she began to protest.  "I must do this.  Our baby, she is too close to
seeking the Dark Mother's peace.  Trust me enough to trust her."  Her brushed
his lips over her brow.  "It's gong to work out."  And he pulled away.
	Lauren watched, silent tears streaming down her face, as Trinna fought
for her daughter's life.  "She is so pretty, don't you agree?"  She whispered to
no one inparticular.  "I'm not sure what I'm going to do, when she dies."
	Kaj grabbed her shoulders.  "You listen to me girl.  I am mistress of
this house."  Her tone was like ice.  "No one, do you hear me?  No one, dies in
it without my permission."  She crushed the younger woman to her, as she watched
her younger sister work.  'Mother, please, help your Healer in this. I don't
pray often, I leave that to your Speakers.  But if this child dies, there is
going to be so much pain.  Please, Mother, hasn't my house suffered enough'? 
She offered a quick plea to her Goddess.
	Kerfan came into the room, followed by Caytin.  He didn't need to be
told what to do.  His very soul told him what was needed.  "Here you go, honey." 
He wrapped his arms around his daughter as she fought. 
	Kerfan's added strength, was enough to help Trinna hold on to the
fragile spirit.  Wrapping it in her care, holding it until one of the
better-trained Healers could make it there.  "Got her, just don't let me go
Papa."  She gritted her teeth still struggling to keep the life from slipping
from her grasp again.
	The sound of someone clearing her throat broke Trinna's concentration. 
"Back away now, little sister.  You have fought long and hard, let me see to it
that it is finished."  A woman dressed in blue stepped up and lay her hands over
Trinna's, her power melding with the young journeyman.  "Poor little baby."  A
strong, soft voice crooned.  "Kerfan, take your daughter and pull her back now. 
I have the child."
	Trinna fell back against her father.  "Goddess, I have never felt that
much of an effort.  Not even when I fought for my consort's life, if was like
the baby wanted to die."
	The priestess lifted the baby in her hands, seeing not only to her life,
but also to finishing healing the child from the remnants of her birth.  "I must
say, sister.  If I had not seen it with my own two eyes, I would have doubted
the fact.  Even if I knew it to be true."  She handed the crying baby to her
frantic mother.  "Kaj, see what you and your mate can do about calming this girl
down.  Her child will be fine."
	Kaj finally felt like she could breathe again.  "Kareen, I didn't know
you were in the Temple."
	"There isn't a one of us, who has been willing to leave the Temple for
the last few days, we keep running up on things that need our help.  Besides,
Kerfan is my nephew, and his child, who is so very talented, is my great niece. 
Do you honestly think I would be anywhere but close to home when she was this
close to taking her final vows?"
	Trinna laughed.  "Mother Kareen, I'm not that close.  I'm what, a cycle
or so away?  Are you telling us that you plan to live in the Temple until then? 
You, I grew up with you always out of the Temple."
	Mother Kareen just chuckled at her.  "A cycle, girl who are you trying
to fool?  The only reason you haven't taken your final vows yet is that you had
yet to come up against something that was beyond your abilities.  And we cannot
have you join the Speakers unless you understand that you are not ever alone." 
She touched Trinna's cheek.  "You are a woman grown, mated and with child.  You
are also my sister's granddaughter.  Of all the children she bore, it was her
son, who gave the Temple someone who is equal to her skills."  She patted Trinna
on the cheek.  "We were a bit worried after you battled death to save your
consort, that it was going to be forever before you learned that you aren't
capable of doing everything.  Particularly after what you did with that thing
that had hurt so many."
	"But I couldn't do anything other than hold on to the baby, and I needed
my father's help to do that.  How strong can I be, if I could not save one tiny
life?"  Trinna didn't understand.
	Mother Kareen shook her head.  "Your mate, even as hurt as he was,
didn't want to die.  That child, whose soul was just barely connected to her
body, she didn't know that there was any hope for her, she had no will or wish
to live.  You are without a doubt a full Healer.  The only thing that holds your
back is that you have not, as of yet taken your vows, so you have had to
stand-alone.  But once you take them, the Mother will connect you to the rest of
us."  She smiled at Kerfan.  "To think, your mother had protested your wedding
Azrena.  The only crime is that your lady did not live.  You are the only one of
her children to have the ability to pass along the gift.  Had she lived on,
perhaps you would have fathered more with her.  But the Mother called her to
rest.  And you have not sought our another woman.  I understand that you are
free now, but nephew, you do not have to give up your freedom to seek out one of
the ladies in your home."
	"Kareen, just because I happened to luck into fathering my mother's
equal, does not mean that I am the only one of the nine she gave life to, that
will ever follow in her steps."
	"You are the youngest, and of the lot your mother gave birth to, you are
the only fertile of her son's.  Of your six sister's, three of them have gone
on, to join your mother.  And the other three, only one of them chose to be
willing to try to pass her gift on.  She has only sons and of those three sons'
they are all bedwarmers.  Now tell me Kerfan, did your desire die with your
	"Aunt!"  He looked uncomfortable.  "Do you not think this is the wrong
place for this kind of talk?  Trinna is my daughter."
	"She is also, not only mated and with child, but a Healer as well.  I
understand, you are a father, she is your child.  But children do grow up.  Now,
the Temple has kept our silence in regards to you, for the last near nineteen
cycles.  We had hoped that with time, you would finally heal, and seek love
again.  But it would seem that you have closed that part of yourself off."  She
looked at him with a glimmer of sadness in her eyes.  "You are my sister's son. 
Do not make me call down the Temples will on you and force you to wed again. 
Free or slave, it does not matter.  You are a man of the Danes.  By law you are
called upon to father three, at the very least."
	Kerfan pulled himself up, looking his aunt in the eyes.  "And I have
fulfilled my requirement to my city.  Trinna is not my only child.  She has two
brothers' now.  I went out and took two of those children that came seeking a
hearth and home.  I took them as my son's.  I have a Lover, who stands with me
as their father as well.  When Azrena died, I had come to terms with the fact
that I would never find love like I had with her, ever again.  But now, with
Shern, I have found it.  And I will not give that love up."											
	Mother Kareen just shook her head smiling softly.  "Don't be a fool,
Kerfan.  Since when did seeking to further your bloodline, cause a threat to any
love?  He is male.  You can never take him as anything but your Lover, but look
around you.  There are some now, that could be sought and if you took another as
your consort, you don't have to give up your freedom.  And once you have done
that, then you can take your little Lover as a mate as well."  She looked to
where Lauren huddled against Caytin, clutching her baby.  "Like this child,
Caytin brought the old mother, and the other to the Temple yesterday.  She is a
slave here now, and shall remain so for the next two cycles.  Do you not think
that you could woo her in that time?  She has proven herself to be fertile."
	Lauren looked from the priestess to where Kerfan stood an uneasy look in
her eyes.  "Master," she pressed against Caytin.
	"Ssshh, it's okay little one.  Not even the Speakers of the Mother can
force a man or woman to wed."  He looked up to the priestess.  "Can they?"
	"Perhaps you should ask our little sister here, after all, she is the
one that will soon join us."  Mother Kareen looked to Trinna.  "So, sister, is
the Temple empowered with the power to force any citizen of Dane to wed?"
	Trinna looked to Kerfan.  "Yes and no.  We can not force a slave to wed
that must be wholly by consent.  But, a free citizen, then yes.  But, only, if
it is believed that they are incapable of fulfilling their duties.  I'm sorry
Papa, but by the law, you must seek another consort.  As sweet as my two new
little brothers are, they are not of your body.  They don't reckon in the
	He turned and growled at his daughter.  "I have bled for your mother for
almost nineteen cycles.  Isn't that enough, how much more can I be asked to
	"If you were any male but who you are, I would not press it.  You have
given much in your gift of your daughter.  But you aren't any other male.  You
are one of the few proven fertile men that can pass the gift."  The priestess
lay a hand on his shoulder.  "Believe me Kerfan, if it were not for the fact
that now, with as many more that are joining our city, I would not press.  Now
again, choose who ever you will, any woman who is unmated, or has only one
consort would do.  But I expect to see you offering a child to the temple this
time three cycle from now.  Or I will wish to know the reason why not."
	He jerked his shoulder away.  "Let me see if I understand you correctly,
'Mother'."  He bit out the title.  "If I do not do this, I run the risk of
losing what was promised to me with Azrena's death?"
	"She should have never been allowed to take you at your age.  She was
too old to try to bear another, but her stubbornness out weighted her good
	"So it has all been a lie then.  I was never really free, it was just a
way the Temple had of giving what they saw as proper time to mourn."
	"You are as free as any man in this city can be, any woman for that
matter.  But Kerfan, it has been how long?  She is not coming back.  It is time
for you to let go."
	Trinna took his hand.  'Papa, I never knew my mother, she died so long
ago, but I know how fine a woman she was, because I know what kind of a man you
are.  I also know, because I am a woman, that if I died, I would not want my man
or men to live on forever without another.  She would want you to do this."
	He sighed.  "Okay, honey, if I have to do this, I think I can chance it
another time.  But hear me.  If I take another lady and wed her, and she leaves
me as your mother did.  I will never try again.  You will never know how much I
loved and still love your mother.  There for a time, when she first left me, I
was so tempted to follow her, but I had you.  I couldn't leave you to be raised
without me.  But if I do this, and fate turns its back on me again.  There is no
power in all of creation that will make me seek another.  I will follow her into
the peace.  You are here.  You have three men who will help you to see to it any
child that I father with her, is cared for.  Is that enough for you?"  He looked
up at Mother Kareen.  "I mean it aunt.  I will bend this last time.  Just as
soon as I can find another woman that both my Lover and myself, not to mention
my boy's are comfortable with.  But this is it, no more."
	The priestess shook her head.  "I swear boy, you are as stubborn as your
father was."
	"Well now you know where my daughter gets her willful streak.  Trust me,
aunt, the girl came by it honestly.  With a mother like Azrena and a father like
myself.  What else could she be but a fighter?"
	Everyone had forgotten Caytin and Lauren in the middle of their talk. 
So it was a bit shocking when Lauren gasped.  "That's it."  She looked to
Caytin.  "Your language and mine are the same right?"
	Caytin looked at her a tad confused.  "Yes, why?"
	"A name for my baby.  She almost died, but fought to live, true she had
help.  But had she not believed that there was now a chance being offered her
that she had not had for so long.  No one could have saved her.  She fought to
live.  Do you think Savell is a good name?"
	"It has been a long time since we chose such names for our children, but
you are right.  If ever there was a warrior born, it is our little girl."  He
kissed the top of her head.  "So, Savell.  That is a good strong name, you know. 
Even if I didn't know what it meant, I would still think it a good name."

