Chapter 25 – Who’s Who
When i regain consciousness, i am surprised to find that i am in my bed in the little cottage. It is also a surprise to find that astrid, the maid, is next to me, still either unconscious or in a deep sleep. However, it is no surprise that my body aches all over.
Very slowly and carefully, i slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, where before long, i am standing under the shower, sighing as the hot water cascades over me; easing my aches and pains.
By the time i have showered and dried myself, astrid is awake and is also about to shower when my Lord enters.
Without hesitation, i drop to my knees with my knees spread wide, my hands behind my head with eyes lowered and my tits pushed out in presentation; the position i must always adopt when first in the presence of my Lord.
The maid sees me do this and uncertainly begins to do the same. However, my Lord stops her, saying, “No, you now carry my brand but you are not a slave in the way cumface is a slave; although that may change in the future.”
He goes on to explain that He has decided that astrid is now to be allowed to live here with me; at least whenever His Lordship is away on business. When He is at home, the maid will be required up at the house and He will also want her out of the way when He comes to the cottage.
The rules remain unchanged; astrid may wear her maids uniform while i am to be naked; astrid may use furniture while i am forbidden – i may not even lean back against the chair as i sit on the floor and i must still eat my food from a dog bowl on the floor; and astrid may orgasm while cumming is still prohibited for me. His Lordship stared at me as He said this last bit, causing me to blush in shame.
“you know that you will be severely punished if you disobey, don’t you, cumface?”
“Y… yes my Lord,” i stammered.
He must know that the maid and i have been lovers for some time and i am trembling in anticipation of some terrible punishment. But He merely says, “Good, it is well that you remember this.”
His Lordship turns to leave, saying as He does, you may both stay here today, you will need to rest.”
“Thank You, my Lord,” we both chorus, staying in position until the door has closed behind Him.
“He knows,” i gasp, “He knows what we have been doing. Well no more; you can cum all you like but i dare not. You can’t touch my cunt, do you understand?”
“Yes,” whispers the maid, “but it’s so unfair.”
“It’s my life; the life of a true slave. No cumming without permission or i get a severe punishment. It keeps me on edge, wanting, needing. And when i am permitted to cum, it’s always so much more intense. Last night was just entertainment for His Lordship and His Friends. Punishment is much, much worse. You don’t want to experience it, believe me. Anyway, i’m too sore from last night so please, give me a few days before you touch me down there.”
Later, in bed, we kiss and i move down her body gently touching my lips to the welts and, especially, to the new brand. This is no longer the skinny, timid mouse of a girl that first came here. Due to a meagre but nutritious diet astrid has gained weight and she is now slim rather than skinny and although still only an A cup size, her tits have started to develop. As astrid and i cuddle in bed after i have licked her to a screaming orgasm, in her broken English, she tells me her truly horrific story.
“We lived in a very poor East European country in the old Yugoslavia, in a quiet rural village where there was a lot of ethnic hatred. The only excitement was for the Males who fucked everything female. When the family moved into the village, it was on the second day that about four of five Men intruded in our house with only one aim: having their way with my mother, my sister and me; I was the youngest. But my Father got home just in time with a gun and chased them away.
It was maybe a month later that we had dinner and for the first time was there was even a Boyfriend of my older sister. At a certain point this Boyfriend had to go to the toilet, and within a few minutes about 15 Men stormed into the living room. Before my Father could get His gun, They overwhelmed Him and bound him to a chair. We three females were each dragged up to our own bedrooms by five or six men. In all this rumour we heard father roar, curse and then terribly howl after shots were heard. The Leader of the gang - extremely cruel and sadistic - had shot my father first through his knees, elbows, and then his balls. He died in terrible pain from shock and loss of blood.
Meanwhile in the three bedrooms the thugs had completely stripped us females. i could hear my mother scream and beg, alternating with some rasping sound when, probably, a fat cock was forced into her gullet. Then all i could hear was the sound of the leather heavy belts smacking on her naked body.
"No, no nnnnoooootttt there," was at the moment a heavy Man straddled her, her hips clenched between his boots, and He impaled her arse, this intruder being the first in her arse. They roared from laughter and mocking and slapped her dangling heavy tits. Another yanked her hair and pulled her face onto His throbbing gland. And so They used her in all possible ways. Matters went really wrong when the Leader entered, clipped His knife open and made cuts in her heavy udders. He made in each two crossed cuts and peeled her open. my mother shrieked terribly. Then with a few slices He finished cutting her tits off. But it was not over yet. They turned her around, her knees on the floor and her upper body on the bed; then they fucked her straddled from behind. Meanwhile the Leader cut strips of skin from her back, ignoring her bellowing. Then with fondue skewers He found in the kitchen, He stuck or weaved them in between the strips alternatively. He commanded the Men to use the skewers as bridles, which of course made her even more scream until her throat got hoarse.
