Chapter Twenty Six
Back in Natasha’s office, The Mistress warmly welcomed her true soul mate, Dr. Olga. These two wicked women had been anticipating this moment since they had hatched their diabolical plan to kidnap Susan many months ago. Like two men eagerly awaiting a championship football game, the two ladies were glued to an oversized monitor sending back the action, live from Susan’s cell. This was likely to be one the high points of Natasha’s career and she could not wait to watch the next chapter of this insidious drama unfold.
Natasha had an extra hidden camera installed in the cell as well as several additional, well concealed microphones, as she did not want to miss any of the action. Dominique of course was not notified of any of these additional modifications. Natasha wanted to make absolutely certain that her friend and long time employee could be trusted in this extremely delicate interaction with her younger sister. Yes she had done masterfully these past two weeks, far better than Natasha could have expected, but things could change dramatically once Susan was made aware of the real identity of the woman responsible for inflicting so much pain on her. The extra monitoring devices would help confirm Dominique’s allegiance.
Susan lay motionless on her cot as Dominique pushed the door open. She was asleep, which gave the older sibling a few more seconds to put her thoughts into words. Dominique looked up and saw that the red light on the camera in the corner was on, confirming what she already knew for certain; Natasha was watching and listening in on every move she was about to make. The cuffs and the ball gag had been removed from Susan, only the neck chain remained.
The young girl finally stirred, it took her a minute, but her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit cell and she saw her tormentor, with her mask still on, standing over her. Susan slid back on her cot, but Dominique did not make an aggressive move towards her.
“I did not mean to scare you; I thought you may be still awake.” Dominique began tenderly.
“What do you want? I told your old bitch friend I would never surrender to you, why don’t you get the hell out of here too?” Susan responded, hardly sounding like the Christian girl she was, clearly no longer interested in talking to anyone.
“I am not here to fight with you Susan; I am here to talk to you as someone who truly wants to help you.”
Susan thought this was unusual, as she had not heard her actual name used by a staff person since she got here two weeks ago. Regardless she still said, “Get away from me, you are not here to help me, you have been the worst one here to me, now you say you want to help me?”
“I know it sounds hard to believe, but I really do Susan. What I am about to tell you is the hardest thing I have ever told anyone in my life. But rather than tell you I am just going to show you.”
Susan sat motionless as the older woman reached up and removed the mask from her face. It took her a moment to process what she was seeing but when she did the young girl just sat there completely befuddled, not fully believing her own two eyes. She had seen this woman only once since she was five years old, but she was absolutely certain who she was.
“Karen is that you? Oh my god I can’t believe it! Why? What is happening?” Susan was a bundle of conflicting emotions, unsure of how to act towards her or even what to say. One part of her wanted to be happy as this was the first time she had seen her sister in years, but the other part could not fully process what this same person had done to her over these last two weeks.
It had been years since Susan had seen her older sister, but she recognized her now. To make sure that Susan was fully aware of who she was, Dominique slid a copy of her birth certificate over to her, that she removed from her pocket, so there could be no doubt of her true identity.
Karen had been estranged from the family for many years, having run away from home when she herself was just eighteen. Susan’s parents rarely spoke about her, but from what the younger girl had been able to gather from her other siblings was that Karen chaffed at the stern upbringing thrust upon her in their ultra-religious family and she ran away from home the first chance she got. An attempt at rapprochement four years ago, of which Susan was barely involved, had ended badly and that was the last time Karen had made any contact with anyone in the Richardson family.
Dominique tried to force a smile, unsure of what to say or do next. Her younger sibling of course was just as confused but managed to ask, finally. “Please tell me Karen, why, why are you doing this to me?” she demanded.
“Susan, I want you to listen to me very carefully now. I know how angry and frustrated you are right now and how much you must hate me. But before you say anything else I want you to listen to me.” Dominique sat on the cot next to her sister.
“There is nothing in this world I would like to do more than to open that door and take you out of here, but I can’t, it is impossible. After everything that has happened to you we cannot turn back the clock. I work here Susan; I have for a few years now. I had nothing to do with bringing you or your friend here but that doesn’t matter now. What Madam Hardings has been telling you for the last few weeks is true. I know it seemed impossible to believe two weeks ago, but by know you must know that this is not a game or some type of elaborate practical joke. God, I wish it didn’t have to be this way Susan, but it is. I am going to be responsible for turning you into a lesbian slave.”
Dominique’s voice choked up a little bit when she said that, and she hated to be this blunt right off the bat. But she felt it was better to get it out of the way early, and crush Susan’s hope for a possible way out, then to drag out the inevitable, Susan was not going to get out of here. Saying these words caused her to cry a little bit, which of course led to the same reaction from her little sister.
Susan was absolutely dumbfounded. Not so much in what she was being told, she had heard this crap many times before, but in who was now actually telling them to her.
“Please, Please, Please” she begged, “tell me this isn’t true. How could my own sister do this to me?”
