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Review This Story || Author: Lauries Husband

Tales of an English Rose

Part 1

Tales of an English Rose

By  Lauries Husband


The cell phone on the bedside table chirped, momentarily breaking the concentration of the  beautiful blonde laying back against the mound of pillows piled up against the headboard. The second chirp sent one hand towards the intrusive device and the other hand between her legs where it firmly held the curly black hair of the resorts bartender in place. She pressed the little green button as the third chirp began.

“Just a minute, Bob-cuck. Why must you always call at the most inconvenient times?”  The thin furrows of aggravation started to appear in her forehead. Taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh, she let the bartenders long and talented tongue work its very own magic on the sweet spot between her thighs. “Thats right…mmm…just there, Alberto…yes…ah, thats so good.” She hadnt really bothered to cover the phone as she spoke softly to the man on the bed with her.

“Urm…sweetheart? Is someone there with you? It started pouring down rain and…”

Robert Hornsmythe, Jilly Humes husband of five years was trying to hear his wife while he was being jostled around in the hotel bar by the rest of the golfers whod come in after the sudden downpour started to soak the course. He kept his phone tight to his ear as he finally got to the bar and ordered a shot of whiskey and a beer. If she told him something important or asked him to do something and he couldnt hear, he knew there would be hell to pay later on.

Alberto had known as soon as the hot young wife met his eyes with her own appraising look the night before, that he would be enjoying her firm, fit body before she and her otherwise forgettable husband left after the weekend. It was no surprise when his phone rang late the next morning. As he said hello, he remembered their short encounter at the bar. He guessed her to be thirty-one, maybe thirty-two years old. (Not far off, Jilly had turned thirty-three only two months before.) The little black cocktail dress she wore revealed, among other things, that her breasts did not require a bra to look their finest.

They hardly spoke as the husband ordered, looking slightly uneasy as his wife flirted silently with the older, more confident man. He slipped her his phone number and room number at the resort hotel along with her Kir Royale. Her smile was all he needed. He watched her flirt with most of the single men at the bar before she and her husband left for the dining room.

His tongue was like nothing shed experienced before; with a low moan, Jilly dropped the phone on the bed and forgot about it. His thick, strong fingers moved over her bare mound pulling back her nether lips and opening her vagina even more. He plunged his long tongue into her steamy depths as deeply as he could and then curled the tip back over the spongy flesh at the top of her slick walls.

“Oh my God! Oh, oh, Alberto…” 

Bobs face turned a deep red as he listened to the sounds of his wife being pleasured by another man. His phone slipped through his nervous, sweaty fingers, dropped down onto the bar inadvertently turning on the speaker phone feature. A split-second later, all the boys around him most of whom had met his wife the night before heard exactly why their new golfing buddy had turned so deeply crimson red.

“Please, Alberto…enough…too sensitive…” The shock of hearing his wifes voice broadcast to everyone around him froze the obviously cuckolded husband long enough for one of the other golfers to grab the phone and pass it down the bar, keeping it out of Bobs hands.

“You know what I want, you sexy beast!”

The laughter exploded at the bar as Bob turned away, so deeply humiliated and ashamed.

“Fuck me, lover…give me that big, fat cock…oh…oh God!  So full…fuck me now, baby…fuck me hard…fuck me like a real man, lover…its been so long…”

Albertos back-up behind the bar finally snatched the phone away from the man holding it, switched it off and handed it back to Bob, along with a double whiskey, without really looking at him.

Jilly worked her nipples just the way she liked, pinching and pulling while varying the pressure of her fingertips. She wondered briefly why all the men she knew seemed to think that twisting them like a radio dial was ever enough. But that flew out of her mind as Alberto started pummeling her pussy with his thick, uncircumcised cock. He was relentless, pounding her into the mattress, fucking the breath out of her, never letting up for a minute.

“Sweet Jesus,” she thought to herself, “nobodys fucked me quite like this since Terry.” She started to drift as the approaching orgasm built slowly deep within her sex, her memories taking her back to the beginning of all this...


Roughly two hundred and fifty miles north of London between the River Tyne and the North Sea coastline is a piece of English history that is home to about 200,000 residents and what used to be home to shipbuilders and then coal miners, Newcastle has become a modern showplace and full of entertainment for the tourists who visit every year.

What was once a major location for manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution has become a financial and retail service center.  It is a change in the citys identity that has impacted more than a few of the families that have lived there for generations.

Jilly was born and raised there, the daughter of a solid middle-class family. She was a good student working hard at her studies and spending her free time participating in schools sports. Slightly tall for her age and very fit, she played team sports but her true passion was running the open road. All alone with her hopes and her dreams, she was the mistress of her own fate; she could imagine what she wanted and didnt have to worry about lifes harsher realities as she ran for hours.

