Victoria's Revenge
Author: Ivan Wilson
(Added on Jun 16, 2010)
(This month 55012 readers) (Total 68436 readers) |
A possible sequel to "Recruiting Victoria" by Gina Hoisington. Unwilling sex-slave, Victoria, takes revenge on her Master & his slave-trainers. |
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Jun 20, 2010 |
I think Ivan made a big mistake in wanting to continue Gina Hoisington's "Recruiting Victioria". First of all because the aformentioned tale was quite finished and secondly because it was extremely well written. As such, Ivan has two problems in that he must find some interesting twists to make the continuation acceptable and that he must be able to be on par with Gina's writing skills. Maybe there's even a third problem and that is about the original author having given her accord or not for the use of her creations, but that's something for others to work/find out. Anyway, I'm afraid that Ivan Wilson's writing style is too pedestrian to come anywhere close to Hoisington's. On top of that, the original story is misused to let this author come up with a ludicrous plan of revenge. A revenge by someone who at the end of the original was completely at peace with her life and destiny. While not entirely devoid of talent, I'll gladly have a go at an Ivan Wilson original, should he venture to write one. But this one is clearly not a hit but a serious miss. JJ (6/10)