Tamed Cougar – Chapter 05
By Tappy McWidestance
I sat in the sleeper car waiting for my mistress to arrive. I wish my hands had been bound because the temptation to masturbate was becoming overwhelming. Lisa must have been on the train since her luggage was here. I wanted to go and look for her. I wanted to give my leaky pussy attention. I wanted to drop to the floor and worship my mistress. But none of that could happen right now. I could only wait until she decided it was time.
Leaving the station I watched the city give way to the suburbs as we traveled into Northern Illinois. We stopped in a town called Glenview. It was a brief stop to pick up a few passengers. After we were moving again, finally the door to my room opened and Mrs. Forrest, oops, Mistress Lisa, walked in. She was carrying another bag. It looked heavy. She stood in front of the bed and looked down at me. Immediately I assumed the submissive posture she had told me a good slave must always use when in the presence of her superior. I couldn't see her face, but I imagined her smiling.
We sat across from each other on the room's two couches. She had me tell her every juicy detail of the last two weeks. She did not order me to touch myself. I was disappointed. Mistress Lisa, however, seemed pleased with my progress. I asked her who had been watching me on the first leg of my trip. She told me a friend of hers, Judy, had been on the train giving her progress reports. I asked if Judy was still on the train and she said no. I told her how tired I was from not sleeping well the last two nights. She told me not to expect much rest for the next two days, but that I should take a nap now until dinner. Coyly I told her I was much too horny to sleep. I hoped that would inspire her to use me for her pleasure.
"You really are a hot pussied slut, aren't you?" she asked.
"Yes mistress. I'm a hot pussied slut. Your hot pussied slut," I replied.
"That's the difference between you and me," she said. "I'm in control of myself. I could easily go the next two days without sex. You can't make it the next two minutes."
I bowed my head submissively. She was right as always.
"You need to rest. I have big plans. I guess you'll have to cum first. Take your clothes off."
I jumped off the couch and quick as a flash I stood gloriously naked before her.
"Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head," she commanded.
My pussy was wet and ready and my spread legs insured her easy access. The position of my arms pulled my breasts up. They were standing proudly before her. My nipples, like my pussy, betrayed the level of my excitement. I stood waiting for her. With a single fingertip she casually touched the nipple of my left breast with her well manicured nail. The shock wave raced through my body. I'd been craving her touch since the moment she'd walked out of my dining room on graduation day and now I was getting it.
She slowly ran her fingernail down over my stomach. I knew where it was headed and I was mewing in appreciation. But at the last moment it took a left detour and bypassed my clit. She moved her nail down onto my outer thigh. She could tell I was dripping in need as her tantalizing finger made a loop and headed back up my inner thigh. I was shaking in need as it approached my pussy. Oh please let that be my destination. I knew I could cum easily if only she would let me.
But her finger didn't give me what I wanted. At least not yet. She began making slow lazy circles around my pussy. She'd go just over my clit. Her nail was close enough that my clit would pulse in anticipation of contact only to be let down as it circled just outside my labia. Around my pussy and then back over the edge of my clit. Each time my body tensed in anticipation that this time she was going to rub my clit, push her fingers inside me and make me cum. My mews of pleasure had turned to whimpers of frustration. Of course Mistress Lisa seemed to be enjoying herself and the control she had over me.
"Is there anything you would like to say to me?" she asked.
If my mind had any capacity to think instead of focusing on the feelings between my legs I probably would have confessed to some infraction of the rules in the past 2 weeks. Instead all I could do was break down and beg her to let me climax. Whether that was the answer she was really looking for or not I don't know. I do know she plunged three fingers into my pussy while she rubbed my engorged clit with her thumb.
My body's reaction was instantaneous and predictable. My mistress held her hand still and ordered my to fuck myself on her digits and I came forcefully while standing in the middle of the room. My naked body was on display as we pulled into the next station to anyone who bothered to look in the window. My legs were getting weak as I did a sensuous bump and grind on her hand riding my orgasm for all it was worth. When it was finally over I fell backwards onto my couch. Mistress Lisa had a smug smile of satisfaction on her face. She had me and she knew it.
My mistress pulled a blanket out of the closet and wrapped it around my still convulsing body.
"Sleep now my pet. You need some rest. I'm here to take care of you."
I felt warm and safe as she said those words. I watched as she left the room but soon after I was asleep. My nap was still punctuated by erotic dreams much like last night was, but without the wand working its magic, I didn't wake up climaxing. The fact that my body was exhausted probably had something to do with that too. When I did finally wake the sun was setting. I looked at the clock and it was 8:30. Mistress Lisa was sitting on the other couch reading a book. She looked up when she heard me stir.
"Have a good nap, sleepyhead?" she asked.
"Yes mistress," I replied.
"Good. You should have plenty of energy then. I don't know about you but I am hungry."
"I am too mistress," I said.
"Well you can start with an appetizer," she said smiling.
I watched as she stood up an unzipped her skirt. She wasn't wearing any panties and her pussy looked wet as if she had been playing with herself while I slept. My lust for her touch had not abated since I rode her fingers a few hours ago. I practically leapt out of the bed and was quickly between her powerful thighs. As I serviced her she told me that she had missed me. That she had other women willing to serve her at home, but that I was special. In my mind I was wondering if other women served both her and her daughter, but I said nothing. I remembered one of her rules was slaves were not to speak unless they were first spoken to.
My mistress must have been playing with herself as I slept because she came much quicker than I remembered. I was proud of myself nonetheless as she showered me with her affection. She tasted wonderful. I'd grown to love her taste and I had a warm feeling of satisfaction from having performed satisfactorily. My own pussy was stirring with a need for attention. Now that my mistress was happy, I hoped she would give me more pleasure.
Mistress Lisa announced that it was time to go to dinner. Since the dining car would be closing soon, we'd be having sandwiches in the bar car. I was sure that was part of her plan because she could show me off and humiliate me more standing around a bunch of guys. When she opened her suitcase to reveal a plethora of sex toys and pulled out a remote vibrating egg, I knew my assumption was correct.
