This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com .
If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more!
In the years after the German reunion a lot of West-German families claimed to get estates and property from East-German villages. They stated that the claimed property dis-seized from their (grand-)parents as socialism was introduced the East-Germany in 1949.
One of these people was Alexander Geis who suddenly looses his house (and girlfriend) to the greedy Katharina von Hardenberg and her spoiled daughter Ann-Lena. This is his story:
[List of characters]
Katharina von Hardenberg - 39 years old - head of a wealthy family who claims back the whole estates of East-German village "Kleinhausen"
Ann-Lena von Hardenberg - 19 years old - spoiled daughter of Katharina; she will finish her exclusive high-school this year and wants to become a trainer for professional equestrian sport-horses; she despise people of East-Germany, because she thinks that they have "a poor spirit"
Antje Hansen - 30 years old - creative and ambitious lawyer of the Hardenberg-family; she holds an Elite certificate in property-law and has no qualms to adjust the interpretation of a law a little for the benefit of her clients
Claudia Conradi - 26 years old - cousin of Ann-Lena von Hardenberg
Erwin Schroeder - 45 years old - mayor East-German village "Kleinhausen", who will do anything he can to protect his village and its citizen from the infringements of the "arrogant and ignorant" West-Germans
Judith Hartung - 28 years old - she is wishful secretary of Erwin Schroeder; she is so impressed by the glamour of the Hardenberg-appearance, that she is even willing to betray her own boss just to win the favour of Katharina von Hardenberg
Alexander Geis - 31 years old - boyfriend of Judith Hartung; he dreams to become someone very important one day, but he is unemployed at the moment; currently he lives in the degenerated main building of an old horse-farm, that Ann-Lena von Hardenberg is keen to re-built as her new equestrian school
[testimony No. I of Judith Hartung]
My name is Judith Hartung. In 1992 I had already been working at the secretary's office in the town hall of Kleinhausen for the past seven years. You have to know that Kleinhausen is a very small town indeed. In fact it is more a village then a real town, but its small houses and parks are absolutely lovely never the less.
The only ugliness of Kleinhausen was its rising unemployment-rate. So I was lucky to have this job as it really seemed to be the most secure place for me to be. Or so I thought at least until the 15th of January 1992.
This crucial day had started just like any other day before. Like yesterday there wasn't really much to do and so I had started filling out the missing figures of Kleinhausen's financial report of 1991. Since this year our office was connected to the regional data processing center and I was still a little slow at using its brand-new and quite complicated terminal-software.
While working I kept my Sony walk-man running - listening to Nirvana's new album "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
Therefore I didn't notice when a dark-blue BMW parked under my window or when its driver knocked at my door. I just startled by a shadow that was casted by a young lady who suddenly stood right in front of my desk.
When I looked up her slim body I was pierced by two blue eyes.
"Hello! How may I help you?" I asked befuddled.
"I need to speak with Mr. Schroeder!"
"Do you have an appointment with him?"
"Are you telling me, you are such a bad secretary that you wouldn't even know whether your boss has an appointment now or not?"
"No! I was just... just... Never mind!"
I stuttered, while taking a closer look at my presumptive guest. She had definitely dressed in a manner that was guaranteed to draw attention as she wore a stylish black skirt and a white satin-blouse combined with a dark vest and an elegant silver-chain around her neck;
Her blond hair was scraped back in a ponytail underlining the natural beauty of her heavy dark eyebrows, her Grey-blue eyes and her firm chin. Blessed with so much beauty, this lawyer would easily wrap every male (and even some female) judge around her gloved fingers, I thought.
"So?" the harsh voice suddenly kicked me out of my day-dreams.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Who may I announce?"
"Mrs. Hansen"
Since my very first day at work I hadn't picked up the phone with such nervous hands. Fortunately there was just one single button to press to call Erwin Schroeder.
"There is a Mrs. Hansen who wants to speak with you?"
"About what?"
Shit - I had totally forgotten to ask my guest about her concern. Due to the style of her dress I just extemporised "Business matters!"
"Okay! But I'll have to finish my speech for the roofing ceremony of the new fire-department first. Send her into my office in five-teen minutes!"
After I hang up, I turned back to Mrs. Hansen and professionally lied: "Unfortunately Mr. Schroeder in still in a telephone-conference on the other line. He will welcome you in a few minutes. Please take a seat for so long!"
But Mrs. Hansen didn't take a seat. Instead she just watched every of move I did with a presumptuous smirk on her red lips. Her eyes conveyed a sort of unspoken challenge. I tired to keep my expression impassive but my heart was beating faster. I looked down at my paperwork to hide my momentary anxiety, but still I felt how her observing eyes were focused on me. After a count of three I looked up again.
"May I offer you a cup of coffee?"
Mrs. Hansen just raised her eyebrows, sending a derogative gaze at my ordinary coffee-machine.
"No, I rather abstain." she declared with an unmistakable undertone of disgust. "But I will take a Coke. Out from a fresh can, please!"
"I am sorry - but we don't have any Coke."
"So why don't you get any?"
Surprised by such boldness I stared back at her, unsure if her statement was meant generally or if she really wanted me to get her a coke now. I remembered that there had been a new Coke-machine installed at the entrance area of the local youth club a year ago. But she certainly wouldn't expect me to go there, would she? So I just kept standing there, simply lost in my unsureness.
"What do you gawk at me? Haven't I just told you what I expect of you? Hurry along now!"
I opened my mouth to protest, but it took just one more look into these dark eyes of her to silence me before even a single word had left my lips. Instead I clumsily retrieved my jacket from the coat-hook and rushed out of the office without taking another gaze at my presumptuous guest.
You probably think now that I must have been most-stupid to allowed this daunting woman to treat me like that. In fact I thought of me being most-stupid too. Mrs. Hansen was definitely not much older then me but somehow there was a kind of aura of superiority around her which I just didn't dare to oppose. I was so overcome by the effect that her aura had on me that I almost stumbled when I crossed the street to the youth-club.
When I finally returned to the office with a chilled can of Coke Cola in my hand, I found my office abandoned. Mrs. Hansen had obviously entered Mr. Schroeder's office. Then I noticed a writing-pad lying in the middle of my desk. Mrs. Hansen must have written something on it, before Mr. Schroeder had asked her into his office.
Although the top sheet had been torn off from the pad, the underlying sheet still was marked by the impacts of the writing. From a thriller that I had recently seen at TV I remembered that such a written text could be made visible again by carefully hatching the sheet with a pencil. And indeed the graphite slowly revealed the secret of Mrs. Hansen's writings. It was a key-figure-list of Kleinhausen's investments in 1991. She must have written them down right from my terminal-software. But why would Mrs. Hansen be interested in such unimportant information? It didn't make any sense to me!
I know that I was not supposed to listen into a confidential conversations of my boss, but Mrs. Hansen's data-thievery had made me just too curious. I just had figure out what Mrs. Hansen's was intending with this visit. Unfortunately the door to Mr. Schroeder's office is made of thick wood and so I understood only a few incoherent phrases even although I pressed my ear against the door as firmly as possible. Mrs. Hansen was calmly stating something about her "her right of restitution", while my boss seemed trying to argue her down.
Suddenly I clearly heard him shout out vigorously: "You don't talk to me like that, Mrs. Hansen. It's simple, really. I'm telling you 'NO'."
"I don't think you're entitled to make that decision, Erwin." followed Mrs. Hansen's cold reply.
"I don't care what you think. That's what I want. I'm calling the shots in this village!" my boss shouted again.
"Alright. If you want to play games with me, I am in. Although I should warn you that you might deeply regret your pig-headiness in a few days."
Then I heard the approaching clicks of high heels. Mrs. Hansen was leaving the office!!! Hectically I rushed away from the door and jumped back on my chair just in the moment when Mrs. Hansen was opening the door.
"I hope Mr. Schroeder could help to satisfy your wish?" I asked her most innocently, although I have to admit that my interest was much more than pure politeness.
"Oh yes. But it seems that there will be some more encounters necessary to persuade Mr. Schroeder of the inevitability of my claims!"
I remember how her ambiguous statement was sending me shivers down my spine. Although I must admit that it probably was not the statement itself which made my shudder, but it was the frightening calm voice in which she made this statement.
As I did not want to admit to her that her presence had made my mouth went dry, I didn't touch my cup of coffee, but just nodded professionally and cawed out a croaky "Sure, Mrs. Hansen!"
Mrs. Hansen's smile widened fractionally, as if she could pick up on my nervousness.
"I like this attitude! What a pity that you already work for Mr. Schroeder!"
My pulse quickened just a little. Was she just toying with my mind or was she really indicating that she wanted to hire me? But before I even could respond, Mrs. Hansen had already turned around and left the room.
Ten minutes later my boss came out of his office. I couldn't help but notice his pale face.
"Is everything okay, Mr. Schroeder?"
"Yeah - everything is alright!" he mumbled without even taking a look at me. Heavy thoughts seemed to wallow in his mind.
"Come on! Please tell me what distracts you such much!" I dug deeper.
"It's Mrs. Hansen. She just told me that she acts as a substitute for the Hardenberg-family and claimed the immediate property-transfer of our whole recreation-area including the old hotel and the horse-stables. According to Mrs. Hansen the Hardenbergs were expropriated in 1957 by the German Democratic Republic and are therefore entitled for a total restitution based on the unification treaty."
"So the town gets new and solvent investors. What's so bad about it?"
"What's so bad about it ??? I'll tell you what's bad about it: The Hardenbergs plan to convert our recreation-area into an exclusive holiday resort for the upper crust. The native citizen of Kleinhausen are meant to become nothing more than attendants for the elitist guests of the Hardenberg's tourist-corporation. As I protested to these plans, Mrs. Hansen even threatened me that I would be replaced if I refuse to play my role as the Hardenberg's puppet-major."
"Sorry - I didn't know that! But maybe we can find anything in the land-register that proves the legal effectiveness of the estate's former transfer into the communal property?"
"The land-registers as well as the title-records were neglected during the GDR-regime and have been lost now. But I think that I have already found out another chance to prevent that our town is taken over by the possessive and snotty Hardenberg-clan."
As soon he saw my rising despair a gleeful grin appeared on his face.
"But the situation is not as hopeless as it seems." he stagy declared with a bumptious tone.
"I just found out that the paragraph 3a of the 'German Open Asset Questions Regulation Act' concedes the so-called priority-rule. This rule forces the original proprietor to waive his right of restitution for the benefit of any current investor who generates jobs. Now we only have to claim that we have already planned such investments in 1991 and we have won!"
