Chapter 14
For Dominique the time spent with #468 was a welcome respite away from having to deal with the increasingly difficult situation she faced with her sister. She had already made the decision to obey the Mistress and force Susan into slavery. Now the real challenge would be what was the best way of proceeding while causing Susan the minimum amount of pain. Clearly these “soft glove” measures were not something that she had previously had to concern herself with. So Dominique decided that she would try and make as few trips as possible to see Susan in her cell, to avoid her own guilt mostly but also to have to explain her actions to someone that could never understand the reason why.
The young girl would never be able to comprehend Dominique’s thought process anyway and each visit would be harder psychologically on the older sister. She decided it was best to let Madam Hardings, who was far more skilled in these matters anyway, deal with Susan. It was been a cowardly for her to hide behind masks and other methods of concealment, but it was easier nonetheless to hide her true identity for as long as possible. For now Dominique would concentrate on her other duties and deal with Susan only during the daily torturing sessions.
For the time being at least, Susan was not the focus of Madam Hardings’ attention. The matronly older women had more pressing concerns with their other new teenage captive. Missy had been brought here completely by chance and ultimately her own misfortune. Had her original plans not changed, and had she not hitched a ride back to Utah with Susan, she would have been a free woman right now. Sadly for her though that was not the case. This unexpected visitor had forced a number of changes in the typical routine for new “guests” at Stonebriar. Normally when a new girl was brought in for processing an impressive dossier of personal information came with her.
This information included any relevant factual details about a girl’s life that could be gathered and may later be important during the training process. Pictures and videotapes of the subject were the most obvious things gathered during a girl’s surveillance. But other important details such as clothing size, weight, eating habits, etc. was also deemed to be relevant. Of even higher importance was sexually activity; how many sexual relationships did these girls have and with whom? This was the kind of information that was only possible to obtain through the use of highly trained professionals. People that had the skills to break into homes and apartments unnoticed and plant listening devices, bugs, cameras and other eavesdropping devices. For most of the girls that ended up at Stonebriar, a 2-3 week intensive 24 hour “shadowing” was common before they were actually abducted. This provided the staff with enough relevant details to assist in not only the submission and training process, but also more importantly to prepare a “Bio Sheet” that would be passed out to the buyers at the auction.
In the case of Missy however very little was know about her prior to the abduction and Natasha had tasked Madam Hardings with filling in the blanks. Madam Hardings knew only that Missy and Susan had been friends for years and based on the audiotape that Natasha had her listen to, it was clear that at the very least Missy had some lesbian tendencies, which was certainly not at all a bad thing.
At a place like Stonebriar, information extraction, no matter how difficult the subject was a relatively easy process. Certainly there were no legal issues to be concerned with; it was simply a matter of figuring out the most effective and time efficient method to get whatever relevant details were needed. For the task of interrogating Missy, for lack of a better word, Natasha had personally asked Madam Hardings to conduct the procedure. Generally the matronly older woman was someone who abhorred viewing, let alone participating in the most intense tortures that went on around her every day. There was no doubt that she was well aware of what took place there and more importantly why it had to take place, yet she chose to ignore the brutality it and concentrate on the end results.
Her easygoing nature however made her an absolutely ideal fit for this task and more generally for her overall position at Stonebriar. Previously she had spent 20 years as a librarian at a private all girls’ boarding school. Her relaxed and calm demeanor, friendly smile and most of all her excellent listening skills had made her a favorite of both staff and slave girl alike. It was the rare person indeed that could convince a girl to surrender herself to a life of sexual slavery and still come off sounding like someone who truly cared about what was in the best interest of the girl. Madam Hardings was indeed just such a person.
In rare cases though, particularly when dealing with extremely shy or nervous young girls, Patricia was brought in to act as the lead in the all-important debriefing session. With Missy, because of her tender age of just 17, she wanted to proceed very cautiously. She had already built up some trust with her two nights in Missy’s cell and she did not want to throw it away during this process.
To make her young subject more at ease, Missy was taken from her cell after the wall separating her and Susan had been lowered. This helped to prevent any screaming or crying that tended to occur when one girl was taken somewhere in the compound and the other was not. Madam Hardings was clear to the guards to use extra care when moving Missy, to try to reduce her apprehension. The trio of guards took her down one flight of steps to a special room where an odd looking steel chair rested next to a large wooden table. On the table rested some peculiar looking equipment with a host of wires connected to it.