First she tested the remote. The egg sprung to life humming quietly, but forcefully. She did allow me to warm it in my mouth. She buzzed it against my teeth briefly so I could feel its power. Then she ordered me to slide it into my pussy. As wet as I was, that was no challenge. Immediately I entreated her with my eyes to "test" the egg again, but I knew she wouldn't. She wanted the first time it turned on inside of me to be in public so she could enjoy my reaction more.
I wondered if she would allow me to wear panties or whether I'd be struggling to keep the egg inside me all night. After rooting around in her suitcase for a moment, she pulled a lacy panty out. Handing it to me I couldn't miss the large bulge in the front about the size of two AA batteries.
"Well you didn't think your pussy was going to have all the fun did you?" she snickered.
I felt the panty begin to vibrate as I slid them up my leg. I looked at my mistress and she was holding a second remote in her hand. Of course she turned the panty off before I positioned the bulge over my clit. I was starting to get the impression this was going to be a long night.
Surprisingly, at least to me, she had me put my jeans and t-shirt back on. The oral sex inspired t-shirt wasn't a surprise, but I figured she would want me in a skirt or at least shorts. Apparently easy access to my nether region wasn't part of her plan. We headed to the bar with me following two steps behind her. With each step I waited for my twin vibrators to turn on, but neither did.
As I predicted, the bar car was full with men outnumbering women about 2 to 1. As on my leg from Boston, all the women seemed attached. It seemed like only single men were there without companionship. Mistress Lisa took possession of a table as a couple left and dispatched me to the bar to get drinks and a menu. There was not a great selection of food, but it would sustain us. The entire time I was standing at the bar I was tense waiting for the egg or panty to turn on. I kept looking back at my mistress, but she seemed distracted people watching. I imagined she was looking for the best person to humiliate me in front of. Either that or she was sizing up potential hook ups. I returned with our drinks. Following her rules, I didn't say anything.
We ate in silence. Was she testing me to see how long I could go without talking? She dispatched me for a second drink. This time as the bartender, a handsome young man, was passing me the drinks, Mistress Lisa ever so briefly fired up both vibrating toys. I know I jumped and then they were off. The bartender didn't seem to notice. I guess the motion of the train makes people do funny things. I shot an "I didn't appreciate that" look at my mistress, but of course she was laughing. And of course I really did appreciate what she did and she knew it.
We left the bar and took our drinks upstairs to the observation car. It was already pretty empty as the sun was setting. In fact there were only other girls sitting upstairs. We took a seat in the row behind them and across the aisle. As soon as we sat down the egg and panty sprung to life.
My mistress would allow me a few minutes of pleasure before turning off the toys. She was completely in tune with my arousal. I knew her intention was to tease me, probably to the most opportune moment for me to humiliate myself by cumming in public. And I loved her for it.
Every once in a while some guys would come up stairs. They'd try to hit on the college girls (both were wearing University of Wisconsin clothing) but soon they'd be shot down and walk back to the bar. Interestingly none of them gave us a second look. I knew we both looked hot, but I guess the guys thought they stood a better chance with the youngsters.
I was seriously hot and bothered. Of the two girls sitting in front of us one kept her attention forward and out the windows. The other was sitting along the glass and she kept looking over her shoulder at Lisa and me. The more she looked, the hornier I got. I knew I was shaking slightly every time Lisa turned on the vibrators but I didn't think the girl could tell. The fact that she was a college student made my lust boil. I began to fantasize that this girl knew what was going on.
This went on for about 15 minutes. Lisa would turn on the toys and the other girl would turn to look at me. Her eyes were boring hole into my soul. She couldn't possibly know what was happening, unless of course Mistress Lisa had clued her in, but how? We had not been separated and we never talked to these girls. I suppose Mistress Lisa could have met her while I was taking my nap, but that seemed like a long shot.
I watched as the other girl got up and walked downstairs. I guess she needed another drink or needed the bathroom. Mistress Lisa turned both toys on high and then loudly announced she was going to get us more drinks. As she stood and started to move toward the stairs I expected the toys to turn off, but they didn't. "My God," I thought. "She's going to make me cum in front of this girl."
I must have let out a tiny moan at the realization as the girl now shifted in her seat so her back was resting on the window and she could look straight at me. She introduced herself as Cathy. I said my name was Tammy. I tried to carry on a conversation with her. She was 20 years old and going to UW Madison. Her friend was 19 and downstairs trying to find a guy to buy drinks for them. I told her my friend would be happy to buy drinks assuming Mistress Lisa would love to get a pair of coeds drunk and take advantage of them. Cathy told me they were going hiking in Glacier National Park and that they were meeting a group of their friends from school.
My lust was getting higher and I knew my orgasm was about to peak. Although I wanted to cum I was also hoping Mistress Lisa would come back and spare me the embarrassment of doing so in front of this innocent young thing. I fought back the urge to cum as long as I could and then I tried to cum without moving a muscle. I know I closed my eyes for at least 10 seconds. I don't know if Cathy could hear me over the din of the train. The assumption and resulting humiliation that she knew I'd just cum fueled my very satisfying climax. And then the vibrations stopped. I opened my eyes to see Lisa holding two more glasses of wine. She was smiling. Cathy's friend had returned also holding two beers. As she sat down Cathy returned to facing forward and not a word was spoken between our two groups.
I was silently panting sitting in a pool of my own juices as my mistress handed me the wine glass. She knew what had just happened. I'm sure it was part of her master plan. Mistress Lisa sat back down next to me. I introduced her to Cathy and Cathy introduced us to her friend, Jeannie. We talked for a while about nothing in particular. Every so often Mistress Lisa would give me a jolt from the toys hiding in my jeans. Usually it was when I was saying something to maximize my embarrassment. I knew Cathy had watched me cum and pretty much assumed she knew why. Jeannie seemed oblivious to the subtext of what was going on. I wondered how long it would be before Mistress Lisa forced me to cum again in front of them.
Before too long, Jeannie had drained her beer and began to stand. She was a bit wobbly, but that didn't deter her from staggering to the stairs in pursuit of another drink. As she stood I felt the familiar buzz begin again. As I expected, this time it didn't stop after 30 seconds or a minute which had been Mistress Lisa's pattern. I let out an audible sigh as I realized she was going to force me to further degrade myself in front of this coed.
