BDSM Library - Babysitter Rebound

Babysitter Rebound

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: When a college student house sits for her parents, she spends the weekend getting re-acquainted with a couple of boys she once babysat ... and learns more than she needs to know about sex and ropes and teenage testosterone ...
Babysitter Rebound
By Thuggee

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young to read this, stop reading immediately and go to bed.

A couple of readers have asked me whether I ever met up with Mattie again, and 
I've always said no, partly because I didn't want to relive the memories and partly 
because it's pretty embarrassing. But there was another time, not so long after 
the first, and if anything, it was worse, much worse. If you remember the story I 
told in Babysitter Bound, I was called in unexpectedly to do some babysitting for 
some next door brats and discovered that Mattie - who was 15 going on 16 at the 
time - was more than a handful. I still remember everything he did to me that 
night as if it was yesterday.

Well the next time we met up was just as strange. Of course I didn't go 
babysitting next door again, and I didn't go anywhere near him or his place, but 
that wasn't so hard because I was off at college.

It was early spring when it happened - I'd come home for the break - and we 
were going through a sudden cold snap, as if winter had never stopped. My 
parents had seized the chance of me coming home to take off for a holiday 
weekend. I didn't mind - it left me with the place to myself and a chance to do 
some study.

I'd like to say I'd been working real hard, and I suppose I had up until my parents 
left Friday afternoon, and then I stopped pretending. You know how it is, parents 
out of the house, and you can wander around, and the territory's all yours. It was 
too cold to go out, so I turned on the heater, switched on the tube and settled 
down for some mindless hours on the couch.

It wasn't long before I felt the need for a pizza and a glass of wine - so I called up 
the local Hut and opened one of my father's best bottles - he wasn't around to 
worry about it - and started to watch a couple of crappy old movies. He's a bit of 
a buff, with a good collection, and he didn't mind a bit of teen crap. I think he 
thought it kept him young in his mind. As  if.

Anyway, the pizza arrived, and I moved on to my third glass of wine and finished 
the second crappy movie and the heater was kicking in, and there was nothing 
doing on the television - Letterman was doing his schtick - we got it real late on 
relay - and I drifted off to sleep.

I don't know when it happened but I guess I started to come awake when I felt my 
hands being shifted around a little - I'd gone to sleep with the pizza box still sitting 
in my lap. By the time I started to really wake up I could feel my feet being drawn 
together by a belt.

That's when I woke up with a start and found my hands had been handcuffed 
together and Mattie was just finishing doing up the buckle on the belt he'd drawn 
tightly around my ankles, looping it around in a way that made it cinch tight.

I still didn't know what was happening - you know how you come out of a 
comfortable nap and the world looks a bit confused - and I tried to stand up. The 
pizza box went flying onto the carpet - luckily I missed the glass of wine by the 
couch - and as I tried to stand I lost my balance. Mattie caught me as I began to 
topple to the floor, and that broke my fall a little, but I still landed fairly hard. That 
confused me even more, and next thing I know, I'm lying on my stomach, and 
Mattie's straddled me so he's sitting on my backside.

It felt really uncomfortable - I knew immediately and instinctively that he was 
heavier and stronger than the last time - and it meant my handcuffed arms were 
underneath me, being pressed into the carpet.

Before I could do anything about it, I felt him dragging a strap through my elbows 
and drawing them tight behind me. That meant my arms were pulled back and 
my hands were pulled tight into my stomach. He kept tugging the strap together, 
so that my elbows came close together - not touching but pretty close, so I 
couldn't flex or move much. It kinda forced my breasts out from my body, but that 
just meant they were forced harder into the floor. I suspect he used some kind of 
cinch, wrapping it around one arm and using that as a lever to drag the two of 
them right into the middle of my back. Pretty soon I couldn't move my arms or my 
hands. They were both locked tight by the strap, and what with his weight, my 
breasts were in a kind of sandwich, half way between propping me up and being 
crushed. It hurt, and I felt a mixture of rage and irritation and familiarity and 
curiosity. I'd travelled this path once before, and even though I don't like to admit 
it, I'd relived the experience many times in my mind.

Next thing I know he's rolled off me, grabbed the strap around my legs, wrapped 
a belt around it and dragged my legs up towards my hands, wrapped the belt 
around my cuffs, pulled the whole thing tight and arched my body so that I could 
barely move. Unfortunately I'm pretty flexible, so the end result was that my 
hands and my feet were touching behind me, and my breasts were suddenly 
lifted away from the carpet, and sticking on an angle out in front of me.

I think this must all have taken no more than a couple of minutes - it was like one 
of those calf roping contests you see in a rodeo. I didn't know you could get some 
one so helpless so quickly, and yet suddenly I was there on the floor, drawn up 
like the string in a violin, pretty well unable to move.

Mattie rolled me over on my side, and that's when I got my first good look at him. 
Mattie, I said, and he laughed and said something like, the same, in a mock kind 
of old fashioned way, and I could immediately tell by the way he looked at me, 
like a trophy, that he hadn't forgotten the last time, and that I was in serious 

He paused, puffing a little from the effort he'd put in, then for the first, but not the 
last time, he reached out and fondled my tits and felt my nipples, which for some 
reason were jutting hard into my bra. Then he saw the pizza box on the floor. 
Cool, he said, pizza, and he picked up a slice and started to chomp on it, before 
taking a sip of wine.

I'd really come round now, and I was angry. I told him to let me go, or there'd be 
serious trouble. He laughed. He'd let me go when he felt like it, and not before. I 
warned him that if he tried anything like last time, he'd be in trouble with the law. 
He laughed again, and reminded me of the photos he and his friend Greg had 
taken and said that was okay, I'd be famous around the world via the internet.

I started to struggle, and that seemed to amuse him even more, because all I 
could do was wriggle on the spot. If you don't let me go, I said, I'll scream and 
keep on screaming until someone comes. Mattie laughed and squatted down so 
that he was sitting above me, legs either side of me as I lay on my side, and put 
his fingers over my nose, closing my nostrils. When I opened my mouth to 
breath, he pushed a wad of cloth into my mouth and then wrapped some rope 
around my mouth to hold it in. Within a few moments I'd gone from being able to 
talk to mumbling into a cloth.

Now, he said, as he picked up my pizza and wine, there'll be no screaming.

He went back to eating and drinking and looking pretty pleased with himself.  I 
struggled again, but stopped when I realised this seemed to be entertaining him 
even more than if I just lay there. He kept watching me, and when he finished the 
pizza, he knelt down beside me. I looked up at him, and I caught a glimpse of his 
pants, and I could see a bulge - his cock was erect and pushing hard so that it 
bulged out. I knew what that meant.