But for the cruel Bastard it was not enough yet. All over her, He made small cuts, just for His animal lust to inflict the maximum agony on my mother. But when He saw she lost more and more strength He was not pleased anymore with His toying, yanked her hair and pulled her head backwards, exposing her throat which He cut in one slide. He left the room and went to the bedroom of my sister.
The gang had used her thoroughly. In various positions They filled her holes. While she was forced to ride one cock, another used her virgin arsehole. Her screams were muffled by one or two Cocks penetrating her mouth. Another grabbed, groped or clawed her fine firm tits. Not able to beg for mercy she was smashed all around on the bed. The gang Leader found a flat-iron. He put the wire in the plug contact. While the iron heated He yanked her face up and slapped her until she went numb and crying. But it turned really wrong when the iron was hot. The Leader took it, and pressed it flat on all body parts of my poor sister.
"Watch out," He grinned when He nearly burned the fat groping hands of the Thug banging her doggy style. He held the iron under her dangling tits, heating and sizzling her nipples. Then He continued the serious work. He wound a steel wire around the neck of my sister. Each Hooligan banging her had to use the wire as a bridle, choking her, but not to the fatal point that she would go into death rattle. Then They had to change, and it went on and on. Slowly one after the other left when They had shot their spunk in her womb or bowels. Her poor eyes bulged at each new penetration and a new one was pulling taut the wire around her neck, her tongue each time protruded a little more.
Then under very laughter the Leader took His knife and just nipped out one eye without cutting the nerves. The eyeball dangled and popped all over under her shaking head. Her throat strangled she could not scream nor beg for mercy. When the last gang member was banging nearly on the point of shooting His load, the Leader Bastard burned her dangling tongue, a terrible sound mixed of sizzling when her saliva boiled, and her gurgling sound of her throat being crunched and strangled. His groans mixed with her rattling sound when her tongue was cut off, her head falling down, her eyes broken.
He went on in my room. They had abused me in all my holes; they felt very sore, painful. The last one had smashed me on my back, my head dangling down over the edge of the bed. He sat on my shoulders. With both hands at my head He bobbed me up and down on his shaft. With such frenzy movements that i got numb and had no idea what went on in my near. The Leader moved between my lifted spread knees and shoved His fat cock deep in my abused cunt. Luckily it was so well lubed by all the sperm shot in me that His impalement could have been worse. Both of Them gave rein to Their lewd lust on me; One with His knout mashing and crushing my cervix, the other by deep throating his cock. my mind was gone with His frantically bobbing my head. Barely conscious i felt how They finished by shooting Their brackish spunk deep in me.
"You, follow me," He grabbed an ankle and dragged me out of the room and smashed me in a blinded van. They drove off and hours later i found myself in a cottage surrounded by a dark forest. There would be my life for a couple of months. Between a minimum of five gang members and if They had a party twenty, twenty-five. They used my holes constantly, one at the time, or all together, if i had my periods or not, They could not care less. They ordered me to keep the cottage clean, do Their washing and to cook; i was not treated to badly. And all together They used me as Their ragdoll, tossed in between Them. Frankly the time was not so bad, as i got used to all these penetrations. As they were so many i learned techniques to fulfil Their lust in "efficient" ways.
Riding one cock, They pushed me down to penetrate my arse, while a third turned my head sideways to stuff my mouth with His fat cock, and skilled i became, i cracked open my jaws to allow two cocks, and i started to love each centimetre of cock i got. Others grabbed and clawed my tits, pulled my nipples and sprayed Their white spunk all over my heated body.
On a sudden day the cottage was surrounded by military police and after a shooting where a lot of gang members were killed, the Sick bastard was arrested. When all was in the van, all, except me, were blindfolded, but i could see the end of the Leader. The police stood around Him, and with an interval of a few minutes They shoot him, first in each kneecap, then His elbows, genital parts, abdomen, and finally two bullets in his stomach. While His death struggle fell in, my belly was heated and at the same time the Bastard died i had an internal fierce orgasm which i never had again in this same way. Later it was reported He died in the shooting.
After i was released of a short staying in a hospital they put me in an orphan institute. As you can imagine, there too it did not take long before i was a ragdoll. First by the Boys in the dormitory; later all Male inhabitants, Boys, Pupils, Teachers whoever wanted to stick His filthy cock deep in my holes. Even in the lunch breaks i had to go the Masters’ room, where one after the other They used my holes, sometimes with the mistresses sitting nearby and just looking if this was normal practice (and probably it was). Regularly the Principal called me and He bent me over on His stately wooden oak desk and used me ruthless; mostly my arse.
