Making Yasmin Talk
It began in the basement of Security Headquarters. A single tip-off and, under the hot blaze of powerful lamps, a woman was being made to talk…
‘Who was the girl…?’ the uniformed figure of Colonel Mehmet Behadri, Chief of Internal Security, asked quietly, ‘the name please…?’ The naked, middle-aged woman strapped to the seatless metal chair didn’t respond. Her head lolled, mouth open so that saliva dribbled onto her heaving chest.
To her torturers gathered eagerly round the chair it seemed almost as though their prisoner was studying the raw tips of her heavy, dangling breasts. Her brown skin glistened wetly in the harsh lights and blood showed at wrists, knees and ankles where she had fought against the leather straps in her agony.
But they had finished with her breasts… for the moment.
Now they were applying the agony to the sensitive tissues of her cunt. The Colonel grinned as his eyes followed the black and red electric flex snaking over the rough concrete from the transformer on the table, idly tracing it under the chair where the thin wires curled up to the core of the woman’s body hanging open and defenceless, her thighs held apart by the straps anchoring her to the metal frame of the chair.
Of course, the bulbous cock-shaped electrode attached to the black wire was invisible; pushed deep into her anus, but he could still see the glint of metal between her labia where the red wire joined the alligator clip… a clip whose serrated jaws were clamped round the swollen stub of the woman’s clitoris.
The Colonel pushed the woman’s head back so he could look into the pain-filled eyes ‘Time’s up… let’s see if a higher setting improves your memory... try level four, Sergeant’
As he took his hand away the woman opened her mouth to say something but then… in the darkness the sergeant grinned and turned a dial on the humming transformer. He waited a moment then one finger pressed a small red button. A low buzzing filled the room and the woman jerked violently, arched up in a spasm that made her large breasts bounce wildly. The leather straps creaked, digging deep into the puffy flesh, as she strained against the fizzing agony of the electric shock surging through her cunt and rectum.
The scream echoed in the airless room before the woman flopped bonelessly back into the chair as the current was cut off. ‘The name…?’ The Colonel’s voice was soft, calm but entirely without pity. ‘Just think…we’ve only had you down here for an hour… imagine how much worse it’s going to get later… so why not tell me that name…’
He flicked one finger and the woman arched up with muscles locked and quivering as the guard pressed the button and the current seared her clit and anus again.
It took another forty minutes before she finally broke … when they went back to her nipples once again…
Both of them worked on her whilst the Colonel watched. The heavily muscled Sergeant supported the heavy globe of the left woman’s breast so that the swollen peak, already sore and gleaming wetly from the first session, was held firmly pointing upwards. The smart young Lieutenant, being groomed by the Colonel as his chief interrogator, used the narrow heated tip of the soldering iron to caress a thin burned line across the wide aureole and down the length of the wet flesh of the peak, waiting patiently for each screaming spasm to subside before applying the next stripe of blazing agony.
‘Arrrggghhh! N-n-no, no, GOD no more... p-p-p-p-lease… Aiiiiiih! N-N-N-N-NOOOOO!’
After the Lieutenant’s careful attention to both nipples the woman was babbling and pleading so wildly in between the screams that all of them knew she was near breaking point. But they enjoyed their work and so they let her rest for a few minutes. Not out of any care or concern…but to allow them to change the electrodes so they could use electricity instead of heat on those swollen teats. The woman, her body slick and slippery with sweat and the drool of saliva, lolled in the chair. Her eyes were unfocused, her chest heaving as she tried to ride the agony throbbing in her raw nipples…and the other awful burning pains from her scorched and swollen clitoris and from deep inside her rectum.
The sergeant stood behind her this time. He reached over and cupped her breasts, lifting them so once again the raw tips jutted upwards. He licked his lips because working on a woman’s tits always gave him a particular thrill. The Lieutenant smiled and showed the woman the two wires that now both ended in a sharp-toothed brass crocodile clip. The woman looked at them, then down to her breasts gripped in the thick fingers of her man behind her. She screamed as the Lieutenant touched the tip of her left nipple.
Both of them laughed. He pinched the end of one of the clips between forefinger and thumb so the jaws gaped wide open. The woman whimpered and twitched but the sergeant’s hold was to strong and there was nothing she could do to stop the smiling officer positioning the abused and raw stub between the sharp teeth. Then he relaxed his grip and….
They laughed at her cries and screams. The Lieutenant flicked the clip a couple of times before squeezing the jaws together so beads of blood appeared between them. The woman squealed again, twisting and bucking in agony but the teeth gripping her nipple stayed secure.
He took her sadistic time to attach the second clip in the same way. This time, when he pressed the jaws shut, the woman’s spasms were so violent that her heavy breasts slapped wetly together…but the clips stayed in place.
Both of her torturers took their hands away leaving the woman staring down dully at the brass jaws gripping the peak of each breast. They smiled at each other and watched the woman’s eyes following the thin red and black wires down and across the floor tiles to that humming transformer.