He seemed so much surer and bolder than the last time, like he knew exactly 
what he wanted to do, as if he'd been planning it for a long time. He might have 
had an erection - his cock seemed to be bigger than I could remember from last 
time - but he looked like he was under control, like his cock wasn't doing his 
thinking for him, the way it does with most men. 

He said he'd take out the gag if I promised not to scream. Did I promise? When I 
nodded my head to say yes, he undid the rope and as he prised I pushed with 
my tongue and the cloth popped free. It was already moist with saliva and pretty 
gunky and I was dry and asked for a drink, so he gave me a sip of wine, which 
wasn't maybe the best idea for me, because it made me feel a little lightheaded, 
what with the amount I'd already had.

Again I asked him to let me go and again he laughed. Instead he just knelt by me 
and started to undo my blouse, button by button. I began to struggle and he told 
me to lie still, or he'd gag me again and leave me there until I learned to do what I 
was told. So I tried to stiffen myself, looking away from him and not helping him 
at all, but soon enough he had my blouse undone and he pulled it away from my 
body. He paused then and took a look at my bra, like it was the first one he'd 
seen. He snapped the elastic like he was testing it. Then he slid my bra cups 
down below my breasts so they popped free. At least my nipples weren't erect - 
what with the warmth and the wine I wasn't showing any excitement. That 
pleased me.

As soon as he had my breasts exposed, he gave them a caress then settled 
back on his legs. He wanted to know when my parents were coming back. Soon, 
I said. He laughed and said it was truth time. He reached out and gave my nipple 
a really hard squeeze. It felt like it was completely compressed between his 
fingers. My nipples are really sensitive at the best of times, and the pain went 
through my body like an electric shock. I tried to roll away, but he kept his fingers 
clamped to my nipple, squeezing hard. Now tell me, when will they be back, and 
I'll stop. The pain was so intense I told him - they were away for the weekend. He 
kept squeezing - he wanted to know exactly when they'd be back. I said Sunday 
night - around meal time - but they'll be calling in to see how I'm going. He 
laughed and stopped squeezing, he'd deal with that soon enough.

So, he said, we can have the weekend together. Isn't that good? Isn't that great? 
Isn't that just jim dandy awesome? He was really pleased with himself. If I could 
have just got an arm free ...

He sat up on the couch, and I could see him looking at me, savouring me like I 
was some sort of huge trussed up turkey dinner he'd get to enjoy but he wanted 
to take his time, enjoying every moment, not wanting to rush things. His cock still 
bulged through his pants, but he wanted to talk, to explain. He felt he'd been 
really clever.

I just want readers to know that I wasn't totally dumb. I'd been in a locked house, 
and I thought I was safe. Mattie explained he'd been watching and waiting for this 
moment for months. He must have kept himself well hidden because I hadn't 
seen him since I'd been back, and that had helped relax me a little. Mattie said 
he'd been spying on my parents, and he'd discovered where my mom used to 
leave a key outside under a pot plant - that's just by way of a warning to people 
who do that sort of thing. Maybe it's better if you lose your key to just call in the 
locksmith rather than have a back up that can be found. And when I came back 
home for spring break, he couldn't believe his luck when he saw my parents 
packing a couple of bags and driving off, with me waving to them like they were 
going on a trip. All at once his planning and his dreaming and his fantasies and 
his preparations were ready for action. If they'd only been away for the evening, 
he'd have been happy - the fact they were away for the weekend was a bonus, 
along with the pizza and the wine and the way I'd fallen asleep in front of the 
television. He'd expected to creep into the house and have a real fight on his 

I asked him about his parents and he was even more pleased with himself. He 
was living with his mom and his sister  - his dad had moved out awhile ago. 
Seems like that 'patch up the marriage' weekend which led to my first time being 
roped and raped hadn't worked out. His mom didn't mind what he did, so long as 
he stayed out of her hair. He was officially at Greg's on a sleep over. Now he was 
going to enjoy every moment without a worry in the world and he hoped I would 

When he'd finished boasting, he undid his belt and pulled down his zipper and 
dropped his pants, followed by his underpants. I could see his cock spring free. It 
was seriously erect, it looked really hard and aroused, and it was definitely bigger 
- longer and fatter than the last time I'd seen it. He kicked his pants aside, gave 
his cock a little tug, just to make sure it was up and ready, and sat on the couch.

Then he reached down and rolled me over on to my back, and slipped his hands 
under my arm pits. I didn't understand what he was trying to do at first, and then I 
realised how strong he was - I thought I was heavy enough but he managed to lift 
me up so that I was balanced in front of him on my knees.

He swivelled me around so that I was facing him and I realised what he had in 
mind. Here I was with my hands and legs still connected behind me by the belt, 
and directly in front of me, he sat there with his cock jutting in the air. All this has 
got me so excited, he said, I need some relief before we get on to the real fun.

Then he pulled my head down, and positioned my body so that my mouth 
hovered just above his cock. I could see it in close up and measure it against the 
size of my mouth, and I knew in the last six months he had really put on a growth 
spurt. That word made me feel a little sick, it might sound funny, but it had a real 
double edge.

I tried to struggle, but I was perched precariously and I either had to do what he 
wanted or suffer. He reached down and gave one of my nipples a little warning 
squeeze, saying that I wasn't in any position to do anything except get on with it.

He pushed my head down onto his cock and it took me a little time just to wrap 
my lips around it and begin to take it into my mouth. It felt different, bigger, larger, 
and it filled my mouth completely.

For a moment I thought he was going to spin the moment out - he told me just to 
let it sit in my mouth and caress it with my tongue. But when it was moist, sticky 
with my saliva, he grabbed hold of my head and forced it down on his cock so 
that gradually it disappeared up to the balls into my mouth, all the way into my 
throat. I choked and gasped and tried to breath and tried to back off, but he held 
me in position, like it was some kind of deep throat experiment, and being tied 
the way I was I had no room to move or to struggle. I felt like I couldn't breath, but 
then I started to breathe through my nose and it didn't feel so bad. I fought back 
the reflex action to gag and choke, and somehow held his cock in position. 

As soon as he felt I'd settled a bit, he let my head go back up, so that my lips 
were right on the tip of his cock. Then he plunged it back in, and this time he 
began to force my head up and down in a rhythmical action, like he was pumping 
away at an old pump handle, up and down on his cock in a rhythm that suited 
him, not me, getting his cock right in, right down my throat each time, making me 
take it all whether I wanted to or not, making me gag, and each thrust was so 
long and so deep and so intense, it didn't take long for him to begin to make 
sounds like he was about to come. He was so strong, and I tried to hold my head 
back and away, but each time he could force me down easily, and there was 
nothing I could do, up and down he pumped my head, and I was deep throating 
him as if I'd been trained to do it like Linda Lovelace. I was being fucked in the 
mouth, fucked hard, and it meant it was happening exactly the way he liked it, 
and so it brought him off pretty quick.

