Enslaved by my Daughter – part 4
I only THOUGHT I was in hell . . . but I was only standing at the doorway to hell looking in. My poor, tight virgin ass was in terrible pain as Miss Hilary slammed and slammed that awful dildo deep into my virgin rear. It even hurt deep inside my belly, I felt like my guts were being pushed aside for it. And given the size it was, I suppose they were. Finally she pulled out of me and I whimpered with relief. Oh it still hurt, hurt terribly, but at least the pounding was stopped, it wouldn’t get worse. In a moment after she stopped filling me with that strap-on, she pushed something else into my tender rear. I felt it filling me again and stretching me. It was one of the inflatable plugs, and now I felt my guts being re-arranged again.
But worse, as soon as that stopped, Miss Hilary stepped over in front of me. I smelled sort of funky smell, and quickly realized what it was. I have always been an obsessively CLEAN woman, but considering where and how deep that dildo had just ventured, well. And it was covered in something red. It took me a moment to recognize what it was, blood . . . MY blood. Miss Hilary saw the shock of that realization in my eyes and said, “yeah, I tore you up a little Ms. Walker, sorry”, but Miss Carrie is the one that picked out this dildo for me to use on you. Miss Hilary leaned across my immobilized back and I felt her sweet, soft breasts pressing against my lower back and that dildo rested against my face. I felt her finger run up my inner thigh, and then she stood up and held it out for me to see. I was covered in my bright red blood! Then she licked it, stuck it in her mouth and sucked all my blood off her finger. She repeated this several more times as I watched, stunned. Then she said, “your blood is sweet Ms. Walker, I like how it tastes”. She was smiling happily, and the look in her eyes was terrifying. Fear struck my heart . . . when, oh WHEN would Miss Carrie get here! A sound came from me then, an awful sound, a wail, a scream, I don’t know what I was trying to express, but it came out of me as a whine of defeat and desperation . . . an animal sound, not a human sound. My brain flashed to 2 days ago when I was still “the mom” planning for my sweet, lovely daughter’s graduation . . . and NOW . . . !
With horror I glimpsed, then felt that huge dildo sliding into my mouth. The weight hanging from my tongue kept it stretched far out of my mouth and her dildo just slid into my throat. Then deeper and deeper she pushed, stretching my throat open, hurting, invading my body again. Oh it hurt, and she just kept slowly forcing it deeper until I now felt as if my throat was being ripped open. Her soft, smooth pubic mound was flat against my face, mashing my nose. That thing was at least a foot long and at least 2 inches in diameter, and I could feel every bit of it all the way down. My gag reflex had kicked in and I retched and convulsed, and I would have vomited but my throat was plugged so tight that nothing could come out. My stomach heaved and bucked and finally it seemed to come to terms with that thing filling my throat and stopped convulsing. But by then I realized something far worse . . . I couldn’t breathe!
I struggled desperately for a breath, but it was not to be, her dildo had plugged my throat so tight and so deep I couldn’t get even a tiny gasp of air. As I grew panicked and my head began to ache and my vision grow cloudy I raised my eyes to her beautiful face. She was smiling, watching me gasp for life to no avail. I think it amused her, and I wondered if she was going to kill me then and there. I didn’t think she would do that, and then she spoke, “You’ll have to learn to take this Ms. Walker, you are going to take even bigger ones later so don’t fail me when we’re just beginning”. Then she pulled quickly out of my throat and I gasped deeply for air as if I had been drowning! She let me breathe deep and catch my breath, then she walked around behind me again saying, “this should be easier for you Ms. Walker”. A moment later I felt that monster dildo forcing its way into my vagina. Then Miss Hilary began thrusting brutally into me over and over. Yes, this was easier than taking it in my rear or my throat, but still I had never experienced anything that large inside me and it DID hurt. And I don’t believe she cared one bit!
Finally she finished and she came back in front of me. I even knew what she would want, and was prepared when the slick, slimy dildo was pumper into my mouth. She wasn’t as rough this time, and I realized she just wanted me to clean it off so I got my tongue working as hard as I could. I didn’t want to be suffocated by that dildo again. When she was satisfied, back behind me again, and knowing what was coming I clenched my ass hard and tight. But I had forgotten what she had told me . . ., that just made the pain worse. I screamed and screamed in pain. I was making a lot of noise, but when we first bought this place we had specified that each room be soundproofed, and I knew no one even in the room next to this one would hear me. Somehow the hopeless futility made me scream even louder, I had no control over ANYTHING.
