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Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg

Old Habits Die Hard

Chapter 6 Denise Joins The Fun

Chapter 06 - Denise Joins The Fun

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for
adults only.

If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this
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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise
is purely coincidental, etc.

Copyright 2003


  "Come in you too," said Fran standing in the doorway of their condominium.

  "It was nice of you to invite us," said Denise handing Fran a bottle of wine
as a hostess gift.

  "Thanks for the wine. I just thought it would be nice to get together and
remember the old days when Mike and his Mom lived across the hall from us at
Terrace Place. I promise it won't be too boring. Denise, this is my husband
Morty," said Fran.

  "Hi Morty, Mike says nice things about you," said Denise.

  "He does, why would he do that?" said Morty.

  "Morty, be nice. Denise, pay no attention to Morty, anything's likely to come
out of his mouth. Hello Mikey, " said Fran who step up to Mike and clasped him
in a hug then planted a kiss directly on his lips.

  "Did Mike tell you how he had the hots for me when he was a kid?" asked Fran
who reached behind Mike to grab his butt with one hand.

   "All he told me was that you and Morty were good friends with him and his
Mother," said Denise not entirely comfortable with the way that Fran had taken
hold of her husband's rear.

   "I made a pitcher of Margarita's, if that okay with everyone," said Fran.

  "Be great, Fran, You look all moved in," said Mike.

  "I worked my tail off to get everything settled. Big job starts Monday and I
wanted to be settled," said Fran handing Denise and Mike their drinks.

  "This is good," said Denise taking a sip.

  "Made with blue agave tequila. Mike, remember the cheap generic beer you used
to pick up for us at that fat chink's drug store. It was either generic or
Schlitz.  I guess we all moved up in the world since those days," said Fran.

  "That I do recall. It was a no name product that cost about $7.00 a case,"
said Mike.

  Mike was seated on the couch beside Denise. Morty and Fran were each seated in
an armchair facing the couch. There was a glass coffee table between them set
with an assortment of cut vegetables, chips, crackers, cheese and dips. Mike
looked at Fran seated directly across from him and felt horny.

  "What an incredible outfit, Fran's wearing," thought Mike comparing it
favorably to he simple flowered green dress Denise was wearing. "I wish Denise
dressed a little sexier," thought Mike.

  Fran was wearing a pair of dark blue leather scuffs with a three-inch heel.
Very tight blue Capri pants with a waist that ran several inches below her navel
provided the bottom half of her attire. Mike recalled they were called 'low
risers'. Well they were certainly getting a high rise out of him. Fran had a
diamond stud in her navel and a small flower tattoo right below her navel only
inches above her pubic area.  The top consisted of a body-hugging yellow tank
top shirt with spaghetti straps exposing her shoulders. It was thin material and
her big nipples poked out like headlights. It was what teen-age girls wore at
the mall to drive the boys crazy.

   You would have though that someone Fran's size and age would look ridiculous
in clothes normally worn by sixteen-year-old girls but somehow she made it work.
Fran's stomach was flat as a rock and contoured. Fran was a big woman but a big
strong tight-bodied woman who had spent some time getting into shape. Mike
didn't remember Fran as a person who worked out. Fran noticed him staring at her

  "You like my belly stud? I got it in Lynn, hurt like hell, and a biker friend
in New Hampshire did the tattoo," asked Fran.

  "It looks good on you. You've kept yourself in such good shape. I don't
remember you as a health enthusiast," said Mike.

  "I wasn't until ten years ago. I had let myself go, put on a lot of weight.
One day I was climbing stairs and found myself out of breath and dizzy. I had to
sit down on the steps and rest. This little kid is coming down the steps. He was
maybe ten. He looks at me and says 'what's wrong, Lady?" I replied "Just out of
breath." He said back. "Well if our ass wasn't so big you wouldn't have a
problem." Somehow that sunk in, I joined a health club and hired a personal

  "You look terrific. I should exercise more. I'm lucky if I get to one aerobics
class in a week. My job wears me out," said Denise.