Colonel Behadri nodded. ‘You know what’s coming next…but lets give you a taste any way.’ The machine hummed as the sergeant pressed the button and there was a soft buzzing from the electrodes gripping her nipples. The woman’s head jerked backwards, eyes staring wide as her body arched up quivering in spasm. Her full breasts shivered and quivered like jelly as the current fizzed through her body. Twenty agonising seconds…then the Colonel flicked one finger and the sergeant lifted his thumb off the red button.
‘The name?’ There was another pause, broken only by the anguished gasping of the woman in the chair. ‘Try four again…’
‘What, what did you say…give the bitch another jolt!’
‘NAAAAAH! M-m-my c-c-cousin Yasmin… Yasmin Hamad! H-HER! She’s the one… P-p-please… mercy, PLEEEESE! …AAAAAAARRRGH!!’
After each fresh shock the woman gabbled frantically and the details poured out. Finally Colonel Behadri flicked his fingers and the sergeant took his thumb off the button letting the woman collapse against the straps, sobbing and babbling in her agony. The Colonel smiled and picked up the phone…
It was late evening and Yasmin Hamad was tired, frustrated and annoyed. The sudden arrival of her younger cousin, Meena, that morning on another unannounced visit was the main cause. Yasmin knew the pleading, “I knew you would mind giving me a bed for a day or two…” meant another row at home, probably over Meena’s fondness for money and older men, and that her stepmother had thrown her out…again. Of course Meena was asleep in her school clothes when Yasmin got back from her date so that's why she was in the armchair while her sixteen year old cousin snored in her bed.
Meena was a bloody nuisance. Lying dozing in the armchair Yasmin squirmed trying to get comfortable, remembering that last session in the hotel bedroom. She was frustrated and angry because she certainly didn’t want a sixteen year old school kid with big breasts and the morals of an ally cat anywhere near men she knew… specially Robert.
She felt a sudden hot wetness between her legs at the thought of Robert, stretched naked on the bed, the long, thick curve of his penis, still shining and glistening from her mouth and tongue, arcing over the ridged muscles of his belly. The heat and wetness grew as she remembered how she’d straddled him. Oh God… the feel of that hard, black shaft as she moved up and down, slowly stroking the smooth bulbous crest of his cock along her cunt. Waiting and waiting, building the pleasure then… yes, yes… the pause… then letting the tip find the wet opening...and that wonderful, stretching impalement as she had lowered herself slowly onto him.
She shivered with remembered pleasure and arousal. Her hand was just stroking the hardening peak of one nipple when Yasmin Hamad’s erotic daydream turned to nightmare. A sudden, thunderous knocking was followed immediately by the crash of the door bursting inwards. In seconds the small flat was full of soldiers in camouflage and black balaclavas. The young secretary jerked upright in shock and panic then her world went black as a hot, smelly cloth bag was pulled down over her head and her arms were forced behind her. There were more muffled screams and noises from the bed as sixteen-year-old Meena was grabbed and hooded in the same way.
Twenty minutes later they stripped the bag from Yasmin Hamid’s head and pushed her into a dimly lit and stinking concrete cell that was bare except for the plank bed frame hinged to the wall and a battered bucket in one corner. The door slammed behind her and she was alone. There was another crash of metal and footsteps outside the cell door as Meena was dealt with in the same way.
In the morning Yasmin woke to muffled noises; footsteps, the clang of a cell door opening, Meena’s raised voice then the smack of a hand on flesh followed by a cry and the sound of people moving past her door…then silence.
The office they took Meena to was plain and grubby. The walls painted a pale green, the floor covered with scuffed, grey vinyl tiles. There was a desk, behind it a man in a white shirt sitting leaning back in a swivel chair smoking a thin cheroot. He flicked through the papers in a cardboard file as she was pushed through the door and marched forwards to stand in front of the desk.
The man didn’t say anything, didn’t even appear to notice the shivering sixteen-year-old standing in front of him with her arm being held by a grinning, heavily built thug of a guard. Two more men waited by the door, their eyes hot with pleasure as they stared at the teenager’s body. The silence went on for almost a minute.
‘And what’s your name?’
‘M-M-Meena, Meena Fahad, S-Sir.’
Colonel Behadri leaned back even further, tapped the ash from his cheroot onto the floor while he studied the shivering girl standing in front of the desk. The teenager was almost dwarfed by the looming bulk of the guard who was holding her left arm and leering down the vee of her tight white blouse. She was a complication that Colonel Behadri had not anticipated but it was going to be a most pleasurable complication to deal with.
All the signs of a real young slut, he thought, tight white blouse, short skirt and long black hair held in a ponytail. She’s trying to pretend that she isn’t scared stiff. He felt a pleasurable tightness in his groin as he thought of how she would look in a few minutes…without the clothes.
‘So, Meena, do you know why you’re here?’
‘N-no, Sir.’ The Colonel looked at the file and pretended to read. He knew the girl was looking at the other thing on the desktop. Pale yellow with one end bound with black tape, the cane was thin, the other end frayed with use. He knew she was looking somewhere else too. Her eyes kept flicking sideways because there was another door in the room… deliberately left half open. He knew she could see into the bare room next door…and the wide-legged metal frame with a padded top standing on its own in the middle of the floor.