Finally back to my mouth, that thing was all bloody again, aside from being “funky”. And I tasted my own blood on it as I licked and sucked it clean. I must have bled even more this time. I felt Miss Hilary leaning over my back and running her fingers up my thighs, picking up the blood running down them. The next time I cast my eyes up (I couldn’t move my head to look up) I saw a tiny trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth. She looked like a vampire as she smiled and licked it up with her tongue.
Than my rear again. I don’t know how many times she repeated this, but finally she left me alone for a while. Not too long I’m afraid, and when she came back into the room she was holding a riding crop. I sniffled a little but she went right to work on my rear, my thighs, especially the soft, tender inner thigh, and even managed to snap it up hard between my legs stinging my tender vagina and clit. I couldn’t believe how THAT hurt and I started screaming again! When I was sure my entire rear and legs, and especially my sore abused vagina and clit was absolutely on fire, she began on my breasts. The way I was bound down, my breasts hung just over the edge of the special table I was bound down to. She had a clear shot at them and she whipped and whipped them with that crop. I knew she was an athlete in school, but she seemed to never, ever tire out.
I don’t know how long the whole thing continued, it felt like hours, days . . . I had lost all real sense of time . . . everything seemed as if it would never end! Finally I must have passed out.
I came to with a start and a feeble scream. There was water streaming all over me, and I quickly realized I was lying on the shower floor being washed off by Miss Hilary who was kneeling next to me. I still had the ring gag in my mouth and my wrists cuffed behind me, and I gagged and sputtered as water washed into my wide-open mouth. But she was gentle and it still felt good, and she lifted my head and smiled at me saying, “this next part won’t hurt you so much Ms. Walker . . . but you still won’t like it”, then an evil grin. She washed me all over even my hair. I must have needed it, I had been streaming with perspiration, not to mention all the other bodily fluids involved. Then she helped me up led me out to a small bench where she sat me down. She blow-dried and brushed my hair. Then she led me in and helped me go to the toilet and wipe off. I felt almost like myself again, but of course I wasn’t “myself” any longer.
Then she led me out and sat me on the edge of the bed, telling me to “stay”, just like you’d command a trained dog. I guess I was trained, because I did stay and wait when she left the room. After some time she returned wearing white thigh-top hose and white 6” stiletto heels. My heart gave a flip, my god she was beautiful. I am a big woman, 5’11” and about 160 pounds, all solid and trim from good diet and workouts . . . and good genetics. But Miss Hilary is even bigger, certainly over 6’ tall and probably weighing 180 pounds or so. And the most beautiful pale skin with a slight dusting of freckles that are a perfect match for her strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I had always thought my Carrie was an exceptional beauty (and she IS), but Miss Hilary might have her beat. But both girls are very shapely and fit; scholarship athletes in school. I had always been near infatuated with her, but now I absolutely lusted for her.
My ring gag had stayed in and my wrist cuffs were on, but it must have not been enough for Miss Hilary. She took a wide leather strap and tightened it just above my elbows. She pulled HARD, gradually pressing my elbows together. It hurt, and I whimpered as she tightened it. And now she put on my posture collar. It was high and tight around my throat and had a lower part under my chin. Lower but not really low at all since it tilted my face up slightly. It was smooth-edged so it didn’t cut in at all, but so tight I was uncomfortable and I couldn’t turn my head at all, or look down. My head was pretty well immobilized. Now I could feel her putting on my stockings, dark, sheer thigh-top hose I had seen on the bed when I came out of the shower. Then shoes. They were tight-fitting and shaped so they forced my toes to point more than my normal heels did. Then she drew straps across just above my ankles and fastened then tight. I could see her go across the room and come back with a handful of padlocks, and snap, snap, snap, on my collar, my wrist cuffs and the straps of my shoes.
But then the worst! She held up high so I could see them, two inflatable plugs and a chastity belt. It was just then that I realized I was incredibly aroused and I mumbled something, trying to plead for an orgasm (or more?) before she belted me. But Miss Hilary only smiled, she knew what I was trying to ask for and had no intention of granting me that, or any for that matter, wish. She pushed me down on the edge of bed so my rear was exposed, then I feel her fingers spreading my buttocks and probing me. I clenched my sphincter tight in fear, I knew it wasn’t going to help but I couldn’t avoid the reflex. She roughly pushed two fingers into my rear, then three, saying, “relax Ms. Walker, you’re only making it harder on yourself”. I couldn’t help it, I knew but I still was so frightened I couldn’t relax. Tears had started to trickle down my cheeks, and when she twisted and pushed the tip of one of the plugs into me, I squealed through my ring gag and I felt the tears really start to flow. Then she hit her hand hard against the base of the plug driving it into my rear, and I screamed in pain and shock. Immediately I felt her fingers, then the tip of a plug twisting its way into my vagina. After that last plug, this was easy, almost a pleasure. But I realized a part of it was the fact that I was dripping wet and so very aroused and immediately felt humiliated.
