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Review This Story || Author: Couture

Amazon dot cum

Part 8

Amazon dot cum Ch.8
by Couture

(FF, denial, humiliation)

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or  offended by sexually explicit
stories and situations. 

(c) 2003 Couture


I made sure I was at Miss Moore's house early the next  morning, my punishment
from the day before still fresh  on my mind.  She let me in and, without being
told,  quickly stripped off my clothes

Thandi walked around my body, touching me here and  there.  "You're looking
good.  Coming along very  nicely."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my heart  leapt at her compliment. 
I had been losing weight due  to her imposed regime of diet and exercise.  It
was  good that *someone* had noticed . . . my husband  surely had not.

"Thank you Miss."

"Yes, very nice," Thandi continued, caressing my  nipple between a thumb and
forefinger.  "This calls  for something special to wear."

She led me to the bedroom, picked up the clothes that  were lying on the bed,
and put them back in the  closet.  She returned with a black outfit that was 
positively scandalous.  The heels were an inch taller  than they had been the
day before.  The stockings were  sheer.  The ensemble included another tight
black  skirt, tighter than yesterday's.  A black jacket  covered my blouse, and
it was blouse that really made  me most uncomfortable.  It was a blouse unlike I
had  ever seen before. It was the same sheer material as my  stockings.  It was
tight and squeezed my breasts up  and out.  They looked like the breasts of a
twenty- five year old.  That was the problem at the moment-  the material was
just as translucent as my stockings!   Anyone looking could see every detail
from my nipples  to my breasts.

"You like?" Thandi asked.

I looked in the mirror in disbelief.  The sexy woman  within was alien to me. 
"Yes," I sighed, buttoning  the jacket up to preserve my modesty.  I was still 
showing *a lot* of cleavage, but I was at least  presentable for work.

"Good," Thandi said, coming behind me and wrapping her  arms around me.  "I'm
glad you like it."  She nibbled  at my earlobe, making my knees grow weak.  I
heard it  before I saw it.  Snip-snip.  I tried not to look  down, but I
couldn't resist.  With a pair of scissors,  she was cutting off the buttons to
my coat one by one.

Oh God!  I was wet.  I was gushing.  I grew so  lightheaded I could hardly

"I hate buttons, don't you my pet," she asked. Her  tongue delved into my ear.
How I wished she were  licking me somewhere else.

With the buttons gone, she opened my jacket, exposing  my breasts, raising them
up and pushing them in. 

"That's better. . ."

What was she doing to me? 

"Please. . ." The word came out as a whimper.

"Please what?" she taunted.

Why was I so hot?  Did I want this?  Surely I didn't.   No, I couldn't.  What
would everyone think?  "I can't.  . . . Everyone will see. . ."

"See what?"  Thandi teased, while she continued to toy  with my aching nipples.

"My nipples," I gasped.  "My breasts."

"So what," Thandi said.  "You have beautiful breasts  and your nipples
practically beg for attention."  She  rolled my nipples between her forefinger
and thumb to  emphasize her words.

"Please. . ."  I was too aroused to argue. 

"Come on now Tracy-girl," she said.  "Say it for me.   I have beautiful breasts
and my nipples practically  beg for attention."

Oh, she was so frustrating.  Didn't she know what she  was doing to me?  "I have
beautiful breasts and my  nipples prac-ti-ohhhhhh!"  She tweaked my nipples 
hard, breaking my concentration.

"Say it again, until you get it right."

It took five times before I could say it without  messing up, due to her
malicious teasing.

"Come on my little Pussy-girl; let's go to work before  we are late."

I summoned the last of my courage.  "Please Miss  Moore, I'm scared."  How could
she do this to me?   Force me to show my naked breasts in public.

She helped pull me to my feet and hugged me close.   "Who's going to be there
with you today Tracy-girl?"

"You are," I muttered.

"And who will be there to protect you?"

Oh God, but how could she protect me from what was to  come, my mind screamed. 
However, "You will," was what  I answered.

"Good girl.  Let's go."


I know what you are thinking.  You probably think  Thandi left me out to dry. 
Well, you would be wrong.   She did protect me . . . in a fashion.

Whenever my coat fell open, my breasts . . . my  nipples rather, were exposed
due to the translucent  top.  Well, I was exposed and someone would stare 
wide-eyed at my display, Thandi would be there to come  to my rescue. 

"What the fuck are you staring at?" she asked a man in  the elevator, who was
practically slobbering on me.

"Nothing. . ." he mumbled. 

