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Wife's Perversions Author: XtremeInk
(Added on Jun 21, 2005) (This month 39469 readers) (Total 58212 readers)
I always knew that Linda was a highly sexed person. Sexually adventurous, to say the least. This is the story of how I discovered just how perverted she really is. Note: This story contains scent play.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 2
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Weighed Average (?): (8.5/10)
Average Rating: (10/10)
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Reviewer: Dododecapod (Edit) Rating: Jun 22, 2005
Well, you've certainly lived up to your handle.
What can I say? Your timing and sense of drama are impeccable, there's not a single aspect I can, with an honest heart, criticise. Absolutely excellent. (10/10)
Replied by: XtremeInk (Edit) (Jun 22, 2005)
Thanks. Glad you liked it. It was probably a one off -- don't know that I'll do a series on this one. There is potential there, for sure.

Reviewer: lex ludite (Edit) Rating: Jun 22, 2005
I do believe this one is going to generate a bit of controversy due to its content and the fact that it breaks some of the site's guidelines. Let me be the first one to say that this is probably the best thing this excellent writer has produced to date. The little girl is just about perfect and naturally is modeled after other tykes that have appeared in the author's previous works. Sweat and odor are kinks that most people seem to shy away from, because it's dirty in more ways than one. I heartily applaud the author for breaking some new ground in this neglected area. Who knows it may even inspire some of the more pedestrian writers who post on this site to start thinking about new kinks and ways to apply them. The only author I know who has worked this area is Jethro Jodhpur in some of his recent stories. As usual this author's command of the language and his writing skills are in full effect here. I am eagerly awaiting further installments of this tremendously erotic story from him. (10/10)
Replied by: XtremeInk (Edit) (Jun 22, 2005)
Thanks for the review Lex. I didn't realize that I might be stepping on some of the site rules though. Not a good thing. Well, if it gets pulled, then I hope that the site admin doesn't ban me completly.
As I said above, this was a one off that I had no intention of doing more on. At this point, I could see 4 more installments, although I have no idea if they'll ever get written. I'll have to see if I have time.

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