  "Hire a personal trainer, Denise, I'm looking for a new one to replace Rick,
the one I had in Lynn. Between us girls, you can consider them dual use. Rick
would work my muscles until I dropped then I would work his love muscle until it
dropped. A good personal trainer can keep a girl healthy in more than one way."

  "I should do that to make Mike jealous," said Denise thinking that Fran was
joking. Mike knew that Fran was probably telling the truth.

  "Are you the jealous type?" said Fran standing up to top off everyone's drink.

  "Whoa, I better slow down. One drink and I'm feeling it," said Denise

   "No one has to drive and tomorrow is Sunday, drink up," said Fran

  "Would you say I'm the jealous type?" asked Denise redirecting the question to
Mike as she took a gulp of her drink. Denise sensed that Fran was one of those
persons who operated behind a powerful capability for suggestion. People
naturally wanted to do what she asked.

  "No, you aren't that way," responded Mike thinking that Denise was out of her
depth when it came to dealing with someone like Fran.

  "Good, then you'll let Mike come over occasionally so I can work on his love
muscle," said Fran

  "Okay, but only if you let Morty come over to my place when Mike's here," said
Denise taking the entire conversation as a joke, one that she was slightly
uncomfortable with but still considered harmless. To Denise, it was the kind of
harmless banter that the doctors and nurses engaged in at the hospital. Nobody
took it seriously.

  "Done deal, we have an arrangement, Morty did you hear that? You owe Denise a
visit. Better get your Viagra ready," said Fran.

  "Dr. Potter refilled my prescription right before we left Lynn, I'm all set,"
said Morty.

  "I think Mike should go first," said Denise trying to keep the joke going.

  "He already has. He screwed me the day we moved in last Monday. Hoped on me
like I was a bitch in heat," said Fran.

  "Fran, keep quiet," said Mike alarmed that Fran had unexpectedly told Denise
about their encounter.

  "Denise doesn't mind sharing you as long as she gets something in return. Do
you Denise?" asked Fran.

  "I'm getting a little uncomfortable with this conversation. Maybe somehow a
wrong impression has been created. Mike and I are not into wife swapping or
anything like that. Our wedding vowels weren't just words in a ceremony. I took
them very seriously. I've never considered having sex with anyone but Mike since
we were married." said Denise with tight lips. She wanted to set the Fran
straight about her and Mike's relationship.

   "That's a very pretty speech Denise. It's also total lies and bullshit. Just
hold everything right there. I'm going to get something from our place," said
Mike getting up and exiting the Feinsteins front door.

  "Maybe I better go too," said Denise starting to stand up.

  "Mike said to wait and that's what we're going to do," said Fran standing up
to block Denise's exit.

  "As soon as he comes back, we're leaving," said Denise thinking how did things
get out of hand so quickly and why did Mike run off like that.

  "Relax, finish your drink, honey, no reason to go ballistic, nobody here is
going to harm you, right Morty?" said Fran.

  "No, no harm, just a little screwing" said Morty.

  Denise took a large gulp of her margarita to clam her nerves. The visit to the
Feinsteins seemed to be spinning way out of control. She certainly didn't want
to argue with Mike's old friends but suggesting that Mike had sex with Fran and
that she with Morty was out of the question. As soon as they got back to their
own place, she intended to question Mike closely about what Fran said about him
screwing her last week.

  "I think we should go," said Denise as Mike came back into the room carrying a
small athletic bag.

  "And I think you should sit down and shut the fuck up. For the last few
months, you've been taking every chance you get to talk about family values and
how we should be faithful to one another. Well I happen to know that's pure
bullshit and I got something to prove it," said Mike taking a videotape out of
the bag and inserting it into the slot of Fran's VCR.

   "Mike, I'm not staying here and watching porn. I'm leaving now and you're
coming with me," said Denise getting up to go once more.

  "You sit down and watch. Don't you want to see yourself?" commanded Mike.

