Maid To Order!
TJ Ryder
It was a strange year, Patrick, aka Patty mused as he
sat in study hall in the last period at school. Just a year ago
he had gotten in trouble over that mistaken stolen car beef, his
second offense as a juvenile, and instead of the usual spanking
or caning from his single parent mother, which most of the time
he found erotic, he was given the dreaded Choice!
Unfortunately lots of bad boys who had the right genetics
in this province were given the Choice, and he had to admit he had
in spades! Slim, fair skinned, average height, so much like
his beautiful mother. Now that he was legal age and fully grown,
he had the choice between a grim reform school with real tough
males or being 'reborn'!
His beautiful mother had informed him of the court's decision
when he came home from baseball practice. He groaned at the
sight of the opened legal document on the bureau by the back door.
He walked with trepidation out to the kitchen where he saw her
beautiful bottom slightly bent over the sink.
"Is that you, darling?"
"Yes mom, um, I saw that court envelope!"
"Yes, wait till I dry my hands, honey!"
"I guess I'm going to really get it now then?" he asked
a little fearfully as he looked at the dreaded cane laying over
a chair.
She turned around, her big breasts distracting him, and noticed
his look and smiled as she shook her head. "I'm afraid it's a little
more serious than that dear!"
She led him by the hand to the living room and made him sit
next to her on the couch.
"Well, the good news, if there is any, dear, is we can protest
this judgment with a good chance of success. But it will cost us money
that we really don't have. We'll have to sell the beach house that you
love. You won't be able to get a car this year and no vacations
for the next couple, plus your allowance will be cut!"
The harsh facts struck home, he had been saving for his own
beater for a year now. All that money gone! She patted his hand
when she saw his expression.
"Oh, I didn't think it was, well...that bad!" he said finally.
"I am so sorry for screwing up, mom!"
"I know you are darling. And I'd be willing to sacrifice this for you
on the chance you don't misbehave again if you were different. In fact
if you were like your older sister Tiffanny in personality, there would
be no question of it. That's why she and I never got along too well.
It's so much easier now that she moved out with just the two of us.
We can chat as friends now, because we are both dominant personalities.
You, dear, well, I'm very pleased with the way you are now!"
"Um, thank you, mother!" he said a little uncertainly. "B-but, what
will I do about this judgment then?"
"Oh, don't worry, sweetie. Iv'e already taken some preliminary steps!"
"Um, steps!"
"Yes dear, have you noticed a difference in the way you feel lately?"
He was always stirred by her nearness, and the warmth of her thigh next
to his and the slight cleavage in her blouse, as it sometimes brushed against his arm, was giving him a rock hardon.
"Iv'e been, well, kind of, um, anxious!" He confessed.
"Of course you have, Iv'e begun the first hormone treatment in your food!"
He gasped at that, knowing he was getting boners all the time, even more
than usual.
"Yes," she smiled as she saw him look down at his crotch. "Even though you will grow functional breasts, I altered the recipe so it not only preserves your genitals, but actually increases the penis size and sperm content, so your testicles will be swelling as well!"
"OOOh, that's why...!"
"Yes dear," she chuckled, "you will need constant monitoring and correction or you will be masturbating yourself senseless!"
"Ooohnhh," he groaned, and then he remembered what she said just then.
"Mother, did you say, 'functional' breasts?"
"Oh yes, dear, you will be able to breast feed. I am looking forward
to it immensely. You remember my feeding you don't you?" He was embarassed
to admit she did it until he was almost five. She might still be doing it
but a doctor informed her he might have complications in adolescence!"
He blushed, "yes mother! I remember!"
"Remember how upset you were when I stopped? Well, it just broke my heart!"
He looked down, feeling ashamed. "Yes, well,...!"
"Don't be ashamed, darling! It was just as hard on me. But the good news
is we can do that again. In fact it's very common with Mothers and their new
Gyrls! In fact I induced lactation last week. It's just beginning to come
down but soon I will be a major part of your diet once again!"
He gaped down at her buxom cleavage, noting she didn't wear a bra usually but she did wear one today! He felt uncomfortable as his penis swelled.
"You mean, you,...and I....I can ....?"
"Yes dear," she smiled, seeing his look and the bulge in his
shorts. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse, teasing him, and slipped it down
along with the bra, and he noticed both nipples were bigger and more distended and there were dark spots in the bra and milky droplets on each nipple! He licked his lips hungrily.
"You mean I can...?"
"Yes dear, soon! But rewards like breast feeding must be balanced
with regular correction, as I mentioned. Of course for a submissive like
you it's not as much as a punishment as for a dominant. Remember the first
time I spanked Tiffanny when she shoplifted. She didn't like it much did she?"