"But.... we haven't the hotel and the horse-farm aren't used anymore since 1989." I argued.
"Sure! But how will the Hardenberg-family be able to prove that?"
Suddenly it hit me: Mrs. Hansen had stolen the figures of Kleinhausen's investment-plan 1991 to prove exactly argument. With this information the Hardenberg-family would easily crush down any objection to prevent the restitution on basis of to the 'priority-rule' of the 'German Open Asset Questions Regulation Act'.
Or to put it directly: We were quite fucked!
I really wanted to tell Mr. Schroeder about this crucial data-thievery of Mrs. Hansen, but for some reason I didn't get out any word.
Looking back I do not know what possessed me, but I guess that it was the feeling of sharing a secret with Mrs. Hansen if I wouldn't tell my boss about it. Sharing such a great secret made me become some kind of intimate confidant to her. And being a kind of intimate confidant to Mrs. Hansen was a very arousing though.
So I just faked an expression of utmost relief when I said "Thank god that you have found this paragraph, Mr. Schroeder."
With a smile of untroubled happiness on his face he went home.
I was using at last minutes of this eventful day to tidy up the office room, when I found a pair of leathern gloves on the side-board of my desk. Mrs. Hansen must have forgotten them.
They were made of the finest leather, so my heart beat fast as I took the into my hands. Their smell of leather was mixed with a slight touch of her perfume.
Everything of them seemed to be so exclusive as if the gloves were coming from another world. From the Western world.
For a short moment I though about the idea of letting her hand slip inside, but some secret force hold me back. Somehow I felt that such gloves were meant for another league of woman. Woman like Antje Hansen. It wouldn't be appropriate that my hand would enter such a masterpiece.
Still I can not deny that my nipples stiffened a little, when I carefully put them into my desk drawer.
[testimony No. II of Erwin Schroeder]
I am Mr. Schroeder. Erwin Schroeder to be precise.
You should know that I am the happily-married, 45-years-old major of Kleinhausen and that I have some considerable influence over this region. Influence that will be strongly needed as the times are getting tougher. Just two years ago Kleinhausen had been a peaceful place to live, but than the German reunion came over us and with it came the claims for restitution from selfish West-Germans.
I hope you don't get me wrong. I don't condemn the restitution in general, but you also have to consider that one mere restitution claim on an estate of Kleinhausen will produce an immediate obstacle for potential investments until the legal settlement. And with an unemployment-rate as high as nowadays I can't afford to abandon any investment. And strictly speaking I won't!
Instead I will do anything within my power to defend my town. So just let me give you an example of my current campaign against the recklessness of West-German egoism.
One week ago a young and rather 'career-oriented' woman came into my office. Even the first impression of her left no doubt that this lady was a rather 'career-oriented' and Machiavellian kind of woman, even at her tender age. She was a perfect example of the blossoming emancipation of our modern times. The prime example, I might go so far to say.
The must have been well aware of her disarming aura, because she demanded me to sign a waiver-declaration over our town's whole recreation-area without any deviation.
Furthermore the town should bear all restoration costs.
Of course I instantly rejected this absurd demand as this area (including its town's only hotel and a neighboring horse-farm) was already set in the town's future development-plan. My decision didn't find much sympathy of Mrs. Hansen. Instead she tried to bully me by threatening to take court action.
But now I know that she will never do that as I still hold one big trump in my hand. The priority-rule of the 'German Open Asset Questions Regulation Act' protects job-generating investments from restitution-claims. Unfortunately I hadn't had time to generated such jobs so far. But how will Mrs. Hansen prove me wrong if I hold all the information about 1991's investments?
And indeed Mrs. Hansen has just invited me to an extra-judicial agreement instead of bringing this case to court. I interpreted this offer as an significant indicator that Hardenberg-clan has given up this case already and is now trying to bargain for a compensation payment at least. As I have decided that Kleinhausen can show itself generous here, so the meeting will become only a matter of signifying a necessarily agreement.
[testimony No. III of Erwin Schroeder]
The appointment for our extra-judicial negotiation was set for ten o'clock in the morning. Five minutes before the time my secretary Mrs. Hartung and I arrived at Kleinhausen's town-hall. Mrs. Hansen has already parked her blue BMW directly in front of the entrance. On the parking-lot that was personally dedicated to me as the major!
But I silently decided that I wouldn’t complain as I didn't want to appear too narrow-minded. Or was it an inner fear of me of getting into any more trouble with Mrs. Hansen?
Anyway – I tried to stay calm and politely bid her "Good morning!”
"A good morning it is indeed, Mr. Schroeder! But I just fear that this will be your last 'good' morning for quite a long time." Mrs. Hansen replied in mocked amusement.
And how should I be able to answer, taunted in that way? So I remained silent, waiting for Mrs. Hardenberg to arrive. That was easier said than done, as I was harassed by Mrs. Hansen's disingenuous smirking the whole time while I kept wondering what she might be meaning with ‘my last good morning for quite a long time’.
Still I couldn't afford to show any confusion, as my behavior was observed by the attentive eyes of my secretary Mrs. Hartung. For such reasons I felt more than relieved when finally a silver Jaguar XJS drove around the corner. Its windows were tinted black leaving only a vaguely disquieting shadow. Such an exotic car at such an ordinary place could only mean the arrival of a very special guest: Mrs.von Hardenberg herself.
Out of the car stepped a surprising attractive woman, although her eyes kept hidden by a pair of dark sunglasses. Beneath her coat she wore a snug, charcoal-gray wool skirt and pearl-gray blouse over a black turtleneck. Her exclusive boots were well-polished and gave her a severe look. Her meaningful face, framed by a luxurious mane of raven-black hair, almost demanded these clothes to give her person a proper amount of gravitas, yet the clothes perfectly emphasized her femininity. While I was still starring at the astonishing appearance of Mrs.von Hardenberg,
Mrs. Hansen had already stepped forward to welcome her client."Good morning, Mrs.von Hardenberg. I hope you had a nice ride?"
"Good morning, Antje." Mrs.von Hardenberg replied in a calm but friendly voice. Then her gaze suddenly turned to me: "And this is Mr. Schroeder, I suppose?"
"Yes...that's me.... I want to wish you a good morning from me as well." I foolishly stuttered and tried to smile at her, though I was not at all at my ease regarding the manner in which I should acquit myself in her presence.
But Mrs.von Hardenberg didn't seem to care much for my greeting efforts as she just looked back towards Mrs. Hansen."Well, well! Let's start then, shall we?" she proposed and directly strolled into the town-hall without even waiting for an answer.
Mrs. von Hardenberg had already entered the conference-room, when my secretary was suddenly stopped by Mrs. Hansen's open hand."Oh!" Mrs. Hansen said. "Do you want to observe the negotiations?"
"Ye...es....I... I would like to write record a protocol of the meeting. ...if Mrs.von Hardenberg lets me participate.' returned Mrs. Hartung, discomfited.
"But you see - she don't!" countered the young lawyer in such a finally and irrevocable way, that my secretary didn’t dare to protest. Instead she eyed me severely - as if it was me who was to blame for this exclusion!
And indeed I felt a little uneasy that my judgment was apparently not needed for deciding whether my secretary would join us or not. And wouldn’t it look a little odd that the representation of Kleinhausen (=just me) was now so obviously outnumbered by the opposite fraction (=Mrs.von Hardenberg and her lawyer)?
But before I could fully reconsider the possibility of any disadvantageous side-effects, Mrs.von Hardenberg’s clear voice already demanded "Can we start?”
"Sure!” I diplomatically replied, though in a condition of ruffled dignity. Mrs.von Hardenberg had already taken off her sunglasses and so I was now looking into two confidently shining brown eyes. She was really a glamorous woman. Probably the most glamorous opponent I have ever had to deal with in my professional life. But still she was nothing but a job-related opponent to me, I recalled myself. Therefore I cleared my throat and began:
"As you might have noticed already, the paragraph 3a of the 'German Open Asset Questions Regulation Act' forces you to waive your right of restitution for the benefit of any current investor who generates jobs. Now I have to tell you, that the town of Kleinhausen has already made such investments in 1991! But I want to be fair to you. Therefore I concede the payment of a handsome compensation-payment for you if you guarantee to stop bothering our town with any more claims of restitution! It’s a perfectly legal deal. I have also drawn up a suitable contract myself already - you just have to sign it."
"Certainly not, Mr. Schroeder!"
"Pardon me?"Mrs.von Hardenberg let out a loud sigh, as if she was just considering whether she really should waste her time arguing with me. Dumbly waiting for her explanation, I began to feel like an idiot.
Finally she stated: "I know that the whole recreation-area hasn’t seen any investments except for standard-maintenance since 1981. In fact the number of employees of the hotel-resort has even dropped from 21 to 20 last year. Regarding this figures I don’t see any capital spending that need to be protected from my take-over. And in such a case every German court will state that my ownership-rights must be satisfied in order to defend the principles of a free market economy, wouldn’t you agree?”
I swear, I was so thrown off by the situation that not a single word would come over my lips. How did she know?
"Oh, and I quite forgot to mention!" she continued. "I want to take over my property without any legal obligations."
"What do you mean? There are still twenty employees working for the hotel!”
"Definitely not for the hotel that I own now!"
"But... I think that you maybe could..."
"I don't care what you think!" I was rudely interrupted.
"You will have to fire all of the hotel’s employees until next Monday. After that I might hire a few of them if they apply nicely for my services and if they accept my demanding conditions. For the useless rest of them I don’t care.” she explained in outright contempt.
"I must protest!" I shouted out, my face flushed.
Mrs.von Hardenberg’s own face remained a mask of icy, innocent calm. Only the face of Mrs. Hansen changed into a predatory smile. I thought, that she might have a fair reason for seeing a defeated victim in me, if she would see me frightened. But I was not willing to let her have such a fair reason. So I tried to regain my composure.
"You also might consider to quit you job as a major as a suitable alternative of firing innocent people by yourself. It won't change their fate, but it might make you feel a little better.” Mrs. Hansen started teasing me in malicious joy.
”I’m sorry, but I won’t do you this favor.” I desperately defended myself with a tremulous voice.
"Why not?” Mrs. Hansen dug deeper down into my hurt pride.
"Because I don't want to.”
"You will do!” said Mrs. Hansen. "I can feel that you secretly want to quit your job right now. And soon you will curse yourself that you haven’t already quit it at the day when Mrs.von Hardenberg had initially reclaimed her property.”
