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Owned Teacher Author: thumb
(Added on Jun 27, 2000) (This month 878812 readers) (Total 1251755 readers)
A female teacher was controlled by her student, completely.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 102
58 Votes
58 Votes
58 Votes
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
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Reviewer: MasterJp (Edit) Rating: May 24, 2016
I agree with the previous reviewer who said that this story sets the standard for humiliation/degradation fantasies. Also about the chapters 29-33 who does not appear in this site. Even though they are not the same quality when they are not included the story remains unfinished or finished abruptly. (10/10)

Reviewer: tellmeyourstory (Edit) Rating: Feb 7, 2016
Fun fun fun! Had a lot of typos, needs a good editor. (9/10)

Reviewer: deodarsub (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2014
good (10/10)

Reviewer: happyman306306 (Edit) Rating: Jul 25, 2014
<br /><b>Warning</b>: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in <b>/home/bdsmlibr/public_html/stories/review_add.php</b> on line <b>40</b><br />The best story I had ever read...I wish if we could read more of it soon (10/10)

Reviewer: j69man (Edit) Rating: Jul 9, 2014
<br /><b>Warning</b>: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in <b>/home/bdsmlibr/public_html/stories/review_edit.php</b> on line <b>43</b><br />Like your story very much. Through chapter 8 and like what I have read so far. Finished the story amazing. Looking to read more of your work soon. (10/10)

Reviewer: n0ir3s0ul (Edit) Rating: Aug 16, 2012
I believe this was one of the first stories about blackmail that really made it for me.
A note to all the people asking for a sequel.
There are 3 sequels written by a different person. They can be found if you do a simple search on "Owned teacher". Be warned, although the first sequel is continuing with more degradation for Mary and her daughter the two other sequels are going places i don't like even in fantasy land. I guess that is why it has not been submitted to this site. (8/10)

Reviewer: arlene(bigsissy) (Edit) Rating: Feb 21, 2012
i enjoyed it very much would love to read more chapters (9/10)

Reviewer: saskatchewanslut (Edit) Rating: Jan 10, 2012
This is one of the enduring stories that seem timeless due to the real quality of the writing. Other reviewers have touched on the change of author, and it is noticeable, but this does not really detract from what is, overall, a great story.
As with most stories in this genre, and blackmail stories in particular, the premise itself requires a suspension of disbelief but what has been accomplished here is something that you do not see often.
The story, while firmly grounded in the outrageous, steers clear of the ludicrous and cliched spirals that many authors find themselves caught in.
This is one of the classics in the blackmail genre and one of my favorite bdsm stories I have read. Definitely worthy of its rating. (9/10)

Reviewer: Free Master (Edit) Rating: Aug 10, 2011
It has been over eleven years since I rated this story, yet I return to it again and again. It must be said that this story sets the standard for humiliation/degradation fantasies. The last chapters from 28-33 nearly appears to have been written by another person. It is
obvious that Thumb was not well when this section was written,
but the chapters through chapter 27 is the gone of the greatest stories in the genre. (10/10)

Reviewer: studmaster58 (Edit) Rating: Mar 26, 2011
top shelf... (10/10)

Reviewer: Miss Irene Clearmont (Edit) Rating: Feb 27, 2011
This was one of the first stories that I stumbled across in BDSMlibrary that I really enjoyed so I took another look! It does wander a bit but the blackmail works well and that is certainly difficult to get right. The drift, in my opinion, happens towards the end. Sort of get the feeling that it needs a *BANG* hit or twist to finish it off. Well enjoyable. (8/10)

Reviewer: John Tagliaferro (Edit) Rating: Nov 23, 2010
I join with the others in praising Thumb's fantastic writing and the quality of this story.
The way Thumb leveraged the blackmail with successively increasing embarrassment and possible illegal acts was well done. I did not have a problem with the style of chapters 27 and on. My manuscripts look a lot like that when I lay out the scenes and it still tells the story, just in a fashion that drives English teachers crazy. As a fellow writer, I had the feeling that Thumb was tiring around that point and I plead guilty to projection of my own feelings on that point.
Anybody who is shy about any of the codes on this one should just stay away, certainly not review it. The codes are accurate, there are elements of each in the story.
On the criticism side, some of the chance encounters seemed too coincidental, especially the ride in the pickup truck at the end.
One continuity error, maybe not, Mary was told by Lisa at "The Hut"(?) to fill "at least" six condoms and she got seven, then got punished for it. Still works if the idea is constant punishment, which is also a theme here.
More praise, thumb captured the idea of cruel people who finds fulfillment in tormenting others in the Dominant characters. I was expecting Lisa to want more direct pleasure from her slave, in the form of sex, and then the light came on. This story is about slavery, not exactly sex slavery.
The only thing "Owned Teacher" lacks from being professionally published is a professional editor. (9/10)