Once again Cathy turned to watch as it was obvious from my facial contortions and low volume moans and whimpers that I was going to repeat my earlier performance for her. I didn't look at Lisa but I am sure she was smiling triumphantly. I did look at Cathy. Once again she was staring directly at me intently watching my every move. I did my best. I really did my best to hold back. Maybe if I could make it until Jeannie reappeared my mistress would have mercy on me. That is what I told myself. I didn't really believe it, however. When Mistress Lisa hit my arm with her elbow and told me to knock off trying to hide what a slut I am, the dam burst.
I exhaled like a snorkeler returning to the surface and let out a loud moan. I buried my head in my hands against the seat back in front of me and lost all control of my body. I'm sure Cathy would have like to see my face at that moment and I'm sure Mistress Lisa wanted me to show off, but I couldn't. My body was shaking and I needed all the support from the seat I could get. To nobody in particular I yelled "God yessssss. Fuck me."
My head was rocking back and forth and my butt was bouncing on the chair. I was so tired of trying to hide my arousal that when the order came to "be myself" my body's natural instinct took over. I didn't care that a stranger was watching me. My body needed its release and if this is what it was going to take, then so be it.
When I finally looked up, I'm sure I looked haggard. Cathy was clapping. "That was incredible," she said. I started to open my mouth to speak, but Lisa answered for me.
"My slut really needs to learn more self control. She's always begging me to be allowed to cum. It really is quite embarrassing."
She was embarrassed? That was a laugh. I was the one who should be embarrassed by her continued pleasure in making me squirm and climax in public. But for some reason, my humiliation at having two orgasms in front of Cathy was tempered by my mistress talking about my lack of control so openly. It was if since I didn't have any say about what was happening to me I didn't have any responsibility either. It was just like Julie had said during her presentation which started me on this path of submission. I sat back and listened as Mistress Lisa explained to Cathy our relationship.
I wasn't surprised when Lisa invited Cathy back to our room so I could "service her properly." I was a little surprised when Cathy said Jeannie wouldn't understand and that she couldn't leave her. That sounded like a lame excuse to me. Cathy did say she would like to see me cum again and asked Mistress Lisa if she would allow that. I was sure I was about to feel the insistent vibrations of the remote controlled toys in my pussy and on my clit. Fortunately Jeannie began clanking up the stairs, two more beers in hand. I thought that meant sanctuary. It did not. As she passed us I felt the vibes turn on. Jeannie sat next to Cathy and handed her a beer. She refused, but Jeannie didn't seem to mind. She was clearly pretty drunk already. I don't think she even noticed Cathy continuing to stare at me.
Once again I had to try and hide my true emotions. Both Cathy and Lisa knew what was happening and seemed to take pride that I was trying to hide from Jeannie. Both women could tell I wouldn't last too long this time. Lisa excused herself to go downstairs again. I guess she didn't want to be around if Jeannie figured out what was going on and freaked out. Cathy was still staring. I turned in my seat to better face her. I decided that if she was going to watch, I was really going to give her a show. That and the fact that my nipples were rock hard and demanding attention gave me the courage to lift my shirt and show her my tits.
She smiled at my new found exhibition and I saw her lick her lips as I began to squeeze and tug on my nipples. The new sensation quickly pushed me to the brink. I looked at Cathy with pleading eyes. I knew Lisa's intention was to have me cum again, but my body had been conditioned to wait for permission. I mouthed the word "please" to Cathy. She nodded. She understood. She mouthed back "cum for me slut." I did.
The strength and duration of my orgasms was building with each successive climax. For this I was grateful. Once again I humiliated myself in front of this young girl as I lost control of my body and shamefully came in front of her. I'm sure I was giving her a thrill too. This time I had cum before Mistress Lisa came back so the vibrators didn't stop. My clit was already so tender that the vibrations became very uncomfortable. I prayed my mistress would return soon and give me some relief.
Fortunately she did come back. Unfortunately my relief was not first on her agenda. She was carrying two bottles of beer which she delivered to Cathy and Jeannie. I don't think any words were said, but I did notice a small slip of paper being passed to Cathy. The girls thanked her for the drinks and she sat back down next to me. Again I gave a pleading look, although this time it was relief of a different kind. Lisa nodded and the vibrations stopped.
The four of us sat in silence. Cathy read the note and I saw her nod her head. Soon after Lisa yawned, stretched and announced she was heading to bed. As she was standing, she tapped me on the leg. I took that to mean I was to follow her. As I turning in the aisle away from Cathy and Jeannie, I saw Cathy mouth the words "see you soon." I gushed in my panties again.
As we walked back to our room, I sheepishly asked Mistress Lisa if I could ask her a question. I knew I was not supposed to talk unless she first talked to me, but I had to know what she wrote on the note she gave to Cathy. Thankfully she didn't seem upset. She told me that the note offered my tongue to service Cathy if she was interested. I now understood what her reaction of "see you soon" meant. I would soon have my mouth plastered on her pussy. I smiled.
When we got back to the room, the first thing Mistress Lisa had me do was strip. She then did the same. I knew it was only a matter of time before I also would be going down on her. My mouth was salivating at the prospect of tasting her flavor for the second time tonight.
I watched as Mistress Lisa began searching through her sex toy suitcase. She returned with a pair of chrome handcuffs. I immediately put my arms behind my back in anticipation of her binding me. She did not. Instead she told me to hold out my hand as she held the cuffs aloft for my inspection.
"These cuffs are special. See this lever?" she asked. I looked at the locking mechanism and there was a small bar which stuck out by the ratchet. "Now watch," she said as she snapped the cuff onto my left wrist. I got a little wetter as I heard the click of the ratchet. "These are safety cuffs. There is a key, of course, but you can also release them by pressing the bar down. Here try it."
I watched as she pushed the bar. I then applied a little pressure against the cuff and they released. I looked at her questioningly.
"When the time is right, you'll know what to do. Now let's get you ready."
"Yes mistress," I said.
Getting me ready was putting the handcuffs on with my arms behind my back. She then had me test whether I could get out of them which I could. This pleased my mistress. I didn't know what her plan entailed, but I was glad to be a part of it. I thought of the young blonde who would soon be in our room. She probably had no idea she was walking into a trap.