Madam Hardings fidgeted with the equipment and seemingly paid no attention to the entry of the three guards and their captive. Missy was completely disrobed of her meager clothing, including her chastity belt and forced down into the heavy steel chair. The cold chair gave her goose bumps all over her body. There her arms and legs were strapped securely in place. A short chain was connected to her slave collar and the back of the chair to further immobilize her head. Once securely in place, the Madam began to speak.
“Hello #474, I realize how scared you are, but I want you to try and relax. As long as you are completely honest with me you have nothing to fear, I promise you. OK?”
“OK”, Missy replied nervously.
“Good, this isn’t going to be anything like what happens with Commandant Teresa. I brought you here #474 because we want to learn all about you. As you know, it was purely an accident that you ended up here. Most girls that are brought to Stonebriar come with extensive background files, but with you we know almost nothing, and truthfully we want to know much more about you.”
“Why do you want to know anything about me?” Missy asked nervously.
“Well, that is a very good question and one that deserves a straightforward answer. If you are going to tell me the truth it is important that I do the same. Don’t you think?”
Missy nodded.
“Good, the truth is #474 what you tell me today will aid us when it is time to sell you in a few months. The woman that purchases you will want to know something about you. You will likely be sold for a good deal of money and your new owner has a right to know about the merchandise they are acquiring.”
“Fuck you!” Missy replied curtly, “I am not going to tell you shit. I am not going to help you.”
A disappointed, but not surprised, Madam Hardings didn’t respond, she went about her business. She said nothing as she placed a series of electrical monitors on Missy’s chest, fingertips and forehead. Next she added a pair of tight nipple clips to Missy’s perky breasts.
“And those are a reminder that a proper attitude yields rewards while an improper one yields punishment. Please remember #474, I get no pleasure from punishing you. I am only here to help you; you can help me by answering my questions quickly and accurately.”
Patricia pressed a button under the table and shortly thereafter another woman entered the room.
“Allow me to introduce you to (Madam) Anzelha Andreev. She performs a very crucial role here at Stonebriar #474. She is our resident expert in information gathering. She spent many years in Russia perfecting her craft and this equipment is designed to do one thing and one thing only, detect lies and untruthful statements. Do you think you can tell the truth for me #474?”
Missy looked first at the older Russian women, who had a stern but otherwise blank expression on her face, and then at the normally happy Madam Hardings, now wishing that she hadn’t said what she did a few moments ago. She meekly nodded in agreement.
“Good, very good, #474, I assure you, as long as you tell us the truth you have nothing to fear, but if Madam Anzelha tells me otherwise then this is what will happen.”
The Russian woman turned a switch on her control board and a small panel on the steel chair slid open between Missy’s legs. A quiet whirring motion preceded a small metallic device emerging from the dark recesses of the chair. One Missy got a better look she saw an inverted triangular shaped stainless steel plate about 4 inches across the top and four inches long that ended in a sharp point at the bottom. Missy took a deep breath, not knowing what to expect next.
“I am now going to ask you a series of questions.” Madam Hardings continued. As long as I don’t see a signal from my counterpart that you have answered anything falsely then we can continue and hopefully return you to your cell without incident. If however you lie to me #474, even if just a little bit, then Madam Anzelha will push this button and this device will move forward, pressing itself firmly into your neatly shaved and soft little pussy. Do you want to know what it does?”
“I’d rather not”, the sarcastic little bitch answered.
“I didn’t think so; well I am going to show you anyway so you get a better understanding of the price of deception.”
Patricia poured a small amount of water from a glass on the table onto the unit. It froze instantly, leaving some shiny ice crystals on the front of the plate.
“This is a very simple yet effective little device. We call it the “Arctic Triangle” for obvious reasons. We have found that extremely cold temperatures, applied to a girl’s most private area, produce a level of discomfort so intense that nearly anything will be done to end the pain. Madam Anzelha has used this tool on women far older and far more motivated then you to get information from them. We are talking about female business executives, scientists, politicians, spies and others with important secrets, women that had something to hide and would do anything to keep hidden. All eventually broke down and answered truthfully whatever questions they were asked. You will tell me the truth now, won’t you #474?”