Reviewer: priscillaolorien (Edit) Rating: Jun 20, 2010
Mindblowing! Best story I've read so far, way beyond all the rest! Great story, excellent writing style!
Wauw! I really hope you could add some chapters, I guess we are all very anxious to read some more :)
10+!! (10/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 1, 2009
A story that reads like watching those teen horror-flicks. Good brainless fun, as long as you don't start thinking about it too much.
I feel that "Owned Teacher" is a classic in the blackmail genre, with few other tales that reach the story's ankles.
Sure, it has its flaws and faults and implausabilities and whatsmore, but one thing it's not is boring.
Story is well written, well paced, highly erotic with a charming lovely teacher with an itch and a blackmailing wench with an agenda.
Besides, this is fiction, right?
JJ (10/10)

Reviewer: egy_doctor_1 (Edit) Rating: Jul 1, 2008
This is the best story i have ever read in the web.i just wish if it could be continues with more humilation and degradation for Mary and Amy (10/10)

Reviewer: HiTmAn47 (Edit) Rating: Jun 3, 2008
This story is the best I have ever read so far (( and I did read alot ))
I cum 5 times now and I just have read the first 12 chapters ...
looking for more like this from the author (10/10)

Reviewer: diva22 (Edit) Rating: May 24, 2008
Too Sexy and i more of this to continue............. (10/10)

Reviewer: MMerkle (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2008
Love this story. Great scenes and emotions! (10/10)

Reviewer: Voracious Reader (Edit) Rating: Dec 28, 2007
While azrlg17 makes some valid critiques of the "reality" of the story, I for one don't read this type of story for the "believability" of them. I am fully capable of suspending disbelief for an interesting and well-thought out story. Since this story was originally and suddenly stopped, Thumb HAS resurfaced with the beginnings of another story. I hope that his (or her) health continues to improve to the point that more of this story can be written. Fantastic "first story". (9/10)

Reviewer: nakdsub (Edit) Rating: Dec 22, 2007
This is, with out a doubt, the best story of this kind i have ever read. i could not get away from my computer and read the entire story well into the morning and didn't get to bed until 4am. (10/10)

Reviewer: C_Lakewood (Edit) Rating: Jul 28, 2007
In general, I agree with tedebear690's review.
Note, however, that that agreement applies ONLY
to Chapters 1-27A. That portion of the story
rates a 10. Apparently Thumb was in poor health
or impatient (or both) when he wrote the rest,
because it just doesn't hold a candle to the
preceding chapters; in fact, I'd rate the last
two chapters in the neighborhood of a 3.
After some thought, I'd have to say that it's
worth only a 9 overall. (9/10)

Reviewer: slutpuppy (Edit) Rating: Apr 22, 2007
I enjoyed it very much. Made my pussy very wet and wish I would be controlled in the same manner. Looking forward to reading more. (7/10)

Reviewer: azrlg17 (Edit) Rating: Nov 18, 2006
Ok so a student of yours comes to you and basically says either you agree to let me own you and that you will obey everything I order you immediately and you will be my slave OR you will be a bit embarrassed by a couple of nudie pics. Would anyone with half a braincell give in to that? Or would they report her blackmail to the authorities? Come on, nobody is this stupid. And then when she realizes it is too much and Lisa blackmails her with the new pictures why doesn't she try to take them away? They were just taken, there was no time to make copies.
And the daughter doesn't see that Mrs. C is so obedient and wonders about it? Well at least the stupidity is genetic.
And Lisa wants her new pet have a lots and lots of unprotected sex with strangers (and her family) before she tries her out? The stupidity seems to be contagious.
The story is missing many codes too, it should also be M/f, M+/f, F/m, M/m and F+/m, watersports, scatology, incest, modification, spanking, toys and exhibition.
All in all some sex was hot but most of it was repetitive. The old trap of having to top the last humiliation scene leads to really unrealistic scenes.
The characters are so stereotyped it's sometimes involuntarily funny (e.g. of course the big bad black master has to have the name Bubba :->).
And then at the end there's her schoolgirl daughter who thinks nothing about joining a group that prostitutes itself for booze and drugs. She isn't shocked by this she doesn't want to disappoint them and practices blowjobs on a dildo.
And of course almost everybody Mrs. C knows are either masters/mistresses or slaves. The last chapters are really so over the top exaggerated they are hard to read without laughing out loud. (4/10)

