Bus control-1
By Clara High
- Attention! Control! All passengers out of the bus! In a line at the bus side! Move! – It was a gender police traffic checkpoint. A masked and heavily armed policewoman entered the bus’s saloon and started to give commands. She grabbed nearest man and pulled him roughly out of the bus. The bus was looking as livestock transport. It was “men only” bus and was tickly packed with passengers, men. It was difficult to breathe. After first man flew outside the bus, few more followed. Police whistles were heard. The men outside were dragged and made to stand along the bus’s side. The women were using their sticks freely. Men were put in line very, very fast! Second woman came into the bus and started to push out the men together with her colleague.
- Take your luggage and move out! Quickly! Out! Out! Move out! – The sharp orders were given with sharp strong voices strongly modified by the masks and sounding metallically and passionlessly…
Very soon all men were discharged and like sheep were pushed to comply with the orders.
- Take your documents in hands! Hands up! Support yourself at the bus’s side! Leg spread at the width of shoulders! Keep silence and don’t move!
Group of policewomen started to inspect the men, their bags and their documents. The women were intentionally rough. They were seeing to provoke reaction from the side of the men which to be taken as resistance.
- Where are you going? – The woman asked the inspected man while looking at his documents.
- I am going to my work, Ma’am! – He answered politely.
- And it is?
- Garbage operator in Main Municipality, Ma’am.
- Ahaa. Your area access permission is limited. You must leave Central Administrative Area not later than eight o’clock in the evening.
- Yes, Ma’am!
- The permission for access in the Municipally House is near to expire.
- Yes, Ma’am!
- And you are in the two weeks safety period, when you must apply for its renewal. As I see your quarter supervisor lady is endorsing regularly your temporary rights to enter. OK. You haven’t applied still for renewal. Have you?
- No, Ma’am! I haven’t.
- Why? You have few days remaining!
- I was told that I would be transferred to other position in another area.
- Aa! OK! I put you red stamp then.
- Oh, Ma’am! Please… Please don’t! I am not a violator, please!
- I don’t know. Your story is looking very doubtful! My colleagues must be careful during next inspections. You are a potential lawbreaker. I can’t tolerate any such risk. You better go and give your application, instead to speak unnecessarily! Any objections?!! – The woman put her black leather gloved hand on the handle of her rubber stick.
- No! No, Ma’am, no! – The man responded in urgent manner.
- Good! Kneel! – Woman commanded. Man obeyed. She pointed at her boot covered with tick layer of dust. That silent order could mean only one thing. He was to clean her boots with licking. Disgusting! He had to do that under the looks of all men and women persisting. Such humiliation! But he had to do that; otherwise the consequences could be quite worse. It was normal phenomena women to make men to serve them directly on the street in all possible manners. Sexually including! So, he knelt, bent himself as lower as it was possible and started to lick. The dust started gritting between his teeth and nasty taste fulfilled his mouth.
Meanwhile the woman was looking at him proudly and with obvious pleasure. Few of her colleagues paid attention to her occupation. Most of them were doing the other men and those who weren’t involved were guarding from beside, smoking and chatting. It was very common activity for them.
The woman felt an excitement looking at the knelt man. She was feeling his tongue’s press through the soft leather of the boot. It was so nice! A very pleasant shivers passed through whole her body. She started to feel tension in her abdomen combined with hot feeling of heavy warmness. It became difficult to her to breath. The man was young, maybe about his twenty-five. His eyes were full of fear. It would be very nice if she could use him in different circumstances. She rewrote his address in her notebook and put it in her front pocket proudly located over her strongly forward protruded breasts.
- Enough! – She said and man stopped his work. She stopped to feel his tongue touching and started to suffer slight disappointment, but there was nothing to do, but to postpone her pleasure for next time. The man remained knelt and bent. It was very amusing. He was acting like a robot or like a well-trained animal – following the commands strictly and not doing anything without order. It was exactly what was expected from a man to do in presence of a woman, further more – a policewoman, but it was very funny anyway! Suddenly she felt a necessity to pee. Oh!
- Stand up! – He stood up hurry. She took him and turned him back. She took his arms and pulled them to herself. Few seconds later his hands were firmly locked with handcuff plastic tape. Without any comments she pulled him to the nearest building entrance. No one paid attention. Meanwhile her colleagues were processing other men in different ways, as per every different case. Few men were separated from the passengers and were under guards’ supervision. Violators. They hadn’t met some of the numerous requirements for the documents and for movement of the men in the different areas.
She brought him into the entrance and pushed him towards the basement down the stairs. There was twilight. On first landing she stopped him and with pushing down she met him to lie with his face up. He obeyed without resistance. It was obviously useless. She tied his legs with plastic another tapes. She unbuttoned the zip of her trousers and knelt over his head. The zip was long and after opening it discovered her body part up to the base of the back. It was very comfortable for her. A very spectacular sight appeared in front of the eyes of her victim. In such cases, her colleagues usually preferred the man to be blindfolded, but for her it was not important.
floated down in his mouth, releasing the pressure in her abdomen. She closed her eyes enjoying the good feeling. At that time the man was drowning in her rain and desperately trying to swallow whole quantity of her golden gift. After her last drop fell in his wide open mouth, he managed to swallow all. No even a drop had fallen on the floor. She looked down and was obviously glad.