One day there was a delegation of this country to see how the conditions were of the orphan institute, and eventually They wanted to donate money. They were showed around and spoke with some Pupils, Teachers and so on. Lady Angel was amongst Them. She looked to me with some weird look, spoke a few words and She went on. Later that day in the evening after dinner, a Master called me and led me in his car and drove me to the hotel. There i entered the room of Lady Angel. The whole night i had to service Her; She was terribly demanding. She rode my face, i had to lick Her, to eat Her, and then fist Her cunt with my hand, then each hole with an arm in it, and finally my two fists in Her cunt. Secretly i squeezed my inner thighs together and so achieved my own orgasm.
A few weeks later a Master ordered me to pack all my belongings and within a few moments even before i realised what was going on i was on a plane to this country! On the airport i was without questions led to a limo and brought to the apartment of the Lady Angel! There i was Her maid, but certainly Her toy girl. Whenever She was there the evenings were spent in Her bedroom. The most pervert actions were Her riding my face when She had Her periods. Then once was His Lordship Her guest. Both of Them used me for hours and hours. Fully gripped in His strong hands He emptied His balls deep in my cunt. From that day on He was very often there, and at first i did not realise but later i found out that Lady Angel carefully checked my periods. When they stopped a sleazy doctor came in to examine me. And indeed i was pregnant. They brought me to one of these cells of the House, clearly not in the same wing as where you were. My tits, being so flat, were not treated, but i was put in a gyno chair, and fucking machine fucked nonstop big parts of the day my pussy, until sometimes i thought my mind went.
When it was delivery day, They hooded me, and i was hung by my ankles and wrists. What child i gave birth to i do not know as at the same time the baby left me, They intruded a cattle prod and shocked me until i lost conscious.”
Both of us, in floods of tears, hug and comfort each other, for now we are sisters for ever as we have both carried His Lordship’s children… twins!
"And you, how did you come in here?" astrid asked. But it was late and i promised to tell her my story another time.
Chapter 26 – Up to my neck
The Bodyguard came for me without warning, He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me, naked, outside and around to the Gardener’s shed. There, without letting go of me, He picked up a shovel and set off again, pulling me along behind Him.
He was pulling so hard that i was in tears; begging Him to let go of me and that i would follow Him. He ignored my pleas and led me to a small clearing in the woods where pigs are allowed to roam.
There, He threw me to the ground, thrust the shovel towards me and order, “Start digging, bitch.”
“Wh…” i started to ask, but the glower on His face was enough to make me keep my mouth shut. Instead, i got to my feet, hesitatingly, took the shovel from His hand and began to dig.
He instructed me to dig a hole about two to three feet across and to keep at it until He told me to stop. Then, he looked around for a nearby tree stump, sat and lit a cigarette while He watched me work.
At first the ground was soft and fairly easy to dig, but quickly it became drier and harder; there were stones and one or two thin tree roots. The day was getting warmer and the perspiration pored from me. Muscles aching, i paused to rest but immediately, my watcher growled, “Did I say to stop? Dig, you lazy slut!”
Tears rolled down my face as the aching in my muscles increased intolerably, but i dared not stop working.
The hole was waist deep before He allowed me to take a break; but all too soon He ordered me to continue. Although i begged Him for another minute; just one more minute, He rose and approached in a threatening manner and i began again my backbreaking task.
How long it took me, i don’t know; it felt like many hours; most of the day. But, finally, came the moment i was longing for as the Man ordered me to stop, stand up and hand Him the shovel.
As i stood and looked up at my tormenter, i realised that just my head and neck were above ground level and my worst fears were confirmed when He began to fill in the hole with me still standing in it.
Panicking, i begged and pleaded with Him to let me out but again, He ignored me and continued to shovel the earth back into the hole around me. Of course, the soil was now broken up and a lot easier to shovel and it didn’t take long before it was up to my chest and i was trapped.
Once before, i have been buried like this and learning from that last experience, i tried to wiggle about so that the soil was not too tightly packed around me. But, by the time to earth was up to my shoulders, i was unable to move more than an inch or so in any direction. And there was a foul stench from pig manure that lay around on the ground.
As the Man began to walk away, i cried out, “Please, how long…”
“Three days,” came the reply.
“NOOOOO, PLEEEEEASE! Anything but this, whip me please but NOT THIS!” i wailed as He moved out of sight.
As i stood there, buried up to my neck, i tried to keep moving my toes, my feet, my hands, whatever i could. The sweat poured from my forehead, stinging my eyes and mixing with my tears, and my hair was plastered to my head.
Time passed soooo slowly. Knowing this part of the woods, i knew that it would be unlikely anyone would come by. Trying to take my mind off my dilemma, i let my mind wander to more pleasant things, riding my Lord’s wonderful Cock, or sucking on It, drinking down His delicious Spunk.
At last, with the sun starting to dip, i heard someone approaching. It was the Bodyguard.
“Dinnertime, bitch,” He laughed.
“W… water,” i croaked.
He put down a bowl in front of my face and poured some water into it from a bottle that He was carrying and i slurped greedily at it. Then He put down a second bowl and into this, He emptied a can of dog food. With the toe of His boot, He pushed the bowl in front of my face and said, “Eat, bitch. Eat it all or you get no more water.”
