BDSM Library - Tower of Darkness

Tower of Darkness

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Basically a LOTR fantasy where Arwen is at the mercy of Golumn and sexually teased.
By: Mellanie Hewlitt

The Tower of Darkness

Arwen picked glanced frantically behind her as she ran as fast as her tired 
legs could carry her.

Gondor had fallen, all was lost as darkness overwhelmed middle earth and the
world of men came to an abrupt end. The Orcks had overunned her village and  she
watched in horror as they raped, plundered and tortured the survivors.  Sauron's
power was spreading like a cloak of darkness over middle earth.

On and on she ran through the night, but it was useless. The Orcks had  picked
up her scent and were steadily gaining ground. Alone in the woods, her capture 
was inevitable. Already she heard the heavy fall of their footsteps in the 
distance and could smell their rancid rotting flesh. Suddenly, a net enveloped
her  form and brought her tumbling to the ground, knocking her senseless.

Sauron had given strict orders to the Orcks not to harm a hair on his  precious
prey. And the unholy lustful desires of these creatures paled in comparison  to
their primeval fear for their master.

They had obediently brought her unconscious body back to the Tower. There, 
Arwen lay shackled in chains to the walls of the unholy castle.

As consciousness took hold, Arwen opened her eyes and realised that she was
lying in a spread-eagled position on the cold floor with her arms locked in
chains above her head. Her legs likewise were spread apart and chained to  the
floor. Her fear swiftly returned as she realised her utterly helpless

Suddenly, the silence of the night was disrupted by a distant scraping sound
which came from the opposite wall of the dungeon. It grew louder and louder  and
she sensed something approaching. The sound stopped suddenly and was  replaced
by a repeated thumping. Soon, a small segment of the stone wall began to move
outwards and finally fell to the floor.

A malevolent set of eyes peered from within the darkness. She noticed she  was
not alone. Some one, or something was huddled in the shadows of the small  hole.
The thing had noticed she was now conscious and crept hesitantly forward to 
take a closer look at her. As more of its shrunken, deformed form emerged from 
the shadows, Arwen realised it was Gollum.

The creature's evil face broke into an unholy smile as it saw whom the  captor
was and the vulnerable state she was in. Eagerly it scampered forward to  take a
closer look at the lovely captive, taking in her nubile supple form.

Gollum; "Ahhh...Lady Arwen, pretty pretty Arwen, so pretty...." it chanted  to

Arwen pleaded: "Quickly, you have to unlock the shackles, the Orcks will  return

"No no no." Golumn shook its deformed head, "Golumn no unlock locks, Arwen 
wants yes?"

"Yes, please unlock, find the keys please." She again pleaded.

The creature appeared undecided for awhile as it retreated again into the
shadows muttering to itself. After awhile it returned to her side.

"Golumn will help Arwen yes, but Arwen give herself" it smiled malevolently  to

"What do you mean? I don't understand?" She looked at it uncertainly.

"Golumn like Arwen" The creature chanted, "Golumn want Arwen, like Arwen,  want

Unsure of what it meant, and in sheer desperation, she finally said: "ok ok, 
you can have me, so please find the keys first."

A look of victory spread over its face as it said "No, Golumn take Arwen  first,
then get keys."

Arwen realised she had little choice and again conceded uncertainly. The
creature drew closer to her face. She could feel its putrid breath and was
repulsed by its closeness. "We begin now."

It disappeared from her view for a moment and then she felt its clammy  fingers
unfastening her dress. Her heart sank as she realised at last what Golumn
wanted. The very thought of the act with this deformed freak of nature  utterly
disgusted her and she tried to play for time.

"No wait Golumn, get the keys first. This is too dangerous a place for this. 
Get the keys first."

The creature ignored her as it continued to unfasten the buttons of her  dress.
With a quick jerk it ripped the silk fabric open to reveal Arwen silky  smooth
stomach and bra. She flinched as its cold clammy fingers made contact with  the
warm sensitive skin on her flat stomach.

Lovingly the creature caressed her flat stomach, savouring the feel of the
smooth silken texture as it's wondering hands moved upwards and ever closer  to
her bra.

"Please stop, please, this is not right" she pleaded again, but it was deaf  to
her pleas.