He murmured, ‘Are you sure, Meena? You’re not hiding anything from me are you?’
‘Oh no, no sir, no, nothing at all, I only got there this afternoon. Yasmin was with John so I just let myself in.’
‘Do that often do you?’
The girl looked at the floor.
‘Only when I….’
‘When I what, Meena?’ Colonel Behadri picked up the cane and flexed it gently between his hands. The girl stared at the thin rod bowing and straightening in his hands. ‘Answer me, Meena’
‘W-W-When I’ve had a r-row at home.’ She blushed, ‘my stepmother tells me off, punishes me if I do anything she doesn’t like…I hate her!’ She bit her lip. ‘So I go and stay with Yasmin…she’s my cousin but…’
But what, Meena?’
‘It’s p-private.’
The cane slammed down on the top of the desk. The girl jerked upright. ‘Don’t play games with me you little tart! This is a matter of state security so you fucking well tell me what I want or it will be bad for you…very, very bad…understand me?’
‘Y-y-yes, Sir. Y-Yasmin’s g-g-got a b-boyfriend, he’s an American I t-think.’ Her voice fell to a whisper. ’He’s b-b-black and his name’s Robert Masters. He w-works at the US Embassy.’
Colonel Behadri sat upright, trying not to let the shock of that information show. ‘And how do you know all this? Did she tell you?’ Meena flushed red again and looked at the floor. Colonel Behadri smiled unpleasantly and used the end of the cane to lift her chin. ‘Oh dear, she didn’t tell you did she? You’ve been spying on her. That’s naughty, Meena, very naughty.’ The end of the cane traced downwards into the vee of her blouse.
‘P-p-pleeese, I didn’t mean to listen…’
The Colonel smiled. ‘Of course you did so why lie about it?’ The tip of the cane moved down the front of the teenager’s blouse. Two little flicks untucked the edges from the waistband of her skirt. ‘I’m going to punish you for lying Meena but first it’s time to search you, …you know we always search people we arrest don’t you?’
‘Y-y-yes…but there’s n-nothing…just what I’m wearing…’
‘Exactly, we must check what you’re wearing’. He flicked the front of the blouse. ‘This first,’ he paused, ‘well go on, take it off.’ There was a hesitation, a moment when the Colonel thought she would resist, but then the teenager reached up and fumbled with the buttons undoing them one by one. Finally she stood still, one hand holding the edges of her blouse together. ‘No, let go…’ the cane flicked against her fingers and she gasped at the sharp pain. ‘Hands at your sides, Meena until I tell you otherwise.’
He used the cane’s tip to push the blouse off each shoulder in turn. Meena shivered as the thin fabric slipped down her arms. She could feel her nipples hardening as the three guards shuffled round to get a sight of her young, high breasts barely contained by the lacy half-cup bra. She flushed red because knew that they had all noticed her arousal too.
One of them reached forwards, tugged the blouse free, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the corner. The tip of the cane stroked across the swell of her left breast. The Colonel looked into her eyes and smiled at the girl’s growing panic of fear and arousal. He tapped the rod against the bump of her nipple and she caught her breath. He tapped again, a slow deliberate rhythm that made the peak lift and stiffen even more…then the cane tip moved to tap and tease the other nipple in turn.
‘P-p-pleeese…s-s-sir…d-d-don’t…don’t do that to me…p-pleeese!’ she whispered, fingers clenching and unclenching as she tried not to squirm away from the arousing torment.
‘The skirt.’
‘Pleeeese, no, Sir…I haven’t done anything…please’
‘I’ve told you…we punish lying, disobedient little girls…do as you’re told.’
Fingers fumbled with buttons and zip. Colonel Behadri flicked her fingers away with the cane. ‘No, let go, Meena…just let it fall down.’
She sobbed and tears trickled down her cheeks as she let the skirt slip down. It stuck over her hips for a moment before it fell in a puddle of material round her feet. The men stared harder, cocks hard and straining against their trousers at the sight of the near naked teenager clad only in a flimsy bra and a pair of tiny red panties. The waist string was pulled high on her hips so the sheer fabric was stretched taut over the swell of her mound and the full plump lips of her cunt. Instinctively Meena crossed her hands in front, shielding her groin.
‘swick!’ ‘swick!’
The cane flicked twice stinging across her fingers.
‘Hands, Meena, hands, remember what you were told!’
Colonel Behadri took his time, using the tip of the cane to trace across the girl’s abdomen along the dipping line of that scarlet waist string. He liked watching the way the muscles twitched and fluttered at the teasing contact. The teenager shivered again, knowing exactly where he was going to touch her next with the slim rod.
But she still reacted as the tip followed the angled line at the crease of her thigh, jerking and gasping as the thin shaft wormed between her legs, just brushing the taut fabric cupping her cunt lips. The rod bowed and Meena made another long gasping noise then babbled wildly, lifting onto tiptoe as the rod pressed the thin material up into the slit. She could feel the wetness seeping from her, soaking the thin fabric so it clung to her cunt lips like a second skin.
