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Review This Story || Author: Clara High

The worthy

Part 1

The worthy


Clara High

       She was in fire. And fires strength was growing higher and higher. Attacks were coming and coming, strong and merciless in their brutality. The strong and overwhelming aggression of the weapon fulfilling her whole was pushing her more and more to the peak of the mountain. She was feeling the fore coming thunderclaps and was foreboding the avalanche to start soon, but she was so impatient to pass over this so desired peak, that was like a snake in her agony under the cruel invasion in her divine temple. The irregular hot breathing of the aggressor over her neck and chicks, and wet touches of his lips and tongue over her ones were shaking her world and were threatening to turn it with head down in every moment. Oh, how distant this moment was looking.

       Her eyes were closed and she was bending her body, taking more and more pleasure from whole that secret fight between their two burning bodies. She was feeling the touches of the warm hands and those hands like hands of a musician were touching deep strings in her. In same time she was feeling a huge fire power to spear whole her being and it was like a little bit more and it would come out trough her throat. Her moaning was coming out from her freely and whole Universe was full with it. She was full with sweet pain and burning desire and wanted more and more. Despite the daemon tearing her temple was so powerful and aggressive she was feeling uncomfortably and still very, very thirsty for love. More, more, only it was in her brain. She was feeling that a little bit more and the ocean in her would release monstrous tsunami after which all would disappear and only the deep sense of happiness and harmony would remain. In spite of whole beastly violence that the aggressor was causing to her, that small drop of something was not coming in her cup and was not allowing her to vanish in the enormous storm of the crashing world. The unsatisfied expectation started to reduce pleasure she was feeling and she started to scream quietly “Wait, ouch, wait, more, more, more, please!” She was feeling the first earthquakes from the other side and was feeling the strong breathing to become stronger and broken more and more…

       She lied with widely open eyes and was breathing deeply and calm. She was feeling cold despite she was covered with tick nice blanket. His regular calm breathing was slightly breaking the silence in the room. His heavy arm was lying over her chest. She was feeling like he has laid her. Her divine spring was drying without satisfied passion. Deep sense of displeasure was making her to feel like she was in dry burning desert and no even drop of rain was available to lighten her severe thirst. The cruel snake of anger was coming slowly into her soul. She looked beside and took deep breath in attempt to banish it away. She didnt sleep at all. After his stormy end, he failed asleep almost immediately and she remained alone with herself in her dissatisfaction. She was feeling sadness. She was hoping that with him the things would be different. Yes, but not. He appeared to be same selfish and egoistic stud like everyone else. Taking his pleasure, he didnt care about her passion at all. In the beginning of the evening all was perfect. He was showing himself like a perfect, gallant gentleman and she started to hope that the end will be good and the fate of the other men after night with her would pass him, well, at least for the moment. But not, eventually all went in the same standard way. For all of them she was just one highly paid professional girl of high class and nothing more.

       She loved the men and liked to be loved. She believed in real love with the only one Knight and with whole her heart was trying to find her, but in vain, at least for the moment. Trying not to wake up him, she removed the blanket together with his hand, stood up and went to the bath. The tiles were so cold and she rushed to open the hot water cock. Seconds later, the hot strong water jets were flushing away whole his dirt together with her disappointment. Very soon the pleasant tickling caused by the water in her below threw her in the deep abyss.

       Coming to her sense, she found herself sat on the floor of the bath and the hot jets were pleasantly caressing her body.

       She looked at herself in the mirror. She was perfect. Elegant black cap and topcoat tightened in waist with wide belt, all made out of nice soft thin black leather, elegant glimmering black leather high stiletto boots and brightly red leather gloves, that was her wonderful costume. She corrected her naturally blond hear visible from under the cap, arranged the red stole. After that she returned to the bedroom. He was still deeply sleeping and was loudly snoring. She trembled in disgust. “Have I been blind? Such nasty pig!” She put two small packs with white powder in the toilet tables drawer and few discs and magazines between the newspapers on the table. She put black sunglasses. Throwing last look in the apartment she went out, carefully closing the door, but not locking it. Anyway, she would never come back her again. There was no reason for that.


       On the street she stopped a taxi. When the car was underway she called by her cell phone.

She closed and put the phone back in her handbag. Now she could rest. She

closed her eyes.