The dog food smelt awful, but, desperately trying not to vomit, i stretched down, held my breath and took a small bite. It was all i could do not to throw up but drawing on all my resolve, i swallowed.
To minimise the foul taste, i then ate and swallowed the disgusting mess as quickly as i could. The Man laughed, “Like it, do you? That’s good because you get the same tomorrow.”
“Water,” i begged.
He filled the bowl and pushed it towards me, saying, “you had better make it last, you get no more until this time tomorrow.”
And, with that, He turned and left me alone, sobbing.
Before, too long, it started to get dark and i started to hear noises, pigs? Wild creatures? It was hard to tell in the deepening gloom and my head jerked at every sound; until exhaustion overtook me and i drifted into a fitful sleep.
Until, that is, i was awoken by loud voices, and lights, approaching.
“Where is the fucking slut,” shouted one voice.
“she’s around here somewhere; and she ain’t goin’ nowhere,” replied another.
“There, look,” came a third voice that i recognised as one of the Gardeners.
As They approached, carrying flashlights, i could see that there were four of Them and, by the sound of Them, They had been drinking.
When They reached me, one bent, grabbed my hair and wrenched my head back. “Hello, girlie. Ready for a little fun?” and then turning to His companions, “slut’s filthy!”
“You’re gonna fuck ‘er face, not kiss ‘er.” And They all roared with laughter.
“Yeah, you’re right. OK as I’m here, I’ll go first.” And He unzipped and flopped His semi-hard Cock right in front of my face. “Well, whore, open up,” He ordered, pulling harder on my hair.
Instinctively, i opened my mouth and He slipped His Cock in and began to fuck my mouth; His Cock growing thicker and harder by the second. Obviously, They had had quite a lot to drink so He lasted a long time, forcing Himself deeper into my throat and making my head bend back painfully. Eventually, with a great roar, He shot His load down my throat and withdrew, only to be replaced by a second.
They all took Their turn, but at last They were satisfied and stood to leave. But then the Man who had used me first said, “Wait a minute, I need a piss.” He stood over me with His feet apart, took out His now soft Cock and pissed all over my head. Of course, there was no way for me to dodge the jet of hot acrid liquid; i just had to take it. Finished, He put away His Cock then paused to spit down into my upturned face before laughing and turning away.
Finally, They left me with spittle slowly dripping down my face and close to despair. As the hours passed slowly, i finally drifted off again.
It was daylight when i awoke; the sky was full of dark cloud. And then i realised that it had been raindrops that had woken me. At first they were few and i hoped that the clouds would pass. But, no such luck; before long, it was pouring and my misery was compounded.
The rain lasted, on and off, all day; it was still raining when the Bodyguard came with my “dinner”. He, of course, was dressed in appropriate wet weather clothing and was highly amused when He saw the state i was in. He dished up my food – again it was a can of dog food – and told me to hurry up and eat it as He didn’t want to be out in the rain for any longer than He had to.
Tears ran down my cheeks as i ate; not that He could tell as the rain was now coming down heavier than ever, turning the horrible food into a sloppy mush. As soon as i had managed to eat the evil tasting mess, He picked up the bowl, replaced it with the water bowl and hurried away, calling, “Enjoy your evening,” as He disappeared into the gathering gloom.
The rain eased but came and went throughout the night. ‘At least the rain should mean that there will be no visitors,’ i consoled myself. And, i was left completely alone all through the long, cold, miserable night. At times i dropped off for a few moments sleep but mostly i reflected on why i was being punished in this way.
Why can’t i just do as i’m told? Just follow orders, resist the temptation to orgasm without permission and do i’m told immediately and without question. That’s all i have to do! And i want to; i love my Lord with all my heart and i will do anything… endure anything, just to please Him. But there is this rebellious streak deep within me that keeps getting me into trouble. For the thousandth time i vow to be a better slave; the slave my Lord deserves.
As my thoughts focused on my Lord and those special times when He fucks me or permits me the great honour of worshiping His magnificent Cock, i felt a familiar wetness between my thighs. Here, stuck in this hole, i was getting aroused while thinking about my Lord. If only i could manage to part my legs; as it was, i could touch myself but could not give myself the pleasure i craved.
What i wanted was Cock. What i really wanted… needed was my Lord’s Cock; filling me and thrilling me as no other Cock can.
But i was to be denied my pleasure and long night passed into damp morning and at last, the sun burnt through the clouds. Just a few more hours…
A big boar came by sniffed me and studied me intently and then decided to “mark his territory”. He lifted His back leg – His huge Cock and enormous testicles right in front of my face – and He sprayed His urine all over me. Having scent marked me He went on His way. Other than that i suffered alone for the rest of the day. The day grew hot and humid. This plus my lack of sleep and the physical and mental stresses of the last couple of days turned me into a babbling, incoherent wreck. By the time two Men – the Bodyguard and the Gardener, i think – arrived, i was incoherent.