‘Ah-aaaah…s-s-s-sir….no, no p-p-pleeeese…aaaaaah!’
The Colonel took another long pull on his cheroot and rocked the cane up and down. ‘They’re not yours, are they?’
‘What aren’t, S-S-Sir?’
‘Don’t be stupid, Meena.’ He lifted the rod again, ‘these pretty red panties…’ The rod sawed backwards and forwards very slowly between her labia…working the material up into her slit. ‘They’re your cousin Yasmin’s really aren’t the? You just borrowed them without telling her…didn’t you?’
‘Ha-aaaaaaah…y-yes-essss…my s-step mother wouldn’t…’
‘…Wouldn’t allow you to wear something so indecent would she.’ He chuckled at her hurried breathing and the fact that the thin silky fabric was already sodden. He slid the cane from between her legs then he rubbed the end between finger and thumb. He smiled and held up his fingertips. Meena flushed even harder as she saw the slippery wetness on them. He was about to say something when one of his men pointed at the girl’s back.
‘Colonel, Sir, you may want to see this, Sir.’
Colonel Behadri circled one finger at her in an unmistakable gesture. Meena obeyed, shuffling round so her back was to the desk. The Colonel studied the girl’s narrow waist and the proud swell of her buttocks. The thin waist string and the tight red vee of fabric cutting up into the deep cleft between them framed the firm young cheeks so delightfully. Then, suddenly intent, he leaned forwards as he realised what it was the guard had seen.
There was a sheen of perspiration on the girl’s olive skin and clearly visible across each buttock and down the backs of her upper thighs were a crisscrossing series of faint, darker lines…lines that had obviously faded over time but were still quite unmistakable. The Colonel knew exactly what those marks meant. The girl had received a severe caning not too long ago.
He smiled cheerfully. Meena was not having much luck it seemed. ‘All right turn round.’ He waited for her to turn back to face him again. ‘Now the bra…take it off or…’ She hesitated until he lifted the cane and flexed it between his hands. The threat was enough to make her fumble behind her back then clutch her arms in front of her body as the catch came loose. The Colonel casually flicked the straps off her shoulders. ‘Arms down, Meena and that’s another black mark…that’s the third time I’ve had to ask you to do something.’
There were coarse comments and grunts of pleasure and anticipation from the men standing beside her as the teenager’s bra slipped down. Colonel Behadri used the tip of the cane to lift it away from her body and flick the flimsy garment onto the floor.
‘Let’s all see you properly…hands behind your head…NOW, Meena!’
The girl jumped at the sudden, snapped command. She straightened and her arms jerked up, elbows bent so she could lock her fingers behind her head. More tears trickled down her cheeks as she shivered in front of four men, naked except for the tiny red thong, with her breasts thrust out so prominently by the position of her arms. Even worse, she knew all of them could see just how hard and erect her nipples were, each one jutting upwards like a little blunt spike from the wide almost black circles capping each firm globe.
‘P-P-please, S-Sir, now you’ve searched me…please can I go no, Please, I haven’t done anything bad. P-please…it’s Yasmin you want, not me, pleeese!’ Her face burned because every time she moved her breasts bounced and jiggled enticingly…and she could hear every crude comment and suggestion the guards were making about her.
The Colonel grinned. ‘But Meena, you know you’ve been naughty…spying on your cousin, stealing her clothes, lying to me about it. Worst of all you’ve refused to do what you’re told. We always deal very firmly with naughty, disobedient girls. In a minute or two you’re be going next door with my men so they can take care of you properly, but first...’
He stood up and tapped the edge of the desk with the cane.
‘I want you to reach forwards and grip this edge of my desk with both hands.’ He tapped the top again, ‘here and here.’ Meena hesitated… ‘Stand against the side and lean forwards.’ He watched her edge forward. ‘Feet apart…that’s it…No! Keep your legs straight…no bending the knees!’ He walked round behind her then back to the side. The cane flicked her knuckles. ‘Get them apart…more…more…that’s better.’
The men made crude remarks, laughing and leering as the teenager reluctantly obeyed. With her hips pressed against the edge of the desk, feet apart and her legs taut when she leaned forwards those firm little bottom cheeks thrust out enticingly. Of course, being bent forward her breasts swung free and unprotected, jiggling and bobbing with every little movement. The Colonel held the cane across under her body.
‘Nooooo…p-p-pleese, S-s-sir!’
‘Oh yes, Meena, this comes next.’ He traced the shaft of the cane over the curves of her breasts then gently tapped it against her nipples making them rouse and harden. The teenager shuddered and trembled, tears splashing onto the cover of the file on the desk. ‘How many do you deserve do you think? Lying and disobedience… that’s at least ten strokes.’ The cane teased the erect tips of her breasts as he pretended to think, ‘or maybe twenty would make the lesson clearer?’