I could say nothing to her. In fact I fully steeled myself, resigned to not embarrass myself by crying out loud. But while I kept silently thinking about the options of my vulnerable position, I made the mistake to gaze at Mrs.von Hardenberg’s Prada-boots. Intimidated by their awe-inspiring aura of supremacy I realized that I could expect no mercy. But what could I still hope for, if not for a merciful compromise for the benefit of the hotel's employees? I felt that I wouldn’t be capable of saving my poker-face for much longer. Therefore I swiftly picked up my coat and hat and strode out into the hallway. From behind I heard the triumphal laughter of Mrs.von Hardenberg and her conscienceless lawyer.
[testimony No. IV of Judith Hartung]
So it was done! When Mr. Schroeder arrived into his office at this morning his face still seemed to contain a paleness from his yesterday's negotiations with Mrs.von Hardenberg. It was such a pity that Mrs. Hansen had excluded me from participating. Still I instantly knew that my boss had been forced to surrender Mrs.von Hardenberg all the estates that she have claimed.
And an elite woman like her would surely bring radical changes for Kleinhausen. Now some citizen might loose their job while others might have to pay a considerably raised rent to their new landlady.
I recalled myself that I could have prevented this result easily if I would have warned my boss about the crucial information that Mrs. Hansen had stolen from our office.
But I didn't! And the strange thing was that I didn't felt bad about my betrayal, although I had brought so much harm over my comrades. In fact the idea of belonging the 'evil side' for the first time of my life even aroused me. It felt like I would have been secret part of a complot that inevitably seized power over the town's fate.
But then I had to admit myself that I had been nothing more than an unintended confidant of Mrs. Hansen's data-thievery. Excited by the inner vision of this young and ruthless lawyer I opened the drawer of my desk and took out the black gloves that she had forgotten at her last visit. This time I couldn't resist anymore, but had to slip my hands into their soft leather. Instantly a unbelievable rush of dark power run through my veins.
Yeah – this was the way that unlimited superiority must feel like!
[testimony No. V of Alexander Geis]
Most readers of this text have probably never heard of me before as I'm not one of these loud macho-kind of guys. My name is Alexander Geis and at the moment I'm in a harmonic relationship with my girlfriend Judith. I'm really grateful to have her, as the rest of my life isn't running very well lately. After the re-union I immediately had lost my job as the official party-secretary of the ruling Socialist Unity Party of Kleinhausen's recreation-resort. And as there is no need for party-secretaries any longer, it's getting hard finding a new job. Therefore I can only afford myself to live in the degenerated main building of the hotel's old horse-farm. This is totally okay for me as I am not someone who has any material expectations. Instead I spend most of my affluent spare-time by drawing pictures or trying to shoot artful photos.
Yesterday I consumed the last sheet of my sketch block and so I went for the corner shop to buy a new one. I was just re-entering my house when shadow of a person hit my peripheral vision. I silently stepped forward and carefully peeked through the open door of my living room, just to see a young woman sneaking through my flat.
I remained standing silently where I was, as I just too flabbergasted to do much else. This way I observed how she paced up my wall shelves as if she was searching for anything in it that might trigger her interest.
For a short second I could catch a glimpse of her face through the mirror of my wardrobe.
Her pouty lips, as well as her shoulder-length, straight and shiny black hair gave her a very elitist aura. She didn't looked much older then twenty years – maybe even a little younger.
And she definitely looked petite, very petite. In fact she was probably the prettiest woman that had ever been inside my little flat.
Please don't me wrong, I still think that my girlfriend Judith in pretty as well and I really love her, but this beautiful stranger over there in my living-room belonged to a total different league of pretty people. Such a lady could hardly be a common burglar. But what the hell could she want in my flat then?While all these puzzling toughs rushed through my mind, my big cardboard box had caught the attention of the stranger.
Without any inhibition she dragged the box out of the shelf and browsed trough its content. I remembered that this box was hosting some of my older drawings and photos.
From my perspective the view was outstanding as she bent entirely at the waist, giving me an amazing view of her tight skirt encasing her shapely ass. Pleasurably I savoured the feast for my eyes that was provided by sight of her soft leather boots perfectly fitting around her calves. Between her boots and her skirt gleamed a narrow strip of black silk stockings. A woman dressed as elegant and sexy as her could only come from West-Germany, I concluded to myself. The though of her being West-German let this woman appear even more superior and fascinating to me.
But my outstanding view on her was not supposed to last very long as all these visual charms made me become jumpy. Accidentally I touched into the decorative bowl on the shoe cabinet which was filled with my different kind of key-sets. Instantly my beautiful guest turned around and looked over her shoulder to catch me staring at her.
"What are you doing here?” she took me to task.
"Me? I... I am living here!”
"Oh! So you must be this Alexander-guy, mustn't you?”
"Well, that's me I guess. And who are you?”
"My friends call me Ann-Lena.”
"It's nice to meet you, Ann-Lena. Where did...”
"...but for someone like you I will be Miss von Hardenberg!” she interrupted me in a harsh tone.
I was irritated. How could this woman who was probably ten years younger then me, just call me 'this Alexander-guy', while she expected me to refer to herself as Miss ?
My obvious irritation only seemed to amuse her, as the ends of her lips started to rise into a light grin. I caught me thinking that her red lipstick might have looked tartly on someone else's lips, but in contrast with her large dark eyes and perfectly sculpted eyebrows it struck a fascinating balance. A second later I remembered myself that I should be ashamed for letting her eyes bewitch me that easily. After all I still had a girlfriend.
"Had no-one taught you yet that it is impolite to secretly peep at women?”
"I'm sorry... but I though... I mean after all it is MY room!”
"You wish! But I have to correct you here: As you are just a lodger, this can hardly be YOUR room, can it??? But in fact it is MY room!”
"Your room!?”
"All the estates and buildings of Kleinhausen's recreation-area once belonged to my family before we got dispossessed by the Communists. Fortunately times have changed again and we finally got back our property.”
"This estate belong to your family!?! But... what... what are you going to do with it?”
"As I'm quite skilled in training horses and humans, I have decided to convert this stables into a equestrian school for young women with promising riding skills and solvent parents.”
"So you going to move in here? Like becoming my flat-mate!” I cheered in hardly hidden joy. After all I had always felt a little lonely living in this house and a beautiful mate like her would definitely enrich the living atmosphere.
But her eye-browns only raised in dismissive lordliness.
"I would rather refer to myself as your 'landlady' to describe my current relationship to you.”
Maybe my new cohabitant might not become as pleasant as I have dreamed at first?
"So tell me: since when do you live here?”
"Oh – I moved in here already nine years ago!”
"Really? So since you must be quite in 'expert' of this estate, would you mind to show me around a little?”
"Sure!" I blurted out without thinking twice, as I hardly could turn my new 'landlady' down.
As soon as we came out of the living building, Miss von Hardenberg stretched herself happily and took a deep lungful of the clean air. At the next moment she cast a cheerful glance at me and stated joyfully:
"So Alexander, show me my new property!”
I started our little sightseeing-tour by leading her across the court-yard. It was paved and clean, but grass was growing in every crevice. Then we reached the stable building itself, which was of old brick and had a great many iron bars to it. Some of the windows had been walled up and those that remained were rustily barred. I felt excited when I followed my new landlady through the wooden gate of the stable, that stood wide open.
Inside the building everything was empty and disused. The cold wind seemed to blow colder in there than outside and it made a shrill noise in howling in and out at the open sides of the stable.
But my eyes kept watching Miss von Hardenberg flipping her black hair back over her shoulder. Her big brown eyes sparkled with disgust as she looked around the building.
"When did this stable had hosted horses for the last time?”
"I don't know. This building remained empty since I have moved to Kleinhausen.”
"And nobody tried to renovate it?”
"As this stable as belonged to the anonymous crown of all people, no-one had a personal interest in renovating it. It was planned to let this building stand as idle as it is, until it falls.”
"One of the old pictures that I have found in your cardboard box showed a great indoor riding hall beside the stables. What happened to it?”
"Oh – you're very attentive. I had to pull it down in 1985 to prevent it from uncontrolled collapsing.”
"What a pity! I think I don't require your help any longer You should go now, Alexander!”
[testimony No. VI of Judith Hartung]
I know that I haven’t yet mentioned the fact that I have a boy-friend names Alexander. Don’t ask me why, but I guess the reason has something to do with the fact that I’m not very proud of him. He used to be a little nerdy and sometimes he annoys me with his lacking self-esteem. All the time he is just following the things that I have proposed before.
Actually I only haven’t dumped him yet, because there is just no better alternative lover to find within the small world of Kleinhausen. Furthermore Alexander probably wouldn’t take a breakup very well after he had already lost his parents in 1989 and his job in 1991.
Just two hours ago Alexander came visiting me in my small apartment. At first I was a little pissed as
But then a show me a quite formal looking envelope that he pretended to have found in his mailbox this morning. Without much interest I grabbed the envelop and slid out the letter.
For one minute I just stared at the letter in disbelief! It contained a severely written indemnity claim from the Mrs. Hansen’s law-firm. In fact she claimed the unbelievable amount of 120.000 Mark for the deliberate destruction of Mrs.von Hardenberg’s indoor riding hall in the year 1985. Alexander told me that he had no choice but pulling down the hall if he wanted to prevent it from collapsing uncontrolled. But Mrs. Hansen surely wouldn’t have much sympathy for such explanations. A lawyer of her class would hardly have any sympathy for her defendants at all.
I got a little confused by my emotions. On the one side I really pitied Alexander for the miserable situation he had fallen into. But on the other side I felt a forbidden happiness that I would be going to witness his struggles against Mrs. Hansen so directly.
In fact I could even feel a base, debauched excitement stirring within my loins as I imagined my poor boyfriend inside the spider-web of this ruthless yet statuesque woman.
I vividly remembered the cool demeanor Mrs. Hansen had treated me with when she had ordered a chilled Coke from me.
"So what do you think I should do?" the worried voice of Alexander suddenly interrupted my daydreams.
"Oh – I don’t know! It looks like you are in a real pickle. But I guess that a formal objection will have no chance here, as your legal situation according to civil law rather seems hopeless. Instead I would try to delay the proceedings. The German tenancy law clearly flavors the tenants, so Mrs.von Hardenberg can’t just throw you out of your flat. So there is hardly anything she can threaten you with when you are officially insolvent."
"Hmmm... That sounds logical to me!"
I kissed him softly upon the forehead, brushing aside one or two strands of his silvery-blond hair, and then took up my coat.
"You have to leave now, as I want to meet with some of my friends.”
He was nearly out of the door, when I stopped him once more.
"Oh, wait a second!”
"Can you give me your wallet, please?”
"Sure! What are you needing it for?”