"Oh no," he laughed, "she almost ran away!"
"Yes, darling, she's not like you! You always enjoyed it almost as much
as I did punishing you! I had hoped after a good spanking she would have
a soaking wet pussy like your drooling erection, but that wasn't her!"
She laughed, "If grandma were here she'd tell you when I was spanked
as a child I didn't like it either! But I loved helping mom spank my
little brother! Poor Peter didn't turn out well though, and I think this
Program would have been a better path for him!"
"I, I didn't know that, mom!"
"I know, I'm telling you stuff to help you understand and accept
things. From now on your'e going to be my own personal maid, because
soon you won't look like a schoolboy any more. You will have to understand
what a maid does, how a girl acts. Don't worry, The Program has a special
school for you to attend so you won't feel out of place!"
"B-but my friends..!"
"I'm afraid your friends will not accept you, especially during the
transformation. After that they might find you interesting as a gyrl!"
"Um, oh, mother, I just don't know!"
"Well, you don't have to make up your mind right now darling. I know
by your look and the feel of that bulge in your lap you want me to feed you!"
He groaned, he was trapped. He nodded, his face red. She patted his
"Don't expect too much milk, I'm just beginning. The more you suck
the more milk I make!"
"Of course, and you know your'e going to be disciplined. I think we'll
do that first. Oh, first, take off all your clothes and hang them neatly
over the chair! And then go out to the kitchen and bring back the cane,
and oh yes, the paddle and strap as well!" He gasped, as he stood up
and unbuttoned his belt!
When he returned from the kitchen on bare feet with the familiar instruments, his erection still rampant, he groaned at his mother, who now wore only heeled sandals and bikini panties, her perfect breasts swaying as she thanked him and took the paddle first. He laid across her bare thighs
with his erection and testicles dangling between her legs.
6 months later!
Patty was busy folding the laundry after 'she' came home
from the new school when his mom, now "Madame" came in from
shopping. Wearing the latest preferred uniform, which was
a lacy, see-through, low-cut apron over her 40 d cup breasts,
tiny lace thong panties with testicle pouches built in, nylons and
high heels and finally a lacy maid cap, he quickly went into the
living room where Madame was already reclining on her favorite chair.
"Good afternoon, Madame!" he said with a slight curtsy and
His mother was leaning back with her shapely legs crossed
and smiled up at him, "hello dear! How was school today?"
"Very instructive madame! I brought your photo in with me and
they showed me how to put on makeup so I looked just like you as
you instructed!"
"Almost, but that's good. Pretty soon when I see you it will
be just like looking in a mirror! Next week when you have facial surgery
to match the little scar on my chin I got in a riding accident at
fifteen, I think we'll be finished for a while, at least on the
appearance part. How is the other part going? Oh, wait, tell me
while I massage my feet!"
"Yes madame," she said, slipping off the few articles of
clothing and removing his high heels, and then lying down naked
in front of her chair. Then he reached up and removed each of his
mother's high heels, and taking each foot, laid back with each
foot in his hand onto the carpet, the sole of each of his mother's foot on
one cheek, breathing in the scent. Madame then moved her feet
to rest on his firm breasts, kneading her toes with her long sharp
toenails, occasionally moving them over the nude body and pressing
down, making him gasp, especially when she pressed his erection
and inflated testicles. Patty moved his arms out to the side, obediently exposing himself helplessly as she had instructed him, hands
grasping the carpet fbers as he winced and writhed with pain! This was
a ritual that his mother performed most nights when she returned from
shopping or her work as a high priced escort, and her feet hurt. His body was much more feminine now, not lean and muscular like a boy's, but
soft and pliable like his mother's, except for the remaining male genitalia. Sometimes when a foot was near his lips, he arched his lips up to kiss it, and sometimes, lick between the toes. Finally after he had sucked and licked between each toe, Madame rested her feet on his belly.
"And your behavior studies, today, Prissy?" (her mother's name for her when she was on maid's duty.)
"Oh, um, yes madame. Mz Hazel took three of us to Gardbrook Penitentiary
again for the Surrogate Sex Program today! Tomorrow wer'e going to serve the boys on the football program at Martin Luthor King High!"
"Oh yes, (chuckle) I know them well. And how did you do this time?"
"Mz Hazel said I was making good progress, madame! I blew four big black men to completion without spilling any this time, and received two large black cocks and spermloads in my bottom. Mz Hazel inspected and felt my anus was getting too puffy and would start bleeding if I did another
so I slipped a butt plug in and sat in the visitors area until the other two
gyrls were finished!"
"Hmmm, only two; well, I suppose that's some improvement!"
"Mz Hazel says I'm still a little tight but I will definitely be ready for escort service by the end of the term!"
