BDSM Library - HP +

HP +

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Synopsis: Walter Hewlett's dream sequence about what he would like to do with Carla Fiorina, HP's CEO. Walter brings together laid off HP and Compaq employees at Madison Square Garden to witness his revenge. It is also Webcast.
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HP +


  Carla was just barely alert enough to hear an unfamiliar voice say "The first
shot will wake her up and the second will put her in hyper-drive for the next
two hours. This is going to be one overactive bitch."

  "Excellent, I can't imagine how someone with her inborn hyperactivity will
react. This should be interesting," responded a familiar voice.

  Carla felt a sharp prick in her arm then another. In a matter of moments, the
fog started to clear from her brain. Almost immediately, she began to feel a
desire to move around and be active. But when Carla tried to move, she
discovered she was vertical and spread eagle with her hands and feet bound to a
circular metal tube. Her arms and legs were spread as wide as possible without
dislocating her hip and shoulder joints.

  The last thing I recall was getting into the limo after my meeting with Morgan
Stanley. Someone sprayed something in my face. I couldn't breathe and everything
went black recalled Carla Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

  "Carla, you with us now," asked a voice Carla recognized as belonging to
Walter Hewlett.

  "Oh, thank God, Walter, its you, untie me and get this damn tape off my eyes,"
yelled Carla.

  "Be more than happy to remove the tape, my dear Carla," said Walter as he
grabbed a corner of the heavy tape and pulled it off Carla's eyes in one swift

  "Fuck, careful Walter, you practically ripped my eyebrows off," said Carla
looking around to see that she was in a large almost empty high-ceiling room
facing enormous double doors.

   "Now undo my wrists and feet. If this is somebody's idea of a joke, they're
going to be in for a big surprise, where the fuck am I?" asked Carla looking
over at the tall well-dressed man she recognized as Walter Hewlett, the son of
one of the co-founders of the Hewlett-Packard Corporation. Carla was painfully
aware that Walter along with other members of the Hewlett and Packard families
had led an unsuccessful attempt to prevent the merger of HP and Compaq. Her
relationship with the two families had been anything but warm since the merger
was narrowly approved several months ago. The situation had not been helped when
rumors that Deutsche Bank, both an HP investor and lender, was pressured to vote
its shares to approve the merger.

  Carla's eyes quickly glanced around the large empty room. It wasn't familiar
to her.

  My God I must be twenty feet above the floor realized Carla. What the fuck am
I on top of? It looks like some asshole's idea of a high-tech carnival float.

  "Impressive, isn't it? It was designed by a team of engineers who used to work
for Hewlett-Packard in Cupertino. They're quite a talented group of individuals
as I think you will agree. Here, experience," said Walter as he flipped a switch
then grasped a handle that looked identical to a computer game control. Walter
pushed the trigger on the handle activating the power unit then slowly moved the
handle forward. The ring holding Carla began to noiselessly spin around
vertically. Carla resembled a figure skater doing a final spin to impress the

  "What the fuck are you doing? Stop this immediately, Walter," screamed Carla.

  "Or you can rotate horizontally independently or at the same time, truly an
amazing creation, it was designed and built in less than a month. Of course, I
have to add that we took the basic design of the entertainment float used at
last year's Superbowl as a departure point," said Walter leaning the control to
one side and sending Carla end over end while she continue to spin vertically.

  "Impressive to be rotating through two dimensions at the same time with the
capability to vary the rotational speed in both dimensions. My father would have
been proud of them," said Walter.

  "I'm going to cut your nuts off for this, Walter, you worthless effete fiddle
playing son-of-a-bitch, you're going to make me puke if you don't stop,"
screamed Carla who was becoming a blur.

  "Such a potty mouth, Carla, Wait until you experience all its features," said
Walter adjusting the controls to bring Carla to a full stop.

  "All right, Walter, you had your joke. Now let me out of this contraption and
I'll forget the whole thing."

