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Amanda\'s Surprise Author: Aussiegirl
(Added on Feb 13, 2006) (This month 53598 readers) (Total 70074 readers)
When Amanda goes in search of her missing friend, little did she know that her life was about to become a roller coaster ride full of dangerous and powerful men.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 4
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Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Lowest Rating: (8/10)

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Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jun 19, 2010
Very nice short, with a touch of adventure, a whiff of detective and a pinch of mystery. And bucketloads of nicely described BDSM, of course.
Very good.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 6, 2008
the stories are getting better, keep working on them
Re Read it re reviwed it (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
Thanks mkemse,
I like that you take the time to review and vote stories. Glad you are liking my stuff.

Reviewer: Barticlees (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2006
Well done Aussiegirl. The situations were hot and the subject was very stimulating. Are you a professional writer?
It would have been fun to read more personal details about what she felt about the things that were happening around her....the tastes, smells, doubts, hopes,fears, lewd confessions???....less narrative and more intimacy??????
But then I'm kind of sick that way. Thanks for a good story. (9/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
Thank you Barticlees,
I am flattered! I am not a professional writer, in fact this is only the fourth story I have ever written of this type. I certainly appreciate the input, as I want to get even better at this. If you can suggest a story that includes more of what you were talking about, I would like to read it, as I am trying make my characters more real and personal.
Thanks again
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
Thank you Barticlees,
I am flattered! I am not a professional writer, in fact this is only the fourth story I have ever written of this type. I certainly appreciate the input, as I want to get even better at this. If you can suggest a story that includes more of what you were talking about, I would like to read it, as I am trying make my characters more real and personal.
Thanks again

Reviewer: laursie (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2006
I enjoyed your story very much. I hope to read more from you. Keep up the good work. (8/10)
Replied by: Aussiegirl1 (Edit) (Feb 14, 2006)
Thanks laursie,
I am glad you liked it, as it was a different kind of story. I will have more stories coming soon.

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