Zippers Part 31
I came round whimpering. I was curled up in a ball, on my side, and I was tucked into my own bed. The light had been dimmed.
As I snapped awake, I rapidly took an emergency inventory of my body; I was no longer restrained or penetrated. The belt and cuffs were off me and as far as I could tell I was completely naked and alone, under my bed sheets. I listened for any signs of her and then raised my head to hear more clearly; perfect stillness. I got myself up, hurried into the front room and searched the flat to make sure that she was definitely gone. When I was sure, I ran back to my bed and gripped myself into the tightest ball that I could make. I grabbed my cuddly bunny and wept furiously. Vivienne had used me in such a brutal way that I was again scarred by how evil she was. I blubbered myself hoarse, weeping for my lost life and my lost soul. I wept because of the violent she-devil that owned me and I wept because my Lisa was gone. When I thought of what Lisa must be going through at the hands of the other she-devil, I wept for her as well. I cried until my eyes hurt and my throat ached and I was tired. I couldn’t sleep so I paced around the flat until I could cry some more. I needed someone, desperately, to talk to and to hold; and now I had nobody. I was stuck in my own little prison, isolated from the world, unable to reach out to anyone.
I cried my self to sleep curled up on the sofa, my teddy under my arm, just like when I was a little girl. I woke up halfway through the night and wept some more. Eventually, I must have passed out.
The next morning I came around feeling tired, bruised and nauseous. I grabbed my dressing gown, put on my stupid white stilettos, walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. It was 11 o’clock.
The door opened without warning. A crowd of women burst in. First in were the two girls that had installed the computer equipment; Suka, the tall blonde German who had pierced me and threatened to use a whip on my pussy, and the smaller girl. Then came Cara, and then two other girls that I didn’t recognise. These three wore tracksuits but I could see heels underneath. They immediately dispersed themselves around the flat as Vivienne slowly stalked through the door. My mind balked at the memory of her sex suffocating me and the pain from the electric shocks to my nipples and clitoris. I almost threw up with fear on her boots as I jumped to the floor to kiss them.
‘This is her’
I noticed a pair of thicker black high-heeled boots step next to my Mistress’s. Vivienne dismissed me aside with the sole of her boot and walked to sit herself down on the sofa in the living room.
‘Anita. Here. Now’
I ran to her and collapsed to my knees at her feet in the best slave pose that I could manage, shedding my dressing gown on the way so that I was naked save for my white shoes, in front of my Mistress.
I looked up at her. As if it had been a one-night stand, she made no acknowledgement of what she had done to me the night before. Instead, she lifted a leather document pouch and slid out some papers.
‘The deeds have now changed hands’, she surveyed the room, ‘and this flat belongs to me now’
She looked down, into my eyes, gently tightening her lips into a satisfied grimace. Fear woke me fully from the night’s sleepless exhaustion. I looked timidly up at her as she handed me a fistful of papers down to me.
‘We started the conveyancing work last week at the solicitors, when we were shopping, or don’t you remember’, her smile was tepid. I closed my eyes and looked down, my hoarse throat starting to puff up. Serious defeats were happening to me all the time now.
‘So I want all of your shit out of here. You have half an hour, put all your clothes, make-up, jewellery, shoes, accessories and belongings from your previous life into these’
She dropped a roll of black bin liners onto the floor in front of me,
‘And then stack the bags here. Also bag up all of your books, videos, DVDs and all of your other shit’
Her face was fully obscured by my tears; now she was taking my old life from me! One of the other girls dropped a small cardboard box next to me.
‘My girls can keep a small amount of property, if they behave well enough. Anything you really, really think you should keep, you will put in here’, she nudged the box with her toe, ’so that we can see what you hold so dear’
She sat up, and slowly took in the living room.
‘I’m making some changes to my new place. I need the space for some of my girls, so you won’t be hoarding this place to yourself any more. In fact, you’re going to be at the very bottom of the new pecking order around here.’