Reviewer: mike668 (Edit) Rating: Oct 26, 2006
Grate Story . Like to see what is going to happen next . thanks keep it up

Reviewer: thehammerspakeagain (Edit) Rating: Aug 8, 2006
definitely great writing. (9/10)

Reviewer: Larifarius (Edit) Rating: Jul 31, 2006
Very good plot.
The "minus" - because the rating is not 10 - comes from from too much obsession with anal and excremental stuff - not my taste. (9/10)

Reviewer: adeadeasyone (Edit) Rating: Mar 23, 2006
very good (9/10)

Reviewer: orchid (Edit) Rating: Feb 18, 2006
very hot. the author has a wonderful imagination and the story is well written. (9/10)

Reviewer: Nayeek Kahera (Edit) Rating: Feb 16, 2006
Excellent Story. I liked the first 4 chapters very much specially the part when she punshies the teacher by letting her open a third button of her blouse. (9/10)

Reviewer: wacas (Edit) Rating: Nov 6, 2005
I just keep walking back to this history every now and then. Superb! (10/10)

Reviewer: Kingandcat (Edit) Rating: Oct 10, 2005
I've read this story a couple of years ago and it is still one of the best around the net (10/10)

Reviewer: quagmirething (Edit) Rating: Aug 8, 2005
I enjoyed this story a lot. It was generally easy to go along with the how the teacher in question felt, to the degree that it was sad that she didn't get closer to her top. Sub love is so cute. My main problem was that often the task she was set was so public, logically it would have been better to live with the blackmail coming out. (8/10)

Reviewer: BigCat (Edit) Rating: Jul 26, 2005
Great!Just Great! (10/10)

Reviewer: Brabazon (Edit) Rating: Jul 23, 2005
Some excellent bits and memorable scenes but it drifts a bit at times and gets a bit weird. Overall, though, well worth reading. (8/10)

Reviewer: sunburststrat (Edit) Rating: Mar 17, 2005
I really wolfed down the first 20 chapters or so, and enjoyed it thoroughly, but it kept getting more and more severe and unrealistic. I thought it was well written and even though this genre is my favorite (f/f dom/sub), I don't get off on the more extreme stuff. That scene with the gastor oil and the yard, for chrissakes, who is into that kind of shit (literally!!!)? Another thing that blew it for me was the severity of the abuse she had to suffer, especially during her "slave" coming out party. For me, it really starts to detract from the erotica. I know a lot of people here eat that up, but to me stories are much better without that level of abuse. The last few chapters were a big letdown. And at the end, no real resolution. I really am amazed at the quantity of reviews and the consistently high ratings, relative to other good works on this site. I've read many other deserving stories here that just get ignored. (7/10)

Reviewer: emmacd (Edit) Rating: Feb 28, 2005
This story started out fast and somewhat duesble. IT got hairy as it ent along. Most impossible by the end. I think that a graduation of the chatacters would be better, I peronally do not like children as victims, changing the ages could elinate that. This is only a matter of opinion. It certainly had a fairly good plot. (8/10)

Reviewer: Berlinbob (Edit) Rating: Feb 11, 2005
Most chapters are compelling, and are real page turners. Through I felt the ending left the reader some what unfulfilled with the outcome of the rest of her family and what happened to them. (8/10)

Reviewer: Brooking (Edit) Rating: Oct 6, 2004
Absolutt fabulously. One of the best F/f story i ever read (10/10)

Reviewer: annexintoronto (Edit) Rating: Sep 27, 2004
amazing - will be a challange to equal this (10/10)

