BDSM Library - The Commuter Train

The Commuter Train

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A successful business woman (Dottie) and a petite submissive female medical researcher (Deni) paths cross a commuter train ... the spark between the two is ignited and builds into a raging fire of desire.

Chapter I—The Commuter Train

 (Note: If you would like to read and view this story as fully illustrated by a very talented artist friend of mine, please go to the following link: This is a 'free' and 'safe' link. You are invited to 'look' around. As usual, feedback is always deeply apppreciated).

(Dedicated to my most wonderful sweetheart Deni, my honey, my darling, my mentor, my inspiration! And to Penny, my 'precious' Penny, my Australian darling. These are some of the most important people in my life! They have a very special place in my heart and can never ever be fulfilled by anyone else. I love you Deni. I love you Penny.)

I felt her whole body shaking as she lay in my arms. "Oh God," I thought to myself as I ran my hands over the smoothness of her bare back as she hugged and held on to me as though her very life depended on it. "Her skin is so smooth ... so soft." Then I heard the little cute high pitched and yes, excited voice again, full of anticipation ... oh so full of need ... so ready!

"Dottie ... Dottie, I think I'm ready ... I think ... I ... I ...," she said, almost in a whisper before I cut her off.

"I know baby ... yes, honey ... I know," I answered her in a very soft and soothing tone of voice. "Here my darling ... let me get my leg between your legs. Yes ... yes ... just like that. Now honey, rub your tender sweet honey pot on my knee ... yes, that's it ... just like that."

"Oooohhhh ... oh my goodness," the voice came back to me again, even in a higher sounding tone than before, her breathing becoming more intense. "Oh ... I think I'm ... aaahhh ... I think I'm getting your leg all wet."

I wanted to laugh at her innocence ... but I couldn't! I knew this was her very first time. This was the first time she had ever been with another woman and I was determined to make it a night she would never forget!

"That's ok honey ... that's just fine. I love to feel your honey juices on me," I answered her, trying to reassure her ... trying to get her ready for her orgasm. "Do you feel the waves coming honey?" I asked again in as soft a voice as I could, taking into consideration my own excitement at bringing this beautiful petite woman to this high point of passion.

"Oh God yes ... yes ... I feel like ... I feel like I am going to ... to explode," she answered.

"Good baby," I replied. "Tell Dottie what you want to do honey."

"Oh geeze ... God ... oh God, I want to ... I want to ..." her voice came out in little spurts between her increasingly rapid breathing, her embarrassment apparent at her own knowledge that she was losing control ... that she was reaching the point of no return.

"Go ahead and say it honey," I kept encouraging her. "Tell me baby ... tell Dottie what you want. Dottie loves to hear you say it."

"Oh God Dottie, do I have to ... do I have to ... say it?" she said again, the bashfulness obvious in the tone of her voice.

"Yes sweetheart, yes ... you have to tell me what you want honey," I replied. "I like to hear you say it sweetie. It gets me excited." As I spoke to her this time, I moved my knee a little forward and deeper into her vagina ... then moved it upward. "Find the spot," I thought to myself as she began moving her hips back and forth in earnest as though she was fucking my knee. I ran my fingers through her hair. The same hair I had washed just a little while ago. Then I kissed her on the forehead and ran my hands down the small of her back letting my fingers slowly drift down her spine until they came to rest on her hips to both guide her and slow her down a bit to kind of hold her off. I didn't want it to happen too fast. I wanted her to feel what it was like to be at the peak of her sexual arousal and to linger there for a while taking in this euphoric sensation. I wanted to keep her there for as long as I could so she would have the most intense orgasm of her life.

But I also had another motive for keeping her at the peak of her arousal. I knew a woman in this state of sexual stimulation was much more likely to be amenable to my suggestions and I wanted her to be mine ... at least for this one night!

"Go ahead honey ... tell Dottie honey, tell Dottie what you need," I said as I moved my head closer to her ear so I could whisper even softer to her to give her a sense of 'belonging' ... a sense of 'privacy' ... a sense of 'security.' Then I took one hand and moved it from her hip and put it on her ass. I moved one finger down between her legs to gather up a small amount of the lubricants I found there. I moved the palm of my hand back up to her ass cheeks resting it just at the beginning of the 'separation' of her ass cheeks with my fingers disappearing in the 'valley' ... one finger in particular heading for its designated target!

I let my one finger rest at the opening ... at the aperture it found there. I pushed ever so slightly ... just enough to make the little 'rosebud' give way and make her feel the sensation of being penetrated there. She hesitated for only a moment, then actually pushed backward to 'take' a little more of my finger. Then I tried to regulate the movement of her hips so they became synchronized with my finger. On the 'downward' motion of her hips my knee would penetrate her vagina and I could actually feel the stiffness of her engorged clit! On her upward motion my finger would insert itself about a quarter of an inch into her tight anus and I could feel the contraction of her 'rosebud' gripping my finger. Now she was never free of some penetration ... either in the 'front' or in the 'back.'

"Oh God yes," I thought to myself. "She is giving herself to me so willingly." I knew I was reaching my own peak ... my own almost uncontainable arousal. My breathing was becoming more rapid and it seemed like my rapid breathing was alternating with hers. When she would breathe in, I would breathe out, thus we were never separated ... not even for a second. When the air was expelled from her lungs, her breasts, especially her nipples were against my nipples, and as she inhaled and I exhaled the process continued. Our nipples were always in contact with each others. Just like two electrical wires we were 'spliced' together, the connection between us was solid, and the electrical current that flowed through our two bodies was now one.

I moved my other hand between my legs and started to rub my own soaked outer vagina lips letting first one finger slip into my opening ... then two fingers. I knew at this point, this beautiful little woman wouldn't be able to 'hold off' much longer ... and I was right!

"Oh God ... oh God ... I want to ... I need to cum ... Dottie, please, please ... Dottie, I want to cum," she cried out to me, her voice almost seemingly in a state of panic! "Yes, yes, yes ... oh God Dottie ... please, take me ... take me!"

"Yes honey ... oh shit honey, let yourself go baby ... yes, yes honey ... I have you honey ... let yourself go sweetheart ... oh goodness ... I'm cumming with you baby ... we're both going," I shouted even louder than her as I felt all the built up waves of passion beginning at the top of my head shoot rapidly through my body and release their energy deep in my vagina and my own lubricants let loose like a torrent of water breaking through a dam.

I felt the last downward push of her hips on my knee as though she was trying to take my whole leg inside of her. Then the familiar pause when one is letting go and releasing the life force living deep within ... letting the beauty of an unfathomable orgasm happen in unison with someone else. Like two singers singing our parts in a musical passage at the same pitch or in octaves, we had reached the perfect harmonic combination of two tones ... and now we were 'melting' into 'one.'

We had both reached the top of the cliff and had gone over. It was a very steep cliff and we found ourselves suddenly suspended in air with nothing under us ... absolutely nothing! When we looked down, a river ran thousands of feet below us cutting through a deep green forest. But we weren't falling fast; rather we were drifting peacefully downward ... downward toward the pure green forest. This beautiful woman that I held in my arms was kissing me on the lips, on the nose, all over my face ... not once, not twice, but it seemed like hundreds of times.

I took her head and rested it in between my ample breasts and stroked her head very gently as the last of her 'tremors' began to subside. I put my mouth once more close to her ear and whispered as a mother would to a new born child ... "I love you sweetheart."

Then I heard her sweet high pitched voice again ... "Oh God Dottie ... oh my goodness Dottie ... oh God, I love you ... I love you too Dottie."

I held her tightly in my arms, her head still resting between my breasts as she came down from her high. She was still shaking from her wonderful explosion and I could actually feel the little quivers of excitement almost coming to a complete stop. I moved my hand down to her back and pulled her as close as I could rubbing her back as lightly as I could. I rested my head on the top of her head feeling the silkiness of her copious dark hair on my face and the wonderful scent of her beautiful soft curls filling my senses as she fell into a peaceful sleep. Then I watched the full moon through the partially opened blinds on the window and began to think ... to think back to just this morning when it all began ...


'Brriiinnnng,' the alarm clock went off! I reached over to shut it off, got up to sit on the edge of the bed and began to orient myself for a new day. I sat there for a few minutes in the dark. "Friday," I thought to myself. "God, it feels so good ... this last day of the week."

Then I thought of the little 'mind' game I would get to play with my alarm clock tomorrow morning ... Saturday! I never changed the setting on the alarm clock; rather I would let it ring at the same time settings on Saturday morning as well! But there was a difference on Saturday mornings ... a big difference! When it would ring on Saturday morning I would reach over and hit the 'snooze' button. Then I would say 'fuck you, I don't have to get up this morning.' I would do this every fifteen minutes and then finally shut it off! It was just my way of getting 'revenge' for the other five mornings the damn alarm clock would wake me up.