  "You'll get out in due time but for the next two hours you're going to
entertain ex-employees, ones who had a job until you decided to pursue your
insane scheme to merge HP with Compaq," said Walter.

  "That was a business decision and a good one. I had to do it to keep HP
competitive. That's something you'll never understand. Business requires hard
decisions. You're insane Walter. You lost that battle months ago. It's time to
move on," said Carla.

  "Sorry, Carla, not ready to move on. My father was a gentleman and a brilliant
engineer. You're just a foul-mouthed Italian washwoman in a nice suit. After
today, you'll be even less than that," said Walter.

  "You've already kidnapped me. That's a felony. Just let me go and I'll make
sure you get the help you need," said Carla.

  "There are things more important than business or the law, Carla. One of them
is revenge that as I recall is best eaten cold. Let me introduce Randy. He'll be
our Master of Ceremonies," said Walter.

  Carla had noticed the young, handsome man standing nearby but had ignored him
concentrating her attention on Walter.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Fiorina. I worked for Compaq in Dallas in
the Trade Show Department. We've got a really terrific show planned," said Randy
stepping forward.

  "Randy, if you get me out of this, right now, I'll not press charges. And I'll
see that you get your job back," said Carla.

  "Sorry, Ms. Fiorina, we're a little past that point," said Randy placing his
hand on Carla crotch roughly grabbing her sex. "I've always wanted to make sure
there wasn't a cock and balls between your legs. Guess you are female."

  "That's sexual assault, Randy. You're going away a long time," screamed Carla.
"Get you fucking hands off me."

  "Randy, plenty of time later to amuse yourself with your ex-CEO. Briefly
explain our agenda. As I recall, Carla, you once fired a manger for calling a
meeting where he had not prepared an agenda," said Walter.

  "Right, Mr. Hewlett. Carla, on the other side of that door is an indoor sports
venue we've rented for the day. There are 14,000 laid off Compaq employees on
the left and some 16,000 HP terminated employees seated on the right. Those
figures are approximate of course. They come from all five continents and
forty-six countries. Everyone is here at their own expense. In about three
minutes, we are going to burst through that door on top of this marvelous
machine. You'll be the center of everyone's attention. We have a full agenda but
we're not going to share it with you. It's going to be our little surprise,"
said Randy as he took a headset off a nearby hook and fitted it over Carla's

  "You've got to be shitting me. You have truly gone insane Walter. You'll never
get out of jail," screamed Carla.

  "Tell her the rest, Randy," said Walter.

  "Upstairs we've installed over 100 of HP's top of the line Internet servers.
They're operating under Linux and Apache. The entire proceeding will be Web cast
throughout the planet. We've spammed the globe telling everyone the site address
and that you're making a special appearance.  Our hope is that millions will see
what you're about to experience," said Randy.

  "Knowing how much you like to be the center of attention, we've gone to great
effort to reach as large an audience as possible," said Walter

  "This can't be happening," said Carla.

  "I can hear the unemployed chanting for you. Time to go and take a place in my
luxury box," said Walter as he turned and walked down the stairs.

  "Showtime," said Randy.

  "Okay, Mark, Let's move," said Randy into his wireless microphone.

  Carla felt the float lurch once then begin to slowly move forward. The huge
doors opened as the float approached. A roar went up from the crowd and they
began to chant.  Carla could hear the throng shouting "Carla" over and over
again. Music that was played when she spoke at the last Comdex was blaring in
the background.

  Randy grasped the controls and Carla slowly started to spend on two axes as
the float entered the amphitheatre.

  Carla heard the cheering increase wildly as the float passed out the doors
into the brightly illuminated center of the huge facility. In spite of the
constant movement, Carla was able to see there were thousands seated in the
stands. There was a huge scoreboard configured with a four sided jumbotron
suspended from the ceiling. Carla saw her own terrified face displayed on the
giant screens. For the first time, she noticed that there were robotic
television cameras positioned on all four sides of her.