As she felt his fingers close in on the fastenings of her bra, she cried  out:
"If you touch me further I'll scream."

That finally got its attention. The creature paused in mid-thought and  looked
at her as it contemplated her last threat. "Scream? You scream? No, you won't
scream. Orcks will come if you scream. No, you lie, you wont scream." It 
laughed softly to itself as it resumed its unfinished task of unhooking her bra.

With another deft flick of its wrist it released the last hook and tossed  the
silky garment aside. Arwen could feel the cool damp air against her now  exposed
breasts. She shuddered as she felt its damp hands wondering one breast,  moving
over to the other.

"So beautiful, so pretty and soft" it chanted to itself as it continued to
massage her champagne cupped breasts. It lowered its head to her chest as  its
nostrils closely followed the contours of her supple mounds, stopping at the 
tip of her right best to settle on her pink nipple.

Arwen breathed in sharply, taken by surprise as Golumn hungrily latched on  to
her right nipple with its forked tongue, sucking on it violently, savouring  the
flavour and texture of the small tip in its mouth. A bolt of electricity  shot
surged through her body as Arwen felt Golumn's warm wet mouth engulfing her
nipple. She had never been touched in this fashion before and the new 
sensations flowing through her body were both intoxicating and also frightening.

Golumn persisted with his artful ministrations slowly coating the sensitive 
pink tip with a thick layer of sticky saliva, eventually coaxing the unwilling 
nipple to full erection before releasing the now quivering tip. He paused to
take  in his handy work, pinching the tortured nipple between his fingers and 
watching in fascination as the pink nub grew larger as it filled with blood.

Golumn's mouth left a sticky trail of saliva across her chest as it followed 
the wondering forked tongue on to her left breast, slowly subjecting it to the 
same sweet torment. In no time, it had teased the twin tips on both of Arwen's 
well shaped breast to full erection.

Arwen protested weakly, but she was at the mercy of Gollum. She had forsaken
immortality but in assuming a mortal physical body, she had also unwittingly
inherited the weaknesses and frailties of her new mortal form. Sexual  pleasure
was a new experience and Gollum was taking its time in introducing this
intoxicating forbidden pleasure to her unwilling flesh.

She felt Golumn's tongue releasing her left nipple as the creature climbed  over
her and she caught a brief glimpse of a throbbing form that was protruding  from
the loin cloth between its legs. Its wondering forked tongue now traced a
silvery path up the side of her breast slowly towards the damp moist  sensitive
cleft of her arm-pit.

Golumn's reptilian tongue was very sensitive and it could feel the slight 
change in texture of Arwen's silken smooth skin as the tip of the tongue left
the gentle contours of her breast and entered the ticklish region of Arwen's
arm-pit. Arwen flinched involuntarily as she felt the wondering tip of the
forked tongue gently exploring this intimate region. The skin here was  warmer
and more damp and through its forked tongue it could taste her musky  fragrant
perspiration. Goose bumps broke out and she fought to control the wave of
disgust that washed over her.

Arwen was still struggling to make sense of the new unfamiliar delicious
sensations that were coursing through her body. The mere thought of physical
contact with Golumn provoked an instant wave of revulsion in her. Yet she  also
realised a more sinister urge that was beckoning to her from this sweet 

She was vaguely aware that Golumn had left her side and was slowly  clambering
down her flat stomach, intent on exploring every nook and cranny of her  body.
Suddenly, her heart was in her mouth as she realised that its deformed head  was
slowly moving towards the region between her legs. She breathed a sign of
relieve as the creature appeared to ignore the region and instead focused on
savouring the sweet creamy flesh of her long lithe legs.

Its shrunken head disappeared from her limited vision but she could feel its
putrid breath settling on her lower left inner sole as the snaking tongue 
traced a delicate moist path along her inner leg. The teasing ticklish sensation
it evoked was unbearable causing Arwen's body to writhe and twist, held only in
place by her iron locks.

She almost cried out in despair when she again realised that Golumn was  moving
inevitably towards the sweet nether region between her legs. Clad now only  in
her panties, she prayed for some miracle which would divert the creature  from
its path. But her prayers remained unanswered.