She was a pretty young lady, her blonde hair naturally curly and it fell just below her shoulders. But with the harsh self-criticism of teenage girls, she never truly believed that others saw her that way. She never developed a full, round chest until she eventually became pregnant it made her middle teen years hard to endure sometimes. Children everywhere can be cruel.

For Jilly it simply meant she spent more time running than playing with her friends especially the boys. It wasnt until she was sixteen that she gathered up enough courage to join her girlfriends at one of the  schools first discos of the new semester.  Buzzing with the excitement that only a young girl can feel at her first dance, she was easily persuaded to shuffle into the shadows with one of the boys she thought was quite charming and attractive.

It was only a little kissing, but when it hasnt happened often, it can be so exciting. And thinking that no one would ever be attracted to her flat chest, her heart jumped outside her body when her young man slid his fingers between the buttons on her blouse. It was short and sweet, just a quick fumble really. But he was the first boy to really touch her in a sexual way and it was special. Well, at least until school started the following Monday. For whatever reason, the boy told all of his friends that he got a lot further with her than just a little making out and a quick feel. Still a virgin in all ways, Jilly became a slut almost overnight in her schoolmates eyes. And of course, she stopped going to the dances.

But she kept up with her sports and fittingly, she thought, it was at a soccer match in the Spring when her life changed completely.

It was a dual event and her schools mens soccer team was taking on a cross-town rival while Jilly and her track teammates were pitted against the women of the same rival school.

It was an unseasonably warm day and she was already stretched out and ready for her race. She had a light windbreaker over her uniform shirt and very short nylon running shorts just barely covered her tight behind,  highlighting the beautifully athletic curve of her heart-shaped teenage ass. They were so short her fit, shapely legs seemed to go on forever.

Jilly had stopped for a minute to watch the boys running up and down the field. Back in the day, the boys soccer shorts werent much longer than the running shorts she was wearing. And she loved watching their muscles moving as they ran hard. It was an image she would keep in her head during her long-distance race later on. She was enjoying such a sight when she heard her name being called from the side. Bringing herself out of her hot, pre-race preparations, she looked around and there he was. She gasped, he smirked, and her face turned red with complete embarrassment.

“Jilly, right?”

Terry was in his last year at school. Six feet tall and dark-haired, muscular and fit, he was a good looking young man. And he was a man, in fact, compared to most of his schoolmates. Jilly was shocked he even knew her name. She was even more surprised when she could finally look at him and saw his eyes traveling slowly and methodically up and down her long, sexy legs. Her long-distance training was the only thing keeping her pulse rate in check.

He said the usual things but it all sounded fresh and new to the inexperienced teen. She knew her legs drew peeks whenever she wore those shorts, but Terry was the first man bold enough to let her see he was looking and admiring them. He seemed to be at a completely different level than the boy shed kissed at the disco.

He asked her out for the coming Saturday night. She asked him why…and why then?

“Why now? Never seen you like this before.” His eyes swept her length again and he chuckled. “Guess that answers the why part, too.”

He did have a certain reputation she couldnt deny it. The girls he dated were always the prettiest ones and the envy of all the others even though he hadnt kept any of them very long. But the buzz of being the one he wanted, even without tits, was too much for her to ignore.

Her face flushed a deep red, so noticeable with her fair complexion. She could smell her own unique scent as her young, virgin cunt started to moisten with her growing excitement. She didnt know how or why it was happening to her…his unexpected arrival in her life…but she knew she didnt want it to end before it ever started. But she had to get away before he noticed her scent as well.

“Yes, that would be nice, thanks.”

Her face was crimson Could I have said anything more lame?” she thought to herself. “Listen, Terry, my race, you know?” She pointed across to the other athletic field. “Gotta run.” Now she was giggling and feeling more than a little strange. “Talk at school tomorrow, okay?”

“Sure…great. Urm, good luck with your race.” He watched her start to jog away. “See you tomorrow.”

She never really did figure out why hed asked her out in the first place. She had stayed out of the dating and party scene after her one bad experience. There was nothing feeding the gossip mills about her and she had faded back into the woodwork, grateful for the low profile and lack of attention. But that night as she lay in bed, her tight, fit teenage body was still processing all the adrenalin it had produced during her winning effort earlier that day. Those good feelings were still strong within her when she started thinking about Terry.