Reviewer: Abe Froman (Edit) Rating: Aug 31, 2004
Excellent humiliation and control story. Really well done, but my only minor problem was the coincidence regarding those surrounding the victim. But still, hot and very well worth a read. (9/10)

Reviewer: slaveneedledick (Edit) Rating: Jul 20, 2004
Wonder what ever happen to Amy and the hubby. (9/10)

Reviewer: Grafitti (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2004
This is one of the best power exchange stories around.I have been waiting for further chapters.Very well written. (10/10)

Reviewer: whecht (Edit) Rating: Mar 24, 2004
it is not quite a perfect story but it is by far the best I have seen on this, or any other, web site. I with Thumb would write another story. (10/10)

Reviewer: Merc1255 (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2003
Owned Teacher is the standard to which I judge all other stories of this genre. Wish Thumb would continue it some day, but as a ongoing 'soap opera'. Would hate to see it concluded, better to know that mary will reach new depths of depravity. (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Oct 5, 2003
Simply put, the best story i have ever read (10/10)

Reviewer: mmm (Edit) Rating: Sep 20, 2003
unrealistic....toooooooooooooooooo silly (1/10)

Reviewer: crickette (Edit) Rating: Sep 11, 2003
I enjoyed reading "Owned Teacher". It was entertaining without being overly vulgar or slutty. (8/10)

Reviewer: jbowler65 (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2003
Classic blackmail and humiliation story. There are some parts that are not believable, but that is why this is fantasy. Excellent writing though, but too bad it appears to have ended without a conclusion. (10/10)

Reviewer: Holly (Edit) Rating: Sep 2, 2003
One of the best stories ever. If ever 'thumb' publishes I will be there at dawn to buy his or her book. (10/10)

Reviewer: tttttt (Edit) Rating: Jul 26, 2003
point lost when new photos were taken on chapter 2...mary is too stupid to allow that....better method of control would have been convincing,eg drugs (2/10)

Reviewer: jamiedog (Edit) Rating: Jul 17, 2003
I was wet the whole time I read it please write more :) (10/10)

Reviewer: serggalant (Edit) Rating: Apr 2, 2003
Exellent story. The best blackmail story I have ever read! (10/10)

Reviewer: alphie712fr (Edit) Rating: Jan 13, 2003
Totally excellent,a pure gem in the first chapters. (10/10)

Reviewer: nowhere500 (Edit) Rating: Sep 9, 2002
This story rules. I'm sure there's a publisher willing to publish this as a book. Look at Cleos or Grass Stain. There's nothing literary about this story, just excellent erotica, totally unbelievable and pure fantasy. I loved it. (10/10)

Reviewer: jmfm1 (Edit) Rating: Aug 6, 2002
Very good (9/10)

Reviewer: tedebear690 (Edit) Rating: Mar 8, 2002
This story has to be a classic of the Blackmailed into slavery genre, as it is definitely one of the best, if not the best story of it's kind. For those of you who are unaware, it is the author's first and only story, yet it is so far superior to any other story, of this kind, that you would think that he has been writing these kinds of stories for years. 1st of all he has done everything right, he started her out slowly, yet firmly, letting Mary, the blackmailed teacher, now that she had no choice but to do as her master/student wanted her to do, and even as he built on this story, he didn't get into outrageous tortures and massive gang bangs, he just kept upping the ante a little more. He also forced Mary to balance precariously between her normal life of mother and teacher, and her life as a sex slave, which brought some very interesting and sometimes erotic results.
For those of you who have panned the story, I can only assume that you really don't like this kind of story in the first place. So my questions to you are: 1) Why did you even read it; & 2) (Even more interestingly) Why did you review it, since you obviously don't like this kind of story???????
For those of you begging for new chapters, Thumb has been ill, and unable to write more chapters, although he has promised to do so. And for those of you requesting that someone else take over the story, as an author who has done so, with permission of the original author, I can tell you that it is not easy trying to write in the same style as someone else. In addition, Thumb has NOT given anyone permission to do so, and I for one, would never consider asking him to give up his story, just becasue he's not feeling well at the moment! (10/10)

Reviewer: jesgar2 (Edit) Rating: Jan 25, 2002
Excellent story. I enjoyed every word I read. Can't wait till the so long promised chapters 29 and 30 (10/10)