	It took only a few more moments before the priestess chose to leave. 
Extracting another promise from Kerfan that he would finally at long last, begin
to seek another woman.
	Kaj shook her head.  Reaching out to pat Lauren's hand.  "Well, now that
that is dealt with, I really need to go and tend to a few things dear.  But let
me be the first one to tell you that you have a very lovely little girl.  I have
no doubt's that she will do her parent's proud."  She looked at the tiny infant
that was still held protectively in Lauren's arms.  "Dear, no one is going to
hurt her.  You can let that fear rest now and forever.  It might be a little
time before you are strong enough to stand-alone.  But until that time comes. 
If Caytin is unable to protect her or you, you are now a member of my house. 
And no one threatens anyone in it.  You have my word."
	"Give the girl a little time Kaj.  This can't be easy on her."  Kerfan
smiled at her.  "I don't know if I could think straight myself coming from what
she just came from, and then to watch the child I had just given birth to,
almost die.  I'd be as wary as she is."
	"Men, I swear."  She jus chuckled.  "I do understand that it is going to
take her some time to find peace here Kerfan.  All I was trying to do was assure
her a little."
	Caytin and Trinna looked up at the same time.  "Lady," Caytin began.
	 "Papa," Trinna's questioning words were spoke at the same time.  Caytin
nodded for her to continue.  "Of all the men in this house, other than Cay, you
are probably the one she is going to be able to trust the most.  I don't want to
sound like I am talking about or over her.  But if it hadn't been for you, I
don't think I could have held on to Savell's life long enough for Mother Kareen
to get here.  I understand that she is still going to need a little time.  But
she is still a slave, and will be for the next two cycles.  Don't you think it
would be easier on her if you put her under your protection?"
	Kerfan considered the thought.  "I don't know Trinna.  I have Shern to
think about as well, you understand.  But if he doesn't have a problem with it,
I gave the Temple my word, like it or not, I am going to have to take a consort
again.  So we'll see."  He looked to where Lauren was watching him with a very
strange look on her face.  "Do you think this is something you could accept?  It
doesn't matter if for now you are a slave here.  Two cycles is really not that
much time at all.  And I won't force a woman who will one day be my equal to my
	Caytin squeezed Lauren gently.  "Go on and say yes, little one.  That
was what I was gong to suggest to my lady anyway.  Yes he has a Lover who is
Catimine, but as you now know it was not the Catimine's that did what was done
to you I am hoping that his boy's species doesn't bother you.  Besides, this boy
when he first came here, was all of fourteen.  He isn't much more than a child
now."  He stroked her cheek.  "Trust me, love, of all the men in my house, the
only man I trust more is my Lover, and he is quite unable to help you as Kerfan
can.  Jerrick is like, me, a slave.  Besides he has three consorts and four
children already.  He is quite busy."
	She looked from him to Kerfan.  "Don't you want my baby anymore?"
	Caytin just shushed her.  "No power in creation could take her from me. 
Not even if I thought letting him adopt her would make this easier on you. 
Forgive me little one, but one look at that sweet thing, and my heart was
forever hers."  He tweaked her nose.  "But as I told you already Lauren.  I have
fathered more children in my house, than I can count.  And not all of them with
my lady, there are many who have children by me, that now have consort's of
their own.  Just because they now have a man, doesn't mean I'm any less their
child's father."  The infant that was somewhat squashed between the two, made a
protesting noise.
	"Well, Kaj, I think I need to go and talk to Shern.  And by the sound of
things, I do think that baby is hungry."  Kerfan smiled as he patted Trinna on
the shoulder.  "To think, my baby girl is now going to be a sworn Speaker in the
Temple.  You do know how to make an old man proud girl."
	Trinna laughed.  "Old, Papa, you're thirty-six cycles old.  Only two
older than my first consort, old please give me a break."  She shook her head. 
"Well go on, I need to see to it that Lauren's milk comes down, or Savell will
be hungry for longer than she will like.  Give my two little brothers a hug for
me."  She turned her back on him to attend to healing business.
	Lauren jerked as Trinna lay her hand on her breasts.  "Come on honey.  I
just helped you give birth to this sweet little thing.  Surely you don't think I
am going to hurt her."  A warming glow enveloped Lauren's breasts.  "There you
go my dear.  You little warrior won't have to worry about going hungry now.  
For that matter, you should offer to help Kaj with her new little son.  He was
born on the trip here, but his mother died.  I promise you Lauren. You have
plenty of milk.  And will continue to have what is needed until they are fully
	Caytin looked up from, where he was watching as Lauren nursed their
child.  "So Lady, any thoughts for a name for our boy?"
	Kaj thought about it for a moment;  "Originally I had planned to name
him after you love.  But now with the name Lauren has given her little one.  I
am more inclined to go with the name Averin."
	Lauren looked up a little surprised.  "Averin, but don't understand.  I
understand why my baby could be named Savell, but Averin, that just means
'slave'.  Why would you do that to him?" 
	Caytin chuckled.  "No, Lauren.  Your are thinking, Axerin.  Averin
means, to serve, to obey.  Averin is a slave honey.  What better name for him
than that?"
	"Oh," she just looked down at the little life in her arm that was
nursing greedily.  There were so many things she was going to have to learn in
her new life.  "What happens to her when she has finished eating?"
	"I will see her tucked in the crib beside Averin.  And when it is time
for her as well as him to come and feed again, I will see to it that the nursery
slave brings both of them to you.  That is of course if you are willing to help
me with him."  Kaj wasn't going to assume anything at this point with the young
woman.  The Poor child had had too many make decisions for her without ever
thinking about what she thought.  "Just think dear, we could raise them
together.  How would you like to share the role of motherhood with me?  I don't
know about you, but I personally would like to have another woman close at hand
to help at times."
	Lauren looked for encouragement from Caytin who only smiled nodding.  "I
have all the men in my house to call on if I need help, she is right you know. 
Two women together is sometimes easier than just one, when it comes to little
ones as they go through those early cycles."
	Lauren looked up at Kaj.  "You really want my help?"
	Kaj sat on the edge of the bed. Reaching out to take her free hand. 
"Honey if I didn't want and need it, I would never have asked."
	Lauren teared up again, but this time they were tears of if not
happiness, at least the first glimmer of hope that she had been allowed to feel
in such a long, long time.  "Okay, that would be nice."

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther. CHAPTER 12

	Kerfan looked down into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. 
"Bright Eyes, I have something I need to talk to you about."  There was no easy
way to break this to him.  He was going to have to tell the one person he loved
as much as he had loved his daughters' mother, that in order to keep him, he was
going to have to take a lady.
	Shern was on guard a once.  His maser never spoke to him like this, not
even when he was correcting him.  "Something happen?  Are the boy's okay?  They
aren't hurt are they" He had just spoken to Drav and Jaxim, so he knew his
brother's were fine.
	Kerfan smiled down at him, shaking his head.  "Our son's are fine."  It
still amazed him that his bright eyed little Lover was still so sure that their
boy's would never accept him, when he was the one that worried the most about
the two.  "What I have to discuss with you has nothing to do with them."  He
stopped, looked down a little uncomfortable.  "Well it is going to have a
permanent effect on them, but nothing physically detrimental."
	Shern looked at him strangely.  "Then what is it Master?"
	Kerfan closed his eyes, trying to come up with the words.  "You know how
I have told you more than once, that if I had a lady, that I could take you as
my consort as well.  But because I don't, all I could ever offer you was a place
as my Lover?"  He stroked Shern's cheek.  "Well Bright Eyes, it would seem that
I am going to be able to finally take that promise, and make it a fact."
	Shern looked up at him, not sure how to react.  He wanted to throw his
arms around his master and jump for joy, but the way his master was behaving, it
was as if he wasn't happy with the chance to take him from just being his Lover
and making him his consort.  "And, do you have a problem with this Master?" 
	"Only in the fact that it is being forced on me.  I either wed, or lose
my freedom.  And this little girl, you saw her yesterday, the little pregnant
girl that Cay was taking care of.  She is not going to be easy in the beginning. 
It's going to be as hard, if not worse than it was for the boy's.  They still
are jumpy around you, but they are young and the young tend to snap back from
things much faster than adults do.  I am afraid that it might take her a bit
longer to come to peace with you, than either Lane or Trent."  There he had said
it.  "Fortunately, we have two cycles to get her to the point that she is over
her fear of you.  You might have never though your youth was ever going to be a
plus for you.  But trust me baby, with this girl, the fact that you are only
just now fifteen, and were still too young to be anything more than a victim
when she was, that is going to be the strongest deciding factor for her.
	Shern let out a sigh of relief.  He had come to almost expect this kind
of thing from those who did not know him.  If that was all that was going to be
wrong, he could face it.  "Lord and Lady, Master, I thought something wrong had
happened."  The fear drained out of him as he leaned against Kerfan.  "You came
at me with such a frightening look, I though either the boy's were hurt, or I
had done something wrong."
	Kerfan looked down at the younger man.  "And you are at peace with this? 
I had been so worried that you would not be willing to accept what I was going
to have to do."
	Shern giggled.  "Master, I have been half wishing that you had a lady so
you could take me from just your Lover to your Consort, like Steff did with
Drav.  After mistress Trinna took him as her third."  His grip tightened around
Kerfan.  "As for the boy's, if this lady is willing to accept them as yours and
my son's, they will be thrilled.  I know that they have looked around at others,
even the bedwarmers they have mistress Kaj as a mother, but our two, they only
have us. I was raised without a mother.  Mine died back when I was so young.  I
wouldn't wish that on any child, Master.  When it was only you and I, then a
father is better than being an orphan.  But if you take this lady, and she is
willing to stand as their mother, just think of how much it would help them."
	Kerfan was stunned.  He had been so worried that his love, would be
hurt, and not understand why he had to do this, and yet, here he was.  Listing
all the reason's that it was a good idea.  "Anyone talk to you about this `yet,
Shern?"  He had to make sure that this was what his Lover really felt, and not
just something that he had been talked into.
	Shern looked at him, a bit hurt.  "No, Master."
	"So this is how you honestly feel?  No coercion, no bits of gentle
advice, this is how you truly feel?"
	"I don't understand, Master."  Had he said something wrong?  "I thought
you would be happy that I don't mind the thought of getting a lady.  Was I
	His arms tightened around Shern.  "No, baby, you weren't wrong.  It's
just that I didn't think that you would understand."  He just chuckled.  "Never
mind me, Bright Eve's, I'm being an old fool."
	Shern giggled again.  "Master, you are only two cycles older than
Jerrick, I don't call that old.  And you are, 'not', a fool."
	Kerfan laughed tousling Shern's hair.  "Well, let's go track down our
two and see if they are as happy about this as you are."
	"I think they are in the backyard." 
	"Well then love, let's go see if they are willing to be bothered in
their play."  Then he stopped, smiling at Shern.  "You do realize that if I go
to woo this girl, you are going to have to get used to making love to me for
awhile.  It's going to take her some time to come to the point that she feel's
safe with you making love to her."
	Shern just grinned.  "I think I can learn to deal with Master, no
problems at all."
		*	*	*
	Lauren patted her baby on the back to see if she could get her to burp. 
"She should be full now, Master.  But, do I have to send her to the nursery
right away?  Can't I play with her a little more?"  She looked to Caytin with
her amber eyes so pleading.
	"Only if I can play with her, too."  He ran his fingers through her
silver fuzz on the top of her head.  "You do realize with her and Averin being
so close together in age, they can grow up, almost as twins.  Though his eyes
are silver to her amber.  Who knows, with them growing up as closely as they
will, in the end, you might have a lady and her first consort in the making
	It was still so much for her.  To think that only a few weeks ago, she
was looking at the loss of her child.  And now, she was going to see that same
child grow up free, and one day take a husband.  But this time, the rules were
different.  Never again was she ever going to have to worry about her daughter
ending up with a man like Kern.  No here, the women ruled.  The men were slaves
here, and unlike the way she had been treated when she was with Kern, it wasn't
the same.  She was a slave, this was true, but so far no one had hurt her.  She
had been treated well.  They had saved her baby.  Even gone so far as having
this man, who was her master, but who also was willing to stand as Savell's
father.  And if he did what he had promised.  He was going to track down Kern,
and tell him not only was she here.  But that he was now claiming the paternity
to her daughter, and he could do nothing about it.  Yes, all in all, her life
was so much better, even if she was still a slave.
	"So where has your mind gone to little one?"  Caytin had felt the
resolve from her.  "Making any big plans"
	"Oh no, Master.  Just thinking about my baby and the fact that here she
is wanted.  I'm still having to resist pinching myself just to make sure I'm not
	Caytin smiled at her.  "Well, why don't we send her on down to the
nursery so that I can prove a few other things to you as well.  I know that we
all are hoping that Kerfan sees what he can do about wooing you, but for now, I
haven't even welcomed you into my house and family yet."  He held out his arms,
waiting patiently for her to pass him their daughter.  "Come on Lauren.  I am
her father.  Surely you don't think I would hurt her.  The threat of losing her
earlier, almost cut my heart out."
	Lauren looked down, blushing as she handed him her baby.  "I know
Master, I don't know what is wrong with me.  I guess it's that I've been afraid
for so long that I don't know how to be anything else."
	"Well, my dear, you are about to learn to do many things other than
fear.  That is why our mistress put you in my care.  She knows that with me, you
will learn to be anything but afraid."  He leaned down to kiss her lightly.  "Be
right back my dear.  I'll go have one of the bedwarmers tale our girl to the
	Lauren sat there on the bed, still without any clothes.  She should feel
embarrassed.  But, after everything that had happened to her so far.  She was
just so tired of being afraid and embarrassed.  All she wanted to do was believe
in someone again.  That there was actually a man out there that didn't want to
hurt her.  Didn't want to make her feel like she was nothing.
	She knew that sooner or later the reality would kick in and she would
see what these people were really like.  But for now, she could hide in the
pretty lies.  She knew it was all so pretty, it had to be a lie.  So if she just
let it happen, then what was the harm?  After all, she knew it was a lie, so
when the truth really came out.  She wouldn't be so hurt.  She had at least had
a little time.  Maybe even get the chance to see he daughter grow up before she
died.  Because she knew, one more nightmare, and she would not have the strength
to pull herself up again.  She had been beaten too many times.  The chorus of
the men and women that neighbored their home, and their accusations of being a
traitor and a whore to those who had done so much evil, and Kern, had the wars
not taken so much from him.  The women around their house spoke that there had
been a time before the wars started that he had been a gentleman and was loved
by many.
	'Oh, well' that isn't going to change any part of her past.  She was
here now, and yes, so she had been told that her servitude as a slave was only
supposed to be for two cycles.  But she was not holding her breath on that
	The more she thought about it, the more attractive her masters
suggestion that she at least try to get to know that other man, the one that was
free.  Who knows he might even be gentle with her.
	Caytin slipped back into the room.  "What ever you are thinking, the
tension of your thought is so heavy that I can feel you from ten feel away from
the door."  He began to loosen his tunic.  "So what has your mind all in knots? 
	She clutched the sheet to her chest, even though she knew it was
foolish, she couldn't help herself.  "Nothing important, Master.  Just thinking
about my future."  She scooted over to give him room.
	"Well I don't know about you, but I'm all thought out for a while.  So,
will you allow me to give you something else to think about?"  He gently pulled
her close and the sheet from her.
	"One more question, Master.  Then I promise, I'll be quiet."  She was
surprised that the feel of his hands on her skin didn't hurt.  She had never
thought that any touch wouldn't hurt.
	Caytin just chuckled softly.  "Little one, you can ask all the questions
you want.  If the thought of being with me is still frightening to you, I'll be
patient."  He stroked her cheek. "Now what is your question?"
	She blushed, "I was only thinking about the other master.  The one that
is free, did you mean what you said?  That you trust him?  He won't be mad
because you said that you wouldn't give up your claim and protection of my
	Caytin was a little shocked at her question.  He had been ready to
answer almost any other question from her than that.  Did he thrust Kerfan,
would he be upset that he claimed Savell?   "Lauren," he tried to word his
answer very carefully.  Wouldn't do to frighten her now, not when she was
actually making the first gesture of trust outside of the birth of their child. 
"Yes I trust Kerfan.  He is our mistresses sister's, the Healer Trinna's father. 
And no, he will not be upset that I am not willing to give up my daughter.  If
anything, he would feel hurt for the question.  We are not like those that you
grew up around."  He stroked her hair, brushing his lips against her brow.  "Is
that all little one?  Can I answer anymore of your questions, or can I now see
to it that you are finally able to know that the touch of a real man, never
hurts?"  His hands began to slowly move over her skin.  "To think, anyone could
want to harm something this lovely. It's a sin against all life"
	"Ssshh, not now precious, I might be you master, as I am all the others
that live in this government, but call me Cay, or if that is still too much for
you, Caytin.  Now what is your question, this time?"
	"I am having a hard time believing that this isn't either a dream or a
really pretty lie.  My life has never been an easy one.  My mother died giving
me birth.  My father and older brother never forgave me for that.  Then the war
came and my older brother died.  My father had no time in his life for me.  So
he sold me to Kern, and you know what happened then."
	Caytin shushed her.  "Never again.  Trust me little one, you will learn
soon that real men do not find pleasure in causing pain with every touch."  He
slowly reached up to cup her left breast.  Gently rolling her nipple between his
thumb and forefinger.  Smiling softly as she moaned.  "See. Little one, I am not
hurting you, nor will anyone ever hurt you like this."  This one was not going
to be easy.  But then again, why should she be?  Her only knowledge if the act
had all been rapes.  Her own husband, the man that she should have been able to
trust in the most had raped her their first night together.  And then to add
more horror to the already cruel act of fate, she had suffered multiple rapes
from those that were in the process of destroying her people.  Caytin could feel
anger at the mad man that hurt those in his house so grievously.  But he didn't
feel anger towards this poor child's fate, only sadness.
	"I am very thankful that the Healer lives in our home, and is family." 
His lips brushed her nipple lightly.
	Lauren lifted her head.  "Why?"
	"Because my dear, I happen to have a great fondness for mothers milk." 
He chuckled as he reached up to kiss her.  "Am I to take the fact that you are
not crying, nor are you pushing me away, that you trust me?
	She looked up, doing something that she had never done before, and put
her faith and trust into the hands of another man.  She bit her bottom lip,
nodding.  "I think that I can trust you."  There was no going back.  Good or
ill, now was the point that she would know. 
	Caytin chuckled softly, reaching up to cup her chin.  "You don't have to
question your trust in me, little one.  Even though you come to this bed, just
after giving birth to one of the loveliest babies I have ever seen.  I will
treat you as if you were still just a maid coming to me to offer your virginity
up to the Mother."  He kissed Lauren's brow.  "I promise, your trust in me will
not be abused.  No one is ever going to abuse it ever again."
	It was just too much.  His offer of being in a bed, with a man, and not
coming away hurt.  Was so unbelievable that she had never dared dream of it.
	Caytin pulled back to go and track down something to help ease her even
more.    She tried to hold him tighter, a single whimper came from her.  Now
that she had finally been able to dare to trust.  She didn't want to risk
anything to gve her time to change her mind.  "Ssshh, I am going nowhere.  I
only need to get something to help you to relax.  I promise, just a few minutes,
and I will be back."  He squeezed her fingers gently.  "I promise."
	She nodded.  Trying to hold on to the promise that he had given her. 
	"Okay."  She looked so much like nothing but a little girl, lying there. 
That Caytin hat to remind him self that she was older than she looked.  Now he
fully understood how his Lover had felt the first time he saw her.
		*	*	*
	Both Kerfan and Shern stumbled back laughing, as each was almost over
ran by one of their son's diving at them.  "Here now, what is this?"  Kerfan
looked down at the child in his arms.  "Lane?"
	The boys both looked a tad mischievous.  "Nothing Papa.  We just thought
maybe, if we could catch you off guard.  That we could if it was all right with
you, you know, have dinner tonight with both of you?"  It was almost shocking,
after how their boy's came into their life.   That is was Lane and not Trent
that was the more aggressive of the two.
	Kerfan looked up smiling at Shern, with an almost, 'I told you so', look
in his eyes.  It had only been a few days, and already their boys were beginning
to accept both of them as parents.  He knew Shern had feared that they would
never accept him, but Kerfan knew better.  There was no way that anyone could
hold hatred against his little Lover, not for long.  He knew that Shern was the
kindest and most gentle of souls that could exist and not be a spirit.  He had
come to realize that ever since taking him and putting behind him, protecting
him from all things.  That this gentle and loving soul would one day grow into a
man that if not greater than his older brother, his equal.  "Funny that the two
of you should be asking the very thing I was going to suggest.  'We'" he looked
up at Shern.  "Have something that we need to talk to you both about."
	"What ever it is," Trent, who was holding on to Shern.  He had seen
enough of how wrong he had been when he tried to kill the other one and the
little girl, in just a few days.  That he would forever try to make up for what
he had tried to do.  "Lane did it."
	"No I didn't."  The boy in Kerfan's arms protested as both Shern and
Kerfan began to laugh.
	"It has nothing to do with anyone doing anything."  Kerfan motioned
Shern to bring Trent closer.  "I am going to wed soon.  And Shern and I need to
know how the two of you would feel about getting a mother."
	Both boys' faces lit up.  This time it was Shern's turn to look smug. 
"I mentioned that both of you kept looking and all the rest who have both a
mother and a father.  Even the bedwarmers, who have children, they have mistress
Kaj as a mother."
	Kerfan was very glad that his Lover, young though he was, was still old
enough to know that their children would not understand the reason's why he was
to wed.
	"When are we gonna meet her?"  Both boys said in unison.
	"Well that all depends on her.  You probably haven't seen her yet.  She
was the pregnant woman that Kaj brought into her home yesterday.  She has just
given birth, and is going to take a few days to come to terms with her life
here."  Kerfan stood up, pulling Lane up into his arms.  "Shern, do you think
you can carry Trent, or do I need to have them both climb up on my back?"
	Shern laughed, pulling the boy up on his hip.  "I might not be as strong
as most of the men here, but I can still carry my son, Master.  He doesn't weigh
that much."
	"Good, well come on then.  I don't know about you or them, but I am
starved, the sooner we get them cleaned up and ready, the sooner we can eat."
		*	*	*
	Caytin lay there, Lauren in his arms as she wept against his chest. 
"Ssshh, little one?  What is wrong?  I know I didn't hurt you.  So please tell
me, what is wrong?"
	She shook her head, trying to compose herself enough to speak.  "No, you
didn't hurt me.  It was wonderful, so wonderful."  The she broke down into fresh
sobs.  "Everything was so wonderful.  Why didn't anyone show me how good it
really can be?"
	He just hugged her tighter.  "What we, you and I, did was share a moment
of compassion.  That fool, who was once your husband.  And those, creatures,
that forced themselves on you they never shared anything with you.  What I have
done is gift the mother of my child, with my love.  Before, the never gave you
anything.  They did nothing but take."
	She lay there on his arms, thinking about what he had just said.  He had
'shared' his love with her.  And finally after countless days, weeks, moons and
cycles of fear and pain.  She began to actually begin to believe that maybe,
just maybe, it was all going to turn our all right.
		*	*	*
	Kerfan smiled at Shern, as they settled their boys in chairs.  The two
youngsters were grinning like a couple of fools.  It was not often that any of
the younger boys were allowed to sit at the adult tables.  Even girls under
thirteen were, not often, welcomed at the main table.
	Trent watched as Caytin led a young woman to the table.  "Papa?"  He
looked to Kerfan and Shern.  "Who is she? And why isn't she with all the other
	Kerfan was a little surprised that Caytin had brought her to the table
so soon.  He had expected that it would take at least two or three days before
he brought her out.  "That is Lauren.  She is the one that Shern and I were
talking to you both about a little earlier.  And I have no idea why Caytin is
bringing her out so soon."
	"But she is sitting at the slaves table."  Lane was very confused.  "Why
isn't she with the other ladies at the other table?"
	Kerfan pulled his son close.  "Ssshh," he whispered into Lane's ear. 
"Kaj had to put her in her home as a slave for two cycles.  So she could learn
how to make her own place in her new life."
	"Master," Shern looked from where Lauren sat to Kerfan.  "Is she the one
that you intend to wed?"
	"Yes, but I will have to go very slow with her.  You see how frightened
she is."
	"Why is she afraid?"
	"She has been through a lot for one so young.  I'm counting on the two
of you to help her come to feel this is her home."  He ruffled both boys' hair. 
"I can count on the two of you, to help her to come to find peace here can't I?"
	Two heads bobbed up and down as the watched her.

