Change of Fortune
Part 2
Chapter 4: Another unpleasant surprise (Six months later)
Several weeks passed without incident and Laura felt as if life might even be returning to normal, at least as normal as life can be when you know that your body is owned by someone else and that your life is out of your control. It was Summer now and Laura spent a lot of time outdoors with Kaitlin. Laura would load up the stroller for the day and they would take off down the street, stopping to chat with neighbors before they eventually reached one of the many parks in their area. Picnics had become their normal way of enjoying lunch together.
Laura found that she was also much less self-conscious about her body. She supposed that was one of the benefits of being paraded around naked so much. In the past, she always felt uncomfortable wearing scant clothing because of all of the eyes that she could feel surveying her body.
And her body had never been in such wonderful shape. She had continued to exercise to remove any signs of pregnancy, and had been placed on an even stricter exercise regimen by her owners. They wanted her “buff” in their words and, her morning inspection of herself in front of her full-length mirror convinced herself that she had achieved buff status. Her belly was flat with only a slight roundness that accentuated her femininity. Her breasts were full and firm, showing no signs of sagging despite having given birth to Kaitlin not long ago. And they had retained the increased size that resulted from the pregnancy. She had virtually no hair from the neck down. Benjamin and Diana required that she keep her pubic hairs shaved. And everything else was just a satiny down that was not even visible.
Today, she was dressed in a red patterned halter and white shorts. Before, this ordeal, she would never have considered going out in public without a bra, but as she strolled down the street, she enjoyed the feel of her nipples brushing back and forth against the thin fabric. And she had to bite her lip at time to stifle giggles as she saw all of the stares that she received during her walk. She even noticed that the number of male neighbors outside during her walks seemed to increase every day. She was starting to gather quite a collection of admirers.
Once at the park, she spread out her blanket and she and Kaitlin enjoyed an afternoon of sunning before heading back to the house. Once there, she found a message on her machine summoning her to the Holcomb's estate for Saturday. She was told that she should expect to spend the night, but that she would not be kept longer than 24 hours. She was to arrive at 5:00 .
“Oh well,” she thought. “I knew it couldn't last forever.”
On Saturday, she dutifully arrived at 5:00 and was greeted at the door by Benjamin who gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before ushering her into the house. As she had been trained, she removed all of her clothes and fastened the collar that was on the table around her neck. Then she followed Benjamin into the living room where she received another huge shock.”
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed as she saw who was in the room. Diana was sitting regally in one of the armchairs, smiling at Laura as she saw the shock register on the girl's face. The cause of the shock was sitting on the couch, sipping a cocktail. Rose Williams, her neighbor from across the street was also smiling at the naked slavegirl standing in the doorway.
“Oh Laura,” said Rose. “What a coincidence meeting you here. You are looking wonderful.”
“Oh my god,” exclaimed Laura again. “Oh Diana, how could you?”
“I'm sorry, pet. What did you say?” replied Diana.
“I'm sorry, Mistress. But how could you?”
“Oh don't get your knickers all twisted up, girl,” said Diana. Then she laughed at her unintended joke. “But you aren't wearing any knickers, are you? Come over here and let's get acquainted with Rose.”
Laura reluctantly crossed the room and knelt at Diana's feet as Benjamin found a seat on the couch with Rose. Diana reached out and brushed a stray hair from Laura's cheek and then stroked her lustrous hair as she continued.
“I had no idea that you and Rose were neighbors until just the other day. Rose and I have known each other for several years. She is the daughter of one of my closest friends. And she is also a member of the club.”
Laura had heard about the club but Benjamin and Diana had not yet taken her there, thankfully. Based on the way that her owners described it, the club was some kind of gathering of masters and slaves and Laura always shuddered when she tried to imagine what kinds of things went on there.
“Well, as soon as I learned that the two of you already knew each other, I just had to invite her over for dinner.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Laura mumbled, keeping her eyes cast down to avoid having to look into anyone's eyes. It was all just so humiliating.
“I had no idea,” Rose spoke up. “You have always seemed so conservative, almost prudish I would say. And when Diana told me that she owned you, I almost scoffed at the idea, thinking that she must be talking about a different Laura.”
Laura felt her cheeks burning with shame as she listened to her neighbor but remained silent as she listened to Rose continue.
“But the other day, I paid closer attention and I had to admit that it was possible. I watched you and your daughter taking a walk and you looked positively delicious. And it seems like every man in the neighborhood would agree. I have never seen so many people working in their front yards in my life.”
Diana laughed at that comment. “Yes, I'm sure my pet draws quite a crowd.”
“So when Diana invited me to dinner tonight, you know that I couldn't refuse. To think that a slavegirl lives in my own neighborhood. Practically right across the street. It's just too much. But it offers so many possibilities.”
With that last comment, Laura looked up at Diana pleadingly hoping that her humiliation was not going to spread beyond this house. It would be just too much to endure.
“Now, now pet,” Diana said as she let her fingers trail down Laura's back. “Don't you worry about a thing. You don't have to make any decisions. That's the beauty of slavery. You don't have to decide a thing. Your owners take care of all of that for you.”
Laura groaned as she tried to envision how humiliating it would be for the entire neighborhood to discover that she was owned. And how humiliating it would be to be at the beck and call of Rose.
She hardly knew Rose, so it was not as if she had any kind of grudge against her. Rose was probably two or three years younger than Laura's 32 years. She was very attractive, the product of good genes and a sizeable inheritance from an uncle or other relative that let her indulge in fitness clubs and spas. But, it was beyond Laura's imagination to think about how her life would change now that Rose knew her station in life.
“Rose here has offered to buy you,” spoke Benjamin for the first time. This sent a chill snaking down Laura's spine and caused gooseflesh to pop out over her entire body.
“Oh Benjamin, you're scaring the girl,” admonished Diana. “You know that we wouldn't sell you, pet. Don't you?”
“Oh Mistress, please don't sell me,” pleaded Laura.
“Well you don't have anything to worry about,” Diana went on. “We could never sell you. And we have made that clear to Rose. At least we won't sell you any time soon. You are just too precious to us.” This explanation was only partially comforting to Laura. She took solace in the fact that she was not being sold, but the thought that she could be sold, and might someday be sold, was frightening.
“But we thought it only fair,” Benjamin went on, “that Rose be allowed to inspect the merchandise that she has made an offer on. Don't you agree that's fair, Laura?”
“Yes Master,” Laura replied meekly. “I suppose that's only fair.” Another chill shot down her spine as she listened to her words and realized that she was starting to acknowledge that she was simply property to be enjoyed or sold.
“May I?” asked Rose as she rose to her feet.
Diana removed her hand from caressing Laura and sat back in her chair. “Please do,” she replied.
Rose crossed the distance between the couch and where Laura was kneeling and crouched down in front of the slavegirl. “You are magnificent,” she said, sending more crimson to Laura's cheeks. Then Rose leaned closer and whispered into Laura's ear. “And someday, I will own you. Soon, I hope.” Laura shuddered as she heard the threatening words.
Then Rose stood up. “Be a good girl and stand up for me.”
Despite every warning that her brain was sending her to flee this room and this house, Laura rose to her feet and stood before her neighbor. “Yes, she really is magnificent,” Rose repeated to Benjamin. “Truly a work of art.”
“Thank you,” replied Benjamin. “She is our most prized possession.”