But I knew tomorrow morning would be different. This was my last day in Connecticut . Tomorrow morning I would be leaving for California and my new position with the corporation where I had been employed for the last fifteen years. "Damn it," I thought to myself, "I worked hard to get this position and I deserve it." And I felt a wave of satisfaction come over me at my accomplishment ... at what I, a woman in a man's world had achieved!

After my marriage ended in divorce, I had made up my mind not to ever again be depended on a man, or anyone else for that matter, for my livelihood or my well being. "Oh yeah," I thought to myself, "a lot of people at my office called me a 'bitch' but I had done it. I was now at the top of corporate ladder and I didn't need anyone ever again."

As I got up from the bed I went on 'automatic pilot.' I had gone through this morning routine for so long now I could do it blindfolded. I went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I finished the orange juice in two gulps and started toward the bathroom peeling my pajamas off as I went, leaving them in an almost perfect straight line. I never wore panties to bed so it was an easy maneuver and didn't take long before I was stark naked. I always wondered what the maid service thought when they saw my under garments thrown so carelessly along my path to the shower. I turned the water on in the shower and let it run until it got hot. I hated to step into cold water or even warm water ... it had to be hot!

As I stepped into the hot water I would soak my soft wash cloth, work up a good amount of lather with my perfumed soap and in a few minutes I would feel the luxurious feeling of the softness of the wash cloth on my body ... everywhere on my body! I thought of the times when I would use this simple little soft wash cloth to get myself off! My hormones were really 'raging' this morning and I briefly thought of playing with myself then thought better of it. Even though I could get to work on time by taking the six o'clock commuter train into New York, today I wanted to make sure I caught the five o'clock commuter train for one reason and one reason only ... 'she' would be on it!

I had a fresh perm so there wasn't any need to fix my hair ... it just sprung back after a little drying with my high speed hair blower. As I was tucking my white blouse into my gray flannel skirt, I looked at the clock. " Four thirty-five ," I thought to myself, "right on time." I put my makeup on, slipped on my long fur-lined all weather coat and was on my way out the door. "January in Connecticut ," I thought to myself. "Shit, this cold weather sucks."

Then I got in my company-owned Mercedes Benz. "God, this is one of the 'perks' I was really going to miss," I thought to myself as I thought of leaving the car along with this luxurious company-owned condominium they had provided for me and I was living in. "But damn, my salary was going to be twice as much plus I was going to get stock options in the corporation which was expanding all the time. And I will be living in California ... somewhere I always wanted to live."

As I started driving toward the train station ... it happened again! Just like it did for most of the last two months. My mind suddenly focused on 'her' ... the woman on the train. I had never spoken a word to her. I didn't even know her name. Yet ... I knew her morning schedule just as well as I knew my own! "Why?" I asked myself oh so many times over the past two months. Yes, I had a few experiences with women ... but it had been years! "Why," I asked myself again, "why did I get this feeling toward this woman, someone I didn't even know ... why did I get this unexplainable feeling in the pit of my stomach?"

I knew she took the five o'clock commuter train into New York every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I knew she would stop at the coffee shop inside the station and get a cup of coffee. "Black," I thought to myself. "Damn it," I even knew how she took her coffee. Was I obsessed by this woman! And if so ... why?"

'Obsessed,' ... the very sound of the word in my subconscious mind sent goose bumps up and down my spine. "Maybe that's why I didn't miss a five o'clock train in the last two months ever since the very first day I noticed her," I continued with my thoughts.

"God, she is pretty," I thought to myself. The picture of this woman on the train was so vivid, that it produced a strong and clear impression on my senses. The more I thought of her as I neared the train station the more intense the picture of her in my mind became.

She had angelic facial features and short dark hair that came down to just above her neckline and seemed to be dancing so naturally with waves and curls. She was very petite with a perfectly framed body. She had the prettiest lips I ever saw ... full and very sensuous. Looking at her lips one could almost hear them saying 'kiss me if you dare.' She was almost always dressed in white which gave me the impression that she was probably in the medical field or at least had something to do with medicine. The train station, the ramp to the train, and the train itself were always well heated and when she would take her coat or jacket off I could see the outward shapes her ample breasts made on her tight fitting white sleeveless button down garment.

I remembered the first time I saw her on the train. The five o'clock train into New York was never very crowded. There were always plenty of seats, so much so that almost anyone who wasn't accompanied by someone else could sit alone and most people took advantage of this situation even though they were all double seats. Most people on the ' five o'clock ' were kind of 'regulars' and it seemed to me sitting in the same seat whenever possible almost became habitual. Thus 'she' always sat in the same seat as did I. All of the seats were 'reversible' and you had the choice of riding into New York facing forward or facing backward. She was one of the few people in our car that always rode with her back going toward New York .

I often wondered if she had not made the choice to ride in this fashion if I would have ever noticed her. "Probably not," I thought to myself since I always rode facing forward and her back would always have been toward me. She always sat three seats away from me which was a distance of some 20 feet. The more I saw her the more I appreciated her striking beauty. It just seemed like the more one saw her, the more of her pretty features you discovered.

My captivation with her was developing to the point where if I didn't see her on the train my demeanor would completely change and I would actually feel a sinking sensation within me and that would set my 'mood' for the rest of the day. But I only saw her in the morning going into New York . I never saw her in the evening coming from New York and I often wondered why.

The last week or so she would somehow catch me looking at her. As soon as her eyes turned toward me, I would quickly try to divert my eyes away from her but it was very apparent it wasn't quick enough. It was quickly developing into a sort of a 'cat and mouse' game ... I would look at her, she would turn her eyes toward me, I would try to divert my eyes away and then as soon as I could peek to see if she was looking it would start all over again.

The last few days when our eyes would meet in this 'cat and mouse' thing, I noticed when I kept my eyes on her eyes long enough; she would be the first to look away. This gave me the distinct impression that she was looking at me as much as I was looking at her and the situation was turning. She was actually feeling embarrassment at being 'caught' looking at me!

As I arrived at the train station today, I parked the car in the 'all day' parking lot and went into the station and headed straight for the coffee shop. I was just a little later than usual and as I neared the take out coffee line ... I didn't see her! My heart beat seemed to increase with anxiety.

"Oh God, no," I thought to myself. "Damn it, please don't let me miss her today ... not today ... not my last day," I heard my mind saying to me.

Then I saw her come in the door. I could feel the lightening sensation of relief pass through my body as though some heavy burden had just been lifted from my shoulders. I watched her going toward the coffee line and tried to time my movements so she would be ahead of me. Although I didn't plan it somehow she ended up right in front of me.

"Play it cool," Dottie I was telling myself in silence. I had never been this close to her before and now I was so close I could smell her perfume. "Damn, she smells good," my mind was rapidly shifting to the 'bi' part of me. I knew it by the awakening I was feeling in my loins. For the first time in the two months that I had been seeing her I felt like somehow today was going to be different ... I just knew it! My sexual desires were just pushing me in a direction that I hadn't been in a long time.

There were about ten people ahead of us and I took this time to look at her with more concentration then ever before. She had her coat draped over her arms and it gave me a chance to look at her and run my eyes over her from her back side. Her back sloped downward to a very thin waist and then flared outward to a very prominently shaped yet modest posterior.

She must have 'felt' my eyes on her because just I was looking at her she turned and looked at me.

"Oh God," I thought to myself. "I hope she didn't notice me staring at her." But I knew she had! Her eyes were so beautiful ... large big brown eyeballs that seemed to be floating in pools of a pure white background. I felt little tremors of excitement dash through my body as my eyes made contact with hers from this very close distance. Then I watched as the corners of her full lips curved upward and she smiled! I saw the blood rush to her face ... she was blushing and she knew it was apparent to me. I smiled back at her taking advantage of her embarrassment feeling a perception of self-confidence ... the same feeling I got when I was negotiating a tough contract and knew I by indistinct I had the 'upper hand!'

Chapter II—The Commuter Train


After we got our coffee I followed her on the train lingering a little behind her. As we boarded the train I watched as she sat in her usual seat. When I approached my seat I heard my mind telling me ... "Go ahead Dottie ... do it ... you know what you want ... do it ... sit next to her." I passed my usual seat and started to get closer to her seat. My heart was pounding, my adrenalin was flowing and I knew ... I knew I could not resist my impulses.

"Hello," I said to 'her' in a soft yet firm tone of voice. "Do you mind if I sit with you today?" Then I held my breath! "God, it had been so long since I had this feeling ... this feeling of taking a risk ... of going out on the limb! Then I watched as she turned and looked up at me. I watched the pretty face, the big eyes as they opened wide with foreboding and the redness on her face cheeks ... an indication that she was involuntarily blushing again.

"Aahh ... no, no ... not at all ... ahhh, please do," she replied in the cutest somewhat nervous female voice I had heard in a long time. For some reason the sound of her voice and her big eyes reminded me of 'Bambi' ... Bambi, the cute little doe prancing through a beautiful wild flower patch deep in the enchanted forest.

