BDSM Library - Cindy\'s World

Cindy\'s World

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Cindy is learning that it\'s a man\'s world. Forgetting that means pain, and lots of it. After being raped in the park, mom and dad extract their pound of flesh.


By Tallus

       Cindy Davis was in trouble and she new it. She had been so angry at her mother, the stupid cunt, trying to control her every little movement through life. So when her mom had been preoccupied with her brother Thomas, whipping him in his room with dads belt for sassing her, Cindy had simply gone for a long walk. That, she thought, would show her mom. Of course, the belt would probably be used on her when she got home, she knew that well enough. But she could take it; it wasnt her first beating after all.

       Now, it was getting darker and darker outside and she was still in the park. Worse, she had to pee very badly. She didnt want to use the public restroom. It smelled horribly and the floor was wet and strewn with wet toilet paper, paper towels, tampon tubes and there would be pee and who knows what else all over the toilet. But the trees and shrubbery looked so dark and threatening she new shed have to use the facilities. She angled toward the brick building, the dingy looking overhead light emitting a sickly orange glow.

       Once inside the urge to urinate and flee this building was overwhelming. She was crossing her legs and trying to pull down her panties at the same time, dancing in place, trying to sit before she peed herself. She was nervous and remorseful, wishing shed controlled her temper better earlier in the afternoon. She sat hurriedly, and a gush of urine splashed into the water beneath her. She sighed loudly with relief and pushed hard to force the liquid from her bladder quicker, hurrying to get out of this place, out of this park.

       “What have we here?” A mans voice, with a distinct tone of pleasure, echoed in the room.

       “Someone had to go, man, and shes going, aint she.” A second voice answered and the men laughed. Cindy realized they were inside the building with her, close to the stall door and her fear made her suck her breath in a gulp and hold it. Her flow stopped abruptly and she quickly stood, tugging at her panties, sliding them firmly up under her dress against her dripping pussy lips. She stood, frozen in place.

       “Hey, sweet thing,” the first voice said, “why dont you come on out?”

       “No!” Cindy gathered her wits as best she could. “Just please go away!”

       “We might, we might,” the man considered, “after we talk to you.”

       “Yeah, we just want to talk,” the second voice said and she could here them snicker quietly, as if they shared a joke.

       “NO! GO AWAY!” She shouted, hoping another woman would come near enough the bathroom to help her.

       Then the men shoved at the stall door, breaking the latch in the process and knocking her back against the rim of the toilet. She started to scream but one of the men grabbed her head and forced his hand against her mouth. He got behind her and held her with a strong arm around her waist, locking her arms at her sides. Her eyes widened in terror and she struggled but he was too strong for her and he held her tightly. He smelled of sweat and grease. The other man stood smiling at her, malice in his eyes.

       “Shes pretty, aint she,” the man holding her said.

       “Yep, shes a peach.” He slowly pulled her dress up over her panties and, with mesmerizing slowness drew the panties down her legs, exposing Cindys sparse blond bush. She was so scared she never thought to cross her legs or fight him. “Step out of them, honey,” he commanded.

       She did, letting him take the underwear. She began to shiver, the shock hitting her, the fear, the realization that she was going to be raped here in this filthy toilet stall and there was nothing she could do about it. They put the panties in her mouth and the first man slapped her hard across the face. It hurt something fierce. He said, “Thats just a taste. If you fight me Ill beat the shit out of you. Got it?”

       She nodded her head. He would do it, she could see the hunger to beat her in his eyes. Shed seen the same look in her daddys eyes many times before hed whipped her. Shed noticed her dads erection when he did it, too. She knew what it meant. The man behind her carefully let her go and unzipped her dress. They undressed her quickly and tossed her clothes in a corner. The first man opened his pants and pulled his big cock out. Cindy had seen and felt her dads cock and her boyfriends too. This one was much bigger, both longer and fatter, and she was revolted.

       “Lay on your back, bitch.”

       She wished she could scream, could fight him, or that she could just die here. But she cooperated, hoping when they were done they would let her go. She lay in the stinking filth and let him get on top of her, his face close to hers, his hands squishing her small tits, his thing prodding her inner thighs.

       “Fuck her good, man!”

       “Little whores gonna love it,” her rapist replied.