I could feel his cock beginning to twitch and then his warm semen gushed into 
the back of my throat - there was lots of it, slightly salty and sticky - and I felt I 
was about to choke. He held me there while his cock twitched and ejaculated into 
my mouth, and I did my best, my frantic best, to swallow it down. He held his 
cock in me while he dumped the whole load and it felt like an eternity, but 
gradually the flow stopped and he even began to soften a little. I thought he 
might have stayed hard, but instead he pulled his softening cock out of my 

As he finished, he relaxed and sank back into the couch, muttering something 
about it being just as well he'd had a wank in preparation so he could last a little 
longer. Then he took me by the shoulders and lowered me back down to the 
floor, so that I was lying on my side, still bound with my hands up against my 
ankles, only now there was some semen trickling out of my mouth onto the 
carpet below me.

Mattie sighed - that was a great blow job, he said, though it felt to me more like 
I'd been hard raped in the mouth. My knees had a little carpet burn, from kneeling 
on them and my throat felt like it had swallowed a snake, but apart from that I 
was okay. I was just more startled and shell shocked - twenty minutes before I'd 
been snoozing in front of the television, and here I was lying on the floor, 
strapped up and with semen still coating the inside of my mouth and all over my 
tongue, and the more I tried to swallow it away, the more the flavour, the more 
the stickiness seemed to cling to my taste buds.

Okay, Mattie said, as he fondled my breasts again, that's enough for now. He 
reached down and began to untie the strap connecting my ankles to my wrists. 
My legs flopped backwards and I suddenly realised how stressed I'd been - blood 
rushed every which way and I had pins and needles and I almost sighed with the 
pleasure of being able to lie straight on the floor.

I asked Mattie if I could have a drink - I wanted to get the taste of his semen out 
of my mouth - and he offered me a sip of the wine. I rinsed it down, but the net 
result was it felt like I'd just had a sperm laden drink of really sticky salty vin 
ordinaire. Now, said Mattie, I'm going to undo your ankles and get you to your 
feet, but I don't want any trouble. Agree? He squeezed my nipple hard, and I 
rolled around on the carpet, nodding my head to agree, anything just to stop the 
pain. Good, he said, now hold still, and in a moment, my ankles were free. Then 
he helped me stand up, and guided me by my tightly bound elbows towards the 

We went up the stairs slowly - it's funny how having your elbows tied can alter 
your sense of balance - and when we made it to the landing, Mattie peered into 
my bedroom. He clearly didn't like what he saw - mum kept it like I was still in 
high school and there was only a single bed - so he moved me along a little 
further to my parents' bedroom. Clearly this time he liked what he saw, and he 
pushed me into the room. I was reminded of the first time - my parents house is 
built just like our neighbours, part of an estate - and I thought here we go again.

He made me stand next to the bed - it was big, with an old fashioned wooden 
frame that had lots of wooden struts at the head and the base, and I immediately 
knew why he'd brought me here. I knew he was going to do things to me, on my 
parents' bed. He undid my jeans and pulled them off, then he pulled down my 
panties. He thrust a finger into my crutch and sniffed my smell. I was pretty 
smelly and musky and he smirked, making a crude remark that I seemed to be 
enjoying myself.

I didn't respond, and he pushed me down onto the bed, then rolled me towards 
the centre so that I was lying on my side. I thought about kicking, but he ended 
that idea when he strapped my ankles together again. But this time he seemed to 
be really serious about securing me tightly because he padlocked the strap to a 
chain and ran the chain down to the wooden struts at the end of the bed. Then 
he clambered up and sat on me while he padlocked a chain to my wrist cuffs and 
draped it around one of the struts at the head of the bed, bringing the chain back 
down so that he could still sit on me. I couldn't work out what he was doing, but I 
breathed a real sigh of relief as he began to undo the strap holding my elbows 

At last I thought, maybe I can buck him off, but as soon as my arms came 
through, he tugged on the chain and my hands shot towards the head of the bed 
so that I was stretched out on my side. What with the rush of blood back into my 
arms and the pins and the needles, I couldn't have done a thing. Mattie slipped a 
padlock between the chains, and there I was, pinned to the bed, chained arms 
and feet. He gave a little whoop - his plan had worked perfectly. There was still a 
little give in how he had me chained - I could move around a little - but I'd have to 
wreck the bed totally before I could get out of the padlocked chains. As if to rub it 
in, he wrapped a rope around my waist, knotted it, dragged it behind me and tied 
it off at the side of the bed. 

Mattie, why are you doing this, I asked him, you know it's wrong. Because I can, 
he said, and because it feels good, as he slipped out of his clothes. Now just shut 
up and go to sleep, we have a long day tomorrow and there's lots to do, so you'll 
need to get your beauty sleep. And with that he slipped in under the rope, 
snuggled up to me in the spoon position and put one arm over me and began to 
cuddle a breast like he'd been my boyfriend for years, and we were just going to 
sleep after a good fuck. I couldn't move away, the rope held me in place, so I just 
lay there. I asked him if I could take off my clothes - my bra and blouse - and put 
on some pjs or a T shirt, but he just laughed. He pinched my nipple hard - the bra 
was out of the way enough for him.

I could feel his cock twitching against my exposed backside and he twiddled and 
played with my nipple, squeezing it just a little too hard so it wasn't very pleasant. 
He slipped his semi erect cock between my legs so that it nestled just outside my 
cunt. I thought for sure he was going to stick it in, but he just let it rest there. That 
feels awesome, he said, tomorrow's going to be fun. When I asked him to stop 
playing with my nipples, he just went on squeezing and pinching and rolling them 
around like they were his personal property, until finally I could feel his fingers 
losing strength and his breathing getting deeper and he must have gone to sleep 
then as his hand dropped down beside my breast.

I thought about trying to get away, but the chains he'd used were strong, and the 
cuffs were made of steel and tight fitting, and the bed was pretty solid, my 
father's pride and joy, and as soon as I started to do anything Mattie would have 
woken up and I would have been back to square one, so I too began to try to 
sleep and even though it wasn't the best sleep - it wasn't easy the way I was 
stretched out - I still managed to snatch a few hours.

When I woke up in the morning he was already dressed and looking at me like 
he'd just woken up at Christmas day and had a look under the Christmas tree 
and had a huge set of presents waiting for him to unwrap. It's going to be a nice 
day, he said with a smile, as I woke up, and tried to move before realising I was 
still chained and roped to the bed.