"My name is Dottie. I noticed you on the train a few days during the week and since we seem to be kind of familiar with each other I just thought it was time we met," I told her trying my best not to sound too assertive.

"Hi Dottie," she replied in a somewhat nervous tone of voice that to me was adorable. "My name is Deni ... ahhh ... glad to meet you. Yes, I noticed you too when I'm going to work."

'I noticed you too! Four little words ... but oh God, what an ego builder for me! It was like music to my ears and reaffirmed my credence that I was right in my suspicion that she had indeed been looking at me in the past.

"Deni," I said now in a more cheerful tone of voice. "Deni ... wow, that's really and unusual name. Unusual and pretty," I said to her. "Geeze, someone must have thought a lot of you to give you such an unusual and pretty name. Sometimes I think my mother really wanted a doll or something. Why else would she give me such a common name like Dottie?"

"Oh no ... no, not at all," Deni replied in a tone of voice that sounded as though my self-depredation made her feel uncomfortable. "I really think Dottie is a nice name and ... aahhh ... a pretty name too."

My eyes were riveted on her lips as they formed the word 'pretty.' I watched as though suddenly everything was in slow motion until finally, the sound left her lips and they returned to their normal position. I felt my inner self begin to fill up with emotion as I instantaneously thought of what it would be like to kiss those beautiful lips and to taste her delicious looking lipstick. Just as quickly as I had drifted somewhere, I came back to reality.

"Well, I guess I really didn't have anything to say about choosing my name anyway, so you know the old saying 'give me the power to change the things I can change and to accept the things I can't change," I said to Deni trying to get my thought processes back to as normal as best I could. "What do you do in New York ?" I asked trying to change the subject to a more impersonal one.

"Oh I'm working on a research project at Jefferson Memorial," Deni replied. "But it is only temporary. I'm really employed on the faculty at Oregon State University and am kind of on loan to Jefferson Memorial."

After talking for a lengthy time, I was able to ascertain that Deni was only in this area for another month. No, she was not married and ... no, right at this time she wasn't dating anyone. Yes, she was kind of on the 'rebound' from a prior relationship with a man from Oregon . She was commuting from Connecticut because she was afraid to stay right in New York City and found that she somehow felt safer in the suburbs of Connecticut . Of course, I told her all about myself, my new position, moving to California , etc.

During our conversation my mind would drift back to my first sexual encounter with another woman. 'Penny' ... the beautiful blonde headed, bright blue-eyed beauty I had met on a trip to Australia . Penny was 'bi' also, and like me at the time, married! When we first met, the last thing I would ever imagine was being intimate with Penny. It just happened!!! And, oh God, when it did happen it was like a whole 'new' part of me was suddenly awakened. I recalled Penny and my own very first orgasm together. Penny had a 'bi' affair before when she was younger so she had some experience. But Penny was my first. On occasion I would swear I could still hear her voice ... her sweet voice with that wonderful Australian accent when we were reaching our peak, and going over the edge. Penny was 'helping' me, 'directing' me, and making me feel comfortable with my new found bisexuality.

Now, as I sat next to my pretty new acquaintance, Deni, for some reason I just closed my eyes for a moment ... and I could hear Penny's voice again ...

"Yes Dottie ... yes baby ... yes honey, that's it, that's the spot ... oh goodness yes sweetheart, suck me right there ... oh baby Dottie ... you have a good tongue ... yes, yes ... put your tongue in my pussy deeper honey ... yes, that's it ... yes, in and out ... oh my God Dottie ... I going to cum honey ... yes, turn around Dottie ... I want to do you too ..."

In another minute I would have exploded here, right on the train, right next to Deni. I opened my eyes and tried to reorient myself, to bring myself back from my sudden 'daydream' and I felt my lubricants start to flow. It was always the same when I thought of Penny, when I heard her voice so clearly in my mind, and when I thought of our very first, perfect, and beautiful thunderous orgasm together.

"I noticed you are only on the train on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday," I said to Deni, purposely mentioning the days to give the impression to her that my observation of her was a little more than 'casual.' "And I also noticed that you are not on the train on my return trip in the evening."

I could see this statement had the effect I had hoped for on Deni. She actually made a 'gulping' sound that again reiterated she felt a little uncomfortable with the knowledge that I had been looking at her with more intensity than would be considered 'normal.'

"Oh ... ah ... yes ... ah, well ... I ... ah ... I work three twelve hour shifts," Deni replied in a tone of voice that seemed to indicate that she may have some doubts in her mind about disclosing this information to me.

I remained silent! If she was going to tell me any more, I wanted it to be voluntary on her part. I knew this was my last day before I moved to California , and while I knew my time was limited, I also knew this was the only way I would ever know if Deni was more than just looking at me as just another woman on the train. Even though I was very tempted to be more inquisitive in my attempt to develop my sort of 'connection' with Deni, I forced myself to remain silent. After a pause that seemed like an eternity to me, I heard the sweet voice of Deni again.

"And a ... well ... ah ... I always catch the nine o'clock train back to Connecticut ," Deni finally volunteered, the tone of her voice was changing to a little more comfortable sound. "I kind of like it that way. The nine o'clock back is never crowded so I can kind of spread out," Deni added.

I felt ecstatic at the way she offered this information on her own. And I knew if I wanted this to go any further, I was going to have to get bolder and at least a little more personal. I recognized the feelings building up inside of me about Deni. They were the same feelings I had the very first time I met Penny. Now it was time to test Deni's feelings!

I took a deep breath. I was very nervous. I hesitated for a while. My mind was processing information tenaciously and rapidly. "I was thirty-nine years old, was in excellent shape physically, worked out regularly, had a lot of men trying to date me, was the recipient of many 'indecent proposals,' and was at the top of my game in the profession I had chosen," I was thinking to myself. "Penny had found me very attractive and had told me once that any woman who had 'bisexual or even lesbian' inclinations would also find me hard to resist. Could it ever happen again? Could it happen with this pretty woman Deni?"

The more I thought about it ... the more confident I felt. I knew I could never live with myself if I didn't find out or if I thought I had passed up a chance that I would always regret.

I put my hand on Deni's knee. Then I turned to look at Deni. I saw Deni's hand moving toward my hand and her face turned toward me. I looked her straight in the eyes ... those wondrous big brown eyes! "Deni, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen," I said to her in a very soft voice ... then waited! My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would break through my chest! I had taken the chance! I had cast the bait ... and now I had to wait to see if this beautiful woman would bite!

Slowly ... oh God, so agonizing slowly, I felt Deni's hand touch the hand I had casually placed on her knee. By the startled look on her face in response to my hand and my statement, I feared the worst. I started to tremble a little. "How much time has passed," I asked myself ... a minute, 5 minutes, and hour?" Of course, it was only a second or two ... but they were tortuous seconds!

First I felt Deni's hand encircled my hand. Then, slightly at first, she squeezed my hand. I felt her fingers move to the palm of my hand and she squeezed tighter. Her beautiful lips started to form a small smile, a warm smile, a welcoming smile! "Wow," she said in that high pitched sweet feminine voice that already had made its mark in my heart. "No one ever said that to me before. Thank you Dottie, that was very nice of you."

I let my hand move up her leg a little more. With the grip Deni's hand had on my hand, she could have stopped me if she wanted to. I could feel the fire inside of me, the familiar awakening of my sexual senses and I knew I had to know ... I just had to know!

"Geeze Deni honey," I said gaining more and more confidence in adding this last term of endearment, "I can't believe no one has ever told you that before. You also have very beautiful lips and you are really very pretty."

Deni had stopped my hand just two inches from her 'secret place' ... and I was glad! I didn't want to push this approach too far and yet I found it very hard to stop. But I also wanted to give Deni some control over the situation too, to let her feel she was a part of it and wherever it was going. But she only stopped my hand ... she didn't try to push it away. Rather she gave my hand another squeeze as if the say 'not now, not here.'

"Oh ... thank you Dottie," Deni replied in a really sincere and soft voice. "I think you are very beautiful and I thought so from the very first time I saw you."

We were just arriving at the station in New York and everyone was getting up from their seats. I found myself wishing I had been more forthcoming toward Deni weeks ago. From what Deni had just told me, she too was attracted to me and it was only now, on my last day on the East Coast that we were both discovering our attraction to one another. Then my thoughts were broken by Deni's voice.

"Well, we are here Dottie," Deni said.

"Ah ... ah, yes," I answered and started to get out of my seat and out into the aisle responding to Deni's movements indicating she was ready to leave.

I stepped out into the aisle and moved backward to let Deni who had occupied the inside seat get out. As luck would have it, we got separated by a person and Deni was in front of me. Then we were separated by more people until Deni was somewhere up in front of me and I had lost sight of her. I felt myself begin to tense up! "God," I thought to myself, "I'm never going to see her again."