  Denise hesitated as the television screen flickered several times and then
showed a bedroom that looked slightly familiar. She heard a voice off camera
say, "Larry, I shouldn't be doing this. I'm married now." The screen showed
Denise and Larry Tompkins entering the bedroom. Denise was wearing her nurse's

  "Quit worrying, he'll never find out," said Larry taking Denise in his arms
and reaching behind her to unzip her uniform.

  "I've missed you," said Denise kissing Larry as he let her uniform fall to the
floor as she tried to unhook her bra.

  "Let me, you never were any good at that," said Larry reaching behind her back
to unhook her bra. As soon as Denise's breasts were exposed, Larry went to work
on her nipples with his mouth.

  "I love it when you suck my nipples," said the on camera Denise.

  "Denise, what was that little speech you made a few minutes ago about wedding
vowels not just words in a ceremony. You've been a naughty girl," said Fran.

  "I made a horrible mistake that one time. How did you get that videotape?"
cried Denise tears coming to her eyes.

  "If it was only one time, why do I have four tapes with your name and
different dates on them? You're a fucking lying bitch," yelled Mike.

  "Where did you get them?" asked Denise starting to sob.

  "From his apartment, after he had to leave town. You wonderful ex fiance had a
hidden camera set up in the bedroom that was voice activated. I found it by
accident. I might add, there were a number of tapes with other girl's names and
dates on them. I took his entire collection including several of your best
friends Tracy Lucas. It's dated right after your first performance on camera. If
you listen to it, you discover that little Tracy was fucking Larry while you two
were engaged. Later, he and Tracy talk about how he was fucking you while we
were engaged. Shit, you apparently snuck over to his place for a quickie the
afternoon before we were married," said Mike holding up a videocassette.

  "Tracy's in one of those tapes, that can't be," said Denise in a voice that
trembled. "Tracy was my bride's maid when Mike and I got married, we went all
the way through high school and nursing school together"

   "And all the while, she was screwing Larry when ever he wanted it. She and
Larry talk about what an idiot you are for never catching onto them. I might add
they talk about this while he's butt fucking her. I'll let you watch Larry
packing Tracy's shit while they talk about what an idiot you are," said Mike.

  "God you drive me crazy when you do that," said Denise's voice from the
screen. She was naked on her back and Larry's head was between her legs eating
her pussy.

  "You liked Larry's muff diving? I gather he could really make you cum big time
when he ate you, all four tapes begin with his mouth working on your twat," said

  "I guess we're seeing a side of Denise that we didn't know was there. What was
all that two minutes ago about how you weren't into sex outside marriage," said

  "Please turn that off, said Denise who was sobbing. Mike noticed that Morty
was stroking himself through his pants while he watched the television. Denise
on screen was letting out the same little moans that she had that very afternoon
when she and Mike had made love.

  "One thing that bothers me is that you seem a lot less inhibited with Larry
boy than you do with me. It kind of makes me wonder why most of the time you
refuse to give me oral sex but Larry gets a blowjob without even asking. Can you
explain that to me, my good, loving, and faithful wife," demanded Mike.

  "I can't watch anymore of this," said Denise jumping up to leave.

  "Let me handle this," said Fran who quickly jumped up and blocked Denise's

  "Whatever you want, Fran. She's just a slut and deserves to be treated like
one," said Mike feeling his old desire to allow Fran to take charge come back to
life. He sensed that he also wanted Fran to take charge of Denise's life.

   "Sit down and finish your drink," said Fran pushing Denise back onto the

  "Don't you dare touch me," said Denise starting to get up again.

  Fran swung her arm to land a bitch slap on the side of Denise's cheek. It
caused her head to jerk to one side.

  "I said sit down," said Fran.

  Denise was too enraged to act sensibly and launched her body across the coffee
table at the standing Fran. Denise had moved so quickly and with such force that
she bowled Fran over backwards onto the armchair that turned over onto its back.
The two women rolled onto the floor. Mike noticed that Denise's yellow panties
were visible, since her dress had ridden up. Morty had pulled his cock out and
was stroking it as he watched the women struggle on the floor.