She reached forwards and grabbed me by the hair, yanking me upwards to face the woman that had sat down next to her.
‘This is lady is Mistress Davina. She trains girls like you’
The new woman, watching me from above, terrified me. She was at least as tall as Vivienne with short, slicked back, spiked black hair that was very short at the sides and back. She wore a black leather jacket and a tight black linen dress that skirted just above her knees. She wore sturdy but high black boots that had thicker heels than Vivienne’s stilettos but were still elegant, although in a more ‘burlesque’ way.
Vivienne’s voice grabbed me,
‘Honeymoon time is over for you now Anita, you won’t be able to wallow in self-pity in this little retreat any more. I am seeing to it that you will be worked, and hard. We have a new, tight schedule, to see that you are fully trained as quickly as possible. Your new Mistress here will enforce this training on you, every single day. She will see to it that you are ready by the time you are to be tested. You will find your new environment here to be difficult and unpleasant. I want to encourage you to graduate out of being a little trainee pleasure-girl so that you are ready to start work properly.’
She bent over and firmly brushed my hair with the back of her hand. She curled loops of it loosely around her finger.
‘So, until you graduate, you will be a servant-girl and maid to the other girls here. You will learn to clean them, do their nails, polish their shoes, massage them, do their chores and so on, and all this in between your busy training schedule. I want you to have no free time and to be constantly at the beck and call of your betters. And, if they are not pleased with you, they will see to it that you are well punished.’
She leaned closer.
‘You will be bunking in the smaller bedroom with your new Mistress here. In return for your keep in my new flat, and to thank her for the discipline that she will subject you to, I am giving you to Davina here, to be hers; her bitch until such time as you are fit to graduate from training.’
My heart slowed. I swallowed and blinked quickly, my head was swimming with fear. My vision went black.
I must have come round quickly as they were both sat exactly where they had been and had made no effort to revive me. I struggled to catch my breath and clutched my hand to my chest to try and stop my heart from pounding its way out of me.
I stared up at Vivienne. I stared up at this new woman. She ran her eyes down, over my ringed breasts, past the balls of the piercing above my hood until she was staring at my hairless pussy lips. I forced myself to try and breathe, at a rate that would not make me pass out again and I tried to resist the urge to clamp my legs together, to cover my modesty. I was so frightened that I even wanted to cling on to Vivienne. I needed some human contact. I wanted to hold my Mistress and beg her not to leave me here. I wanted her to pet me and calm me down with one of her magic words.
A cold draft of air swirled over my skin as the front door opened once again. Vivienne lowered her head and started whispering to me. I felt like the world was slurring as she made me look at the new woman, at Mistress Davina. As her face came into tight focus, I sensed that this woman was someone that now controlled me.
She wore lipstick that was very dark, had eyebrows that had been removed and replaced with strict black lines, black eye-liner and steel jewellery in her ears.
‘Mistress Davina has complete control over you now. Full training privileges over your slutty little life. If I were you, I would try my best to make sure that I was unfailingly obedient, extremely hard working and a devoted little sex-bitch to your new Mistress’
She smiled cruelly down at me, stood up, brushed her skirt down and then left the flat.
Mistress Davina’s eyes bored down into me, her tight lips betraying absolutely no emotion. I lowered myself down to the floor and started to kiss her feet. I heard her snigger above me as the front door clicked shut.
‘I am yours, Mistress’, I whispered up at her. Her lack of expression showed me that she was not unaccustomed to having a girl submitting to her at her feet. I lowered my head to her boot and waited for her to say something.
‘We need your shit out of this place, so do as you are told. Now’
‘Yes, Mistress’
She snapped her fingers and I sprang into life. I grabbed the bin liners and the cardboard box and ran out of the room, trying to just stay conscious.