  Carla fought back the urge to faint. This can't be happening thought Carla. It
has to be a bad dream. Even Walter Hewlett can't be this insane.

  It took several minutes for the crowd to stop screaming. Randy manipulated the
controls so Carla was slowly spinning vertically only.  This allowed spectators
on both sides of the arena to view her.

  "Welcome to the former employees of HP and Compaq, especially those of you who
traveled a great distance. I know you're anxious to get underway. So let us
begin. I give you Carla Fiorina, CEO of the Hewlett-Packard Corporation. Let's
hear it," shouted Randy into the public address system.

  Carla listened to a loud chorus of boos as her name was announced. She noticed
that a group of two men and two women dressed in HP T-shirts had ascended the
float's staircase and were standing near Randy.

  "Our first participants are a group of former HP office workers who came all
the way from Sidney, Australia. Let's give a warm welcome to Ken, Zack, Annie,
and Katie," said Randy.

  The crowd cheered.

  "Ken, what's the assigned task of your group," asked Randy.

    "Since we've all lost our jobs, we can't buy clothes for our family so we
thought we'd like to show Carla how that feels. The four of us are going to
strip the bitch," shouted Ken holding up a pair of scissors he had been holding
down by his side. The other three members of his group held their scissors in
the air, hooted and jumped around in excitement.

  "Carla, do you have anything to say before you're stripped naked in front of
millions, maybe hundreds of millions, of people," said Randy as he pushed a
control button to activate Carla's microphone.

  "You're all going to prison," screamed Carla.

  The response was a strong chorus of boos. Both Carla and Randy could see a
small display that contained the same image as the jumbotrons. Carla saw the
phrase "Strip the Bitch" start to flash on and off the screen with her face
sandwiched in between. The crowd started chanting, "Strip the bitch".

  Carla was helpless as the four people went to work on her clothes. In less
than a minute, her hand tailored black pants suit was cut off. Carla fought back
tears as her brassiere and panties were removed.  The two men and one of the
women made a point of feeling her breasts and vagina once she was naked.

  The chanting ceased as the four Aussies completed their work. One of the group
handed Randy Carla's cut up lace panties. Randy held them up for the crowd to
see then made a broad gesture of sniffing the crotch then holding his nose. The
crowd roared with laughter.

  Randy activated the control and Carla started to rotate. Carla was slowly
spinning facing one side of the amphitheatre then the other. Hundreds of
flashbulbs fired each time she revolved. Carla wanted to die of shame.

   How could they humiliate me like this thought Carla? Didn't they realize I
had to sacrifice the few for the good of the many? My God, I'm totally naked and
thousands of people are staring at me.

  "Our next participants are two former Compaq workers who manned a parts
distribution center located near Paris. Let's all welcome Andre and Colette,"
said Randy.

  Carla watched in dread as Randy and the two conversed for the audience.

  "Tell me Andre, what do you think of Carla's body?" asked Randy.

  "Her breasts are small and they sag," said Andre. The crowd laughed.

  "How about you, Colette?" asked Randy.

  "The woman needs to go see Jenny Craig. Those thighs are huge," said Colette.
There was more laughter.

  "So, tell me, Andre, what have you planned for your ex-CEO," asked Randy?

  "After the war, we French had a special way of punishing women who slept with
the Germans. We called them collaborators. Carla has collaborated with the
bankers and investment firms to steal our jobs. We are going to apply the French
punishment," said Andre holding up a pair of electric barber shears for the
crowd to see.

  Carla started to scream when she saw the screen display "Shave the Bitch". She
heard the buzzing sound of the barber shears as Andre stepped behind her and
grabbed a handful of auburn hair. Carla started screaming and crying as she felt
the rough shears touch her scalp.

  In a matter of a few minutes, Carla's hair was laying on the floor beneath
her. Carla sobbed as they worked on her. She didn't resist as Colette covered
her scalp in shaving lather. Both Andre and Colette used disposable safety
razors to shave her head.