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.


	Kaj looked at Caytin.  "What's wrong, love?  Not hungry?"
	"Yes, close to starving actually.  But I just can't eat, with what I am
getting from the little one you put in my care."
	Kaj looked to where Lauren sat.  Well it was more like huddled.  "What
is wrong, I thought surely by now, she would be more at peace?"
	"That is how I felt too.  That was the only reason I brought her to
dinner.  But I think I was wrong.  I'm sorry Mistress.  I think I will gather
her up and return her to her bed.  Hopefully by the morning, she will be up to
inter-acting with others in her home."
	"Don't worry about her Caytin."  Trinna smiled at her father and her two
new little brothers.  "I think my father and his Lover, will take care of her
soon enough." 
	"I don't know about that Healer.  We know that it wasn't the Catimine
people that did what was done to her.  But Lauren might not as of yet.  And
Shern looks just exactly like her rapist did."
	Trinna laughed at him.  "You don't know my father as well as you think
you do.  If you think he can't ease her through her ugly past."
	Kaj just shook her head, chuckling.  "Show my consort a little
compassion, sister.   It isn't his fault that the closet thing to him is his
grandmother.  Don't forget that it isn't his fault that your father happens to
be a little closer to the Healing line.  He was your father whose mother was one
of the Temples strongest. And you are the closest thing to an equal to her
healing ability."
	Trinna nodded.  "I understand that Kaj.  That is why I didn't argue with
my great aunt when she went to force my father into mating again.  He is the
only one of my grandmothers son's that was fertile and capable of passing the
healing gift."

	Kerfan half-listened to the conversation that was going on between Kaj
and Trinna.  He was much more interested in how the young woman who Caytin had
left at the slave's table was doing.  "Shern," he bent to whisper to his Lover. 
"Take our boys and go back to the Men's Quarters.  I will be with you soon
enough.  Let me see if I can talk the girl into trusting me."
	Shern nodded.  Pulling both their sons' close.  "Do you think you can,
Master?  She looks like she is about to jump out of her skin."
	Kerfan smiled at him, pulling him close to hug him tightly, kissing him. 
"Yes love, I think I can.  She doesn't look near as frightened as she did
	'She looks less frightened?'  Shern was stunned.  'If that is so, she
must have looked like she had been scared out of her mind.'  "Yes Master, come
on boys, you papa has a few things left to do before he makes it back to our
room's."  The boys just nodded and followed Shern from the room.  Each was
having his own thoughts, but with the wisdom that only a child has, kept their
own thoughts to him self.