In my main bedroom I stood at the door and had to cry uncontrollably. The girls had thrown all my clothes onto the floor, had torn the fitted wardrobe from the wall and were emptying the drawers from my dressing table.
‘No! Oh No!’ I sobbed, and then,
‘Oh my God, please, not that, please, give me that’
I rushed across to my dresser and grabbed the silver box that she was just about to throw onto the pile. I clutched it tightly, cold in between my bare breasts as I sobbed against it. I pried the lid open to check that my mother’s necklace and the photographs of her were still inside. I knelt down and cried in slow convulsive spasms as I imagined how upset she would be if she could see what was happening to her little girl now.
‘If you want to save anything else, get it quickly’,
It was Cara walking over to me. She was firm as she lifted the silver box away from me and set it down in the cardboard box which she placed up on the window sill. Hurriedly I looked about the room and wracked my brains trying to think about what I should try and save.
I ended up, whilst my dressing table was broken up and carried out, grabbing my cuddly bunny from when I was a little girl which I kept under my bed and grabbed when I was desperate and pushed her into the box. Not daring to look at the woman stood in my living room, I scurried in and took a box that was full of photographs and finally, I grabbed my laptop. I didn’t think they’d let me use the laptop but it had pictures on that were precious. I put those things in the cardboard box and then started to fill the bin bags with my old clothes.
On the top of the pile of clothing in the centre of the room was the dress that I had worn to the ball, the one that Vivienne had chosen for me. Cara picked it up and put it to one side.
‘These are too good to throw away, but they will not be for a slut like you. Now, bag the rest up. And look sharp girl!’ she clapped her hands quickly and aggressively in my face and pointed at the pile of clothes.
‘Yes’, I whispered, ’yes Miss Cara’
As I started to fill the first bag, they carried the wardrobe out and started stripping the bed down. One of the girls found my vibrator and set it aside.
‘So what do we have here then?’ came her clear, well bred voice. My ‘new Mistress’ was looking me over.
I stood, in only my buckled-on white pumps with my arms away from my body, looking straight ahead. She came and stood right in front of me, taller than me.
‘Tongue out’
I opened my mouth and offered my new tongue stud to her. Since the evil Suka had snipped the webbing underneath my tongue, I felt like I could extend it quite a bit farther than before.
She gazed into me. Her features softened just a little and I could see the well worn lines form on her face as a slight smile took hold. She was probably in her late thirties or maybe early forties, and she was quite beautiful under her severe make-up.
‘Nice tongue slut.’
I tasted her finger as she gripped my tongue lightly against her thumb and gradually pulled it out until she started to pull my head forward as well. I tensed my hands into fists to stop myself from sobbing and pulling myself away from her. I didn’t know anything about my new Mistress yet but I knew that I should behave myself in front of her.
‘There’s a week left to heal on that stud before I can make proper use of you.’
She sat herself down, crossed her legs and pointed to the floor at her feet. I hurried over and knelt there, weary, confused and tearful. My lip was shaking at the idea that, on top of everything else, I would have to lick and kiss this new woman for her sexual pleasure.
‘The girls have a lot of work to do here today’
She looked down at me as my eyes misted over and then started to well up. She stretched her fingers deeply into the mess that was my hair and then grasped hold of me. Before I could dread what she would do next, she pulled my face over to her leg and held my cheek against her boot. As I sniffed back a sob, I could smell the black leather and the dark, spicy perfume she wore mixing with the dried smells that had stayed on my face from the night before. I carefully reached forward and held onto her boot, lightly at first. Then I clung on to it as I shook and wept, my face pressed into her and my tears growing and dripping down. Tears snapped and beaded on to the leather that stretched over the top of her foot and I pulled at her hand in my hair so that I could bend forward and quickly lick them off.
‘Good girl, brave little slave girl’, she whispered kindly pulling my face back to her boot, I pressed my cheek harder into her, ‘I think we will go to the club and train you there today. I can give you something else to think about’
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