Reviewer: kokkentor (Edit) Rating: Dec 3, 2001
The best ever story on the net. (10/10)

Reviewer: markx777 (Edit) Rating: Nov 13, 2001
excellent written story, great humiliation ideas, nice plot, I hope thumb continues the story(Hopefully more than the 30th Chapter). Best story i´ve read here or on assm archive. (10/10)

Reviewer: SpeechMastr (Edit) Rating: Oct 25, 2001
This is the best in the blackmail genre so far. Overall the story is excellent. Somebody has to continue this work of art. If thumb is unable or unwilling, I would be honored to help. (10/10)
Replied by: ownedgirl (Edit) (Oct 28, 2001)
SpeechMastr---- i like you think very very highly of this story, and i keep coming back to it again and again..However, contrary to my original review where i too asked for a continuation of the story, i now wonder where the story can go. The problem as i see it is the husband and father. What do you do with him? Can't have him permanently away on business (too lame) make him a willing and active partner in the torments of his wife and daughter? (would be very tricky to do while still maintaining the realistic feel of the story) Have him walking around totally unaware of what's happening? (First of all, sickening, also impossible with his wife's pussy full of rings) Have him be a spineless jellyfish who just sits there and watches as his wife and daughter suffer these torments and humiliations? (Oh please, God no!) Don't even know if you will see this, but wanted to add my two cents. Thanks

Reviewer: ownedgirl (Edit) Rating: Sep 25, 2001

Reviewer: no1athome (Edit) Rating: Jul 12, 2001
Incredible. It builds layer upon layer, each more interesting than the previous. Not flawless but just superb. The ending is the weakest part. (10/10)

Reviewer: Harold Rating: Apr 8, 2001
great humiliation story (9/10)

Reviewer: Uberdrache Rating: Mar 31, 2001
I enjoy both story lines with Mary and Amy. This is very exciting. Please keep the new chapters coming (10/10)

Reviewer: wendall Rating: Mar 14, 2001
The humiliation factor is great as is the details. Please continue as it has taken me a couple of years to find more parts. It appeares that Amy is ready to become a slave as well, go for it. Have them spend a weekend with Bubba. Again great work,my favorite, more whippings? (10/10)

Reviewer: aceRcher Rating: Mar 10, 2001
Although some chapters are a little uneven, I still had to give it a 10 because this is one of the all-time great humiliation stories. (10/10)

Reviewer: bryan Rating: Mar 9, 2001
I thought the story was great it is a very good plot it held my atteion all the way through I hope he finishes it and dont leave us hangen in the wind with what he has started. (10/10)

Reviewer: Tony Rating: Mar 1, 2001
Unreal. One of the best (10/10)

Reviewer: andreas Rating: Feb 26, 2001
one of the best stories I have read in the net (10/10)

Reviewer: DieFledermaus Rating: Feb 24, 2001
A fine story . . . although I think the author should at least credit the Parker story (of the same title) that this clearly started from. The first parts are nearly verbatim. (7/10)

Reviewer: Betty Phillips Rating: Feb 17, 2001
Excellent. At times a little to much but for the most part it kept my interest. While reading the story, I had my fingers playing with my breasts and pussy. (9/10)

Reviewer: maf Rating: Feb 8, 2001
first class story. the best (10/10)

Reviewer: atl-ga Rating: Feb 6, 2001
First class humilation story. Almost possible situation. Loved the instruction letters. (10/10)

Reviewer: cricket Rating: Feb 1, 2001
The story was excellent but did get a little tiresome towards the end (8/10)

Reviewer: scott523 Rating: Jan 14, 2001
HArd ON (10/10)

Reviewer: Dreadnaught Rating: Dec 21, 2000
excellent story with great intensity... magnificent training rituals... showing the manipulation of the female mind (10/10)

Reviewer: JJ Rating: Nov 17, 2000
Mind-blowing humiliation and mortification. Early chapters the best. (10/10)

Reviewer: fl3 Rating: Nov 12, 2000
wonderful humiliation scenes with great attention to detail. The opening scene is great, as well as the peeing parking lot scene. Best story that I have read. I hope that there is more to come. (10/10)

Reviewer: JtK Rating: Nov 7, 2000
It was very cool. One of the best. (10/10)