	 "You do know that if the kitchen slaves see how little you have eaten,
they are going to be hurt."  Kerfan sat down beside Lauren.
	Lauren was startled, she had not thought this man would actually bother
with her so soon.  "I'm sorry, Master.  But I can't eat right now.  I'm trying,
but I'm afraid that I will be sick if I do."  She was trying not to cry, but it
wasn't easy.  It was him.  The one that they were hoping she would be willing to
belong to.
	Kerfan nodded, smiling gently.  "You're that upset?  Well, I guess the
kitchen slaves will have to understand, won't they?"  He patted her hand.  "Will
you answer a question for me?"
	She looked up at him.  "Yes, Master."
	He actually flinched.  "Do me a favor Lauren.  I know you are serving
this house for two cycles as a slave.  But if it is all the same to you, my name
is Kerfan.  Do you think you can call me by it?  Two cycles really isn't that
much time at all.  And soon enough you and I will stand as equals."
	She nodded, still not comfortable enough to use his name.  It was one
thing to call Caytin by his name.  He might lead all the slaves here, but he was
still a slave.  This man was free.
	"Now can I ask the question?"  She nodded again.  "Have you taken any
time to think about what Caytin and my daughter suggested?  True I might not be
as, young, as some of our fertile men.  But I will never hurt you, or any of the
children you gift me with.  I will stand beside you, no matter what, and I will
always love and protect you, as well as any child you give me."
	"But what about the other one, the one that is just like those who raped
me, will I have to let him touch me too?"
	Kerfan shook his head.  "Shern is nothing like those that hurt you
Lauren.  He was all of fourteen when he came to us, still a boy.  He just
doesn't have it in him to hurt anyone.  And I would know if he did or could.  My
mother was one of the strongest healing priestesses that ever graced the Temple. 
My daughter is fastly becoming her equal.  So trust me Lauren.  If the boy had
it in him, I would know.  I might not be a Healer, but like all sons of one, I
am empathic, very empathic.  Empathic enough to know if the boy had a mean bone
in his body, which he doesn't."  His fingers brushed her cheek.  "Don't worry
about him Lauren.  He knows it is going to take you some time to overcome your
fear of him.  And he understands."  He stood, reaching for her hand.  "There are
a few more questions for you, and you need to meet our son's, Shern and mine,
and perhaps one day yours.  Will you let me lead you to your room?"
	Lauren looked from him to where Caytin sat.  His head was bent,
listening to what his mistress was saying.  "You don't think he will be upset if
I left with you, without telling him, do you?"  She knew that this man was free,
so he didn't need anyone's permission.  But she was not, and did.
	Kerfan looked up to where Caytin was sitting, in deep conversation with
Kaj.  "Cay?"
	Caytin held up a hand, smiling softly at Kaj, as he asked her pardon for
one moment.  "Yes?"
	"Just letting you know that Lauren is with me.  She's a tad bit touchy
at the moment."
	Caytin let out a heavy sigh of relief.  "Bless you Kerfan.  I am
starved, but I couldn't eat with as upset as she is, and didn't want to make her
feel any worse by having one of the bedwarmers escort her back to her room."
	Kerfan chuckled softly.  "Well I have her, and I do believe I can see to
her for the rest of the night.  So, lay you burden at my feet for now, and enjoy
your dinner."
	Trinna looked smugly at Caytin.  "What did I tell you.  My father might
not be a Healer, but he is as empathic as one who is blessed with the gift."
	"Okay, you were right.  But he didn't have to be 'that' empathic.  It
would have taken a head-blind, and heartless fool not to pick up on her fear and
	"I was never much one for fighting, but there for a moment, with the way
I was responding to her feelings," Rook muttered.  "I was about to go for a
sword and hunt down that bastard of a husband she had and do my best to kill
	Kaj nodded.  "And if you did, I would have not only pardoned you, but
lent you my sword to do it with."
	"No, I think that pleasure is going to be master Kerfan's."  Jerrick
growled.  "Though if he would like to borrow a sword, I think I still have mine
somewhere from before the raid."
	"Stop it, all of you."  Trinna stood up.  "We forgave all those who came
here to us, from any crimes they had done before hand.  Punish him, yes, with
the way that girl is suffering, and has suffered because of him.  But there will
be no killing.  If I have to seek out a vowed Mother of the Temple to see that
it is inforced, I will."
	"Calm down Healer, Good Goddess, don't you know what the feel of blowing
off steam is?  Of course I am not going to let anyone kill this fool.  But after
sitting here in the same room as she was in and feeling from her what she felt. 
And yes love.  It would have taken not only a head-blind, but also 'heartless'
fool not to respond to her.  I might be head-blind, but I am far from
		*	*	*
	Lauren tried not to attract any attention as Kerfan led her down the
hall.  So far, everything had worked out so wonderfully.  But she was so afraid
that the end could come at any moment.  And with this man, she had been brave
enough to trust the first one, and it had been well worth it.  But what would
happen if she dared to try to trust another?
	"I take it from not only your silence but the strength from your fears,
that you are not quite comfortable with me as of yet?"  Kerfan stopped just
outside of the Men's Quarters.
	Lauren looked up at him, wonder mixed in with her fear.  "No Master, I
mean Kerfan."  She was trembling so badly that Kerfan had to steady her.  "I
mean, I'm not uncomfortable with you, or at least not as much as I should be."
	Kerfan smiled, brushing his fingers against her cheek again.  "You have
no reason to feel uncomfortable with me Lauren.  If it helps you, I used so be a
slave too.  The only reason I am free now is my mistress died shortly after
childbirth.  So I know all about what it mean to be in chains.  I was born a
slave.  Spent over nineteen full cycles as one.  So you can believe me when I
assure you, that I won't ever hurt you.  Not even in punishment.  I have never
hurt Shern, and if I won't hurt my slave.  Then common sense, should, tell you
that I won't hurt the woman who I am hoping will consent to wed me."  It was not
the first time in his life that he wished he had more of a projective talent
than he did.  Yes, he was very empathic, but only when it came to picking up
emotions and feelings.  His projective abilities were not that great.  "Now,
what say we go in and you can meet what, hopefully, one day soon will be your
son's as well."  He opened the door and motioned for her to enter.
	Shern watched in silence as his master led the woman into the room.  "Go
on you two, I know you are about to burst."  He whispered to the two boys that
he shared with Kerfan in the joys of fatherhood.  He wasn't sure if he could
ever get this poor woman to trust him enough to actually join the ranks of
fathers in the quarters by blood, but he was happy enough to share the rank with
his master, even if it was only by adoption.
	The two boys were so excited, but also a little unsure about how they
should handle this new one.  "Papa?"  Lane, ever the brave one of the two.  "Is
this the lady you told us about earlier?"
	Kerfan just laughed.  "Out of the mouths of babes."  He ruffled his
sons' hair.  "Yes Lane, Trent, this is the lady I was talking about earlier."
	Trent looked her over.  "So, are you planning on being our mum?"
	Kerfan bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing again.  "Well
Trent, I haven't quite got that far with her as of yet.  Give the woman a break. 
She has only just given birth.  She hasn't even been here for a week yet.  If
you start at her with demands like that, you might just scare her off."
	Lauren shook her head.  "No, that's okay."  She closed her eyes and took
a deep breath.  "Are you sure you want me to be your mum?  I haven't had all
that much experience with it.  Today was the first time I have ever given birth
to a baby."
	Lane popped back up again, grinning from ear to ear.  "Girl or boy?"
	Lauren smiled the first real and not pressed smile she had had since she
couldn't remember when.  "A girl, her name is Savell."
	Both boys' looked ready to go into fits of excitement.  "Really," Lane
was the first to calm down enough to get out the words.  "Can we see her?"
	Lauren looked at Kerfan.  "I don't know, it's up to your, papa."
	Kerfan and Shern stood there.  Kerfan was almost too shocked to speak. 
He had been sure that he would have to ease her into every step.  He had not
counted on his boy's winning her over quite this quickly.  Shern shook him
gently.  Nodding at her.  "I think she just asked you a question, Master."
	"Well, if you aren't shy with feeding her around them, then yes.  As
soon as one of the nursery slaves bring either her or Kaj's boy up here, yes." 
He was not going to tamper with good fortune.  If his son's could win her over,
he was not too proud to take any help he could get.
	Trent looked at his father.  "Why is the lady Kaj's baby coming here?"
	"I am the only woman in the house who is in the process of breast
feeding a baby."  Lauren spoke lightly.  "She asked me if I would be willing to
help her with Averin.  They are close enough to almost be twins.  Both fathers
were those things that hurt us so much.  But that's okay, I am beginning to
think that here, it doesn't matter what the past was.  I really do have a
tomorrow.  And if I have one, then the babies do too."
	"I'll be blessed."  Kerfan whispered softly to Shern.  "I had thought
that it would take me at least three or four days if not a week for me to get
her to the point that she stopped jumping at shadows.  But it would seem that
all it took was two children who needed a woman to be their mother, to love them
just as they are."
	"I can only hope that she is as quick as our boy's were in accepting me. 
Oh I know it is probably going to take some time, but I can hope all the same." 
Shern was just as happy as his master was, even more in some ways.  It had been
him that noticed how much their boys were looking at the other children who had
mothers with envy.
	"Give her a little time baby.  It might take her a bit, but she will
come to love you as surely as I and our boys' do."  Kerfan pulled his young
Lover close squeezing him tightly.  "So Lauren, is your smiles and behavior with
the boy's an indication that you have taken my request to heart, and will be
willing to wed me?"
	She looked from the two boy's who were in front of her to Kerfan, and
then slowly, to the young Catimine beside him.  "Do you mean it, when you said
he wouldn't force me?"
	Kerfan didn't have to assure her, his son's were quick to stand in
defense of their other father.  "You don't have to be afraid of him ma'am.  He
ain't like those that did all the bad things to us."  Trent's voice was soft. 
He still felt bad for what he had almost done, back when he was first brought
here.  And even though both his papa and his uncle had assured him, many times
that he couldn't have possibly known the truth.  He still felt the guilt anytime
someone else made a judgement call without knowing the truth.  "It was the other
ones, the ones that look like them, but ain't."
	Lane nodded going to take Shern's hand.  "It took me a day or so to
understand that he was really my papa just like my other one was.  But he really
is, and he is nice, and kind, and don't yell at us."
	Lauren looked at the boy's.  She knew well enough how hard it was to
regain trust from any who have had it broken before.  So if these two boys' who
came from the same hell she had just escaped from could trust this one.  Then
with time she might come to trust him as well.
	"If my master hasn't made it cleat to you that I would never hurt you,
then maybe you will listen to our boys'.  I know because I have seen enough of
what those things have done to your people, that it might take you a while to
come to trust me.  But that is okay, I'm young and I don't have anything but
time."  Shern's soft voice filled the room.
	Lauren felt like she was standing on a cliff.  Her old life and fears
were behind her, but to step off the cliff?  Would she fall, or fly?  All her
life she had been taught that taking chances would lead to nothing but pain and
heartache, but here?  She closed her eyes, and took that final step.  "Does my
agreeing to be your wife, mean I only answer to you?"
	Kerfan let out a long breath that he hadn't realized he had been
holding.  "Yes, if you wed me, then no one, other that myself and Shern can ever
touch you again.  With the exception of a Healer, when you need the Mother's
grace."  He held out a hand to her.  "Does this mean you consent?"
	It all was like a tidal wave of past fears and hate and she nodded,
reaching to take his hand as the damn broke.  She fell into his arms, sobbing.
 	Kerfan looked up at Shern as he held her.  "I'm going to leave you with
our boy's for now.  Let her know when one of the nursery slaves brings one of
the two.  But for now, I think she and I need to be alone."
	Shern nodded.  Wrapping his arms around both their sons'.  "Don't worry
about us, Master.  Your consort needs you more than we do right now.
	Kerfan didn't bother acknowledging Shern.  He carefully gathered her up
in his arms and slowly left the main room, to take her to his bed.  His Lover
was right, she was now his consort, and she did need him much more than they
did.  He sat on the side of his bed, still holding her.  "Ssshh, Lauren.  It's
all right.  It's over.  I promise.  The pain is over."  He spoke softly, in
small sentences.  He didn't think that in the shape she was in right now, she
would be able to understand anything more than just that.  He didn't know for
sure what that thing that had been her husband had done to this poor
woman-child.  But he swore as he held her stroking her hair as she sobbed.  That
he was going to find out.  And then see to it that he tracked down this fool and
see he learned what happened to any that hurt his consort.  He happened to think
much like Kaj did when it came to paying old debts.  And like she had done for
Fain and all those that came from her son's new people, and ground them into
dust.  He could not, kill this fool.  He knew that.  But he would see to it that
he had a long talk with Caytin.  Then buy this fool.  For nothing more than to
let him see that the child he had abused so, lived and prospered.
	Lauren began to calm down, her sobs subsiding to hiccups and sniffles. 
But she still didn't pull away.  It had been so long since she actually had a
man who claimed her that didn't hurt her.
	Kerfan tilted her chin up.  "All better now?"
	She nodded, looking sheepish.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall apart
on you like that.  It's just been so long since I could really feel like I
	He chuckled.  "I think Cay and my daughter had that in mind to begin
with."  He gently lifted her chin so he could meet her lips with his.  "Well, we
don't actually have time, right now, to consummate this union.  What with your
and Caytin's little girl, or Kaj's and his boy due here to be fed almost at any
time.  But, later, maybe tomorrow or the next night, you can over look Shern,
when he beds with us, he isn't going to be touching you.  But he is rather fond
of the thought of covering me for once.  Actually, if you don't tell him I said
anything, with all probability it could been moons before he even notices that
you have not welcomed him into out union, if it isn't longer.  He absolutely
loves making love to me.  And I'll be honest with you.  I kindly am fond of it
as well."  He laughed softly at her blush.  "Oh dear, are you in for a whole new
way of looking at life."  He snatched another kiss.
	A soft knock on the door, as Shern poked his head in.  "Sorry Master,
but you told me to come and get her when one of the babies came, well, I don't
know what is going to happen now, both are here, and both are acting like they
haven't eaten in weeks."  He smiled at Lauren.
	"Well, why don't you run and tract down my daughter let her know that
Lauren is going to need a little help, what with both babies going at her at the
same time."
	"Yes, Master."  Shern turned and hurried from the room.
	Kerfan almost fell over himself as the adorable sight of both their
boys' holding one each.  The head nursery slave was fretting just a breath away.  
"Thanks Ian.  But you can take your fretting and I'll give you a call when we
need them picked up again."
	Xavier and Toby stood at one side trying not to fall over themselves
laughing.  They waited only long enough for Ian to shoo the rest of the nursery
slaves out.  "I'll be blessed.  I thought there for a minute, after your boys'
almost ripped the two babies from the two boys that had come with him to bring
them up.  He looked like he was going to have a fit of apoplexy."
	Lauren moved to Pane who stood there holding her daughter.  "It's okay. 
Mommy's here."  For the first time in her life, she didn't pay attention to any
around her as she unbuttoned her blouse and offered a nipple to her crying
infant.  "That's it, go on."  She crooned holding her close as she fed her.
	Trent looked up at his father.  "Papa, I can't get him to stop crying. 
What's wrong with him?"
	Kerfan moved over to his boy, to carefully take the crying baby from
him.  "Nothing, Trent.  He's just hungry, and his lady in training got to go
before him."  He offered the babe in his arms his little finger to suckle for
now.  "It's going to be olay Averin.  Just let you lady finish eating, and then
you will have your turn."
	Trinna, Jerrick, closely followed by Steffon and Drav.  Came into the
room.  "Oh I see what that Lover of yours was taking about now Papa."  She took
Averin from her father.  "But really, I already seen to it that she would have
more than enough milk for both.  Stars, she has more than enough milk for both
of them, and you and Shern, if you take to nursing from her as well."
	This time Lauren did take notice of the world around her as she blushed.
	Kerfan wrapped an arm around Lauren's shoulder.  "If you see Kaj before
I do, assure her that Lauren is well on her way to finding her place in her new
home.  She has consented to stand with me at the Temple to share vows.  That's
right.  After near nineteen cycles I will again take another woman as my
consort.  Probably do my aunt and Cay a world of good."  Then he looked at his
daughter with a bit of an evil glint in his eyes.  "So now Trin, how does it
feel to have another mother, who is just barely older than you?"
	Trinna brushed off the remark, as if it were nothing.  "As long as she
gives you daughters, and son's near as pretty as the child she and Cay share, I
don't care.  For that, I would be happy to welcome her if she was as young as
	"If she had been near Shern's age, I would end up earning a whipping. 
She already looks no older than fifteen, sixteen at the most.  If she had been
Shern's age, I would have tracked down that son of a whore that had done that to
her, and maybe not have killed him.  But by the time I was done with him, he
would be begging me too."  Jerrick growled.  "I still can't understand why no
one brought this to anyone's attention.  Okay, so we were losing the war.  But
there was no excuse for any to start acting like our enemy."
	"Jerrick, had you done that.  The only censor you would have gotten is
from me, and that would have been along the lines of not inciting me.  She is
now my consort.  And I happen to agree with Kaj in some things.  One of them is
in the paying of old debts."
	"Thank you Kerfan.  I am glad that I am not the only one that feels that
something's just can't be forgotten, or forgiven."  Kaj stood in the doorway,
with her arms wrapped around Rook.  Caytin and Fain right behind her,  "I had
gone by the nursery to see have Averin was doing, to be told that he and Savell
had been taken to the Men's Quarter's to be fed."
	"Well she has Savell at this moment, I'm trying to keep Averin calm. 
You know how babies are.  They don't understand place or power when they are as
young as he is.  Only thing he can understand, is that he is hungry."  Kerfan
handed the little boy over to his mother.

