This story was originally posted in 2003, and while a work of fiction, takes elements and stories from experiences in my life with several partners. The continued feedback I have received, as well as requests for additional chapters has prompted me to continue the work. Thanks for all the comments, email always welcome and responded to!
A new path
By Chris Fowler
At 31 years old, Chris decided to change his life, and go to college. After leaving the Army, a series of fun, but dead end jobs had finally grown old, and education was the key to these goals. So one day, he enrolled at the local community college, signed up for his veteran's benefits, and became a serious student. From the beginning, he got a lot of attention from the female students on campus. Though only 5'7”, Chris was very muscular at 220 lbs, with dark, close cropped hair, a goatee, and blue eyes. Still in excellent physical condition from the workout routine carried over from the military, he had a forceful personality, quick wit, and an intelligent charm most women found attractive. For the most part, however, Chris ignored the girls on campus other than the occasional glance as he saw them as just that: girls. The Student body consisted mainly of 18-19 year olds who didn't take high school seriously enough, or whose parents lacked the funds to pay for a 4-year university. They treated it like the 13 th grade.
One day, while sitting in the library between classes, Chris logged onto the net, and checked his email. There was a reply from an online group he belonged to, one that dealt with bondage and discipline. While he was reading his email, Sheri walked by, and decided to say hello. Sheri was one of the typical 19 year olds at school, very attractive, cheerleader in high school, bright, but never applied herself. Though her family had enough money to send her to a state school, her father insisted she spend a year at community college to develop some study habits, and prove that his money would not be wasted at a 4-year school. She snuck up behind Chris, intending on covering his eyes, and surprising him, but what she saw on the screen took her breath away. The first line of the email read, “I found your suggestions for the use of candle wax and ice cubes together during bondage to be very helpful.” Frozen in place, she looked a bit mortified when Chris, sensing her presence, turned around.
He looked at her for a long second, and then closed his email before turning back around. “Hi Sheri, what can I do for you?” “I am not sure,” she nervously replied, “I was going to say hello, but then…” Chris finished the sentence for her. “Then you read part of my email, and now you don't want to talk to me anymore.”
Sheri's heart was pounding in her chest, she thought Chris was cute, and he was so calm and confidant, despite what should have been an awkward situation. Though somewhat new to sexuality, Sheri was not a virgin, and had actually been tied up during sex before, even if it was just with a silk scarf. He boyfriend at the time hadn't seemed too turned on by the encounter, and she dropped it, though she had gotten unbelievably turned on by the brief moment of helplessness, and masturbated to that fantasy often. Since that day, she had hoped to meet someone into the same sort of fetish, but every guy she had dated since only wanted a little pussy, and blowjobs. None even bit at her hints or suggestions about being rougher or a bit wild. Now here was someone who obviously knew what he was doing, and all she had to do was seize the opportunity. She chickened out, turned away, blushing, and walked out of the library. Chris watched her go, grunted noncommittally, and turned back to his email.
For the next few days, every time Chris and Sheri saw each other in English composition, Chris would give her a polite smile, and sometimes ask, “How are you?” but never got any response, she would just blush a bit, and look away. Then one day, while Chris was drinking a cup of coffee, and reading a book in the courtyard between classes, a shadow fell across his pages, and stayed there. Looking up, he saw Sheri, looking back at him. She appeared nervous, but was making eye contact for the first time in weeks. “I can't talk to you like this, your eyes kill me, it's like you look through me, so I wrote this down.” She reached down, and handed him an envelope, and walked away. That evening, at home, Chris opened her envelope.
Chris, I am sorry I have been avoiding you, I was embarrassed when I read your email, but I am not disappointed with you in any way, I am curious. This is a subject I have thought about quite a bit in the last year, and when I was confronted with it, it took me unaware. I would like to know if you would consider a dinner date to discuss this, and if you are interested in me, maybe you could show me a bit about the lifestyle. Thanks! Sheri.
Chris sat there for a long time, reading that short note, and debating as to how to proceed. She did have a really cute ass, a little too thin though, and I don't really need a young girl who knows nothing. Too much effort to train. Oh well, I can scare her off easily enough.
Sheri, you know what I am, and if you're think that's what you're looking for, you get one chance, and only one. My place tomorrow night, schoolgirl skirt, knee-high stockings, black shoes, white button down blouse, no bra or underwear. Go heavy on the makeup, hair up in pigtails, and shaved pussy. Be there at 6 pm; never address me as anything other but “sir.” Any failure to follow these instructions to the letter, or any refusal to obey a command will immediately end our evening.