Rose spent the next five minutes, although they seemed like five hours to Laura, inspecting the slavegirl. Laura was instructed to entwine her fingers behind her neck and then Rose checked out every inch of the slave's body. Laura was told to open her mouth and Rose spent a long time examining it. Her tongue was grasped and pulled out. A finger stroked both sides of the tongue and the inner surfaces of her cheeks. Even her teeth were examined, leaving Laura feeling more like a thoroughbred racehorse than a woman and reinforcing in her mind that she was truly just as owned as the racehorse would be.
Flesh was palpated and stroked as Rose made random comments such as: “Soft,” “Firm,” or “Very well maintained.” Breasts were lifted and caressed and squeezed. Her bottom was spread and examined. Rose even gave each cheek a swat and then smiled at the result. “She marks beautifully.” Throughout this entire ordeal, Benjamin and Diana remained silent, simply observing the thoroughness that Rose was exhibiting.
Finally, Rose tapped Laura's inner thighs, signaling the slave to part her legs. Laura reluctantly obeyed and felt Rose's fingers gliding over her naked mound. “Shaved or waxed?” she asked the girl's owners.
“Shaved,” replied Diana. “We'll get around to waxing eventually. Probably during her next extended stay.”
“I would use electrolysis and have it permanently removed. But that's just me,” Rose went on. Then she placed two fingers together and easily shoved them into Laura's sex, eliciting a gasp from the naked girl.
“Is she always this wet?” asked Rose, holding her glistening fingers up for Benjamin and Diana to see.
“Always,” replied Benjamin. “She is always ready. She always tells us how humiliated she is, but it seems to agree with her.”
Rose held her hand to her lips and licked her fingers clean. “Mmmmm. So sweet. So perfect. I really must have her. I will double my offer.”
Laura listened intently but felt a shudder rush through her body causing her breasts to jiggle slightly. She wondered what the original offer was and then chastised herself for even thinking about things like that.”
“Sorry, Rose,” replied Diana. “The answer is still no. As Benjamin has already said, she is just too precious to us. And even for two million the answer is no.”
Laura gasped. Rose had offered to buy her for two million dollars? She didn't know whether to be proud that she could elicit such a value or indignant that her neighbor had offered money to own her.”
“But we might lease her to you from time to time,” said Benjamin, causing Laura's heart to sink. “It would have to be under the terms of the original slavery. But it might work out. Diana and I have been talking about spending some time in Europe . And we can't be having our slave idling all that time. Yes, it might work out.”
Laura stood in shock as she heard the three other people in the room discussing her as if she were simply a piece of furniture or a dog that needed sitting while the owners were away. “First they talk about selling me,” she thought indignantly. “Now they are going to lease me?” She felt like screaming but only clenched her fingers more tightly behind her neck. She knew that screaming would result in a punishment and she had learned that she wanted to avoid that, if at all possible.
“Leasing,” said Rose, as if pondering the possibilities. “Yes, that might work. In fact, that's pure genius. It's the best of both worlds. We both get to enjoy her. We both get to keep our own schedules. It's almost like slaves on a time-share.”
Diana laughed at Rose's description of the possible solution. “Yes, almost like a time-share. What do you think about that solution, pet?”
Laura looked incredulously at Diana, biting her lower lip to hold back the outrage that she felt. “I don't know what to think, Mistress,” was all that she felt safe saying in reply.
“It's been so long since I've had a slavegirl,” Rose went on. “This will be good.”
“Why has it been so long?” asked Benjamin. “Surely you have the wherewithal to own one.”
Rose sighed. “The wherewithal, yes. The desire, yes. Unfortunately, I have lost touch with the community. It wasn't until Mother invited me to join the club a couple of months ago that I have gotten back involved. And it takes time to find the right slavegirl.”
“How many have you owned?” asked Diana. Laura listened intently to the conversation with a mixture of curiosity and revulsion. These people were talking about the ownership of other human beings and Laura still had not gotten used to the concept.
“Only two. Mother gave me the first one when I was thirteen. I kept her for five years until it was time to leave for college and then we sold her. I couldn't show up at the dorm with a slave, could I?”
“No, I suppose not,” replied Diana. “What about the other one.”
“She was really my favorite. And I didn't even have to pay for her. I just claimed her. She was a sorority sister at college and I sort of seduced her into slavery. But once I owned her, she was a very dedicated slavegirl. She even stayed with me through graduate school. But when her father died, I released her so she could take care of her mother.” Rose sighed. “I still see her occasionally, but it's difficult when the ownership rights are changed.”
“I guess I've just been waiting for the right girl since then,” she sighed again and glanced at Laura, causing Laura to fidget uncomfortably.
“And you think that our Laura is the right girl?” asked Benjamin.
“I think that she could be,” replied Rose. “She's truly magnificent. And she is new to all of this, which makes her easy to train. And she still hasn't gotten used to being a slave. That causes all sorts of delicious humiliation.”
“I see,” replied Benjamin. “Well, the agreement is that we can have her one day a week and one week in the Summer. With our busy schedule, we haven't been able to take full advantage of all of her commitments. And this Summer looks to be very full for us also.”
Laura did not like the direction of this conversation. She wasn't sure how it would end, but she was positive that she would not like the conclusion. On top of that, her arms were growing tired. She had been standing, on display, for a long time with her hands behind her neck. She could feel the strain on her shoulders and could feel her arms growing weary.
“Perhaps you could have her for a day or two. Sort of a test spin, if you know what I mean,” Benjamin announced. Laura just groaned and closed her eyes to try to shut out the latest indignity.
“It only seems fair since you seem so intent on owning her,” he went on. “You have offered a lot of money for her and, while we have no intention on selling our pet, you should at least have a chance to take her for a spin to make sure that you are really that interested in her.”
“Oh my,” exclaimed Rose. “That is very generous of you. Are you certain?” she looked from Benjamin to Diana who simply nodded.
“Yes, dear,” I think that could be arranged. “There might be a cost, however.”
“That's not a problem,” said Rose confidently. “Just name your price.”
“You,” replied Diana.
“You want me to name the price?” asked Rose.
“No dear,” smiled Diana. “You are the price.”
“Oh,” said Rose quietly. “Oh my. I'm not sure that I fully understand.”
“It's really quite simple,” interjected Benjamin. “We are willing to give you our Laura for seven of her twenty-four hour commitments to us. In exchange, we want you to be our slavegirl for a one-week period later this Summer.”
“You two are really incorrigible!” said Rose. “I'm sure that you two had this all planned out from the start.” She laughed and then threw her head back. “Might be fun. I've never been on the receiving end. What and where?”
“Well, the what would be that you would become Laura's slave sister for the week. We have been invited to participate in the Equus Equestrian Fair this Summer and we thought that you would make a lovely ponygirl along with Laura. You are both about the same size and build. I think that you would make a beautiful pair pulling a cart for the races. And of course, there would be other events that we might enter you in.”
Laura had originally been shocked at the offer made by Benjamin and Diana. It was still inconceivable that she could be auctioned off or loaned or sold or leased to another. Then her feelings turned more hopeful as she heard the details, knowing full well that Rose would never agree to enslave herself. But a glance in Rose's direction told her that Rose was seriously considering the offer, and that sent dread flowing through Laura's veins.
“Why not?” Rose suddenly said. “Never tried it from the bottom. It would be a nice education for when I finally acquire a slavegirl of my own.” Laura simply groaned. “Will Mom be there?” Rose finally asked.
“I'm sure she will be,” replied Diana. “She always makes time on her schedule for the Equus.”
“Well this is going to be hard to live down. Promise me that you won't loan me to her. It would be too embarrassing to be pulling her cart.”