New Beginning, Bound And Chained 2
By: V. L. Marquette
Lightly edited by: Ravyn

	(Authors Note) This is a work of fiction, nothing more.  Any resemblance
to anyone, alive or dead is purely coincidental.   But, honestly folks, this
takes place on another planet.  So this little warning is kind of silly don't ya
	*****WARNING***** (NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE.)  Under the age of 18,
or who lives in an area that this sort of material is illegal, should not read
any farther.

	Gabe tried his best to ignore Kerri, but it was not easy.  Ever since he
had come here, with Miri and Tallin, this brute had given him no peace.  The
only time he was left alone, was when he was in the same room with one of his
consorts.  There he had learned that this dog kept his mouth shut.  It had taken
only one time for Tallin to beat him bloody for the fool to learn that as long
as Gabe was in the same room as Tallin was he didn't dare make any snide
	All in all, other than Kerri and his mouth, it was a nice enough life
here.  Miri had put her foot down.  And told all the people who were stressing
over her choice in taking two husbands, to kindly mind their own business.  Then
he smiled.  It had actually been a whole lot, less, than kindly.  The shy, timid
mouse that had accepted his master as her consort was gone.  In her place was a
woman that no one in Mercian ever thought they would ever see.  Upon matching
souls with his master, she came away from the tie stronger and braver than any
could believe.  Her old suitor had protested the change, just once, and after
his master and mistress finished with him he suddenly decided that he didn't
want to be King after all.  But then, he was counting on the war to rid him of
Dannis, but with his master's mother stepping in to end the war that just was
not going to happen.  So Edward stomped off licking his wounds.
	"Gabe?" Dannis came around the corner.  "Do you have a clue where my
sister is?"
	Gabe nodded.  "She and Tallin decided to take some time off and go
riding, why?"
	"I was going to discuss some of the rules of this insane idea of my
fathers with Tal.  He did remember that she isn't Dane didn't he?"
	Gabe nodded.  "He's on Lady, but she is in a carriage.  He is worried
enough about her for four men.  He won't risk her or his children.  But, why
don't you give it a shot with me?  I grew up all my life in a world where men
were slaves."
	"Sure, maybe you can give me an idea how to in force the laws in a
society where one sex is slave to the other."  The older man sounded
exasperated.  "I agree with my father, we have to do something to make sure that
all the widows and children left here are protected.  But making them slaves? 
Don't tell him, but I think the old man is fastly losing it.  We are not Danes,
and don't think like they do.  I'm a bit worried that after all the abuse that
we have suffered from the Taberon's we might just stumble down that same said
path."  He had actually, not, been surprised when it came out during the
crushing of their old enemy that it wasn't the Catimine's at all but their
father race who had done it all in their name.  He had actually found it to be
somewhat comforting.  He had lived through the last twelve cycles always
wondering what had caused their once peaceful neighbors to suddenly turn on them
as they had.
	"All it is going to take is for one or two to ignore the laws, and end
up slaves as well, for that problem to be dealt with.  Same thing for
lawbreakers, if they know that if they are found guilty they will serve their
sentence as slaves.  It might sound like the King has lost his reason, but
actually, he is closer to understanding how it should be than he has ever been."
	Dannis thought about it for a few moments.  "You know what Gabe?  I am
afraid I'm getting as crazy as my father.  This is actually beginning to sound
like a good idea.  Particularly if a man knows that if he is caught abusing his
women, he will end up a slave in one of the houses, where the maser happens to
be like Mer was with Fain."
	Gabe shrugged his shoulders.  "That depends if the man is intolerant of
those that are fey.  Then yes, I do see you point.  But if he is as easy to bend
as Jerrick, Steff or even Ern was, then he might just prefer to stay in chains."
	Dannis thought about that for a moment.  "Could be.  With as many out
there who are as fey as Mer, but not strong enough emotionally to just be openly
so.  I hate to think that a man would abuse a woman just to be sentenced to be a
slave for however long it will be.  But, at the same time, it might actually
give the men in our lands a chance, if they chose to be slaves of their own free
will, a chance to be what they want without the risk of breaking the laws of our
	Gabe nodded.  "But you would have to make it clear from the start, that
if any man wants this, he is more than welcome to step into the ranks of slaves,
without any risk of anyone mocking him.  That is how it is done where I came
from.  But most of the women who choose to willing to lead a life of a slave, is
usually one who already has a mate of her own already.  And she chooses it as a
love gift.  You know, a sign of undying love that two women share between
	"Okay, do me a favor hu?  I thought that two of the same sex could not
wed without a member of the opposite there too, how does it work for the women
that have only women for lovers?"
	Gabe shook his head.  "That is only for the men.  A man loves another
man, who ever is the oldest, or has the most seniority takes, the other as a
Lover.  Much like Caytin did with Jerrick, and Jerrick did with Steff.  But two
women who choose to mate, be consorts together, all it takes is a quick trip to
the Temple and a swearing of vows and they cuff each other and they are wed to
each other."
	Dannis ran a hand through his hair.  "Those Danes really do have it so
refined that it seems almost an art."
	Gabe shrugged.  "Well we have been living this way for over five hundred
and fifty thousand cycles.  I hope we got it down to an art."
	Dannis laughed, patting Gabe on the shoulder.  "I don't care what Kerri
says.  I just can't see Miri and that boy she's now married to ever being able
to function without you."
	Gabe chuckled.  "You do realize that if we were still at my old
mistresses home, I would take that as almost an invitation."
	"Not yet.  Mind you, I am trying to get Miri alone for a bit so I can
get her past this misunderstanding she has about father's and son's.  I am old
enough to have been an adult back before the war.  I remember a time when
fathers felt it was their duty to instruct their son's in the art of love."
	Gabe let out a sigh of relief.  "You have no idea how much that talk
will mean to Tallin.  He loves his father dearly and it had bothered him that
his lady and soul wasn't going to be able to face that part of a father's duty
with his son's.  She was sure that it was wrong, and sordid.  Even after he had
made it clear to her that no man would ever touch his daughters."
	"Well she grew up for the most part in a land strife with war.  And
after Mer had rescued Fain, and he had seen what that boy had looked like after
being held in their keep for over six cycles, it changed him.  Poor Kerri, in
case you or that husband of yours haven't figured it out yet.  He's about as fey
as they come.  But he made the mistake of trying to see if he could get some
help with what he was feeling from my father.  I say mistake because, it was
just bad timing.  My father was in the middle of trying to work out how he was
going to demand all of his children to behave, then up comes Kerri with a
problem.  My father made a horrible mistake with Kerri.  My younger brother
wasn't always like he is now.  There was a time when Kerri was almost as meek as
Miri used to be.  But, after having his father whip him bloody.  It changed
	"So that is why he is bound and determined to make my life as difficult
as he can."  Gabe had never understood why Miri's older brother hated anyone who
was even a touch fey.  But now it all maid sense.  Yes he could understand why a
man, who had been beat so badly as a youth for daring to be something that was
so close to what had caused all the pain.  He had never understood why Kerri
hated him and his master so.  But now that he knew this, it all fell into place.
	"Just so you know, I'm also working with Kerri's little friend on seeing
about him actually leaving the two of you alone."  Dannis squeezed Gabe's
shoulder.  "I'm hoping that Ferrin can reason with him."
	This Gabe didn't understand.  "Wait, that makes less sense than his
hatred of Tallin and me."
	Dannis held up his hands in a helpless gesture. "I agree with you.  But
no one said that the man had to make sense.  The only reason I know about Ferrin
is because the boy came to me worried about Kerri.  He is as worried about the
changes that have been slowly transforming Kerri.  Ferrin has only been with
Kerri for just over a cycle.  His behavior drove off the other little friend
that he had.  And if Kerri doesn't finally calm down, it's going to drive off
Ferrin as well."
	Gabe thought about it hard for a moment.  Could he try to make peace
with Kerri?  See if he could, in some way, help him to find a bit of peace in
himself?  'I think I can see if it is possible, if only to 0help my mistresses
peace of mind.'  "Thank you Dannis, you've answered a lot of my questions about
Kerri.  Now I understand what his problem is, and maybe I can help him with it."
	Dannis looked a bit worried.  "Now don't go do anything, stupid, Gabe.  
I only told you about it to help you understand why he is like he is.  You go
and get yourself hurt, and Miri is never going to forgive me."
	Gabe snorted.  "Get myself hurt?  You really should worry more about
your brother getting hurt than me.  Remember I'm like Tallin, and a Danite.  I
never would attack him, but if he goes to try to attack me.  Then obviously he
has forgotten the lesson Tallin taught him.  I can and will remind him."
	Dannis chuckled shaking his head.  "Do him a world of good.  It is
obvious to any and all, that Tallin might be free, but you aren't.  I wonder how
Kerri will handle knowing that a mere slave beat the shit out of him?"
	"If he tries to do anything to me.  I will show him what a 'mere' slave
is capable of doing.  Caytin made sure that even though I was only a bedwarmer,
because I was responsible for helping so many maids in giving their virginity to
the Mother.  He saw to it that I was trained well in the defense of them and
	"Well, hopefully, he hasn't forgotten the lesson that your
master/husband gave him."
	Gabe chuckled softly.  "You can hope all you want, but I think I am
going to have to pin him to a wall, at least, once to remind him,"
	Dannis shook his head, stepping a little closer to Gabe.  "I wonder, if
me coming by to ask her and Tal if they would mind if I borrowed you for the
evening.  You know, make it a family thing.  Do you think I would be able to
work the conversation into one of a father's duty?"
	Gabe smiled a look of mischief in his eyes.  "Probably, but don't you
think you should ask me first?  After all, Tallin isn't just my master, he's my
Lover and consort as well."
	Dannis threw his head back laughing.  "Damn, boy, you might come off as
a sweet little kitten, but for one so sweet and harmless looking, you have
claws.  I pity my younger brother if you sink those claws into his hide."
	"I'll try not to hurt him, too much.  But if I have to show him that I
can take care of myself, I will."  Understanding the situation better, he could
do his best to defuse the problem.  Hopefully without coming to blows.  He
didn't hate the man, he actually felt sorry for him.  But if he could not defuse
the situation, without having to hurt him, well then, he understood when
punishment was called for raising a hand against one of the slaves in his
mistresses' house.  True, he understood that the lady Kaj, was no longer his
mistress, but Miri, who was also his consort, was.  "And just so you know, if
you come to ask, I will agree."  His fingers touched the older man's cheek.
	Dannis caught Gabe's hand.  "I'll hold you to that promise.  I know Tal
wasn't Miri's first.  So I am dying to know what magic wooed my little sister
into being brave enough to take a man she didn't even know as her husband."
		*	*	*
	Tallin helped his lady and soul out of the carriage.  "I know you think
you can still do all that you could before you came away from me with child. 
But beloved, you are a little woman.  You have three of my children within you. 
Let me take care of you."
	Miri made a frustrated noise.  "Tallin, I am fine.  I let you fuss me
into taking a carriage.  Don't you think that I know my own body?  I am fine. 
Good God, I'm not even, four moons along, yet.  You are acting like I am about
to drop at any time."
	Tallin gritted his teeth.  He knew arguing with her right now, was a
waste of time.  She had been like this for the last few weeks.  His father by
marriage, Thalin just patted him on the shoulder and welcomed him to the
wonderful would of fatherhood.
	He had been assured that her emotional mood swings were quite normal. 
But he still wished his aunt were close.  The Healer from his old home had
assured him that it was normal for a young woman, to go through this stage of
emotional imbalance.  He would come to be accustomed to it soon enough.
	He wasn't sure about the getting accustomed to it.  His soul-match and
consort had become a warpish woman in the last few weeks.  He missed her old
self.  "Miri, beloved, listen to me.  I know you think I am going out of my way
to drive you crazy.  But I'm not.  You are carrying three.  You can't tell me
that you think I shouldn't worry."
	She came up to him, locking eyes with him.  "No, I can't ask you not to
worry, but I can ask you to back off and not to fuss at me all the time.  I'm
not going to put my babies in danger.  But I won't let you try to tie me to a
bed either."
	"My, my, do I see trouble in paradise?"   Kerri leaned against the
carriage house wall.
	"That does it."  Tallin came up to him.  "I thought one beating would be
enough for you.  Answer me this Kerri, do you like pain?  If you do why don't
you just tell me, and I will be more than happy to give you what you need."  The
other man might be taller than he was, but that didn't slow Tallin down one bit.
	Kerri laughed.  "Calm down boy, I just made a comment that the two of
you, were not as happy as you would think two who are soul-matched would be."
	"Go away Kerri.  This has nothing to do with if Tallin or I love each
other.  I'm pregnant and he is being over protective."
	Gabe came around the corner.  "Tal, why don't you take Miri to her room. 
I think Kerri and I need to talk."
	Miri looked up at Gabe.  "Promise me you won't hurt him."
	Kerri choked back a bark of laughter.  "That little play toy hurt me?"
	Miri ignored him.  "Promise me Gabe."
	"My word.  I might have to pin him to something to prove a point, but I
won't hurt him any more than he hurts me."  Then to Tallin, "take my lady to her
room and see if you can get her to rest, Master."  He nodded at Tallin look of
surprise.  "I'll be there soon."
	Miri almost resisted letting Tallin take her out of the carriage house. 
She didn't know which to worry about more.  Kerri was her brother, but he had
proved himself to be a problem one too many times.  Gabe, he just publicly
announced himself a slave.
	Tallin stopped just short of leaving the room.  "Kerri, take this as a
promise.  If you hurt Gabe, I will break ever bone in your body.  And you know I
can do it too."