Suddenly, looking at him, lying below her, she felt a different and more stronger desire, which overwhelmed her like hot ocean wave. She got knelt deeper down and closed completely his mouth and nose with her divine temple. It wasn’t necessary to her to give any order. Even if the man was inexperienced, the perspective to be suffocated should make him to move in fighting for breath. That would be quite enough. Obviously the case wasn’t such. Having got almost sat over his face, she felt that he commenced caressing her divine openings. Deep sigh of pleasure and passion came out from her red colored lips. She placed her back sit more comfortably over his face, taking care not to suffocate him. She wanted to prolong the sense as more as possible. Feeling the strong motion of the thick male tongue, she started moving in all directions, trying to obtain as highest excitation as possible. Obviously man had got some experience before, or was following his instincts, but his job was great. She was flying on the wings of the ecstasy, climbing upper and upper the wonderful mountain of lust. She put beside her gun and leather belts and released her body from all restrains. She threw beside her handbag. She started to caress her heavy, well-formed breasts. It was very difficult to breath. It was hot. She started to get sweat. Her loud moaning fulfilled the air together with her smell of an excited witch. Suddenly her bent legs refused to support her body and she collapsed completely over the man, suppressing his fighting for breath. At that moment the wave of storm flushed away all her senses and the world disappeared.
The man below her was desperately moving in struggling for air. She slipped on the cold floor under his pushes. Coldness of the surface made her to regain and she stood up with huge displeasure. She felt her body tired. She needed some rest. And also, she needed something more. Man on the floor in front of her was breathing now easily but noisily. Her hesitation lasted for few seconds only. She bent herself and took her bag from the floor. After some minutes of searching she put out a mouth opener and smiled.
guilt child. She inserted the opener in his mouth and opened its ends to the ultimate limits. Man was suffering severe pain in muscles and in the flesh. He almost was suffocated due to abnormal extraction of the face muscles. He started coughing and instinctive convulsive attempts to close mouth, but to no avail.
She knelt comfortably above his face again and looked down at him.
- Now, my dear, I want you to take, actually, to be blessed with my gift! I want you to show your pleasure and your gratefulness to me, as well, with taking in you all what I will release from my stomach. – Desperate protesting moaning came from down below her.
- Yes, I knew you will be satisfied by my gift! And, please, pay attention! No drop, no piece out of your mouth! We must not pollute that nice floor! OK? – Another more desperate moaning came from the helpless man.
- Thank you! – She said with devilish smile and closed her eyes. She tightened her abdomen and released her down. Swishing sound came from her down and the space was adored by her specific smell. Shortly after that a thick smelling soft brown object fell in his wide opened mouth. Slightly suffocated by her emissions he now was moaning and crying in his inability to do anything against the acts of humiliation and degradation she was doing over him.
- Be nice guy! Pleacee! Swallow! Swallow! – She ironically begged him, almost singing her request. Moving of his muscles was desperate and soon her first gift disappeared completely. Another push and second piece was visible in his throat. He was crying. Huge bitter tears were coming down from his eyes forming two wonderful creeks on his cheeks. Seconds later he swallowed. He was moaning no more. Only lavish creeks were going down without stopping.
She waited for few seconds more and after one more short push, she felt that all is over. Last her gift, smaller, but more dilute than the others fell partly out of his lips and got stuck to his cheek. She looked down at him and made disgusted face.
with you anymore! C’mon, swallow! – She took a wet aromatized napkin from her bag and cleaned her down. After that she wiped his cheek and bunged the dirty napkin into his mouth. He didn’t wait another order and soon the napkin was swallowed as well. She stood up and pulled the zip of the trousers, closing it. After that she put back her leather bands, weapons and took her handbag, putting it across her shoulders. She took out a mirror from the bag and looked at it. She corrected her hair and put more lipstick. Finishing the procedure she sighted at him.
He started crawling in desperate attempts to stand up.
Having released him, she pushed him forward.
Getting near the bus, they saw that the control is completed. Few men were separated, their hands were tied behind and they were on their knees with black cowls over their heads. Some quiet moaning was hearable from them. Obviously the perspective of the nearest future was looking so horrible for them. The other men were getting into the bus, looking straightly forward. Policewomen were chatting and laughing loudly. They were looking happy. Some of them were with slightly broken appearance. Obviously they had had stormy experience with some of the detained.
She pushed him forward to the order of the boarding men. One of her colleagues noticed her and smiled.
smart servants when it is necessary and required. I needed it and he gave me it!
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