Then she stood me up, grabbing onto a ring on my collar and simply pulling me off the bed to my feet. Her strength again, I knew I would never dare resist her physically, I would have no chance against her. She put the belt around my waist and snugged it tight against my skin. Then the plate between my legs. My head was held pointed upwards by my posture collar, but I could feel what she was doing as she slipped the inflating tubes and bulbs of the plugs through the openings in the crotch plate. Then that was pulled up between my legs. Miss Hilary carefully spread my vagina lips, pulling the rings to spread them, pushing and adjusting them, so the as she pulled the crotch plate up tight my vagina lip rings were lined up along each side of the plate. Then she began pulling it up TIGHT. I felt the snap as it latched into place, and then the snap of each of three padlocks that locked it tight. I twisted my hips a bit to make myself comfortable and in faint hope of getting a little pressure against my clit. Miss Hilary laughed and said, “I see what you’re trying to do Ms. Walker, but there’s a special little cup around your clit so no part of the belt can even touch it, you can’t help yourself that way”.
And now I felt it, a feeling of a ring pressing against my open, tender (and wet, I’m ashamed to say) vagina around my clit, but about an inch away and raised up so there could be no contact. There was no way I could ever get any pressure against my hungry clit, even a faint touch no matter how much I squirmed and twisted, I knew that. I could feel the solid metal belt tight around my waist and up between my legs, gripping me TIGHT. But then Miss Hilary pushed me back onto the bed and spread my legs wide apart. I couldn’t see what she was doing but I felt a tugging at my vagina rings, one at a time, and I felt her hands and fingers doing something. Then all the rings were stretched and tugged and that was painful as they stretched up and around the edges of the belt’s crotch plate. “I’m lacing you up tight Ms. Walker, we don’t want any ‘accidental’ orgasms do we”, she said?
It was Miss Carrie’s hand I felt, holding my sexual pleasure and orgasms tight within her grasp. Those no longer belonged to me, they belonged to her. But then worse . . . I felt a growing pressure inside me. Miss Hilary was pumping up the plugs she had pushed deep into me. First just the feeling, then quickly discomfort, then finally severe pain as I felt I was being ripped apart inside. I groaned and bent over by reflex. But Miss Hilary jerked my head up and slapped me hard across my face. As my sobs began and tears started to flow yet again, she said to me, “there’ll be none of that nonsense Ms. Walker, you stand up straight at ALL times or you’ll be sorry”. I forced myself up straight, hurting all the time. I knew she was right, and I didn’t want to “be sorry”, I was too frightened of Miss Hilary already to disobey her. And I knew I would somehow get used to this, I knew I MUST get used to it!
Then she snapped a dog leash onto my posture collar and roughly jerked me up and led me out of the room. “Time to practice being graceful in your uniform Ms. Walker”, she told me as she led me around the various rooms. The plugs, the belt, my tightly laced vagina lips, my collar . . . but mostly those shoes. And my wrist cuffs together with the straps holding my elbows tight together hurt my back, and I could feel that pressure holding my breasts up and out as my back arched painfully. They must have been at least 6 inch stiletto heels, maybe higher. It wasn’t long before my foot and leg muscles began to agonize. But I knew I had to keep at it, and I tried my best and tried not to whimper. It wasn’t easy! My mind wandered . . . “only days ago I was . . . “, I thought. But it seems that was over now. Now I was something else entirely from what I had been. In just those few days, my life had been turned upside-down!
I didn’t want this. Not at all! I kept wondering how to escape this almost constant torment. I fought, I struggled . . . but both Miss Carrie and Miss Hilary were strong and careful. I wanted this to stop, I watched for my chance. But even in just these few days, I had begun to doubt myself. And what if I DID somehow escape from this terrible captivity. I remembered all the people that had seen me at the graduation party, all the pictures that had been taken. What if I did manage to escape physically . . . THEN what? This HAD to end somehow! But I had a flash of terror thinking, “maybe it WON’T end”? I felt the tears start to run silently down my cheeks as I felt my strength and resolve slowly, slowly begin draining away . . .
To be continued . . .
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