Arwen tried to look down, she could now only see part of Golumn's head but  she
could feel the snaking tongue now moving up along the inner side of her  upper
thighs. Golumn took its time as it moved its tongue alternately between her 
left and right inner thigh covering the creamy flesh in wet sticky kisses. Her
apprehension increased as it drew nearer and nearer to the apex between her
legs, and she could feel her heart racing.

Pausing now between her legs, Golumn raised its head and made eye contact  with
her. It took pleasure in the terror and apprehension that registered in  Arwen's
eyes and returned the look with a lustful sinister smile before disappearing
once more from her vision.

Arwen's heart was in her mouth as she sensed, rather then felt Golumn
approaching her sweet center. She only just managed to stifle a cry of  protest
as she felt the first feathery touches of Golumn's tongue settle between her
legs, through the thin silky fabric of her panties. Slowly and gently the
creature explored the now moist opening of her vagina through the fine silky
fabric. She twisted her body, straining against her bonds in protest but was
unable to evade his persistent tongue and nose.

She had never been touched in that secret forbidden area before and her body 
was experiencing its first awakenings. Arwen shut her eyes and tried to make 
sense of what was happening to her. A bolt of electricity jolted her eyes wide 
open. Golumn had located her small clitoris through the sheer silky material of 
her panties and its forked tongue was engaging in an intimate embrace of the 
highly sensitive organ. "What are you doing to me you disgusting creature" she

Golumn did not answer her and only took further delight in her increasing
discomfort. He was so close to her warm wet opening now that only the sheer
material of the silk fabric separated his probing tongue and nostrils from  the
sweet nexus which lay at between Arwen's legs. Moving still closer he could 
feel her warm moist heat radiating through the thin material and caught the
scent  of her musky fragrance.

Unable to control himself, with trembling fingers Golumn unfastened the  flimsy
silk material and tore it aside. His eyes widened and an evil lustful grin
filled his faces as he gazed down on Arwen's small pink opening which peered 
out from a trim turf of pubic hair.

Arwen could feel the cool moist air making contact with the opening to her
intimate interior, as the last remnant of her clothing was torn from her.  She
now lay totally naked and had never felt more vulnerable. Golumn's earlier
ministrations had already awoken her inexperienced body, giving it a 
tantalizing glimpse of the forbidden pleasures that lay dormant deep within her.
Her  heart was in her mouth as she waited helplessly for what Golums would
subject her  to.

Smacking his lips eagerly, Golumn buried his nose and mouth between Arwen's 
wide open legs, relishing his first taste of her intimate opening. No longer 
hindered by the silky barrier, he heard her sharp intake of breath and felt an
involuntary shudder running through her tormented body as his snaking tongue
made first direct contact with the sensitive slit, exploring the outer edges  of
her vagina.

A soft moan escaped Arwen's dry lips, she felt her heart race and was
breathless. The ticklish sensation of Golumn's probing tongue was almost
unbearable and she was helpless as he relentlessly teased her tortured 
reluctant body into a fevered sexual frenzy. "Please stop teasing me, I can't
take any more of this" she begged weakly.

But it only encouraged him on. Slowly his wondering tongue moved from her  outer
passages toward her even more sensitive center. Golumn did not hurry and  took
his time to explore every moist fold of Arwen's vagina. He could taste a new
wetness through the quivering walls of her vagina and detected the  unmistakable
odour of her increased arousal.

Once again he moved slowly towards the small pink nub of her clitoris. The
exquisite pearly organ now lay totally exposed, no longer covered by its  silky
barrier. The pink nub was quite small and lay buried within the now moist  folds
of her vagina. But it was still easily accessible by Golumn's thin and  highly
flexible forked tongue. Again the snaking tongue was able to seek out the
sensitive nub, but this time, no longer hindered by a silky barrier, its 
embrace was many times more intimate and sanguine.

Golumn smiled to himself as he felt Arwen's body convulse and jerk almost of 
the floor as his forked tongue coiled itself around the small pink nub, 
ensnaring it like a serpent would embrace its victim.

Arwen's eyes snapped wide open. "Oh my god what is happening to me?"  Golumn's
insistent tongue was quickly fanning a burning flame that was fast consuming 
her from within. She shook her head from side to side trying hard to block out 
the intense energy that was spreading from between her legs, threatening to
overwhelm her very being. Her fevered body now glistened in the moon light,
covered in a fine sheet of perspiration as it continued a loosing battle 
against Golumn's invading tongue.