“We make no promises about anything,” said Benjamin, “other than we give you seven days with Laura and you give us seven days. Beyond that, you are a slave to do with as we choose.”
Rose sighed. “It's a deal, I guess. When is the Equus and when do I get Laura?”
“The Equus is the week of August 14,” instructed Benjamin. “We will want you here two days early for training. And then we will leave for the fair. The fair goes on for seven days, so you will be free to leave after the first five days of the fair. Of course, we are hoping that you will stay for the full event.”
“As for Laura,” Diana piped in, “We will leave that up to you. She owes us four days of commitment already. Each week, she earns another day. You decide when you want her and let her know. Of course, we always try to give her enough warning so that she can make arrangements, especially if we will be requiring her for an entire weekend. She's a mother, you know.”
“Yes, yes, of course,” responded Rose. “Mothers need to tend their babies first.” Rose went back to Laura, standing before her and raised her hands to cup the slavegirl's breasts. She ran her thumbs back and forth across Laura's nipples causing them to stiffen and sending unwanted thrills through her body.
“This is a very high price I'm paying for you. I hope you are worth it.”
Laura was stunned by the events and how everything was happening so quickly. Her whole world was turned upside down in an instant and she did not know how to reply. The only response that she could come up with was, “I hope that you find me worth it.”
“Now, just one last item of business,” said Diana as she arose from her chair. “We don't have much time, so we need to work quickly to get everything ready. Take off your clothes, girl.”
“What?” gasped a stunned Rose.
“You heard me,” replied Diana in a forceful tone. “We need to see what we bought in our deal. And we need to get some measurements for your tack.”
Rose sighed. “What the hell,” she uttered as she reached for the catch and zipper of her dress behind her neck. In short order, she was standing naked in front of Laura.
“A matched set, dear,” smiled Benjamin. “I think they'll do very nicely.”
“Oh my yes,” replied Diana. “We'll be the envy of everyone. We might even take best in show.”
For the next thirty minutes, Diana positioned both girls. First, back to back to see how close they were in height. They were both five feet four inches tall. Then they were positioned face to face. Their nipples touched perfectly. They both wore 38D bras and the general shape and texture of their breasts was identical.
“I don't think that we could have created a more perfect match,” Diana announced proudly.
“Only the hair is different. But even that looks exquisite. Rose's red hair almost seems to complement Laura's blonde mane.” Benjamin also seemed very proud of the pair of future ponygirls standing before him.
“This will have to go,” said Diana as she reached down and tugged at a few wisps of Rose's pubic hair. Rose gasped at the first tug but then sighed and nodded in resignation.
“I kind of assumed that would go. But only shaving, okay? I'd like to grow it back soon after the event.”
“We might be able to accommodate that,” said Diana. “But only if we choose to. These are not decisions for you to make or even advise on.”
“Okay, okay. I understand.”
“Good girl,” smiled Diana as she stroked the back of her hand over Rose's cheek. “But it's okay, okay Mistress from now on.”
“Yes Mistress” replied Rose, causing Laura to almost giggle at the way that the mighty mistress from across the street had so quickly been reduced to slave status.
Diana finished making her observations and taking her measurements. The two girls turned out to be as evenly matched as possible. Diana measured the length of nipples, the diameter of their areolae, their waists, the circumference of the base of their breasts, the length of their labia. There was no measurement that turned out to be more than a quarter of an inch different between the girls. They were going to be a matched pair.
“Ben, we need to think about the hair,” said Diana after she had placed down her tape measure and notepad. “I agree that they look striking with their natural hair. But we have to think about the judges. Maybe two matched platinum blondes?”
“Hmmmm,” pondered Benjamin. “You might be right. But we have a couple of months to think about that.” Both girls gasped at the thought that they might be turned into platinum blondes.
“At least they both wear their hair the same way,” observed Diana. “We can have them wearing matching ponytails.”
When Laura got home the next day, she told Jim about the new developments. “That's an outrage!” he cried out. “We can't have you parading around the neighborhood as the local slave. That's not what we signed up for. I'll have to talk to Ben about this!”
“What part of it didn't we sign up for?” asked Laura quietly. “They own me. They have decided to trade me for something else that they want. When it is all done, they will still own me. What are you going to say to Ben?”
“I don't know” mumbled her husband. “But it just doesn't seem right.”
“Nothing about this seems right. It's all just so surreal. It's like my life has been transported to another world.”
Jim fumed to himself for a few moments before looking accusingly at his wife. “So how many times did you fuck this time?”
“None,” she replied honestly.
“How many orgasms?”
“What did you do then?” he asked, growing irritated and thinking that his wife was holding out on him.
“I'm not sure that I did anything. I was the subject of a purchase offer that was turned down. I was inspected. I was used to barter a deal. I was measured. And I was used as a pillow for the night. That's pretty much the life of a slave, I suppose.” With that, she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for her family.
Chapter 5: A slave on loan
Laura did not have long to wait. The very next morning, her phone rang. She hoped that it would just be a phone solicitor, despite how much she despised them, but she knew that it would be Rose.
“Hiya, sweet thing,” said Rose, cheerily.
“Hi,” responded Laura, feeling her skin crawling in response to the sickly sweet tone of her new tormentor.
“Loved seeing you this weekend. Can't wait to see more of you. Whatcha got planned for the weekend?”
“Jim is out of town. I was going to take the girls to the art museum,” replied Laura.
“Well, I have a better plan. Let's go up to my country home for the weekend. You are welcome to bring your daughters. Or, I would be happy to pay for the nanny to take care of them if you prefer. Two days. They can be your first installment.”
“Must it be this weekend?” asked Laura pleadingly.
“Of course it must,” replied Diana offhandedly. “I just said it must.”
“Okay. I'll see if I can find someone to care for the girls,” said Laura, dejectedly.
“And remember, I'm paying,” said a cheery Rose.
Laura gritted her teeth as she said goodbye. “You sure are paying,” she thought. “You are paying with your body and soul for this one.” It was the only solace that Laura could find in her situation. Her tormentor was soon to be the tormentee.
Laura had been successful at finding a sitter for the weekend. Jim had once again complained that his wife was being loaned out, but was powerless to do anything. On Friday afternoon, Laura walked across the street to her neighbor's house and knocked on the door.
“Hiya, sweetpea,” cried Rose as she hugged Laura and dragged her into the house. “So glad you could come.”
Laura had been instructed to wear a sundress and nothing else. No underwear. No jewelry. No shoes. Just the sundress. And Rose made short order of that single garment by grasping the hem at the bottom and lifting it over Laura's head, leaving the older girl naked in the entryway of the house. “Much better,” she declared and then led Laura deeper into the house.
“You know that I wasn't kidding the other night, don't you?” asked Rose as Laura knelt at her feet on the patio.
“Kidding about what?” asked a confused Laura.
“I wasn't kidding about anything. I wasn't kidding about you being beautiful and the most magnificent creature I have ever seen. I wasn't kidding about wanting to buy you and own you. And I wasn't kidding about being willing to pay any price to have you. I guess I have proven that last one, haven't I?”
“Yes Mis… Yes, you have proven that,” replied Laura. “What should I call you when you own me?”
“Hmmmm. The title. I know that is important to many in the scene. I just haven't ever found much use for them. Tell you what,” said Rose as she idly toyed with one of Laura's nipples, “just call me Rose. Or Miss Rose, if that makes you feel more comfortable.”
