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Review This Story || Author: Caleb Jones and Raven

The Circus is in Town

Part 3 by Caleb Jones

(Part III) By Caleb Jones

The two of us got back into the cab. I slid into the middle of the seat. The
cab was large enough to hold at least three people, therefore, there was
plenty of "personal" space between the Paige and myself.

I realized how odd it was to want some space from my own body. I couldn't
help but wonder if it was a side effect of being a woman. It dawned on me
that I could be this way a long time, if we couldn't find the circus. Even if
we did, they might not be able to work the magic that had swapped our bodies
earlier in the day. It might have been a number of factors, that would be
hard to duplicate, such as the time of day, the clouds in the sky, the wind or
the speed of the wheel. 

As much as I hated it, I was going to have to get used to having this strange
body instead of my own. We were giving new meaning to the saying "A stranger
in a strange land." Not only was everything around us a new experience, but
our own bodies were strange, too.

Paige was the first to notice the funny look in the driver's face. She
quickly analyzed the situation, brushed the long blonde hair away from my
face and whispered in my ear. "You have to remember you are a woman now. Look
at your legs."

My eyes lowered to the skirt I was now wearing. It still stunned me to see a
woman's body every time that I looked down. My legs were comfortably spread
out, as I normally sat, taking up a lot of room.

"What are you complaining about, Paige? You have enough room to relax. You
should loosen up a bit. Spread YOUR legs out a bit like mine."

"I will..." she said, "...but you can't! Look at the driver.  He's drooling
over the view you are giving him of my.....private parts." 

I blushed a deep shade of red, feeling heat upon my face, as I realized what
the driver was looking at in the rear view mirror. I instinctively crossed my
legs. However, instead of crossing at the knees as I would normally do, the
flawless legs kept going, not meeting an resitence between my legs, until
they were crossed at the thigh. It all looked very ladylike, although done
completely by accident.

"That's better!" Paige nodded in approval.

I, once again, was instantly aware of the absence of the male parts I had
known so well. I was amazed at the flexibility with which my new legs had
crossed each other at the thighs. I thought I could actually move the top leg
up and down the side of the other, but didn't want to give the driver any
more of a show than he had already done. The tight feeling of nylon between
my two legs was another in a list of many new feelings I would have to get
used to.

Paige noted that we were getting back to the city, and asked me where we
should go now.

"We could go to your apartment, but your husband might be there. I'm not
ready to see him like this yet. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to see him
again. We had better go to my apartment. We will be alone there, and we can
show each other a little about how to be each other. It's obvious I at least
have a lot to learn," I told Paige, as I looked down at my legs to illustrate
the point.

I gave the driver the address.

"What do you mean by seeing Heath 'again', Steve?" Paige asked.

"Oh, right. I woke up in the hospital, and he was there. I got rid of him
pretty quickly, but not before he gave me a little kiss, on the mouth," I
added, realizing the uselessness of keeping such information from her. She
could hardly get jealous if her husband kissed her body, could she?

"Yeah," she sympathized. "He can be nice, all right, but wait until you want
to do something he doesn't approve of. He thinks I should just stay around
the house, and churn out a baby each year. I'm tired of being treated like a
second class citizen. I'm sorry you got caught in this, I really am, but I'm
really happy to be 'the man' for a while instead of 'the little woman'." 

I was only just beginning to realize that I was going to have to adapt to
more than just the body. I would have to adjust to other's preconcieved ideas
and notions about the body. As if this new body wasn't enough to deal with
all by itself! To exemplify the point, the cab hit a pothole and sent my
upper chest bouncing around like a bowl of jelly. I glimsped the face of the
cab driver in the rear view mirror leering at me lustily.

Damn, I thought, I thought bras were supposed to control these things.
Another thought suddenly occured to me. I would have to stop referring to
these boobs as things. They were now a living part of me. 


I love watching beautiful women in my cab, the cabbie thought. The best part
is helping them enter or exit. This lady is one of the best looking chicks to
grace this cab in quite a while. The way she had let me look up her skirt,
until her boyfriend told her to cut it out, the image of her long thighs, and
her pink panties are gonna stay in my mind all night long. And what a set of

The cabbie knew he would be fantasizing of this lovely babe when he did his
duty with his wife that night. She had been attractive a long time ago, but
had really let herself go. He cheered himself up by looking at Steve one more


I wondered what the cabbie would think, if he knew that inside the beautiful
body he was watching lurked the soul of a man.

The driver pulled up to my address, to let us out. He jumped out of his seat,
offering his hand to me, to help him out of the cab. To carry the illusion of
being Paige, I took his hand. Besides, it was more difficult than I expected
getting out, while wearing a skirt. I consiously tried to keep my legs closed
this time.

I looked up to thank the man, only to see his eyes staring down at my new

"Pay the man, Steve," I told the occupant of my former body.

I was overcome by the urgent need to get away from the cabbie, and his leers
at my female form. My first encounter with a male chauvinist pig, I whined to
myself. It was funny enough to tell Paige, as we walked up the walk to the
apartment building.

"He's harmless enough," she said. "Wait until you get in an elevator, and
some creep thinks he can cop a feel of your ass, or bump into your boobs

"Does that happen often?" I asked, as we went into an elevator ourselves. I
remembered all the times I had tried to poke girls in the chest while waiting
in line back in junior high. At least I grew out of it, I thought. Somehow,
it seemed a lot stupider now that I was on this side of the poke! 

"More often than you might think. There are a LOT of jerks out there, most of
them seem to be guys. You seemed like a gentleman at the park, though. If I
knew my wish would come true, I would have asked to get a jerk's body, so he
would get an education. I'm afraid you will get that lesson instead, now,

She continued, "I don't like to brag, but my body does seem to attract more
than my share of MCP's. I guess I'll have to teach you how to deal with them,
now, as well as how to act like a lady. You gave that cab driver quite a show
back in the cab."

We got out of the elevator, and I stopped in front of my door. I searched my
pockets, or more accurately, tried to, I found no pockets in the tight
fitting skirt.

"Check your pockets," I told Paige. She looked in the pockets of her trousers,
recovering a key ring.

"Easier than searching though a purse." she told her beautiful former body,
as she unlocked the door to her new bachelor's apartment. 

Review This Story || Author: Caleb Jones and Raven
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