Her bedroom window was cracked open just enough to let the cool night breeze whisper across her heated flesh. With her light comforter pulled up to her waist, her flat, athletic tummy and her adolescent chest tingled with delight as the sudden chill of fresh air turned her areolas into shivering gooseflesh and made her nipples hard as little bullet tips.

Her soft blonde curls covered her pillow and she looked almost angelic until her left hand crossed over her painfully flat chest and her fingers found the thickening, throbbing nipple on her right breast. Slowly pressing her thumb and forefinger together, the sixteen year old schoolgirl started to think about the hot, sexy boy she encountered earlier. “Oh, God,” she thought, “he is such a total hunk!”  Her fingers pressed a little harder and she heard herself moan. She pictured his dark, handsome face and when she remembered his full, soft-looking lips her right hand slipped under the comforter and into her little white cotton string bikini panties.

Jilly had to make a conscious effort to keep herself quiet; sound traveled in their small house and she didnt really want any questioning looks from her parents the next morning at the breakfast table. But her fear of discovery wasnt nearly enough to keep the fantasies out of her head nor her fingers away from her pleasure zones. In time with her throbbing nipple, her middle finger slid up and down the tiny moist slit between her legs. She tried hard to keep the groan buried in her throat but her fingers wouldnt stop. Her left hand switched to her other swelling bud and the tip of her middle finger was dipping into her tiny hole. 

She imagined the looks she might see on her girlfriends faces when they saw her walking with Terry and her finger was coated with her sweet girl-juice.  She used her fingertip to draw wet circles around the tiny pink hood that covered her little pearl and her other hand worked both nipples furiously, pinching and pulling her ultra-sensitive flesh until tremors started to wrack her long, shapely legs.

Writhing and moaning, affected by her own touch like never before, the beautiful blonde teenager kicked the covers off her legs. She desperately needed to climax but she couldnt give up the incredible feelings rushing through her. Waves of electric excitement coursed through her flesh and kept her right on the razors edge of release. With all the strength of will she could muster, Jilly pulled her hands away from her nipples and out of her panties.

Moving them slowly and carefully down her sides she untied the white cotton strings on her hips and slowly peeled the front of her tiny panties down uncovering her swollen, sparsely covered pussy mound.

Her breathing was heavy and labored as she managed to lift her hips just enough to pull the tiny scrap of cloth completely off and she tossed it without thought towards the door. She pulled her trim, beautiful legs up and spread her knees, opening herself to a world of sensation she so desperately craved. Her fingers found their way back to her secret, sensitive places and as she stimulated each of her pleasure spots, she realized a huge difference between what was happening  that night and any other time she had touched herself quite like that.

It had always been that whoever she thought about, fantasized about, would be the one to untie those strings. That night, she realized, she had untied them for Terry.

She nearly dislocated her jaw biting down so hard on her pillow as the screams of complete release fought to escape her mouth. Her fingers continued to brutalize her nipples and her sex it was the best climax she had ever given herself and when she finally calmed down she slept until her alarm woke her for school the next morning.

They dated. Her friends were surprised and were so quick to point out that she was not exactly his type. She knew about his history with other girls in the school, popular and already enticing the boys with more mature, developed figures, but that was in the past he was with her now. They did the normal things high school kids did. They went to movies and to the new discos and dance clubs that kept opening. They hung out. A lot. Jilly didnt mind, though, as she couldnt dream that anyone would ever kiss her better than Terry did. And even though she knew he wanted much more than just making out, he was so patient with her when she said she wanted to wait until her next birthday before having full sex with him.

They continued to date and her friends continued to warn her about his past but the smitten teen would not listen. As they spent more and more time together, Jillys schoolwork started to suffer and it wasnt long before she gave up running track. Her parents became quite concerned, even after she told them she felt they were in love and she only wanted to be with him. And so she spent even more time hanging out with him at his house where they were alone most school day afternoons. That was where he seduced the innocent blonde several weeks after they started going out.

He was masterful in the way he played her. He seduced her with words and promises and mostly by the things he didnt do.

Jilly loved their times together after school. After going most of her short life without a boyfriend and aside from that one time at the school disco without any serious kissing as well, she was more than ready to indulge herself with her handsome, popular guy. And she was anxious to make up for lost time regardless of how it had affected her reputation, she really liked kissing that boy at the school dance. Terry started with a kiss and then made her fall in love with him.

Jilly was a natural when it came to making out. Her lips were soft with a little firmness and her tongue was long and flexible. But mostly she loved the touching she craved the warmth and the connection she felt whenever they kissed and touched each other with love (on her side), lust (on his) and desire.  After Jilly had expressed her wish to wait for full sex and Terry agreed without a problem it seemed to take the pressure off of them and they could enjoy what they were doing without any false expectations. They enjoyed it immensely. And it was more fun than anything Jilly had ever experienced.