Reviewer: Maree Rating: Oct 22, 2000
Pretty good. A bit slow and boring at times though. (5/10)

Reviewer: poppy Rating: Oct 10, 2000
An excellent story which I felt was let down by one thing only,which was the ending.The progression from a respectable lady,who was caught by her past,into a pet and finally into a slave was brilliant.I feel the ending was let down on two counts.Firstly the story is believable until the last chapter until it is revealed that the whole college is involved and I felt this to be too far fetched and completely unrealistic.Secondly I felt that the development of Amy,the daughter,may have been able to go further. Please remember that these are only my personal views and that it is a work of fiction and an excellent one at that. Thumb,you definately have to write more stories. KEEP UP THIS EXCELLENT STANDARD. (9/10)

Reviewer: spanky Rating: Oct 10, 2000
The story is excellent, by the way the story is written is seems nearly possible that it happened like this... the development of the relationship between student and teacher is really good. (9/10)

Reviewer: 1st Base Rating: Oct 5, 2000
Good story, really enjoyed it. But being new to this site I'm beginning to wonder about the credibility of some of the reviews. As with this story. Two identicle reviews ??? (7/10)

Reviewer: The Mindcontrol Rating: Oct 4, 2000
One of the best stories on humiliation. I found the early and middle chapter extremely enjoyable. The later chapters are passable. (10/10)

Reviewer: The M Rating: Oct 4, 2000
One of the best stories on humiliation. I found the early and middle chapter extremely enjoyable. The later chapters are passable. (10/10)

Reviewer: The Tennant. Rating: Sep 27, 2000
Not bad, one of the better stories I've read on this site. But I've only read a couple.... (5/10)

Reviewer: Sven B. Rating: Sep 22, 2000
The best story on humiliation and control I have ever read. The story is escalating a lot, and some may find the first chapters a little booring and others the last chapters overdone. Personally I prefer the first chapters. But the story as a whole describes very well a jurney from the first humiliating domination to the utterly degredation. (10/10)

Reviewer: Kim Rating: Sep 21, 2000
I really enjoyed this story. a 6 or 7. (6/10)

Reviewer: missy(M) Rating: Sep 21, 2000
this is a very powerful story...exciting.... (8/10)

Reviewer: D.J. Rating: Sep 12, 2000
Pretty goood storie (6/10)

Reviewer: Engineer Rating: Sep 8, 2000
I fully agree with Dark Al and Sir Steven. (9/10)

Reviewer: DeGrinch Rating: Sep 8, 2000
This story has been around for quite a while, and still rates as one of the best I've ever found on the net. The main charactors are both female and the focus, and point of view, is the subs humiliations as much, or more, than her pain. (9/10)

Reviewer: Dodger Rating: Sep 2, 2000
Great story, good writing. (10/10)

Reviewer: Brocky Rating: Aug 27, 2000
Quite a good story at times, and a pretty poor story at other times. It was ok, but I didn't find it interesting enough to finish it. (3/10)

Reviewer: Todd Rating: Aug 27, 2000
Not bad, bit too predictable. (4/10)

Reviewer: ABrunetteWoman Rating: Aug 22, 2000
Quite well written. Some interesting ideas. (5/10)

Reviewer: Dark Al Rating: Aug 16, 2000
One of the best in the genre, too bad Thumb has had those problems slowing down his output. Thumb in my mind ranks up there with He really takes us into Mary's mind and the development of her 'Stockholm Syndrome' rationalization of why she must please Lisa. Too bad I didn't have a Mary C. and Lisa in my classes!! (10/10)

Reviewer: pete Rating: Aug 16, 2000
excellent story (10/10)

Reviewer: card Rating: Aug 16, 2000
excellent story needs to be completed! (10/10)

Reviewer: SIr Steven Rating: Jul 5, 2000
From Mary's initial reluctance to the dominance of her 18 year old student to her complete reliquishing of self, the journey of "pet" or finally "slave" is remarkable. Contact thumb and let him know that this is one that deserves to be completed! (10/10)

Reviewer: leen Rating: Jul 4, 2000
excellent story (10/10)

Reviewer: FM Rating: Jul 1, 2000
Excellent story...the very best humiliation D/s story I have ever read. (10/10)

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