How are you feeling? he asked, and I didn't reply. It was a really stupid, irritating 
question. I could still taste his semen in my mouth, and I'd had a bad night's 
sleep and even though there was a bit of flex in the way he'd tied me, I felt stiff 
and sore and sorry for myself. He'd woken up at who knows what time - like a kid 
anxious to see - and here I was awake at six a.m. Most people didn't see me 
before ten.

Now before we do anything else he said cheerfully, I want to record a new 
message on the phone. So he let my hands go and as I lowered them, he 
strapped my elbows back together so my hands were dragged back hard into my 
stomach. He couldn't resist my breasts as they were pushed out again, giving 
them a squeeze and a massage. Then he let my feet go, and dragged me off the 
bed, escorting me down the hallway.

When we got to the phone, he showed me a message he'd written. Hi, it said, 
this is (and then he'd written out our home number). Sorry we're not in, leave a 
message after the tone. Special message to mum and dad - sorry if I've missed 
you, I've gone out with a friend, hope you're having fun. Study's going great.

I shook my head. No way I was going to read that message. Then he put both my 
nipples in a tight grip and started to pinch real hard. Result? I read the message. 
He wasn't happy with the way I read it - too solemn - so he pinched hard again. 
This time I read it real cheerful.

Mattie beamed. That should keep the folks happy. He escorted me into the 
kitchen and sat me down at a chair. What would I like for breakfast? I said, I'd like 
to be untied, and for you to go home, and he laughed again. He got out some 
milk and cornflakes and fed them to me like I was a baby, then followed it up with 
some orange juice. I have to admit I was hungry, and when he offered me a 
couple of pieces of toast I ate them as well, even though he was spoon feeding 
me. For the first time the taste of semen in my mouth started to fade. When some 
butter fell on one of my breasts, he bent down and licked it off, before moving 
over to suck a nipple between his lips. It caught me by surprise, and I jumped 
back. Never mind, he said, plenty of time for that. 

Now, he said, time to get a little grub like you clean. He dragged me protesting 
into the bathroom, and finally took off my bra. Then he looked at the blouse - he 
couldn't work out a way of taking it off without having to untie me, and that he 
wasn't prepared to do. So saying he was sorry, he just tore it off me. Then he sat 
me on the toilet and demanded I go. I protested - I never went to the toilet with 
anyone watching, but he just stood there and insisted. Finally I began to trickle a 
pee, which pleased him no end. Did I want to do a number two as well, he asked, 
and I shook my head no. It was just too much.

Next he took off his own clothes and turned on the water, testing the hotness, 
before getting us both into the shower. The water felt great, and Mattie began to 
wash me, using soap and a hand scrub. He paid particular attention to my cunt 
and to my ass, sticking his soap covered fingers up both holes. Sorry to talk like 
that, but that's what he did - he rubbed in and out, determined to get them clean. 
I couldn't work out why he was so keen to get me clean - he's the one who's 
usually the grub, that's what his mum said when I met her. He also gave my 
breasts and my nipples a lot of attention - they were clean after the first time he 
ran a bath mitt over them - but when they suddenly stood to attention, he went 
back to sucking on them. I wriggled in the water, but he just kept licking and 
sucking, and a warning squeeze of one nipple made me stand quite still. He kept 
on sucking and licking like he was a baby gulping down a meal, but after a while 
my nipples betrayed me, and I began to feel a pleasant, sensuous kind of feeling 
in my cunt. I was surprised. Here was this creep licking me, and it was turning 
me on.

After the shower, Mattie dried me down with a towel, getting into all my nooks 
and cavities. It was almost like a brisk massage, and after it I felt a lot better.

Once we were both dry, I caught a glimpse of us in the bathroom mirror, standing 
together, both completely naked. Mattie was very intent on rubbing me down, 
and there I was standing, completely helpless, with my hands hard bound to my 
stomach, and my elbows stretched tight behind me. I looked a very strange sight. 
Mattie finished the rub down and saw what I was looking at in the mirror. Sweet, 
he said, and gave one of my breasts a jiggle. You've got great tits, he said, I've 
looked at them so many times, it's real nice to have them handy for a grope. As 
he clutched both of them and pulled me back against him hard, I could see his 
cock had risen up again - and in the mirror it looked even longer and fatter.

The erection made Mattie get us on the move. Time to take me back down the 
hallway to the bedroom, he said, and holding me by my elbows, he pushed me 
along to my parents' big bed.

This time he slid me onto the bed on my back and pulled me up towards the 
head board.  It was really uncomfortable. Then he did his usual thing with the 
chain, so that when he let my elbows go he could drag my hands up to the 
headboard and padlock them off. It was getting really wearying the way he'd 
planned it all so I didn't have a chance to do anything.

The next thing he did really got me going. He took my left leg and strapped it tight 
against my thigh so that it was doubled back. Then he did the same for my right 
leg. Suddenly both my legs were tied really tight, calf to thigh, and shortly after 
that, Mattie made me completely helpless by taking a rope through the strap on 
each leg, and tying them off to the headboard so my legs were pulled up and 

It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out why he'd done it. My legs were 
immobile - no way I could kick - and my cunt and my ass were completely 
exposed. I could even feel my cunt lips had been pulled apart, and my bum hole 
had air moving around it.

Mattie smiled to look at his work. He looked at my bum and complimented me on 
it - said it seemed tight, and rose coloured and only had a few little stretch marks. 
He couldn't wait to explore it. As for my cunt ... he stopped speaking and just 
stared at it. I knew now that what had happened before was nothing compared to 
what was about to happen now.

The first thing he did surprised me. He lay down in front of me and began to 
inspect my cunt and my backside. He took a real close look. I couldn't see what 
he was doing that well, what with my legs up around me, and my hands chained 
down, but I could feel his hot breath as he got really close, and I could feel him 
handling my outer lips. He kept playing with my outer lips, and then prodded and 
poked inside my cunt, and then he lifted the hood on my clitoris and squeezed it. 
I gasped. The pain cut right through me. Be gentle Mattie, I pleaded. Is that your 
clit? he asked. I said yes, and he felt all around it, a bit more gently. Last time 
he'd done all this, it'd felt like Sexology 101. This time it felt like he was preparing 
for a postgraduate course in female anatomy.

He slid a finger into me, then tried to go as deep as he could, feeling all around 
the inside of my vagina. That led to two fingers, then three, but when he tried to 
slip his whole hand inside me, I wasn't big enough. He tried two or three times, 
and I gasped and he stopped. It's the closest I've come to being fist fucked - yes I 
know what that means now.

This inspection seemed to go on forever - it was like he was taking his time, what 
with having his own living Joy of Sex manual strapped to the bed. He transferred 
his attention to my bum, and now I realised why he'd wanted me so clean, 
because he did the same thing, first one finger, then two, using the moisture he'd 
got from my cunt to help slide inside me. But after a while he seemed to lose 
interest in my bum, and transferred his attention back to my clit.