  "Stupid little cunt," Fran said as she rolled over on Dense pinning her to the
floor. Fran positioned her knees across Denise's arm thereby allowing Fran's
arms to be free while Denise was helpless.

   There was a moment when Mike considered going to his wife's aid but that
quickly went away when Fran landed two powerful slaps to the sides of Denise's
face. Both of Denise's cheeks reddened. The force of the blows stunned Denise. A
trickle of blood seeped out of one nostril.

  "Let's see what you got for tits, honey?" said Fran as she tore open the front
of Denise's dress then pulled the bottom of her bra up and over to expose her

  Denise was crying and calling for Fran to get off her. Morty was showing an
interest, staring hard at Denise's tits.

  "Pull her nipples out, I want to see," said Morty whose wrinkled and
liver-spotted penis was starting to get hard.

  "Small but not tiny. Let's stretch those nips out where we can get a good look
at them," said Fran who grabbed each of Denise's nipples between her thumb and
two fingers, pressed down and pulled then viciously away from Denise's chest.
Denise let out a howl of pain.

  "Don't be such a baby. Getting your nipples hurt should turn you on. Let's get
a look at the rest of what that ex-fiance of yours has been getting," said Fran
getting to her feet and pulling Denise up by her hair to a standing position.
Fran slammed a fist into Denise's stomach causing her to drop to her knees on
the floor bent over double. Denise made retching sounds like she was going to
vomit but nothing came up.

  Once again, Fran buried her hand in Denise's hair and pulled her to a standing
position. This time she grabbed the shoulders of Denise's dress and ripped it
downward. Denise was left upright. Her bra was up above her breasts with her
panties and shoes her remaining attire. 

  "Your wife had little tits, that's okay. I bet her pussy is tight," said Morty
busily stroking his cock.

  Fran spun Denise around and unsnapped her bra and yanked it off. Denise was
sobbing hysterically but took that as an opportunity to bolt for the door. Fran
was on her in an instant once again grabbing her by the hair and yanking her
onto the floor on her back. Fran reached down with one hand to the waistband of
Denise's yellow panties and pulled them completely off. Then she administered
another vicious slap to Denise's cheek. Denise was naked now except for her
sandals. Fran lifted her by the hair. You could see that from the way the skin
was stretched at the temples.

  "I'm hard, Fran, I want to fuck her," said Morty.

  "Okay, sweetie, but come over here and hold her while I loosen her up some
more," said Fran.

  Mike had his cock out and was playing with himself. Morty struggled to his
feet and waddled over to Fran and Denise with his pants down to his ankles. He
had an erection standing out and waving as he walked. Denise took a look at
Morty and wailed.

"Mike, he's going to rape me," Denise cried.

  "I know and I'm going to watch and enjoy it," responded Mike taking his own
cock out.

  "Hold her straight up with her arms behind her," said Fran. Morty did as he
was told. The sobbing Denise's arms were pinned behind her back. Fran delivered
several short jabs to each side of Fran's rib cage. Denise moaned in agony. Fran
followed with hard jabs to her abdomen. To Mike, Fran looked like a professional
boxer delivering a series of vicious body blows.

  "Hold her still, Morty. Denise this is known as a 'tit hammer'," said Fran as
she slammed her fist straight into Denise's breast. It made a thwacking sound,
like a wooden mallet landing flush on a piece of flank steak. Then Fran brutally
struck Denise's other breast. Denise's breast flattened under the force of
Fran's blow. Mike said 'ouch' to himself as he watched Denise breast sink in to
the shape of Fran's fist. Then Fran bitch slapped Denise's face four times, two
on each cheek. There was blood dripping from her lips and nose when Fran

  "Hurts, doesn't it Denise?" asked Fran as she reached between Denise's legs
and grabbed her clitoris and twisted it causing Denise to shriek.

   "Drop her on the floor. I'll face sit her while you fuck her," said Fran.
Morty let Denise fall limply to the floor then knelt down between her legs and
guided his cock into her pussy. Denise groaned as Morty entered her.

  "Come over Mike and take sloppy seconds, just like the old days," said Fran.