Missy was getting frightened now and her anxiety was obvious, as she whispered “yes” to her captors.
“Good my dear, because the first time you lie to me this unit will slide forward and press into your cunt for 15 seconds. Believe me when I tell you it will feel like 15 minutes because it is kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The second time we will double the duration, and the time after that will double again, and it keeps doubling again and again and again if you are unable to tell me the truth. The device produces 1200 pounds of force and cannot be pulled back once activated, even if we want to, so it is important you are honest with me at all times. You will tell me the truth, won’t you #474?”
Missy nodded again, this time paralyzed with fear.
They were ready to begin now. Both of the older women were quite certain that the smart-ass 17-year-old girl wasn’t going to give them any problems.
The beginning questions were all straightforward, Name? Age? Address? Family? Etc. These were general and routine questions designed to establish what is called a “flow of agreement”. They were easy questions that required little thinking, and were not likely to induce false or untrue answers, thereby making it less likely for Missy to attempt to deceive her captors when more difficult questions were asked.
“Very good #474, you are doing quite well.” Patricia nodded to both her and Anzelha alike. “Now, let’s talk about some more personally things. This is where it becomes more important that you be truthful in your responses, because these are areas of interest that we must know the truth about. It is important that you be as honest as possible. In order to show you some good faith I am going to remove these.” She bent over and took the nipple clamps off of Missy’s aching tits.
Missy took a deep breath as Madam Hardings settled into her questions.
“How old were you when you first had a sexual encounter with another person?”
“Fifteen I think.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Yes Madam I did.”
The needle did not move, indicating that she had been truthful.
“Tell us about it please.” Madam Hardings ordered.
“I was at a party with other high school friends, we had all been drinking. Alcohol was not something I was used to. I had too much and a boy at the party took advantage of me.”
“What happened exactly #474? I need you to provide more details.” She dangled the nipple clips again, the insinuation being obvious.
“Well the boy there reached his hands down my panties and played with my pussy.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“No Madam, I did not. He was very rough with me and just coping a feel I think.”
“I see, that is most unfortunate. Please tell me how old you were when you lost your virginity?”
“It was the night of my sixteenth birthday. A boy I had been secretly dating took me to his parent’s home and he fucked me on the couch in his basement.”
“Please do elaborate #474, what was it like having a man inside you?”
“I didn’t like very much Madam Hardings, it hurt a lot and I don’t think he knew what he was doing. He just thrusted inside of me, it was very awkward.” Missy replied, thinking back about that uncomfortable evening.
“Did he come inside you?” Patricia asked forcefully.
“I think he did, I am really not sure.”
“How many man have you been with? Let me be more specific, how many men have been inside you #474?”
Missy had to think about this for a moment. She was not your characteristic Mormon girl. She was much more sexually active than most of her classmates. She was much more typical of a girl from LA or New York, two places coincidentally where she had hoped to move one day. “I believe it has been six.”
The young girl knew she was in trouble when the older Russian woman looked over at Madam Hardings and shook her head. Clearly that was not an accurate statement.
“I see here that we have told our first lie of the evening”, Madam Hardings responded coldly. “Perhaps this will help jog your memory.”
Almost immediately, the scary steel plate positioned between her thighs slid forward and pressed firmly against Missy’s shaved cunt. In just a millisecond she felt the icy cold metal against her most delicate body part. She let out a piercing scream, exactly as her captors expected and hoped. Mercifully the 15 seconds expired and the unit was eased back into its prior position. The frigid sensation lasted much longer though, and Missy desperately wanted to free her hands and touch her cunt, but with the heavy restraints that was quite impossible.
“Now, let me ask you again #474, how many men have been inside of you? And please think carefully about your answer this time.” A completely composed and calm Madam Hardings asked.
Not wanting a repeat performance she contemplated the question very carefully. She caught her breath, thought again and answered “eight.” Missy was kicking herself for using the smaller number the first time. She did it though because she did not want to be considered a whore,
This time a comforting nod came from the Russian woman, and Missy relaxed a bit more.
“That seems like a quite a lot for a girl so young.” She replied to know one in particular.
“Well I can promise you #474, those days are gone forever. No man will ever have sex with you again. When we are done with you here you will be touched by, and only give pleasure to other women.”