  While Colette wiped the excess lather off with a towel, Randy worked the
controls to change Carla's orientation to where she was looking straight up
toward the ceiling. Carla screamed and twisted as Colette lathered her eyebrows
then shaved them off. Next Colette used tweezers to pluck out her eyelashes.
Each time, Colette pulled out more lashes, Carla screamed in pain. Carla was
beyond abject humiliation as Andre first lathered her pubic region then
proceeded to shave it. A glance at the display showed that almost 30,000 people
were watching her pussy being shaved. Carla wondered how she would ever appear
in public again.

  Andre and Colette worked quickly and as a team. In a matter of moments, they
were finished with her front. Carla heard a motor whir and found herself looking
straight toward the floor. She felt two hands part her butt cheeks. She yelled
in pain as the hairs around her anus were plucked. Carla was able to turn her
head upward and see that a close up of her anus was on pictured on the
jumbotron. Carla felt a razor pass over the skin beside her anus. Immediately
she was once again vertical.

  "She's got some hairs growing out of her nipples," announced Andre reaching
for the tweezers.

  Several sharp yells of pain later, a quick inspection, and Andre announced
that they were done.

  "Amazing, truly amazing, how could any company give up such talented and
dedicated employees. Let's hear it for Andre and Colette, audience," said Randy.
Randy turned the controls to put Carla in the slow spin mode. Carla was
astounded at the number of camera flashes. Her scalp, eyebrows, eyelids,
nipples, vagina, and anus felt rough and raw. Her eyelids throbbed in pain.

  When Carla looked at a close-up of her face in the display, she found it hard
to recognize herself. Oh God, I look so ugly without my hair sobbed Carla.

  "Bald as a baby's butt," announced Randy as he ran his hand over Carla's

  "Not a hair there either," announced Randy as he felt between Carla's
outstretched legs.

  "Time for a contest. I'm going to ask the lovely Raylene who used to work in
HP's New York sales office to fix these two special screw clamps to Carla's
boobs, These were designed by employees in one of the metal fittings workshops
in Cupertino, " said Randy.

  Carla watched as a pretty blonde woman in a thong bikini stepped forward and
planted a serious kiss on Randy. A long ooh sounded from the audience. Raylene
walked over to Candace and took her left nipple in her mouth and started sucking
very hard. Raylene applied so much suction it was painful. As soon as the nipple
became erect, Raylene applied a clamp to the very base of Carla's nipple. There
was a small adjustment screw that allowed the tension to be increased. Raylene
twisted the screw head to the point that Carla was begging her to stop. Carla
felt like the two pieces of opposing metal had met deep inside her breast
tissue. Raylene repeated the steps to clamp her right nipple.

  "I really loved my job in channel sales. I had to let my little boy go live
with that bastard daddy of his and his bitch wife. I couldn't take care for him
anymore. The only job I could find is with an escort service. You've forced me
to become a prostitute.  I hope they whip your tits off," whispered Raylene to
Carla as she finished.

   "Now for the bullwhip contest, our Compaq contestant is Dead Eye Earl who
worked in Houston in Major Account Sales. From the HP side of the house, we have
Charlie the Rifleman who worked in the laser printer plan in Boise, Idaho. Both
you guys are real cowboys right," asked Randy who was standing beside two
well-built young men dressed in cowboy boots and jeans. They were shirtless.
Each had six pack abs and was lean and muscular.

  "I've been competing in rodeo's and bull whip contests for the last three
years," responded Earl into Randy's microphone.

  "I was Canada's bullwhip champion two years running," added Charlie.

  Before we get started with our contest, I'm going to ask you two to
demonstrate your skill," said Randy as he adjusted Carla's position to where she
was horizontal facing the ceiling with her feel slightly elevated and head

  "Earl, you give Carla five on the sole of her right foot and Charlie five on
the left," said Randy moving back out of the way. "We're going to turn Carla's
microphone on so she can tell us how it feels."

  Carla braced her body as the two cowboys moved back and limbered up their whip
arms. I'll show them what Carla Fiorina is made of. I won't make a sound.