They must have dug me out but my recollections are very vague. Did They carry me and throw me into the back of a pick-up? Maybe, i can’t be sure, but i do remember having a jet of icy cold water directed at me and being rubbed dry with rough rags before i passed into unconsciousness, a very sorry slave.
Chapter 27 - Who’s Who II
"When i went to college," i began, “i was no virgin but i had little experience. However, my roommate had a boyfriend of about ten years older than she was (and me), and very often their moans, screams and groans of passion were very exciting to hear. So sometimes i would lie alone in my bed and finger myself to climax.
One day my roommate was late and He was already there waiting when i entered the apartment. As soon as i entered, He grabbed me by the back of my neck, forced me to my knees, and with His other hand He opened His trousers and stuffed His big, hard Cock down my throat. Then He bobbed my head up and down with both hands until He shot His hot load deep into my gullet. Without a word He left the room and i was too overwhelmed to react. But i did not feel bad at all, only that He was my roommate's boyfriend. And afterwards when i heard their lovemaking i recalled His lovely gland gliding over my wet tongue.
Certainly, i was used to sucking Cocks, but this was the first time that i had experienced a Cock deep in my throat and the first time that i had been orally raped. But, for some reason, it didn’t matter that He had forced Himself on me; it just made it all the more exciting.
Maybe a week or two later, and it was on purpose as my roommate was out for some holidays, He entered my study, dragged me from the chair, smashed me on my belly on the bed. Again without a word He spread my legs and plunged His Cock deep into my fresh unprepared cunt. Although i was not prepared for this i screamed but not from pain, but as a female conquered by a predator. He finished by shooting His semen deep in my womb and left.
Unfortunately, the third time He used me, W/we were caught by my roommate. Immediately she broke up with Him, and a few weeks later she even moved out. He never came back. But my roommate had spread the word that i was a whore and slut. So not much time after that a student named Mike "presented" himself. After a drink and His "promise how much He loved me" crap W/we went to bed and He took me.
This relationship had lasted for some weeks, when He wanted a change in position. He made me wear a blindfold, put me on all fours and fucked me doggy style. The next evening the same thing happened, but this time, after He climaxed He immediately pulled out, there were some movements behind me and to my surprise He quickly got hard and penetrated me again. And you know what, the next evening same thing, and after being impaled a second time from behind He still remained strong and again He stuffed His cock in my cum oozing cunt.
This went on again for some time, but then i managed to peer under my blindfold and to glimpse from the light from the hall that there was a line of Men waiting their turn. So, next time i managed to escape the groping hands around my waist, to turn around and to whisper in His ear, “Why don't you let in the troops?”
That was the signal! Within seconds i was on my back, one climbed between my wide spread knees and filled my dripping snatch; one straddled my rump, squeezed the tits together and shoves his cock between them, small as they were. Number three turned my head and stuffed His cock in my mouth, while two others at each side took my hands to jerk Their Cocks.
After that night, Mike took me everywhere and passed me around to His friends who passed by the apartment. He ordered me to be permanently without underwear. At any time He could bend me over and ram His cock deep in me, shooting His hot load.
Once, by accident i broke a cup. He was angry and sent me to my room. When He entered the room He ordered me to strip naked. He bound me spread-eagled face down on the bed, wrists and ankles to the frame of the bed after having thrown off all the blankets and sheets. Then with His belt, He whipped my back and ass cheeks. Although i screamed it didn’t really hurt, and i felt a strange feeling between my loins which i had never felt before. After my back and cheeks were fully red He climbed on me and plunged his cock deep in my dripping slit.
Of course, now the rumour spread very quickly that i was a slut to be used by all who wanted. It did not take long before teachers and Masters took me in their study rooms or offices. One of them was the very first to deflower my arse. And again it was not painful; it was a very special hurt feeling. From that day on i was regularly double penetrated.
Although most considered me as a slut, i myself thought more in the sense of being a female belonging to any Male who wanted to use me. And, even female teachers groped me and shut my mouth with their dripping pussies. One took particular delight in using me. She was a big, big woman, about six feet tall and fat; at least twenty-five stone. It made me feel so small when i had to service Her huge body; all wobbly with folds of fat. It was horrible; so humiliating.