As I stepped out onto the train platform the crowd of people had increased to 'morning rush hour' size. I didn't see Deni anywhere. I felt tears begin to build up in my eyes as I looked all around. Then I bit my lower lip, took a deep breath and decided to let it all go. In one instant of 'daring' I had found this beautiful woman ... and just as quickly she was gone! A feeling of loneliness swept through me and even though I had known Deni only a very brief time, the feeling of loneliness and of losing someone or something very precious and dear was the same as if I have known her all my life.

I walked off the platform and into the train station proper. I started toward the entrance leading to the taxi stand oblivious to everyone and everything around me still trying to 'shake' this feeling of despair.

"Dottie ... Dottie," I heard her voice. For an instant I felt my heart move up into my throat. "That's her voice," I was thinking as I turned around to see Deni walking fast toward me.

"Geeze," Deni said, "I thought I lost you in the crowd. I just want to say good bye to you and good luck with your move and your new job," Deni kept talking to me in a tone of voice that indicated she had been running.

"Oh God Deni," I replied leaving out a sigh of relief. "When I didn't see you and you seemed to disappear I thought for sure I offended you and ..."

"Oh no ... no, Dottie," Deni cut me off in mid sentence. "No, I wasn't offended but honestly, another woman never touched me that way and well ...," Deni continued obviously having a hard time putting into words her thoughts or feelings. "I think it better if we just leave it go ... ok?"

"Sure Deni, sure," I answered, "but can I leave you my address and phone number, you know, just in case for some reason you ever want to call me or if you're ever in my area. Maybe we can share a cocktail or two?" I held my breath and waited for an answer. I knew in my mind this was a gamble. After all, even though we had been exchanging glances for a few months now, I really had just met her ... just talked to her. "What the hell are you doing Dottie," I heard my own mind questioning my verbal actions. "You've spent exactly an hour and fifteen minutes on a train ride to your office with this woman. What the hell do you think your doing?"

"Yes, that would be great," Deni said. "Heck, you never know when I might get to California ."

I gave Deni my business card and quickly wrote my new home address and phone number on it. My hand was shaking as my mind was still questioning the wisdom of what I was doing. "My God," I thought to myself as I was writing, "you're acting like a young school girl instead of a successful business woman!" I handed Deni the card.

"Ok ... ok, Dottie," Deni said as she took the card. The tone of her voice had changed and it seemed to indicate that she was accepting my card more out of kindness and consideration for me rather than seriously wanting my address and phone number. I could feel a sinking feeling ... the feeling one gets when it is becoming obvious something is taking a downturn and not living up to expectations.

Deni looked at the card, and then turned her pretty face toward me. "Dottie ... ah ... can I ... ah ... well, I was wondering if I could ... ah, give you a kiss ... ah ... for good luck," Deni said in a tone of voice that was full of her nervousness at suggesting something so very bold. I knew she added the words 'for good luck' as an after thought ... 'her security blanket' I thought.

"I would love that Deni," I replied, the surprise apparent in my voice at Deni's most unexpected yet welcomed suggestion.

Deni brought her lips up close to my face cheek. I felt her soft lips on my face, as the scent of her light perfume floated through my senses, capturing me, filling me with a feeling of light-headedness and mentally taking me back to my very first kiss with Penny. I kissed her back on her face cheek and marveled at the taste of her skin.

Our faces parted and we looked at each other from a very short distance. Our eyes were locked on each others eyes, peering, searching ... questioning! I swallowed hard as I heard my mind working again ... "go ahead Dottie, just do it ... you know you want to."

Slowly, as through my body was now functioning on my inner instincts, I moved my lips closer to Deni's lips. Then they touched her soft lips and I held them there for a moment. I felt Deni's lips respond ... trembling a little and then pressing harder on my lips. Immediately I felt the awakening of my bisexuality, my appreciation for another woman's softness, scent, and taste.

I felt Deni's hand go around my waist and come to rest on the small of my back just above my buttocks. The first touch of her hand somewhere on my body other than my own hand was like adding a log to a fire within me that heretofore had only been fed by kindling. She pulled me a little closer and kissed me deeper. Before I could respond ... and oh God, how I wanted to respond ... she was gone!

Deni pulled away from me. "I have to run or I will be late," Deni said as she was moving away from me. "Good luck Dottie," and ah ... ah, thank you."

Every thing in me wanted to shout 'wait, oh geeze, please wait' ... but I couldn't! My mind was telling to run after her but my body wouldn't respond. Instead I watched Deni disappear into the crowd. I watched as the last of her was gone. I was here in the middle of a very busy train station in the center of New York City with people rushing helter skelter, talking loudly, horns blaring, and I didn't hear a thing. It took me a few minutes to dispense with this 'lost' feeling inside of me. Then, as though my body was operating on automatic pilot, I headed to the taxi stand and my office.

The rest of the day was a blur! People were constantly coming into my office to say good-bye, wishing me well, and congratulating me on my promotion. It didn't matter. Not even when the CEO of the company came into my office with his entourage of 'want-a-be's' ... it was almost impossible to feel any sense of excitement or exhilaration. My thoughts were on Deni ... and they just wouldn't go away.

As I left the building for the last time my taxi driver was waiting for me and he was right in front of the door as usual. Long ago I decided the best way to avoid getting into the almost insane stampede for a taxi at this time of day was to make a deal with one taxi driver ... and tip him well! I did that with Bert, my sixty year old gray haired driver, and he never failed. Rain, snow or sunshine ... he was always there.

He opened the back door of the cab for me and as I got in I noticed a box on the back seat. I moved the box over and sat down as Bert was getting into the driver's seat.

"Damn Bert, what are you doing, making deliveries too?" I asked him.

"Nah," he answered in that New York 'tough guy' voice that I had became accustomed to over the years. "It's for you Dottie honey," he said, "go ahead and open it."

"Holy God Bert," I replied as I opened the box. There were a dozen long stem red roses in the box. "Geeze Bert, why the hell did you do that, damn you don't make that much money."

"Dottie baby, it ain't bout money," he replied. "It's bout love Dottie. Just my way of saying I love you and am going to miss you very much."

For a moment I sat back on the seat and thought of all the nice things that had happened to me today. I thought of all the 'important' people, the 'beautiful people' as they are known to many, that came to wish me good luck and God speed on my new venture, And yet, the two most important events today was this gesture by Bert and of course, my riding on the train with Deni.

We arrived in front of the train station and as usual Bert ran around the taxi to open my door ... for the last time! I stepped out of the car and gave Bert his fare plus my usual big tip ... for the last time! Bert held out his hand for me to shake ... for the last time! The realization that I would not be seeing Bert every day finally hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks. I didn't take Bert's hand. Instead I gave him the biggest kiss on the lips I could and then slowly, without a word, pulled my head back. I could see the tears in Bert's eyes. He looked at me intensely ... without a word. Neither of us could speak. Bert finally turned and got back in his cab and I clenched my lips together to keep from crying and then in an instant ... he was gone.

It was five forty-five and it was time to get into this rush hour crowd to get on my train back to Connecticut . It was 'crush time' as it was known and I was right in the middle of it. "Fuck it," I thought to myself, "I need a drink. I'll catch the seven back tonight."

I walked the short distance to the train station cafe and sat at the bar where I had an excellent view of the train platform and ordered a vodka and cranberry cocktail. I watched as the six o'clock train pulled out. Then I watched again as the seven o'clock train pulled away. At this point my mind was working again and I knew ... I just knew I wasn't getting on the eight o'clock train either.

"I know what the fuck you're doing Dottie," my mind was telling me. "Who the shit do you think you're kidding ... you're waiting for her ... right?"

"No, no, no," the other part of my mind was saying. "Why the hell would I do that? She's only another woman. Yes, she's pretty and yes, she does do something to me but hell no, I'm just having a few drinks."

There was a 'battle' going on within my thought processes. One part of my mind was trying to be truthful no matter what the outcome would be. The other part was in denial, in the self-preservation mode ... just in case!

I looked at my wrist watch. It was eight thirty and the crowd was thinning out rapidly. I had a good view of the entire platform and my eyes were every where. No Deni ... no where! At eight forty five I left the café and walked slowly up and down the platform. I didn't see her anywhere. My heart started to get that sinking feeling again. I knew time was finally running out and my 'expectations' were on a downturn again.

"See you stupid fucking lady," the self preservation part of my mind started again. "She probably lied to you. Why the hell do you think she would actually tell you her schedule? What the fuck are you to her ... nothing, nothing, nothing!"

At eight fifty-five I finally gave in. The self-preservation part of my mind had won. I got on the train and the first thing I thought was "Deni was right, the train was not crowded and there was a large choice of seats." I picked a seat on the end where I felt no one would want to sit with me. I sat down by the window where I could see the train platform ... just in case ... my last hope!!!

The whistle signifying 'last call to board' blew. No one came on my car and I knew it was over. I gulped loudly as I felt the first movement of the train. I was looking out the window at the platform as we slowly began to move out of the train station.