Something heavy and strongly smelling rushed over her. She awoke up in part of seconds. The taxi was stopped and the driver using his sleep obviously was trying to rape her. Those men, they were really disgusting! She tried to pull her back and screamed. In answer she heard the contented growling of the stinking animal against her. He rushed forward and tried to tear her clothes. She attempted to push her thin, gloved fingers in his eyes, but he avoided the impact. In impatience he pulled her collar and started to fight her white fully buttoned shirt.

she was touching her pockets for her badge and for the special self-defense tool. The man had already managed to tear few buttons and now was trying to discover her breasts. She took out her badge and pulled it out of her pocket.

policewoman! Please! The man stopped his attack.

after having you. You bitch!

       He waved his hand in attempt to hit her, but before that she had found the self-defense tool and with whole her power stuck it in his sweat neck. The drug in the syringe acted at once at the intruder collapsed unconscious over her. “My Goddess! That swine is so heavy!” She pushed him beside and tied his hands and legs after what she plugged his mouth with dirty oily rags, which she found in the boot. Having transferred the men there, she sat on the drivers place and moved.

       The masked and armored women from Gender Police special squad rushed in the apartment. First impression they received was that a very passionate orgy had taken place in the apartment. A naked man was sleeping in the bedroom. Commandress waved hand and few women rushed over him. Taken by surprise, he was in total shock and was not able to render any resistance. Naked, with legs and hands tied up and mouth gagged, he was put on the floor on his knees. Meanwhile the squad was searching in the apartment. One woman took out from the drawer two small nylon packs and waved them in the air. Commandress nodded and kicked the man in the face. He ruined on the floor.

       Other woman showed a few discs with unknown content and few magazines, some with clearly porn content, other with antifeminist and antigovernment content. It was the strike! Commandress nodded and the women left the apartment bringing the arrested man and the found materials. Leaving the apartment the last, commandress sealed the door. Whole the operation took ten minutes and was executed in silence and perfect order. Women and the man got in the enclosed van and went away.

       -  Dear! Ouch! Aaa! The elder woman was moaning and curving in sweet agony. The younger one was giving her caresses to the elders divine. Enjoying each others love they were in paradise.

       Having passed a few passionate storms both women were lying and sipping hot chocolate with cognac anticipating the next following pleasures of the night.

am jealous of you! Please, understand me!

love? What more can I do to prove it in front of you?

results and you get prices due to them!

passionate kiss of love. The symphony of love sounded in the Universe above them.

       The head of the police station reviewed the resent reports of arrests, before to send them to the designation inspectors. Reports were from last two weeks. It was standard procedure, the arrested men and their files to wait some time before to be proceeded. Several tasks were being achieved such way. First, the mens psychic was being broken effectively by the conditions and suppressing atmosphere in the arrest.

Second, proceeding of the men on batches was more effective and the staff was not losing unnecessary time for them. Third, the men were used for different kind of works under supervision of guardesses, from which the police was getting profit. It was normal. The women were motivated to get involved in it, because only fifth part of profit was going to the police budget and the remaining part was distributed between the guardesses. So, it was possible each woman to get three to five times her salary per month. In such system, all expenses of the prisoners accommodation were negligible. Fourth, women were using men as toys for different entertainments. Some times the entertainments were so cruel, that the used men were dying. Fifth…

       She was both curious and jealous beside her clearly professional duties. Looking in the files she was searching for the name of the exposing agent. Eventually she separated the files of men investigated by her girlfriend. They were five files among sixty-three for the last two weeks. It was slightly below the average. Her hearth was beating anxiously. She picked up the phone and dialed.

Waiting for the new files she started to read the information. She was trying to

find the soul of her friend behind the details given for each man. Did she love the men more than her, or it was only matter of work? Ah… She picked up phone again.

After some time, she received the requested documents. She separated her

girlfriends reports and closing cards. Hah! She felt a pang in her abdomen. Her girlfriend still hadnt closed two cases. Of course, the files and cards were missing. One fact disturbed her much. Both cases were opened in the beginning of these two weeks, so more than ten days were not enough for the agent to give opinion for arrest. How it was possible. It was good still that no case was closed with negative opinion and no man was left free. She was furious. Her cheeks were whole in flame. Impatience was overwhelming her. A little bit more and she would lose control and would rush to search for her girlfriend for an explanation conversation. With strong forcing of her will she stopped herself. She didnt want to harm their relations. She had never loved man in her life. The only one contact she had with a man was very disappointing for her and she still was trembling in disgust when reminding the details. She was very much harmed deep in her heart. The crystal vase of her love was not the same any more. Despite it was not visible from outside, a slight invisible crack appeared deep in the crystal and the vase was very, very fragile already. She got sad. She called her secretary. When the uniformed woman reported she ordered her not to disturb her for anything, despite it was still beginning of working day. All question had to be redirected to her deputy. When the secretary left the office, she burst in uncontrollable crying.