My wrists were secured behind my back again. Mistress Lisa told me they were to remain that way until "it was time and she gave me the signal." I didn't understand, but I figured everything would make sense eventually. Mistress Lisa then pulled a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs out of her bag. "First the cuffs and then these," she said putting them back in the top of her bag and pulling the zipper shut. I nodded.
Mistress Lisa then sat down so she was facing the door. She indicated that I should lay over her lap, which I joyfully did. She began to give me a spanking. It wasn't playful, but it wasn't a hard punishment spanking either. It was somewhere in-between. I later realized it was designed to add color to my cheeks. I realized this when I heard a knock on the door.
Satisfied that my ass checks were the proper shade of pink, she had positioned me between her legs to eat her pussy. My hands were still cuffed behind my back so I had to force my face tight against her happy spot to do my job. That also meant my tenderized ass was sticking straight up when Lisa responded to the knock with a simple "come in."
I wish I could have seen the look on Cathy's face. She knew I was submissive to Lisa, of course, but I doubt she was prepared to be greeted by my red ass and cuffed hands spreading my cheeks. I did that on my own once I realized we were going for a bit of shock value. I imagined her mesmerized by my asshole winking at her. I didn't hear the door shut right away. I assume she was trying to decide if she should really join us or if she was over her head. Finally I heard the door shut and sensed her walking behind me.
"Welcome Cathy," my mistress bade her. "I'm glad you decided to join us. My slave was just telling me how much she wants to lick your pussy. I had to spank her to remind her that I always come first."
My face was still buried between Lisa's thighs, but the pause in the conversation before Cathy responded reinforced my belief that she wasn't 100% sure of our games yet. That excited me. Not long ago I was in her place and it would be fun to initiate another woman to my mistress' flock.
"My slave cannot service you if you don't take off those clothes my dear," I heard my mistress say. I didn't hear an immediate reaction but eventually I heard a zipper. Soon after I heard a moan. I took a peak upward and could see that my mistress' eyes were focused on the other couch, not on me. The moan was not hers. It came from the other side of the room. Cathy must be masturbating to the sight of me pleasuring Lisa. This made me more determined to give her a good show and to give my mistress a nice juicy cum.
I went back to giving her my full attention orally, but also wiggled my butt a bit for Cathy's benefit. This continued for a few minutes until I heard my mistress tell Cathy not to make herself cum, that I would handle that. I noted silently that my mistress had not cum yet. It surprised me that she would not have taken her own pleasure before sending me across the room on my knees to the naked coed. I soon understood when I deciphered her game.
Cathy's pussy was wet, open and ready for me. She had obviously been fingering herself in earnest as she watched me service Lisa. At first I dove in full force, but Lisa admonished me saying to slow down and that we had plenty of time so not to rush Cathy's pleasure.
Cathy seemed a bit upset by this. It was probably the first time somebody tried to control when she climaxed. I could tell as soon as my tongue touched her heavenly nectar that she was in no mood to wait. I know I could have had her over the edge in less than a minute. But of course I did what my mistress ordered and put my tongue in slow tease mode. Cathy responded my grabbing my head and trying to force my face harder against her clit as if that would persuade me. I was not going to disappoint my mistress, so fighting against my instinct to get her off, I slowed down my ministrations even further. I felt Cathy shift on the bench seat and then felt a slap to my rear.
"No teasing!" she shouted.
I'm sure that was music to my mistress' ears.
"Cathy," she responded. "My slave will not let you cum until I tell her. Why are you in such a hurry?"
I slowed down my nibbling even further as Cathy and Lisa began having a discussion about how Cathy had soaked her panties watching me cum in the observation car. About how she and some of her college friends occasionally fooled around. How she always wanted a "real" lesbian experience to find out what it was like. They talked about other things too like Cathy's sexual experiences with boys, her likes and dislikes, turn ons and turn offs, what really made her cum and the like. I couldn't believe how my mistress drew the most intimate information out of this young girl seemingly without effort. I knew Cathy was falling under my mistress' spell.
"Cathy, it is time for you to learn your first lesson," Mistress Lisa began. Perhaps you didn't hear me earlier or perhaps you just didn't understand, but the mistress always cums first and you arrived before Tammy could finish with me."
Her game was coming into focus. I felt a tap on my behind. I took that as an instruction to stand up. As my eyes could finally see Cathy, I was struck by the vision of pure lust sitting on the couch. My face glistened with her juices and her eyes looked at me with a mix of admiration and anger for not letting her cum. But that wasn't my fault. I looked back at my mistress for a clue as to what to do now. Apparently she had been playing with herself as I ate Cathy. I'm sure that vision had as much to do with Cathy's arousal as my talents.
I watched as Lisa stood up and made the short journey to the other side of the sleeper car. Cathy was looking up at her with a mix of confusion and a little bit of fear. I watched as my mistress grabbed Cathy roughly by the hair and pulled the startled girl across the room. My mistress landed back on the couch pulling Cathy to her knees and between her legs. The shocked girl had not made a sound until I heard a muffled yelp as her mouth became occupied. I took up a position sitting on the other couch watching my mistress force the other girl to service her. My hands were still cuffed. That was probably a good thing because otherwise they would have been fingering my overheated pussy. I never would have been able to hold back my orgasm.
My mistress began to instruct Cathy much like she had done to me at my house. How playtime with her friends was now over and how she was going to learn how to properly service a woman. How the University of Wisconsin was less than two hours from my Mistress' house and how Cathy would be a plaything for my mistress and her friends. Cathy was saying nothing, but the look on my mistress' face told me everything. She had another convert. Lisa allowed Cathy the privilege of eating her pussy for several minutes before gushing on her face. I watched as Cathy began to sit back up, but Lisa just pulled her back down.
"I didn't tell you to stop," she calmly said. I'm sure Cathy thought it would be her turn now that Lisa had cum. She had a lot to learn. I saw Lisa signal me by pointing to her wrists. I quickly released myself from the cuffs. My mistress then pointed to Cathy. She didn't put up any fight as I pulled her arms behind her back and snapped on the cuffs. I think her spirit was already broken. I remembered back to the first time that happened to me and how natural it seemed. I even felt a pang of jealous toward her as she was getting all the attention.