       She didnt love it. He was not interested in whether or not she was lubricated and ready for him. He shoved it into her dry hole with amazing force and she felt as if something tore. She screamed into the panties that muffled her cries. The men loved it, loved her pain, her fear, her helplessness, her cooperation. The man thrust his big cock in and out of her aching cunt and mauled her breasts. He occasionally slapped her and swatted her ass.  It went on forever, it seemed, but he finally grunted and thrust deep inside of her, filling her, she knew, with his cum. She almost threw up.

       He whispered to her! The animal whispered in her ear as his cock shrank inside her, “you raise my kid right now, here?” And he laughed. If he impregnated her shed kill herself before she had his baby, she swore it. The man got off of her and she lay sobbing quietly on the wet, disgusting floor. She watched the grinning second man open his pants. He wasnt built much differently than the first man and she was wet now with semen if nothing else. She steeled herself for his attack. He kneeled next to her and pushed her over on her stomach.

       “Not much for sloppy seconds,” he explained. She felt him nudge her thighs wide apart and settle himself between them. She waited for him to lift her hips to gain access to her sore pussy but instead she felt her ass cheeks pulled apart.

       “What?” She wondered what he was doing? Then she felt a fingertip prod her asshole and she panicked. “Oh, my God! Hes going to put it in my rear end!”

       “Pretty, aint it?”

       “Got a nice bung hole on her, alright.”

       The man placed the tip of his thick cock against her anus and she felt a slow, steady pressure building as he tried to force it up her ass. The pain started and quickly intensified as his organ forced her wide open, tore the skin of her anus, ripped the muscles that kept her closed. She screamed and screamed but he bore down harder until his cock was buried in her ass. She pounded on the floor with her fists and wailed into the panties gagging her but he only started fucking her with short, hard strokes. It went on and on and on. The pain and degradation of the man raping her ass while his buddy watched and waited another turn with her brought fresh tears. He finally pulled his cock free and she felt the droplets of his spewing cum hit her ass and lower back.

       “Nice one,” the waiting rapist encouraged.

       “Thanks!” He sounded winded. He got off of her and she barely perceived the sound of the men zipping up and moving toward the door of the stall as they spoke quietly.

       She lay and cried and cried, not caring what the men were talking about. But snatches of conversation finally got through her inner torment and she tried to quiet herself and listen. Words like “risky” and “throat” and “witness” and “identify” sounded ominous. Fortunately, they debated too long and another womans voice cut through the dim room.

       “Is someone here?” she asked.

       The men rushed out and she heard the woman shriek. In a moment the woman peaked around the stall door and saw her naked on the floor. “Oh my God; you poor thing!”  The woman came to her and helped her sit up. “They shoved me on the way out. I couldnt see them. But I know what theyre wearing. We have to call the police.”

       Cindy nodded. The woman helped her dress in her wet clothing and took her to the hospital where a nurse brought in a box of medical supplies she said they would use to preserve evidence for the police. A cop came and took a report. He seemed sensitive and so did the doctors but she was in shock still and didnt care what they did. They could not understand that the rape had been horrible but the real terror lay ahead. She would have to face her parents. If the rape was bad, she knew, it was nothing compared to the pain she would face at home.


       The scariest part wasnt when her mom tied her wrists and ankles to the bed posts. It wasnt the angry tone her dad used, or even his obvious erection when he was going to give her a whipping. The scariest part was that awful sound his belt made going through the loops when he pulled it off to use on her.

       The hospital had wanted her to leave after two days but shed talked them into a third to avoid going home to her mom and dad. But on day three theyd made her leave. So shed ridden home with mom and dad in silence, knowing what was coming. Theyd taken her directly to their bedroom where they whipped their children when needed. Mom went for her “cleaning supplies” and her dad stayed with her. When mom retuned, they sat in chairs with her standing before them like she was the accused and they were judges handing out a harsh sentence.

       “You ran away,” her mom said, “like a little brat. That was bad, Cindy, very bad.” She looked down at her hands.

       “I dont believe that story you gave the cops. Looks to me like you were trying to avoid getting in trouble for running off like you did.” Her dad looked at her sharply with his accusation.

       “They raped me,” she said quietly. “Two of them raped me in the toilet. The doctors even said so.”

       Her dad eyed her coldly. “Would never have happened, if it really did, if youd been home like you were supposed to. Take your clothes off, Cindy, and get on the bed.”

       There would be no avoiding it. She quietly stripped under her parents watchful eyes, revealing her small, still bruised tits, her flat stomach, her blond pubes and her thin, long legs. She crawled onto the bed and lay on her stomach. She put her hands by the bedposts and opened her legs. Her mother used cords to tie her in this position, to hold her down for her beating. When she was tightly tied, her dad came to the bedside.