       After about two hours she rang for her secretary.

Five men were staying in obedient position in recognition room. They were naked and their hands were cuffed behind their backs. They were put in line against huge mirror. Beyond that mirror few women were looking at them with interest.

With what they are so special and exclusive!!! What do we know about them?

is highly educated, rich, doing his own business. Agent stated their high selfishness in gentle affairs. Despite their obviously high erudition and culture, they pay very low attention to the necessities of their tender partners.

Donation to the Party, every one has family and children and takes care about them. Now their business is under strict revision and their deputies are moving it.

took a microphone.

slowly to turn. The women were admiring their bodies. They were like Olympic Gods, same as they were shown by the ancient sculptors.

back to my office.

The woman was lying on wide bed covered with brightly red silky linen. She was

covered with white wrapper. Her nice legs were showing perfect milky skin. The man stopped in hesitation. In the twilight of the bedroom her faces expression was almost indistinguishable. Was she evil or good? He could not say and he was worry.  He definitely did not know her. Why he was taken from the cell so soon? Oh! So many questions!

       He noticed that she is waving her hand. He rushed to her, got in her legs and bowed.

       - Come here! Idiot! He heard her sharp commanding voice and climbed up on the bed. She looked at his face. He was clean, good smelling and hot. Come on! Show me yourself!

       - Yes, madam! He stood on her knees and passed behind her. She was surprised.

       - Wha…? She started, but stopped herself feeling the massaging movements of his hands over her neck, shoulders and whole her back. Nicely performed, the massage pushed her into the labyrinth of the unexpected. A few time later she was laying, blissfully slack and whole surrendered to his hands. Strange calm wave of unknown senses appeared from nowhere and started to flush over whole her being. That man was full surprise for her. He was not brutal, aggressive or ripping. In opposite, he was tender and careful. Like a magician he was giving her magic through his strong fingers. She relaxed herself completely and lied on her back. Whole her most secret divine forbidden places were fully open for access. Nothing was protecting her against eventual aggression. But strange, she was not afraid. He was looking to her like a good God protector and personification of whole hot desired and expected. She was calm, fragile, woundable and full of expectation. His hands tenderly started to explore her divine forms and the sweet invasion commenced…

       …She opened her eyes. Hoh! The memories from the last night rushed over her with full power. Her eyes started sparking. She looked around. The man was staying on his legs and was sleeping, quietly and without snoring. She laughed in herself! Now she already knew. Oh, yes! She knew, and her jealous to her girlfriend rapidly got weaker. Now she was more curious and a little sad for all what she understood she had missed. She relaxed herself back in the bed and closed happily her eyes…

       She entered her office full with power and energy. Her secretary looked at her surprised and a little later smiled understandingly.

men investigated by agent Pandora, which files are still not closed!

“If this man from last night is brutal aggressor and selfish one, I want to know what those two men are, investigated by her for more than ten days. I can imagine how difficult is for her to take decision.” Director said to herself.

The two men were brought in the police station.

One of them, young man, almost boy, appeared to be nineteen. When the masked women broke the door he panicked and wet his pants with fear. This caused the evil and vicious laughing. Without giving him chance to change and fix himself they dragged him to the van and threw him on its floor. When the car moved the women started to kick him, making bad jokes and calling him stinking stinker. At the moment of arrival at the police station the boy had lost his ability to think rationally and now was like a lamb being brought to slaughter. He was crying hysterically. The mood of the masked women was perfect. They were amusing themselves for the boys account. Their sadistic nature was celebrating.

Second one was an elder man about thirty-five. He had a chance to notice in time the noticed black van. Nobody knew, but few days ago, he had occasionally spot Pandoras badge.