"Very good, I need you to start making some money for mother, dear! What
else did you do, today? Your'e not still carrying that buttload of negroe sperm are you?"
He smiled, "Oh no, madame, that was hours ago. Mz Lydia made us suckswap when we returned to the school!"
"Hmmm, how did that work with an odd number of you?"
"Oh, Mz Hazel made me suck the other two clean because I hadn't
completed my butt service today!"
"Hmm, who sucked your buttload out, someone I know?"
"Richard, he used to be in junior high with me, he's Ricki now!"
"Oh yes, I always thought he would make a good girl! So, that's 5
negroe spermloads today. Were they heavy as usual?"
"Yes madame, per your instructions, Mz Hazel chose heavy cummers!"
"That should add an interesting flavor to your milk later! You didn't cum, did you?" She asked with a slightly accusatory tone at the same time pressing her bare foot on his erection, and digging around the swollen balls, making him moan and writhe.
"No, um, ahhh, uuuuummm, I was erect and drooling, but, oh yes, that was another thing. Mz Hazel said in her written report I was drooling heavy
on the second penetration and would undoubtedly have sprayed if I took a third cock!"
"Well," she smiled, "if your'e going to be a good slut for black cock
I suppose that's normal! I always cum when getting a good prostate massage myself!" she laughed. She stretched and twisted in the chair in a certain way that made him lick his lips, and she caught his look and smiled.
"No dear, no time for discipline now, wer'e going out with some of
the other mothers and their new daughters to the Opera tonight. But I think we'll come up with something later. But now my breasts are already spotting
and you feel tight too! OOh, I can feel some warm liquid on my toes!"
"Should I lick it clean, madame?" he sighed, panting, erect, drippig from his swollen cock and both breasts now!
"No, dear, I did have a client this afternoon and, (sigh)" she leaned back and lifted up her short skirt, displaying panties over a double plug,
holding in a leaking butt and cunt plug! I know how much you like used negroe sperm, dear!" she chuckled.
"Oh yes, madame!" he knelt and assisted his mother in removing the plug as she edged over the chair, spreading her smooth thighs around his face.
"Try not to spill any this time, Prissy! You will be punished extra for that!"
His face almost in her swollen snatch and distended angry red anus with white clumps beginning to run out, he was glad she couldn't see him smile.
He was getting punished anyway. After this he wondered if he would be sucked off before they exchanged their milk but he doubted it. That almost always came after his daily discipline. Even as his mother guided the back of his head on his maid's cap into her drooling pussy, as he began lapping up the acrid mixture, he knew his erect penis was drooling on the leather chair.
"Lick my pussy enough to keep it all from running out, and then do my back!"
"Mmmm, slurp, yes, gulp, mmm, gulp, madame!"
He preferred taking creampies from her puffy anus because the sperm was mostly unmixed, and his mother always made him clean her anus before finishing her swollen pussy because her last cum came when she climaxed on his gulping worshipping tongue and orgasmed into his eager mouth.
Gasp, panting and redfaced, grinding his raw face into her pussy, she groaned with pleasure and leaned back, letting go of his ears that she had
been twisting, and he fell back, his face also raw, red, cum streaked
as he licked his lips. His cock was drooling so much he would have thought before he started the program he had creamed. But his balls were still full and tight. He had become an expert pussylapper, she thought, better than any dyke she had met. She had a multiorgasmic explosion in his mouth and talented tongue. She felt she should reward him on one hand. She knew he
was leaning back hoping she would. The poor thing had his cock swollen and balls unrelieved now for three days. But in any case, she was famished now
and eager for the main course.
Taking his hand she led him to the couch, where he removed her top and they began drinking from each other's breasts, taking turns, taking breaks, she was actually feeling horney by the time they were finished, and he was panting, poor thing, aching and almost sobbing for relief. After showering, he made an effort not to beg and cry when he saw the chastity belt in her hand and the smile on her face.
Fed, bathed, perfumed and hair brushed, they helped each dress in
daring evening gowns for tonight's opera event.
It was at this period he was uncertain how to address his mother. Breastfeeding was almost always followed by the intimacy of helping
her bathe and dress, and then it would seen normal to call her 'mother'
but he needed a clue first. So he continued to address her as 'madame!'
Wearing identical low cut gowns, one light green, one pink,
she had him stand besides her in front of the mirror holding hands.
In the light, they did look identical. If Patty removed the folds
from the front of his skirt a definite bulge could be seen, but as it
was, identical.
"Are we ready, madame?"