Sensing her heightened arousal through her unwilling flesh, Golumn redoubled 
its efforts. As his probing tongue continued its sweet torment of Arwen's 
clitoris, he could feel the quivering organ swell larger as it filled with
blood,  turning from a moist pink to a darker crimson red, making it even easier
to target.  Not content with teasing her already aroused nub, his free hands
wondered above  his head, creeping up her sweat slick body to seek her aroused
and tender nipple again.

Totally unaccustomed to this forbidden delight, her body stiffened with 
pleasure and she rolled her head from side to side, trying to block out the
delicious warm sensation that was spreading from her between her legs to the
rest of  her unwilling body.

Even as he continued the sweet torment, Golumn's gaze never wavered from 
Arwen's face and he took increasing satisfaction in watching Arwen fight a
loosing battle. He stopped a moment as he noted her moist lips and glazed eyes,
and  then gently took hold of her clitoris between his teeth and ground the
fully  erect nub. The effect on Arwen was instantaneous and a moan of pleasure
escaped  her moist parted lips. Slowly he coaxed her unwilling body into
feverish state.  He could feel her hot and moist body tensely coiled.

Arwen now felt an overwhelming and inexplicable hunger and need for release 
that was even more intense then the molten flames that were fast consuming her 
from within. Her body no longer had a mind of its own. Intoxicated with
pleasure,  her fevered body responded to every minute flick of Golumn's teasing
tongue as  it slowly but surely subcumed to the hedonistic pleasure.

She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth, trying to mentally block out the
intense flames that were fast consuming her from within. Again and again he
brought her to the brink of orgasm, leaving her hungering for more and 
tittering at the very edges only to deny her the sweet release.

Golumn's snaking tongue proceeded to explore the moist interior of Arwen's
vagina, even as his fingers continued to flick gently on her fully erect
clitoris. The long forked tongued traveled deep within her, tickling the
sensitive walls of her vagina, gently exploring her most intimate nether

After long moments, his mouth returned again to her fully erect clitoris.  The
small pink organ had now assumed a bright reddish colour fully engorged with
blood. Blowing gently on the quivering small nub, he could feel Arwen's body
tense and stiffen immediately. "Please don't tease me any further, I can't  take
any more of this, you are driving me insane" she pleaded weakly.

Without warning Golumn suddenly took the small clitoris in his completely in 
his mouth and sucked strongly on the quivering nub. Arwen could only manage a 
cry of protest as her whole body jerked and convulsed in a strong spasm. Golumn 
felt the walls of her vagina contracting around his snaking tongue and he tasted 
a new wetness, the liquid fire of her final sexual release.

A cry of despair escaped her lips as her body reached its final climax, the
intense orgasm lifted Arwen's slender body off the floor. Her backed arched
convulsively with nipples thrusted outwards and her eyes rolled back within  her
head. Fists clenched, she could only helplessly ride the waves of intense
pleasure as her defiant body drank in the sheer hedonistic bliss of her  first
physical orgasm.

---THE SLUG----------------

As the final tremors of her last orgasm settled, Golumn gazed with immense
satisfaction on Arwens sweat slick and totally exhausted body. Her dark hair 
was damp with perspiration and clung to her forehead. "That was just the 
beginning" he smiled. "Golumn will introduce you now to a little friend that
will  pleasure you endlessly."

"No" Arwen protested weakly, "I cannot take anymore."

Having sampled the intense pleasure of her first orgasm, Arwen was well  aware
that her physical body would lack the will to resist further attacks. Golumn 
had unlocked and opened the floodgates to a dark world of carnal hedonistic lust
that, if left uncontrolled, would fast consume her body, mind and soul. What 
she found most distressful was the fact that this dark carnal world was part of 
her inner self and not an external force that she could easily block out.

Scampering forward, Golumn opened his clenched fist to reveal a slimy leech 
like worm about the size of his thumb. "You will like my little friend who will 
give you endless pleasure yes?"

Arwen's eyes widened in terror, "No please, keep that revolting thing away  from

But Golumn did not appear to hear her as he once more descended between her 
open legs. She tried to squeeze her tired legs together but they were still 
anchored wide apart by the metal chains.