  Carla's will to silence lasted less than a second before the sole of her right
foot exploded in pain. Randy switched on her microphone as the blow landed and
the audience listened with approval as a high-pitched cry of anguish poured from
Carla's lips.

  Just as Carla's scream from the first blow diminished, the second blow landed.
Carla emptied her lungs expelling a cry of pain. The crowd once again roared
their approval of Earl and Charlie's efforts.

  Carla felt the pain travel up from her sole into her ankle and proceed up her
calf into her knee joint. Her calf muscles formed hard painful cramps that were
agonizing. It was unbearable agony. Just as she was gathering breath for
additional screams, more blows landed from the fifteen-foot metal-tipped
bullwhips and Carla found that she could scream even louder. She sensed that the
bottoms of her feet were cut to ribbons and dripping blood.

  The crowd counted out the last five blows of the whip. After the crowd had
shouted ten and Carla had screamed until her throat was raw, Carla sensed that
Randy had approached.

  "Carla, how was that?" asked Randy.

  "Awful, bloody awful, Please, have mercy, I can't take any more," responded

  "Was it as bad as going from employer to employer looking for a job when there
aren't any, facing your family every day knowing you couldn't care for them,
can't feed or clothe your own children, was it that bad? Was it audience?"
yelled Randy.

  The crowd yelled No in unison as the jumbotrons displayed the two-letter word
in giant letters.

  Carla felt something moist being rubbed against the soles of her feet. For a
few seconds the water cooled her overheated flesh then a new wave of pain flowed
from both soles. Carla screamed and screamed as Raylene leaned closer and

  "It's salt brine. Hurts like hell doesn't it? It's leave big ugly scars.

  Carla realized Randy was making a slight adjustment in her position. She felt
Raylene reach between her legs to attach a clamp to her left labia and another
to her right. She felt the clamps bite into her flesh, as her labia were pulled
apart. Carla realized that Raylene had exposed her clitoris and vagina opening.

  Oh my God, they're going to whip my pussy realized Carla in a panic. I won't
be able to bear that. Why can't I pass out? It must be the shot Walter gave me.
I wonder if I'll ever walk again. My nipples are numb.

  "Well, honey, Earl was telling me that you may loose all sensitivity in your
clit after he and Charlie are done with your snatch. You may be the only female
castrated by bullwhip in the whole USA. Here, have a drink of water," said
Raylene as she placed a plastic straw in Carla's mouth.

  Carla decided she was desperately thirsty and sucked on the straw. Her throat
was raw from screaming.

  Carla glanced at the local display and saw the number one appear seconds
before her pubic area became the central pain focus of her entire being. As
Carla lips opened to form another scream, the number two appeared as a second
blow landed.

  When Carla at last saw ten appear on the display, she had screamed herself
hoarse and all she could manage was a loud moan.

  "This is going to sting," said Raylene holding up a soaking wet sponge for
Carla to see. When she applied it roughly to Carla's sex, there were more loud

  "I think Earl may have been right. Your love button's a mess of bloody pulp.
You better leave the lights off for the next guy that fucks you. He might lose
his dinner when he gets a look at your scarred up twat. Your days of jerking off
are over," whispered Raylene into Carla's ear.

  "All right, Let's get started. Rules are simple. Earl will stand on the Compaq
side and Charlie here on the HP side. Carla will spin. Each contestant will try
to whip a clamp of Carla's knockers.  The first one to take a clamp off gets a
prize. Want to know what it is?" asked Randy.

  "Sure do," drawled Earl.

  "You get to be the first person tonight to fuck Carla Fiorina today," said

  "All right," responded Charlie holding his fist up.

  Carla listened to the cheering. Did they really hate and despise her that much
wondered Carla. Surely the man that wins wouldn't screw her right there with
everyone watching. Oh my God, look at those whips. I can't take any more.
They're going to kill me.

  Randy stepped forward and slipped a pair of safety goggles over Carla's eyes.