I could feel his breath on me, and then suddenly I jumped as he licked my clit. 
Gentle, I said, but he ignored me and began slurping at me like I was some kind 
of water melon, shoving his snout in deep. Slowly he began to refine his 
technique, and I'm embarrassed and ashamed to say that I started to get really 
moist and aroused and my clit started to swell. Somehow instinctively he hit on 
the right rhythm and I began to rock backwards and forwards under his tongue. 
Before I knew it, I was coming, hard, and he was licking and I was coming again, 
panting and pleading with him to stop.

I don't know who was the most surprised - him or me. I'd never come like that,  
and I'll bet he'd never brought off a girl that way. Mattie looked up at me 
triumphantly. His sex education had worked a treat.

He stood up and left the room, his erect cock bobbing in front of him. I couldn't 
work out where he'd got all this control from. Instead of wham bam, he'd brought 
me off - something only a few guys had done up to then - and instead of jumping 
on my bones, he'd left the room. He wasn't gone long, but I couldn't see why he'd 
left, though I could tell he was holding something behind his back when he 

He moved over to a bedside cabinet and took out some KY jelly mom had on her 
side of the bed and started to grease me up, by rubbing it inside my cunt and 
then my ass. He'd clearly read the manual about keeping the backside separate 
for fear of infection.

Suddenly I felt something cold at the entrance to my cunt. I was alarmed and 
asked him what he was doing, but he told me to relax. Whatever it was, it was 
long and corrugated and cold, and he edged it deeper and deeper inside me until 
it came up hard against my cervix. I told Mattie he couldn't go any further, and he 
pulled whatever it was out and stood up.

That's when I saw it was a carrot, and he was measuring the depth of my cunt 
against the length of his cock. Plenty of room, he said, with a smile. You've got a 
pretty deep cunt, he said.

Before I could say anything, he was back on the bed, and I could feel another 
carrot - a slimmer one - edging its way into my ass. My ring tightened and Mattie 
found it really hard to push it in, but he kept on telling me to relax, and finally he 
slid it past my sphincter muscle. I felt really engorged, like some giant pudding 
had been shoved in me. He kept on pushing and pushing, until he said wow and 
stopped. It seemed this carrot - longer and narrower than the other one - had slid 
in right up to the end, and if it hadn't had the green bit still on it, Mattie would 
have lost it inside me. Jeeze, he said, your bum can really take it in. I sighed. I 
couldn't understand why he was doing all this, like I was some kind of scientific 
experiment. How else was he going to learn about sex? Mattie wanted to know. 
All the girls his age were stuck up snobs, they never gave out. This was his one 
chance to do everything he'd seen and read about on the internet. That's why he 
had to make the most of it - another chance to learn all this stuff might never 
come his way.

But you're right, he said, enough science. He slid up and onto me, pushing my 
legs either side of him. He slid his cock inside me, all at once, and I was so moist 
and greased up, he plunged right in with no resistance. Hey, he said, that feels 
really good. And then he just lay there, feeling his cock inside me, feeling my 
reluctant flesh wrap itself around him.

As he lay there, he started to fiddle with the straps around my legs, and undid 
them. Not that it did me much good. He used the chance to get my legs wrapped 
over his shoulders, and when I was positioned right on the bed - pinned 
underneath him - he started to plunge in and out. He didn't worry about me - he 
just wanted to fuck me deep and hard - and I swear he was so thick and big I 
could feel him ramming up against my cervix. Maybe it was my imagination, but 
he was in so deep I could feel him ramming hard up against my clit, and it'd 
already been so stimulated that I felt myself coming again. He could sense I was 
coming, and it turned him on, and he went at it harder, ploughing away, up and 
down in a regular rhythm, until I could feel his cock twitching and pulsating, and 
he dropped his load inside me.  It immediately flashed through me - last time 
they'd used rubbers, this time he wasn't protected and here he was deep inside 
me, his load of semen right up inside me.

It was too much for Mattie - he almost nodded off lying on top of me. I tried to 
move a little, to get him to shift his weight, but he just lay there in a kind of post 
coital bliss out. That was great, he said, cool, as he eventually came round. I 
can't wait to do it again.

He rolled off me, and let my legs go, and again I felt the rush of blood into areas 
that were feeling almost numb. Mattie could see I was cramping up a little, so he 
started to give my legs a massage, which felt good, then the little creep stuck his 
finger in my cunt, and pulled it out, covered in his semen. He put his finger up 
against my mouth and told me to suck on it, and when I tried to turn away, he 
pinched my nipple. So I opened my mouth, and again I had the taste of his 
semen, now mixed with my cunt juices, inside my mouth. He made me suck on 
his finger like it was his cock, and I swear I could feel his cock rise against the 
side of my leg like it was on automatic pilot. Funny, he said, that feels just like 
you're sucking my cock. It's a real turn on.

But first we should have something to eat. What've you got? I sighed. First the 
fuck, then something to eat. Who said men weren't predictable. How come this 
young teenage rapist acted just like every man who's ever walked the planet?

He soon had me on my feet, and this time for variation, he cuffed and strapped 
my hands and elbows behind me. It helped my sense of balance, but it still meant 
my tits jutted out in front of me. Fortunately the heating had kicked in so even 
though it was cold outside we could walk around naked and feel warm as toast.

When we got to the kitchen, he loaded himself up with snacks, between times 
feeding me bits. The ringing of the phone made him pause, and as it went 
through to the message machine, I could hear my mom's voice. They were 
having a great time, she was sorry she missed me, she hoped I was having a 
great time, and they expected to be home late tomorrow night. Eight at the 

Mattie smiled - he had me available for a whole day and a half. I pleaded with 
him to let me go, and he told me to be quiet or else, making nipple pinching signs 
with his fingers. I shut up at once.

He dragged me into the family room and turned on the television. Then he made 
me lie face down on the divan. After I was stretched out, he slid in underneath 
my face, so that my head rested in his lap. Suck it he said, suck it very slowly, as 
he thrust his semi erect cock into my mouth. 