I snapped back out of my memory fog as my mistress' instructions came back to me. I unzipped her bag and retrieved the leather cuffs. I affixed them on Cathy's wrists before removing the handcuffs. Mistress Lisa must have a long plan for her as the leather cuffs are much more comfortable over time. I also slid the leg cuffs over her delicate ankles. She had looked so innocent in the observation car. Now, just an hour later, she was naked, bound and servicing my mistress to a series of orgasms. How quickly the world can change.
I hoped Mistress Lisa would soon order Cathy to service me, but slaves rarely get the luxury of receiving what they want when they want it. My mistress seemed more intent of drawing Cathy deeper into her web of seduction. Between orgasms my Mistress instructed me to go back to her suitcase of toys and retrieve a chin dildo. I would have preferred a strap-on so I could have fucked Cathy, but I obeyed. I knew what my mistress wanted without having her need to tell me. After affixing the dildo on my face, I unhooked the ankle cuffs and lay down between Cathy's legs. I had to push them apart a bit to get my head directly under her steaming pussy, but once she realized what I was doing, she didn't seem to mind. I took her hips in my hands and pulled her down impaling her with the rubber dong. I could hear her squeal with delight into my mistress' pussy.
The harness of the dildo allowed me to get my tongue out so on each of Cathy's down strokes I made it a point to kiss her clit. She was riding the dildo like a mad woman hell bent on her own pleasure as well as that of Lisa. She was juicy. I have to give her that. Her oral skills seemed good too if my mistress' moans were to be believed. Both of them were having a good time so I reached down and began stroking my own slit. At this point I didn't care if I was earning punishment. I could hardly be expected to lie still while a coed fucked herself on my face, could I?
Over and over Cathy plunged the fake cock into her hole. Over and over I licked her clit. Over and over her juices splashed out of her leaky pussy onto my tongue and face. Eventually my mistress came again. I couldn't see if she gave Cathy a signal of approval, but she came right behind Lisa. The two of them triggered my own climax as my naughty fingers gave away my self-abuse, buried in my twat as I withered on the floor. This was turning out to be a good night.
After our triple orgasm we rested for a while. It felt completely natural to be sitting naked in your room with a stranger. After our breather, Mistress Lisa strapped Cathy and I into a loving 69 and had us perform on each other for her pleasure. As usual, I was on the bottom. As usual, I didn't mind. I tried to hold back. I really did. But Cathy had skills and I was turned on so I came before her. I was sure I was racking up the punishment points.
Whether Mistress Lisa was showing me mercy because Cathy was there or because she wasn't upset I don't know. But I wasn't punished the rest of the night. Lisa and I did gang up on Cathy filling all three of her holes with dildos at the same time. Lisa was clearly calling the shots, but I didn't feel like a slave. It was more just a fun night of group sex. Lisa maintained enough of an air of superiority that Cathy recognized not to cross her. I maintained enough of my submissive posture that Cathy knew exactly what I was. But nothing stopped the three of us from cumming our fool heads off long into the night. When we finally broke the party it must have been close to 4am. I was splayed on the bed in exhaustion as I watched my mistress give Cathy one final deep passionate kiss as she exited our car. I saw her whisper something and saw Cathy nod, but I couldn't make out what she said.
When Mistress Lisa returned I expected her to bind me or make me sleep on the floor. Instead she lovingly tucked me in under the covers like a parent tucking in a child. In a soft voice she told me she was very proud of me and how I conducted myself today. She gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and told me to sleep. I felt safe and happy and quickly fell asleep.
As tired as I was I should not have been surprised that I slept until 9:30. I would have slept later but my mistress was shaking my shoulder to wake me. I slowly focused my eyes on her. She was already dressed and looked radiant. How she could look that good on so few hours of sleep I don't know. I headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. While I was in there I heard a knock at the outer door. I was still naked, of course, and had no clothes in the tiny bathroom. If somebody came in the room they were going to see me in my all together.
I waited as long as I could. I heard my mistress talking to somebody. Obviously she knew I was naked and didn't seem to be rushing the conversation. I knew that meant I was intended to be seen this way. I proudly walked out of the bathroom. I should not have been surprised to find Cathy back in our room. She was just hiking up her jeans back over her hips. That was quick I thought. She'd only been here a couple of minutes.
Although last night I had not been ashamed to be naked in front of her, now that I was the only one sans clothes it did feel weird. My mistress tossed me a pair of jeans. I began to slide them up my legs, but before I could button them she told me to wait. I watched as she retrieved the remote vibrating egg and my butt plug. The plug needed some lube she thoughtfully applied, but the egg didn't. Of course I was wet enough not to need any assistance placing it in my velvety sheath. After I was done she had me pull the jeans the rest of the way up. I didn't have the luxury of wearing a panty or the pleasurable torture of the vibrating panty. Mistress Lisa then provided me a t-shirt, thankfully it was just a solid color, blue, and didn't have any improper words on it. I thought we were ready to go when Mistress Lisa held up both her remotes.
I began to smile even before the egg started vibrating as I realized Cathy was wearing the clit teasing panties. She was apparently not ready for the sensation as I saw her knees buckle under the buzzing invader.
"OK girls, let's get some breakfast," Lisa announced as she walked to the door.
The vibrations didn't stop until we reached the dining car. I was fine. The egg alone was simulative but not orgasmic. At least not yet. Cathy seemed to be struggling. The tightness of her jeans must have been keeping the panties tight against her clit. I knew she was going to experience her first public orgasm at any moment. I was glad my mistress was going to let me watch.
We walked into the dining car and Jeannie was already sitting at a table for four. Apparently she was waiting for us. Mistress Lisa sat across from her. Cathy and I were on either side and were facing each other. The vibrating egg turned off. I couldn't tell if Cathy received the same reprieve. She seemed a little more relaxed. Perhaps my mistress wouldn't make her cum in front of her friend.
Our breakfast conversation was very pleasant. We discussed the girl’s trip and how they were excited to see their school friends again. Mistress Lisa expertly spun a web of bullshit of why were on the train. I'm sure Cathy knew Lisa was lying, but Jeannie bought the entire story. From time to time mistress would buzz my egg. I could also tell every time Cathy's panties came to life which was more frequent. Jeannie and Lisa were getting along like old friends while Cathy and I were in a stare down as if willing the other person to be the first to cum. Unless my mistress turned the egg way up I knew Cathy would be going first. My only question was whether she would make a scene as she came.