  Mike was off the couch immediately. He quickly undressed. He walked over to
Fran and pulled her top over her head exposing her breasts and taking a nipple
in his mouth. Then he helped her slide her Capri pants down. He stuck his hand
between Fran's legs and rubbed her pussy. Mike was literally ready to pop he was
so hot. Down on the floor, Morty was pumping away inside Denise.

  "Look at Morty go. Viagra, it's a wonder drug, Morty hadn't fucked anyone for
years then all of a sudden Viagra comes on the market and once again, he's a
stud, look at him go, your little lady seems to be liking it, thanks be to the
Pfizer corporation," said Fran.

  Denise was moaning each time Morty thrust into her. When Morty pulled his cock
out, it glistened with wetness.

  "Let's do a little daisy chain. You get on all fours, straddling her mouth and
I'll get in front of you on all fours and you can do a little butt munching,"
said Fran.

  Mike found himself forcing his cock between Denise's lips. Denise whether out
of confusion or fear or even blind lust began to slowly suck his cock as he
fucked down into her mouth? He could hear Morty breathing hard as he stroked in
and out of Denise. He was a little surprised when Morty bent forward and began
to lick his asshole.

  "Clean my shitter out with your tongue and Morty can do yours, Mike" said Fran
as she settled into position with her naked butt right in front of his face.
Mike slid his tongue in Fran's ass crack and immediately tasted her shit.

   "There was a little fudge in there for you to eat, Mikey, You used to like
the taste of my shit," said Fran

   "I still do," said Mike feeling very aroused as Morty had worked his tongue
up Mike's ass while his cock was in sliding in and out of Denise's mouth and his
own lips were licking and sucking Fran's butt hole.

  Behind Mike, Morty let out a long breath as he dumped a load of semen in
Denise's cunt.

  "I'm done, nice tight cunt, good fuck," was Morty comments as he slowly got up
and sat back down in the chair.

   "Here's some lube, you take her ass while I turn her blue," said Fran handing
Mike a tube of lubricant.

  Mike had never fucked Denise in the butt nor had anyone as far as he knew. But
doing things for the first time was what happened when you consorted with Fran
Feinstein. A few times, he had suggested to Denise that they try anal but she
had always responded like he had just asked her to have sex with the devil. Now
thanks to Fran, he was going to ram his pecker right up Denise's Hershey highway
and there wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop him.

  Mike smeared some lubricant on his fingers and Denise's butt hole and slipped
one finger inside while he covered his cock with the slick stuff. He thought
about slowly working first one then two or more fingers into Denise to loosen
her up so her first anal fuck did not hurt too much. But then he decided he
wanted it to hurt like hell so he withdrew the one finger and positioned his
hard cock at her opening. He pushed forward to feel the anal ring open part
slightly. Denise started to stir, sensing what was about to happen. Fran knee
walked forward to where her pussy was directly over Denise's nose and mouth then
lowered herself.

  "Start licking, honey, or I'll pull your nipples off," said Fran grabbing
Denise's tits and twisting each nipple as she dug a long fingernail into the

  Mike pushed forward and felt his cock head slide inside Denise's anal ring.
God it felt good to be butt-fucking Denise. All those months of listening to her
bull shit about the sanctity of marriage while he knew what she did with Larry
and probably still would be doing if Larry had not left town had created a rage
inside Mike that was now unleashed.

  Denise bucked up and tried to yell but Fran clamped her pussy over Denise's
air paths and no sound emerged.

  Mike grabbed Denise by the waist and slammed forward hard. His cock traveled
into Denise's bowels as far as it would go. Denise's body twisted in agony.

  "You enjoy hurting her, don't you?" asked Fran.

  "Yes, I do, I want to fuck her ass till it bleeds," said Mike withdrawing then
ramming forward.

   "Just keep fucking her butt while I smother her," said Fran rising up until
Denise could get a breath of air then lowering herself down once more. Mike
found himself incredibly turned on with his cock in his wife's tight ass,
especially when her body started to twitch and squirm as her oxygen ran out. At
the last moment, Fran would allow Denise a couple of breaths then once again
smother her. This went on for ten to fifteen cycles before Mike could hold back
no longer and unleashed his cum into his wife's rectum.