She could sense movement between her legs and flinched as she felt the wet 
slimy leech make contact with her left knee. Turning her head to one side she 
noticed that Golum had retreated to her right side and watched in morbid
fascination  as the leech explored its new surroundings.

The primitive creature was blind and relied primarily on heat and smell to 
guide it. After a moment, it oriented itself and began a slow track up the inner 
side of Arwen's left thigh, straight towards the warm wet opening of her vagina.

Arwen lifted her head, she could not see the leech but she could feel it 
sliding on a slimy trail towards her sensitive opening. "Please take it away
please,  its disgusting."

Golumn reassured her "Wait, it will give you pleasure, much endless  pleasure."

After several long minutes, the leech's meandering path brought it to the  outer
regions of her vagina. It slipped through Arwen's pubic hair along finding  her
labia, hesitating at the entrance to her moist orifice.

Arwen's heart was in her mouth and she prayed that the leech would not enter 
her vagina. She breathed a sign of relief as the creature proceeded further 
upwards along the edge of her vagina lips. To her dismay she realised now that
the creature was drawn to her clitoris which was still partially erect and 
swollen with blood. She bucked her hips desperately trying to shake the
revolting creature loose, but it clamped on to her with its many suckers and
moved on undeterred.

Arwen was helpless as her bare clitoris lay vulnerable and completely open  for
the impending assault. She could feel the offensive creature quicken its  pace
as it appear to sense and detect the close proximity of her sensitive organ, 
drawn to it by its moist heat and odour. When it made first contact with her 
sensitive organ, she almost jumped out of her skin.

She could feel the fat slug probing and exploring her tortured pink nub with 
its feelers. Arwen's eyes opened in panic as she imagined the scene which lay 
beyond her view between her legs.

Once the leech was sure it had found its main objective, the slug again 
extended its tendril like feelers and began to make feathery touches on the
small  nub, coating it with a thick transparent and sticky substance. Golumn
watched anxiously with an expectant smile on his face, he knew the creature was 
applying a potent aphrodisiac stimuli directly onto Arwen's sensitive pink nub.

Arwen moaned as she felt the unbearably ticklish sensations of the  creature's
dancing feelers on her sensitive nub. For long seconds nothing seemed to 
happen, then slowly the teasing ticklish sensation between her legs slowly was 
replaced by a warm moist heat. she felt the first tingling sensations as her
clitoris responded to the potent stimuli.

For a second time that evening she recognized the unmistakable signs of her
sexual awakening. The potent stimuli was rapidly absorbed into the  semi-porus
walls of her clitoris and vagina, traveling swiftly like a neuro toxin to  the
millions of nerves in the region.

Arwen tried to hide the intoxicating influence of the Slug's toxin and  mentally
willed her body to remain slack and unresponsive. But she was betrayed for a
second time that night as her body responded with a will of its own. Having
experienced the sheer hedonistic pleasure of her first physical orgasm, her
disobedient body was only all to eager to give in to the tantalizing caress  of
the creature between her legs.

A soft moan escaped Arwen's lips as her sensitive clitoris responded to the
loving caress of the slug turning from pink to a darker crimson red colour.  The
slug meanwhile continued its work industriously, taking care to coat her  small
pink nub with more of its aphrodisiac, totally oblivious of its intense  effect
on its unwilling subject. In no time, it had teased her tortured organ into  a
fully erect state.

Arwen shook her head in bitter frustration as she realised that her physical
defenses were crumbling fast. Her pulse accelerated rapidly and body 
temperature rose along with her respiration rate. She realised with a shock that
Golumn  had opened the doors to the darker side of her inner self, awakening a
primal  lust which laid dormant deep within her.

Once again the stage was set for a battle between good and evil, light and 
dark. Her physical body had already conceded a victory earlier this evening and 
she was now ever more determined not to succumb to the carnal pleasure of her 
darker side.

The leech had curled itself into a cocoon totally encasing Arwen's clitoris  in
a intimate embrace. It now set like a black obscene slimy sphere between her 
legs. Golumn scampered closer for a better view and could see that it was 
throbbing regularly with a life of its own.

By now, the toxin of the leech had entered Arwen's blood stream and  circulatory
system, spreading swiftly to the rest of her body, stimulating her entire
nervous system. Her entire body felt like a raging inferno and was slick and
shiny with perspiration. Her eyes glazed over and her lips parted as the 
nipples on her breast rose to full erection on their own accord.

