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Review This Story || Author: slave ruthie

Harvest Of Tears - The Organization Series 4

Chapter 2



He just couldn't take his eyes away.  She was absolutely beautiful, with her
thick, blonde hair and dusky olive skin.  And that trusting but slightly
quizzical expression when she smiled - as if she was puzzled by something. 
"What is you wish to...err 'for', my Senate Master?"  She had noticed him
staring at her and had shyly put her hand to her cheek, lowering her eyes

The Senator leaned across and gently pulled her arm down then lifted her chin
with his finger.  "I want to look at you, slave."  His soft voice made her blush
- her eyes flickered and looked shiny.  Such a beautiful creature.  And she is
mine, my own slave!  The light streaming through the cabin window as the
military jet tore across the Atlantic sky caught the highlights in her hair. 
Strange - how hadn't he noticed before the faint reddish hue within the golden
strands?  And those large, deep dark eyes - almost elfin in their almond

"Please, my Senate-Master, can a slave ask what she is to do in Kabul?"  Her
master's steady gaze was un-nerving, as if she was being stripped naked to her
soul.  But he was smiling, even though his eyes betrayed a huge sadness that
chilled her heart.  He had been very kind and held her hand when the jet lifted
up and left the ground far behind.  And she had managed not to make too much
noise when she was nearly overwhelmed by fear.  How could she tell him how
terrified she was, or that she had a feeling of deep dread - as if something
awful was going to happen?  Only her mother had known she shared with her the
Sight - and she had made her promise never to reveal it...'or they will hunt us
both down as demons, Guli'.  Her mother's warning still rang in her ears.

"Are you listening to me, slave?  Did you hear a word I just said?"  His voice
sounded cross but his eyes were twinkling with humor. 

"Ohh, ohh please forgive a foolish slave, Senate-Master!  She w-was rembring -
uhh, 're-member-ing' to her..." she couldn't think of the English word "...her

He placed a hand on her thigh, noticing how the material of her jumpsuit had
delightfully ridden up until the seam dug between her pussy lips.  "You mean
'childhood'.  I was saying you will be my translator - and you will advise me
what your people REALLY think, rather than what they want us Americans to
believe."  The words he used were hard to follow but she just nodded and smiled
anyway.  She would find out later.

An older man in uniform suddenly leaned right across her, making her jump. 
"You're a goddam dark horse, Senator - how come none of my staff get to look
like this lil' lady?"

"Hello, General - maybe that's because politics is about image while the
military is about substance!" 

The stranger grinned and peered down at Guljana's ID badge.  "What in
tarnation's this 'Protocol Advisory Agency' you belong to, Miss...?"  He was
waiting for her answer!  What should she say?

"Ahh, sorry General but that's highly classified information on a strict
'need-to-know' basis - meaning no offence."  The Senator winked conspiratorially
at the high-ranking officer who seemed equally fascinated by the rise and fall
of Guljana's well-endowed bosom.

"Okay, no offence taken."  He saluted the young woman who feebly raised her hand
in return then he nodded pleasantly to the Senator before walking down the
aisle, muttering to himself.  Huh - 'classified' my goddam ass.  One thing's for
sure - she's definitely got to be Air Force with a lousy salute like that!


Caitlin was hazily aware of a painfully bright light shining in her right eye. 
She couldn't speak, she couldn't move but she could feel the man's hand roughly
turning her head from side to side and the horrible sound of him sniggering. 
With extreme concentration, she could move her eyes a little but her vision was
blurry.  Where was she?   The horrible laughter came closer and a face loomed
over her own.  Ohh my God NO - he's wearing a surgeon's mask!  "You hear me? 
You...waken, da - yes?  So..." he chuckled harshly and held up a large, metal
syringe.  "Now I start!"