Laura smiled up at her new owner, thinking that Rose might turn out fine, after all. “Okay, Rose. But let me know if you change your mind.”
“Deal!” said Rose, giving the nipple a confirming pinch and causing Laura to suck in her breath. “Now, here's what I have planned for the weekend. I'm all packed. Let's head up to the cabin now. We'll do some swimming and relaxing. And I figured we should probably start running since it seems like we are going to be a matched pair of ponies in a few weeks. I figure we can run three times a day and still have plenty of time left over for fun.”
“I have not packed anything, though,” replied Laura. “I didn't realize we were going to be leaving so soon and I didn't know what to pack.”
Rose laughed. “But you are packed, little one. You are already wearing everything you will need.”
Laura sighed as she realized that everything that she needed was nothing and that she would be spending another weekend naked. “Oh well,” she thought, “It's nothing new. And maybe it won't get any worse.”
“Now fetch my bags from the front hall and let's go.” Laura went back inside the house and grabbed the two bags, following Rose into the garage. Rose told her to hop into the little sports car and Laura felt like she was going to die. The little thing was so low and the top was down. She would be completely exposed to practically every driver on the road.
“Oh but Rose. Can't I have something to wear? I could be arrested.”
“Sorry,” replied Rose. “Nothing to wear until Sunday night. But I will put the top up for you. Or you could ride in the trunk. Which will it be?”
Laura sighed. “The front will be fine with the top up, I suppose.” But she still knew that she would be pretty well exposed to most of the people on the road.
The two of them sped off, and within ninety minutes, were at their destination. Rose continually toyed with Laura's exposed and vulnerable body throughout the trip. Laura tried to slink down in her seat so that her nudity was less visible to other drivers, but still received a few honks and whistles as some people sighted her exposure.
The cabin turned out to be a palatial estate on a private lake. According to Rose, the closest neighbor was several miles away. That was very good, according to Rose, because it would let them play any way they wanted without fear of interruption.
Laura emptied the car and carried Rose's bags into the house. Rose immediately stripped and twirled for Laura's benefit. “No sense in you being the only one comfortable around here. Let's go for a swim.” With that, Rose dashed out the front door and down to the lake. Laura followed quickly behind her until the bouncing of her breasts threatened to knock her off balance. She slowed slightly and held onto the wayward breasts with one arm draped across them and wondered how she was ever going to be able to do this for the pony week. For that matter, how was she going to be able to run with Rose this weekend?
The two naked girls splashed around in the water and even Laura had to admit that she was having fun. She also had a chance to more closely observe Rose. The other time they had been together, Laura was too distracted with the conversation and her own predicament to be able to focus on Rose.
Rose was really spectacular. Her fiery red hair was like a wild mane the way that it swirled and bounced. She had brilliant green eyes that could twinkle in a playful way or that could seem to bore into your very soul. Her lips were full and luscious and Laura found herself longing to kiss them, even though she kept telling herself that she was not into women.
From the neck down, Laura and Rose could have been twins. Only to things seemed to set them apart. First was the skin color. Despite Laura being the blonde one, Rose had fairer skin, almost milk white, whereas Laura's was tanned to a very light almond shade. The other difference was the small tuft of sculpted hair on Rose's mound, compared to Laura's completely nude sex.
Laura was reflecting back on her views of Rose. Initially, she just had a neutral view of her neighbor. She was simply someone who lived across the street. Then, at the Holcomb's house, she initially saw Rose as a threatening force, as someone who wanted to capture her and abuse her. But ever since that initial introduction, she had become fond of her new owner. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because Rose valued her so much to offer two million dollars for her. That was sure a vote of confidence! Maybe it was because Rose had dispensed with the titles that had been ingrained in her. But she thought that it might really be because of the ultimate sacrifice that Rose had agreed to. Rose had sold herself into slavery to be able to own Laura temporarily. Laura thought that she could trust this younger woman and that she might even be able to love her.
Laura's thoughts were interrupted when Rose cleared her throat. “Like what you see?” she asked with a glint in her eyes. Realizing that she had been caught staring at and admiring the other woman sent a firestorm of color into her cheeks and down half her body.
“Ummm.. I… Oh I,” she stammered. “Yes, I like what I see. You are very p..p..pretty.”
“Thank you,” smiled Rose. “I think that you are downright gorgeous.”
Laura cast her eyes down at the comment. She knew that she was attractive, but it always made her uncomfortable for others to remark on her looks. “I think that you are much more than pretty,” she said as she looked at the shimmering surface of the water, seeing the bottoms of her breasts being reflected up at her in a Dali-like way with the little ripples caused by her body. “But I am not into women. I do really think you are beautiful. I think you are gorgeous. But I don't think I am attracted to you. I'm sorry. It's just me.”
“Oh sweetpea, you think too much. It doesn't matter what you think about whether you are attracted to me or not. It only matters what I think. Right? In fact, come here so I can play with that body I own.”
Rose swam a short distance to the floating dock and hoisted herself onto it. Then she helped Laura climb aboard also. “Now just lay down in the middle and let me do all the work.”
Laura laid down in the middle of the floating platform and Rose immediately pounced on her straddling Laura's waist. Rose leaned down and kissed the prone Laura letting her hands slide up the slavegirl's arms until she was holding onto each wrist. “You won't move, will you?”
“No Mistress,” replied Laura.
“Okay. I'm Mistress. You made the choice. But plan on being punished every time you don't call me that.” Laura winced as she heard the words and wondered if her mistake had changed the relationship.
There was a little box or locker on the floating dock. Rose crawled over to it and retrieved a bottle of oil before returning to straddle Laura again. She leaned down and kissed the prone slavegirl. “Good girl. It doesn't look like you moved at all. Now remember not to move or you will be punished.”
“Yes Mistress”
Rose smiled and poured a line of oil from between Laura's breasts to her navel. “You please your Mistress greatly. And your Mistress is honored to own you.”
Laura could not help but smile brightly at the words that she heard from the younger woman who was straddling her waist. “And I am very honored to be owned by you Mistress.”
Rose slipped lower on Laura's body until her legs were straddling Laura's hips. She leaned forward and, with her hands, spread the oil out over the slavegirl's shoulders and, with longer and longer strokes, down Laura's arms. Occasionally, she would return her hands to Laura's chest or belly to recoat her palms and then she would let her hands glide outward again until the arms were shiny with a coating of oil.
More oil was poured onto the prone woman and, once again, the hands started to move it about. The sides of Laura's chest were coated. Her belly was turned into a shiny slickness. Eventually, the two glorious orbs floating on her chest were coated until they were glistening and the nipples were standing erect.
Rose slid down lower and moved her knees inside of Laura's legs, forcing the slavegirl to part her legs and causing a blush to return to her face. Laura raised her hands to cover her sex in some semblance of modesty, only to be stopped by the clearing of a throat. With no words spoken, she realized that she had promised not to move and obediently returned her arms over her head.
Oily fingers danced over her abdomen and tickled her occasionally. Laura tried not to react but she knew that her belly was quivering at times. More oil was poured into her bellybutton and then was spread downward in ever-increasing circles toward her exposed and vulnerable sex.
Eventually, the inevitable happened and she felt Rose's fingers toying with her labia. Laura closed her eyes and fought the temptation to move her arms to protect herself. She felt like she should trust this younger woman but wasn't convinced that she really should. The fingers glided over her sensitive flesh, sending unwanted thrills through her body. She felt her belly quivering as the fingers would briefly toy with her clit, only to return to the up and down strokes of her petals. She hoped that the oil would hide any wetness that she was producing, but knew that her captor would probably know the truth.