"May I sit here," I heard the voice ... the voice ... what??? ... that voice!!!

I turned quickly and looked up ... looked up at that beautiful face, those big brown eyes, those lips, the lips that kissed me this morning ... yes, it was her, it was Deni!

"Oh Jesus Christ," I shouted at Deni as my heart started to pound at the first surprise sight of her. I put my head down and brought my hands up to my eyes to rub and squeeze the tears starting to swell up there and to try to cover them up.

"Dottie ... Dottie, are you all right? Is something wrong?" the sweet voice of Deni inquired.

"No Deni ... God no, honey," I answered, the surprise within me starting to subside. "No Deni, I was just thinking of you all day and when I didn't see you I just thought, well, I thought you weren't coming and ..."

"I know Dottie ... I know," Deni cut me off as she sat beside me. "I was thinking of you all day too and I was really running late tonight. But Dottie, why are you crying?"

"Just my reaction at seeing you I guess," I answered. "It's nothing, well, maybe just the happiness within me at seeing you again."

"Oh God, me too," Deni answered in a very gentle and relieved tone of voice. "God, I'm glad to see you too!"

"Listen Deni," I struggled to talk as normally as I could again. "This is my last night in Connecticut . I hate to be alone. Will you have dinner with me? I have an arrangement with a large restaurant that has a key to my condo. I can order ahead and by the time I get home they have my food prepared and on the table. Would you join me for a while tonight and I can drive you home later."

"Wow Dottie ... geeze, that sounds like fun," Deni answered her tone of voice unmistakably sounding enthusiastic. "But are you sure I wouldn't be putting you out ... I mean ... you know ..."

"No, no, Deni honey," I broke in. "God no, I would love to have you as my guest ... my dinner companion."

The ride from the train station to my condo was joyful. We were both acting like two little college aged kids that had just made a new friend. I told Deni about my past, my first marriage, how it ended, and my determination to finish my education and to be successful and independent.

Deni also told me about her past. I was surprised to find out the Deni also had been married. Deni's marriage was even shorter than mine and she said she was very disillusioned about love and was not actually counting on getting married again. We both left it at ... 'well if Mr. Right comes along, we'll see.' I was again surprised when Deni told me her age was forty-two years old because I would have guessed she was in her very early thirties. She was very petite and so much younger looking then I thought I was.

As we drove up to the condo, the doorman met us at front door. He opened the door for Deni and said he would have the car parked for me.

"Geeze Dottie," Deni said, "this is some place." It was obvious by the sound of Deni's voice and the look on her face that she was very impressed.

The lobby of the condo complex was also very impressive with its domed atrium and the scent of fresh flowers filling the air. There was also a residents 'living room' in the lobby with the day's newspapers, fresh coffee and light snacks that was more of a meeting place for those residents seeking company or companionship or just to have someone to talk to. I didn't frequent the 'living room' very much but it also was impressive to Deni.

My condo was on a high floor with a great view. Maid service was also provided for those residents desiring it, and of course, I took advantage of that service so my condo was always immaculately neat when I arrived home which was almost always around eight o'clock .

As soon as I opened the door I could tell by the look on Deni's face that she was standing in awe of the layout of the condo and its beautiful furnishings.

"Listen Deni," I said in a tone of voice to try to make her feel comfortable and not feel as though I was some 'rich bitch' trying to befriend her with my wealth, "none of this belongs to me. It all belongs to the corporation I work for and believe me, the write off they get on taxes is well worth it to them." I didn't want Deni to get caught up in the grandeur of this place. Somewhere within me I wanted Deni to like me as a woman and person ... not for the material things surrounding me.

As usual the restaurant had 'our' dinner on the table. I had ordered New York strip steak and a large salad for tonight. I had also ordered strawberry shortcake and a bottle of light sherry wine. We talked over our dinner and I could tell by the tone of Deni's voice that she was really starting to be more and more comfortable with me. After a few glasses of wine and cleaning up a little I turned to Deni.

"Oh God Deni," I said to her, "you have to see the bathroom in this place. That is just one of the things I'm really going to miss." As I said this I took Deni's arm and led her to the bathroom.

"Holy God Dottie," Deni's said in a surprised tone of voice, "this bathroom is enormous. Wow, what is that a Jacuzzi tub too?"

"It sure is and look at this," I replied to Deni. "The shower part has over 15 high pressure nozzles on all the walls. God, when you have them all on it is like having thousands of fingers and hands scrubbing you."

"Wow," Deni replied in a tone of voice that didn't leave any doubt that she was impressed. Her big brown eyes were opened wide and I could feel myself swelling with pride at being able to 'give' this surprise to her.

I had been looking at Deni at close quarters for over an hour now and the more I looked at her the more I became aroused. She was even more beautiful than I had realized. Her breasts were pushing hard against her white sleeveless top. I found myself wanting oh so badly to see her breasts ... to touch them! My mind was flashing backward in time to my experience with Penny. The more I relived my time with Penny in my mind, the more I wanted Deni. "God," I thought to myself, "I need the feel of a woman; I need to taste her, to touch her, to feel her coming alive with sexual passion." But I also realized it wasn't going to happen unless I made it happen!

"Listen to me Deni," I said to her in a firm voice. "You and I are going to take a shower together. Then we are going so sit in the Jacuzzi and relax."

Deni stared at me. "Well ... I ... ah, ah ... maybe we shouldn't," she replied in a very timid tone of voice. I knew the firm tone of my own voice scared her but I wasn't going to be denied!

I was already reaching over to undo the first few buttons of her white medical issue blouse when I said: "I didn't ask you my pet, I told you," I said to Deni again in a firm yet sexual tone of voice.

I thought Deni's eyes were going to pop right out of her eye sockets. I could tell she was probably wishing right now that she wasn't here, that she had refused my invitation for dinner. Yet something in me also enjoyed the fact that she was frightened. It almost felt to me like I was holding a helpless kitten in my hands and I alone would determine the fate of this kitten.

Deni started to raise her hands up to stop me from unbuttoning her blouse. "Dottie, please ... please, I don't ...," again Deni began to protest in that sweet timid tone of voice before I stopped her.

"Put your hands down and keep them by your side," I practically yelled at Deni. God, she looked right into my eyes with those 'doe' like beautiful eyes and immediately my impression was of 'Bambi' ... Bambi, the little beautiful innocent baby reindeer.

"But Dottie ... I ... I really don't ... ah, please, I don't think ...," Deni began to object again this time with the fear apparent in her voice before I stopped her again. But I noticed that she had put her hands back down by her sides.

"Shut up and stop acting like a child," again I replied to Deni in a very firm voice. I kept unbuttoning her blouse. Her white bra was now visible and it was very obviously to me that Deni indeed had beautiful breasts. The bra cups were full and even straining to keep her twin globes incased in their silky confines. Even more beautiful was the way her cleavage ... the 'valley' between her breasts was so extremely inviting and tantalizing with the promise it seemed to yield. As soon as I unbuttoned the last button on Deni's blouse she started to raise her hands again.

'Slap' ... I raised my hand and slapped Deni's face. I did it more on impulse than anything else. If I had time to think about it, I may not have had the courage to do it. Now I waited ... waited to see Deni's reaction!

"Ooohhhh ... ooohhhh ...," little sobs came from Deni's mouth as I watched the alarmed look on her face. But she didn't say anything, not a word. Rather she again dropped her hands to her sides. I watched as the tears began to swell up in her eyes, those beautiful large brown eyes. I saw the finger marks my hand left on her pretty face and I even surprised myself at just how hard I had hit her. Oh God, how I wanted to hug her. How I wanted so much to kiss her, to reassure her ... even to tell her I was sorry. But I couldn't! I just couldn't! I knew if I was going to have her I had to take the 'lead.' I had to be the 'strong' one, the decision maker, the dominant one! And goodness, I wanted her so bad! But as I watched her begin to tremble, I knew I had to give her a choice. Even though I was really attracted to her, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wouldn't work unless Deni was also attracted to me.

"Listen to me Deni," I said to her in a softer tone of voice, "I'm not going keep you here with me against your will." I had pulled Deni's blouse out from her skirt by this time and she was standing there with her head bowed down a little, her bra with its precious 'cargo' bulging so seductively and I could feel my heart pounding at the sight of her innocent beauty. "Go ahead and put yourself together and I will drive you home." I turned and walked out of the bathroom just about convinced that the feelings that had totally consumed me this whole day, the way I had sort of saw in Deni what I had experienced with Penny and was hoping would happen again was just not going to come to pass.

With this realization and as I left the bathroom a blanket of sadness overwhelmed me. Deep inside of me, I wanted to cry so badly yet the 'tough' business woman part of me, the dominant personality I had 'adopted' long ago in order to be successful and independent just wouldn't let me give into my true feelings. Beside that, during our conversations on the train and now at dinner I had sensed a sort of vulnerability in Deni's personality and for some reason it just occurred to me that I had to be 'strong' ... strong for Deni's sake!