  "Help me get her into the bathroom. Your wife needs to be trained as a toilet
slave," said Fran.

  Mike and Fran took the nearly unconscious Denise to the bathroom and laid her
down on the title floor on a plastic cloth Fran had. Morty tagged along. Fran
left the room but returned shortly with two pairs of long nose pliers.

  "These are my persuaders, Sometimes it takes a little convincing to get
someone to drink your piss and eat your shit," said Fran.

  "Wake up sleeping beauty, " said Fran holding a bottle of poppers under
Denise's nose. Denise's body jerked back to full consciousness.

  "Let me go," said Denise

  "Open your mouth, honey, Morty's got to pee," said Fran.

  Denise looked at Fran without comprehending.

   "Pull her nipples way out, Mike, grab them by the ends," said Fran. Mike did
as instructed ignoring the pleas from Denise for him not to hurt her.

  Fran closed the long nose pliers on the base of each nipple. The nipple
tightened and bulged out as the blood supply was trapped in one end. When Fran
applied pressure, Denise let out a full-throated scream then another.

   "You going to swallow Morty's piss, aren't you honey," asked Fran

  "I can't. Please let me go and quit hurting me," cried out Denise.

  "Wrong answer," said Fran who then clamped down harder causing Denise to
scream twice then pass out. Fran reapplied the bottle of poppers to bring her

  "After I tear your nipples off, I'll start on your clit and pussy lips, ready
for a piss cocktail?" asked Fran.

  "Yes, I can't stand the pain," said Denise.

  "Morty, you're up, try not to piss all over the place," said Fran.

  Morty did a credible job of landing most of his piss in Denise's mouth. Fran
kept telling her to swallow. Mike supposed that Denise found it easier to
swallow Morty's pee than allow Fran to crush her nipples. After Morty, it was
Mike's turn.

  Mike looked down at his wife's open mouth as his urine landed between her
lips. She was choking and swallowing. He kept it slow and controlled so she
could swallow as much as possible. Next, the sound of Fran's noisy pissing
filled the room as Denise tried to keep up with the flow. Denise was terrified
of the pliers and kept her mouth open and swallowed everything she could. Mike
had a moment when he wished Fran were pissing in his mouth.

  "Now Denise, I doubt you ever ate anyone's shit before even your old
boyfriends so I'm going to be the first. Here, Mike, grab the base of her clit
with this," said Fran handing Mike one of the long nose pliers. Mike pulled
Denise's clit out as far as he could then captured the nerve ganglia at the base
in the pliers and gave it a squeeze.

  Denise came up off the floor screaming in pain.

  "Careful, Mike, you'll do a clitectomy if you don't watch it," said Fran as
she positioned her butt hole over Denise's face.

  "Denise, you're going to have to cooperate or Mikey here is going to rip your
clit off and feed it to my goldfish. When my asshole opens, you get your mouth
around it and take my nice hot turd in, chew it up and swallow it, shit is best
when its eaten at body temperature," said Fran

  Denise was sobbing like a baby. Mike wasn't sure she could do it.

  Fran grabbed one of Denise's nipples with the other pliers and crushed it.

  "Listen Denise, you either eat this turd or Mike's going to maim you so even
your old boyfriend won't fuck you. Tell me you're ready," said Fran

  "I'm ready," said Denise too terrified and in too much pain to do anything but

  Denise looked up at Fran's asshole as the ring slowly spread and a brown turd
appeared at the opening.

  "It's coming, honey, open wide and swallow if you want to keep your cunt able
to do something besides piss," said Fran.

  Mike watched as the terrified Denise raised her head to place her lips around
the end of the turd. For a second after first contact, she drew back but Fran
tightened the pliers on her nipple and she quickly surrounded the turd with her
lips. Mike saw Denise's jaws move as she started to chew with her back teeth and
then her throat contract indicating Denise had just swallowed her first ever
mouthful of shit. The turd continued to emerge for another minute or two until
Mike would have guessed that Denise had taken in six to eight inches of Fran's
shit. Fran stood up.