Arwen could not believe that the small obscene creature could assume such a
swift and complete control over every muscle in her body, so that it was 
playing her like a puppet. With every throb, the obscene sphere spread its 
corrupting influence to every pore, intensifying the sheer sensual pleasure with
the inviting promise of the sexual bliss of final climax.

Golumn watched in fascination as the slug's obscene cocoon pulsed with more
intensity. Arwen's body was releasing its own sexual pheromones and the slug 
was feeding of this and the sweet nectar which resulted from her intense state 
of sexual arousal. As it fed off her, the slug slowly grew bigger and bigger 
and its cocooned body ballooned to the size of a small fist size globe. It was
fueled by Arwen's sexual lust and both entities were driving each other to
higher planes.

Arwen cried out in despair as she realised that her body was unable to  resist
the hedonistic pleasure unleashed by the creature. The pink moist lips of  her
vagina parted on its own accord as her liquid arousal seeped through the  small
pink opening, dripping slowly down her crack. The slug slowly extended its 
reach to receive her liquid nectar. Her feeling of betrayal and violation was
magnified by her realization that the slug was toying with her like its own 
play thing.

Tears of humiliation stream down her face as the last vestiges of control
slipped from her. So final and complete was the slug's control over her that  it
was able to send her into a sexual frenzy, but deny her the final release  her
sex starved physical body so hungered for. Again and again the slug  quickened
the beat of its throbbing body, sending her to the very edge of her sexual
abyss, only to slow the pace down and leave her tittering at the brink of  her
sexual chasm. Arwen's heart beat an respiration rate now assumed a pace in
tandem unison with the obscene throb of the creature's pulsating body.

Golumn smiled as he watched Arwen's feverish sweat slick body twisting and
turning. He knew that somehow the slug was able to detect from its subject's
nervous system the final moments before an orgasm and slow the pace of its
pulse. By doing so, it slowly and surely drew Arwen deeper and deeper into  the
sexual vortex, intensifying the sexual pleasure and hunger with final  release
forever lying just beyond reach. The sweet torment was fast driving her  insane
and into a state of sensual euphoria. Every nerve in her body was jolted by
bolts of sheer carnal bliss.

As the hours dragged on, Arwen slipped in and out of consciousness as she
plunged deeper and deeper into the creature's deep dark world of carnal
pleasure. Along mental defenses had long since crumbled along with her  physical
defenses and she could only watch helplessly as she embarked on a sexual  roller
coater ride into sexual oblivion.

Sweat poured profusely down her tired body as the sexual marathon continued.
Arwen's body had been in a state of extreme arousal for several hours with 
every muscle in her body tense and taut, wound up like a coiled spring, and the
physical exertion was slowly taking its toll on tired and spent body. It was 
now driven on only by its own greed for sexual pleasure. Drunk in sexual 
pleasure, Arwen was being consumed from within by her own sexual hunger and
craving  for pleasure.

She surrendered totally to the slug as it brought her to a ever higher state  of
sexual frenzy. Another shudder ran through her body as her body convulsed  and
her back arched as she once again neared the brink of climax. Her fist were
clenched as she reached out for the final moment.

This time the slug had timed it to perfection. So close was she to final  climax
that her body could almost sense the impeding sweet release and reached out
desperately for it. Never before had she been so close to nirvana that night 
and her breaths came in great gulps as her body went rigid, tensing for the 
initial throes of an intense orgasm. A fresh wetness invaded her moist clit as
her vagina muscles trembled in sweet anticipation. Then as it had done on 
countless times that night the creature pulled her back from the brink but
brought her  on to an ever higher state of frenzy.

With each endless round, her need for release mounted and intensified like a
huge damm that was threatening to overflow and burst open. So great was the  her
pent-up desire that it overwhelmed all other thoughts and completely  consumed
her. Every nerve in her agitated feverish body was coaxed to a heightened  state
of intense sexual arousal until she was guided by her own pure hedonistic
primeval lust.