Once Mike took me in his car, of course i was not allowed to have underwear. When W/we arrived in a parking place out of town He made me squat on the gear shift. Then i had to ride on it, the knob deep in my pussy. Faster and faster i had to ride, He made me cum twice. Meanwhile He took photos and a video clip of me using His top of the range new mobile phone. But He had more in store. He opened the window of the door, and i had to kneel with my head outside, then He wound up the window until it stuck at my throat and I was stuck with my head out of the window and my rear in the car. It did not take long what the idea was: He took position behind me and he fucked me greatly. Of course it was not the end of it. He sent the clip and pictures to any truck drivers in the area with an invitation to come and use me, and soon They arrived in a row. One row in front of me, using my mouth, and one behind me to use my dripping and oozing whorish cunt. Whorish, because later i found out He made a lot of money for this; Mike was pimping me! One by one those fat filthy drivers stuffed Their fat dongs in my mouth, making me gag while others banged me from behind, Their belly rolls slapping over my back.
Another weekend He brought me to a house. He stopped outside and told to get out of the car, knock on the door and to do anything I was told; very ‘Story of O’. Nervously, i did as i was told. The house was full of foreigners; some of them illegal immigrants, i guessed. A big black Man opened the door and pulled me in and the whole weekend i was the treat for about 18 Men. It seemed that some of Them had been deprived of a female for so long that Their Cocks dripped already even without me touching Them; just seeing me on my knees bobbing my head over a black huge Cock was exciting to Them. When one was finished and shot His load in one of my holes He would take me later again and again. Sunday evening, 48 hours later i was carried out the building into the car unable to walk, totally worn out, my loins ravaged.
It was just before summer break when a delegation from abroad came to visit the University. We were instructed how well to behave, as a huge donation was expected. When the delegation entered it was the first time i saw the Man i came to know as my Lord, and i was immediately lost. What a powerful, charismatic Man! For the first time in my life i could only watch with my eyes downcast. What the meeting was about i had no idea, everything was blurred as though in a fog. Invisible for others, but unmistakable for me was that my inner thighs were trembling in an unknown basic female sensation.
Late that afternoon when i was just about to leave for my apartment, a teacher came to me and told me that i should show up at the hotel where the delegation were staying, and gave me the room number. This request was not unusual as, by this time i was often object of gangbangs and orgies. Of course, i was not questioning this. After getting myself ready and dressing in short sexy clothing i went to the hotel. It was one of the most expensive hotels in the area and the room appeared to be the top suite room. Timidly, i knocked the door and someone called me in.
When i entered, i was startled and nearly fainted on the spot, it was His Lordship, and… on the chair next to where He was standing, a light brown leather whip was laid. The combined sight of His Lordship and the Whip made me go weak at the knees and i dropped on to my knees, in a naturally widespread position, my head down and my eyes downcast. My hands i kept clasped behind my back. His Lordship had such a dominance that i became just a null worm at His disposal. But at the same time my belly felt like i had a thousand butterflies fluttering there. This moment i realised that i was irrevocably and deeply submissive.
With a slight indulgent smile on His lips, He lifted me to my feet and gestured me to go to the bathroom and to prepare myself. The bath tube was filled with hot perfumed water; i took a bath which gave me a drowsy feeling. Then i got out and put on the half cup black bra, black stockings and suspenders that were laid out for me. Of course, there were no panties. On my knees, i knocked on the door and waited obediently. It was about half an hour later that He opened the door and gave me the whip to hold in my mouth. Then He put a leather collar around my neck and clipped a leash to it. Then, dragging me with the leash, i crawled behind Him. He led me to a low coffee table. He strapped me to the table, face down, with a belt around my waist and the table, He bound a rope my ankles, and bound them around the table to. Then my wrists were bound together under the table. After that i felt my belly squeeze in anticipation, i heard Him moving to the bathroom and come back. He filled my mouth with my underwear, finished with a cloth around my mouth, and a blindfold over my eyes.
"I am sorry," He said, "this is a hotel and I do not want to disturb other guests with your screams." His voice, in an exciting foreign accent made me crazy, nearly begging for the whip if i could talk.
And there, there it was sswwiisscchh, the first blow across my ass cheeks. Already, after only the first lash i knew this was a Gentleman Connoisseur who was clearly adept at using a whip; the intensity of the pain shocked me. This was so much more painful than when my boyfriend belted me.
Swwiisscchh sswwiiisscch. From deep within my muffled throat i deep screamed, but not only from the pain. Each lash across my back sent a thrill through my spine, each impact ripped through my butt to my swollen clit.
sswwiisscchh. Each lash nearly made me cum from pure lust. In between strokes, He slid the tip of the whip over my spine, damp from my perspiration, sending thrills of lust to my brain. Oh, if i could beg for more! And then again like a lightning bolt the whip cut a deep stripe across my waist, making me crazy. He took what seemed like an endless time to fully colour my back, my ass, my thighs. In my mind, i had a naughty little thought that He was whipping me under my college uniform skirt as i felt the stripes just above my knee. Even though i hardly knew Him, it made me love Him even more.”
“you love it, don’t you?” interrupted astrid.