I could hear the sound of football in the background and a can of beer opening, 
as he settled down for an afternoon's fun. So there we were - him sitting, me 
lying, him watching football and drinking beer, while I held his cock in my mouth. 
We spent the entire game that way, and even though he got hard and filled my 
mouth full of his flesh, he didn't try to bring himself off. He was pacing himself, 
and I knew that meant he had more plans for me. Some time along the way, he 
reached his hand down to my bum hole, and slid his finger in really deep, and 
after feeling around for awhile, he just let it sit inside. My muscles clenched his 
finger really tight, and kept trying to push it out, but he seemed to enjoy the 
game, and kept pushing his finger back in. It was like he was doing a finger 
exercise. I tried to wriggle around a few times, but he just shoved me down hard 
on his cock so that I choked, and in the end it was just easier to lie there and let 
him do what he wanted. After a while my mouth began to run a little with saliva 
which dripped out over his cock and his balls, but Mattie didn't seem to mind, just 
kept his cock firmly inside my mouth. As the football droned on, I'd had his cock 
in my face and in my body and in my mind so much that it almost seemed 
natural, and I dozed a little - no mean feat when you have a firm young cock 
sticking into your mouth - and caught up on a little of the sleep I'd missed last 

Finally the football finished and Mattie was in a good mood because his team 
had won. It seemed like it was the perfect weekend for him. Me, I thought it 
couldn't get worse, being raped by this half boy half man who seemed to want to 
do all the things men did - like having a female slave on hand to suck their cock 
while they watched the football.

As it turned out, it would have been better if it'd been a double header, and I'd 
just kept sucking away like a good little slave girl.

Instead when the football finished, Mattie pulled his cock from my mouth, and slid 
out from underneath me. Before I had time to register, to really come awake, he'd 
swung me around so I was sitting on the couch. He lifted me up a little and slid 
underneath so that I was sitting on his lap, facing away from him, watching some 
stupid cartoon on the television. He began to pinch my nipples and stroke my 
breasts as he made me go for a ride on his cock, bouncing me up and down. 
After he'd had enough of this cowgirl routine, he swung me off, and lay me face 
down so that my tits stayed on the couch, and my legs supported me on the floor.  
He lifted my bound arms up high, forcing me down hard onto the couch, spread 
my legs with his other hand, then slipped his cock into me from behind. It was 
kind of a doggie position, and it meant he could get into me deep. He took it very 
slowly, like he was enjoying every minute, but before he got settled into a rhythm, 
I could feel him slipping out again.

Next thing I could feel him lining up his cock with my ass. I immediately began to 
wriggle around and try to escape, but it was no good. I was still well lubricated, 
and his finger had opened me up, and his cock found the hole easily. It wasn't so 
easy getting past my sphincter muscle, but eventually he forced his way past the 
ring - my muscles gripped his cock like a vise - and plunged his way in until I 
could feel his balls hard up against my backside.

That's so deep, he said, so good and deep. He just lay there on top of me, 
pressing me hard up against the couch. He felt bigger than the carrot, but not as 
long, but whatever, he filled me up and my muscles began to flex and try to expel 
him, and it sent him wild, he couldn't get enough of it. This was almost virgin 
territory for me - I didn't like people fucking me in the ass, and apart from my first 
time with Mattie, no one else had done it like this. I felt sore and I felt turned on, 
and then the little creep started to stroke my clit. No one had ever done it to me 
this way before, and I suddenly got turned on very quick. It was almost like he'd 
worked out the required way with my clit, because he was gentle and worked 
around the sides, building me up. He knew I was coming, and he started to 
match his fingers to the movements of his cock inside my bowels. A few more 
strokes, a few more pumps, and I was convulsing and wriggling underneath him, 
not even sure where I was anymore.

The rest proceed in a quick daze for me. Mattie started to push in hard, in and 
out in short thrusts, making me clamp down on him even more, and having got 
my ring muscle going, he let it do all the work, so it was like I was milking him. It 
didn't take long to produce a result, and I could feel his warm semen spilling into 
the depths of my ass. He pulled out with a plopping sound - like my muscle had 
been wrapped around him so tight it'd formed a vacuum - and I could feel drops 
of semen fall on my backside as he slumped to the floor murmuring so good, so 

While I lay on the couch, still trying to recover, still feeling like I'd had this 
enormous thing thrust into my backside, Mattie announced that it was time to eat. 
Dinner time. That's when I realised I'd spent the whole afternoon with his cock in 
my mouth, followed by a frenzied piece of bum fucking that left me feeling sore 
and sorry.

He dragged me into the kitchen and began to ransack the fridge. I thought he'd 
make out with the ice cream and various other treats - my mom has a taste for 
chocolate - but he settled for some fruit and salad vegetables and a bit of 
chicken. He muttered something about keeping up his strength, and it was the 
first time I'd really had a chance to look at his body - apart from his cock, which 
he'd now shoved down my throat so often I knew every nook and cranny of it. 

I know I keep on calling him the little creep, but he actually was quite tall, and 
while he wasn't well muscled, he was pretty trim and fit looking. He didn't have a 
tummy, and because his body was relatively thin, it made his cock look large, 
and his balls even larger. He didn't notice me looking at him - he was too busy 
eating and clutching his cock like I wasn't there, though he sent the odd bit of 
banana and chicken my way.

Immediately we finished eating, he decided it was time for another shower, and 
we went through the whole thing again - with him feeling me up and cleaning out 
my holes and scrubbing me down hard with a towel, before taking me off to bed. 

After he'd chained me up, he disappeared for a little while, then turned up again 
in the bedroom looking very cheerful. I felt he'd been up to something, but I didn't 
know what. Soon it was lights out, and apart from him feeling up my nipple and 
tits and sticking his hand between my legs and shoving his finger up my ass, and 
prodding me with his semi erect cock, it was just like before, and I soon drifted 
into an uncomfortable sleep.

This time I slept pretty well, all things considered, but I guess that's because I 
really needed the rest after the way he'd assaulted me. When I woke up, he was 
already dressed and moving around  the house. When he heard a little rattle from 
my chains, he raced back into the room and beamed at me, like this time he had 
found some chocolate, maybe a gift wrapped easter egg. At least it was 7 a.m.

Quick, he said, no time for sleep ins. He undid the chains and pulled me off the 
bed and into the shower. I was surprised. I'd expected him to do things to me. 
Instead he gave me a quick wash down, made me go to the toilet, brushed my 
teeth, then guided me by my bound elbows down the stairs to the lounge room.

My heart sank. There was Greg, Mattie's best friend, and the other little creep 
who'd done it to me last time, looking up at me as I took the last few awkward 
steps down the stairs into the lounge room. He had with him two cameras, a 
digital still and a movie one, and a twisted smile on his face that said everything. 
You can just imagine them sitting around the campfire at Scouts - yes they were 
Scouts - practising their knots and talking about what they were going to do to 
me if they ever got hold of me again. And here I was, elbows tied hard behind 
me, wrists cuffed together, breasts sticking out, nipples jutting, saying pinch me, 
pinch me. I knew it was going to be a long day. I tried to plead with them, I tried 
to threaten them, but it only amused Mattie. He made the pinching sign with his 
fingers, warned me that they were happy to gag me - it kept the bubbles in, 
someone had joked to him on the net - and I decided it was better to stay silent 
and hope they kept themselves under control.