The next day in class, Chris handed off the letter, and said only, “Don't open this until you get home.” Walking away, he chuckled, ‘ she'll never show up, but at least she has her answer .' Sheri had a nervous tickle in her stomach. She had not expected a response so quickly, and now, here it was with a clear instruction. Curiosity was killing her, she wanted to rip the envelope open and read it right that second, but she had been given a command, and that was important to her. All through class, she snuck glances at Chris, but he was engrossed in the lecture, and the subsequent writing assignment, and never looked at her. All day, she walked around campus in a daze, the weight of the envelope in her backpack playing on her mind. When she finally pulled into the driveway of her parents house that night, she realized her pussy was wet, and she was breathing rapidly. She felt silly being this worked up, and was nervous that her mother would notice her condition. She went straight to her room, closed the door, and opened the envelope. She read the note 3 times, and was sweating when she put it down. Going back to her door, she locked it, and then slipped out of her jeans and cotton panties, lay back on her bed, and began to masturbate. Oh god, how would her pussy feel bald? She had a light, downy covering oh pubic hair, which she kept neatly trimmed, but couldn't imagine herself without any hair down there. Still undecided, frustrated, and a little scared, she decided to shower. ‘ I'll shave it, and if I don't like it, well…it will grow back.” In the shower, it took a bit longer than she had anticipated denuding herself of pubic hair, but the sensation of the razor and soap on her sensitive skin was very erotic. Sheri had to concentrate on taking her time, and not cutting herself in her haste. Afterwards, back in her bedroom, she stood naked in front of her full-length mirror, and stared at her clean, exposed pussy. She felt a bit vulnerable, and more than a little silly. ‘ I look like I am 11 years old again!' She lay back down on the bed, and decided to relieve her sexual tension. As her hands began to explore familiar territory, Sheri was amazed at how different it felt with no hair. It was much more sensitive, and exciting to the touch. She came quickly, and with very little effort, was close to orgasm again. She imagined Chris looking at her while she masturbated, and though the thought made her squirm uncomfortably, the feelings that image brought up made her cum harder the second time. All night, Sheri argued with herself back and forth as to whether or not to show up at Chris' house the next evening. Finally, exhausted, she tried to sleep, but images of being naked, restrained, helpless, and Chris' eyes watching it all kept her awake. She could only find sleep after one more orgasm. ‘ Jesus, I have never had to do this 3 times in a single day before.' And finally, there was rest.
Thursday came and went at school. Chris was not surprised that Sheri didn't show up for class. ‘ Probably too embarrassed, and a bit freaked out. Won't see her ‘till next week.' Two hours later, in Sociology, Sheri was not even on his mind. Chris finished his day at school, hit the Gym for a light workout, went home, showered, fed the cats, and started dinner. He changed into pajamas, sat down with food, and turned on CNN to catch up on the day's events. It was 5:21 pm.
Sheri had a totally different day than the one Chris believed she was having. She woke up at 6 am, showered, shaved again to ensure no stubble, dressed as if she was going to school, and headed for the mall. After a day of shopping, she managed to find a blue plaid schoolgirl skirt, knee-highs, and shoes. She spent all day with her outfit in the car, driving around, thinking, and debating her course of action. She even went to a local bookstore and bought a book on bondage and submission. Sheri found a coffee shop near campus, and spent the remainder of her day reading storied from dominants and submissives about their feelings, experiences, and encounters. While this gave her a few pointers, and a bit more of an introduction to the language, none of her reading helped Sheri gather her nerve for the coming evening. She just needed to decide. At 2:30 pm, she went on campus, as she had no idea where Chris' house was, and he had not included any directions in his letter, and she followed him to his last class. Waiting outside from a discreet distance, and trying not to seem too obvious, she became more certain that this was what she wanted to do. Finally, at 3:00 pm, Chris came out of the classroom, discussing a few things with the professor, wrapped up the conversation, and headed for the parking lot. Sheri ran quickly to her car, and pulled around to where he was getting into a white Jeep, and followed him home. After about a 20-minute drive, Chris pulled up in front of a gray house, checked the mailbox, and went inside. Sheri drove by slowly, and then headed off to find a place to change clothes.
In a convenience store bathroom a mile or so down the road, she changed into her outfit, and walked out to her car. Sheri was very conscious of her lack of panties in the short skirt, and though it was a pleasant spring evening, a chill ran over her, further accenting the fact that she was not wearing a bra over her smallish b-cup breasts, as her nipples were very hard. Walking across the parking lot, trying not to let the wind lift her skirt, she caught the attention of a couple young men getting gas. Ignoring their catcalls, and attempts to engage her in conversation, a bright red Sheri started her car, and drove away. She parked in front of an empty house with a for-sale sign up 3 houses down from Chris' and checked the time. It was 4:15 pm. Sheri sat back in her seat, and absent-mindedly rubbed her bald pussy as she daydreamed about what her evening was going to be like.
Chris was drinking a cup of coffee, and reading the newspaper, when a car pulled into his driveway. The headlights in his living room window drew his immediate attention. Walking over to the window, he didn't recognize the car, and was quit surprised to se Sheri get out dressed, as he had specified. ‘ I'll be damned! This may be an interesting evening after all.' She stood by her car for a few minutes, then walked to the door, and reached for the doorbell. Her hands were shaking as she rang it, and stepped back. Chris let her wait for 30 seconds before answering the door. He looked at her for a long second, and then said, “Turn around”. Sheri did a slow turn, and returned to facing him. “Not bad, not bad at all. Did you follow all of my directions?” Sheri bit her bottom lip, and replied “Yes Sir, I did.” Chris grinned a bit. “Lift your skirt.” Sheri blinked twice. “Here Sir? Everyone can see!” She protested, looking over her shoulder. Chris closed the door.
Sheri stood there for a few moments, not sure what had happened, or what to do, but then she remembered the letter. “ ..any refusal to obey a command…” She had a moment of indecision, then reached out, and rang the doorbell again. Chris was halfway to the kitchen to get a fresh cup of coffee when it rang again, and turned around with an irritated expression. He thought that would get rid of the little brat, scare her back to mommy and daddy, and now she was ringing his bell again. Chris opened the door, and there stood Sheri, skirt held high around her armpits. White knee-high stockings leading to creamy white thighs, to shaved tiny little pussy. She looked mortified, and was blushing uncontrollably, but she held her pose. Chris looked at her for 5 seconds, then said, “Lower your skirt, and come in” Relieved, and terrified all at once, she did. Sheri barely heard the door close and lock over her pounding heart.
“Good evening dear.” Chris said, turning to face her with a wolfish grin.
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