  "Shit eating cunt," said Fran. A flash blinded Mike's eyes and he looked to
see Morty standing there with a camera focused downward on a naked Denise, her
lips and mouth smeared with brown shit. Morty took another half dozen images of
Denise lying there in a pool of yellow piss, her face covered in brown turd.

  "Help me get her in the shower," said Fran to Mike.

  Mike took Denise into the shower and washed her off. He took the shower spray
and washed out her mouth. She seemed totally out of it leaning up against the
shower wall. Her nipples were still flattened from Fran's pliers.

  The next thing Denise knew she came awake on the couch back in the living
room. Morty was on top of her fucking her and Mike was seated in one of the
chairs. Fran was straddling Mike and ridding his cock.

  "Oh, sleeping beauty is awake. Look at the television and see who's being
fucked," said Fran as she slowly glided her cunt up and down Mike's cock.

  Denise looked over Morty's shoulder to see a woman she immediately recognized
as a younger Fran and a man she recognized as a younger Morty screwing some
woman. After a few moments, she recognized that the woman was Mike's mother,
Inez. Inez was thrusting her pelvis upward to meet Morty's cock and while she
kept repeating, "fuck me Morty, fuck me hard."

  After a few moments of vigorous fucking, a young boy comes into view and
mounted the woman as Morty finished. The woman looked shocked and tried to move
but Morty and Fran grabbed her. They helped the young boy climb on and mount the
woman. Once on top, he began to fuck Inez with a will. Inez relaxed and
immediately began to fuck the young boy like she was enjoying it.

  'Oh my God,' thought Denise, 'that's Mike at fourteen having sex with his own

  "Videotape is twenty years old but still pretty clear. Mike loved to fuck his
mother and Mom was happiest when Mike was doing her," said Fran.

  Denise closed her eyes as Morty pounded away inside her. The evening was a
nightmare she hoped she could awaken from and forget. But she knew it was real.
Somehow, Mike knew about Larry and acquired those videotapes. It sickened her to
realize that her best friend, Tracy, was also fucking Larry behind her back. 
She and Tracy had lunch together several times a week.

  Her adultery with Larry shattered her moral defenses. As bad as Fran and Morty
were, Denise couldn't claim to be any better. By allowing Larry Tompkins to fuck
her even when she was engaged to Mike and right up to and after her wedding day,
she had lost the right to claim the moral high ground. Fran was an evil person
who had gained control over Mike years ago and never relinquished it. Now Fran
had gained control over Denise.

  "Don't just lay there you cunt, fuck Morty like it was Larry or so help me,
I'll make you eat one of my turds every day for a month,"" snarled Mike.

  "My, oh my, I really trained you right in those few days at Terrace Place,"
said Fran as she slowly fucked Mike.

  "Denise, you do like hubby says. Morty may be old and unable to get it up
without the neighborhood drugstore but he is a person with feelings so fuck him
like he was Ton Cruise or that Larry fellow," said Fran.

  Denise wrapped her legs around Morty and began to pump against him as they
fucked. After a while, the feeling of Morty's cock inside of her slowly became
pleasurable and Denise lost herself into the act of fucking to the point that
when Morty released in her, she let her own intense orgasm occur. She writhed
and pitched clutching Morty to her breasts.

  Morty seemed mildly surprised that Denise experienced a climax. He looked
almost offended.

  "The cunt came," said Morty.

  "So, what do you care?" asked Fran.

  "Shows a lack of respect," said Morty.

  "What do you want to do about it?" asked Fran.

  "This" said Morty who took his hands and forced Denise's mouth open and slowly
released a large glob of spit between her lips.

  "Swallow it," ordered Morty.

  "I could live a hundred years with that man and never understand how that
primitive mind works," said Fran.

  Denise passed out from exhaustion and the sheer feelings of disgust of the
things that had happened to her that night.

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