“Oh Mistress,” she pleaded. “Please. I'm not sure this is right.”
Rose raised her hand and brought it down hard on Laura's sex, making a loud smacking sound. “It is not your position to worry about what is right, little one. Leave all decisions to me. Understand?”
Laura whimpered and nodded her head in response, feeling the burning of the slap on her tender sex. The shock was almost too much for her. One moment, she had been thinking of Rose as a sort of slave sister. Now, she was very much her tormentor and owner.
Fingers continued to toy with Laura's sex. She clenched her hands and kept her eyes closed tightly. At one point, she started to raise her hand, but dropped it as soon as she felt another stinging blow to her most private parts. “Move once more and I will bind you to the dock for the night.
“Yes Mistress” whimpered the defeated girl.
One finger, then two, insinuated themselves into Laura's sex sending waves of shame through her. A third finger joined the previous two and stretched her even wider. Laura bit down on her lower lip. Finally, a fourth finger was inserted and Rose started to rotate her hand letting the fingers move over the oily surfaces of Laura's sex. “Have you ever been fisted, little one?”
Laura's eyes flew open at the question and it took all of her strength to keep from lifting her arms to protect her vulnerable sex. “Oh Mistress no. Please no. I have never been fisted and I don't think I could do it.”
“Oh, you can do it. Trust me.”
With that, Rose lowered her head and started flicking her tongue over Laura's exposed clitoris. The fingers continued to rotate and spread, moving in and out, driving the poor slavegirl crazy. Rose wrapped her lips around the tiny bud and suckled it while her tongue continued to lash at it. Within minutes, Laura let out a low moan and tensed, feeling her whole world spinning as a huge orgasm swept over her. Rose simply leaned back and knelt on her haunches as she smiled.
Rose let Laura bask in her orgasmic state for several minutes before finally speaking up. “Okay. Time for some pony training. Let's go for our first run.”
“You have to be kidding!” exclaimed a withered Laura.
“What's wrong kiddo? Too much of a good thing? Don't think you can beat me after reaching for the stars like that?”
Laura groaned. “I don't think that I have the energy to move.” She then quickly yelped as she felt Rose spank her gaping sex for a second time.
“You forget so quickly. It's not your job to think. It's only my job. Now get moving, slave.”
The swim back to shore helped Laura regain her senses and restore some of her energy. She still wasn't sure that she wanted to go for a run, but she also knew that she didn't have any choice. The two girls walked hand-in-hand back up to the cabin, dripping dry as they walked. Once at the cabin, Rose ran inside and came back waving two white pieces of cloth.
“No sense in going too hard on ourselves the first time out,” she said as she flipped one of the items to Laura. Laura caught it and smiled as she unraveled it, discovering that she would be able to wear a sports bra afterall.
“Only this one time. Well maybe one more time. But we have to get used to running without them eventually,” Rose explained. Laura was left once again wondering about this woman who owned her. Most of the time, she really liked her and, at times, thought that she might even be able to get used to being owned by her.
“How about a wager?” asked Rose as she bent over and stretched. Laura had to fight back the giggles when she realized how ridiculous she and Rose must look in their sports bras and nothing else.
“What kind of wager?” asked Laura as she also started to stretch.
“Well, how about a slavery wager. I own you for seven days. If I win, I get you for an additional day. If you win, we eliminate a day.”
“Oh, I don't know,” said Laura. “I'm already in enough trouble. I don't think I could handle much more of this slavery thing.”
“Hmmm,” replied Rose. “I guess it's going to be a painful equestrian week if my own pony partner doesn't have any confidence in her abilities.”
“Hey!” exclaimed Laura, indignantly. “Who said I don't have confidence. I just don't want to risk any more days of slavery.”
“Oh sure,” said Rose as she lifted her foot high on the trunk of a tree to stretch out her thighs. “Well if you had any confidence, you could be earning back your freedom.”
Laura gritted her teeth but, in the end, gave in to what she knew was a bad decision. “Okay, it's a bet. You win, and you own me for another day. I win, and we erase a day.”
“Deal,” smiled Rose.
“How far are we going?” asked Laura.
“Not far. Let's make it easy for our first one. We have all weekend. Besides, it's going to get dark soon. How about we run down to the bridge across the stream and back?”
Laura remembered crossing a small bridge on the road in to the estate and she remembered that it was not all that far away. “Okay. And we have a bet?”
“We sure do. Ready, set, go!” And they were off. Both girls were in good shape, but Laura quickly took the lead. Even with the sports bra on, however, she realized that she was bouncing and jiggling too much. She could not imagine running at the equestrian event with no support.
Laura reached the bridge and touched it with her hand before turning around and racing back toward the house. She almost bumped into Rose who was only a few yards behind her as she made the turn, but the two managed to avoid a collision. Laura could taste freedom and dug deep to keep her lead. In the end, she did manage to hold onto the lead and ended up beating Rose by about three yards.
“Wow, you're fast,” hissed Rose as she tried to gain her breath. “I couldn't catch up with you the whole way.”
“Thanks,” replied Laura as she too tried to gulp down some air. “You are pretty fast yourself.”
“Well, I want a rematch. Double or nothing tomorrow morning.”
“I never understood that gambling stuff,” replied Laura, honestly. “What does double or nothing mean?”
“Hmmmm. Good question,” said Rose before breaking out laughing. “I never thought much about it. I think it just means that we make the same bet but double it. So if you win, then you have two days of freedom. If I win, then you have two more days of slavery to me.”
“So what's the nothing part?” asked a confused Laura.
“Who knows. But how about we make that the bet for tomorrow morning's run?”
“I guess that's okay.”
“And if we run enough times, maybe I'll end up becoming a slave to you.”
That last comment caught Laura off guard. She was becoming more and more confused and having a harder and harder time characterizing Rose. Now she started to wonder what it might be like to own someone like Rose.
That night, as they cuddled together in bed, Rose spooned up against Laura's back and cupped one of her breasts, “I'm going to fist you tomorrow.”
“Oh my god,” replied Laura, “I thought you already did that today.”
“Hardly. That was only four fingers. And not even all of the fingers. Tomorrow, you take it in to my wrist.”
“I can't imagine that you would even fit without breaking me.”
“You won't break. At least not the way that you mean. And, by the way, I like to be awakened by a tongue in the morning. Good night little one.”
Laura felt her blush returning as she realized the meaning of Rose's last comment. Images and conflicting thoughts swirled around in her mind but soon she fell asleep feeling Rose's hand holding possessively onto her breast.
Chapter 9: Training for the races
Laura stirred awake and, for a moment, was confused. She did not recognize her surroundings and almost jumped out of bed. Then she felt the arm draped across her side and the hand gently holding her breast and realized that Rose had held her all night. Once again, she was conflicted. She was revolted by the idea that Rose owned her for the weekend. But Rose had also shown so much kindness toward her and had shown so much interest in her, that she could not be upset with the younger woman.
Remembering the instructions from the night before, Laura gently lifted Rose's arm and rolled her owner onto her side. Then she lifted the sheet and slid down on the bed so that her face was perched over the red tuft of hair. Despite her inexperience, she started to slowly kiss and then lick Rose's sex, watching the sweet petals part. It took only moments for Rose to start to moan softly and only a few more moments for Rose to awaken and reach down to grasp the blonde mane between her legs. Laura kept her tongue dancing and quickly felt the body beneath her tense and heard a loud groan telling her that Rose had achieved her first climax of the day.
