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Review This Story || Author: Fire-Bird


Part 1


By Firebird

In hindsight I realised they weren't really my friends after all. I guess I'm a
bit slow in that regard. My name is Jack. Everyone calls me ripper.
Unfortunately it isn't in reference to the all time great Jack-the-ripper, more
to the fact my Mum feeds me onions a lot so I tend to fart big time.

I guess I also know I'm the smallest in the group. Not too sure how I got mixed
up with them really. One time I was getting punched out for being in someone's
way at high school. Next thing I saw was Brett and Darren kicking the shit out
of my assailant.

Brett and Darren. Nice guys or so I thought. This was in the final year of high
school about two weeks before Spring-Break. I hung around them for both
protection and just for something to do. Little did I know it was a set-up.

Brett and Darren had girlfriends. I did not. So they helped me in that area.
They introduced me to a girl called Linda. She was nice to me but sometimes I
wondered if she was a little cold. Today I've just found out why she kept me at
a distance.

Two days before Spring-break Darren had this idea of going up to a log cabin his
Dad's boss owns in the mountains. He made it sound so enticing. Linda was all
for it and begged me to come. She even said she'd give me a couple of blowjobs
when we got there. What else could I say?

With exams out of the way and I was pretty sure to get top marks and my parents
figured it was an okay trip. The next day I loaded up my car and picked up
everyone else. It was a tight-squeeze in my jeep but no one seemed to complain.
A few hours later we were enjoying the fresh mountain air. The cabin was
everything Darren said it was, and more.

The cabin had five bedrooms. Plenty of space for everyone. We ditched our bags
in the rooms and threw on some swimming trunks. The girls barely covered their
bodies with skin-tight bikinis. When we were set we rushed out to the river. The
water paddled along nicely and it sure was cool. I guess it was streaming down
from a nearby snow-bank. The boys played while the girls sunned themselves.
Isn't that always the way.

After an hour or so we had some dinner and went to bed. Linda said she was too
tired to have sex but promised me some BJs tomorrow night. We rolled over and
listen to Brett and Darren hammer away into their girlfriends. I barely got any

Woke up the next morning to find my wrists tied behind my back. Also my ankles
were tied to the bed-posts. Linda was sitting beside me. I looked down at my
naked body only to realise my PJs have disappeared. Linda smiled and I thought I
was finally about to get my blowjob. She took my cock and stroked it hard. She
leaned in close and kissed me on the cheek.

"Sorry Ripper."

I looked at her as she stood up and unlocked the door. Both Darren and Brett
came in with Sharon and Melissa. The girls mocked my nakedness and played with
my cock. I was stunned. Something was up and I couldn't work out what.

"What gives guys?" I asked.

In answer to my question, Brett sat down and took my cock in his hand.

"Sorry Ripper-dude, you're lunch!" and he yanked my erect cock down so hard I
thought he'd ripped it off. The girls laughed at my predicament. Darren untied
my ankles from the bedposts and retied them together. They then carried me out
of the cabin. I didn't know if I was the butt of a practical joke, I sure hoped
I was.

I was taken to a large oak tree in the middle of the grounds. There I was tied
facing the tree. My arms and legs wrapped around the base. I had a little
leverage in my legs to keep me standing nearly upright. Darren noticed this and
found a large branch. He cut off the end with his knife leaving him with a four
foot pole. Brett spread my ass-cheeks so Darren could insert the branch into my
anus. Brett then lifted me up so Darren could secure the other end of the branch
into the ground. Once Brett let go I either stood on the tips of my toes or
ended up being impaled by the branch. I screamed at them to let me go and
started to cry. I was ignored, humiliated and getting tired.

A minute later the girls came out, fully naked. I'd never seen so many real
breasts in one place at one time. Brett and Darren started to remove their
clothes. Linda looked at what the boys had done to my ass. A small trickle of
blood stream down my leg. Linda took some and licked it off her finger.

"Hhhmm, virgin blood." she said. She lifted up what I thought was a stick in her
hand, and showed it to me. It was a whip. It had a foot long handle with a four
foot long  switch. She swung it a couple of times to loosen her arm. I pleaded
for mercy but she just laughed. She struck me nearly thirty or forty times along
my back. I yelled and screamed, but no one came to my rescue. The whip cut only
below the surface but it was enough to hurt like hell. All the while the branch
kept getting deeper and deeper into my ass.