I decided to ignore his question until he had grabbed his wallet from his back-pocket of his trousers and handed it out into my waiting hand.
With bitchily joy I slowly took out three 10-Mark-notes and stuffed them into my little handbag
"You know, your money is only protected from Mrs.von Hardenberg's greedy claims if you don't have any. Therefore I better take care of your notes now, wouldn't you agree?” I purred while my face was beaming.
"Aemm... I think that makes sense...” he stuttered in irritated disbelieve. This was one of these moments when I remembered how much fun it could mean for m that I still haven't dumped my poor boy-friend.
[testimony No. VII of Alexander Geis]
When I came into my flat this afternoon I found the corridor totally emptied out. And my living- and sleeping-room as well! And even my personal stuff on the sink-board of the bathroom!
With rising panic I began to wonder what the hell had been going on here. Then I heard the click and clacking of well-heeled shoes from the floor above. Should my new landlady be responsible for this disaster? How could she even dare to touch my stuff?
Furiously I stepped upstairs, looking for the source of the shoe-clacking. It came from the spare room on the other side of the upper corridor. As I marched inside I stood directly across a brand new desk. Ann-Lena was sitting behind it, peacefully browsing through a equestrian magazine. The once so empty spare-room had been fully re-furnished into a modern office. When had she done that?
But although my appearance was not to be overheard, Ann-Lena still didn't pay my any interest.
"Miss von Hardenberg?” I tried to call her attention. She just shushed me quiet by holding her hand up high and continued her reading.
As I looked into her perfect face again, I felt how all the anger in my stomach slowly got overwhelmed by the sight of her. Believe me, there was just no way to stay mad at someone who is so fair and beautiful. So I decided to wait patiently for her to finish her text. As there was no chair available on my side of the desk, I had to remain standing the whole time. Gazing into her magazine, I noted that it was a longer article about the special pros and cons of different kind of crops.
The silence got quite heavy before Ann-Lena finally asked me "Yes? What is it, Alexander?”
I lifted my head.
"You have moved into this room, Miss von Hardenberg?”
"That's quite obvious, isn't it? I've decided to use this room as my "satellite office” to organize the build-up of my new riding school. Was that all you disturbed my for?”
"Well, I'm missing my stuff! All of my stuff to be honest.”
"I assume that you are 'involved' in this new situation.”
Instead of bothering to answer me, Ann-Lena just took a long sip of coffee from the cup on the desk.
"And why do you think that?” she asked me in most innocent calmness. Can you believe this? This woman really had the nuts to treat me like a moron!
"Don't act as if I were stupid! Beside me, you are the only one who has the keys for this house!” I steamed up at her.
But Ann-Lena kept enjoying her coffee. Unhurriedly she leaned back and placed her legs on the table, so that the high heels of her ankle-strap pumps were only a few centimeters away from my groin.
"My mother has ordered to carry all of your belongings down into the basement. There your stuff will remain looked in sealed containers until all your outstanding debts against my mother are paid. And don't forget that you also still owe me the rent for this month!” she said, flexing her heel toward me for emphasis.
"She has no right to do that to me! This is my flat!”
"I think so! From a juristic point of view, you're nothing but a L-O-D-G-E-R. My L-O-D-G-E-R to be precise!” Ann-Lena stated coldly, while she took care to pronounce the word 'lodger' with so much depreciation, as if it only was an equivalent for the term 'lowest inferior' to her.
"Still your mother can't just take possession of MY property!”
"But she has already proven that she can do it, hasn't she?”
"I... I... Tell your mother that if she don't return my property voluntarily, will bring this case to trial!”
"Your welcome to try! I'm sure, Mrs Hansen will have her fun crushing your prosecution at court."
I was too shocked to find any more words to encounter. Instead I felt my cheeks blushing in the awkward silence that filled the room. The whole hopelessness of my situation slowly spread inside my mind. And there just seemed to be no way out!
Ann-Lena's dark eyes remained untouched, but a little smirk around her lips told me that she secretly even enjoyed to witness my rising desperation.
A moment later she added in a low voice: "But I must warn you, that it might not be the wise to make the von-Hardenberg-family become your enemy. My mother can become very bitchy when she gets opposed.”
”But I am UNEMPLOYED! Your mother must be totally crazy if she thinks that I ever will be able to pay her so much money!” I cried out
Without any explanation, Ann-Lena stood up, walked around her desk and then: S-L-A-P! She had slapped me across the face with an unrestricted strength.
"Never ever dare to talk about my mother in such a way again!” she hissed.
I couldn't even look at her clearly as my mind was still dazed by the stinging pain of my cheek and my eyes began to water.
"I'm sorry!” I mumbled meekly while holding my hurting cheek.
"Then say it! Say that you are feeling guilty for insulting my mother."
"I am feeling guilty for insulting your mother.” I repeated, hoping that this gesture of obedience would calm down her anger a bit.
"...and you swear to treat every member of the Hardenberg-family with the utmost respect from now on." Miss von Hardenberg suggested on top of that.
This was getting a little ridiculous. How could I 'swear' something like that if I hadn't even met any other member of the Hardenberg-family beside Ann-Lena yet? But then I noticed the severity in Ann-Lena's hazel-eyes and I knew that she wouldn’t grant me any trade-off here. And I definitely didn't want to risk another painful slap from her.
"I swear to treat every member of the Hardenberg-family with the utmost respect from now on." I finally repeated her exact words. As soon as the last word had left my lips her cold eyes warmed up again. I began to feel uncomfortable that I had so easily allowed her to put her words into my mouth.
"Very well! Actually I have already thought about your little problem. As you will hardly find an adequate job around Kleinhausen which will enable you to pay of your debts, I am offering you a job as my personal assistant.”
”You duty will be to provide me every support I need for converting this rotten stables into a professional equestrian school. I expect you to work for me whenever I require your work. You will never be off-time, but in return for your high-availability you will get highly paid as well."
"That would be very kind of you!" I assured her while I started to charge myself with new hope.
"I still have my doubts that someone like you are man enough for such a responsible position as I require unconditional commitment from to every little task that I will give to one of my assistants. But after all I’m willing to train you accordingly." she declared with an ambiguous smirk.
"So are you interested?"
Mm - I was trying to comprehend the full dimension of this surprising offer. On the one side I had this discomforting feeling that Ann-Lena would become a quite demanding boss. And not agreeing on a regular working-time would surely cause some troubles with my girlfriend's schedule for me. But still the thought of working for an attractive woman like Ann-Lena was extremely enticing. And as an unemployed person I had not many other choices, had I? But by taking her job-offer, I could even manage to legally repay my debts and earn myself some self-respect. So how would you have decided in my situation?
"Well... How much would you pay me?" I finally asked.
"You’re a man who gets to the point very directly, don’t you?" Ann-Lena back grinned at me.
"Mm... I guess the best job that you could get in this shappy town would bring you around 1.500 Mark per month. As my expectations on you will be quite high, I will double that amount. So it’s 3.000 Mark cash on the barrel-head."
"Deal!" I cheered as I had never earned so much money before. A new feeling of joy rushed through my veins. My times as Mr. Good-For-Nothing would finally be over.
But as her cold palm firmly grabbed my hand and shook it to seal the deal, my joyful feeling was mixed with another feeling. It was the worrying feeling that I had just signed a pact with the devil.
"Of course I will have to confiscate your initial payments to amortize your outstanding debt against my mother. Including the current interest rate, you will be debt-free in around 45 months."
I starred at her in disbelieve. She answered that look with a triumphant glance as if she rejoiced that my situation was so precarious right now.
"Ah... but how would I..."
"I take your objections as a sign that you don’t really want to avail yourself of this once in a lifetime opportunity as my personal assistant. That is a real pity, Alexander."
"No! No! You’ve got me wrong!" I hectically intervened. "I was just... wondering... how I would be able to buy the clothes and food, that I will need to be capable of working for you?"
"Don’t worry for that. As long as you assistance meet my requirements, I will provide you with the food that you’ll need. And for the clothes: Well, actually the standard-work-wear which I had ordered for my prospective employees have arrived just this morning. So take out three identical sets of clothes from the big parcel at the corner and try on one of them!"
Short-taken I gazed into the left corner. There was indeed standing a big parcel that I hadn’t seen before.
Five minutes later I was wearing black slacks and a plain white shirt, combined with silken black tie. Peering down at my body, I had to realize that my garment rather looked like the uniform of a butler or a first-class-waiter that adequate work-wear for the assistant of an equestrian school director.
In the left side of the shirt was embroidered a black text. Seeing the letters up-side-down it took me a while to silently read it out. The text was saying 'Property of Ann-Lena von Hardenberg'.
"You look perfect! Now put your old your clothing neatly on the chair. You have to learn that neatness is a necessity for me. So you will always have to ensure that your clothes, body and room remain cleanly. I will make inspections and if I am displeased you will be punished. Have I made myself clear?”
"Very clear, Miss von Hardenberg.”
"Good! My cousin Claudia Conradi came over this morning. She will spend the next six weeks at this place to train her riding-skills a little. Actually she is riding out right now, but I expect her return every minute. I want you to welcome her as your new flat-mate and college. As I will have to go back the West-Germany for a few days, it will be Claudia who provides you with food and a bed. So you better do your best to keep her in a happy mood!”
"I'll do!”
"Good! Now here is your first job: You might have already Claudia's little Toyota Land Cruiser at the left side of the yard? It's still full of her luggage and I want you to carry it into her new rooms. I might be gone by the time you are finished with it, so it will be you task to show her around the town afterwards.”
"But it's cold outside! I might catch a cold, wearing nothing but these clothes."
"These clothes present everything that I will allow you wear. In fact they even present everything that I will allow you to possess while being at my service."
"But at least I will need a pair of fresh socks and underwear for tomorrow.”
The shine of her eyes darkened in anger, making me wish that I wouldn't had spoken so forward. But the words had already escaped my mouth. I could not recaptured them.
Slowly Ann-Lena leaned closer to me, making me back off instinctively. She just grabbed me firmly by my silken tie and hold me with it like I was on her leash. Now that I couldn't escape her anger anymore, I was pretty sure that I would receive another painful face-slap in the next moment.
The vision of my rising terror must have amused her as a smile re-appear on her face. Still it wasn't a smile of mercy, but a smile of triumph.
Instead of slapping my check, her hand just patted it. Like you would pat your own dog.
"You have much to learn, my poor assistant. Much to learn.” Ann-Lena declared with a mocking softness in her voice.
I nodded in surrender.