Without warning he removed the cane and twisted his fingers in her hair forcing her head round to the side. ‘I think you know more that you’re telling me about this American boyfriend. So we’ll start with twenty and then you can decide what else you forgot to mention.’
He paused, letting her scream, then handed the cane to one of the men. He smiled even more broadly at her horrified expression. She struggled against his clenched fingers holding her head twisted to the side eyes flicking round wildly, suddenly all too aware of the three big muscular guards who had moved closer. Colonel Behadri let her hair go and lifted her chin with one finger. ‘Oh yes, I forgot to tell you…if you stand up…or let go of the desk we’ll stop, then tie you down and start all over again…this time with more than double the number… that's another fifty strokes…so think about it, Meena,’ he shook her head from side to side, ‘think about it very hard.’ He let her head drop forwards and nodded to the guard.
‘Thwick!’ ‘Thwick!’ ‘Thwick!’ ‘Thwick!’
The first four strokes were quick and cruel, each one cut across those outthrust cheeks with the full force of the guard’s arm. Meena had no time to ride the pain, no time to adjust or prepare herself. Four bars of agony seared across her olive skin, each one a little lower until the fourth was just on the undercurve of her buttocks, that sensitive crease at the top of her thighs.
The next was just below it.
Meena arched her back, lifted her head and wailed in anguish, feet dancing up and down in a mad tattoo as the cane cut a fifth line of agony right across the tops of her thighs.
The Colonel smiled with pleasure. He always liked watching an expert at work. The man took his time. There was no hurry…waiting for the pain to build…waiting for the girl to recover…but only so she would feel the next stroke even more keenly. While the caning continued the Colonel noticed the way the girl’s fingertips and knuckles turn bone white with the pressure of gripping the wooden edge of the desk as the burning pain increased. Her arms were braced taut and quivering, holding her upper body arched back in a curve while she forced her hips as hard as she could into the other edge.
It was not just her fingers that were clenched. The other two guards were laughing and commenting because they could see how the girl was clenching her buttocks and trying to keep the big muscles of her thighs tensed in a vain attempt to ride the growing agony of the caning.
This time the screams were louder and more desperate. The girl’s jittering dance became even wilder.
Colonel Behadri lit another thin cheroot and raised a warning finger. ‘No, Meena don’t try and get up.’ He leaned over and gripped the back of the teenager’s neck. ‘In fact it’s time for you to bend over even more.’ He paused, ‘let’s see you kiss the top of the desk now…’ He pressed her head down until her lips touched the cardboard file lying on the desk. He looked down at her for a moment then flicked his fingers at the men. ‘I think she’ll need some help.’ The two of them grinned and hurried forwards knowing exactly what the Colonel wanted.
Standing on either side they each held a wrist then used their free hand to grip one of the girl’s upper arms near the shoulder. They leaned forwards together, using their own weight to pin her down flat against the desktop. Meena’s bare breasts were squashed against the stained wood and she had to turn her head to the side so her left cheek pressed hard against the cardboard cover of the file.
‘Keep your toes on the floor or else,’ warned the Colonel. He looked at the guard with the cane. ‘You can leave the panties…they’re not really covering anything and as she’s so wet she’ll feel it just as much through them anyway.’
Being bent down over the desk meant that Meena’s bottom cheeks were tensed even more tightly. The guard stroked the thin rod across the outthrust curves. The new position meant that now the rod just touched the taut pouch of scarlet silk pouting out between her thighs. The Colonel and the guard shared grins of sadistic pleasure as the cane caressed the tightly stretched fabric.
Meena didn’t realise…but was about to find out in the most painful way possible, how exposed she was. The teenager was about to feel the next few searing kisses of the cane across her labia.
She tried to rear up, whinnying in shock and agony as the rod sliced across the crease at the top of her thighs and across tender bulge of her cunt. But the men were ready, fingers digging into her flesh and forcing her down to hold her upper body still. Meena kicked and wriggled her legs and buttocks in a frantic effort to ride the burning pain of the stroke.
The guard with the cane watched intently. He’d done this many times before and knew that in a moment she would stop kicking, then take a deep, shuddering breath ready to scream again. That was the moment…just as she pressed even harder into the edge of the desk…just as the smooth scarlet pouch pouted out as she breathed in and…
The cane cut across her upper thighs only millimetres below the last one, the impact on her cunt lips enough to raise a fine spray of droplets from the damp, clinging fabric of the girl’s panties. Her scream reached a new, shriller pitch of intensity.
Now the caning was just a slow deliberate torture of the screaming teenager for the Colonel and his men’s sadistic pleasure. The guard waited between each stroke, watching the girl’s bucking, kicking frenzy and listening to the increasingly wild screams and pleas from the desktop. Then, just as she began to think it was over, the next stroke would lift her on tiptoe once more and the screams would reach another peak of agony.
‘Ah…dirty…dirty…’ the guard yelled as a thin stream trickled down Meena’s legs to form a yellowish puddle on the tiled floor
‘Swiick!’ ‘Swiick!’ ‘Swiick!’