“Mmmmm, well done little one. I'll have to think twice about beating you in the races today.”
Rose got out of bed and wrapped a robe around herself before padding out to the kitchen. Laura followed her naked, knowing that she would not be wearing any clothes for the entire weekend. After some grapefruit and coffee, Rose declared that it was time for the first race of the day. This time, it was to be the same course, but it was to be done totally naked.
Again, it was a close race, but this time Rose won. Laura chastised herself for trying to hold onto her bobbing and swaying breasts and convinced herself that she could have won if she had just focused on winning. But Rose did win, and Laura resigned herself to an additional two days of slavery.
“Double or nothing before lunch?” asked Rose with a mischievous smile. “Or are you afraid that you'll end up owing your whole life to me?”
“Double or nothing!” exclaimed Laura. “And by the end of the weekend, you'll be calling me Mistress!”
After the race, the two girls went for a swim. Then they laid out on the dock to soak in the sun. Rose had Laura rub some suntan lotion into her to protect her pale flesh but decided that Laura herself could take the morning sun without protection. The two lounged for two hours like two sisters without a care in the world.
At about 11:30 , Rose decided that there was time for another run before lunch. “Ponies need lots of exercise,” she giggled. “Let's run down the shoreline to that beach and back” she said as she pointed to the beach off in the distance.
“Wow. That looks like a long way” replied Laura.
“Not so far. Besides, we don't have to set a world record. You just have to beat me.”
“Tell me again. What are we betting for this time?” asked a naïve Laura.
“If I win, I get you for four additional days. If you win, then you are back to even.”
“Oh. That hardly seems fair,” said Laura.
“Well, we could make it more interesting, if you want.”
“How would we do that?”
“Well, if you win, then you own me for the rest of the weekend. If I win, then I own you for a month. Of course, we will both be owned for that week in August.”
“Hmmmm. I'm not sure. A month is a long time.”
“It's up to you.”
“Okay. I'll enjoy owning you for the rest of the weekend.”
“Good girl,” grinned Rose. “Let's swim back and stretch out.”
Once again, the two naked girls stretched and, once again, Laura chastised herself for spending so much time looking at her beautiful opponent. When they were both warmed up, they stood ready and then streaked off along the trail toward the beach in the distance. Neither girl made very good time since neither was wearing shoes. Plus the bobbing and swaying of breasts tended to slow them down. But Laura was leading when they reached the beach, despite the distracting movements on her chest. She placed one foot on the beach to be able to prove that she had actually reached the destination and then headed back toward the starting point.
She grinned at Rose as she passed her on the trail, “See you at the house, slavegirl.”
Laura tried to keep up as fast of a pace as possible the entire way back. The stakes were just too high to let up. About half way back to the starting point, she started to hear footsteps and heavy breathing behind her. She glanced back and saw that Rose had closed the gap between them and was threatening her again.
Laura dug deep and started to sprint. The footsteps remained behind her, however, regardless of how much she sped up. As she got close to the finish line, Laura glanced over her shoulder again and saw Rose only a few yards behind her. And then disaster struck. Laura lost her balance and tumbled into the clearing, only a few feet from the finish line. She watched as Rose easily glided to the win, only to return to her and lean down to kiss Laura on the forehead. “Who's the slavegirl now?”
Laura just groaned. She had already been planning how she was going to be a mistress. Now she had lost another month of her life to slavery.
Rose sat down on the ground and gathered the whimpering Laura into her arms, comforting her. “Are you okay little one?”
“I'm miserable,” pouted Laura.
Rose laughed. “Well, I hope that's not true. You certainly don't look miserable. Even covered in grass and leaves you look ravishing.”
“But I lost. And I lost my freedom when I did,” she moaned.
“But that's not so bad, is it? I think that you were born to be a slavegirl and you are such a beautiful one. Besides, you were beating me. You would have won if you didn't trip.”
“But I did. And now I have to explain to Jim why I have two owners.”
“Oh don't worry about it sweetpea. I think you'll love being owned by me. Let's go grab some lunch.”
When they got back to the house, Rose saw that a message was on the phone. Benjamin had called, so she called him back. Laura only caught Rose's half of the call, but pretty much figured out what the conversation was about.
“Hi Ben”
“Sorry. Hello Master”
“We have been having a great time. She's wonderful”
“Yes, she's a beautiful filly.”
“Thank you Master. I guess we are both beautiful fillies.”
“Well, we have gone on three runs so far. She is very fast. We thought that we should start to get ready for the Equus.”
“Oh. Well yes. We did place wagers, Master.”
“Hmmmm. Well, she owes me a month of slavery so far. But that might change Master. She won the first race. I won the second one. And she would have won the third race if she hadn't tripped. I wouldn't be surprised if I return home wearing her collar.”
“Yes Master.”
“Completely naked. But I think that's a problem. We both have too much motion, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure how good we will be as ponies.”
“Wow, that would be great Master. Yes Master, I will tell her.”
“Bye Master. Tell Diana… ooops, I mean Mistress that I said hi.” And then she hung up the phone.
“Good news,” smiled Rose as she plopped down beside the sweaty Laura. “We can wear our bras for the rest of the runs.”
“I'm not running again,” groaned Laura.
“Oh. So you want me to whip you instead?”
“Whip me?” gasped Laura.
“Yes. Whip you. Who owns you for the weekend? In fact, who owns you for a month?”
Laura sighed. “You do. And I'll run for you. But I'm not sure that I want any more wagers.”
“Chicken,” laughed Rose. “So do you want to know the good news?”
“Sure,” replied Laura as she rolled her eyes.
“We get to wear bras. Ben said that figured that our well endowed figures would make it tough to run. Diana has already ordered us harnesses that will support our breasts. I guess that's what all of the measurements were about the other night. So he said that we should wear sports bras for the rest of our runs. But he also said that was the only thing we were allowed to wear.”
“Oh, except for one thing,” Rose continued. “He said that we should wear butt plugs for the rest of our runs.”
“What?!?!?!?!” shrieked Laura.
“You heard me. It seems that we will be wearing tails for the Equus. And he wants us to get used to running with them.”
Laura just groaned and picked up a pillow to smother her face in it.
Chapter 6: Deeper and deeper
The two naked girls showered together and then ate lunch. “What did Ben have to say about the wagers?” asked Laura as they sat on the deck.
“He just laughed and said that it was fine with him but that I owed him one day for every two days that you owed me.”
“Wow. He did? Why do you think that's so funny?”
Rose thought for a moment and furrowed her brow. “I'm not sure. But I guess that I thought it sounded like fun. I guess I don't take all of this as seriously as you do.”
“How can you not take slavery seriously?” asked Laura in bewilderment.
“It's just a game, little one. And it's a new game to me. I have always been on the giving end. It's kind of nice being on the receiving end. Even if I will have to prance around like a trained pony. I think it will be exciting to have all of my decisions made by someone else. It will kind of be like an exotic vacation.”
Laura took on a pensive look as she thought about what Rose was saying. Could that be why she was so aroused in her slavery? She still had not figured out why her body kept betraying her despite the revulsion that her mind felt. She decided that she would just not respond and took another bite of her salad instead.
When they finished lunch, Rose surprised Laura with a length of rope. She had Laura stand and turn around so that she could tie the slavegirl's wrists together behind her back. “What's this for?” asked Laura.
The older girl received a swift swat on the bottom for that. “Just because,” responded Rose. “I don't have to have a reason for doing things to you. You are my property.”