Dominique slid over to her younger sibling, close enough to hug her. She put her arms around her and squeezed her tight. Susan wanted to push her away but somehow she couldn’t. “I know how hard this is for you to understand, and believe me I have struggled with it every day since they brought you here. I didn’t want to do this Susan, you have to believe me, but I had no choice. They were going to turn you into a slave no matter what I said. Once I knew that was inevitable I did everything in my power to make this process as easy as possible for you. But it was been anything but that. I know it has been so hard on you, but believe me this has been just as difficult for me. Now it is about to be taken out of my hands.”
Susan finally got up the strength to push her older sister away. “You have to be out of your mind. I will never give into you Karen, ever; I don’t give a damn if you are my sister or not. I don’t even consider you my sister anyway. I have seen you once since I was five and now you are telling me you are trying to help me by kidnapping me and doing all of these horrible things to me. Are you out of your f---ing mind? I told that old bitch and I will tell you the same thing ‘I will never succumb to you or anyone at this horrible place’.”
Dominique, not wanting to argue with her now incensed sister, paid her no attention. She had something far more important to tell her. “Listen to me Susan, I know you have no reason to believe me, but trust me when I tell you that what has happened to you before is nothing compared to what is going to happen to you tomorrow if you don’t sign that damn contract. This is not a time to be acting tough. Mistress Natasha is a hard-ass bitch and she will do what ever is necessary to break you, do you understand me?”
Dominique was getting panicky now, ordinarily she would never have used those words to describe her friend and mentor, especially knowing that she was certainly watching everything on the monitor, but now she felt she had no choice.
It was becoming painfully clear that Dominique was in way over her head with this situation and was looking for a way out. She was caught between two intractable people, a 39-year-old woman who had become her mentor and best friend, and a sixteen-year-old, stubborn, tough as nails girl who just happened to be her sister. Only one of them held all the cards and only one would win this battle of wills. Unfortunately neither sister knew how far Natasha was willing to go to get what she wanted. Sadly for Susan she had no idea of what she would be in for by refusing to listen to her sister, but for some people the only way they knew how to live was to deal with the consequences of their own actions.
“You are going to have to live with this Karen, not me. I am not going to give you what you want merely by surrendering to you now. Whatever you are going to do to me you are going to have to live with the guilt. I am not going to make it easy on you. Remember the Lord is on my side.”
Once again the young girl had left all of her tormentors stunned. Knowing that escape was impossible, she played the only things she had left, the guilt card and the religious card. She did this hoping that in some way that Karen/Dominique would have a change of heart and help her get out of there. That was impossible of course, Dominique was in way too deep for that, and what Susan forgot was that religion is one of the reasons she left her home in the first place. Natasha and Dr. Olga stared at the monitor, breathlessly waiting to hear Dominique’s response.
“You little bitch”, Dominique replied back. “You keep thinking this is all about you. Well what about me? Our parents treated me like a leper the entire time I was growing up. I was always the ugly duckling, I could never do anything right. My grades were never good enough, I was never pretty enough, and I never had the right friends. Do you think it was easy growing up in that kind of environment?”
Dominique just stopped for a minute and stared and her sister, who said nothing.
“And when mom and dad found out I was a lesbian the disowned me. And everyone wonders why I ran away and had no contact with the family. Well maybe it’s time to even the score a little bit. Maybe you should try walking in my shoes. It was not easy being a lesbian in that shit hole town we grew up in. You can’t even imagine the ridicule, the shame and embarrassment I went through every day. Now you are going to find out what it’s like being me.”
It was an impassioned plea no doubt; Dr. Olga and Natasha were very impressed. Dominique was trying to justify her barbaric actions by whipping herself into unjustifiable anger. Natasha was certain that Dominique could not possibly believe any of that gibberish she just spat out. It didn’t matter though. All she wanted was for these newfound emotions to carry over into tomorrow and last long enough to get her to participate in the savagery that Natasha had planned for Susan.
Back in the cell the verbal jousting continued. “So what happened to you growing up is enough to justify what you are doing to me know. How the hell is that fair?” Susan shot back, the anger rising in her voice. “I was just a kid when you ran away, I barely even knew you. You still haven’t even told me why you would be doing something like this to anyone, let alone your sister.”
Dominique had had a lot of time to think about this. Other girls had asked her this type of question in one form or another but she never answered them. She had been trained to avoid any type of dialogue with the slaves. She was there to torture and break the girls and moved on to the next one, that was it; she was not there to justify her actions. But with Susan though Dominique felt she deserved an answer.