Three rapid strokes punished the loss of control, the sound of the impacts louder and flatter against the girl’s wet flesh and the now sodden panties. The Colonel nodded in satisfaction and lifted a finger. The guard held the next stroke and stepped back. Breathing deeply he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his free hand, tapping the cane against his leg as he waited for the Colonel’s next order.
‘Stand her up.’
The other two guards dragged Meena to her feet, head hanging down with pain and exhaustion. The top of the desk where she’d been held down was patched, shiny and wet with her sweat, the cover of the cardboard file marked by dribbled saliva and tears. She hung by the arms between the two men sobbing loudly, her body still twitching and shuddering with the effects of the caning.
‘Look at me, Meena.’ He waited. ‘Meena,’ he paused, ‘do you want them to start all over again?’ She stared at the tapping cane in horror, head shaking violently.
‘Noooo…P-Pleeese…no-no-no…Pleeeese NOOO! I’ll do what you want, Sir, please, please…PLEEESE!’
‘So look at me, Meena.’ He waited for her to lift her head. ‘That was just a little reminder. A reminder that in this place we can do anything we want to you…anything, understand?’ He waited for the frantic nod from the trembling girl. ‘Now, tell me what you know about this boyfriend of your cousin’s…this American, Masters…Robert Masters I think you said his name was…’
Meena couldn’t gabble the information fast enough. All her envy at her cousin, her own desire for money and clothes and the attention of a rich American lover spilled out in a torrent. Information gathered from listening to phone calls and sneaking explorations of Yasmin’s private diaries and cell phone over the past year.
Colonel Behadri let her talk. Among all the jealousy and prying there were two things that were important. The tapes would pick up all the rest of the chatter for later. Yasmin Hamad had been seeing the American for at least a year, and the man worked at, or at least had contacts with, the US Embassy. There was one other snippet…Yasmin didn’t have a computer but on a couple of occasions Meena had seen computer memory cards in her handbag…
Finally, she stopped and the Colonel smiled at her. ‘Very good, very good indeed Meena…you have been busy looking into your cousin’s affairs haven’t you?’ He waited for her nod of agreement. ‘So now we need you to help us persuade your cousin to tell us all she knows.’ The teenager looked up, suddenly aware of the way the men were leering at her. ‘That’s right Meena, we’re going to use you as a kind of demonstration for Miss Hamad to watch.’
Meena stared as the horrifying meaning of his words sank in. Suddenly, she twisted and wrenched in fury trying to break free of the guards holding her.
But it was futile. The two of them simply twisted her arms down behind her back. There was a ‘zzzzzzt’ as the one who’d caned her slipped a plastic tie over her wrists and jerked it tight.
She continued to struggle and swear but there was no chance she could get free. They held her easily. All of them grinned as her wild attempts to escape made her tits bounce and slap together. Colonel Behadri lit another thin cheroot and waited for the outburst to subside.
‘Swearing isn’t going to stop them, it will only make things worse.’ He smiled again, ‘I would advise you to save your breath…you’ll need it’ He leaned back in the chair. ‘I have other things I must do. In a moment they are going to take you into that room next door. The one you’ve been so curious about and they’ll show you what we use that frame for. The room’s soundproof so you can make as much noise as much as you want, he paused and smiled at her, ‘the men like it when girls make a noise, they find it exciting.’
He got up and walked to the door to the corridor chuckling as he looked at the grinning thugs holding her arms, ‘and you will want to be very loud I expect. I’m going to bring dear cousin Yasmin along in about fifteen minutes so she can see what they are doing to you…just to help her memory before I talk to her about her friend Robert.’ He nodded at his men and left.
Knowing what the Colonel wanted, and time he’d given them, they started by ripping off the brief, red panties. Then they spent a few minutes pinching and probing her wriggling body for their own amusement. Thick fingers were forced into her vagina and anus while other hands pinched her nipples and slapped her breasts and those already sore, caned buttocks.
Each of them was at least a head taller than the girl and twice as heavy. Their muscular bodies smelled of sweat and the sharp tang of arousal and semen, their black and brown skins shiny and gleaming with perspiration. They told Meena crudely how they were going to hurt her and fuck her and that she was going to have to take them in her mouth, cunt and anus until all of them were fully satisfied.
She screamed and swore back at them until they lost patience. Then they held her still and one of them dug his fingers into the points of her jaw. She tried clenching her teeth but the pain was agonising and she couldn’t stop her jaws opening wide. Her screams turned to gasps then into nothing more than wet, slobbering noises as the wide ring gag was forced into position behind her front teeth. The webbing straps were jerked tight, distorting her cheeks and forcing the corners of her mouth into a rictus grin before being clicked shut behind her head.
Gagged and naked the teenager was thrown forwards over the narrow padded top of the frame. It didn’t move and she realised that the whole thing was bolted to the floor. Her thighs were forced apart and straps clamped her knees against the splayed metal legs of the frame. One final strap slapped across the small of her back and she was bent forwards so saliva bubbled and drooled onto the floor as the buckle was cinched tight. She could wriggle and flex her head and torso. She could even lift her bound arms behind her and wriggle her fingers and her feet…but effectively she was helpless.