Some hope. Mattie's first concern was that his friend got into the action. I could 
see Greg's cock bulging under his pants and when Mattie told him to drop them 
and sit on the couch, I knew what was about to happen. Mattie positioned me in 
front of his friend, then lowered me down so that my head was hovering over his 
cock. It's tricky to get down on your knees without any hands, and Mattie helped 
me by clutching at my breasts and my crutch.

When I was in position, Greg shoved his cock right down my throat, with all the 
subtlety and style of a nose tackle. His cock wasn't as big or as long as Mattie's 
but it had grown from last time and when you have any kind of cock shoved down 
you hard, the first response is to gag and heave. This amused Greg no end, and 
so he kept shoving his cock in hard while holding my head still. He was fucking 
my face. 

Meanwhile Mattie was getting out the cameras and setting them up, but before 
he could take a picture, Greg had shoved his cock in so hard and deep that it 
seemed to set him off and he came in a gush. I tried to swallow it - best way to 
get it out of my mouth - but there was so much of it, it stuck to his cock and to the 
sides of my mouth and as he pulled out, it squirted and spilled out and spattered 
over my face. It got in my eyes, up my nose, it was everywhere. Mattie was 
startled - awesome he said - and Greg muttered awesome too. Greg smacked 
the sides of my face with his cock and asked me how I liked that - having a fully 
loaded cock go off in my face. I didn't say anything, so he kept hitting me with his 
cock, until I said it was good. What was that, he wanted to know, still moving his 
cock backwards and forwards across my face, leaving a trail of semen in its path. 
Awesome, I said, awesome.

Reckon maybe she should do the same for me, Mattie said, and took up the 
same position as Greg, while Greg went and got the cameras. So I gave Mattie 
the same kind of head job, only this time Greg was taking close ups of me from 
every angle, stills and movies, while Mattie quickly moved to a climax. But 
instead of coming inside my mouth, this time he pulled his cock out and sent his 
semen all over my face, so that it mixed in with Greg's. It splashed everywhere, 
and he rubbed it into my face like it was a cleansing lotion. Meantime, Greg was 
shouting awesome and filming it all. I must have looked mortified.

After they'd finished, they sat down and reviewed the footage, chuckling and 
laughing when they saw something funny - like Mattie's cock slipping out and 
trying to move up inside one nostril. No way she's going to take it there, Greg 
joked, and Mattie laughed. It's been in every other hole, maybe we should widen 
that one. While this was going on, I was sitting slumped on the couch, feeling the 
carpet burn that had come back, and feeling very sorry for myself.

I was about to feel even sorrier. They started yabbering together in Scout speak. 
They wanted to practise their knots.  They must have been feeling pretty sure I 
was beaten because Greg revealed a big bag of rope he'd brought, while Mattie 
undid the cuffs and told me to stand still in the centre of the room.

While Greg filmed, Mattie started to wrap ropes around my chest, above and 
below my breasts, and tied my elbows hard behind me, and then tied my wrists in 
such a way that they were dragged up and tied against the ropes going around 
my chest. It made my breasts stick out big time. Then he started to tease and 
pucker my nipples and started to wrap string around them so that they began to 
look like the neck of one of those African women. He did the same to my breasts, 
and then they both stood back and looked at their work.

But that was just the first position they tied me in. Next they undid the chest 
ropes and yanked hard on my hands so that I was forced to bend at the middle, 
my arms raised high behind me. Mattie checked - the position made me perfect 
for cock height. He stuck it in me, my mouth and my cunt, but didn't go on with it. 
He just laughed and groped my breasts really hard, and there was nothing I 
could do except swing by my arms.

While they were doing all this, they kept chatting about the times they'd gone 
camping in the Scouts, and how they'd played tie up games together then, 
bringing each other off. They told me how they'd tied up one kid and smeared 
him with boot polish and then brought him off, so that his cock ended up smelling 
of army leather and semen. Don't ask me what I think of the Scouts.

That's why they were so good at it, they'd done it so many times before. And 
that's why they liked doing it. I was just another source of sex and fun. I 
wondered if they'd ever stop. After they got tired of watching me dangling from 
the rope that held my hands high in the air, they lowered me to the ground, and 
tied my heels to my hands. They'd had me this way before, Greg called it a hog 
tie, his favorite position, and said I looked really good in it. They did it by crossing 
my ankles, so my cunt was fully exposed, and while Greg kept filming, Mattie 
rolled me over and groped my breasts and groped my cunt, and slid his cock in 
and out of my mouth.

They did all this really slowly and methodically. When I was tied up, there was no 
way I could have got free, and in between times, they made sure I felt very 
intimidated. Mattie kept pinching my nipple to make sure I followed orders, and I 
flinched every time and did exactly what I was told.

In the end it became a blur of positions. They must have wanted to duplicate 
every position they'd ever seen on the internet - that's where Greg said they'd got 
all the ideas, and Mattie said it was a hell of a lot more fun with a real piece of 
flesh and blood doing exactly what you wanted. They kept roping me this way 
and that, and they spent plenty of time roping my breasts and my nipples, and 
putting ropes between my legs and roping my cunt - Mattie even tried to get a 
knot in the rope to rub up against my clit, but he couldn't get it exactly right. Even 
so, while it hurt, it turned me on, and I felt a tremor run through my body, I just 
didn't admit it to them, did my best to hide it from them.

After a while, my wrists and my arms and my body showed all kinds of rope 
marks but these two guys just kept working away at it, taking pictures. They stuck 
things up my cunt and my backside - a vibrator and a carrot - and tied them into 
position, and they filmed me sucking the vibrator, and them deep throating me 
with the carrot after they'd stuck it up my cunt, and when they couldn't think of 
anything else, Mattie pinched my nipples really hard and they filmed me writhing 
and squealing while he twisted them.

They would have had enough to fill a photo album by the end of it, showing a 
couple of good young boys (soon to be good ol' boys, I thought) having fun with 
their very own barbie doll. Mattie went up into my bedroom during one time out 
and found some of my Victoria's Secrets bras and panties, and that gave them a 
fresh burst of energy, playing dress ups with me. I know I shouldn't have had 
them around, but they were a special mail order treat just for me, and the thing 
that really got to me was the thought of Mattie pawing through my underwear and 
inspecting it and maybe fondling it before they put it on me, though they spent as 
much time tugging the bras off me to show my breasts and pulling the crotch of 
my panties to one side to show my cunt lips as they did taking photos of me in 
my underwear. They posed with me and pretended to tear bras off me so my 
breasts distended, pulled the panties tight up into my crutch so my lips spilled out 
either side of this thin bit of material dragged tight into me. Later I found they 
were the only things missing in the house, but what could I do, who could I tell. I 
didn't use to think like this, but now I can just see them wanking into my knickers, 
remembering what they'd done.