“Love it?” i replied. “Love the whip? His Lordship has taught me to truly fear the whip. But on that first occasion, He was gentle with me, just wristy little flicks instead of a full swing of His arm; which is what i receive now. But i do love my Lord, with all my heart, mind, body and soul. And, despite the pain and suffering i have to endure, i do love being His slave. It gives a purpose to my life; a reason for my existence that i never had before.
Anyway, at last He finished and was satisfied with His work, leaving my back and buttocks with red crisscross stripes. It felt that almost certainly there must be a puddle of my running cunt juices on the table between my legs.
He freed my wrists, but immediately bound them again behind my back. His soft caring touch nearly made me explode again. Then He unbound me, with outmost softness lifted me from the table and He made me stumble to the bed. Still blindfolded and gagged, He made me stand with my back to the foot of the bed frame. He bent me backwards and the collar was fastened to the frame… tight, my head facing upwards, but still blindfolded. Dangling down behind me, my arms, bound by the wrists, were useless, and were just above the floor. In this position, with my back already arched backwards, He pulled my legs back and apart to strap my ankles to the legs of the frame of the bed. This meant that I was very exposed and vulnerable, my knees wide parted, my mound almost begging for the whip and my firm tits offered for His attention. There was a trembling in my legs in anticipation of what was coming; my clit was throbbing, my red swollen cunt petals sloppy wet and my cunt wide open, glistening with my juices. Again, He first slid the whip over my heated body, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. "Please whip me, whip me," i wanted to beg Him, this Master of my universe.
Oh god, it started, and my hips bucked in search of the whip. Sswwiisscchh sswwiisscchh. He was obviously so experienced in manipulation of the whip. The tail landed across my bouncing firm tits, over my belly, curling around my waist or under my armpits, biting, cutting, striping me with lovely whip kisses: His Kisses!
sswwaacckk SSWWAACCK. Although my inner thighs trembled, my inner lust was exploding. Sswwiisscchh sswwiisscchh, my hips bucked upwards in search of His loving whip kisses. Gyrating and spreading my knees as wide as possible, oh i hated the gag, how could i beg for more to prove my devotion? The lashes were now between my legs, each impact sending jolts of painful lust through my engorged clit, the petals of my dripping cunt, sloppy, swollen, red, wide open showing my moist pink inside.
The whipping lasted for hours; it seemed endless, was it the whole night? But the climax came when He laid the whip over my mashed, bruised tits, took position between my spread thighs, squatted a little and then impaled me with His marvellous Cock. Never, ever had i felt such a good Cock, i even not dare to pronounce it as a Cock, it was like i was deflowered again, and much, much better than the first time. With deep thrusts, methodically bouncing His Gland deep against my womb. Filling me; thrusting me; ploughing open my tight little slit. Behind my blindfold i was crying with gratitude, my moans had to be heard through the gag. How could i thank Him for this great Fuck? He moulded and clawed into my soft mashed tit flesh, His hips forcing my striped inner thighs wider and wider apart. How long this heavenly fuck lasted i have no idea. The next thing i knew was when i woke up in my own bed. When i went to college, it felt as if my hips were dislocated and i walked as if i had been riding a horse for a week. In the mirror i checked whether my whipped thighs were visible under my skirt. But if i was careful and walked straight, the stripes could not be seen. But it was hard to sit on the college benches and the memory of the event distracted me from hearing of the college lectures for weeks.
Then, one afternoon when i came back to my apartment a woman was waiting. She ordered me to change clothes, which were in the bathroom. Immediately i thought about the evening and that i would see Him again. She watched me, and checked everything. Just like in the book and the movie Histoire d'O, i was perfumed, wore black stockings with black suspenders, a half cup black bra pushing my already erect nipples, of course no panties, high heels, and over that a thin black evening dress, with a split at the side, nearly up to the waist. This stern woman, the clothing, and the anticipation of what was coming next made me aroused and excited. When my appearance was approved by the woman, she led me out to a waiting Rolls Royce. In the backseat we took our places and without a word the car drove off. Outside the city on a deserted path, the Driver stopped, stepped out, opened the door at my side, climbed in and without a word, pulled my dress up around my hips, parted my knees and plunged His Cock deep in my pussy. The woman remained silent and looked out of the window while the Driver humped me and shot His shot load deep into my womb. Then He climbed off me and continued the drive.
Finally the car drove up to vast estate, a beautiful park. The car stopped in front of the hall door, a Butler came out and opened the door at the woman’s side and the Driver opened my door and helped me out. His face appeared distant, but one hand secretly cupped my mound as if to squeeze the fluid He had emptied in me.
The Butler led me into the house and i was taken to a large room. Five Men were there, sitting in comfortable arm chairs, drinking brandy, smoking fat cigars. And One was my Gentleman. All appeared to be powerful, wealthy, Dominant Men, Captains of Industry, politicians, the oldest maybe in His late 60's. They were clearly used to getting… no, to taking what They wanted. Instinctively i bowed my head, my eyes downcast and i clasped my hands behind in my neck. The woman had disappeared and i stood there alone waiting patiently, as the Men had not even stopped Their discussion and showed no sign that They had even noticed me. And why should They? After all, i was just a submissive piece of female flesh. Maybe five or ten minutes or even longer i stood there and i became more and more uncertain. Did i have to do something? Present myself or wait on an order, it made me very self-conscious and i wanted to vanish into the floor.