A few minutes had passed and there wasn't a sound coming from the bathroom. Then I heard Deni's voice again and it was coming from the bathroom.

"Dottie ... Dottie ...," came the soft, faint voice of Deni.

I walked back to the backroom and stood in the open doorway. Deni had not moved an inch. She hadn't even put her blouse back in her skirt. She had a very sad look on her face and her wonderful eyes looked so despondent.

"Dottie ... ah ... Dottie, I ... ah ... I don't want to leave," Deni struggled to get the words out as though it was the toughest thing she ever did in her life.

Oh God, I felt like I was going to explode! I took a deep breath and I felt my insides swell up with feelings of instant joy. "She doesn't want to leave, she doesn't want to leave," I heard my mind working ... thinking to myself. But I knew I had to be strong. I just had to take advantage of Deni's passivity. In an instant I had convinced myself it had nothing to do with 'love' and yet, it had everything to do with 'love.' I had the deep feeling that if this relationship ever had a chance of working, someone had to be strong and dominant and in this case I realized again it had to be me!

"Oh really," I said to Deni in a lightly taunting tone of voice. "And suppose I don't want you to stay. Suppose I don't want to take a shower with you. Suppose I just want you to get the fuck out of here." I could see the disappointment my words caused Deni. I could see her actually tremble at the 'cutting' sound of my voice.

"Dottie ... Dottie, please ... I'm sorry ... please don't send me away," Deni replied to me her voice breaking up a little as her words filled the bathroom. Almost instantly I could feel the moisture between my legs start to slightly build up. I could feel the anticipation running throughout the very core of my being on hearing the sound of Deni's docile words and the confidence I felt in my ability to control this situation.

I walked over to Deni until I was only a few feet away. I took each side of her already opened blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. She didn't resist. I felt my lower stomach muscles push downward toward my vagina just as they always did at the 'awakening' of my sexual arousal. Deni looked so beautiful, so inviting, standing there in only her bra. She had perfect shoulders that taped down to a very slender waist. Her stomach was flat and I immediately thought of Penny and what a beautiful body she had. Deni was petite and her smallish body made her seem so darn innocent and so delectable. The more I looked at her the more I could feel the stirring in my loins.

"Would you like to open my blouse for me?" I said to Deni in a much softer tone of voice. Deni picked her head up and for the very first time we looked directly into one another's eyes from such a close distance. I knew at that moment just by looking into Deni's eyes that she sensed this wasn't going to be just another ordinary shower. I could feel it in her hands as they shook a little when she began to unbutton my blouse.

"Ah ... yes," Deni answered as she began to unbuttoned my blouse. I waited until Deni nervously undid the last button of my blouse, then I slipped it off my shoulders and watched Deni's eyes as they lowered to bashfully view my bra. I had worn a black bra this morning and now I was glad I did. My breasts were larger and heavier than Deni's and the contrast between her white bra and my black bra only added excitement to the already enthralling atmosphere that was starting to build up between us.

I would have liked to go slower with Deni, to sort of seduce her and to make it more teasingly exciting for her but my own enthusiasm was reaching a rapidly increasing level and I just didn't have the patience. It had been so long since I was with another woman and the anticipation was just too much.

"Deni, finish undressing and I will do the same," I said to her in a much more pleasing yet stern tone of voice. "I'll get everything ready for us."

Deni didn't answer. She just started to take her shoes off. I turned away from her but I could see her reflection in the floor to ceiling mirrors on the far wall. I watched her take the last of her clothes off until she was left in only her bra and panties. I too had undressed down to my bra and panties. I had also worn black panties this morning and again the contrast between the whiteness of Deni's underclothes and my black underwear added a sort of dominance/submissive ambiance in the room. It seemed to emphasize the color 'black' indicated something that was 'forbidden' while the color white emphasized a sort of 'innocence.'

I could see Deni blushing again as she stood there in her undergarments. I knew she was just too embarrassed to go any further. "Well," I said to Deni, "are you going to take a shower in your bra and panties?" I said it in a tone of voice that a 'teacher' would use toward a 'student' who wasn't doing as she was instructed. But she still didn't move to finish undressing.

Chapter III—The Commuter Train

I moved over to the Jacuzzi and shower combination and started the hot water running into the Jacuzzi. There was a glass door separating the shower from the Jacuzzi and I started the hot water running in the shower too. It was a wonderful bathing setup. One could take a shower, open the glass door and step right into the Jacuzzi. After I had poured perfumed bubble bath into the Jacuzzi, I walked over to Deni.

Deni still hadn't moved! She just stood there with her hands down at her sides. I reached into the shower and took a long handled back washing brush from the shower rack and as I did so, I walked in back of the silent Deni. Then without any warning I raised the brush up high and brought down hard on Deni's ass cheeks.

"Whaaccckkk." The sound of the head of the brush striking Deni's ass filled the bathroom with sound and that sound seemed to ricochet off the walls. I didn't spare anything when I swung the brush and when it struck the softness of the flesh on Deni's ass cheeks it seemed to sink in an inch of more.

"Ahhh ... oh, God, ... oh, God, ... ooohhhh ... ooohhh," Deni cried out. "Oh, God ... oh, that hurt," she said again this time between deep breaths of air and with little sobs in her voice.

"Deni, you are acting like a very disobedient little girl and if that's the fucking way you are going to act, that's the way I'm going to treat you," I said to her in a very harsh tone of voice. I surprised myself again at just how hard I had hit Deni with the brush head.

"Oh damn ... oh God, I'm sor ... I'm sorry ... please Dottie, please don't hit me again ... please, I'm sorry," Deni blurted out and for the first time as I moved around to the front of Deni, I could see the little flow of tears on her face cheeks. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I knew I had hurt her yet I also knew I had to remain the strong one. I swallowed hard. This feeling of 'dominance' had over taken me. And the acknowledgement that the 'little girl' in Deni's personality was surfacing only served to spur me on.

Chapter IV—The Commuter Train


Deni's petite and beautiful figure looked so fragile, so beautiful and so ready for love. I put the brush down and moved again in back of her. I put my both hands on her shoulders and as soon as I touched her soft bare skin it felt like a thousand little electrical currents started to flow through my body. I pulled her back to me so her back was up against my breasts. The top of my body was in full contact with Deni's body and the pressure made my nipples react. As I looked over her shoulders, I marveled at the way front of her shoulders sloped downward and then made that beautiful gradual outward rise leading to her magnificent breasts.

I kissed the back of Deni's neck brushing her pretty curly hair aside with my face. As soon as Deni felt my lips, her head came backward a little as though the feel of my lips on her skin had also sparked a sexual awakening in her too.

"Oh God," I thought to myself. "How wonderful, silky, and soft her skin feels. How wonderful she tastes." Immediately I thought of Penny and the very first time I felt Penny's lips on my skin, especially my neck. I remembered how the goose bumps rose all over me at that time. I ran my hands slowly down Deni's arms and felt the goose bumps on her skin. I smiled to myself knowing I too, just like Penny, was having the same effect on Deni.

While I was kissing Deni's neck and softly rubbing her arms, my mind started working again processing thoughts so fast. "How different women are from men," I was thinking. "Sure, I loved to be with 'special' men too. It was wonderful to feel a man inside of me, to feel him 'taking' me. When the timing was right it was a very unique experience to have an orgasm that was perfectly timed to a man's release."

"But it was a whole different experience with a woman," I continued thinking to myself. "A woman has so many different erotic places to touch, to experience, to taste. And the response from another woman was so very exciting because each woman knew where to go! There wasn't any fumbling. One woman could 'give' with the confidence that she knew what the other woman was experiencing while she was on the 'receiving' end.

I unclasped Deni's bra. Again, there wasn't any resistance and again I was elated at Deni's apparent submissiveness. I slipped her bra off her arms and just threw it into the corner of the bathroom. I let put my hands on both sides of Deni's waist and very slowly started to let them sort of drift upward. When I reached Deni's breasts, I slowly cupped them from underneath and lifted them up clasping them with the palms of my hands and letting my fingers encircle them. I was thrilled at the feel of their firmness. I could feel Deni's chest rise and could feel and hear her take a very deep breath. I watched from my position in back of her as she closed her eyes as she inhaled in deeply.

In the flash of a second I remembered my first experience with Penny. I remembered how I felt when Penny touched my breasts for the very first time. I knew just how Deni was feeling and I had to rub my thighs together in response to what I was feeling there with this knowledge.

Deni had moved her head backward and it was now resting on my shoulder. I moved my fingers upward and rubbed them around her nipples. When I touched them for the first time they were semi hard. Within another second they sprung to life. Like a rosebud evolving into full bloom in fast motion, Deni's nipples became very hard. I let my fingers linger there for a minute or so marveling at the little tiny goose bumps on her nipples. Then I kissed her on the face cheek to give her some assurance that I knew and understood what she was feeling and let my hands drift down to her hips.