We ate our meal and chatted for probably an hour. The frequency of the egg vibrations had become more frequent and the intensity higher. I was definitely feeling the effects. I hoped my wetness would not soak through the jeans and be visible. I discretely felt down the front of my jeans. They were damp. The color of the jeans was dark and I hoped the wetness would show.
Cathy on the other hand had lighter colored jeans so she could be in trouble. Of course she also had the panty so at least there was another layer to catch her flow. After we finished eating and just as Jeannie excused herself, Cathy came. Lisa and I might have been the only ones to notice it. I could tell she was coming hard, but she was a trooper and other than grabbing the side of the table in a death grip, she was quiet, stable and to the rest of the world just a girl eating breakfast. We knew the truth, however, and even though I was literally in her shoes right now, I felt no embarrassment for myself. Being forced to cum in public was becoming old hat for me and I thoroughly enjoyed watching somebody else struggle through it for the first time.
After breakfast I expected Lisa would take us either to the bar car or the observation car for further public torment, but instead she led me back to our room. Cathy didn't follow us, but I knew she would be along soon. Lisa kept my happiness buzzer going and I was sure Cathy was experiencing the same thing. She'd have to come back to our room to have it removed. The only question was whether Jeannie would be joining her.
Back in our room Mistress Lisa stripped me naked and removed the vibrating egg. I was both happy and sad about that development. She quickly bound my hands behind my back. In a precursor to what my day was going to be like, she also put knee pads on my knees. I was also collared and my ankles were cuffed with a short hobble chain between them. Once I was on my knees, my wrist and ankle cuffs were chained together and also attached to the collar. Although I could wiggle, my movement was very effectively restricted.
I expected Mistress Lisa to have me begin servicing her, but she didn't. I had to wait on my knees patiently until there was a knock at the door. It must be Cathy, I thought. I was right. Lisa opened the door to reveal the young girl who obviously had continued to climax after breakfast. She looked like she had reached the end of her rope. Lisa brought her into the room and made a show out of lifting the remote high into the air before click off the vibrating panties. I saw Cathy breathe a sigh of relief.
Mistress Lisa helped Cathy take off her pants. The smell from her private region was overpowering. She definitely had been very aroused. Cathy's legs her weak from her orgasms and she offered little resistance as Lisa led her to where I was kneeling. When Lisa pushed her over my face, however, she did balk.
"Lisa, I don't think I could take her eating me right now. My pussy is so tender from your panties," Cathy whined.
"Don't worry, girl," my mistress said. "You can go back to your seat and rest. I just want you to mark your territory."
With that Mistress Lisa forced my face into the overheated girl's crotch. I tried to open my mouth and tongue her pussy, but my mistress seemed more intent on having the girl's juices and scent smeared across my face. Lisa forcibly rubbed the girl all over my face and even managed to get her wetness on my neck and upper chest. She then told Cathy to dress and leave. Every breath I took confirmed that I smelled like a whorehouse at low tide. And it wasn't just Cathy's scent on my face. It was my own flavor emanating from my pussy. Cathy left without another word. Mistress Lisa looked down at me triumphantly.
"Well, slut," she said. "I've decided we're going to get off the train at Glacier National Park instead of Seattle. I want to go hiking. The train gets there about 8:30 tonight so we have about 9 hours to play. What should we do?"
That was a rhetorical question. She knew exactly what her plans for me were. Bound as I was, I assumed I'd soon be eating her pussy. I was wrong. The air in the room hung heavy with the smell of female arousal. I watched as my mistress took a position sitting on the couch directly in front of me. I expected to be pulled into her sweet cavern of love, but instead she began masturbating. She slowly began to swirl her fingers around her labia and eventually began toying with her clit when it poked its head out of its hood. My mistress didn't say a word. You might think she would have been taunting me by telling me how much I wanted to bury my face in her pussy and by telling me how much I yearned to service her. You would be correct in thinking both of those thoughts. That is what I felt. She knew it and I knew it. There was no need to say it out loud.
Watching mistress pleasure herself was torture on me. The mix of Cathy's and my scent now had Lisa's added to the mix. I was getting light headed. I longed to beg Lisa to let me service her, but she did not give me permission to speak. She seemed perfectly happy to do herself. I wondered why.
I had to kneel and watch as my mistress now plunged two and then three fingers into her pussy. Her pussy was pink and perfect and made a sloshing sound mixed with her moans as she brought herself nearer to orgasm. I knelt patiently for my reward of putting my tongue in her honey pot. Eventually she did bring herself off. Like Cathy before her, she then smeared her flavor and scent all over my face. This was getting to be a habit I didn't like. She then left me on the floor and went into the tiny bathroom to wash up. I was left on the floor, my own needs unmet and my pussy crying for attention.
When Mistress Lisa returned I fully expected her to give me some attention. Instead, she unhooked my bindings and told me to stand. I watched passively as she reached out and gave my nipples a strong pinch.
"Who owns these?" she asked.
"You do mistress," I responded.
"And what about this?" she questioned as she pressed two fingers easily into my very wet pussy.
"You again mistress," I said as my knees buckled of their own volition forcing her fingers deeper inside of me.
"Good. Now don't you forget that and get dressed."
Get dressed? Obviously my satisfaction was going to have to wait. I turned to go into the bathroom. My mistress read my mind and chastised me immediately.
"I didn't say you could wash your face," she scolded me.
And that is how I found myself back in the bar car, surrounded by men, wearing jeans with no panties rubbing the front of my pussy keeping it wet, a shirt with no bra displaying my seemingly always hard nipples and with my face coated with the juice of two women. There was no shortage of guys trying to flirt with us. I was humiliated beyond belief. Not only from having to be in public looking as I did, but also because I shamefully wanted to fuck each and every one of them. I fantasized about Mistress Lisa throwing me to the wolves and letting them gangbang me on the table or against the bar. I'm sure I looked as wanton as I felt. I kept praying for Lisa to take me away before I just gave in and stripped off my clothes.