  "Wouldn't want to put an eye out and you not be able to see what's happening,
Carla. This is going to really, really hurt by the way. I'm turning your
microphone on again. So feel free to scream as loud as you want. Actually, you
won't have any choice," said Randy.

  Carla watched as Earl and Charlie took up positions on each side of her. She
trembled as they limbered up their ugly looking whips. They snapped them over
her head in practice swings. Their angry crack terrified Carla.

  "Audience, let's count to three, one, two, three, go," screamed Randy and
thirty thousand voices yelled Go.

  Although Earl and Charlie were experts, Carla was rotating too quickly for
them to be accurate. The metal tip of the bullwhips landed almost everywhere
before Charlie managed to wrap the whip end around the clamp on Carla's left
breast and rip the clamp off. A ragged piece of Carla's nipple went with the
clamp. They continued to whip her until the other clamp clattered to the floor.
When Carla looked down at her right breast, she saw her nipple was missing.
There was a jagged scar wound where the flesh had been ripped off.  Raylene was
immediately on hand with her small plastic pail and large sea sponge. Carla
managed to croak out several piteous cries of pain as the salt brine entered the
dozens of open cuts covering her body.

  Carla groaned as she felt her savagely ripped vagina being opened by Charlie's
thumbs. She grunted into the microphone as Charlie's cock slid into her opening.
The pressure of Charlie's body as he leaned into her caused her arms and legs to
stretch as he pumped his cock into her abused flesh. Carla grunted and groaned
each time Charlie thrust into her. Carla glanced at the display and discovered
the jumbotrons were flashing, "Fuck the Bitch". At the last minute Charlie
pulled his cock out and squirted cum over Carla's pubic area.

  "We've decided to let Earl be a winner too," said Randy.

  Carla watched as Earl quickly replaced Charlie between her legs. Carla did not
enjoy the sex. The pain from her many whip cuts caused her to slowly writhe as
Charlie fucked her. Charlie also pulled his cock out at the last minute, quickly
walked around to the other side of the stage and spewed jism over Carla's face.
The jumbotrons displayed a close-up of Carla's cum covered visage.

  "Let's hear it for Earl, Charlie, and Raylene," said Randy.

  Carla listened as the crowd applauded. God almighty, what more can they
possibly do to me. I can't survive any more of this. I wish they would kill me
and get it over with.

  Carla sensed movement around her and was surprised to learn the circular metal
ring holding her was hinged. She found herself bent double as her feet and hands
came together. Her butt was pointed directly toward the floor. It was an
incredibly painful position. She felt like her lower back was about to snap. 
Hands gripped her legs and moved her body upward. Something was placed
underneath thighs. She was now folded in half in a horizontal position.

   When Carla looked at the display, she saw her widely spread butt cheeks
framing her completely exposed asshole. Carla broke into tears at the indignity
of her position. Didn't these people realize she was a person of importance, the
CEO of an $80billion dollar Fortune 50 corporation?

    "I just got word from our Webmaster, a former system implementer recently
terminated by HP's Atlanta field office, that over 22million people are
receiving our Web cast.  Think of it, ladies and gentlemen, HP Plus technology
is allowing 22million individuals world wide to look at the CEO's asshole. Think
about that. You people were part of the team that developed those capabilities.
You should be proud of what you've accomplished," announced Randy.

  The crowd cheered loudly. They began chanting Carla once more. Carla whimpered
as a latex covered finger covered with some type of lubricant slid into her

  "Nice and tight," announced Randy working his finger quickly in and out of
Carla's anus.

  "Ellen and Mary used to work at HP's Medical Products Division. They have a
special treat for Carla. Tell us about it," said Randy talking to two ladies
dressed as nurses who had mounted the float to stand beside Randy.

  "We think everybody will agree that Carla Fiorina is full of shit, right,"
said Mary.

  The crowd roared their agreement.

  "Well, we're going to clean her out," said Ellen holding up a large
three-quart enema bag.