“Tell me about anal sex, #474. Have you ever been penetrated from behind?”
“No Madam, I have not.”
Again a nod, “Very good. Have you ever thought about it? Do you think it is something you might enjoy or would prefer to avoid?” These were largely irrelevant questions, but one that Patricia enjoyed asking anyway. It was certainty that she would experience a forced anal penetration at Stonebriar during her training and almost certainly thereafter from her new owner.
Missy was nervous now, she had never really given that activity much thought and frankly did not ever wish to participate in it. Conventional sex was plenty exciting enough for her.
“I think, I think it is wrong to do it. I was always brought up that anal sex was a sin.”
The older two women chuckled a bit before Madam Hardings continued. “I can assure you #474 sin or no sin it is going to happen to you whether you like it or not. Your new owner is going to almost assuredly insist on it and we will do our best however to prepare you for the demands of it.
Missy shuttered a little bit as the line of questioning became more pointed and focused on her sexual attraction to other girls.
“Tell me about other girls #474, are you sexually attracted to them?”
“Sometimes”, she responded meekly.
“Have you ever had sex with another girl?”
Madam Hardings’ ears perked up. This was always an exciting part of her questioning. Being a former librarian at an all girls’ school she loved getting the intimate details of young girls exploring each other’s bodies for the first time. Hearing about such encounters always made her wet. “Please tell me all about it each of your experiences then”, she replied excitedly.
Missy again took a deep breath and remembered back to that one day. “It happened after gymnastics class last summer. I was working on a routine with my friend Tanya and I twisted my ankle. I was not seriously hurt but I was unable to continue, so the teacher told us to take a shower and come back tomorrow. Once we were in there we heard the teacher get called away. Tanya looked at me and then started kissing me. I didn’t push her away. She kissed her way down to my breasts and then lowered her mouth onto my pussy; it felt so good I didn’t want her to stop, even when I heard the teacher coming back.”
An obviously excited Madam Hardings continued to prod. “What happened next? I want to know everything #474.”
“I came, just before the teacher saw us. It was wonderful. Tanya though insisted that we go back to her house so I could go down on her.”
“Did You?” Madam insisted.
“Yes I did, that very afternoon. But her brother heard us or something like that, because Tanya called me the next day and said that she was being taken out of school immediately for her immoral activities. Her brother ratted us out to her parents and were disgusted the pulled her out of school the next day. She swore that she didn’t tell them whom she was with and nothing ever happened to me. But I have not seen her in over a year. I heard they sent her to a boarding school in another state.”
Madam Hardings listened intently to the story and asked for and received all sorts of irrelevant details just for her own personal sexual interest. It was quite obvious what she was doing but Anzelha did not seem to mind. Missy answered everything to the best of her ability. Patricia almost felt bad for the girl as she heard the story.
Missy would have forced into sex with many women in the future but no encounter would likely be as enjoyable as that first time with her friend Tanya.
The questioning had gone on for over an hour and a half now and the pretty 17-year-old was obviously getting tired. The plate had been used only once, far below statistical averages. This was largely by design though; the truth was that Anzelha could “manufacture” a lie any time she felt like it just to see a woman, or in this case a girl, suffer. But like Madam Hardings, the Russian woman held many of the same beliefs as her older counterpart, namely that girls so young should be treated tenderly. She had her doubts like many of the others about this whole process of taking girls so young and was happy that Missy had been so candid in her responses thus far. Sadly though that was soon about to change.
“Thank you #474, I realize this has been a long night for you. I have to thank you. It is always easier to deal with someone that is honest with us as it makes our job much easier. Believe me when I tell you that we take no pleasure in using this thing.” She gestured to the steel plate, still glistening with ice crystals, despite an extended period of not being in use.
“I just have one more thing I want to go over with you before you are released; your relationship with your friend, #473. She is a very beautiful girl, and that is why you are both here now as you know. I need you to be very candid with me; do have sexual feelings for her?”
This was definitely a loaded question and one that Missy was unsure of how to answer. A million things zipped through her head. Of course she had feelings for Susan; she just tried to act on them just the other night. But there was no way these people could know that could they? She was afraid to tell them the truth though; afraid as to what other sinister things might happen to her and Susan too, if she told them her true feelings for her best friend.