Nooooo!!!  He was doing something down below her waist, below her belly button
on the left side...AAAIIIIHHHHH!!!!!  P-pain, PAIN a-and I c-can't SCREAM!  All
she could manage was a sharp, ragged gasp.  Although she was paralyzed, she
could feel EVERYTHING!  He looked up at the noise at took a firm grip of her
scalp, dragging her head forward.  "You like look?  You like SEE?"  In agonized
horror, Caitlin forced herself to focus on the broad needle that had punctured
her skin.  He was going to inject her with something deep inside her belly on
the left.  But what...ohh my God!  M-my OVARY!  Ohh God it HURTS, it H-HURTS!!! 
He was plunging the end of the syringe down!  "You thank me later, Yankee bitch. 
See?  No more bloods or childs - no more bitch-bleeds!"  Ohh dear God!  What did
this horrible man mean?  WHAT HAS HE DONE TO ME?

Whatever had been used to drug her had rendered Caitlin unable to move but
acutely sensitive to every vile, horrid touch by the man who gleefully violated
her body.  Again, he drove the thick needle into her belly but now on the right
side.  Again, she gurgled in agony, unable to prevent drool escaping from her
slack mouth.  "Is done!"  He had pulled off the mask and was beaming down at
her.  "So," he slapped her face experimentally to see if she had regained any
muscle control.  "We have time yet.  We have time to...PLAY!"  He watched her
face as he slowly pushed his hand up between her thighs.  Caitlin would have
screamed in pain if it was possible - he was forcing his rough fingers into her
un-lubricated vagina.  What was he doing now?  What was he holding a pair of
pliers???  Ohhh NO, NO, NOOOOOO.....

Even the gates were imposing.  As the limo slipped past the heavy security and
sped up the long drive, Alexa tried to calm her nerves and looked for
reassurance from her beloved master.  He didn't even turn his head but
automatically wound her leash chain round his fist until her head was forced
down to his lap.  She sighed and shivered slightly when his strong fingers
worked their way between her collar and the back of her neck.  Alexa reveled in
the sweet pressure of the steel band against her throat.  But it was so unfair! 
How could she ever tell him she loved him when her voice had been stolen she could hardly even THINK of Miller without shuddering in
revulsion as the overwhelming horror of her experiences in that beast's hands
engulfed her mind!

Master Charles felt his slave's body tense up and stroked her head with his free
hand.  She had come on so well since he had witnessed the paramedics fighting to
sustain her life on the roof of the tower.  He had personally carried her limp
body to the helicopter and accompanied her to the clinic theater.  Yet he had
been torn between the stark choice of saving her only to be crippled by her
horrific ordeal or mercifully helping her to die and put an end to her
suffering.  He had let her live for a second time and was still unsure why.  
His thoughts drifted to his last conversation with Alexa's first master. 
Stephen had been dying but had told him that she had been "the best slave a
master could ever wish to own".  He had continued.  "Charles, do me one last
favor - see to her personally when I'm gone."  Had he betrayed his friend by
claiming the girl?  Would Stephen have understood?  Another question welled up
in his mind - it would have been preposterous in the past but now it seemed very
important...had he betrayed Alexa by taking her off the gallows and
resuscitating her?  Had he only extended her suffering by letting her live?

His fingers gripped her long ponytail.  "Don't be afraid, my little slave -
Rosario has told me how delighted she is that we are visiting."  He chucked and
gently patted her head.  "In fact, she sounded even more pleased when I
confirmed you were coming too!"  Alexa's small hand reached for the zipper of
his suit trousers.  "No slave, not now - we are nearly there.  Guy?"  The older
man in front next to the driver turned round.  "I want you to keep a very close
watch on my slave whenever I am otherwise occupied.  Keep her safe but if she
breaks the Council's ruling on her suspended death sentence she must be killed
immediately!"  The smile on Alexa's face froze as a chill ran down her spine. 
She looked up in fear at the guard while her master pulled her hands together
behind her back and secured her cuffs together with a padlock.  But when Guy
glanced down and met her eyes it wasn't with a look of cold indifference - it
was with pity!  He looked back at her master, nodded in silence then turned back
to watch the road.  Before she had time to dwell on the stark reminder that she
was alive only because the Council had been partly swayed by the pleas of a
sister-slave, the limo had drawn up outside Rosario's country home.