"Yeah," Thandi sneered.  "I saw what you were looking  at.  She ought to report
you.  Matter of fact, maybe  I'll report you."

"No-look-I'm sorry," he stammered, blushing at least  as red as I must have

"She's the one you need to be apologizing to," Thandi  said.  "Not me."

"Look Miss," he said, he looked at my nose carefully  avoiding my breasts and my
eyes, his cheeks turning  even redder.  I couldn't help but to glance down at 
his crotch.  His bulge was obvious.  "I'm sorry for  ah-staring."

"Well, Miss," Thandi, said to me.  "Do you accept his  apology?  Or should I
turn the pervert in."

"Yes. . ." I replied.

"Yes, what?" she said.  "You want me to turn him in?"

"Yes - I mean no Miss Moore," I said.  "I don't want  you to turn him in.

"Fucking pervert."  Thandi stopped the elevator at the  next floor.  "Get the
fuck out, before I change my  mind."

He rushed out of the elevator, and it was good to see  someone else under
Thandi's thumb . . . someone other  than myself that is.  The doors closed and
just as the  elevator resumed its ascent, Thandi pressed the stop  button. 
After that, she pushed me against the wall  and kissed me forcefully.  Her hand
traveled into my  coat and found my nipple.  She tweaked it --  *painfully*.

She smothered my cries of anguish with her mouth and  probing tongue.  Her eyes
were smoldering and furious. 

"Don't you ever let me catch you staring at a cock  again without permission or
. . . so help me God!"

"I'm sorry," I begged.  I had no idea what she would  do, and I sure as hell
didn't want to find out.  I  took a chance and kissed her lips.  I even suckled
at  her full lower lip.  "I'm sorry. . .  I'm sorry."  I  looked in her eyes and
watched her anger fade.  Her  tongue searched for mine.  I met it and we danced 

"Whose pleasure do you exist for?" Thandi asked.


"And how will you know to please me?"

"By watching you."

"That's right bitch, not cocks, *me*."  She grabbed my  hand and pulled it up
her dress to her crotch.  "And  who do you belong to?"

"You," I sighed.  I slid my finger in her panties and  found her wet slit.  I
circled her clit and then  thrust my digit into her tight tunnel. 

"That's right bitch.  You're my girl.  My sexy white  pussy girl."  She pulled
my hand from her crotch and  started the elevator back up.  Her eyes were still 
smoldering as she stared at me and glanced down at my  wet sticky hand.  I held
her gaze as I cleaned them of  her sweet musky essence.

"Good girl," she purred.  "Besides, when I want you to  stare at a cock, it will
be to suck it.  And you'll  know to suck it because I will tell you to suck it.  
Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."  Was she serious?  It was one thing to  do it with her, but it
would be quite another to do it  with another man.  Besides my husband, I mean. 

"You'll be my little chicken head girl if I ask, won't  you?  My little chicken
head cock sucker."

I blushed furiously.  For the woman who had me in her  thrall-nothing was too
depraved.  "Yes, Miss Moore," I  breathed.  I couldn't bring myself to meet her

"Say it," she demanded.

Oh God!  I glanced up.  We were almost at our floor.   "I'll do it ma'am.  I'll
suck whomever you tell me to  suck.    I'll be your . . ."  My cunt was running
like  a faucet.  Fuck me fuck me, it screamed.  My nipples  were so hard they
hurt.  God, how I wanted her!  I  wanted her more than anything I ever wanted
before.   "I'll be your chicken head cock sucker girl.  I'll be  whatever you
want me to be."

I fought to keep my body under control but it was  consumed by a warm infusion
of pure pleasure.  It  wasn't an orgasm, but it was a close substitute.  I 
craved more, and yet at the same time it scared me  half to death when I
realized what the feeling was.   It was my complete and utter submission. 

Thandi grinned.  Enjoying my discomfort.   Did she  suspect?

"That's my girl."  Her hand grabbed my ass  possessively.  "But if you do it,
you'll do it for my  pleasure, not yours, and certainly not his.  And how  will
you know it's my pleasure," she asked.

The doors slid open.  It was our floor. 

"I'll know," I assured her.  I would know all right.   I could recognize her
pleasure easily by her wicked  smirking smile and her dark flashing eyes.  I
could  even her it in her voice. 


I was by myself most of the morning.  Well, not by  myself, but without Thandi,
so I just did my best to  ignore the looks everyone gave me.  I even tried to 
ignore the men trying to catch a glimpse of my  breasts, which were barely
covered by my jacket.  I  kept my head down and refused to meet their leering 
eyes.  I slid around on my chair trying to get  comfortable.  God, I was hot.  I
wished Thandi were  there.  She would know just what to do. 