One of the men stripped off his tee shirt. He was the one who’d caned her a few minutes earlier. He flexed his stomach muscles and grinned at the teenager’s obvious mixture of terror and arousal as he slowly shucked off his trousers and pants and thrust his hips forwards until her nose almost touched the thick up curving tusk of his penis.
He leaned forward, gripped a handful of her hair with one hand and peeled his foreskin back so she could see the dark purple head, wet and gleaming with pre-cum and the edge of white cream under the rim. He took his time, twisting his hand to move her head into the position he wanted before holding her so he could push the swollen head of his cock through the plastic circle into her mouth.
He stood still, hips forward enjoying the sensations. Meena’s tongue wriggled and flicked around the glans and under the sensitive rim as she tried to draw breath without choking. The guard waited a moment then gave a tiny nod to the others. One of them reached up between the girl’s legs and pinched her clit hard between forefinger and thumb.
Meena screamed and lunged forwards against the straps holding her across the stool. Her screams turned into a drooling gobbling noise as she impaled herself. The guard’s eight-inch cock slid over her tongue and down her throat until her nose and lips were pressed into the stinking bush of tightly curled pubic hair, his balls touching her chin.
She struggled, her body jerking and bucking as she tried to both close her legs and breathe. He held her in position, grinning and laughing as he felt the muscles of her throat flexing and tensing around the shaft of his cock buried in that hot, wet sheath with each new pinching torment of her clit. He let her struggle for over half a minute before sliding his cock out until only the head was inside the ring.
He grinned down while she gasped and drooled and stared back, eyes wide, her face smeared with a shiny film of tears, precum and saliva. He grasped a handful of hair with each hand, licked his lips with anticipation and arched his hips so the thick, slippery shaft slid down her throat again. This time he didn’t stand motionless but rocked back and forward, sliding his cock in and out in a slow, deliberate fucking.
Meena was managing to overcome the gag reflex, learning very quickly to grab a breath each time he drew back. She couldn’t see that the two other guards had also stripped of their clothes intent on their own pleasure. Then she felt the head of another cock nuzzling the opening to her anus.
This time the guard’s penis wasn’t as long, barely seven inches, but was almost twice as thick, behind the head the shaft tapered out so it was more like a long blunt spike. She tried to cry out but gobbled in pain as his cock stretched her anal ring almost to splitting point when he forced himself deep into her rectum. Her noise was lost in the men’s cruel laughter as they both rammed forwards together so she was impaled from both ends.
Now they worked her together, fucking her throat and anus in a remorseless driving rhythm that gave her no chance to resist or fight back against the double rape. Meena loved being fucked usually but this was something horrible beyond her experience. She squirmed and heaved between them, her bound hands twitching, fingers stretching and clenching as she fought to take a breath and cope with overload of sensations as two big men slammed into her body and face again and again.
It took five minutes of torment before the two men began to grunt and swear as they reached their climaxes. The man fucking her anus was quickest. He grabbed her bound wrists and pounded into her, thighs slapping against the raised weals covering her bottom with a series of sharp smacks as he tried to drive his cock even deeper through the tight ring gripping his cock. Then he yelled out, straining as his body arched into Meena’s buttocks. Finally, he jerked hard, once, twice and a third time as he spurted inside her.
That was enough to bring the other guard over the edge too. This time he let her hair go with one hand, slid his cock back until it was just between her lips and wanked the shaft furiously. As the jets of cum squirted across her face he rubbed the slippery head across her cheeks and tightly closed eyes then slid the head inside her mouth once again. ‘That’s it girlie…lick it all over…fuck…yes…that’s good…yesss.’
They all watched as she obeyed, her body still trembling and shaking from the pounding. They all knew about the teenager’s own growing arousal too. They laughed when he pulled his cock out and they saw her pink tongue probing out through the black ring to catch the last few strings of semen and saliva. Enjoying the moment, the third of the guards moved behind her, fist holding the long up-curved shaft of his cock as he hurried to take his turn.
Meena gave a high bubbling wail of denial mixed with pleasure as she felt this cock sliding deep into her now well-lubricated cunt. The other two were not content with raping her, the wanted to hurt her too. She squealed and slobbered even more loudly and desperately when they reached under her body to grope and squeeze her dangling breasts.
They laughed at the extra violent struggles and noises she made when they pinched and twisted her nipples. The last man enjoyed the girl’s reactions too. He continued his slow deliberate fucking because every spasm squeezed and milked his cock wonderfully. Meena was panting hard, thick dribbles of saliva and semen drooling from the plastic circle wedging her mouth open as she tried to ride their cruel treatment of her breasts. What was even worse was her growing excitement at being fucked so hard and so long while tied down. Even the horrible burning agony in her bottom and the throbbing pain of her swollen and caned cunt lips was turning into another kind of heat as she responded unwillingly to the stimulation she was being forced to endure.
‘Gooool…hah…pleeegh…gloh….ha-AAH…PLEEEEG…GLO! PLEEEG!’