"Charles - such a pleasure!"  Alexa couldn't help gaping in wonder at seeing
Rosario again.  The stunningly pretty and elegantly dressed young woman had
gracefully taken her master's hand and was kissing his cheek!  Rosario looked
down, dimpled a smile and beckoned her up from the limo's floor.  "Now now,
don't be shy little Alexa - I mean 'little slave'."  Rosario smiled in obvious
relish at using this description.  She patted her black, silk-clad thigh with a
manicured hand, as though she was coaxing a frightened animal out of its cage. 
Alexa looked down in shame at her own rough tabard made from plain sack-cloth
then back at the beautifully tailored lines of Rosario's mandarin-collared
dress.  The woman must despise her!  She held back until her master impatiently
snapped his fingers then dashed to kneel at his side.  But it was Rosario who
picked up her leash chain and gently led her into the vast entrance of the
mansion.  The marble floor was cool under her bare feet, while Rosario's high
stiletto heels echoed in the hallway.  She was so poised and immaculate it made
Alexa feel even more clumsy and inadequate.  She wanted to run back to her
master, to hide, to get away from all these people and their 'outside' lives. 
She didn't trust Rosario but wasn't sure why.  Anyway, why WAS she being so nice
to her?  Why would a rich, beautiful young woman who could have anything she
wanted bother with a plain, damaged slave who had let both her masters down by
surviving?  Ohh, she shouldn't be HERE, she shouldn't be...alive!

Charles carefully observed how Rosario was handling his slave, ready to
intervene at the slightest sign of trouble.  There was such an extreme contrast
between them.  Rosario was one of the most powerful women in the US - confident,
elegant and impeccably dressed in expensive high heels and a short, pure silk
dress that must have cost a fortune.  His slave was padding beside her barefoot,
slightly cowed with her hands fettered and body barely covered in coarse cloth. 
And yet they were equally beautiful in their different ways.  He could see from
the way Alexa's hands were twisting and clenching that she was agitated.  But
when she turned to seek him out, her expression was so pained, so haunted that
he felt a surge of anger.  DAMN you, Miller!  You've wounded Alexa so badly and
I don't know how to heal her!  He caught up with them, listening to Rosario's
light voice as she chatted amiably to Alexa as if they were old friends.   "Ohh
and you simply MUST try the pool - so beautiful at night with the underwater
illumination.  And then there's the music room...and we have our own private
cinema!"  A maid suddenly rushed out from a side door, carrying fresh linen and
nearly collided with Alexa.  His slave immediately cringed in abject fear and
hid behind Rosario for protection - good!  But the maid, who was about Alexa's
age and build just stood looking at his slave with her mouth open and gaping
eyes.  "You silly girl!  You nearly knocked over my guest!"  (No, she hadn't.) 
"Haven't you got WORK to do instead of rudely staring like that?"  (Good -
Rosario is protecting my slave.)  "Run along, Maria and DON'T let me catch you
being disrespectful again...unless you want to wear a collar like Alexa here!"  
The maid gasped and involuntarily reached up to her throat. (Hmm...interesting
reaction - fear, envy or BOTH?)  Then the unthinkable occurred.  As Rosario
turned to soothe Alexa with her hand, his distressed slave reacted by BITING her
fingers!  Master Charles rushed forward but Rosario immediately slapped his
slave across her face and forced her down to crouch with her head on the floor.  
The maid, Maria, squealed and ran for cover.

"Rosario, I don't know what came over my slave!"  He took the leash chain from
her grasp and examined her hand.  "The skin isn't broken but that was
unforgivable!"  He scowled down at the terrified creature at his feet.

"No, no - I am to blame.  I expected too much too quickly.  Your slave is not
yet comfortable here."

"Nevertheless, she must be punished and quickly.  Is there a nearby room I can
use?"  He yanked hard on the chain, forcing Alexa to rise.

"The wine cellar is through that door.  But Charles," she smiled, "It really was

He nodded in gratitude and hauled Alexa over to the door.  "I have been putting
this off for sometime - perhaps I have been too lenient when firmness is
required."  He looped the leash chain under her wrists and pulled it, forcing
her arms higher up her back.  "Please excuse me - I have a slave to

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