"As my assistant you will NEVER be allowed to talk back to me! Instead your new job will require you to work completely under the conditions that I provide to you. I think that – as a little reminder of this golden rule – I won't let you wear neither underwear nor socks at all!"
How could I object such a statement that was so final? So I only nodded once more.
"Hurry now to carry Claudia's luggage into her new room before it gets dark outside!”
I was already on my way outside when Ann-Lena added shouting "...and make sure to show Claudia the proper respect when you meet her! After all she might become one of the co-trainers of my riding academy."
[testimony No. VIII of Claudia Conradi]
Two days ago my first semester-break as a student for ‚Business Administration & Finance’ at the renowned University of Vienna has started. I’m going to use that spare-time for visiting my cousin Ann-Lena at her new place in Eastern Germany. You might wonder why a prosperous student like me lowers herself to go from beautiful Vienna to a wretched hick-town like Kleinhausen. The first reason is that I like my cousin very much. As her mother had gained back an old estate, Ann-Lena instantly seized her chance to build up her very own riding-school at this cheerless place. I admire her for such ambition. That brings me directly to my second reason for spending my semester break in Kleinhausen: RIDING! I just love riding. The feeling of gaining full control over a horse had excited me since I was a little girl. I always wanted to ride the fastest and strongest horse of the stallion as only the best horse could give me indomitable power. And power was what I was thirsting for.
So when Ann-Lena offered me full access to her glory stallion for the next six weeks, I couldn’t withstand its temptation.
Yesterday afternoon I actually got the chance to ride out for the first time since the enrollment for my study in Vienna. There was a dampness in the air that made the breath of my stallion quite visible as the horse still breathed heavily from a hard gallop. Controlling such a powerful horse was such a great experience. I had been driving Ann-Lena’s stallion so hard that I had to catch my breath as well. As I got very hot I had taken off my black riding jacket and placed it across the front of my saddle in front of me so that I could enjoy the cooling dampness of the air properly.
My joy-ride around the fields of the village must have taken the whole afternoon because the light was already starting to go by the time I arrived back at the yard.
Just as I turned the corner and prepared to dismount so that I could walk my horse to the stable, I saw a foreign man in a kind of butler-uniform taking a large box out of my Toyota Land Cruiser. When he looked over to me, he instantly stopped dead in his tracks with his eyes transfixed to my gently swaying breasts.
He even didn’t tear his eyes from my body as I approached him closer. His lips curled into an impish smile, telling me about the lewdly pictures that were playing though his mind. Being watched so obviously made me seek for a little revenge. And as he was an athletic looking guy in his early thirties I even hoped get out some fun from provoking him a little with my famous cockiness.
"Hi, I’m Claudia! And you must be Ann-Lena's new toy, she had told me of!?” I addressed him, while I slowly dismounted from my horse.
"Good evening. But... mm... I think you misunderstood my position. I am the official assistant of Miss von Hardenberg!”
I laughed at him. "Oh really? Then tell me: Why is the label 'Property of Ann-Lena von Hardenberg' written of your shirt?”
"It only means that the clothes that I wear belong to Miss von Hardenberg.”
"And you are totally sure that's the only meaning?” I mocked him.
It was a funny sight to watch his brain searching for a proper way to answer my mean inquiry. But before he even could find a suitable answer, I had quickly handed him the reins of my horse.
"Would you be so kind and escort my horse back into its stable?”
"Sh....Sure!" he answered in obvious intimidation.
Now I could nearly hear how his self-assurance was breaking gradually.
When Alexander returned back at the yard two minutes later, he found me sitting on the cargo area of my Toyota Land Cruiser. On its cargo area were still a least a dozen of my packing boxes waiting to be carried into my new room.
Still I had to make myself a little comfortable during his absence. My pony-tail was open now and my booted legs laid crossed over each other. I casually leaned back to enjoy the beautiful sunset (and to make Alexander feel a little awkward by brazenly ignoring his presence).
But from the corner of my eyes, I could see how his gaze was once more wandering over my body. I already knew this kind of guys from my campus of Vienna.
Although they feel that they hardly have a chance to date a girl like me, they still let me become to object of their heinous fantasies. A few moments later their mind had become so bewitched by me, that such guys start searching for a way how they still could gain some relevancy for me in spite of their obvious un-allurement as a lover. Well, here is your chance, Alexander!
"What are you looking at?" I suddenly asked aloud without bothering to look at him.
"It's... just... that Miss von Hardenberg hasn't mentioned, that her cousin would be that pretty."
"Hasn't she? Well – she also must have forgotten to mention what a lousy womanizer her assistant is!"
"Sorry – I didn’t want to incommode you."
"So then why don’t you continue with carrying my luggage into the house!" I asked.
I obviously expected me to join him with the work. But as I showed no signs of bothering to help him, he finally grabbed another box and started to carefully carry it into the house. My demonstrative idleness must have been quite embarrassing for him, but that was hardly my problem, was it?
"I'm glad to see that my belongings will be in good hands!" I commented with a smirk on my face.
He turned around and beamed back at me, happy to finally see me smile at him
"Hurry up! I want these boxes in my room by seven o’clock!" I laughed hearty.
This demand left Alexander in visible confusion as the cold command of my words wouldn't fit with the friendliness of my voice. I love to cause such feelings at my admirers. And Alexander's insecurity made him the perfect candidate for these little games of feminine ambiguity.
"What took you so long?” I welcomed him two minutes later when he finally arrived back at the yard.
"It’s not very easy to carry the heavy box up the stairs to your floor.”
"If you don’t return back here within one minute after you brought up the next box, I may have to use the dressage crop to obtain the adequate motivation of you." I playfully threatened in my jaunty spirit.
It was only meant as a joke, but Alexander’s scared eyes told me that he took my threat very seriously. Was he really fearing that I might whip him to punish his disobedience? The more I thought about this scenario, the more I got excited.
The next time Alexander showed up, I barked at him "You are late again!"
"S... Sorry!"
"So put out your hands" I said after a long pause, wrinkling my low brow in angry furrows.
Instantly his hands moved forward. His compliance made me smile. How easy it was to made this grown man carry out my wishes. At home in Vienna the men were much harder to convince of the irrevocability of my words. Ann-Lena must really thought her new assistant some valuable lessons in respect.
In a harsh snarling voice I counted "One, two, three" as I struck the thong of my elegant dressage crop.
Alexander hissed horribly as the thong came down on his outstretched hands, raising thick red welts. The pain must have been so intense that it brought tears in his eyes. But he remained brave and screwed up his mouth.
Only at the fifth hit Alexander softly whimpered. Then he gained back control of himself, standing there with a stiff white face.
Still I felt that it wouldn't take much more to make him cry out loud. This feeling of ultimate power was extremely thrilling. Oh girl, I thought, keep yourself under control, I told myself. After all Alexander was the assistant of my best cousin and I shouldn’t already break him at the first day.
Therefore I released Alexander with a joyful smile. "That should do for the beginning. Now get back to work!"
Around twenty minutes later Alexander had finally emptied the cargo area of my Land Cruiser.
But did that mean that I had to stop my little relaxation? Definitely not. So I let Alexander remain standing beside me.
Although his sweet shyness ensured that he wouldn't say a word, I could actually hear him getting more and more nervous as he didn't know what to do next.
After all it should have been me who makes this decision.
"Oh – haven’t you got any more employment from Ann-Lena?” I started mocking him after a while.
"Only to help you to move-in.”
I wasn't sure whether Alexander's voice was filled with relief or regret when he asked me: "So I'll go back in my room now?!”
"Not so fast, young assistant! You can hardly claim that I have not moved it yet.”
"Mm... I guess so!”
"Therefore your job isn't done yet. And I don't believe that you can afford to fail already at the first task, that Ann-Lena has set for you. Am I right?”
"S... Sure!”
"Where is she by the way?”
"She is already gone back to West-Germany. She said to me that she has certain things to settle there and that it might take a few days.”
I stared at him, biting my lip.
"So I guess, we are on our own again now!?”
"It seems so, yes!”
The prospect of having Alexander at my exclusive whim for the next days excited me.
Now don't get me wrong. I really like to hang around with Ann-Lena. But... Well – unlike me she is a real von-Hardenberg and she never misses a opportunity to let me feel that. In fact I had already feared that sharing my semester-break with Ann-Lena would become a little exhausting over the time, as it always have to be her who decides what to do. But finding myself being left alone with her assistant would automatically make me the Mistress of the horse-farm. And you could bet your ass that I was going to savor every minute of it. In fact I was determined to let poor Alexander pamper myself like a queen.
So I sent him a disingenuous smirk and extended my left foot - pointing with the toe of it's boot directly against his stomach.
"Oh yeah – you and I are going to have some fun!” I snickered while my boot traced down to his lap.
[testimony No. IX of Alexander]
The term "you and I" made me flinch. After all I still was bound to my girlfriend and it didn't seem right to let myself bewitch that easily by this vixen.
But then there also was this distracting pressure of her boot resting on my crotch. The trouser that Ann-Lena had provided me was extremely thin, therefore I could even feel the shape of Claudia's boot-sole. Its hard and sharp profile easily dig into the softness of my penis, slowly pushing it against my balls.
I could do nothing to prevent my cock from getting harder. Claudia's triumphant smile told me, that she also had noticed my erection rising under her boot-sole.
But out of a sudden Claudia pulled back her leg.
"So let's start unpacking my luggage!” she ordered.
Without even waiting for my answer, she stood up, turned on her heels and proceeded toward the house. I was so confused by these fast turn of events that I could do nothing but watch her small derrière sway to and fro. This woman looked just so beautiful. Once more I felt the pressure build up in my loins.
Giving me a short glance over her shoulder, I shyly followed her.
Inside of me grew a new emotion, that I don't feel able to describe with my vocabulary. Or do you know for a suitable word to explain the cold feeling deep inside your soul that enters your soul when you know that something is going to happen that will change your whole life and you still can't do anything to stop it. For the first time you feel that there will be a BEFORE and an AFTER based on this crucial event. And that you will never be the same person again.
In my case I had the feeling that such a crucial event was the time when I had allowed Claudia to whip me hands . I know that I should have stopped her from treating me that disrespectfully, but but for some reason I just couldn't. I just couldn't resist the allurement of her confident aura.
The fact that Claudia now didn’t even discard her dressage-crop when she went back into the house only confirmed my inner concern that she wasn’t willing to give up her freshly proven superiority. The implicit rank-order had been settled between us and it seemed too late to gain back the respect, that Claudia might have had for me.
All I could do now was following her back into the house and up to her new room.