We stayed in the bar for a few hours until Lisa decided it was time to head back to the room. We still had a couple of hours until the train reached the park. Once again I was bound like before and once again I was wearing the knee pads. This time, however, Mistress Lisa did pull me in close and allow me the honor of servicing her delicious pussy. I was still not allowed to cum. In fact she never touched my pussy at all. I was only allowed to worship her and continually pleasure her. Around 7:45 she finally relented and unhooked my bindings. She told me to take a quick shower while she packed up our bags. It felt good to finally wash away the evidence of my decidedly unladylike behavior. Mistress Lisa thoughtfully provided some casual clothes. Nothing sexy and even gave me panties and a bra. I felt like an actual tourist. At least until she made me carry all the bags from the train station to the local hotel. Then I felt like her servant girl again as I struggled to keep pace with her as she walked in front of me.
Once we checked into our room, Mistress Lisa had me unpack our bags. I carefully hung the clothes which needed to be hung, folded the clothes which needed to be folded in the dresser drawer and most importantly, unpacked all her sex toys and aligned them on the top of the dresser. There was a smorgasbord of potential pleasure displayed. When I was done Mistress Lisa had me draw a hot bath for her. I was jealous of her as she soaked in the tub. She gave me the envious task of washing her. I was able to touch her glorious body with my soapy hands and she even gave me the privilege of messaging her neck and shoulders. Needless to say I was naked while I did this and my arousal returned. After she finished, I dried her and we returned to the bedroom. She made no effort to put on sleep attire which I took as a good sign that we were going to play.
I finally received her attention, although I wished it had been more pleasurable. Mistress Lisa sat down in a chair and told me to lie across her lap. I didn't think I'd earned a spanking, but I wasn't about to question her judgment. Her blows were rhythmic and methodical. She explained that I had served her and Cathy well on the train. She said this wasn't punishment. Instead she was just reminding me that she was in charge. There was little doubt of that as she turned my ass into a crimson platter. Every so often she would rub one of my inflamed cheeks and coo into my ear that she could tell how much I was enjoying her touch. She would then ever so gently touch my outer pussy lips. No enough to give me any pleasure, but just enough to jump in anticipation.
After about 10 minutes she seemed to tire of this game. She told me to stand up and pick whatever toy I wanted to get myself off. My time of reward was at hand. I picked a nice fat dildo. I looked at Mistress Lisa for permission to finally fuck myself. She stood up and led me back toward the bathroom. There was a sink with a large mirror outside the bathroom where the toilet and bathtub were located. She told me to stand in front of the mirror and watch myself as I used the dildo as I saw fit.
A mirror can be an erotic addition to a bedroom. I first gave my toy a few long licks. I'd always loved giving head and that was one thing I missed from my conversion to women. Granted there was no pleasure in blowing a dildo, but the reflection of me doing it was very exciting. My nipples were still hard as rocks from the spanking and my pussy was more than ready to accept the pleasure I was about to give it.
With my left arm leaning on the vanity for support, I plunged the fake cock into my pussy with my right. I watched in the mirror as the penetration took my breath away. I began to saw the dildo in and out of my pussy. Mistress Lisa was watching. I could see in the mirror an approving grin as I fucked myself. She then moved behind me and reached around cupping my breasts. Oh how good it felt to have her finally playing with my nipples instead of punishing them. She put her head next to mine. She had a look of pride at the control she had over me. Giving up one of my nipples, her hand slid down to give attention to my clit. I was pounding the dildo in and out of myself as she toyed and teased my zones. I began to beg for her to let me cum. She just slowly shook her head. Her eyes never broke contact with mine as we both stared at each other in the mirror. I whimpered that I couldn’t take any more. My arm was becoming less able to support my weight as my torso came closer and closer to lying down on the sink. Finally Mistress Lisa told me just one moment and then she walked away.
I continued to fuck myself and my howls of pleasure were animalistic. Permission or not, my body was about to shut down after a massive climax. I could feel it coming. I expected to pass out. I didn't stop.
Mistress Lisa returned with a small digital camera. After fiddling with a couple of settings she stood just off center from the mirror so she wouldn't be in the frame. Once she was ready she gave me the order to cum. Those were the words my body had been craving all day and cum I did. I was in another world riding the wave of orgasm. I felt my legs giving way but managed to brace my torso on the vanity to keep from falling over as I continued to plunge the fake dick in and out of my greedy hole. I was shouting obscenities as I looked to the mirror. I hardly recognized the reflection of the wanton slut fucking herself. I shook and quaked as the climax took its course finally losing all strength in my legs and falling to the floor. I lay back against the wall in a sitting position with the dildo obscenely poking out of my now well used pussy.
Mistress Lisa still had the camera pointed at me as I looked up at her unable to move on my own. I'm sure my face had a look of deep satisfaction and sexual exhaustion. I watched as she pushed the shutter button again and then looked at the back of the compact camera. I saw her push another button and smile. I sat trying to catch my breath as she turned the camera around and pressed play.
"This camera also has an HD video recorder. It's not much of a lens, but it is quite adequate to capture the show you just put on. I looked at the 2.5 inch screen. The picture was dark, but it was perfectly obvious what I was doing and what just happened. I was too tired to protest. I was also still tingling from my cum. I offered no resistance as Lisa pulled me up and over to the bed. Once again she lovingly tucked me into bed and after a quick trip to the bathroom herself, she climbed under the covers. She was naked and she spooned against me and held me tight. I felt warm and safe and fell asleep almost immediately.
Dawn came way too early. I realized we had left the blinds open as the sunshine streamed into the room waking me up. Lisa didn't seem upset. She said we had a big day planned and she wanted to get an early start. Showers, hiking clothes and breakfast at a local diner were the order of the day before we rented a car and headed into the park. I was carrying Lisa's backpack. She told me it had supplies, lunch and water. She had a twinkle in her eye when she said "supplies." I knew what that meant and it excited me.
We grabbed a light breakfast at a local establishment. To look at us you would have thought we were just a couple of old friends heading into the wilderness for an adventure. Little did the other patrons suspect what I knew. Adventure was definitely on the menu. We were going to put the wild back in wilderness. At least that was what I anticipated and hoped. We rented a car after breakfast and headed into the park. The wide open spaces were spectacular. Nothing like the mountains on the East Coast I was accustomed to. I was nervous, but excited. We pulled off at an empty picnic area about a mile into the park. I couldn't imagine this was our final destination. My mistress must have had a plan for me.