‘I think she like you, Yusef!’
The guard fucking her was only intent on his own pleasure. A few more hard pounding minutes then he shouted, ‘Yesssss…Oh fuuuuck yess that’s tight!’ as the teenager’s muscles again clamped round his cock like a wet vice. He grabbed her arms for leverage so he could ram his cock even deeper with a series of fierce jabbing thrusts. Finally, the stimulation was too much and he grunted and swore loudly as he came, spurting deep inside the teenager’s vagina.
Pulling free he milked the last few drops from his cock then deliberately slapped the wet slippery shaft across the ridged weals lacing her bottom. Meena drooled and jerked and bubbled with a mixture of pain and frustration as she was left alone and unsatisfied. The man joined the other two casually pulling on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. The three of them stood chatting and seeming to ignore the naked teenager.
There was coarse laughter when the one who’d caned her walked over to a small table in the corner of the room. At first Meena thought he’d picked up a short black stick. Her head threshed wildly from side to side and she jerked and strained against her bonds when he pointed it at her and she saw the bulbous end with the two protruding brass prongs. He pressed a switch in the handle and a blue-white arc fizzed and crackled between the electrodes.
‘Now we get you ready for the Colonel,’ the man said.
He put the cattle prod down where she could see it and flicked his fingers to the others. First, they undid the waist strap and pulled her upright. One of them tied a rope through the tie cinching her arms together and flipped it over a hook in the ceiling. The other two prepared the frame. The padded top came off to leave just two parallel chrome tubes running from front to back and some eighteen inches apart. Then they unstrapped Meena’s knees from the back legs of the stool frame and lifted her forwards until she was perched straddling the tubes. To hold her there they simply used a pair of cuffs to clip her ankles together under the lower sidebars of the stool frame.
At a signal from the man with the cattle prod, the rope was slowly pulled taught lifting Meena’s arms almost vertically up behind her back and forcing her to bend forward from the waist. Meena wailed and dribbled even more when they clipped the ankle chain to a ringbolt set into the floor under the stool so she couldn’t shift her position and was forced to sit wide astride the bars. With her legs secure they fiddled with the rope holding her arms up, positioning her body just as they, and more important the Colonel, wanted.
Finally they were satisfied and the man in charge grinned at her and picked up the cattle prod again. Meena now faced the door that opened onto the corridor. Anyone coming in would see the naked teenager riding the metal frame with her thighs straddled wide apart over the bars and her upper body bowed forwards by the rope and cruel strappado of her arms leaving her breasts swaying free and totally unprotected.
He picked up a tube of gel and tossed it to the others. ‘Get her tits and cunt well coated, the Colonel notices things like that.’ The other two smiled and squeezed thick gobs of the conductive gel onto their fingers. One rubbed his fingers together then reached under Meena’s torso to work the gel into her breasts, concentrating on the nipples. He pinched and tweaked the tips until they were stiff and gleaming with a coating of conducting lube.
The other guard slid his right hand into the open cleft of the teenager’s bottom cheeks. There was a sudden clatter from her ankle chain as he pushed his thumb through the swollen ring of her anus. She bucked and reared, spraying droplets of saliva from the wide O of her mouth as she threshed about trying to stop the crude impalement. They all watched, grinning at her antics as he worked his thumb in and out with a wet sucking noise. Then he curved the rest of his hand into the wet slit of her cunt and speared two fingers up into her vagina. Bracing his other hand on the girl’s back, he worked his right hand in and out, fucking both holes at once as she jerked and gobbled at being both hurt and stimulated by the twin invasion.
‘Okay, that’s enough,’ the big man said. He held the prod in front of her face. ‘Know what this is, girlie?’
Meena shook her head madly; she didn’t want to know what the horrible thing was.
‘This is for making cows do what they’re told…works on the ladies too…see all I do is touch you with these two little prongs here.’ He touched the end against her arm and Meena flinched and twisted her head round so she could see where the brass prongs pressed into her skin. ‘Then I press the switch…’
Her whole body jerked violently and she shuddered and trembled, her chest heaving from the shock. Her head threshed from side to side in terror as the three of them watched her. She flopped down, hanging slumped from her arms as he released the switch.
‘See what I mean…all it takes is a few little touches and you’ll do anything we say.’ He smiled sadistically, ‘course there’s lots of better places we can use this little toy…bet you can think of some right now.’ He traced the end of the prod down her back and then along her flank to the delicate hollow of her exposed underarm, ‘Here fr’instance’. The brass prongs touched her skin and his finger pressed the switch again for a brief second.
The current was only on for a second but this time her whole body convulsed with the shock. Her feet kicked wildly against the cuffs and she reared up and forwards, thighs shivering with strain against the bars. He grinned as he lifted the prod clear and watched the girl slump down again whimpering and sobbing with her breath racing as though she’d just run a sprint.
He was amusing the guards by running the brass prongs over her gel-coated breasts when he heard noises in the corridor. He smiled, ‘I think it’s time for your performance, girlie.’
To be continued
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