BDSM Library - Handjob 101

Handjob 101

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: This is about a cfnm story that involves college

One day a guy named Jim Baker, a local college quarter back for the local college got out of his car after a long summer vacation. He had not released in a real long time, since his parents insisted that he come and stay with them for a while. So, he gets out of his car and walks into his dorm room. He has a private dorm room.

Now, the dorms are co-eds and so that there are boys on the top floor and girls on the bottom floor. There are no bathrooms in the dorm rooms so the boys have to go down the hall to the bathroom. He opens the door and takes off his clothes right in front of the bath stall that he is at. He lays his clothes onto the bench in the back and walks into the shower.

He knows that this will have to be quick if he is to catch his first class. So, as a man would do it, he takes a quick shower, but stops from getting out when he hears the door to the shower room shut. He did not bring a towl, because he was going to put the same clothes on before. The door shuts again and he shuts off the shower juggles a little bit to get the extra water off of him and walks up to the bench. There are nobody in the showers. He thinks to himself, "Thank GOD". So he goes to the bench, however, his clothes are missing.

Right now he is freaking out, not just because his clothes are gone, but because his wallet, money, and his room key were his pants. Suddenly, he gets an idea. He will sneak down to his room and get in and get some other clothes then he will report those jerks who stole his clothes. He holds himself and opens up the door. He peeks out both ways and nobody is out there walking the halls. He feels happy. He runs to the left to his room and tries the door. Locked!!! "NOOO!" he thinks. He is now naked, cold and his class starts in fifteen minutes.

Suddenly he hears some commotion. It sounds like girls laughing and they are in his room peeking through the peep hole.

"You want in to get your clothes?" asked one of the girls.

"Yes please!" yells Jim.

"What will you give us in return?" one of the other girls ask.

"Anything," replied Jim. "Money, a masage, more money? You name it."

The door unlocks and opens. Two girls named Ashley Thompson and Amanda Smith meet him at the door. Amanda is pretty skinny woman who has pretty good looking boobs and she is very sleek and slender with good curves. Ashley is about the same way, except she is known for pranks.

Jim runs into the room and goes to his closet. Amanda pushes him away while Ashley shuts and locks the door.

"I have to get to class!" yells Jim.

"Class is cancelled, Jimmy," replied Amanda. "Handjob 101 is about to begin."

Jim is a virgin, but he does masturbate when he needs to. It has been three weeks since he has masturbated.

Amanda turns to Ashley and says, "I will stroke him and you will watch."

Ashley is very inexperienced, so she just watches so the next time she can do it.

Amanda sits on Jim's bed, while Ashley stands in front of the door.

Jim cups his hands around his penis and balls.

"Don't hide it," says Amanda. "Let me see it."

Jim slowly releases his grip and shows his penis and balls to the two girls. Suddenly he penis begins to rise and get longer. His penis is about seven inches long.

"WOW!" says Amanda. "You really are excited aren't you?"

Jim stands there just shaking a little bit.

"Jim," says Amanda. "I want you to stroke it for me."

"Here? Why can't I go to class?" asked Jim.

"Jim, do you need help, I can help you," replied Amanda.

"He probably forgot after break with his mommy," said Ashley with a smile.

Amanda motions for Jim to come over. He walks slowly up to her, because he is very nervous.

Amanda lifts up her hand and starts stroking his penis. His penis is really hard and Jim is enjoying it, because of Amanda's hands are soft and just able to get around his hard cock. She keeps stroking it and stroking it and Jim moans and groans in pleasure when all of a sudden Jim feels an almost floating sensation in his penis then it goes up his shaft and then through his body. Then WAM! he feels a big pulsive wave of pleasure slowly but surely race throughout his body and then it goes down back to the shaft of his penis and then he cums all over Amanda's clothed chest. He penis throbs for about ten seconds and with each throb, semen races out and sprays Amanda. Amanda laughes with each pulse and keeps stroking him until the last pulse and his penis becomes limp. Amanda gets up and leaves with Ashley, leaving Jim standing there in disbelief.

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