I put my thumbs inside of the elastic of her panties that were holding them up and pulled them down to her knees. Gravity took over from there and Deni's panties were soon down at her ankles. I helped Deni step out of them and took a position in front of her. This was the first time I had seen Deni completely naked and I wasn't disappointed. She was as beautiful as I had imagined. She was unshaven and had a wonderful mass of dark black pubic hair. I could see the glistening of her vagina lubricates there and was thrilled at the awareness that she too, was feeling the beginnings of her arousal. For some reason I equated the moisture on Deni's pubic hair with that of an early cool spring morning with 'dew' on the grass of a perfectly manicured lawn.

I put one hand on her hip and with the other hand I let my finger drift through her pubic hair until I reached her outer vagina lips. She was much wetter than was apparent solely by view. Her outer vagina lips were puffy and very large. I lingered there for only a moment. I felt the softness and slippery membranes of her inner vagina and then let my fingers glide upward until I touched her clit for the first time. Her clit was already engorged with desire. I watched intently as Deni kind of crunched her shoulders downward as I touched that very sensitive area as though that would help her breathe a little easier. I didn't let my fingers there very long. I knew I had to keep Deni at the peak of her arousal if I was going to accomplish with her what I had set out to do.

"Would you be a good girl and unhook my bra," I said to Deni emphasizing the words ...'good girl.' It felt exciting to me to be treating Deni in such a submissive manner, as though she was my 'student' and I was her 'teacher.' I could tell by Deni's earlier mannerisms that she reacted to me better if I exerted some dominance over her.

"Ah ... yes, yes, I would," Deni answered in a soft very meek voice.

"Yes I would what?" I said to Deni in a much louder voice that her own.

Deni seemed startled by my reply and question. She looked at me inquisitively with those big brown eyes. "Ah ... yes ... ah, ah ... yes I would like to take your bra off Dottie," she finally said.

"No, no, no," I replied to Deni as she started to move behind me. I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her movement and held her there in front of me. "If you are going to be 'my good little girl,'" I continued, looking straight into her eyes, "you have to learn some respect. From now on I think you should refer to me as 'Miss Dottie' when you speak to me."

Again Deni seemed totally surprised by the turns of events. I watched her swallow hard, watched her lips move as though she was trying to search for some words to respond to me. I knew what was going on inside of her. I knew what I had felt when Penny had exerted her dominance over me. I knew Deni was facing a moment of reality ... a moment when she was facing her own submissiveness. I also knew she was in a high state of arousal and I knew her need for 'release' was going to have an effect on surrendering to her own sexual orientation.

"I ... ah ... I ...," Deni was almost mumbling the words now.

"Listen to me Deni," I interrupted her, "say it from your heart. Say what you really feel deep inside of you."

"Dottie ... ah ... Miss Dottie, ... ah, please, please let me take your bra off," Deni said without looking at me as though by keeping her eyes from looking at my eyes helped her make the transition to 'my little girl.'

Of course, I was elated. As soon as she said the words 'Miss Dottie' I felt a surge of power flash through my body. It was as though I was wired with hundreds of light bulbs and they all went on at once.

"Good," I replied to Deni in a tone of voice that made her understand I was very pleased with her response. "Put your arms around me and unsnap my bra."

"Yes ... ah ... yes, Miss Dottie," Deni replied in a more comfortable yet still nervous tone of voice.

As soon as Deni reached to put her arms around me I could feel her breasts against my chest. The sensation of feeling her so close brought my arousal to new heights. I knew I was going to have to struggle to contain myself but I also knew I didn't want it to end this way ... and not yet! Deni's pretty face was only inches away from my face and as she unsnapped my bra I reached up and put my hands on the sides of her face cheeks. I held her like this for only a few seconds. Then I placed my lips on her lips.

"Hhmmmm," I could hear Deni moan a little as our lips touched. The fullness and softness of Deni's lips shot new waves of anticipation through me. "God," I thought to myself, "how I love the taste of lipstick." I didn't move my lips after placing them on Deni's lips. Rather I waited both teasingly and curiously to see what Deni's reaction would be.

I didn't have to wait long. Deni let go of my loosen bra, reached up and put her hands on my shoulder blades from their position in back of me and pulled me toward her. Then she kissed me fully and deeply and I responded in kind. Somewhere in between the deep kissing I manage to get my bra completely off. As soon as I felt Deni's nipples on my nipples I felt like I had just been propelled out of a cannon! I felt Deni push her 'mons pubis' up against me and I could actually feel her mound through my panties. I was beginning to lose control and I knew I had to pull away.

"OK now," I said to Deni as I pulled away and as I removed my panties. "Let's get into the shower first, clean up and then we can relax in the Jacuzzi.

"Yes, Miss Dottie," Deni answered this time without hesitation. It was becoming very clear to me that the sexual stimulation Deni was feeling was beginning to run rampant throughout her body and this atmosphere was assisting her to realize her submissiveness to me and I felt a new surge of confidence at this realization.

I watched as Deni got into the shower. I looked at the red mark on her ass cheek left by the head of the brush I had hit her with. As I followed her I touched my own vagina with my hand. God, I was on the verge of exploding. I took my hand away fast ... "Not yet Dottie," I told myself. "The best is yet to come."

The hot water of the shower was very soothing and Deni actually giggled as the water poured over her body. I quickly took a soft wash cloth, poured soft perfumed liquid soap on it and rubbed it together until it contained a large rich lather then smelled like a freshly cut bouquet of flowers.

"Move over here out of the water spray," I said to Deni. "I'm going to wash you and I expect you to pay attention to how I do it because you are going to do the same to me." I said it in the tone of voice so as to not leave any doubt that I was telling her ... not asking her!

Deni make a 'gulping' sound again, evidently still surprised at the firmness of my voice. But she only hesitated for a moment and then stepped out of the water spray and in a little almost child-like voice replied ... "Yes, Miss Dottie."

I started washing Deni's neck and shoulders, building up the soap suds until it appeared as though Deni had many, many little piles of snow on her body. I ran the soft wash cloth between her breasts without touching the nipples. I watched the changing expressions on Deni's face, first the joy of feeling me washing her neck and shoulders and then the little disappointed expression when I didn't touch her nipples. I brought the wash cloth down to her stomach and slowly make little circles on her belly dipping the cloth into her cute belly button and leaving a gigantic pile of soap suds there. Then I turned her around so her back was facing me and washed her back, moved downward until I started to wash her ass cheeks.

"God," I thought to myself, "her ass is so damn firm." I lingered there for a few minutes admiring the view of her perfectly formed buttocks and then slowly ran the soft cloth through the valley of her ass cheeks and I stopped at the little aperture there. Almost immediately Deni pushed backward ... pushing the little 'rosebud' against the wash cloth and I knew what she wanted. I hesitated for a minute. I didn't want Deni to have an orgasm right now. I was consciously saving that! I wanted to keep her in as high a state of arousal as I could. But I couldn't resist the temptation all together. I took a corner of the wash cloth and pushed in hard against the pretty little crinkly rosebud until it gave just enough way to let the corner of the wash cloth enter along with about an inch of my finger.

"Ooohhhh God, ... ooohhhh geeze," Deni moaned pushing back even further ... trying to get more of it inside of her. But I quickly pulled the wash cloth out and ran it along the lips of her vagina. As soon as I touched her there she moaned making explicit sexually induced sounds so deliciously that I swore I was going to cum just listening to her.

I knelt down in front of Deni and she glanced down at me at her knees. I watched the expression of anticipation on her face and knew she was probably expecting me to use my mouth and tongue on her. I washed her feet, ran the soft soapy wash cloth up the wonderful curves of her calves, then upward on the softness thickness of her thighs. Then I reached up from my kneeling position and washed her nipples making little circles as they got so hard it seemed to me they were standing at attention. I put the wash cloth on my own shoulder and reach back up to take the engorged nipples between the two fingers of each of my hands. I pulled on them gently at first then on impulse I pulled harder.

"Ooohhh ... oohhhh ...," Deni began to moan from the sensation my fingers were causing in her nipples as I softly caresses them. Then the tone of her voice changed as I began to pull harder on them.

"Ah .. ah, ... ah, ... oh, oh," her voice came out in little spurts of pain as she tried desperately to catch her breath. She was trying to lean her body forward to limit the way I was stretching her nipples.

"Shut up," I abruptly yelled at Deni. "Stand straight up. These are my nipples now," I continued in a firm tone of voice. "I'll do whatever I want with them, do you understand?"

"I ... oh, geeze, ... I," again Deni couldn't get the words out. She did try to stand back straight up instead of leaning forward. Yet, I didn't let my fingers follow her effort to pull back. Rather I squeezed her nipples firmly and held my position causing Deni to experience 'self induce pain' in order to obey me.