Missy tried to remain as calm as possible as both women waited patiently for her response, each relishing the dilemma the young girl was obviously in.
“No I don’t, she has always been my friend and I have never thought of her in other way.”
The needle on the polygraph started swinging wildly. The look on Anzelha’s face revealed that. Nothing needed to be said to Missy. Anzelha, as much as she didn’t want to do it had no choice, she pushed the button. The plate slid forward again, pressing itself again into Missy’s soft, tender privates. She screamed again, even louder then before as her pussy bore the brunt of the frigid onslaught. Missy tried to kick and swing her arms and legs free, but that was useless, the multiple straps kept her securely in place. Finally it ended, the plate slid back, this time after 30 agonizing seconds. Her pussy was now a light shade of blue.
“I hate more then anything to have to do this #474, believe me I hate it. I know how much it hurts”. The girl was crying now hysterically. “Open your mouth.” Not knowing what to expect, she obediently complied. Madam Hardings stuck a ball gag into her mouth and fastened it securely behind her head.
“You were doing so well #474, and now at the most important part of this interview you lied to me, so blatantly in fact I am insulted. Rarely do we see readings this blatantly obvious.” She grabbed the paper and showed it to Missy, which meant nothing to her. “I have tried to show you good faith #474, I removed the nipple clips and ignored some questionable answers on your part, and this is how you treat us?” The normally docile Madam Hardings was starting to lose her temper, which only succeeded in causing Missy to become even more terrified.
“I am here #474 to help you; I told you that from the first minute I walked into your cell. I know this process is difficult to understand and ten times more difficult to endure. That is why I am here; Mistress Natasha hired me because of my ability to help girls feel comfortable in even the most difficult of circumstances. Sadly you have chosen to make a mockery of my trust and now you leave me with no choice. I now must turn over the remainder of this interview to Madam Anzelha.
Missy gulped hard, what had she done she asked herself, why couldn’t I just have told the truth she wondered?
The older Russian woman got up from her chair, and as a matter of habit checked to make sure the straps were still firmly in place. She ran her hands all over Missy’s tender young body, stopping for a moment and pressing her palm firmly onto Missy’s cunt. The warmth from the woman’s hand was certainly appreciated and both Patricia and Anzelha could see that in Missy’s face. She finally spoke up in her mild Russian accent, “I hate to do this to you my dear, but your insolence has really left us with no choice. The rest of this interview will be conducted with the Arctic Triangle fully engaged!”
Missy’s eyes nearly burst out of her head. She rocked backed and forth and tried to scream through the bit gag. Only a little bit of spittle managed to come out. Patricia hated to see this happen, as the tender side that she had been showing to Missy to gain her trust could now easily evaporate, but it was now out of her hands. Natasha was quite clear that any lying by Missy about her obvious lust for Susan must be punished severely. She really had no choice. Something had to be done to teach this young beauty a lesson, on that point Natasha was quite clear.
Madam Anzelha waited a few moments for her young victim to calm down. This was standard operating procedure for her. She had done this many times before with this fiendish device, most of them while the KGB employed her in the late 70’s through the 1980’s.
Back in those days she headed a department that was feared by nearly everyone in her country, and many outside of it as well. The Directorate of Information it was called, but a more suitable name would have been the Directorate of Interrogation. Madam Anzelha was an avowed lesbian, and made no attempt to hide it. Normally that would have been a career killer in the tightly controlled and homophobic police state that was the USSR in those days. Luckily for her, she had a boss that understood her unique talents to understand both the female mind and more importantly the female body.
There was little doubt that young Missy would offer minimal resistance and frankly Anzelha had misgivings about performing this procedure on a girl so young. But orders were orders and she would follow them. Nevertheless she would try to make it as easy as possible on the girl. She needed to carefully outline what was going to happen next and she needed to make sure that her subject fully understood what was being said to her so she could co-operate fully, which would expedite the process.
“Listen to me very carefully #474, because the better you understand me and the better you follow directions the faster this will go. I am sure you want it to go quickly don’t you?”
Missy, still struggling to understand what was happening to her, managed a weak nod.