"Almost, just a couple more little changes, dear!" She cuffed his hands
behind his back, as he wondered what she was up to; then she slipped a wrap over the bare shoulders, disguising the fact his hands were locked in back, and had him open his mouth, whereupon she added a ballgag. She smiled at his questioning eyes as she locked it in place with the strap around the back of his head.
She smiled, "don't worry dear, nobody will notice when Iv'e finished!"
His eyes watched her go to a bureau and come back with a ladies hat with
a veil attached. Slipping it on, letting it drape down to his chin, she
turned him and looked at themselves in the mirror again.
"There, see, nobody will notice!" She chuckled, "I know your'e
wondering what this is about, but I do like public bondage at times, and
even though this event is obligatory, I just hate operas. Many of the
mothers feel the same way, so a few of us like to have something else to
do while we sit there!" His brow furrowed as he tried to comprehend.
In the opera seat, after introductions were made, except for the fact
that Patty couldn't speak which was was tacitly accepted with little smirks
by the other knowing mothers, Patty was already feeling a little uncomfortable with his wrists in back, his big breasts arched out, his cleavage almost to his thick nipples if the wrap didn't cover them, and his
mother's soft hand on his inner thigh, on his bulge, over his tight swollen unrelieved testicles.
"I can feel you trying to shift, dear!" she said in a low voice unheard by anyone else. "I know it's awkward but I will undo your wrists at the Intermission! Besides, in a little while I think you'll have other things to distract you!"
He turned and looked at his mother through the veil, and saw that certain smile.
"Yes honey! You know, waiting for the orchestra to begin, this is a convenient time to tell you a few things without interruption! I have told you already that I'm planning on you joining me as a high priced escort mostly for the new, young, black millionaires working at Blackstar Escorts!
Yes? Good! And I know it's only natural for you to think of me as your mother, which is a very close relationship." Looking at his questioning
eyes behind the veil, she patted his thigh.
"But actually, wer'e even closer than that! You are actually me! I admit I am a very vain, narcissistic and sadistic person, darling. My secret fantasy growing up was to have a twin sister who would be my complete slave.
And if I ever got sick I could use her for spare parts. Oh, (smile) I see you still don't quite understand. You are a clone, of me, except I had the switch flipped from female to male. Also some changes in your brain making you a beta instead of an alpha, setting your submissive nature in place.
I couldn't tell until you began to grow up, that's what the special school is for. Dear, do you know that you have no legal rights at all if that were to come out. You are actually my property now, not human, not animal, a product I paid for! Now, now, don't get upset! I still love you, as my own submissive twin, someone I could always do anything I wanted to with. Besides, if you didn't develop the way I wanted, well, I'd have let you go on with wherever you wanted your life to lead, without telling you this.
But of course, you want to be my slave, don't you, dear?"
His eyes were wide, and he hesitated a second, then swallowed, nodding! She smiled and squeezed his testicles again.
"I knew you'd say that, dear, you have no choice! You are programmed this way, just for my pleasure! Now, I know we had no chance to do any discipline for a while and we both need it soo much and the orchestra is going to start soon, so we have to get ready!"
He watched her take two pairs of cuffs from her purse and lean across
his lap.
"Spread your legs for me like a good boy, dear!" Obediently doing so,
he wondered for a second if he could resist her even if he wanted to,
despite what she said to him! He heard a click and looking down, he
felt his right ankle locked to a bracket underneath his seat. Then she did
the same thing to his left ankle. Now he was sitting there with is legs
spread. The lights beginning to dim, she undid his panties and removed his
chastity belt, then took a sheer pink sweater she had used for a wrap and
put it over his now naked lap, his full balls and swollen penis obscenely
on the leather cushioned theater seat.
She smiled at me, licking her lips in anticipation now, as he watched her
open her purse again, and he gasped into his gag. A right-handed leather glove with sharp points all over the inside of the fingers and palm! She heard the gasp and giggled, and whispered in his ear.
"Yes dear, this is going to be very painful for you, indeed! Isn't this
a lovely idea though? Wer'e in this huge hall, people all around us in
the dark, all the noise from the stage, but they won't notice us, even if
you squirm and writhe and gasp like I will be making you do. Even if I sigh with pleasure and no doubt squeal with delight and cream all over my seat.
We will be on our own little world, like we will be all our lives! Do you have any questions before I begin, dear? Oh? The intermission? (giggle)
How long? Oh, the program said it's only two hours away!" She feasted on the expression of his face, before it changed as she put her gloved hand in his lap, under the sweater. Despite the fear, she caressed him at first, feeling him throb in her small leather encased hand, and taking a deep breath, timing it to the opening chords, she began to squeeze. Nobody on either side or in back noticed the squirming and bobbing and twisting of the woman's head and shoulders as their eyes were focussed on the opera!
Continued at sissytrain.com/
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