“Oh. Yes Mistress.” For some reason, Laura had a hard time acknowledging the mistress/slave relationship with Rose. She almost seemed more like a sister than owner. But she supposed that this kind of reminder was a good thing. Maybe it would keep her from making any more foolish wagers.
Rose took another piece of rope and wrapped it around Laura's elbows, slowly pulling it tight and wrapping it several times until the two elbows touched, causing Laura to groan as her shoulders were strained back. Thankfully, it was a wide, soft satiny rope so that there would not be too much discomfort from the rope itself. But the there was plenty of discomfort from the way that it stretched her shoulders unnaturally.
Rose walked back in front of Laura. “Oooooooo I like the effect that this has.” Rose reached up and ran her palms over Laura's breasts, giggling like a child with new toys. Laura looked down and was shocked to see the prominence of her breasts with her shoulders pulled back the way that they were. In fact, it looked like she was all breasts. “We have to do this more,” exclaimed Rose. “This really shows off your assets.”
Laura only shook her head disapprovingly, but remained silent. Again, to Laura's surprise, Rose produced two clamps. “Now this might sting a little at first,” Rose warned as she raised the first clamp to Laura's left nipple.
“Oh please, must we do this?” Laura asked pleadingly. This immediately elicited a swat to Laura's unprotected breast sending it bouncing wildly on the bound girl's chest.
“What was that?” asked Rose in a serious tone.
“Nothing. Sorry Mistress,” replied a chastised Laura.
Rose flicked the vulnerable little nubbin with her finger and blew lightly on it until it was standing up proudly. “Why is it getting stiff?” thought Laura as she watched Rose prepare the nipple for clamping. “It's almost as if it's asking to be clipped.”
Rose then opened the jaws of the clamp and slipped them around the tender nipple, sliding a little ring up the shafts of the clamp to tighten it and lock it in place. Laura grimaced as she felt the burning sensation on her nipple but remained silent. Rose then repeated her actions on the right nipple, eliciting a low hisssssssss from Laura as that nipple too ached with the pressure. Rose finished the decoration of the slavegirl by attaching a fine gold chain between the two clamps and letting it dangle. Because of the fullness of Laura's breasts, however, the chain dangled a good three or four inches away from her body.
The last item to be added was the collar. Rose produced it from a bag on the counter and held it out for Laura to examine. “I hadn't planned on using it, but since I own so much of you now, I thought it would be okay to start.”
Laura examined the collar with a look of wonder. It was beautiful. It looked like it was made of spun gold and probably could have been worn to an elegant party instead of on a naked slavegirl in the woods. Rose kept turning the jewelry and Laura saw that an engraved tag had been embedded on one side. The tag read “Laura. Property of Rose.”
“That's in case you get lost,” smiled Rose. “This way they will know who to return you to. Do you like it?”
“It's beautiful,” was all Laura could think to say.
“I was hoping that you would like it,” responded Rose. She wrapped it around the slavegirl's neck and Laura heard it click shut behind her neck. It was snug, but not so tight that it would cause problems or discomfort. Rose then led Laura into the other room to a full-length mirror.
Again, Laura was left in awe. Looking into the mirror, she saw an exotic creature and hardly even recognized herself. Her breasts were as prominent as she had feared, but with the clamps and chain decorating them, they provided a very erotic accent. And the collar was simply gorgeous against her own golden flesh. Rose finally attached a matching gold leash to the collar and led Laura from the room again. “Let's go for a walk.”
“Yes Mistress,” replied Laura as she padded along behind her naked captor.
Rose strapped on a little fanny pack and then led Laura down to the lake and then along a path in the opposite direction from the beach that they had run to earlier. It was all that Laura could do to keep from laughing seeing the naked girl in front of her wearing the little knapsack around her waist as her only clothing. Rose was in a chatty mood and kept up a constant monologue, occasionally taking a break to ask Laura a question.
“Why hadn't you ever tried it with women before?” was one question and Laura tried to answer as truthfully as she could. “It always seemed wrong and I never was attracted to any women before.”
“Do you find me attractive?” was the immediate question from Rose. “Yes Mistress” replied Laura with a blush returning to her cheeks. “I'm not sure why, but I find you very attractive and I love being with you.” This brought a smile to Rose's lips.
A little while later, after some more monologue, Rose asked, “Have you ever thought about having your nipples pierced?” This question surprised Laura, and she wondered if Rose had other plans that she should know about. But she simply responded with a “No Mistress.” “It's a shame,” replied Rose. “Those puppies are practically begging for rings.”
The questions continued and continued until Rose finally came to a halt and turned to Laura, tugging on the leash until the captor could kiss the captive. “Do you love me?” asked Rose.
“Oh Mistress. I hardly know you,” replied a startled and embarrassed Laura.
“I know. But do you love me?”
“I'm not sure Mistress. Maybe. I think so. I know that I like you a lot.”
Rose reached down and stroked her fingers along Laura's sex, rubbing up and down the silky petals before letting a finger slide in. She withdrew her finger and held it up for Laura to see. Laura groaned as she saw the finger shiny with her arousal and knew that she could not deny her excitement.
“I'll take this as an answer,” smiled Rose. “You may or may not love me. But I do know that you lust me. Now it's game time.”
With that, Rose unzipped her little fanny pack and pulled out a rope, which she tossed over a limb. She tied one end of the rope to the bindings around Laura's wrists and then started pulling.
“Oh Rose…. I mean Mistress. What are you doing?”
Rose continued to tug on the rope, raising Laura's wrists and forcing the slavegirl to bend forward. “Just having some fun. I think you'll like it, little one.”
Laura gasped as her wrists were pulled again, causing her to bend over even more. By the time Rose was finished, Laura's torso was parallel to the ground and her arms were pulled up high above her back.
“Oh God Rose!! You are going to break something.”
Rose patted the bound slave on the bottom and then moved around her and sat in front of Laura so that she could look into her face. “Pretty neat, huh?” giggled Rose. “You can't do a thing, but I can do anything. Everything about you is exposed and available.”
She leaned forward and kissed Laura on the lips. “See, that's available.” Then she reached out and grasped the chain dangling between Laura's clamped nipples. “And those are available too.”
“Please stop,” pleaded Laura as she grew annoyed with Rose's childish behavior and felt her discomfort increasing. “Please release me. It really hurts.”
“Oh posh! It doesn't hurt. It's merely an aggravation. I'll show you hurt in a little bit.” With that, Rose stood up and moved behind Laura, which sent a shiver of fear down Laura's back. Even though she knew it was coming, the bound girl shrieked in surprise when she felt the palm of Rose's hand coming down hard on her naked bottom.
“Now I'll bet that hurt,” pronounced Rose. “And if you continue to complain about things hurting when they don't, I'll show you a lot more of that.”
Then Rose sat down on the ground behind Laura and slipped her legs between the feet of the slavegirl to spread Laura's legs as wide as she could. Rose reached up and touched a finger to Laura's little pucker and traced a circle around it. “I could make this hurt too, if it would please you. Would you like that?”
Laura tried to protect herself, but was too stretched and exposed to be able to do a thing. “No, Mistress,” she finally said. “I'll be good.”
“Good girl,” said Rose with a smile that Laura could not see. “You are my perfect slavegirl.”
Laura heard a zipper opening and then some rustling behind her but could not tell what was going on. Rose had opened her fanny pack and had pulled out a bottle of oil. She opened it and poured a liberal amount over her fingers and into her palm. She then screwed the cap back on and rubbed the oil over her entire hand. “Hold on tight, little one.”