The extended sexual marathon was taking its toll on her physical body as it  was
driven past the point of exhaustion. As the small slug took her mind and  body
to the boundaries of insanity, Arwen could only pray for the sweet torment to 
end. But the creature between her legs was merciless and relentless, stoking the
burning inferno within her, driving her tired perspiration soaked body on  and

As the first rays of daylight broke through the cracks of the dungeon walls  the
signaling daybreak, Golumn knew that he had to bring the sexual marathon to  an
end. The slug had driven some of its previous human subjects past the point  of
no return, several had died from shock and heart attacks whilst others were
driven permanently insane.

The dungeon was filled with the sweet scent of Arwen's sexual arousal. He
scampered eagerly up her sweat slick body, lapping up the beads of salty
perspiration collecting around her breasts and erect nipples, reveling in  her
sweet taste. He could feel her breathing becoming more laboured as the slug
again brought her to the brink and he spurred her on sucking strongly on her
left erect nipple and twisting her right nipple between his fingers.

Arwen's eyes opened wide as she recognized another approaching orgasm in her
sexual delirium. Her chest rose and fell in unison with the frantic pulse of 
the cocoon and once again the creature was able to time her approaching climax 
to perfection. But the slug had not counted on Golumn's sudden intervention 
which pushed Arwen's past her brink. The creature pulsed violently as it fought
to regain control over its sweet subject, trying to bring her back.

For what seemed like eternity Arwen hovered on the very edge of sexual 
oblivion. Scampering down her twisting body, Golumn descended to the region
between  her legs and could see the slug throbbing violently trying to regain
control of  its subject. Slowly he approached Arwen's wide open clit, relishing
the sweet  musky odour emitted from deep within her. He had waited all night to
take her and smacked his lips in eager anticipation as his own urgent sexual
lust took  hold. A massive phallus sprung up from between his legs, its tip was
crown by a  drop of his greyish sperm.

The moment had come but he had to time this to perfection. He blew gently  into
her trembling moist orifice and the mere caress of his breath sent Arwen 
finally over the edge. Arwen cried out as the intense orgasm took hold and her 
entire body was wracked in painful spasms. Her back arched and beads of sweat
flew  off as body jerked violently.

As her body finally relished the sweet release that was denied to it, the  lips
of Arwen's vagina opened wide as her vagina muscles contracted, ejecting  strong
jets of her clear vagina fluids. Golumn knew this was the moment and plunged his
obscene phallus into her. He grunted in bliss as he felt the tight warm  and
moist embrace of Arwen's velvet soft vagina.

Caught in the violent sexual seizures which racked her body, Arwen did not
appear to notice the huge organ as it entered her still convulsing vagina.  But
as more and more of the immense organ disappeared into the small pink  orifice,
she felt the phallus almost ripping her apart as a searing pain cut through  the
intense waves of pleasure.

Golumn grunted as he met resistance, and looked down to see that only half  of
his massive phallus had disappeared into Arwen's small, petal like opening.  Not
to be denied of his full enjoyment, he slowly pushed the deformed organ inch  by
painful inch.

Arwen screamed as the searing pain intensified jolting her mind back to
consciousness. She bucked and twisted her body, trying to throw him of and 
vomit the offensive phallus impaled deep within her. But Golumn was surprising 
strong and held on, taking pleasure in her intense discomfort. With a final
violent thrust, he entered her to the hilt, burying the entire organ deep within 
her. He looked down to ensure that all of his penis had disappeared within her
and  then stayed still for awhile as he enjoyed the maximum physical contact
that  Arwen's tightly stretched vagina walls made against the rough scales of
his penis.

Tears of pain trickled down Arwen's sweat stained face and she shut her  eyes.
Still under the influence of the leech's intoxicating toxin, the pain only
served to increase her state of arousal. Suddenly, she felt Golumn's body
stiffen above heard, and a moment later he emptied his vile contents deep 
within her before collapsing on top of her.

After long moments, Golumn reluctantly slipped his now flaccid phallus out  of
her puckered hole and retrieved the now satiated leech. For the first time  that
night Arwen's tired body was able to rest. He silently crept back into the  hole
from whence he emerged.

As the rays of the morning sun flooded the dungeon, the heavy oak door of
Arwen's cell was flung open and the first Orck entered her cell. His eyes  fell
upon the supple naked female form which lay in blissful slumber and a 
diabolical smile of lust filled his face....

-The End-

Review This Story || Email Author: Mellanie Hewlitt