 I think by the time they got to putting some spring pegs on my nipples and my 
breasts they were running out of inspiration, but that kept them going for a while 
longer. By then I was so far out of it, the pegs didn't really hurt me - just added to 
a sense of numbness in my nipples.

Finally, as they realised that time was getting away from them - surprising for 
Mattie we'd missed lunch time - he announced that all the roping had made him 
horny. He felt like a fuck before they ate anything. And since we'd been working 
together well as a team, he thought it was right that we all have a team fuck.

I'd ended up with my wrists tied together in front, sitting on the couch with my 
ankles tied, and a rope loosely linking my wrists to my feet so I was hunched 
over looking at my toes. Mattie slid in underneath me so that he could fuck me 
while I sat on top of him. Meanwhile, Greg tried to work out the best height for me 
so he could stand in front of me and collect a blow job. Once they were both in 
position, they went it, Mattie pushing me up and down on his cock, Greg shoving 
his in and out of my mouth. But the actions didn't quite mesh - Greg's cock kept 
slipping out.

Mattie told Greg to stop. He had a better idea. They got me off the couch and got 
me down on my hands and knees on the carpet in the middle of the room. Mattie 
dragged over a little footstool and sat on it, while Greg knelt down behind me  
and positioned me in line with his cock. I'm not that experienced when it comes to 
talking about sex but I understood I was about to do a classic three way. Greg 
slipped into my cunt easily, while Mattie shoved his long cock into my mouth. 
Then they began to practise getting a rhythm going, so that when Greg shoved, 
Mattie shoved back and I started to be pushed backwards and forwards between 
the pair like a playground swing, backwards and forwards. They kept chattering 
to each other - to them it was great fun, and Greg kept a running commentary 
about how hot he was and how he was building up fast, and Mattie couldn't resist 
himself and leant forward and grabbed my tits and my nipples and began 
squeezing, dragging me forward and pushing me back with my tits, and I would 
have screamed with the pain except his cock was right down my throat and all 
that came out was gurgling and saliva. After a little while, Greg decided he'd 
switch holes, and shoved himself hard into my backside, so hard that it felt like 
there was just one long cock in me, starting in my mouth, going down through my 
throat and coming out my backside. 

Soon enough Greg came, and that set Mattie off, and there was that now familiar 
taste of semen in my mouth. Not so much this time, thicker and denser, but just 
as salty and gooey, and dribbling out of my mouth. They pulled away and let me 
slump down onto the carpet. I was fucked, literally. I hadn't come, I was past that, 
but they were happy as anything, and after cuffing me to a table leg, they both 
went into the kitchen for some drinks and some late lunch. More like mid 
afternoon munchies.

Mattie came back and looked at me forlornly. He wished he could pack me up 
and take me home. Instead he'd just have to make do with the photos. Then the 
pair began to clean up the house and pack it away. Greg wanted one more fuck, 
and Mattie said that was fine, he hadn't done it as many times as him, and why 
didn't he try me in the bum again, he'd enjoyed it so much, so while Mattie tidied 
and mopped things up, Greg lay me on the carpet and shoved his cock up my 
bum. It slid in very easily, all things considered, and I was so tight, he almost 
came on the spot. It didn't take him long and he was dropping his load, panting 
with the sudden-ness of it.

Mattie said they had time for one more treat - he didn't want to be around in case 
the old folks came back early - and they both took me up to the bathroom for a 
farewell shower. They took it in turns filming me while they scrubbed me down 
and cleaned me out, and Mattie made sure I showed the camera my wet tits and 
wet cunt and wet arse, and he got himself so excited while he was doing it, that 
he couldn't resist one last come in my mouth as I knelt before him, the water 
splashing all around me and all over my hair. I was gagging and thinking I was 
going to drown and it took him a lot longer to come - I think I drained every last 
bit of spunk out of his body over the two days - but at last he came in my mouth. 
Greg was pleased - he said the water gave my body a really good glossy look. 
They'd be wanking for months over this. I knew it was true - these little creeps 
were always on the lookout for a girl, but I'll bet not too many came across, so I'd 
be their wanking material. 

It made me feel very embarrassed, just thinking about them pumping away while 
they watched me doing it for real. I begged them not to put anything on the 
internet, and Mattie just laughed. There was so much stuff out there no one 
would notice and no one would care, unless I tried to get them into trouble. It's 
ironic I'm now doing a major in digital content as part of my course, isn't it? He 
squeezed my nipples hard and said we should all just forget about it, shouldn't 
we Rebecca? We should all just be friends, and to stop him squeezing, I nodded 
dumbly. I'd had enough.

They dried me off, and warned me again about doing anything silly, and loosely 
tied one of my wrists to my bed so they'd have a little time to make a clean 
getaway. Mattie gave my tits one last squeeze, my nipples one last pinch - 
saying he'd miss them - while Greg stuck his finger up my cunt one last time, 
then quickly slipped another into my ass  for a double digit probe - just to remind 
himself of what it felt like. They said they'd see me again some time, it wasn't 
goodbye, just see ya, and then they slipped out of the house with their ropes and 
their cuffs and their cameras and they were gone.

I didn't call the police - I didn't call anyone. I undid the rope on my wrist and 
slipped into bed, just pleased to be free and able to move any way I wanted 
without some rope or cuff holding me in some uncomfortable position. I lay there 
until it got dark, and when I heard my parents come home, I rolled over and 
pretended to be asleep. They let me keep sleeping.

The next morning, I pretended everything was okay, everything was fine, but said 
I'd decided to go back to college early so I could get some study done. The truth 
is, I wanted to get as far away from Mattie as I could, in case he got some new 
ideas from the internet.

Thinking back I realise after these two encounters that it's coloured the way I 
think about sex. They weren't nice, these two days, they weren't enjoyable, 
they're not something I'd want to do again, but they were really intense, and I've 
never had such a strong come before or after as I did when Mattie fucked me 
both ways. Maybe it was because of the intense way he sucked me off. 

Anyway, I realise that maybe I'm a bit of a submissive - how else to explain the 
way I was raped by these two little creeps and still managed to come in a way 
that made my then boyfriend feel like Ned Flanders. I've since found a new 
boyfriend, and he likes the idea of tying me up, and he's done it a few times, and 
I like it too though he's much gentler and more caring than Mattie. And before 
you ask, I didn't get pregnant, and I did meet Mattie another time, not so long 
ago, and by then he was in his last year as a teenager. But that's another story ...

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