  There was more crowd agreement.

  "Tell us how you are going to go about it," said Randy.

  "We've bought three enema bags of a castile soap solution. The first two
contain ice water and the third hot water. We're going to use this wonderful
device called a Bartholin plug to fill Carla up and make her hold it while she
spins," said Mary.

  "Have fun, ladies," said Randy.

  Carla tried to take her mind elsewhere as she felt a rubber object inserted
into her asshole and then pumped up until she felt a painful pressure right
inside her anal opening. This was quickly followed by the sensation of cold
water trickling into her bowels. After a brief period, painful cramps gripped
Carla's abdomen. Carla found herself begging to empty her bowels.

  "Bag's empty," said Ellen. "Let me disconnect the hose then take her for a

  "Round and round, Carla goes, and when she stops she gets to go," yelled

  Carla heard a motor whir as the ring transformed itself from a half circle to
a full circle. Immediately, Carla began to spin on two axes. At first, no longer
being in a folded over position relieved some of the abdominal cramps. Carla was
able to look down past her mangled breasts and view her distended abdomen. As
her rate of spin increased, centrifugal force caused her swollen stomach to
bulge outward and to the side. Carla began to scream as her intestines relocated
inside her body cavity. Foam appeared on her lips as she felt her insides react
to the G-force. The pain created by the water moving within her colon was
unbearable. At one point, Carla looked downward to see a huge lopsided belly
protruding beneath her boobs. It was grotesque and deformed.

  Finally, the spinning stopped. Carla was once again facing the ceiling. Carla
heard the hiss of air and felt the pressure in her rectum lessen. When the
object was jerked from her anus, her bowels released in a flood. Thousands of
flashbulbs fired as Carla' intestines emptied in large spurts. The display was
focused on a cascade of brown water falling into a clear plastic bucket.

  "We're going to cover Carla's turds in Mylar and sell them on eBay," announced
Ellen as Mary wiped Carla's bum with a paper towel then proceeded to re-insert
the lubricated Bartholin plug for another enema treatment.

  Carla's body was covered in a thin film of sweat. Her insides ached horribly.
But in a matter of moments, she was bent over taking another three quarts of
frigid water into her lower gastrointestinal tract. Carla was screaming into her
microphone for them to stop. She even promised to give everyone their job back.
That caused a considerable amount of booing.

  "Lying bitch," yelled several in the audience.

  Carla returned to spinning as soon as her second bag was empty. It was more
minutes of hellish pain. The centrifugal force of the water pushing against her
organs was mind bendingly painful. Carla screamed every second of her spin.

  Carla's last spin with hot water in her guts was the worse. Waves of nausea
convulsed her body. When she finally came to a rest, she puked all over herself
to the delight of the audience. Carla was left standing with her face and body
covered in thick green vomit as thousands of flash cameras illuminated the giant

  After a few moments, Carla was treated to the painful sensation of
high-pressure hoses spraying on her cut and bruised body. One of the jets
concentrated on the torn flesh of her breasts.

  Carla was only half conscious when she heard Randy make his next announcement.

  "Where you from, Sid?" said Randy.

  "Atlanta, GA, I was a field service supervisor working out of HP's North
Atlanta Service Center," said someone with a heavy Southern accent. "I've been
laid off seven months."

  "And this is little lady is going to be your fluffer," said Randy.

  "This is my girlfriend Sherry," said Sid.

  "Hello Sherry, what's your game plan?" asked Randy.

  "I'm going to keep it hard so he can fuck Fiorina until her holes bleed," said

  "That's an awful big cock, Sid, how big?" asked Randy.

  "I got a fat nine inches, it's almost five around. I call it the Pussy
Warden," said Sid.

  "That is a fat cock. You can handle that, Sherry," asked Randy.

  "It took some getting used. First time we did it, I could barely walk for a
week," said Sherry. "It took several days of stretching me out before we did
anal. These days, Sid packs my shit regularly."

  "How do you think Carla will do?" asked Randy.