       “Youve been bad. Its time to get you back on the right track.” That was when the sound came, the belt sliding through the loops, the sharp hissing like and angry snake, the hard leather eager to mark her young body. She turned her head and could see his crotch, the bulge of his excitement at whipping her, her mothers happy face, liking him doing this to Cindy, waiting her turn to abuse her further.

       The first shots hit her ass with loud cracks and she felt like her skin was on fire. She held her tears as long as she could but when he finished turning her rear end into a black and blue, red-welted waste land she was sobbing uncontrollably. Then he started on her upper back and she screamed and tore at her bonds. When he worked over her thighs she finally passed out.

       She was barely aware of being turned over on the bed or of the belt laying waste to her breasts, stomach and thighs. It took a long time once hed finished for her to realize he was done with her. She only really got it when her mothers face appeared over her own, smiling sweetly and cooing comforting sounds at her.

       “Thats my girl. He only does it to make you a better person, honey. Going to be alright now, wont it?” Her mother untied the cords that held her down on the bed and helped her sit up.

       “Im going to throw up!” She clutched at her moms shirt for support as her stomach rolled.

       Her mom hustled her painfully into the bathroom where Cindy heaved into the toilet until she could throw up no more. She kneeled on the floor, her entire body racked with tremendous pain. Her mom flushed the toilet and helped Cindy to the tub.

       “In you go, baby,” she said, “on your hands and knees so I can help you.”

       Cindy got into the cold, empty tub on her hands and knees. Her mom got out her equipment and Cindy heard water running. Then her mom smeared Vaseline on Cindys anus and vagina. So began a series of douches and enemas that “cleaned her system out” to her moms satisfaction. When the cleansing was over her mom dried her off and gave her some pain pills and asked her if she wanted something for dinner. Cindy shook her head and her mom suggested she get up to bed.

       “Is he going to be up?” Cindy asked, meaning, would her dad come up and fuck her later.

       “I dont know.”

       “Can you stop him?”

       Her mom dropped her eyes to the floor. Her dad opened the door and came into the bathroom, eyeing his nude daughter appreciatively. “Guess I marked you up pretty good,” he commented, looking at her welted and bruised flesh.

       “Yes, sir.”

       Her dad looked suddenly at his wife. “Poker night,” he grinned, “get my dinner for me.”

       “I thought it was next week.”

       “Moved it up. Get moving.”

       “Im hurting real bad,” Cindy told him. “Im supposed to rest, the doctor said.”

       “You do as youre told,” he said, with menace in his tone, “and we wont have to have any more punishments like today.”

       “Yes, sir.”

       “Good. Now, get up out of the tub.”

       Obediently, Cindy stepped from the tub. Her father took her arm and pulled her over to the toilet. She knew what was next. She bent over at the waist, spreading her legs and placing her palms on the toilet lid.

       “Women need to know their place, Cindy.”

       “Yes, sir.”

       “Need to know what youre in this world for.” Cindy felt his cock bob between her open thighs. His fingers opened her young pussy and then the tip of his cock nudged against her opening.

       She tried not to cry to hard as he fucked her. He didnt mind her crying, in fact, he liked her to cry a little bit when he did it, but if she sobbed hed beat her again. It was a fine line shed learned to toe. When he was ready he turned her around and she kneeled and took his cock in her mouth. He shot his load of salty cum as she sucked him. When he pulled out, as she was expected to do, she showed him the cum in her mouth and then swallowed it.

       “Get yourself fixed up,” he said, tucking his cock away, “we have company coming.”



       The men arrived at eight that evening and started drinking right away. Cindy went upstairs and stayed in her room, as far from the men as possible, but she could hear them as they made their way up the stairs and walked down the hallway to her parents bedroom at the end of the hall. She couldnt help but hear them in there with her mom. Once, not long after her dad had started having poker night shed grown curious about the foot traffic past her room and crept down the hall and opened the bedroom door. Inside, her mom was naked, on her knees, giving a stranger a blow job. Shed closed to door too loudly and a short while later her mom, dressed in a robe now, had come in and yelled at her for being nosey.

       “Does dad know about this?”

       Her mom smiled sadly, “its his idea.”

       Now, her mother blew them, fucked them, gave them what they wanted. Cindy was well aware that her mom had little choice. She knew how it was, her dad had beaten her mom many times too and she knew her mom wasnt about to go against him.