“Good, because in a few moments I am going to flip the override switch and the Arctic Triangle and it will reattach itself to your vagina. You already know what it feels like so there is no point in going over it again. The pain will become increasingly more intense the longer the unit is in contact with your cunt, which is why it is imperative that you answer us quickly and honestly, am I making myself clear?”
The terrified girl again nodded.
“Excellent. Because the gag will not allow you to speak, we expect you to nod and shake your head accordingly to Madam Hardings questions. To remind you of the seriousness of these questions, we will wait until 30 seconds after the unit is engaged to begin asking them. This will allow you to focus your mind on the truth and only the truth.”
Missy screamed hard into the gag again. Madam Anzelha, not wanting to waste any time, flipped the switch and the plate slid forward again, pressing firmly into Missy soft and now already cold little pussy. The girl again struggled violently. Anzelha could only turn away; somewhat disgusted with herself that such an innocent girl would have to be put through an ordeal so brutal.
Back in old days, before she had come to work for Natasha, she had used her diabolical little machine on a variety of different women. They mainly consisted of captured spies, alleged traitors to her country, female business executives with important secrets, etc. These women tended to be older and less likely to be intimated by such an apparatus, although they all broke down eventually. All of these various women were considered to be enemies to her country, and she used that fact as a reason to justify her actions. Now at Stonebriar her motives were far less pure, it was only money now that she was after. To make it worse, the girls brought here had done nothing wrong, especially this one she thought, and to compound her misgivings #474 was still just in high school!
Regardless of her conscience, Anzelha was well aware that persons of her age and her “specialized” skills were not likely to be in high demand in the outside world. And the pay here was just too good. There was no way she would ever leave Stonebriar, regardless of what ghastly deeds Natasha asked her to perform. The best that she could do was to make this whole ordeal go as easily as possible for these unfortunate girls.
The 30 seconds were up and Patricia began her rapid-fire questions. Neither woman had any interest in prolonging this barbaric activity any longer then was absolutely necessary.
“Have you ever touched #473 in a sexual manner?”
Missy shook her head.
“Do you know if anyone has?”
Again she shook her head, and this time tried to yell through the ball gag.
“Do you want to #474, do you want to make love to her?”
This time she nodded and there were no false or to be more exact, unfortunate readings from the machine. One of the reasons that Anzelha loved this device was she knew that most women, when subjected to extreme cold to their pussies thought of nothing else but stopping the pain and getting heat down there as quickly as possible. Women who were preprogrammed to lie, spies for example, were trained to provide misinformation in even the direst of circumstances, but even they were no match for the Arctic Triangle. This was largely because such treatments were unheard of in the espionage community, and therefore impossible to prepare for. There was little fear that Missy would think of anything but the truth at this point.
Just like that it was over. After a few more questions about the nature of Missy and Susan’s relationship or lack thereof, the two women were confident the pretty redhead had now answered them truthfully. The plate was disengaged and Missy stopped screaming into the gag. One minute and thirty-one seconds was all it took. Well short of the seven plus minute ordeal Anzelha was part of many years ago when she locked horns with a pretty Korean girl who was reluctant to part with blueprints of an important microchip. For Missy though it felt like an hour, she was happy that Madam Hardings quickly placed her hand on her frozen pussy to provide her with all-important heat. She was certain that they would never allow her to touch herself but this wasn’t a bad compromise.
They allowed the girl a few minutes to compose herself, while Patricia alternated her hands to Missy’s still icy cunt. This was an important time for her as she was going to try and rebuild the now fractured relationship she had with Missy before this tribulation. They warned her to remain quiet after the gag was removed, as it would be perfectly natural for a girl to scream obscenities at her captors after going through an ordeal like this.
Missy kept quiet as Patricia began, “I am sorry we had to put you through that #474. Nobody wins in those situations. I hope that you won’t remain angry with me for long. I will come into your room and talk with you later, before you go to sleep. I want you to know that I still deeply care about you and your friend.”
Guards came in immediately thereafter and unfastened Missy from the table and reattached her chastity belt before taking her back to her cell for the remainder of the night. Once there, Missy found the divider lowered between the cells, sealing off access to Susan and further compounding her frustrations from the evening. She desperately wanted to talk to and see her friend, to tell her how much she loved her and to tell her to be strong, that they would get through this together. Meanwhile Patricia and Anzelha headed to Natasha’s office to inform her of their all important findings.
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