Like Ann-Lena's new office, the guest-room for Claudia must have been renovated and furnished by a professional company. What I still didn’t understand, was the way how all this could have happened without my notice. After all this room had been nothing but a shabby lumber-chamber one week ago. While I was astonished by the rooms magic modification into a quite presentable residence, Claudia had already flung herself onto the bed.
Pointing with her crop at the boxes near the door, she ordered "You may start with unpacking those over there!"
No sooner said than done, I thought! But then the content of these boxes confronted me with a whole foreign world of feminine fashion.
"Put the socks and hosiery in the top drawer and the panties and bras in the second drawer of my dresser!" I was ordered from behind. "Then the hats, scarves, belts and gloves will go into the closet. The earrings and necklaces into the jewel-case. Anymore questions?"
"I guess not!" I mumble – quite a bit overwhelmed by the task. How could one single woman own so many fashion-items – all of it only made of the most noble fabrics? I didn’t remember that Judith’s closet ever had contained a single item that was so posh. But I guessed that Claudia’s affluence of clothes was nothing but the absolute basic-set for a girl that had grown up in the opulent world of West-Germany.
Struck ed in awe I let my finger-tips slide over one of her studded belts. Its leather just felt so soft and valuable. Unfortunately Claudia didn’t comprehend my entrancement at all, but reproved me: "So need to get your ass kicked first before you’ll get to work, or what?"
Her voice sounded really pissed at me and the collateral sound of her boot tapping on the floor only emphasized the alarming threat of her rising impatience. Appalled, I hurried to put the items to their according places. Next came her dresses and coats. And then Claudia also had me neatly stack numerous shoe-boxes into her closet.
It took at least half an hour until I could utter "I’m done!".
Without even looking up from her book she had started to read during my work, Claudia complained: "My back is sore. Don't you agree that it's another part of your job to make it feel better?"
Of course I agreed! The prospect of placing my hands at Claudia's perfect neck and shoulders made it very easy for me to decide that an assistant also had to execute such little acts of subservience. Although I must admit that a slightly bad feeling was raising inside me that comforting another woman beside Judith wasn't right.
Still I eagerly climbed on Claudia's bed and positioned myself behind her back.
In the meantime she switched on a nearby stereo, that began to play some quiet but dark kind of music. Claudia's black riding jacket came down and I witnessed how she slowly opened the top buttons of her shirt-blouse . The blended cotton of the blouse was pushed off her shoulders, granting me a magnificent view of her immaculate and shapely shoulder-blades. For a moment stared at them as if spellbound.
Then I began to rub the heel of my hand over her soft, white skin. Did I really deserve to service for such a perfect woman? Normally beauties like her would have been far out of me reach. But here I was - tracing my fingertips over her shoulder and making her sigh with pleasure.
To grant me an even better access to her tensed backside-muscles, Claudia laid herself down on her breasts. My head was spinning. Filled with lust and excitement, I wanted to show her my gratefulness, so I placed down me lips on her spine.
Claudia turned around and sat back up, gazing at me with an unreadable expression. There was amusement in it, and a certain tenderness, perhaps, and something else…
Then her shapely legs slowly began to open. My eyes followed their graceful curves up to Claudia's thighs.
Her right hand was already opening the fly of her riding-breeches. A second later I caught sight of dark curly hair; she was not wearing any panties. She had dainty sex-lips, encircled by black curly hair.
"Do you know how to pleasure a woman, Alexander?”
"I... can’t do that!” I sweated.
"You can't do what?”
"I mean... Don't get me wrong... but... I have a girlfriend?”
"...and so?"
"So I can not... You know... I can not go down on you...”
"Why not?”
"Why not? Because it wouldn't be right, of course!”
"Shouldn't it be me who defines what is right and what isn't? ...at least as long as Ann-Lena has lend you out to me?”
I blushed, slightly shaken by her method of pushing me into an delicate situation.
"I... don't know!”
Claudia raised her eye-browns in disbelief. "How can you don't know?”
"It's... it just doesn't feel right!”
"Is she handsome?”
"Your girlfriend obviously, stupid!”
"Handsome...? I don't know! Well... sure. Somehow... Probably not as handsome as you are!"
"Interesting. So what is the name of your 'not so handsome' girlfriend?”
"Does she think that you are handsome?”
"I'm not sure.” I stammered in confusion.
"Oh – you are ‚not sure’!" Claudia mocked me mercilessly.
"So if you’re not sure whether you girlfriend finds your handsome or not, you also can’t be sure whether she really loves you or not, can you?"
"I assume she does love me!"
"But you still don’t know it! Therefore your vulnerable relation is going to break anyway and you won’t have to worry about pleasuring other woman like me!"
I blinked rapidly, somewhat shocked by the fatal conclusion of her cold-hearted reasoning.
"So you think that I am handsome?”
Her penetrating eyes never left my face.
"Yes. I think you are very handsome.”
"Then why aren't your lips kissing my clitoris yet?"
How could I answer that question? The truth was that the thought of making Claudia cum with my mouth daunted me a little. Until that day I never had dared to bury me tongue into the saucy slit of a woman.
"Your hand is trembling! Are you scared of me?”
"N... no! Of course not!” I lied.
"Mm – maybe you better should!” Claudia laught out in a quite scary way. Then her face suddenly went dead: "And now get down on me!”
I leaned myself forward to her crotch, letting my head get besieged by her mighty boots. Now I even could smell the scent of their leather. As I got closer the dour got mixed by the sweet feminine smell of her sex. The thought of tasting her slippery cum in my mouth made me feel queasy. No - I just couldn't do it.
Out from the left came a hard blow, like the hit of a hammer. Before I realized what had happened, the next blow knocked me out.
The next thing I remember was laying on the sheet without really knowing where I was. I tasted blood in my mouth. Slowly I let my tongue wander over my lower row of teeth. My front-tooth was tottering.
As my vision slowly got clearer again, I saw Claudia grinning down at me. She must have kicked the steel-reinforced toe-caps of her boot directly into my face.
"And? Are you scared of me now?”
Her face was emptied of menace and in its place was a look of good-natured mockery. "Then why don’t you cry again?”
"Because I’ll never cry in front of people.” I answered. Which was, I suppose, as false a declaration as ever was made; for my eyes were already welled with tears. But so far I had still managed to withhold them from running down.
"Okay! It's your decision if you want to cry or not. But beside that you will do what I tell you and only what I tell you as long as you are my assistant! And don’t you ever think, that I'm going to let you defy any of my wishes again, you little wretch!”
I nodded in surrender.
"And now kiss the boots to demonstrate them your gratefulness for having taught you this valuable lesson!” Claudia coldly demanded, slapping her dressage crop across her hand.
I knew that kissing the boots that have just kicked my so brutally was humiliating. It would cost me the rest of self-respect. Still I had no power left for any more opposition.
So I crawled slowly over to the shiny tips of Claudia's boots. But beside the humiliation, another I suddenly felt something else when me lips finally touched their lethal leather tips. Something like awe. No – it was more like deep devotion.
"I hope my boots will not have to remind you of this lesson again, will they?” Claudia's voice cheered down from above.
"No, certainly not!” I said sincerely.
"Very well! Now get your assistant-mouth back on my clitoris and lick me to the orgasm that I've ordered from you.” she commanded me.
Once more I leaned my head forward and once more shame welled with me as I looked directly at her sopping sex. The curly, black hair couldn't reveal the dusky pink of her swelled pussy-lips.
Out of it came an inescapable smell of her female arousal and dried urine. Disgusted by all this juices that would await me behind this labia, I felt an urge to puke but I forced it back down. After her brutal kicks there was no telling what Claudia might do to me if I upchucked on her. Still I couldn't bring myself to do to place my lips at her sex.
But suddenly both of Claudia's hands grabbed my head and pressed my nose firmly against her dripping clit. As my nose got fully surrounded by it's lips, I instinctively gasped through my mouth. For the first time in my life my tongue tasted the fluids of a female! It tasted as vulgar as it had smelled. But as I had no other choices, I finally accepted it inside my mouth, where it's instantly got mixed with the taste of my own blood.
Now that my initial resistance was broken, I let my tongue discover the foreign territory. Tentatively at first and then wider and wider. When it curled over her damp clitoris, Claudia gave a small sigh of pleasure.
"Yeah! That's it! And it wasn't so hard, was it?”
She started rotating her hips in small circles, grinding herself into the open mouth, stroking her clit with my nose and lips.
"Just don't forget to keep your mouth opened up! ...and ready to drink my juices!"
And indeed there were soon flowing out more and more thick, whitish juices of Claudia's tunnel. With each contraction of her cunt muscles a new wave of gooey substance was pushed through her crotch. It flowed into my open mouth, collecting in small pools in the corners and then running down my throat. I gagged as my throat closed in protest of the awful mix of her fresh cum, her old piss and my own blood.
But Claudia just shifted more weight from her knees and shins to her crotch to non-verbally signal me that I better start licking, if I didn't want to get drowned. And the sheer power of my survival-instinct made me to obey.
"That nice! You surely have the potential to become a very useful assistant for me!”
Her words let me panic. Was she really indicating that I would have to lick her like regularly? A tear run down my cheek - I couldn't hold it back my despair any longer.
But Claudia granted me no break. Soon there was more heat rising out of her clitoris and the juices freely smeared all over face. Firmly pushed into her sex, I could do nothing but suck and breath in more and more of her fluids.
"Don't just suck it! Lick me!”
I closed my eyes and obediently followed her order.
"Yes! Right there...! Keep on licking!"
Toring my face from side to side, she gave herself up to the pleasure of riding out her orgasm on my helpless face.
"Yesssss!" Claudia moaned as she pronged her hard love-button against my nose. Her entire crotch was aflame and gushing juices.
I had to struggle for air now, but her iron hands squeezed me only firmer against her sex, making me fear that I even would loose my already slacking front-tooth. I felt so utterly used! Just used like a tool and with a total disregard for my well-being! I wanted to die! So I began praying. Praying for air. And praying that Claudia would reach her orgasm before I lost my tooth or before I was blacked out by her smelly cunt.
When Claudia's hand finally released my head, I had become nothing but a exhausted wreck. Totally out of breath! Now I was pushed away by the hard soles of her boots, before she swung her legs around and stood up.
I couldn't look at her! Therefore I didn't even noticed when Claudia left for the bathroom. When I finally dared to look around one minute later, I still was alone in her room.
Alone and free from her terrorizing spirit! This was maybe the only chance I had. Without thinking twice I stood up, got into my shoes and ran down the stairs. ...then I continued running out of the house. ...and then I ran on down the dark street to the town-center. ...still I couldn't allow myself to stop, but ran across the empty market-place, getting farer and farer away from my torturess.
testimony No. X of Judith Hartung
It was already late in night and I was just preparing my daily cup of Good-Night-tea when the doorbell rang. I went and looked through the spy hole. It was Alexander!