“I will tell you Susan, but it’s complicated and I don’t think you will be able to understand anyway. Like most of the women here I grew up a confused and bitter girl. I was laughed at and mocked because of my sexual feelings for other girls. High school was a living hell for me. When those feeling were not reciprocated by other girls I just become even angrier. I eventually ran away from those people we call our parents. Eventually I got a job working in a lesbian fetish club in San Francisco. It was there that I met Mistress Natasha and she introduced me to a world where I didn’t need to be ashamed of whom I was. Even better she helped me to seek out and find people who shared the same sexual fantasies and fetishes that I did. Eventually she gave me a chance to come and work here. I will admit to you that at first I was shocked and even a little repulsed at what went on. But she made me stay for a few days and she helped explain why they did what they did. Once I did I soon came to understand it and accept it.”
Susan cut her off abruptly. “What do you mean ‘understand and accept’? How could you do something like this to me Karen, let alone anyone else?”
“I told you Susan, I had no idea you or your friend were coming here. I was stunned when Mistress Natasha showed me your picture and told me you were already here. You don’t have to believe that but it’s the truth. But once you were here I had no choice but to participate. It’s my job. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you, but you are so stubborn. Do you think I take pleasure in doing this to my own flesh and blood?”
It was a stupid question and Dominique regretted saying it the moment it left her lips. She knew exactly what the answer was going to be.
“Of course you do you god damn bitch, otherwise you would let me go.” Susan had never used that phrase in her life, but she couldn’t bite her tongue any longer.
Dominique just stopped for a minute. For the first time since she had been employed at Stonebriar she broke down in tears. She knew everything she said was bullshit. Whatever kind of twisted logic she was trying to use on her ultra-intelligent sister was not working. Further discussion with her was a waste of time and would only serve to make this ordeal harder. The two sisters stared at each other for a full and terribly awkward five minutes, neither making a sound or a move.
Back in her office, even the steel hearted Natasha felt some sympathy for the Richardson girls. This entire tribulation had turned out to be far trickier then she could have ever imagined. But regardless, it was much too late to turn back now. She looked at Dr. Olga, who was also speechless, and finally back again at the screen.
At last there was some activity in the cell Dominique finally broke the silence. “Please Susan I beg of you, listen to me now. I can’t stand to do this anymore to you. Please submit I can’t help you anymore. Mistress Natasha will stop at nothing to break you and I don’t want to see you suffer anymore.”
It was a last ditch plea, one that came from the deepest recesses of Dominique’s heart. But it of course was the exact opposite of what Susan wanted to hear. She was hoping against hope that her brief reconnection with her sister would lead her to put a stop to this madness and promise to help her get out. But there would be no such luck. Susan simply stared at her older sibling who stared back with tear filled eyes and shook her head no. The dejected Dominique said nothing, said nothing and simply walked away. She closed and locked the cell door and then burst out hysterically in tears in the hallway.
The walk back to Natasha’s office was especially difficult.
“You have nothing to be sad about Dominique you did a wonderful job under very difficult circumstances, I am so very proud of you. She is simply being unreasonable. It is hard to deal with people like that when they are in that frame of mind.” Natasha consoled her friend, trying to disguise her pleasure at this most fortunate turn of events.
Dominique could only shake her head and try not to cry any more. She hated to show weakness in front of the Mistress, under any circumstances, but she was sure Natasha would understand this.
“I want you to get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day for you and your sister, but I promise they will only get easier after that.” Natasha offered, giving her minion a soft kiss on the cheek.
“Yes Mistress.” Is all that she could mutter before bowing her head and exiting the room gloomily.
“How do you think she is holding up?” Natasha asked Dr. Olga was hiding out of sight around the corner.
“Very well under the circumstances Mistress. This is the hardest thing you have ever asked anyone to do for you.”
“I know that my friend, but she will come around. I know her too well. And if she doesn’t? Oh well, nothing will stop us from training and selling this girl, not even an overprotective older sister. There is too much at stake here.” Natasha reassured her partner.
“I am not worried, my friend. She has grown considerably into just the kind of Commandant we had hoped for when we met her a few years ago. She will do fine.”
Dr. Olga was referencing a night about four years ago, when she and Natasha had made a rare venture away from the compound. A very important customer had invited them to a swanky and ultra-private lesbian S&M club in San Francisco. There they watched in fascination as an extraordinary young woman acted the part of a ruthless dominatrix in a series of hardcore lesbian fetish fantasies: Teacher and innocent student, Female Pilot and misbehaving stewardess, Cop and unwitting prisoner. Each time the Dom in the story behaved in an increasingly aggressive and almost violent manner towards her cowering subjects. If this was acting it was sure hard to tell to that to the riveted audiences who packed the club every night.
Clearly captivated by the performances, Natasha insisted upon a meeting with the young woman. Once in her dressing room Natasha asked the young thespian if she might be interested in performing the “real thing” on real girls, not just actresses. After a few more meetings to see if Natasha was serious, and an exhaustive background check by the Stonebriar team, Karen Richardson was offered a position as a Commandant at Stonebriar, where she had been employed ever since.
Dr. Olga could only hope that Natasha was right as the two women headed off to bed. A mistake in what Natasha was planning for Susan tomorrow could have devastating consequences for Stonebriar.
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