	'"So boy, what do you think I would want to hear for you?  That you are
that boy's and my little sisters slave?  Don't waste your time.  I already knew
	Gabe nodded.  "I know.  But there are a few questions I have for you
that I didn't think Miri needed to be in the room when I asked them.  If you are
as fey as any bedwarmer in my old house why is it that you have gone out of your
way to make our time here as close to a living hell, as you can?"
	Kerri looked at Gabe, honest surprise written on his face.  "And where
did you get this little tidbit of information?"
	"It doesn't matter how I came to know it.  The question still stands,
	"If you know that I'm fey, then you should also know why.  How would you
feel?  If you went to your father, and instead of helping you to work your way
through it.  He strung you up and whipped you so badly that you were bed ridden
for the next near moon."  Kerri was bitter about many things, the way life had
turned most of all.  "Then to see your younger brother.  With a face that was so
perfect.  And to watch him grow into a young man who stirred you loins every
time you saw him but you didn't dare express this feeling to him.  All because
you knew that if your feelings were ever to be known that the risk of getting
another whipping like the last I had gotten was so great."
	Gabe nodded.  "So, your love turned to hate?"
	Kerri looked at him, rage and loss in his eyes.  "No, or at least no
right away.  It was when my father who had whipped me so badly seemed to
overlook what his son was.  I knew Rook was as fey as I am.  But he was never
whipped for it."
	"Had he been, do you think you would have treated him any different?  If
your father had come to whip Rook for being the same as you, would you have let
	"Of course not."  Kerri snapped without thinking.
	Gabe looked at him, calmly.  "Then don't you think your war is with your
father and not Rook, or my master or me?"
	"Thank you."  A young man entered the carriage house.  "I have been
trying to find the words to say what you just did."
	"Ferrin!"  Kerri snapped.  "You shouldn't be near me right now.  What
happens if my father sees you?"
	"Then he sees me.  I don't care.  I've never been ashamed of my feelings
for you.  Let him cone.  My parents know I'm fey, they won't let him beat me
like he did you.  He might be King, but your mother had warned him after he beat
you, that if he eve beat another of her children, Dannis is old enough to rule. 
She would take the crown from him.  And I know that Dannis isn't going to hurt
	"Listen to your boy there Kerri.  Father is never going to hurt you or
anyone you love ever again."  Dannis had been looking for Kerri, to see if his
could try talking his younger brother into letting the past go."  He looked to
Gabe.  "I knew you were going to take the time to talk with him.  I just didn't
realize it was going to be quite this soon.  You didn't have to make your point
with him did you?"
	Gabe shook his head.  "No, he still remembers the lesson that my master
taught him."
	Kerri looked from Gabe to his older brother.  "Excuse me.  Just when did
you take it upon yourself to start talking about me behind my back?"
	"Ferrin came to me, worried about you.  I am not quite sure how you were
brought up in my talk with Gabe when he was helping me to understand this crazy
idea of our father's.  But it is obvious that you did."  Dannis took it upon
himself to take all the blame.  What could his brother do to him?  "But now that
it is all out, I'm glad I did.'
	Kerri felt trapped between two different paths.  He had no choice but
regret what he had done to his youngest brother.  But to let go of all the hate
and pain, that had held him up for so long.  That was going to be the hardest
thing for him.  "Okay, I can't promise that everything will change over night. 
But dammit, I giver.  I hate to admit it, but you are right."
	Gabe pushed his luck just a bit more.  "Well when you finally get it all
sorted out in your head, why don't you bring Ferrin and visit us.  I am sure
that my master and lady would much rather have you as a brother than an enemy."

	After Kerri and Ferrin finally left, Gabe sighed.  "Goddess bless.  I
was worried there for a moment."
	Dannis lay a hand on his shoulders.  "I didn't think it was going to be
that easy.  If I had, I would have pinned him down weeks ago, and had gone and
fetched you."
	Gabe turned his head and pressed it against Dannis's chest.  "All it
took was to know what questions to ask."  Then he looked up.  "But thank you."
	Dannis only shook his head, smiling.  "No, it should be me thanking you. 
You did in only a matter of minutes what no one else could do in moons and
cycles."  He leaned down and kissed him.  "I am going to have to come by and
talk to your master and my sister soon.  The more I see of what you are capable
of doing, the more I want to know how it is, you do this."
	Gabe leaned up and kissed him one more time.  "I don't know where I get
my knack from.  My mother wasn't a Healer, nor is they're any in my family."
	"Well, where ever you got it from, I do appreciate the fact that you are
here now, and are willing to use it for my family."
	"Thank you.  Well, I need to go and let my master and mistress know that
I think that we shouldn't be having anymore problems out of Kerri."
	Dannis nodded.  "Tell you what, what say I come with you, so that after
you let Tal and my sister know that the problem is well on the way to being
over.  I can take a few minutes to correct Miri's misunderstanding.  And then,
who knows, if she is finally calm with things, I can ask to borrow you for the
	Gabe laughed.  "Warning.  Don't put it quite like that to her.  Now my
master, he would probably find the wording funny, but not her."
		*	*	*
	Tallin looked up as Gabe and Dannis entered the suite that he and Miri
now shared with Gabe.  "So, how did things go?"
	"Best keep this boy chained to you, or I might be inclined to snatch him
out of under your nose.  He can do the impossible. 
	Tallin chuckled.  "Why do you think I brought him with me.  Other than I
love him, of course?"  He held out a hand for Gabe.  "So, honey, how did it go? 
He didn't try to be stupid, again, did he?"  He and Gabe had agreed back when
they first came here, that they would keep his bondage private.  But today, Gabe
had chosen to out himself.  And Tallin would never question his choice or at
least not when they were, not, alone.
	"No, I think your promise to break every bone in his body was enough for
him.  You've already beaten him bloody once.  I guess he wasn't up to a repeat." 
He pressed his face into Tallin's hand.  "It's going to be fine now, Master.  I
think I finally got through to him.  Hopefully, once he comes to terms with what
we discussed.  He is going to visit us with his lover.  Believe it or not,
Master, but for such a pompous, overbearing, abusive jerk, Kerri has real good
taste in lovers.  Ferrin is so sweet, that if I had not seen it with my own two
eyes, I would never have believed that Kerri could have ever attracted him."
	"Well like I was trying to tell Gabe.  Before he had his unfortunate run
in with our father.  Kerri was at one time, almost as meek as your wife used to
be."  Dannis moved a bit farther into the room.
	"So, Dannis, what has you coming here with Gabe?  I would think that
with Kerri put aside for the moment.  You would be working with Thalin to finish
getting the new laws in place."
	Dannis nodded.  "Yes, and thanks to your husband here, I no longer
worried that my father might be losing his reason.  But that's not why I decided
to swing by this evening.  Is Miri still resting?"
	*Beloved, your brother is out here I think he needs to talk to us, or
with you. *  "She is just lying down, it was the only thing she could do to get
me to shut up.  I wasn't aware that she knew as many colorful words as she
apparently does."
	"Don't blame me.  You were the one that got her pregnant."
	"I'm not complaining, just making an observation.  I didn't realize that
any woman her age knew that many descriptive words, much less what they meant."
	"Well you were never here when my mother was pregnant.  There were times
that she said things that, shocked, my father.  And that takes some doing.  All
I can say is wait, you haven't even been through the real test of your manhood. 
Just wait until she goes into labor.  That is the real test that separates the
men from the boys."
	Tallin shook his head.  "No, when she goes to give birth.  I will have
her back at my mother's house and my aunt with deliver all three.  No offence to
the doctors here, but I will insist on it.  Even if I have to kidnap my lady and
escape by the cover of night.  I also know that Zerifenia is not going to have
her son, anywhere but back home. "
	"Dannis?" Miri stood just outside her bedroom door.  "What has you
coming by?"
	Dannis looked from Gabe to Tallin.  "Miri, I need to have a few words
with you.  Is there anywhere I can take you and talk in private?"
	Tallin pulled himself up, and reached for Gabe.  "I take it that this is
a conversation that we don't need to hear."  He kissed her lightly on the cheek. 
"Let me know, if at anytime you need me.   Come on Gabe, let's go see if we can
find something to do."  And the two of them excused themselves from the room.
	Tallin turned to Gabe after he had closed the door. 
	"Do you have any idea, what this is about?"  The whisper was soft.  But
Tallin didn't want to run the risk of his wife hearing them before they got out
of earshot.
	Gave nodded, smiling.  "He is here to see if he can talk to Miri about a
fathers duty to his son's.  Also, he would like to spend some time with me
tonight.  I had been sure that once we got here, that other than Kerri, and the
problems we have had with him.  That there would be others who gave us much
greater headache than they has so far.  Edward doesn't count.  And other than
Kerri, and I really think I got through to him this time.  But, other than him,
so far no one else has really given us a hard time.
	Tallin nodded.  "So that is why you suddenly decided to end the
masquerade.  That is good, but do me a favor next time you decide to make any
major changes like that.  Warn me first.  I was almost as shocked as Miri was
when you up and started calling me master out side our rooms."
	Gabe pressed his head against Tallin's chest.  "I'm sorry, Master.  I
didn't mean to shock you ot my mistress.  I chose to acknowledge you as what you
both really were when I was going to have words with Kerri.  Like Dannis had
said.  Everyone already knows what I am to both of you.
	Tallin stroked Gabe's hair as his friend and Lover explained why he had
done what he did.  "It's okay honey.  I understand, just next time you decide to
do, anything major, like that.  Warn us first."
	"I promise."
	Tallin laughed.  "I thing Dannis has just shocked Miri."
	Gabe looked up, pulling back to stand on his own.  "How do you know?"
	"The same way I knew when she was uncomfortable about me sharing my
fathers love when we left Dane.  She and I share a soul, remember?"  *Beloved,
is there a problem? *  Tallin waited patiently for Miri to respond, but as the
seconds stretched into moments, he began to worry.  *Miri? *
	*Dannis just told me that I was wrong.  That our father had, before the
war.  Had taken him aside when he was sixteen and began his lesson's in how to
love a woman, or man.  I can't believe what he is saying.  That my, 'father',
had done this with him. *
	Tallin smiled trying hard not to laugh.  *You might not want to believe
him, but your father had assured me back when I was still at my mother's home
that he would either take the time to correct your misunderstanding or have
Dannis do it.  It looks like he talked Dannis into doing it. *  Tallin cleared
his throat before looking back to Gabe.  "I do believe you would be better off
staying with Dannis tonight.  Don't worry about the problem of not being
faithful to me.  Trust me, Miri is going to be upset enough that she won't even
notice you not being there.  As for me, she is going to be all that I can think
	Gabe smiled,  "So, Master do you think I should take a bottle of our
special oil with me?"
	"That would depend on how Dannis feels about it.  If he doesn't have a
problem with it, sure.  I mean, you are going to need some kind of oil anyway,
so if he doesn't frown on a little help in the relaxing department, who knows,
if he likes it as much are we do.  Donnel just might have a new business
supporting a Kingdom with his handy drugged oils."
	"Could be, Master.  I'm pretty sure that he would be happy to have his
knack for oils be appreciated by so many more people."
	"Well, come on then.  Let's get home and send you and Dannis off to his
room, or where ever he is going to go next.  I have to see if I can do something
to calm Miri down."


Kerfan was very careful as he slowly began to tease her to a point where she no longer cared what happened next. He knew how touchy she was. And he also knew how she would probably react to him deciding for her to bind his soul to hers without asking her first. But he also knew that if he had waited and discussed it with her that the chance for it to accrue, would never happen. So he would let it happen, and let the fates fly, as they would.

Lauren felt the safest she had ever felt. Caytin had been so gloriously wonderful to her. But this man, he was willing to stand beside her from now until the end of her life. She believed that now. She could not think of a reason that he could possibly have for treating her the way he was. Kern had taught her many times that as humans go. She was not much of one. But here, with these people, they didn't care that she had been taught so many times that she was no one. Here she was someone. Someone that this, man thought worth taking as his, wife.