But the clothes he wore looked quite strange at him! Instead of his regular rags, he was dressed-up in black slacks, a white shirt and a black tie. A text on his shirt was saying 'Property of Ann-Lena von Hardenberg', which made me curious. Then again his facial expression appeared so inexplicable that I hesitated to let him in.
Finally my curiosity won and I slightly opened the door just a crack.
"What the hell do you want here in the middle of the night?"
"You have to help me!" Alexander said a hoarse whisper.
"At what?"
"Can I come in first?"
Puzzled by his unknown form secretiveness, I threw the door more open. When Alexander approached me, I instantly toke a step backwards, so that this weird version of my boy-friend wouldn’t touch me. He just passed me with an abject bow and adjourn to my small sitting-room. I followed.
Taking the cup of Good-Night-tea into my hand, I inquired: "So what’s the meaning of all this?"
Alexander strove to speak, but his lips would not frame a single sentence. His throat seemed to be compressed by a band of steel.
"Hello-oh? Do you hear me?"
"Sure! It’s just... I don’t know... Do you remember how I’ve shown you the letter from Mrs. Hansen?"
"The one in which she claims the 120.000 Mark ?"
"Exactly. Now I have done as you told me and tried to delay the proceedings. Today it turned out that the German tenancy-law might protect me from being thrown out of the flat, but it doesn’t protect my private belongings from getting seized."
"Mrs. von Hardenberg revoked all of your stuff?"
"It seems so!"
"That’s too bad!"
"It got even worse! To re-gain access to my stuff Mrs. von Hardenberg’s daughter Ann-Lena has offered me a well-paid job as her assistant."
"That’s why you are wearing this funny shirt and tie!" I grinned.
"Yes! But just an hour after I accepted her offer, I found myself working for Ann-Lena’s cousin, who is playing in league with the devil."
He waited for my reaction. I just stared back at him as I wanted him to continue.
"She made me even pleasure her!"
Instantly my slight amusement turned into furious anger. "What? You had sex with her?"
"Not directly! I just licked her off."
"Just licked her off? Don't give me your meticulous bullshit, boy!"
"It is not as you think it is. Just let me explain..." he tried to find plausible excuses, but I decided to cut him off by splattering my hot Good-Night-tea into his face. He screamed at the top of his lungs.
I must admit that I had added a good portion of rum into my tea, which was probably painfully burning in his eyes right now. So maybe I had just overreact a little?
The truth was that my anger didn’t base so much on my jealousy towards Alexander, but more on my enviousness that this Claudia was capable of making Alexander lick her within a few hours while he had never gone down on me before.
Of course, I took care not to reveal this true reason to Alexander, as I expected to get out some reasonable bribe-services from my boyfriend as long as I would maintain his bad conscience.
Instead I remained standing in front of him, calmly relishing to see him suffer without showing any motion myself. To raise the pressure inside his surely confused mind, I began to tap the empty mug against the palm of my hand – just like it would have been a fist.
"Judith, please try to understand! This woman forced me to do it!" he indeed gasped at me as soon as he had gained back his voice.
"Bullshit! How can a young woman force you if you are much stronger then her?"
"She kicked me!"
"Oh - she kicked you?” I cruelly mocked. "And then you instantly had to obey her? You must be kidding!"
Slowly my boyfriend was getting desperate. "Claudia was..." he once more tried to justify himself.
"She was what?" I looked at him fiercely, "She was enticing you? Is that the whole reason? She was manipulating you? Oh please, Alexander, don’t try to make me believe such lame excuses! And now you better leave my flat!"
I know that it was pretty mean from me to deny Alexander my absolution any longer while my hot tea was probably still hurting his face, but some vicious streak inside me needed to see him defeated on his knees.
And I also felt that this moment was just crucially shaping the next phase of our relationship. If I could make Alexander surrender in this battle, I would surely be treated by him with exquisite dedication and generosity in the future.
"I-I'm sorry!" my boy-friend finally whispered. First of all because he now understood that the luck of his future depended on my good-will, but furthermore he indeed seemed to be deeply sorry for what he had done. It was a pity that such devotional attitude of my boyfriend mostly didn't last very long.
"The future will show just how sorry you really are." I sighed and looked at him with a blankest look I could make without starting to laugh out at his miserable sight.
"Can I sleep in your bed for a few days until I have sorted out the things a little?"
"No, Alexander! I’m not ready yet for letting you to get so close to me after this elemental disappointment."
"Judith!" he begged. "...please!" God, I wished my best-friend could have seen Alexander in this funny state. He sounded so defeated in his trembling voice!
"Okay, Alexander. If you want I will let you sleep in the garage on the old army cot of my father.”
He blushed and I could see how thoughts of exasperation raged through his head. He so much wished that he could turn back the situation he was in. But he just couldn't. Good for me!
[testimony No. XI of Erwin Schroeder]
I was just on my way to heat up my daily lunch-packet, when a foreign, young man came into my office. It took a second glance before I recognized that it was the boyfriend of my secretary who I had meet him during our last year’s Christmas party. I remembered him as a chary but likable fellow, who had the nuts to wear his casual street-wear even at this quite formal occasion.
But at this day he appeared in black slacks and a plain white shirt, covered by a feminine-tailored sweater. Beside this odd sight, his whole manner appeared strangely woebegone. As if someone would have just informed him that he suffered from cancer or something like that. Still he seemed more than relieved to have found me.
"May I have a word with you?" he asked.
"Sure, Mister....!"
"Geis! My name is Alexander Geis."
"Oh yeah! How can I help you, Mr. Geis?"
When his lips had parted and had shaped some words that were without sound, he forced himself to say: "Do you remember the indoor riding-hall beside the stables, that we had to pull down in 1985 to prevent it from uncontrolled collapsing?"
"Last week that the stables were given back to the von-Hardenberg-clan. And now Mrs.von-Hardenbergs claims from me 120.000 Mark as the destruction of her riding-hall wasn’t unauthorized by her."
"That’s absurd. In 1985 Mrs. von Hardenberg didn’t bear the power of disposal over the riding-hall!"
"Her lawyer Mrs. Hansen seems to hold a different view on that case."
"It’s Mrs. Hansen who sue you for the damages? Oh – that’s bad!" I exclaimed. No matter how deep Alexander Geis had sank into the shit – I definitely wasn't keen to run into another confrontation with Mrs. Hansen just to help out a poor fellow like him.
"What do you mean? You can still help me, right?"
I kept silent for a little while, and then declared in the calmest voice I was capable of: "Well you know, Mr. Geis, I must tell you one thing. Your chances to free yourself from this debt-claim on a legal way seem to be not only bad, but devilish-bad."
It was only now that he began to tremble. "But... the current consequences of this debt-claim got quite unpleasant recently as Mrs.von Hardenberg has also become the owner of the house I’m living in. By appointing her daughter Ann-Lena my new land-lady she gained access to my private belongings. Now all my stuff got revoked by Mrs. von Hardenberg for as long as I didn’t pay her. To re-gain access to my stuff Mrs. von Hardenberg’s daughter Ann-Lena has offered me a well-paid job as her assistant. But instead of an assistant I rather get dressed and treated like a family-servant – and since her cousin Claudia Conradi took over the command of my home I got treated even worse.”
Before I could answer him, our little office-microwave sent out a loud ring, indicating that my today's lunch were ready. Slowly I got up and opened the microwave. Steam rose from my hot lunch; but I neither looked at it nor at Mr. Geis, but steadily looked at the folder that laid upon my desk.
"I'm sorry to hear that!" I replied, shaking my head. "But taking care of how you get treated is definitely not part of my regular job as your major, mister!."
"Nor is the way I get treated part of a regular problem. It's part of a external problem that threatens the citizen of Kleinhausen in general." Alexander opposed.
"So do you think I’m the Salvation Army or what?"
"No! But as there is no Salvation Army in Kleinhausen anyway, you represent my last hope.”
To be honest I already had a vague idea how to help Alexander in my mind.
Still I couldn't make up myself to get involved into something that would surely lead into another fatal encounter with Mrs. Hansen. But finally Alexander was right. What kind of lousy major would I become if I would cave in now when one of my citizen was counting on me?
"Mm – okay. There might be a slight chance to scare off the whole von-Hardenberg-clan out of Kleinhausen again. With the right expertises I could declare the whole estate of Mrs.von Hardenberg's to become a nature-protection-area. This would involve very strict usage-limitations, which would even forbid to use the area for a recreation-area or a riding-hall or whatever the Hardenbergs might have in mind. When they might loose their interest in investing into this region, Mrs.von Hardenberg will surely waive her debt-claims against you as they will just be enforceable.”
These were the words that brought the grain of relief over Alexander's face. Unburdened from his worries, he shook my hand in unlimited thankfulness.
[testimony No. XII of Alexander Geis]
And here I was now. Sitting alone on the cot of Judith's garage. Judith was visiting one of her best-friends this night, so I had to spend the evening alone. As there wasn't much to distract myself, my mind kept racing through the mental images of the last two days: from the shocking realization of my emptied rooms to Ann-Lena's creepy job-offer; from the reckless games of Claudia to the chilling welcome into Judith's little flat. Yeah - this really had been two tough days for me. I felt being drained materially … and mentally!
Over and over my mind roamed over the cold-hearted manner in which Judith had fully ignored my problems with the von-Hardenberg-clan. All she seemed to care for was the continuance of my loyalty towards her. But was it just my loyalty Judith was aiming at? Or wasn't it more my unconditional surrender to her girlish whims?
Anyway - as my so-called "girlfriend” she had definitely proven to act much more like a girl than a friend in a situation in which I needed mostly her support.
I rack my brain how Judith could have become so cold-hearted recently. Surely it was the ego-driven influence of the West-German spirit that had infected our society since the German reunion.
But what could I do? Break up with her?
No – that would have been suicide. After all I still had to face that her home provided my only possible asylum from Ann-Lena & Claudia. Now that Ann-Lena had seized all my belongings and Claudia was occupying my home, I had no-where else to go. In fact it seemed that every prospect of how to get out of my current situation depended on Judith's good will. Unfortunately Judith seemed to be pretty aware this fact as well. So I better took my best care not to piss her off, as long as Mr. Schroeder hadn't found a resilient solution for my plight.
And after that I would finally be able to break up with her! But then the idea of erasing Judith out of my life caused some new pain in my heart. Somehow I still wanted her to be with me. ...and I wanted her to go out with me! …and I even wanted her to order me around.