It was over an hour before Thandi called me to her  office.

"Hang your jacket up," she said. 

"Yes, ma'am."  I took off my coat and hung it up,  standing before her with my
nipples growing even  harder due to her cold office. 

"So chicken head, you been looking at any more cocks?"  she asked.

"No ma'am."  I couldn't help but to blush.

Thandi stood up and walked over to me.  She looked at  me slightly
disapprovingly, and then she looked at the  ground and smiled.  I knelt down in
front of her,  hoping that it was what she wanted.

"Good girl, cause I got something you can look at all  you want," Thandi said. 
"And do you know what that is  my little chicken?"

"Your vagina?"

"My pussy, bitch," she said.  "Now say it right or  we'll have a little session
right now."

"Your pussy, Miss."

"Then why the hell aren't you pleasing it?"

I could tell by her voice that she was growing  frustrated with me.  Moreover,
one thing for sure,  that was the last thing I wanted to happen.  I  hurriedly
raised the hem of her skirt up and clutched  the band of her panties.

"Use your teeth," she said.

I bit the band with my teeth, careful not to nip her  in the process and pulled
her panties down to her  feet.  I made to kneel there, my face pressed to the 
carpet, while she took her time stepping out of her  panties.  As she did so,
she placed her foot on top of  my head, trapping me against the floor.

"What do you want to do now little hen?"

I should have been angry and mortified.  Instead, I  was tremendously aroused. 
My submission was growing  easier and easier.  I was starting to crave it and it 
scared me.

"I want to worship your sweet black pussy, Miss."

"I know you do baby, I know you do," Thandi sighed, as  she removed her foot
from my head.  "Now, sit back up  and hold my skirt up.  That's my girl.  Now, I
want  you to kiss it.  Kiss my black pussy and show me how  much you love it. 
Show me how much you want to please  me."

I moved in close to her sex until her pubes tickled my  nose.  I inhaled her
musky scent.  The scent was  heavenly, and to think, I was the cause.  I kissed
her  labia lightly.  Thandi sighed and leaned back against  the chair for
support.  Closing my eyes, I opened my  mouth as far as it would go and engulfed
her beautiful  black pussy.  I wanted to kiss it, I wanted to worship  it, and I
wanted her whole womanhood inside my lips.

"Oh God . . . oh fuck," Thandi moaned.  "Goddamn  you're a greedy little pussy

Her hips bucked and her thighs clenched as she came.   And then . . . and then
she was pushing me away.   I  tried to kiss her again, but she kept my head in
her  hands and tilted my chin up so that I was looking at  her.

"You were made to give pleasure, did you know that  Tracy-girl?" she said, and I
felt my cheeks growing  warm with her compliment.

"No ma'am," I answered.

"Oh you were," she said.  "Your tongue and fingers are  like silk.  I can see
why your husband only lasted a  minute with you.  However, that is going to be a 
serious problem for what I want you to do today."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, as a shiver of  fear and desire licked
down my spine.

Her finger delved between the lips of her sex and then  disappeared in her dark
wet sex.  When she brought it  back out it was shiny wet with her desire.  She 
brought it to my lips. "I want you to suck a cock."

   Oh God!  It was one thing to give Thandi pleasure.  I  mean, because she was
a woman, it didn't really count  as cheating, but a man.  A man.  I was pretty
sure it  would be considered cheating, even if I only gave him  a blowjob.  But
God, dear God, I would do it if she  asked.  I shivered thinking about it.  In
answer, I  took her finger in my mouth and sucked it, bobbing my  head up and
down as I cleaned it.

"But none of that chicken head shit," she said.  "Your  job is teasing, not
pleasing.  You think you can  handle that?"  She pulled her digit free and
fingered  herself again.  She held it back to my lips.  "Just  lick it."

I did as she asked.  God it was so hard.  I didn't  want her finger fucking me,
I wanted her to be fucking  me- with something big and hard and able to make me 

"Good girl.  Now I want you to take it all the way in  your mouth, but just hold
it there, don't suck it.   That's my girl.  You're going to make a good little 
teaser, but listen to me very good.  Listen to me real  goddamn good." 

Thandi grabbed my by my large hoop earrings and  stooped over me, getting right
in my face.  "We're  going to go visit someone very important.  You had  better
mind me, and you had better behave, or I'll be  on you like stink on shit.  Do
you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am."  God, I had never seen her so forceful.   It astounded me.  I also
needed to pee --bad.