The thought that the young woman in his bed is agent from the terrific Gender Police shocked him, but in same time excited him beyond all previous limits. Unexpected power was unlocked from his being and the love they made that night was, slightly said cosmic! He was feeling like he proves the power of his free will over that woman put by the law above him in society and who should control and rule the men like him. Again and again he was bringing her to the peak of the mountain of highest pleasure and after that they both was collapsing into the deepest abuses of the eternity and infinity. At the end, when she sunk in deep powerless dream, fully in bloom under his strength, he allowed one last stormy orgasm and whole his power exploded in the young womans divine. Covering her with nice silky blanket, he relaxed himself as a victorious ancient warrior. Looking at her, he was dreaming to see her in GP uniform. “Yes, he thought, it would be very fit to her! May be, I would have to ask her, to make love with her in uniform. How she would react? Oh, I dont want to break our relations! I had just met her! I dont know, if we have the future together at all.”

Seeing the black van, young man realized that this is Gender Police vehicle and that they were here to take him. He couldnt believe that she had appointed him to be arrested for some reason. No men had ever heard something good for GP. He decided not to wait, but to run. From the fifth floor he rushed down the stairs. In same time the masked policewomen entered the building. Next to his home was a lower inhabitable old building. His chance was to jump over its roof. The women were one floor below him when he broke the window and assessed the elevation. When he prepared himself to jump, one woman caught his left arm. He immediately got a piece of glass and hit her back with elbow. Continuing movement, he made a cut through her chest, deep in her black leather fighting uniform. Not waiting for more troubles he jumped. Below him the woman was groaning. Blood was coming from her breasts. She was scared. The other women were fussing around her.

not escape! Use your e weapons, but dont kill him!

but the loyal citizens helped and showed the fugitives way and the squad soon surrounded him in a small area. He tried to pass through, but avoiding any risk two women shoot one by one in his legs. The official order was stop bullets to be used only, but each squad Commandres should take the decision in each separate case. Now the situation was the same. Commandress had ordered guns to be loaded with fighting bullets, keeping in mind the aggressiveness of the man. He had wounded their colleague.

       The man was curving himself on the ground due to severe pain in the shanks. The women were smoking waiting for the van. Time to time some of them was kicking him severely. He was coughing and once vomited after a severe kick in the abdomen.

Eventually the Madam Directors order was completed and the two men were brought to the police station basement. Director was satisfied. The boy was giving all promising signs to become excellent sex toy in future. The elder one was an excellent stud. It was too bad that the policewomen had wounded him. Now he had to pass a healing period before to be useful as a slave. The elder one, unfortunately for him, had sentenced himself wounding the policewoman pursuing him. Now he was in the hands of the Law, as well as all other arrested, of course.

The wounded policewoman got rid off only with very much tears, deep scars on her breasts and had to pass delicate cosmetic surgeon interventions. In the eyes of all women who knew or later understood about the accident, the policewoman had past very dangerous attempt to be killed by the male criminal.

Later, at the end of that day agent Pandora was sitting in a fashion cafe bar and was waiting in vain for her boy friend. A sharp unpleasant thought pass through her mind. No! It was not possible! There had not been such case never before! She finished her coffee left few coins in the plate and escaped.

for each case on which my subordinates are working, and for yours as well!

that you dont rely to me! How do you expect me to believe you? Ha? You are suffocating me!!!

forget where we are! We are not alone here! Further more that I understood you more now.

The younger women glanced at the elder one. Her eyes were sparking in severe

anger. Her face blushed in red. She was whole furious and was controlling herself with difficultness.

Younger one sat.

meeting men, spending time with them, despite of your excellent results. I decided to understand you and for that reason I checked “your” best studs. Now I understand. They are so wonderful. I had lost any desire to have intimacy with them, but now, now I see what I had lost. They are so nice toys when they are feeling our power and when we are playing with them and using them in right way. Trying youre the last captive, yes, the brutal aggressor and egoist, I felt myself like a goddess. It was incomparable. Ohh!

Madam closed here eyes and licked her juicy lips with slight moaning.

to have him before him to be given for further processing. May be I would find the one such way. You are still young, but I… Most of my coevals already have big children…

       Younger woman stood up and approached the elder one. Seconds later, she gave her deep kiss. After that they looked each other in the eyes.

       - I will, I promise! Girls voice was full of love and compassion. And both women burst into sad tears.

       At the end of the day all files were checked, and opinions were given. The files were sent to the designating inspectors. Now it was to pass another two weeks, in which some potential claims or intercession could be stated by the eventually interested women.