She giggled shying away from Kerfan's fingers as they ran up her side, tickling her. He just chuckled and did it again. And the battle of tickling fingers was on.

Lauren twisted laughing trying to fight back as Kerfan pinned her to the bed. “No fair,” she looked up at him pouting. “You're bigger than I am.” It was the first time she had ever been pinned down by a man and wasn't afraid.

Kerfan rolled off her, laughing. “Sorry love, just forgot there for a moment, with the way it was going. That you weren't native to the Danite people.”

She looked up at him surprised. “Really?”

He just bent down and pulled her close. “Yes, Lauren, really. There for just a moment, I forgot you were not born as one of the women of Dane.”

She snuggled against him. “Thank you.”

“For what Lauren?”

“Forgetting my past.”

He just growled, arms tightening around her. “Stop in honey. Your past is just that, your past. Holding on to it isn't good. How can you truly learn to really live, if you keep letting old pains get in the way?”

Lauren's bottom lip began to tremble as tears welled in her eyes. “I'm sorry, I know you are right. It's just that every time I think about my life now.” She buried her face in his chest, as the tears fell.

Kerfan rocked her gently. “I know, trust me. I have spent the last moon and a near half, helping those that were hurt so badly walk away from their past. But walk away you will. How can you hope to raise Savell and any child I give you, if you don't let your past go? Don't let those that hurt you hurt your daughter too.”

Lauren stiffened in his arm before yanking herself away from him. “I'd kill the man that touched my baby. She is the one good thing that I have from the hell I lived through.” There were still tears in her eyes but the sound of her voice as it came from clinched teeth, was proof enough for Kerfan that even though Laurens past might still haunt her. But she was not going to let it touch her daughter or any child she bore.

He nodded, a smile of pride on his face. “You know what love, I do believe you would. All I can say is I pity the fool that gets between you and a child you claim.” Then he chucked. “Now speaking of bearing children, shall we consummate our union?”

She turned scarlet, but smiled shyly nodding.

“Go on and lay back and I'll take care of ever thing.” He reached for the table by the bed. He pulled the drawer open then he reached in for the blue oil. He smiled softly at Lauren as first the closed the drawer and then uncorked the oil. “This oil is used to help increase the pleasure, and make those that use it become a bit hedonistic.”

She smiled when she saw the blue oil. “I remember that. Caytin used it earlier. And, yeah, I have never felt anything like it before.” She giggled. “It was what made everything seem so unbelievable wonderful.”

“Well, I suppose I'm just going to have to try to make your experience even more wonderful.” He sat the bottle back on the bed table. He grinned at her with a sneaky grin as he rubbed his hands together, warming the oil, before leaning in to pull her close. “I realize that I haven't shown you enough proper worship, but baby, I am going mad wanting you.”

This time Lauren didn't blush when she sighed. “Me too.” Tears sparkled in her eyes as her arms tightened around Kerfan. “I have never wanted anyone like I want you.” The feelings she was having, almost frightened her in their intensity.

Kerfan ran his oil slick hands up Lauren's body. Squeezing her milk heavy breast gently, before lowering his mouth to take her left nipple into his mouth. Suckling from the nipple greedily. The sweet warm mothers milk filled his mouth. His right hand moved slowly, trailing light caresses over her skin. Pausing for a moment to dance lightly over her right breast before his dancing fingers moved down her belly. Moving very carefully, ever mindful of just how quickly his new consort could go from willing to frightened. He was counting on the oil to ease his way. But, so far he hadn't had to use all that much oil, so he wasn't sure if she would continue to be calm and open.

A low soft moan slipped from Lauren as Kerfan's fingers dipped down, parting her labia lips to begin to slowly tease her. His mouth left her nipple, moving slowly down her body, licking and kissing as he went.

Lauren's cry of pleasure was almost a scream the first time she felt Kerfan's tongue stroke her clitoris.

Kerfan smiled to himself. If she liked the feeling she was feeling now, well, he could increase her pleasure with adding his fingers to the play. All he needed was to lead her down the path once or twice more and he would be able to take her to the point he was aiming for. His fingers hooked up, looking for that special spot that would give him exactly what he was aiming for.

He knew that her husband had never taken time to bother with finding out what pleased her most. And he was sure that Caytin, even if he had proven that he would never hurt her, hadn't bothered leading her this far either. Well, she was his consort, and soon Soul-Match, he would show her just exactly how he tended those he claimed.

It was his first mistress, and Trianna's mother, Azrena that had taught his how to please her the most. He never thought he would ever be called upon to use this trick again. But now, with a new lady consort, he found that he was.

It was painfully simple, when his first lady had shown him how to do it. He had felt embarrassed that he hadn't already known about it.

There was a spot roughly an inch and a half to three in a woman's vagina, on the side facing outwards. That was slightly rougher and a bit firmer than the surrounding tissue that if stroked gently while performing oral worship of the lady's sex can and did bring her the greatest satisfaction of a man's worship.

Lauren's cry of pleasure sounded out in the room as her fingers tangled in Kerfan's hair, hips rising to his seduction. Caytin had shown her how good a, mans touch could be, but it was nothing compared to the amazingly delightful feeling she was experiencing now. And the wondrous feelings didn't stop with the first. She could feel another wave beginning to crest in her even as the last faded.

Kerfan pulled up smiling. His thumb briefly, taking the place of his tongue. “Let go baby. Just forget about everything but what you are feeling, and let go.” He kissed her inner thigh before returning his mouth to join his fingers in bringing her to the point of absolute joy.

‘Let go', yes she could do that. She didn't know where these feelings would take her, but now as she lay under his seduction, she didn't care. All she knew was no one had ever made her feel like this, and if it was a preview of how her life would be now, she would gladly submit. Kerfan tightened his hold to her legs and he began to focus all his efforts on the soft yet firm tissue. Soon, it wouldn't be much longer. All he had to do was work on her just a bit more, and then her body would take over. Lauren was caught, one wave after the last. It was like her body had a mind of its own, oh but what a brilliant mind it was.

* * *

Lauren's scream of pleasure brought Shern to his feel. He went to rush in to see what had happened. Xavier stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Don't interrupt your master.” He knew what that scream meant. He was somewhat surprised that master Kerfan knew how to bring a lady to that point though. The boy hadn't touched a woman since his lady died. But then again, knowing his old lady, he had to admit he really shouldn't have been. “Your master just showed that little mistress of yours just exactly how a man properly worship his lady.”

Shern looked at him like he had lost his mind. “She just screamed.” Shern couldn't believe that no one seemed to notice, or at least, worry about the fact that his new Domna had just screamed.

Xavier just laughed at him. “Yeah, she screamed, but do you hear any more sounds of distress in there? Trust me boy, you lady is fine. She's better than fine.”

Shern couldn't argue with the man, the sounds of sobbing pleas of no more. Was all the proof anyone needed to know that his new Domna was more than just fine.

* * *

Lauren was in tears as Kerfan pulled himself up beside her. “I'm sorry, you said let go.” She tried to explain to Kerfan as he gathered her in his arms.

“Baby, what's wrong?” He couldn't for the life understand why she was crying. “I didn't hurt you did I?”

She shook her head, sobbing. “No, you were incredible.”

“The why are you crying?” Now he really was confused.

She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. “There at the end, I” she looked down to ashamed to meet his eyes. “I peed in your face.”

Kerfan couldn't help himself, he laughed at her. “Lauren, baby, that wasn't urine.” He captured her face between his hands kissing her softly. “I'm not sure exactly what kind of fluid it is, but it's sweet, and trust me baby, I have plans to do that with you often.”

Lauren was shocked. His breath and kiss didn't taste or smell like urine. “Really” she was a cross between shocked and thrilled.

Kerfan squeezed her tightly to him laughing softly. “Yes, ladylove, really.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, my Lady, if I have sufficiently satisfied you, do you think if I put myself in your hands, will you please have your way with me?” He gave her his best pleading look.

Lauren giggled throwing herself back on the bed. “Sure, you've been so good all night. If you want to put yourself in my hands,” she giggled again. “Then come here.”

Kerfan laughed, reaching to pull her close, then rolled over so she was looking down at him. “I might be free, but I'm still just a man, and Shern isn't here with us. So my place is here.” He leaned up and kissed her.

Lauren wasn't sure just exactly how he could just assume that if he put her on top, she'd know what to do. “But Kerfan what am I supposed to do now?” Her voice was a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

Kerfan heard the plea in her voice. He knew that her fear was just a breath away. “Ssshh, it's okay honey. The only thing that has changed is, this, time I'm the one on my back. You ‘know' what to do, trust, me honey. He gently lifted her hips so he could ease her down on his erection.

Kerfan's voice echoed Lauren's cry as suddenly it felt like an explosive surge of power struck them. Then nothing, as both lovers lapsed into oblivion.

* * *

Shern wasn't the only man in the room to rush into Kerfan's room in response to the mutual cry.

“Dom!” Shern rushed over to Kerfan's unconscious body. “Please wake up.”

“Tam, go get Lady Trianna.” Xavier didn't waste time. “Look to you Mistress too boy.”

Shern was torn between wanting to help his Dom, and his new responsibility to his Domna. “What happened?” He took Lauren's hand, trying to wake her. “Please Domna talk to me.”

Both Kaj and Trianna burst into the room, followed by their consorts. “What in the name of the Goddess did he do?” Kaj was still shaking from the surge she and Caytin had been hit with.

“Papa, wake up, what happened?” Trianna might not have a Soul-Match, but she did happen to be a Healer, and he was her father.

Kaj looked at Xavier, “do you have any idea what happened?”

Xavier shook his head. “I thought perhaps what with master Kerfan being the only fertile son of Mother Trianna that maybe his soul might try to reach out and link itself with Lady Lauren's. Her life has scarred her so and her soul bleeding. But I never imagined this.”

“The fool,” snapped Kaj. “I can't fault him for his desires, but doesn't he know that to do something as dangerous as this, he should have taken her to the Temple. The Healers there would have made sure that this never happened.”

“Stop Kaj, he made a mistake. Maybe he didn't know that attempting to do what he did was dangerous. There are legends of it being done, but no where in any of them did it ever specify that the Temple needed to be involved.” Now that she had some idea what had happened, she could understand what was needed to take care of it. “Chieftess, ring the Bell. I know I'm not strong enough to pull them both back from where they have fled.”

Shern stood, wrapped in Drav's arms, terrified. What if his Dom never woke up? What if he did, and the Domna didn't? He was beginning to understand how his new people worked. And if his Domna died, then his Dom would too. How was he going to be able to explain to Trent and Lane that their papa was gone? Would he be able to help then to grow up on his own, would the Lady Kaj take pity on them and be willing to stand as their mother, or would his boys be left as alone as he was? “Please Drav, tell me they won't die.”

Drav brushed a strand of loose hair from Shern's cheek. “Did I die back when I first came here? Did that little baby girl that you Domna shares with Master Caytin die? Hold faith little brother, The Healer's of our new people can do wondrous miracles.”

* * *

Tam came back with a worried look on his face. He wasn't able to find neither the lady Healer, nor the Mistress Kaj. But when he returned to the Men's Quarter's his fears were laid to rest. But with the beginning toll of the Bell, summoning all Healers his fear grew again. “Master,” he looked to Caytin with worry in his eyes. “What happened?”

Caytin took Tam in his arms. “Kerfan's soul sought to heal Lauren's soul, but he should have waited to take her to the Temple first. I'm not sure exactly where he and his lady's soul have fled to hide. The Healer is only a Journeyman so she has set the Bell ringing to summon any Vowed Mother from the Temple.” Caytin hugged him tightly. “Everything will work out in the end, neither of them are dead, just lost from us for now.”

There was a soft knock at the Men's Quarter's door, before Mother Kareen let herself in. “You really didn't need to ring the bell. He is my nephew; there is nothing that happens to him or my niece that I am not aware of the moment it happens.” She smiled as she moved past Caytin and Tam to enter Kerfan's room where the two sleepers lay. Trianna was watching over them with worry in her eyes. She touched her cheek smiling. “I should have known this was something that would happen. He is my sister's son. The only fertile one of the three sons' she gave birth too. Had he been female, he would have been his mother's equal. Instead, he fathered her.” She leaned over Kerfan's unconscious body. “Return to this would, nephew.” She laid a hand onto his brow. Summoning all the power that she could as a Vowed Mother and High Priestess of the Temple.

Her hand fell away as she stepped back. Tears filled her eyes, but they were not of sorry, but pride. “Niece it does appear that I need your help here. Your father will not be called away from where his soul now lies. Not even if it means giving her a firmer line back to the work of the waking. So if I were to wake him it would seem that we must wake her as well.” She motioned for Trianna to move to the other side of the bed. So that as they reached forward to connect arm to arm. Kerfan and Lauren were caught in their hold. Trianna opening up to her aunt The High Priestess Mother Kareen, and Mother Kareen opening up to call upon all the power within the Temple and her sister Healer's to save her nephew and his new Soul-Match.


Kerfan came awake almost at once. “Lauren?” He looked around trying to gather his wits.

“She still sleeps nephew.” Mother Kareen's voice was soft.

Kerfan looked confused for a moment, and then his eyes filled with terror. “No, she's not strong enough to make it back alone.” He grabbed Lauren's silent form, crushing her to him. *Lauren, precious? * His heart and soul cried out for his new Soul-Match. *Beloved, heat me. * But all he got back was silence.

He looked up to Mother Kareen and then to his daughter. “Help me, please, I can't reach her and she isn't strong enough to last where she is alone for long.”