How long was i waiting, obedient, silent, head down? i don’t know, but then one snapped His fingers and gestured to me. On command i moved to Him. Without a word, He pulled down His trousers, lifted His legs and nodded towards His crotch. Obediently, i went to my knees, and started to lick His crotch, hairy arse and ball sack. And so the evening started for me. Very soon i was surrounded by the Men, or i had to crawl from one chair to the other. One i had to suck, another wanted His crotch licked, number three want His Cock between my little tits. With five Men to serve this foreplay took several hours. And at the age of some of them, they did not cum that easily, so even after a few hours no one had shot His load. But when all Cocks were erect, They altered Their focus on a hole to fuck. They put me on a Cock to ride, or had me on my back, lining up to penetrate me. Or i was on all fours and They straddled me. The difference from the young Men who fucked me so often was that the older Men did not cum so quickly. In fact, They came only after hours and hours of thoroughly fucking me.
They laid me backwards, face up on a low foot stool with my legs wide, my feet on the floor and my head hanging down on the floor. While one impaled me with His Cock, another squatted at my head, lifted my head by the back of my neck and shoved His fat cock deep into my throat. It was like if He impaled my wind pipe, and banged my lungs. His hairy ball sack sliding over my face and eyes. Each time my Gentleman’s Cock impaled one of my holes, i knew it was Him, Him giving me that special thrill, pulling at my deepest basic submissive female being.
So it went on all night and then in the morning when the last had shot His load over my hair and face, He whispered mockingly with His seductive foreign accent, "Gentlemen, see our newborn ‘cumface’."
How true this was.
The next day was the last day of the university term. Traditionally, the last day involves lots of drinks in the pubs in the town. There my "usual" date met me, and started arguing about where i had been the last two days. Angrily, He yanked me by my hair and dragged me to the toilets. There He slapped my face and then kicked me down on all fours. He pushed my head into the toilet pan and while now and then flushing the toilet over my head, He fucked my arse and cunt alternatively. After having unloaded, others lined up and used me. But these humiliating acts did not harm as i did not forget the heavenly two evenings with this foreign Stranger.
Late that night i headed home, well fucked and full of spunk. When i entered my apartment, the same stern woman was waiting for me. But now, she had packed all my personal belongings in a case, and held my passport in her hand and said simply, "Follow me."
She went out and i followed her out to a cab. After a long drive we arrived at the airport. Without checks they led me through the gate, and suddenly i was in an airplane. Apparently i was the last passenger, as the door was closed behind me and soon the plane took off. No idea where to i was heading. A few hours later the plane landed in this country and with a limo i was brought to an apartment, and again later in this House, i became His property.
After a few wonderful weeks, He sent me back; telling me that i must complete my university course and get my degree. The tutors would give me every assistance but i had to ‘demonstrate my gratitude’ to them by allowing them to use me as they wanted; which, naturally, They did regularly. All my expenses would be taken care of and my ‘boyfriend’ would no longer be a problem. In fact, i never ever saw Him again.
After university, i returned home and tried to live a normal life but i could not get the memory of my Gentleman, His Lordship, out of my mind so i was overjoyed when He finally made contact with me again.
At first, He started to control me via email and an Internet chatroom where W/we would act out roll-play scenes involving me being humiliated, whipped and used for the amusement of His Lordship and other Dom(me)s in the room; and i loved every moment. Also i would have to ask His permission, for example, if i wished to go out socially and also He would dictate how i dressed for such occasions – usually sluttily; very short skirts, skimpy tops, no underwear. He would deny me orgasms but maybe order me to find one or more Men and suck Their Cocks. And, of course, i would have to report back describing what happened in intimate detail.
But then, finally, when He judged that i had earned the privilege, He brought me here again for a second visit and during that time, i begged Him to allow me to come here permanently to be His devoted slave. But, He sent me home again and told me that i had one month to prepare myself as i would, at that time, disappear from my old life and i would be sent for and i would then be permitted the great honour of becoming His slave.
Well, of course, i did as instructed and here i am; contented in my slavery as it is possible to be.”
At that moment, i forget myself and astrid brings me and herself to mind-blowing climaxes.
Later that day, one of His Lordship’s bodyguards comes to the little cottage and announces to astrid, "you are now ‘cumslut’.” Nothing else is said.
So astrid takes another step along the road to becoming a slave like me. But the sudden announcement shocks me; am i gaining a slave-sister or could it be that cumslut is to be trained to be my replacement? After all, i have to admit it, she is several years younger than me!
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