Laura tensed as she felt the slick fingers rubbing up and down over her labia urging them apart. Two fingers slipped between them and then started to slowly stroke in and out. “How does it feel so far?” asked Rose.
“Humiliating,” replied an indignant Laura. Despite the affection that she was starting to feel for this younger woman, she was not about to give in to this kind of wanton abuse of her body or her dignity. Her comment was quickly rewarded by another swat on her bottom, which elicited a yelp and then silence.
Two more fingers joined the first two and they slid in and out together, occasionally spreading or curling inside of her. Laura moaned and tried to close her legs but Rose held them wide apart to keep her prey exposed and vulnerable. Finally, the thumb was tucked in beside the four fingers, and still things continued to move in and out.
Each protest was rewarded with another swat and soon Laura was left with nothing to do but moan and whimper. The fingers kept moving in and out, sliding a little deeper each time. Laura could feel her entire body damp with perspiration and could see the chain between her breasts swaying back and forth with little droplets of sweat dripping from the lowest part of the chain.
Eventually, she let out a long, low groan as she felt her sex being stretched to its limit and then suddenly the pressure was off. But then, immediately, she felt fingers moving inside of her and she knew that Rose's entire hand was embedded in her body.
“Mmmmm, what's this?” asked Rose playfully, as she stroked the inside of Laura's vagina, sending unwanted waves of pleasure through the captive. “Seems like I found a sweet spot.”
The hand continued to rotate and explore and Laura felt fingers moving everywhere inside of her. She felt her body responding by becoming more and more aroused and, in spite of her shame, she felt herself moving closer to an orgasm. Then the fingers changed their movements and she felt a finger pressing against her cervix, causing her to suck in her breath.
“Oh my. Is this where little Kaitlin came out?” asked Rose as a finger pressed tightly against Laura's cervix.
“Yesssssss Mistresssssss,” was all that Laura could manage.
“That's what I thought” replied the mischievous Mistress. “Maybe I should try to retrace her steps.”
“Oh please no!!!” screamed Laura as she felt Rose's finger pressing harder and harder at the tiny opening, knowing that it would be painful if her mistress pushed deeper.
Another swat. And then Rose was twisting and turning inside Laura again. But now Rose was also using her free hand to toy with Laura's clitoris, teasing it as her fingers teased inside. It only took moments until Laura's whole body shook in a violent orgasm and, if Rose hadn't pulled her hand out and caught Laura, the slavegirl might have dislocated her shoulders when she collapsed. Thankfully, Rose caught her, released her and then cuddled her until she regained her senses.
“That wasn't so bad, was it little one?” asked Rose as she leaned down and kissed the tip of Laura's nose.
Rose kept Laura's arms tied behind her on the way back to the cabin but let the leash dangle between her breasts. This let Rose walk beside her captive and wrap her arm around Laura's waist. The two girls emerged from the woods, only to find a second car next to the house.
“Oh shit” exclaimed Rose.
“What?” asked a confused Laura.
“Mom” was all that Rose said. “Shit”
“Hi there,” they heard as they moved closer to the house. “Eventually they saw a woman step off the porch and into the sunlight. “I wondered where the two of you were.”
“Shit Mom, what are you doing here?” asked a very upset Rose.
“Just checking out the merchandise” replied Maggie.
“Well she's not for sale,” retorted Rose.
“From what I understand, she's not the only merchandise around here.”
“What are you talking about?” asked an irritated Rose.
“I had an interesting conversation with Ben and Diana yesterday. And an interesting transaction.”
“Oh god,” groaned Rose, causing Laura to look at her quizzically. “What's this all about?”
“Come up and join me on the porch and let's talk,” replied Maggie as she turned and walked back up the stairs to the porch. Rose and Laura remained standing naked in the yard until Rose finally grasped the leash and tugged her charge along behind her.
“Might as well get this over with.”
Rose led Laura to the porch and then untied all of her bindings, leaving her wearing only the collar and clamps. Then she gently removed the clamps and had a seat on one of the chairs. Laura didn't know exactly what to do so she knelt beside Rose's chair.
“She is very well trained,” observed Maggie.
“Yes, she is Mom,” replied Rose politely.
“I understand that you have bartered with the Holcombs to obtain her service.”
“That's right. I own her for the moment.”
“And is she pleasing?”
“Yes Mom. I find her pleasing.”
“Good. Because I understand that she came at a high price. I always pictured you as a top. It's hard to imagine you as a bottom. But my understanding is that you are now a slavegirl yourself. Is that so?”
“No Mom. I'm not a slavegirl at the moment. But I did agree to be one for a week in exchange for Laura.”
“Yes. That's my understanding too. Come here. Both of you.”
Laura looked up at Rose for a signal. Rose sat there for a moment but eventually stood up and crossed the porch to stand before Maggie. Laura quickly arose and followed her until she was standing beside her mistress.
“I just came up here to see your new pet. I'm glad that you are coming back into the scene. Your girl is lovely. And you are too.”
“Thank you Mom,” replied Rose.
“And I wanted to let you know that the two of you will be serving me at the Equus.”
“What?!?!?!?” sputtered Rose.
“You heard me. I made a deal of my own. Ben and Diana were insistent that they show you off at the Grand Parade. Now that I see the two of you together, I can see why. But I was able to convince them to let me have you on Feast Night. So you will be my ponies, wearing my colors, on Feast Night.”
“Oh god” gasped Rose. Laura remained silent, not understanding exactly what was happening.
“I think it will be grand,” Maggie went on. “I'm not sure that anyone has brought in their daughter as their slave before. It should send quite a stir through the group.”
Maggie then stood up and stepped in front of Laura. “I understand that you have kind of stumbled into this lifestyle,” she said as she reached out and lifted Laura's breasts in her hands. “I hope that it is agreeing with you.” Laura simply nodded and cast her eyes down.
“She's adorable,” said Maggie as she lowered the breasts and then stepped in front of her daughter. Again, she raised her hands and lifted Rose's breasts. “And I hope that slavery is finding you well also.”
Rose bit her lower lip as she watched her mother holding her breasts and rubbing her thumbs across the nipples. “You cost me dearly. I had to trade Felicity and Janice for the night. But I'm sure that I will be the envy of the event when I show up at the banquet with the two of you in tow. Don't you think?”
“Yes Mom,” replied Rose in resignation.
“It's yes Mistress until after the feast,” replied Maggie as she gripped the two nipples and squeezed tightly. “Understand?”
Rose yelped but quickly nodded. “Yes Mistress.”
“If you are going to go about selling yourself to our friends, then it's only fair that I buy you for my own slavegirl. Don't think that you are going to be treated with any favoritism. I raised you to be a top. If you want to be a bottom, then you'll have to put up with being loaned, traded or sold to new owners. And now I'm your owner.”
With that, she turned and walked to her car and sped off.
“What was that all about Mistress?” asked a very confused Laura.
“She's pissed,” replied Rose. “And we are going to have a very interesting time at the Equus.”
“Is she really planning on owning you?” asked Laura.
“Oh you bet she is. She owns both of us now.”
Laura only groaned as it sunk in that she was now owned by yet another person. In such a short period of time, she had become owned by so many people.
“And I guarantee that she will expect a lot. It doesn't surprise me that she traded Janice for us. But she has never been willing to share Felicity. If she traded Felicity for us, then she is definitely out to make a statement.”
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