Yeah – it sound crazy, but as I thought about the way she had taken more and more control over my life, I felt a slight excitement deep down inside me. I'm afraid that I can't really explain it, but the way Judith had re-set the conditions of our partnership yesterday, triggered some deep-seated weakness in me.
So how should I react now? Beside celebrating my self-pity, all I could think of was to wait that Erwin Schroeder's promised help would rescue me from the Hardenbergs.
And from Claudia of course! Although my real encounter with her had lasted only a few hours, the image of her ambiguous smile had haunted me over the whole day. Her girlish, yet cruel way in which she had played her mischievous games with my nervousness, still scared me off.
Hoping to distract my thoughts a little I decided that I would read some old books that laid all around in the garage. But first I wanted make myself ready for the night.
As soon as I had entered Judith's bathroom, Claudia smirked at me through the bathroom-mirror. Scared stiff I backed away. Taking a second look Claudia's image in the mirror was gone. Slowly my mind began to realize that this had just been one more irritating delusion. Still I only needed to close my eyes to hear Claudia's mocking voice again. And to smell her feminine scent again. And to feel her firm hands grabbing my skull again.
Suddenly I heard the opening sound of the front-door. Somebody just entered my flat! Obviously it must have been Judith returning from her best-friend, but still I was scared that it might be Claudia coming to take me back. Then I saw the shadow of a woman rushing over the wall of the corridor. This wasn't Claudia, was it? I tried to compose myself, but it was impossible to stop my heart from beating wildly. Was I already getting paranoid?
"I'm back!” a feminine voice suddenly shouted through the flat. Of course the unknown intruder was no-one else but Judith!
Utterly relieved by this pleasant realization I walked out of the bath to greet her.
"Hi, sweet-heart! How was your evening?"
My warm words weren't appreciated very well by a obviously still pissed Judith. She sceptically raised her eye-browns, before she finally replied in a much colder voice: "Hi, Alexander! I must say that my evening became more interesting than I had expected. Do you know what Inka is doing right now?”
I remembered that Inka was one of Judith's old school-friends who had founded a kind of conspiratorial group of girls chatting about their boyfriends.
"How should I?”
"She is working for the Museum of regional culture right now. And guess what she presented me when I told her about your little problem of staying loyal to me?”
"But I AM loyal to you!”
"Oh, please! Don't try to deny things that had already been proven by reality!”
"I was forced to go down of this Claudia, for god's sake!”
"Whatever! So Inka shown me a more physical approach to ensure the your fragile loyalty towards me!" Judith riddled succinctly.
"Physical approach? What do you mean?" I questioned, slightly worrying what kind of crazy plan my girlfriend might be indicating.
Without bothering with any further explanations, Judith reached over for her purse and pulled out a mysterious, tubular device.
"See this?" she asked, smiling in malicious joy. The device was some kind of steel cage with small metal bars and little leather straps. On the top plate of the cage I discovered a engraving that said "DEVOTED TO THE MAGIC OF CHASTITY".
I looked at her in rising uneasiness, as I slowly realized that this tubular device was nothing else but a ancient chastity belt!
Judith grinned back at me: "If you seriously want to save your relationship with me, I wear this belt as a proof of your sincerity to it. If you really are as loyal to me as you claim to be, it would be only a a little sacrifice, wouldn't it? But just in case that some 'evil' women will weaken your will again, I'd like to let you know that this cage will protect your innocence very well. It made of hardened steel, so you won't even be able to cut it even with a hacksaw."
I stared at her in silent shock when the implications of what my girlfriend had just offered to me sank fully into my mind.
"Please! You can't do that to me!" I cawed as my voice was caught in my throat.
"Believe me: I can!” Her gaze wasn't wavering a little.
"You can't force me to … What... What if I just reject to...? "
"Then I will have to dump you and throw you out on the street."
The directness of this fatal answer hit me in total surprise.
"But don't you think it's unfair that only I have to make a sacrificed for the sake of our love?!" I tried to appeal on the remains of Judith's feeling for equity.
"Yes I think it is unfair. So what?" Judith declared with a cold careless smile that always chilled me.
As I was too confused to find a appropriate reply, Judith went on: "Listen, Alexander! If you go on challenging my good-will, I will easily make your life even much more miserable than you might even be able to think of now. One the other hand you still have the chance to meet me demands and experience a much kinder side of me. It's your choice!"
"Okay, okay! I'll wear the device for you!" I hissed compliantly, as I had little doubt, that she would realize her threat otherwise. Inwardly my mind was already planning my escape from her claws shortly after I would have brought my life in a more negotiable situation! But for now I would just have to satisfy her thirst for control.
"Very well! So let's get you a little more exposed first."
Her manicured fingers slowly opened the fly of my trousers and slide them down it little. Next I felt her cool fingers teasing the tip of my penis. Instantly my cock hardened. Judith's grin told me that she must have enjoyed the sight of the uneasiness which settled in my stomach.
Pure delight was flashing over her dark eyes when Judith slipped the steel ring around the base of my cock and balls.
As my gaze followed her hand I was reprehended: "Just relax! And better keep your eyes focusing on my beauty – not on this betraying penis."
Obediently I complied and so I could only feel how my girlfriend slid the tubular shaped steel cage over my cock. With quick, economical motions the cage was adjusted a bit and then fastened by the two leather straps. At the end the steel cage and the steel ring were brought together.
The I heard a ominous CLICK - the padlock had been closed! I swallowed, as I watched her putting the key into the pocket of her trousers.
"You see? This little sacrifice was not too to difficult to give, was it?"
"Oh, I almost forgot to show one more thing. Did you know what happens when your imprisoned friend gets too excited now?" she asked me half-jestingly, half-mysteriously.
By now I knew that this kind of questions was fully rhetorical and that there would be no chance to stop her from showing it to me. Still I instinctively jerked back when her fingers began to fiddle with my cage.
Immediately Judith grabbed me roughly by the chin: "No, no. You are going to feel what I want to let you feel. After all you have tributed your cock to me now."
Still holding me firmly by the chin, the fingers of her other hand began to touch my penis through the metal bars of the device.
I tried to think about something nauseous to stay limp, but then Judith's face squatted down to mine. As her hair tickled my forehead and her scent filled my nose, I felt my cock spreading into its hard prison.
At first the sensation was familiar. But a short moment later my penis met the hard walls of the cage. To my shock I also felt several little spikes in the inside of the cage. Instead of subsiding my penis throbbed violently, trying to split its prison and making my erection to hurt badly.
After a passionate French kiss from Judith I had to sniffle back my tears. Untouched by my emotions, her eyes kept coldly looking right into the inner places of my spirit.
"It is fine if you want to cry. It won't help you out of the belt, but it might make you feel a little better." I was encouraged by Judith's happy voice of triumph.
Finally she stepped away and went to the mirror of nearby bathroom, where she opened her ponytail and began to clear her face from tonight's make-up.
When I still was waiting for her Good-Night-Kiss five minutes later, Judith's look finally turned back to address me one more time.
"What are you waiting for? We're done for tonight! Go to your garage and catch some sleep!”
Things had surely be changed between us at this crucial night.
[testimony No. XIII of Alexander Geis]
Slowly I awoke, feeling weak and dizzy. At first I hoped that I had just suffered from a nightmare, but then I had to discover that my groin was indeed clasped by the nasty cage of my dream.
My girlfriend really had me locked into a chastity belt! But why did I had this slight feeling that the underlining meaning of this belt was not to protect me but to control me?
Judith’s regime over our relationship had truly reached a new quality.
Still I got haunted during the day by images of Claudia. Although she had treated me in such deprecating arrogance, I felt a undeniable fascination for this woman. Or did my fascination even relied on her arrogance? There indeed laid a strange kind of enchantment in the easygoing, nearly thoughtless way she had demanded these humiliating acts from me. The superiority of her being appeared so natural and god-given that I couldn't just couldn't deprive myself of its power.
While I replayed the memories of Claudia inside my mind, I got more and more aroused. Soon my erecting penis met meet the nasty little spikes inside my chastity cage. It hurt so badly. I looked down to inspect my imprisoned organ. Any chance of relief seemed to be effectively prohibited as long as I was trapped in this vicious belt and it looked VERY secure. Still I went for my toolbox and desperately tried to get it off. Then I tried to break the padlock that run through one of the holes in the leather strap. Ten minutes later I ended up with nothing more than stinging skin and aching testicles.
Finally I gave up. I had to face the consequences. I've I wanted to get out of it again, I had o beg Judith to unlock me.
I'd never imagined myself to get in such kind of embarrassing situation. I'd always been a nice person to (nearly) everyone. However it seemed that my crucial dread was my craving for harmony, as it had always been an easy target for Judith's girlish pride and playfulness. But until this day, Judith have never pushed it so far.
[testimony No. XIV of Claudia Conradi]
Even at the third day of the runaway of Ann-Lena's so-called 'assistant', my memories of him worshiping my pussy didn't seem to fade away.
I know that he probably run away because my kinky, excessive demands had over-strained his confidence. Actually I had no explanation why I had been so merciless with him. There was just something in his eyes that made we want to overpower him, ...to use him, …to break him. The pure helplessness of Ann-Lena's assistant had revealed a kinkiness inside myself that I hadn't been aware of before. And now I slowly grew hungry for more!
Furthermore I expected the return of Ann-Lena during the next days. She certainly wouldn't be pleased to hear that I had scared away her assistant during her short absence.
One more reason for me to go and re-capture my unappreciative escapee!
A short browsing through the letters that I found in the boxes of Alexander's private belongings told me that he had a girlfriend called Judith Hartung. To make my luck complete, I also found her name in the telephone-book of Kleinhausen.
This evening I would have to pay this Judith a visit.
I took a short look into the mirror and realized that I would need the support of a more adequate outfit for my tricky mission.
So when I left my new home for heading to Judith's place,I wore a camel-colored flowing skirt that went just below the knee, where it met my lace-up dark brown riding boots (a real deal from an equestrian store in Vienna).
Tucked into the top of the skirt was a crisp white blouse. I hid the skirt/blouse transition with a super wide (almost corset feeling) brown belt which felt sturdy and rugged against the white shirt.
You see, at the top of my silken white shirt was a classic starched collar and the front of the blouse was unbuttoned a little to give that feminine allure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Curious how this story may continue?
In fact I am not sure which way to proceed with the plot myself. But maybe all I need is your imaginative suggestion to get inspired for an ingenious sequel. So please give yourself a push and share your ideas with me : hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com
Thank you!
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