       Letters of advice were sent to the closest related women to the arrested men, when they were known, for the other no notification was given to any one.

       After the end of that two week period, the inspectors, had to send the copies of the files with resolutions to the Districts Directorate of Detention Departments. In about one week, letter had to come where and with what sentence each separate man should be sent.

Usually the fate of the detained was determined by the initial resolution and opinion of the Gender Police Stations Director.

       She bent her body over the flexible chair. Ah! Today was very heavy day, but she was content. Totally seventy men files were completed and sent. Now whole that batch was put in one chamber, used normally for twenty detained and was waiting deportation orders and transport to come for them. In the week they were about to spend in that compartment, they would be given only smile quantity of spoilt water and bread per day. There was no possibility to relieve natural needs. She had seen plenty times the picture of the men after that one week, when they were loaded in the trucks. Oh! They were look like dirty animals, stinking and disgusting.

       The system of processing of the arrested men was such, that it was changing their life forever, without matter how long and how heavy was the sentence.

       It was common men for whom no claims or intercession had come and in which no special abilities or useful qualifications had been found, to be processed in short and more brutal way. It was very seldom that men appeared between them, who were really considered worthy to be reeducated and returned to the society in their new roles. Such seldom cases were these of motherless men, or men who had soon came from other area for better job and so on. But they were very few. They were redirected to more suitable Detention Departments in the system. The other ones were directed to the Death Camps, popularly known as Assistance Houses, where they were utilized in different ways. Such men didnt know their fates until the very end. Such men were about one third of all detained.

       Another huge group of arrested was to be sent to the Medical Camps for sterilization or other processing and after that to the Work Camp for usage and reeducation. Such men were those not possessing some physical beauty or gifts and who was not attractive to the women sensually, but which possessed physical strength and technical skills and would be useful as workers. Terms of detention of such men usually were between three to five years and up to ten years if some special profession should be adopted. After adopting profession, those men were distributed between the female business or private owners for further use.

       The attractive men, who had shown themselves as possessing very good and excellent gifts, were to be sent to Special Training Centers, where they were taught of the highest level of using of their abilities. There they were learning how to be perfect partners and to give the women their clear love in all respects and to learn how to sacrifice themselves totally for women comfort, good life and pleasure. They should learn that in the life are important the women, not the men. The terms of detention were not strictly specified, but usually were up to ten years for most difficult men. If the term would be more than ten years, such men would be directly sent to Work Camp or Assistance House. Successfully reeducated men were sent to Servant Markets to be available for female clients.

       The men shown highest class of abilities, skills and correct attitude were to be directly delivered to the female clients who had given orders for male servants. Terms of detention of those men could be even for whole life.

       Despite all, usually after their fifty years all men were send to Medical Camps or to Work Camp, in some cases even directly to the Assistance House.

       If during the arrest the man had rendered even the slightest resistance it was considered as aggravating circumstances.

       Our poor guy, who had wounded the policewoman during the arrest, was sentenced to life imprisonment. After healing he was sold to a noble lady in deep province. His business was transferred to his wife. Ten percent of the selling price was paid to her as compensation for the emotional harms caused to her by her husband due to his infidelity.

       The boy who has become wet was sent directly to a pretty young sadistic lesbian woman for personal training and for her and her friends amusement. After finishing of his ten years term, he was released and returned in society. For unknown reason he had become absolute idiot. His mother and sisters, rich and influential ladies were not able to take care of him. He became beggar. After short time he disappeared from the street. Fag-end with red lipstick trace was found near to its usual stay place. Police considered this as insufficient mark. The case was closed.

       The elder woman took his monster slightly between her teeth. The younger one slightly caressed and pressed his head to her divine. It was nice and calm wither night. Jolly flame was playing in the fireplace. May be this man was the one? Who could know?

He was one of the already had became small number men remaining free. He was a very hardworking clerk, trying to express in all aspects his loyalty to the regime. He was moving himself in the rhythm given by the women. Time to time he was trying slightly to change the positions, but only in order to improve the experienced senses. The women had forgotten themselves. He was worthy man.


       Should the box of Pandora remain closed for him and the Arachnas cobweb not entangle him?


       A drop of his sweat touched her cheek. She opened her eyes.

       Someones breathings slight smell…


Review This Story || Author: Clara High
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