  "Not good. I hope Sid splits the bitch wide open like a rotten cantaloupe,"
said Sherry.

  Carla wandered in and out of consciousness as she listened to Randy introduce
more couples. After the first one, the introductions went quicker. Basically, it
was name, origin, fluffers' name, and how big is your cock.   Carla kept hearing
nine inches, ten inches, over and over again and there was a big roar when the
last man was introduced as having twelve inches. The roar of the crowd caused
Carla to glance in Randy's direction. Randy was holding a microphone up to a
large black man standing beside a petite blonde white girl who had both hands
wrapped around the largest cock Carla had seen.

  "All right audience, let's wake Carla up and see what she thinks about being
gangbanged," said Randy.

  Carla barely felt a needle jabbed into her arm. She turned to see the same
white-coated individual giving her another injection. Almost immediately, Carla
came out of her stupor.

  "Carla, ten big hard cocks are going to work both your holes. Can you do it?
How do you think you will respond?" asked Randy.

  "I don't know. Please let me go. I'll give everyone back their jobs," said

  "Sorry, we're past that point. But we are going to lube you up so everything
slides in easy. Let's get her ready," said Randy.

  Carla was once again bent double with her rear pointing toward the ceiling. 
She started yelling No when she felt fingers working her anus apart. Carla felt
the insertion of a plastic nozzle and sensed a warm liquid being squirted into
her rectum and vagina. Carla heard someone say, "She's ready." Almost
immediately, Carla left a large cock entering her vagina as another enter her
asshole. The cocks were huge and Carla felt an intense and painful pressure in
both holes. Carla looked around to see a number of women on their knees sucking
their partner's cocks.

  Carla gave out a loud grunt each time they thrust in her holes. Her butt felt
on fire from the intrusion. Carla recalled she had tried anal only once before
and she had hated it. After a few minutes, Carla sensed that the two men fucking
her were replaced with two others. Carla had no idea how long it took for the
tem men to fuck her in pairs. At some point, they managed to get two cocks in
her ass. It wasn't long before Carla realized the constant slamming of these
oversized dicks into her pussy and ass were becoming increasingly painful. The
walls of her vagina were being stretched and rubbed raw. It felt like someone
had shoved a red-hot poker up her ass each time she was butt fucked.

  After a while, Carla started to babble and became incoherent. She could barely
remember having her mouth forced open with some type of medical instrument. They
had turned her upright then ejaculated in her open mouth. Carla was forced to
swallow to keep from choking.  When she looked up at the jumbotron, it displayed
a close-up of her face, covered in cum.

  Carla was vaguely aware of Randy saying goodbye and the audience of employees
filing out.

  "Well, Carla, you always liked to be the center of attention," said Walter
Hewlett taking his handkerchief and wiping cum off Carla's face. "Over
100million viewers watched your web cast.  Of course, for those that missed it,
they can download the video file and watch that. The DVD may become the most
widely distributed of all amateur pornographic products, even greater than the
Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee."

  "You're going to jail for this, Walter," said Carla.

  "Possibly, but they'll have to find and extradite me first. If I do, it will
be worth it," said Walter.

 "You bastard, I'll hunt you to the end of the earth for what you did to me,"
said Carla.

  "Good night, Carla," said Walter.

  Carla felt another jab in her arm and after that everything was blackness.

  The first thing Carla heard when she woke was the buzzing of flies.  When she
looked up, she found herself staring at the sun. She quickly raised one hand to
shield her eyes.

  God something smells awful thought Carla as she unsteadily raised herself to
her feet. Jesus, they left me naked in a dumpster full of trash. When Carla
poked her head above the edge of the dumpster, she realized she was in an alley
only a few yards from a busy street. She could see New York traffic whizzing by.

  There were two winos seated nearby sipping MD 20/20. One of them looked up as
Carla painfully climber out of the dumpster.

  "Man, you look awful lady, you better get some help, that crack will kill
you," said one of the winos.

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