BDSM Library - Teeth


Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Emma has fantasies about pain, and arranges to meet Tom, who is looking for a submissive, through the net. Tom blindfolds and ties her, and gives her a series of ever harder bites on different parts of her body, which excites her greatly.
by bulldog

by bulldog

Emma was frightened.  She had answered the ad on the internet and got in touch
with a man called Tom, who said that he was looking for a submissive and would
be glad to take on a beginner.  Perhaps this would be Emma's opportunity to get
the experience she craved so much, though she wasn't quite sure exactly what it
was that she craved - perhaps Tom would teach her.  But what was Tom like? 
Would he turn out to be someone she could talk to, someone she could tell her
fantasies to?  Or a brute?   She would soon find out, for she had made an
appointment to meet him.  They lived in the same city, and had arranged to meet
in a small bar that afternoon.  Emma was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater as
promised, and was carrying a copy of the evening paper.  She thought about
turning back and giving up on the whole adventure, but something drove her on. 
At the cafe she sat down as arranged at a table near the door.  A man in his
thirties, well-dressed and quite good-looking, was sitting at the next table. 
He grinned and said "Emma?" in a quiet voice.  She stared at him, then realised
that this must be Tom and that he had got there before her. Speechless with
nerves she could only nod in return.  "OK" he said, got up and signalled to her
to follow.  They left the cafe and walked in silence for about ten minutes. 
Then Tom turned in at the door of an apartment block, took a key from his pocket
and entered an apartment on the first floor.  Emma followed, but stood nervously
at the door, taking stock of where she was.  It was a large and well-furnished
apartment, obviously quite expensive.  As she stared at the room they had
entered, he stared back at her.  What he saw was a pretty girl of about 25, with
straight blond hair down to her shoulders, a slim body, long slender legs and
trim ankles.  Her breasts were quite large for her build.  She had large brown
eyes that at that moment had a frightened look, like the startled eyes of a
deer. Tom pointed to a large sofa.  "Sit there and we can talk", he said. 
"Drink?" She nodded.  A drink was just what she needed to settle her
nervousness.  Tom went over to a tray of bottles on a table and poured out two
whiskies.  She gulped hers down while he sipped his more slowly. "Tell me more
about your fantasies" he said. A minute passed in silence while Emma collected
her thoughts.  Do I really want to talk to a complete stranger about these
personal things, she wondered?  But he looked like someone she could confide in,
and she badly needed to talk, to get all this out of her head somehow. "I don't
know if I can tell you everything straight off," she said, "but I'll try to make
a start.  I suppose it started when I was small, maybe ten or eleven.  I would
get excited reading  adventure stories about Indians torturing their prisoners. 
I would lie in bed at night imagining that I was a slave, or a princess in
prison, undergoing horrible tortures with pincers or being flogged.  I didn't
really want to be badly hurt, but the idea excited me and made me wet.  Then I
learned to masturbate".  She looked at Tom to see how his reaction, but he just
seemed to be listening attentively. "Go on, this is really interesting", he
said. "OK, then I had an idea and when mum was out shopping and dad was away on
business I would look around his workshop for tools that I could use to torture
myself.  Once I tried to put my breasts in a large vice that was attached to his
workbench.  I tightened the handle until it hurt, and when I looked at my
breasts afterwards I could see the red lines where the edge of the vice had
gripped.  That was quite exciting, but I really wanted something I could use in
the privacy of my own bedroom.  Dad had a lathe for turning pieces of wood, and
a rack of tools for measuring them.  One of these was like pincers, but with a
screw to tighten them.  I slipped them into the pocket of my jeans and took them
to my bedroom.  Then I lay on my bed, took off my T shirt, undid my jeans and
slipped them down.  I put the calipers, that's what they were called I think, on
my breast just above the nipple and started to tighten them with the screw.  I
couldn't tighten them very much because of the pain.  Then I started to rub
myself, with the calipers digging into my breast.  I had the biggest orgasm I
had ever had.  I took the calipers off and hid them in a drawer so I could use
them again.  Since then I have tried other tools, pliers and pincers and clamps,
but somehow it isn't enough.  I think the trouble is that I know what is going
to happen because I am in control, I'm doing the pain bit."  She paused and look
at Tom. How was he taking this?  She had talked openly about her most intimate
secrets and now surely it was his turn. "Tom", she said, "Tell me about your
fantasies now".  But Tom just went on looking at her, smiling slightly. "No", he
replied, I want some action.  You can find out about my fantasies that way. I