"Nobody and I mean *nobody* comes unless I say," she  demanded.  "You got me."

"Yes ma'am.  I promise ma'am."

"Good girl," Thandi said, and sealed it with a kiss.   Then her demeanor changed
and she was friendly again.   "Now let's get your face back together.  Go fetch
my  pocketbook, will you?"


A few minutes later, I was dressed and made up.  The  lipstick was a little
heavy.  "I want anyone who sees  these lips to want to feel them," Thandi had
said.  I  could only imagine the thoughts going through my co- workers minds as
I walked to the elevator with Thandi.

"Remember to tease until I say, take care of business.   Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then say it."

I hated it when she treated me like an idiot.  "Tease  ma'am, until you say to
take care of business."

"Good girl," Thandi said, her hand patted my ass  lightly and then she held open
the door.

Dear Lord, we were here already.  My knees grew weak  and it too all my
concentration to keep from falling  in my too-high heels.  Why did I agree to
this?  What  was wrong with me?  And who would it be?  A janitor  with a mammoth
cock?  Some young boy from the  mailroom?  How would I be able to look my
husband in  the eye?

"Remember what I said.  And take off your coat before  you sit.  And when I say,
'next', you move to the  next," Thandi said in a hushed tone as I passed her.

I could barely hear what she said.  I mean really, I  just stood there dumbly in
the doorway of the  conference room.  I had good reason too.  There was no 
janitor in the conference room.  There was no mail boy  either.  No, instead it
was full of people's names  that all started with C.  As in CEO, CIO etc. 

God!  I couldn't think!  Thandi pushed me toward a  chair and I just let her
lead me, numbly stumbling to  my demise.

"Well, here's the reason I called you in today  gentlemen," Thandi said, then
turned to me.  "Go on  Tracy, take off your coat, and show them your blouse."

Oh dear God, no!  What was she thinking?  She was  going to get us both fired.

My cheeks were burning hot as I blushed.  The moment I  slid my jacket from my
shoulders there was an  collective intake of breath.  Then the formerly noisy 
conference room was dead silent.  

I dared not look.  After hanging my jacket on the back  of the chair, I sat
down, my legs crossed, my arms  demurely at my sides, my eyes cast down staring 
fixedly at the grain of the wood tabletop. 

"I know exactly what you are thinking gentlemen,"  Thandi said.  "I was thinking
the same thing myself  when I first saw Tracy's blouse this morning.  I was 
going to send her home, but then, to cover myself, I  read the dress code before
I did.  I must say it came  as a surprise when I read that bras aren't mandatory 
and nowhere in the code did it specify for the opacity  of the employee's
clothing.  And then Tracy told me it  was all the style in Paris this year,
isn't that right  Tracy."

I had said no such thing.  She was making me out to be  some sort of slut, and I
just sat there and let her.   "Yes, ma'am," I answered.  "Ahm-all the uh-models
are  wearing them."

"So gentlemen," Thandi said.  "Should she go home and  change, or is this
acceptable company attire?"

As one, the men all glanced at one another, smirked,  and then looked back at my

"I don't have a problem with them, I mean it," said  Mr. Johnson.  "What about
you George."

"Not me," he said.  "I'm all for keeping up with the  new styles.  How about you

"Well, I don't know," began Mr. Slate.

"Shut up Ralph," Mr. Johnson said.

"Great," said Thandi.  "I just wanted to check to make  sure it was appropriate. 
Being so new in my position,  I wasn't quite sure on the company policy of such 

"No, you did quite all right bringing this to our  attention," Mr. Johnson said. 
"And don't hesitate to  bring any other occurrences like this to my  attention."

"Certainly," Thandi said.  "And while I'm here . . . I  was wondering if this
would be a good time to talk  about a raise and perhaps to discuss Tracy's
future  with the company."

"I've um got a meeting in a few minutes," said Mr.  Slate.

Thandi looked at me with feral gleam in her eye.   "Tracy," she said.  "Mr.
Slate looks a little out of  sorts.  Maybe you could help him feel a bit
better."   She took her pen and put it between her pursed lips. 

My insides twisted and my body buzzed with nervous  energy.  'This is not me,
this is not me,' I told  myself.  I'm a systems analyst.  The head Systems 
analyst.  I'm married-married-married.  I have a no  good husband who builds
towers of beer cans while I'm  at work.  I have a cruel boss that has enslaved
me and  is going to use me to get a raise.  Oh, this is not me  at all. 