Mother Kareen and Trianna looked at each other briefly, both, silently, agreeing on the only course that they could take before moving.

Trianna went to gather Lauren up, pressing her against Kerfan's body. Mother Kareen stepping in to press her body against Kerfan's. The two Healers grasped hands, locking the two Soul-Matched between them, and then.

*Lauren, Beloved * Kerfan's heart and soul were finally given strength to give his cry voice into the silent realm that he had just so briefly before been trapped in with his lady consort and soul.

*Kerfan? * Lauren's timid thoughts touched his.

*Yes, baby, it's me. *

*Where am I? *

*I'm sorry, I didn't know what we did was dangerous. All I wanted to do was help you. *

*Do what? * There were the first beginnings of fear in her minds' voice.

Kerfan reached forward, heart and soul responding to his new Soul-Match's fear. *Lauren, reach for me, I'll hold tight to you, and we will return to the waking world. * There wasn't time to explain why he had done what he had. He could feel how weak she was and how close she was to never returning to him.

Bright amber eyes looked up confused. “Kerfan?”

Kerfan with a sob crushed her to him. “It's okay baby. I didn't know when my heart and soul reached out to heal yours, that I should have never tried anything quite this dangerous outside the Temple.”

Lauren still looked at him, confused. “When you did what?”

*You soul was bleeding so from the horror you had been forced to live through. I was so afraid that all it would tale was one more crisis, and I would lose you. Beloved, I have been force to walk away grieving once. I know that I would never survive losing another lady. *

She looked up at him, even more confused. First that he had already guessed her silent vow to continue living as long as the good things last hoping, no praying, that her life wouldn't get ugly again until after she had gotten to see her baby grow up and become a woman. Because she knew that if it ever got ugly again, she wouldn't have to strength to survive. But even more shocking was that she had ‘heard' him, in her ‘mind' . “How?”

The room let out a collective sigh of relief. “Kerfan” Kaj growled. “If you were still a slave, I'd have you strung up for scaring me to death.”

Mother Kareen just chuckled. “Go easy on my nephew Chieftess. If truth be known, I should take the blame. I just honestly had no idea that the poor mother of that child I help save earlier was going to be wooed quiet so quickly.” She looked down at Lauren who still lay curled up against Kerfan. “Well, as you are now Soul-Matched to my nephew, I suppose I should call you niece.”

Lauren looked up at her. “Soul what?”

Kaj cleared her throat. “Well, I think we all should clear out and let Kerfan have a word with his lady. Welcome to my family Lauren, we'll talk more in the morning.”

Trianna squeezed Lauren's shoulder just one last time. “Don't feel afraid dear. My father will help you to understand what happened.” She let her fingers brush her cheek. “Believe me, it was a wondrous thing.” She looked up smiling at her father. “Papa, I'm happy for the both of you.” She pulled back from Lauren. “Pleasant dreams.”

And again, like earlier, once the problem was dealt with, Mother Kareen, Kaj and her three consorts as well as Trianna and her three left the Men's Quarter's. Xavier along with Warrel shooed the men from Kerfan's room. “Come along boy, your master has things still to take care of.” Xavier grabbed Shern by the arm.

Kerfan shook his head, smiling. “No, Xavier, Shern needs to be with us now.”

Shern sighed in relief. He had been so afraid when he had seen both his Dom and now his new Domna, laying so quiet and still that he would lose one or both. He moved quickly to drop by the bed. “I was so afraid I was going to lose both of you.” Tears rolled down his face. “I didn't know what I was going to do.” He looked to Lauren. “You are still too afraid of my kind to accept me as your consort, so if you died, I wouldn't be safe, and the boys. I was so afraid that I was going to have to tell them how they lost a Novum and a Navia at the same time.” He fell against Kerfan sobbing.

Lauren was moved by Shern's fears. She didn't understand why, but his pain was suddenly her pain. “Shern,” she licked her lips. “It might be a little time before I can feel comfortable sleeping with you, but, that doesn't mean I will always be afraid of you.”

Kerfan held his peace, quietly watching as his Lover and his lady made peace.

“But Domna, if you die, then I am cast out alone and unloved. My Dom, if I understand what has happened correctly, will die with you. And me, I'm not even your consort so I am going to be nothing.”

Lauren shook her head. “No, not at all, no I won't be able to sleep with you for a while, but that doesn't matter. If I understand how life is here, I can still marry you.”

That statement got Kerfan's attention. “You are accepting Shern's submission to become your consort?

Lauren licked her lips again. “Well, yeah, but I thought that was what you are tying for isn't it? You wanted someone who wanted a second chance to live again who could and would blindly accept your ideals of parenthood. You wanted someone who could one day be willing to get past her past far enough that she, could with time, learn to love that is so very much, physically like her greatest fear. Isn't that what you were hoping for?” She didn't understand what part of her understanding of what she thought they're reasoning, was bothering him.

Kerfan was up and off the bed, kneeling in front of Lauren as she phrased her question. He hadn't counting on his love for Shern having quiet this, fast, effect. “Beloved” her buried his head in her lap. “If you can be moved this, quickly, by the simple fact I love him. I had, no, idea when I felt our soul's ‘become one' . That ‘we' could be, this, blessed.” He had been kneeling against her. But as his words finished his body crumpled against hers.

Lauren was caught between joy and shocked. He knew her heart and mind so well, and. He ‘Knew' , her heart and mind so well. She tried to work it out in her head. But no matter how she looked at it. There was, no, way to look at it but to accept the simple truth.

‘He can read her soul' . She didn't know if she should be shocked at the fact that her knowing she was no longer free, didn't, scare her.

*No, I can't force myself on you. * He grimaced the soul taste that action could have, and that thought of the pain it would cause him.

Lauren' mind, jumped slightly, she had ‘heard' him in Her head.

Kerfan struggled not to laugh at her as she sat there dumbfounded at the reality of communication, mind to mind. He was not completely successful; as a soft chucked slipped past his lips. It's okay, Beloved, now you know. Really know at least one in you, new, home that you know can never lie to you. *

Lauren looked at him, concentrating to figure how to ‘think' back.

*It doesn't take any effort at all to speak mind to mind with me baby. Just think to me, that's all. *

Lauren looked at him, skeptically. *You mean like this? *

*Yes, Beloved, like that. * He had never thought that he would ever be in the position of having to explain how a Soul-Matching worked before. But then again, he never thought he would ever have a Soul-Match either.

“Oh,” was the only sound Lauren made as the reality of her new would, sank in.

Kerfan tightened his arms around her, holding her tightly. “You didn't answer my question Lauren. Are you accepting Shern's submission as your consort?”

She nodded her head. “Even if it might take me a little time to get to the point that I'm comfortable with him sleeping with me, yes.”

Kerfan sat up, pulling Lauren to an upright sitting position with him with her legs hanging off the side of the bed. “Shern, your Lady has accepted your submission. Kiss her feet and press your forehead to the floor beneath them.”

Shern threw himself to the floor at her feet, sobbing. “Thank you Domna, thank you.' He kissed first her left and then her right foot. Then again several times, to make sure that he hadn't missed anything, before laying face down at her feet.

Shern Lay there silently for several minutes, before Kerfan leaned over to, softly, whisper in Lauren's ear. “You have to help him up and kiss him.”

Oddly enough, her past didn't faze her as she reached down and helped Shern up so she could kiss him. It wasn't the deepest of kisses. But it was soft and friendly.

She pulled back confused at her actions. True she had slept with three men, first her husband. Then there was Caytin, before she had been with Kerfan, but Kerfan had connected to him now. In ways she didn't understand. But now, true Shern wasn't one of those that had hurt her and so many others she had known. But he still looked so much like the animals that had.

*It's not like that Beloved. Your soul and mine are one now. So anything I feel you will too, at least to a certain degree. Just like I feel anything you do. * Kerfan pulled her close, rocking her gently. “It's nothing to be afraid of baby. I love Shern, so is it any wonder that you are responding to that love.”

Lauren looked up into his soft cool green eyes, and lost herself.

She had never imaged feeling like this, this safe, this wanted. “I love you.” She brought his lips to hers,

The wonders kept happening in her world as she surrendered to the untouched beauty of that kiss. Because the longer her lips were his. The more she sank into the kiss.

The kiss finally broke. Lauren's arms wrapped around his chest, as his face brushed kissed down the right column of her throat. “Make love to me.”

Shern thought it prudent to slip from the bed. He could wait. His Domna had accepted him as her consort. His fears were rested. So yes, he understood if she needed a little time. He was honestly surprised at her accepting him at all. Oh yeah, he could wait.

“Wait Shern.” Lauren held out a hand. “Yes, I admit it still going to take me a bit. But, I don't think you should loose your bed.”

Kerfan looked up, a mixture of surprise and pleasure crossed his thoughts. Surprise that Lauren could move on almost quickly, and pleased that it was having that great of an affect. His feelings were having an effect on her, and in reverse. He would do anything to help her in her new life, and she was showing him how great his efforts were paying off.

Shern looked at her in surprise. “Domna?”

“I can't not yet, but I'm not going you to sleep in the other room.” She blushed. “I can't, but aren't you his Lover?”

Shern wasn't sure if he understood her offer. “Dom?” he looked to Kerfan.

Kerfan looked deeply into Lauren's clear amber eyes. ‘You are her consort Bright Eyes. And she might not be able to share her body with you, but she's not going to make you leave. I talked about how it was going to be for a while. She knows. I love you. She also knows that until she is comfortable, physically, sharing her love with you. That you and I are still going to share our love.” He smiled. “Am I understanding you, Beloved? While I make love to you, you are fine with him making love to me?”

Lauren didn't fully understand what kind of delightful step towards her past beginning to no longer matter, as she smiled at Shern and shook her head. She held out a hand to him. “It's okay now. I'm not that afraid of you anymore.”

Shern took the hand that Lauren offered. “Thank you,” He was in tears and he kissed her palm, pressing against the side of him face. “I love my Dom, he has been so kind to me.” He pulled back from her palm to kiss it again. “And now,” there were tears rolling down his face. “I swear, I will love you, as much as I love him.” He cried clutching her hand. “Thank you Domna. You have no idea what this means to me. I was happy just being my Dom's slave, but now. I have a chance, one day, to give you my baby. That was something that I never imagined happening. I grew up, knowing I was to die, but Drav took us from that hell and brought us here. My Dom took me as his Lover. We were able to save two of the children that those that looked like us had hurt so much. And the most wonderful thing, one that was more than I had ever had the right to hope for. You became my Domna. More than just that, you and my Dom have taken me and put me in a place that I never even dreamed of being. I have a place here now. More than just as my Dom's Lover, but as his consort too. All because you accepted me.” He lost the words for a moment, and he kissed her hand over and over again. “Thank you.” He lay there, holding her hand, crying. But this time, there was no pain, nor was there fear. This time his tears were from happiness and joy.

Lauren's hand reached farther to cup Shern's head so she could pull it close to kiss him softly on the cheek. “I'm sorry honey, I mean I know in my heart that you are nothing like those that hurt me, but it's gonna take a little time for my heart to convince my mind.” To think, a few hours earlier she had been so afraid of this boy. She was almost ashamed of herself for what she had believed. Kerfan had been right. This child was too young to have ever even thought of doing anyone, harm.

Kerfan tightened his hold on her. *Don't baby. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Of course you are going to take a little time coming to peace with Shern. He understands that, and he is more shocked that after all your have been thru that you are willing to let your fear go, at all. Trust me Beloved. The very fact that you are willing to, with time, forget your fear of those of his own race is more than enough for him. * He pressed his cheek against hers. “Let's put down our worries for the night, baby. You have no idea how much I want to, ‘Make', Love to you.”

Lauren pulled on Shern's hand. “Please,” she lifted her neck to Kerfan's lips as he snuggled his face into it. “Come on Shern, Kerfan wants you too.”

Shern pulled himself close to them. “Please Dom,” his face pressed into Kerfan's side.

*Thank you, Beloved. * His head pulled away from her to, briefly look at Shern. Tears sparkled in his eyes as he pulled the boy up to him. “Join me in this ‘mate . While I please our lady, share your pleaser with me. No need for control, this is our wedding night. We'll go to the Temple tomorrow to make it official. But for now, just enjoy.”

Shern reached for Lauren's hand, sobbing as he kissed it, over and over again. “Thank you, oh thank you. My life is yours Domna. At you will I would gladly bear my chest. You have only to say it, and I will freely die for you.”


Lauren looked at Kerfan, confused. “I don't understand.”

“You're not the only one Beloved.” Kerfan gathered Shern, pulling him away from where he had been, so freely offering to die. “Bright Eyes?” His Dark forest green eyes searching, Shern's silver. “No one is ever going to kill you. I gave you my promise the day I took you as my Lover, that no one would ever hurt you again. Now, just because I'm your consort instead of your Lover, doesn't change that promise. I love you baby.” He crushed the crying boy to his chest. “Now no more of this foolishness. While I worship our lady, you worship me likewise. I may not be your Lover anymore. But I am still your Dom.” He lifted Shern's chin up, smiling down into his eyes as he leaned down to kiss him. “Now before we, both worship his Lady or Lord. I'm going to ask your lady if she would welcome your touch as you are pleasing me.” He looked up at Laura smiling.

She reached for Shern's hands, pulling him up kissing him. “Just don't try to go too far.”

Kerfan tightened his arms around Shern as he was making his way back down Lauren. “I will find you're worshiping of your, Domna, just as pleasurable as your hands on me.”

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