Finally Linda had finished. I rolled my head to my right. Tears were flooding my
eyes making it difficult to see. Hearing noises I opened my eyes to see Brett
and Darren trying to light a fire in the BBQ pit. Pain rushed back into my brain
as Sharon and Melissa rubbed salt into my wounds. I nearly fainted but I was too

Three more times I was whipped. Sharon and Linda alternated so Linda wouldn't
get too tired. Three more times I had salt and black pepper rubbed into my
welts. I then felt arms under my armpits. The ropes were released and the branch
fell out of my asshole. For a second I thought I was free. Then my arms were
tied upwards to an overhanging branch. My ankles were wrapped around the base of
the tree and tied with rope. Again I was stuck.

Melissa, Darren and Brett took turns in whipping my puny white body. The boys
especially loved whipping my cock making it bounce. My cock betrayed me by
becoming more erect. This only make their whippings more painful. More salt and
pepper was rubbed into my welts. By this time I was too weak to even scream or
plead for mercy.

Near unconscious I felt myself being cut down from the tree. I think Brett
carried me over to the outdoor log table. I fell forward onto it. Both my ankles
were tied to the table legs. I was too weak to even lift my head. Behind me I
heard noises of oohing and ahhing from the girls. Linda felt my asshole wasn't
big enough so she asked both Brett and Darren to bugger me. They did so
willingly. Brett's cock was huge. He tore into my ass and I grunted with each
thrust. When he cummed Darren took over. His didn't hurt as much.

Linda checked my hole and found it to be inadequate. She went to the cabin and
returned with a large black dildo. I guess it was her own personal one. She
shoved it into my rear-end with such forced I thought she had removed the
splinter muscle. For a good ten minutes the group all took turns in reaming my
ass. Finally Linda was satisfied. Melissa and Linda took my arms and held them
forwards. Sharon took hold of my head and tilted it upwards so only my chin was
on the table.

A few seconds later I felt something cold and metal being inserted into my ass.
I groaned. Brett and Darren told the girls to brace themselves. Next thing I
knew was intense pain as something long, metallic and hard was being pushed
through my body. With what little strength I had I tried to move but the girls
were ready for it. After what seemed like forever I felt something in my throat
and then with a final shove, it exited out through my mouth. I looked down to
see the tip of a roasting spit.

My brain added up all the evidence. Brett saying I was lunch. The salt and
pepper in my welts. A metal spike up my ass. Yep, I was the roasted pig that
everyone likes to eat. Another wave of pain flooded my senses as a stabiliser
bar was inserted into my right buttock.

I felt myself being lifted upwards, turned and laid on my side. Brett and Darren
tied my ankles to the spit and wrists together behind me. My girlfriend Linda
was the one to gut me. She opened me up with a sharp knife and pulled out my
body organs. Melissa and Sharon were grossed out but Linda seemed to know what
she was doing. She scooped up the guts and told the boys to take it out and dump
it about a mile or so into the forest. The plan was to blame my death and lack
of body on a bear or another wild animal.

The boys left to do Linda's bidding. Linda flushed me out and with Sharon's
help, put stuffing into my torso cavity. I was quickly sewn up. However I was to
find Linda very sadistic. With her sharp knife she severed my cock from my body.
The girls laughed as I was made to hold it in my hand. Naturally I couldn't grip
it so Linda got a long skewer rod and pierced my palm and cock together. I can
only guess one of the girls ate my cock like a hot-dog. Wonder if it was Linda.

Next my testicles were removed and Linda dared Sharon and Melissa to eat them
raw. They did. With the minute or so remaining of my life I felt the girls lift
me up and put me over the BBQ pit. There I started to slowly rotate.

Never did get that blowjob from Linda.


The media reported that Jack Conch's body was never found. Parts of his organs
were located a mile and a half away from the cabin. His friends reported that
Jack had been drinking and complaining about the pressures of school, then he
decided to go for a walk. That was the last time they saw him. The coroner ruled
that Jack was attacked and killed by a wild animal, most likely a bear.

The remaining group members were all in excellent health.


Review This Story || Author: Fire-Bird
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