But even as I slipped out of the chair and onto my  knees, I could feel my pussy
gushing.  God, how it  craved what I was going to do.  A familiar sexual rush 
flooded my body again.  God, what was wrong with me?   Why was I feeling this
way with every growing  submission and humiliation?  I crawled beneath the 
conference table on my hands and knees.  I crawled to  the chair of Ralph Slate,
one of the biggest geeks in  the company.  I maneuvered myself between his legs
and  pulled down his zipper.  His cock was already hard.   

No, this was not me at all.  This was Miss Moore's  pet, her pussy girl, her
chicken head cocksucker.  I  opened my mouth and took Ralph's cock in.  This was 
it, no matter what the definition; I was officially  cheating on my husband. 

I bobbed up and down.  I licked him along his shaft.   I teased the slit with my
tongue.  There in the  cramped confines beneath the table, surrounded by  legs,
I felt safe.  Maybe I associated it with being  back in the womb.  I forgot
about everything but the  cock in my mouth.  And until she nudged me with the 
pointed tip of her shoe, I even forgot about Thandi's  warning.  No coming, just

"Well, Mr. Slate seems to concur."  I heard Thandi  saying.  "What about you Mr.

"I'm not so convinced," he said. 

Thandi nudged me with her shoe again, pushing me  toward where Mr. Jones was
sitting.  I left Ralph and  hurried between Mr. Jones's legs.  In seconds, I had 
his cock buried in my mouth.  Even as I did so, I  reached over and undid the
next zipper, freeing the  next cock in line.  Slurping, bobbing, gobbling, I did 
my duty.  I was Thandi's chicken head girl.

Thandi's foot nudged me on.  Even as I went down on  the next cock, her foot
persisted, spreading my legs  and moving up my thigh.  I only caught snatches of 
conversation.  "Thandi, you have pleased me...your  bonus is approved...and you
have the promotion . . .  but for Christ's sake, let her finish me off."

"But what about Tracy?  As you can see, she is my best  employee.  I want her
with me."

Tears fell from my eyes and melted into Mr. Jones's  crotch.  Thandi wanted me. 
She was taking me with  her. I felt her high heel exploring between the cheeks 
of my bottom. 

"I want her to have a new title, Personal Executive  Trainee.  And a raise as
well . . . say 7%?" Thandi  said.

I spread my legs, arched my back, and pushed back  against Thandi's heel,
pushing the hard implement into  my asshole.  It was not lubricated, and hurt
like  hell, rasping into me, but oh, how I wanted it! I  pushed back again and
it was all the way inside of me.   Inside my ass, a place my own husband had
never been.

I tongued the slit of Mr. Jones' cock.  I could taste  his salty precut. 
"Fisheen peeshent." I said with my  lips still around his cock.

"What?" he gasped.

"Fissheen peshent," I repeated.

"Ugh, fuck. . ." he grunted.  "Nine percent."

"Shmelve," I countered.

"Ten percent raise.  Personal Executive Trainee or  whatever the hell else. 
Gah. . . fuck, just finish me  off goddamnit."

I sucked him all the way down.  His cock buried in my  throat.  Up and down. 
Faster and faster.  He gave a  loud moan and his hips lifted off the chair.  I
sucked  hard, squeezing his balls, and sneaked an index finger  in his asshole. 

His tight ass clenched at my finger with every spurt  of his cock. I sucked
greedily, swallowing all his  come.  I'm not sure if it was because of all the 
teasing, but the quantity of his discharge was  amazing.  It was all I could do
to keep it all in my  mouth. 

I did the same thing for every man at the table.   The  whole time my pussy
tingled, begging for attention  beneath the steel confines of the chastity belt. 

When I finally crawled out from under that table, only  Thandi remained sitting
upright and smiling primly.   Everyone else had slumped down in his chair,
collars  and ties loosened a dazed and vacant look in their  eyes. 

There was cum on my face and in my hair.  Not only had  I cheated on my husband. 
I had turned into a whore.   Worse, I wanted nothing more than to coax every
cock  back to life and fuck them until they went soft again. 

I knelt there patiently, while Thandi dabbed at the  cum on my face with a
tissue.  I've finally hit rock  bottom, I thought.  But little did I know what
was to  come.

To be continued . . .

If you enjoyed this work, take a moment to email the  author.  Your comments are
their only payment.   Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is  copyright
with all rights reserved by its author  unless explicitly indicated.


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