"Now, I asked you if you understood. Tell me if you understand what I just told you," again I said to Deni and again I kept the tone of my voice firm.

"Yes ... yes, Miss Dottie, ... yes, I understand," Deni got the words out in an effort to satisfy my demand and hopefully to make me stop pulling and squeezing so hard on her nipples. But I held my position and if anything even squeezed her nipples harder!

"Tell me, damn it, tell me what you understand," I said to Deni. I knew the importance of making Deni admit in her 'own words' what I had just told her. I knew it was important in her surrendering herself to me for her to reinforce her own thoughts with the sound of her own voice filling her thinking processes.

"Ok ... yes, yes ... I understand, Miss ... ah, Dottie ... I understand that these ...ah, ... nipples ... ah, my nipples belong to you ... yes, you can ... ah, do whatever you ... you want with them Miss Dottie ... I understand," the words flowed out of Deni's mouth in between the rapid and deep breaths she was inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"Good girl," I said to Deni in as pleasant a voice as I could to reinforce the admittance she just uttered in her own mind. I felt a total and new stimulation discharge through my body on hearing her sweet feminine high pitched voice giving in to me. I could actually feel the 'power' exchange taking place between us. Deni was 'giving' herself to me and I knew she had to be deriving some sexual satisfaction from it. And I was 'taking' Deni and I too was on fire and about to explode with that realization.

I couldn't hold back my urges any longer. I let go of her nipples and brought my hands back down on her hips. I couldn't wait to let Deni rinse the bubbly perfumed soap suds from her body. Rather I rapidly put my head on her belly and started to make little circles with my tongue on her soapy wet belly button. As soon as Deni felt my tongue, her hands came down on my head ... but not to push me away! Rather she was instinctively and slowly trying to urge my head lower. I knew Deni was 'getting close' ... I knew her whole being, her inner core, her very womanhood was begging for release.

"Oh, God ... oohhhh ... please, please ... oh, please Miss Dottie ... ah, do ... do it, please do it," Deni said while pushing her hips forward at the same time as her hands again urged my head lower.

I loved it! I loved to hear Deni pleading with me. I loved to hear her voice. I loved to feel her pushing her hips forward and her hands trying so hard to move me in a position so she could feel my mouth on her. As I moved my head downward, I could feel the soft soapy wetness of her pubic hair on my face, my nose, and my lips. My senses picked up the first slight scent of Deni's womanhood and it acted as an aphrodisiac that was arousing me to new heights.

As I ran my tongue along Deni's puffy outer vagina lips I tasted her for the first time. Her lubricants were flowing feely now and I scooped up a good amount on my tongue and ran the slightly sticky substance on my lips by moving my tongue back and forth across the entire length of my mouth. "God," I thought to myself, "it had been so long, so long since I was in this position with Penny ... so long since I tasted another woman and felt her uncontrollable reaction to my mouth and tongue. And it felt so good to be bringing this kind of 'forbidden' pleasure to Deni."

Deni was thrusting her hips back and forth in her fenzy to reach a climax ... to feel the intense explosion of releasing herself. Now I knew I had to be very strong and not give into my urge to 'finish' her. "Not yet Dottie," I told myself, "not yet."

I knew I had to keep Deni in this state of mind. I had to, in a few words, 'keep her hot.' I knew when a woman reached this height in her arousal she was very compliable, very easy to manipulation, and God, I wanted to be able to manipulate Deni. She had so much to learn about me and from me.

The next five or ten minutes in the shower were almost like a blur. We were both highly sexually charged and our minds were now almost working on 'automatic pilot,' following our sexual instincts as Deni washed me with the soft wash cloth, touching, feeling, and kissing. We forgot all about sitting in the Jacuzzi and instead quickly dried each other off and headed for the bedroom where we completed our mutual lovemaking ... Deni, my sweet 'Bambi' Deni, and me, Miss Dottie, taking my 'little girl' Bambi Deni on a adventure I was sure she would never forget!


Deni's head was still between my breasts as I held her tight. I loved to feel her warm breath on my skin, on my breasts, and it only served to keep my nipples hard. My head was resting on Deni's head and I loved the sweet scent of her beautiful curly hair as I continued to hold her tight and run my hand softly up and down her back just like a 'mommy bear' protecting her 'cub.'

Then, like a flash of lightening that suddenly appears in a darken sky, I brought myself back to reality ... the reality that I have to leave for California this very morning. I knew just a suddenly as 'Bambi' Deni appeared in my life, there was a good chance that she would disappear. The more I thought of it, the more I become determined to not have to say 'goodbye' to her. I didn't want Deni to see me break down in the morning ... and I somehow knew I would. Rather, I wanted Deni to remember the 'strong' Dottie ... the 'dominant' Dottie ... the Dottie that brought out her submissiveness.

With these thoughts in my mind, I slowly and softly slipped out of bed leaving this beautiful peaceful woman in her deep sleep. I quickly dressed; packed the last few things I was taking with me and sat by the table to write Deni a note. The note read:

Chapter V-Conclusion, The Commuter Train


"Dear Darling Deni, my sweet little girl:

"I decided to leave early this morning and to let you sleep. You looked so beautiful and peaceful in your sleep, I just didn't have the courage to awaken you. Deni honey, you have filled a very special place in my heart that will never again be filled by anyone. It is yours, now and forever. My deepest wish is that this is not 'goodbye' but rather 'hello.' But I also realize that you and you alone have to make that decision.

"Honey, I left my personal credit card on the table that has a $20,000 charge limit. Buy anything you want ... I can well afford it. I have also left the keys to the car. Use it as you wish. The person taking my place in the corporation I work for will not be here for another month. You may, if you wish, also stay in the condo until then. At the end of a month, just leave the keys to the car and the condo on the kitchen table for the new person who will be living there and using the corporate car.

"Darling, you have my address and phone number. The rest is up to you!

"With my deepest love, your Miss Dottie."


I had been in California for over a month now. For the first few weeks I had a very hard time concentrating on my new position. I spent countless hours at home waiting ... waiting for the telephone to ring, waiting to hear her voice. But it never came. After a week I received a letter in the mail from Deni. It read:

"Thank you for your very generous offer of the use of your car, condo, and credit card. I am returning your credit card to you ... unused. I also left the car keys and the condo keys on the kitchen table ... both unused. Deni."

It was now Friday night. Almost six weeks has passed and after receiving the letter from Deni I had heard nothing else. She is still on my mind ... daily. I had not gotten Deni's address, nor her phone number. Yes, I could have used my 'resources' to find her, but after that letter I had sadly tried to face reality. It was just not to be and yet ... she was still constantly on my mind and in my dreams! I cried many times as I clearly saw her beautiful face, her curly hair and even heard her voice in my dreams. There were even times when another woman would pass me and I could smell her perfume that I recognized as a scent similar to Deni's and my head would snap around quickly to see if it was Deni.

It was almost eight o'clock on this Friday night when I heard the telephone ring.

"Hello," I answered the phone.

"Hello," came the response.

"May I help you," I replied.

"Miss Dottie?" the person on the phone inquired.

"Miss Dottie????" ... it that what I heard??? ... Could it be ...???" my mind was going in circles.

"Deni ... Deni, is this really you?" I almost shouted in the phone.

"Yes, Miss Dottie," the now familiar voice answered.

"Oh my God Deni ... oh God, I never thought I would hear your voice again," I said.

"Please Miss Dottie, please let me explain," Deni said. "I returned your credit card and keys because I didn't want you to ever think I was with you for anything else but what I felt in my heart. Miss Dottie, I cry for you every night. Miss Dottie, please, I need you!"

"Deni, damn it, where the hell are you?" I asked in response.

"Miss Dottie, I'm at the local airport here near you," Deni answered.

"What? Are you really? Are you visiting?" I replied the questions swirling at a rapid pace in my mind.

"No, no ... Miss Dottie, I have all my things with me. I left Jefferson Memorial. I quit my job ... I ..."

"What?" I cut Deni's voice off. "Deni honey, what is it you want?" I knew at this point I had to regain my composure. I knew if this was what I was thinking, if this was what I wanted so bad, I had to be strong. I had to 'make' Deni acknowledge in her own words what she really wanted.

"Miss Dottie ... ah ... Miss Dottie ... ah, I want ..." Deni continued, her voice breaking up with it apparent innocence.

"Deni sweetheart ... listen to me. Tell Miss Dottie what you want, what you want more than anything else in the world," I said in as soft yet as firm a voice as I could trying to keep my emotions in control and having very little success at it.

"Miss Dottie ... Miss Dottie, I want to ... I want to be your 'little girl' ... I ... I want to belong to you?" Deni answered in little spurts between her heavy breathing.

"Deni my little girl, my sweetheart, my baby, my darling ... don't you move an inch. Your Miss Dottie is coming to get you baby. Welcome home honey! Deni honey, your Miss Dottie loves you, loves you, loves you!!!

Oh God, Miss Dottie, I love you too!!!

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