And one day it was so much fun that Jilly laughed while Terry held her in his arms on his comfortable old couch. So he tickled her to hear her laugh again. Tickling turned to soft prodding and that led to more kissing with a lot more stroking when the adorable sixteen year old blonde with the bee-sting lips realized her jeans were on the floor and her pale blue bikini panties had been pushed to the side, wedged between her thigh and her swollen pubic mound. When she looked up from her partially uncovered pussy, Terry appeared before her. He was on his knees between her spread thighs. He pulled her forward enough that her cute, firm ass rested on the front edge of the sofa cushion.

She looked at him and saw the dark, handsome man she always believed would come for her some day. Leaping off the covers of her mothers paperback romances, he would rescue her away from the ordinary and the numbingly mundane. She loved him. She trusted him. He knew it.

His hands slid up her calves, his fingers pressing into the hard muscles behind the bone and the long-distance runner moaned. Her mothers hands never felt like that giving her a rub-down after a race. When he reached her knees he brought his palms to the insides of her thighs and let his thumbs bend underneath. He moved them slowly, massaging her muscles and smoothing her tendons as his hands moved closer to her core.

She was mesmerized by the slow, steady progress his fingers made towards her molten sex. She could smell her own arousal and was somehow both proud and embarrassed at the same time when she understood that Terry could smell it, too. Every time his hands moved closer, his full, thick lips burned her flesh as he kissed and nibbled and licked at the taut skin over the insides of her thighs.

He moved closer and she could feel his breath between her legs.  With his hands and fingers pushing her legs wide, his forefingers and thumbs outlined her virgin cunt. His face came even closer and the girl stopped breathing, her pulse beating faster than when she ran sprints at practice.

“Oh fuck me, Jilly! Youre so fuckin hot!” He couldnt wait another second to run his tongue between the freshest pink lips hed ever seen.  “Mmm…you taste the best of anyone…ever…Jesus, Jilly, why didnt you tell me?”

Her eyes closed and she let her body go completely on automatic. Nothing in her life had ever come close to that kind of intensity sexual or otherwise. She could see him in her minds eye it was easier than trying to focus on something a foot away. His fingers ran up through her slick labia, gently lifting and separating each petal of her virgin flower. He shaped his tongue into a point and followed his fingers into the slick grooves of her pussy, collecting every drop of her delicious juice and making a show of swallowing it down.

Sitting on the couch, legs spread and naked from the waist down, Jilly was just about to lose her mind. Terrys fingers moved again; he so carefully and gently directed them to peal the thin, pink fleshy hood away from her tiny, hidden clitoris. The sensations were so intense she felt like climbing out of her body so she could watch him do whatever he was doing…and watch herself explode with the growing rapture. Once uncovered, Terry started licking tiny circles around her blood-filled little pink pea while his thumbs traced her nether lips as lightly as he could manage. He was like a machine as he kept himself on pace and on target. When he felt the tremors start to take control of her thighs, Terry kept his thumbs moving at the same speed but he started to slow his tongue down.

Jill was screaming but it was nothing he could have understood. He never really even paid attention to anything but the way her muscles were twitching around her core. The faster she reacted the slower his tongue circled her most sensitive spot. Finally, her hips shot up off the cushion and her legs shook violently as her scream reached a whole new level. With one final effort, Terry sucked her swollen clit between his lips and lashed it with his tongue as hard and as fast as he could until her hips seemed to lock up and her girl-juice sprayed his face. After a final shrill scream he felt her go completely limp; she fell down onto the cushion and passed out cold.

Minutes later, she opened her beautiful blue eyes to find her conquering hero kneeling at the side of the couch, gently stroking the side of her face with his left hand and letting the fingers of his right hand draw lazy circles over her left hip, teasing the inside of her left thigh and the crease where it met her sparsely covered mound. When he noticed her eyes had opened, he leaned in and gave her his most romantic kiss. She was his.

Terrys seduction was working perfectly. He amazed her with his tender touch and he mystified her with his lack of aggression. He never tried to force anything that afternoon and by seemingly respecting her, hed won her trust.

He knew she was sensitive about the size of her breasts and that afternoon they were not a issue. Aside from rubbing them when theyd started kissing, he left them alone for the rest of the afternoon, never trying to strip off her shirt or removing her bra. Her vision of Terry as a man was further reinforced the boys she knew would have been trying to feel her up and then laughing at her tiny tits. Terry was treating her like a woman

Review This Story || Author: Lauries Husband
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