       A timid knock sounded at her door. This would be Jason, son of one of the men using her mom this evening.

       “Come,” she said, smiling wanly at the joke.

       A tall, large boy of about seventeen entered her room and stood looking down at Cindy on the bed with a big grin on his face. She lay back and opened her robe revealing her badly damaged body to him. “My dad did this to me,” she said.

       She watched the erection growing in his tight jeans. “Sucks to be you, I guess.”

       “Im just asking you to be gentle, okay?”

       “No problem.” He stripped his jeans off and his big cock swayed in front of his muscular thighs. If she werent forced into pleasing him, Cindy thought, she might go for a guy built like this. He fell on top of her on the bed and pushed her legs apart. He had beer on his breath.

       “Wait! Wait!” Cindy tried to close her legs, “Go slow, okay? Im not ready yet.”

       He shoved her legs open wide and fumbled with his cock trying to line it up with her abused cunt. The door swung open and a man stepped in. The boy looked back at the man and grinned again.

       “Hey, dad.”

       “Whats going on in here?”

       “Hes hurting me,” Cindy complained.

       “I aint hurting her,” Jason said, “she likes it, really. She just needs to relax a little.”

       “Son,” the man said, shaking his head, “you have to learn how to treat a woman. Get up off of her now,” he jerked his thumb, indicating, “go on.”

       Jason crawled off the bed and his dad approached Cindy. He had a mean look in his eyes and the girl shrank back away from him. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her off the bed onto the floor. He drug her, half crawling to him and pressed her face against his erection in his pants.

       “Take it out for me, bitch!”

       Cindy reached up and fumbled with his zipper and the button holding his pants closed. She hurried to do it too because she didnt doubt hed hurt her badly if she didnt. She managed to get his hard-on out, it was bigger than Jasons, long and thick, and he pressed the tip to her lips.


       She opened her mouth and he forced his cock deep into her throat and held her head steady as she gagged and retched, his meat choking her, the smell of his pubic hair ripe and awful. He eased her head back then slammed his dick back down her throat, repeating this roughly, fucking her now raw throat.

       “Feel her pussy, boy.”

       She felt Jason groping her sex. The boy chortled and said with amazement, “Damn, shes wet.”

       “Yep,” the father said, “they like this shit.”

       The father pulled her head away and slapped her roughly across the mouth. He pointed to the bed. “Get on up there and spread your fucking legs for my boy. And dont you close them until he says so.”

       Cindy jumped up on the bed and did as she was told. Jason got back on her as the father left the room.

       “Ill be fucking the whores mother if you need me, son.”

       Jason was not a good lover. He jabbed it in her a few times, it hurt pretty badly, and then he pulled out and came across her stomach. He mauled her already injured and pained breasts as he did it and she nearly passed out from the pain. When he was done he sat next to her and told her she was a good lay.

       “Thanks,” she said.

       “My dad said you ran away from home.”

       “I didnt.”

       “And you lied about some rape thing.”

       “I was raped by two men.”

       “He said your dad beat you for it, too.”

       “Thats why Im hurting so bad.”

       “Yeah. My dad says your dad let you off easy. He would have really fucked you up.”

       “Ill remember to thank my dad later,” she said sarcastically, “for being such a prince.”

       They sat there for a while and finally Jason looked at his cock, which was getting erect again, and asked her if she wanted to do it again.

       “Not really,” Cindy said.

       “You ever do it up the ass?”

       “Not by choice.”

       “Then we better use some oil or something.” He looked at her and grinned. “Roll over bitch and spread em.”

       The anal sex hurt her too. She hadnt thought she could feel worse than she did already from the earlier beating but now she knew better. Her anus was bleeding, her pussy ached, her tits felt raw and bruised and her ribs were so battered it hurt to breathe.

       Jason had gone, too tired to get it up anymore, and Cindy had gone to the bathroom and tried to treat her injuries. Now, back in her room, she lay on the bed wearing panties over a thick Kotex pad with which she hoped to control the blood and other fluids coming from her abused holes.

       Her father appeared in her doorway. “The boy said you were okay,” he told her.


       “He hurt you?”

       “Yes. Im bleeding.”

       He nodded, seemed lost in thought for a moment. “I guess youll be okay,” he said and shut her door. Cindy laid back, relieved that her dad wasnt going to fuck her too and quickly lost consciousness.

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