can see that the idea makes you nervous, but you needn't be.  I want you to
trust me, that's all.  OK, I'm going to be a little cruel, but I promise not to
do anything really harmful.  Will you trust me?"  She  sat in silence for a
moment, then she nodded without a word. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.
"Just do exactly what I say" he replied.  "Are you ready for your first
adventure?" She nodded again.  "OK, first, shut your eyes and keep them shut". 
There was a pause and she heard him walking to another part of the room, opening
a drawer and returning.  Then she felt something, perhaps a silk scarf, being
tied round her head, blindfolding her.  She sat still, frightened but stimualted
and excited.  What next? "Now take off your sweater and bra".  Emma hesitated,
but realised that she had made a decision and had to stick to it.  She pulled
the sweater over her head and put it beside.  She hesitated for a moment, then
unclipped the bra and shook it off her shoulders.  Her full breasts bounced free
and she could feel the cool air on them, making goose pimples.  Her nipples
hardened slightly in anticipation.  Surely they were a favourite place for men
to hurt?  Tom  put his hands on her shoulder and guided her up to a standing
position, then walked her across the room.  She didn't know where she was going. 
Bedroom? Torture chamber?  Then her legs bumped against something soft, and Tom
pushed her down onto a bed.  He tied  her wrists tied behind her with a soft
cord, perhaps the belt of his dressing gown, so that she had to lie slightly to
one side, her left breast hanging down towards the bed.  She waited
breathlessly, not knowing what would happen next.  Would he beat her?  Pich her?
put clamps on her nipples. which she had heard about on the net?  More time
passed.  The only sound was Tom's breathing, faster than before.  Then suddenly
she felt something warm and moist on her right flank, just above her pelvic
bone.  At first she didn't understand what it was, then she realised that it was
his mouth.  A moment later she felt his teeth grasp a fold of soft skin and
flesh and bite down, not very hard, but just enough to hurt a little.  She gave
a gasp.  Emma had never been bitten before, and it was a new sensation.  But,
amazingly, she felt that this might be just what she had been seeking - a
surprise, mixed with a little pain and a little fear.  Tom let go of  her skin
and there was silence.  The, again so suddenly that she had to gasp, his teeth
came down on the back of  her upper arm, and dug deep into the soft flesh.  This
time he bit a little harder, and  she felt more pain as he made chewing motions
with his teeth, licking her skin at the same time with his tongue.  But the pain
was not bad, and she could bear it.  Tom started to give her bites all over her
back, shoulder and arms, none of them hard enough to break her skin or cause her
to worry.  Then Tom stopped, put his mouth near her ear and whispered "Emma, how
did that feel?"  She hesitated, then answered "It was exciting, but it hurt a
bit!"."Isn't that the idea?" responded Tom. "Yes", she said very quietly, her
voice almost too low for Tom to hear. "I'm going to bite you a little harder
this time, so grit your teeth.  I want to see if you can really stand pain and
if it turns you on".  Emma did not reply, but tensed as she awaited the next
bite.  Where would it come?  Then she felt Tom's teeth on her right breast, just
above the nipple.  He dug his teeth in until she had to suppress a scream.  It
really hurt, and he wouldn't let go for a long time, grinding his teeth into the
soft part of her breast.  But Emma realised that she was more and more excited
by the pain and by Tom's cruelty, and craved more. "Don't stop!" she cried, "Go
on biting me, everywhere you want, and as hard as you like!".  Tom let go of her
breast and turned his attention to her arm, where he had bitten her before. 
Then she felt a searing pain as his teeth forced themselves into her arm, and
she cried out in pain and surprise.  Tom let go and moved to her right nipple
and large dark areola, grasping a large chunk in his mouth.  Again he bit down
sharply, though slowly, until the pain was hardly bearable.  At this moment Tom
let go and Emma was surprised by a sudden orgasm, the biggest she had ever
experienced.  Tom removed her blindfold, and she saw the toothmarks on her
chest, deep and red.  Tom rubbed them, explaining that they would soon fade but
that there might be a few bruises the next day. "I'm glad" she replied, "they
will remind me of you.". Tom realised that he had at last found the bondage
fantasy mate he had been looking for. "Next time we will do things a little
differently", he said, grinning. "I have a fantasy about a biting game using
dice to decide where to bite you and how hard.  And we havn't yet started on
your thighs and back, not to mention a few other places. Emma threw her arms
around Tom's next and whispered "I can't wait".  Then, on sudden impulse, she
bent her head and bit Tom's neck, hard. Tom gave a gasp of surprise, but she
felt his prick harden and push against her.  The future is going to be very
exciting, she thought to herself. 

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