She had me get out of the car and stand so the car was between me and the road. I should not have been surprised, but the order to strip still stunned me. I took a deep breath and began taking off my clothes. When I was naked and cowering behind the car, Mistress Lisa picked up her backpack and opened it. She pretended to be looking for something, but I'm sure she knew exactly what she wanted and where she had put it. A steady stream of cars drove past the entrance to the picnic area and I prayed that nobody would turn in. The first thing Mistress Lisa pulled out of the backpack was a strange plastic contraption that looked like a gun. Without looking up from her search she gave me the order to play with my nipples and get them good and hard. Was she about to pierce me?
I did as she ordered. My nips were already standing at attention from being naked outside, but a quick tease firmed them up even more. It also sent a pleasure wave straight to my pussy and I wasn't about to miss that opportunity. Mistress Lisa walked over to me holding the strange contraption. She took a firm grip of my right tit with her left hand. She squeezed hard on the edge of my breast causing the nipple to pop out a little more. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the pain I knew was coming.
There was a quick jolt of pain, but it was more like a shock. I looked down to see the damage, but what I saw was a very tight rubber band around my nipple. I looked up at my mistress who had moved on to my left breast. This time I watched as she grabbed me again. Again my nipple popped forward and she quickly pressed the strange device against my nub and squeezed the trigger. A small rubber band had been stretched around the barrel of the "gun" and squeezing the trigger forced it to move forward. Forward and off the apparatus and snapping back around my nipple. The rubber band was exceptionally tight. This was going to be a long day.
Mistress Lisa then handed me my shirt, although no surprise, I was not provided a bra. It was a flannel shirt like you'd see at any outdoor equipment store, but Lisa didn't let me button it up. Instead she only allowed me to tie it around my midriff. This had two effects. One, it showed off my tummy. I didn't have a problem with that as I always worked hard to keep it flat. The second effect was the open top allowed my breasts to swing free. The fabric was grazing my nipples and I knew once I started walking or if there was a breeze my poor nipples were going to be tortured. The opening also allowed an expanse of cleavage to show. I was definitely going to have sex on the brain as we hiked.
Down below was a simpler affair. She had my Ben Wa balls which would keep my pussy happy. Or you may say they kept my pussy tortured. It depends on your point of view. She had a different pair of shorts. They were a tight pair of Daisy Dukes. They looked like they were molded on my ass and rubbed naughtily on my pantyless crotch. Now stimulated above and below I couldn’t imagine any way I wouldn't be cumming on our hike.
Lisa told me to get back into the car. Even that minor stretch sliding back into the bucket seat put arousing pressure on my privates. I know she heard the deep breath I took as I got into the car. We continued our journey into the park. I wondered where she was going to choose to humiliate me by making me lose control. We parked again at one of the more popular hiking trails. Again her actions did not surprise me. She put me in charge of carrying the backpack and we headed off onto the trail.
The trail was not too strenuous. A beginners trail, really, but the scenery was breathtaking. My mind was far away from the grandeur of this place, however. My concentration was exactly where my mistress wanted it to be. On the shorts rubbing my clit, the balls dancing inside my pussy and my nipples being constantly rubbed by my shirt. On a side note, I also noticed every guy and even a few girls trying to get a look down my shirt when we passed them. I was soaking my shorts just as Mistress Lisa had intended.
We continued up the trail for maybe a mile. I was quickly reaching the point where I was going to cum without touching myself and there wouldn't be any self control exercises that could prevent that from happening. Mistress Lisa had been monitoring my growing arousal. She had me right where she wanted me.
When we saw an overgrown path shoot off from the main trail, she nudged me toward it. Sneaking off the trail, we found ourselves alone from the flow of the other hikers. If you looked just right through the leaves you could see the trail, but it felt like we were completely alone and private. This must be the place where she was going to make me cum.
My mistress took the backpack from me and unzipped the main pocket. I watched as she began removing her implements of doom. I passively stood by while she cuffed my wrists and put my collar on me. I didn't resist when she untied the knot holding my shirt closed. I even showed no emotion when she unsnapped my shorts and pulled them onto my thighs. I was putty in her hands waiting for her touch and order to orgasm. I didn't even protest when she tied a rope to the chain between my wrist cuffs and tossed it over a tree pulling my arms up tight above my head. I was in paradise.
After surveying her handiwork, Lisa left and walked back to the trail. If I looked just right I could see her through the leaves. I couldn't tell if she could spot me. She called out to me to moan. That was a strange request. After I did it she said to do it again but louder. Then she had me do it louder still. Finally after the third time she called out that was the volume needed for a hiker to hear me.
I appreciated her helping me determine the threshold for how I'd get caught. Now I just had to stay in enough control to not be heard and I'd be fine. Of course that was easier said than done. Lisa came back. At first she started slowly rubbing her hands across my body teasing me. As turned on as I was I knew I could come just from her simple actions. Of course she knew that too. She warned me to control myself. I nodded but I wasn't sure if I could.
Lisa told me she had an idea to help me control my overheated libido. She broke off a branch from a small tress and stripped off the leaves. This wasn't going to be good. I heard the whoosh of the branch before its eight small branchlets snapped against my torso. I recoiled in pain and let go a yelp.
"Keep it down, puppet," Mistress Lisa scolded me.
I gritted my teeth in defiance. She snapped the branch against my thigh. I grunted, but didn't scream. She appeared to be very methodical about where she would hit me. If I lowered my head I could see red streaks where the branches contacted my pale skin. She was careful not to draw blood, but that doesn't mean the pain was any less. By the time she was done my legs, thighs, back, butt, and breasts were in bad shape. I was also on the brink of cumming as the pain mixed with the eroticism of being bound almost naked in public worked in my brain to make this a pleasurable experience.
I silently cursed her for getting me so wound up and now apparently ready to leave me on the edge. I watched as she once again snuck back to the path. She returned quickly. She then began rubbing my clit in earnest.
"There's a young couple about to pass. Don't be a slut and moan so loud they catch you..." she taunted me.
Her fingers were magic. I was trying to figure out how possibly to cum without making any noise. I was about to lose that battle when Mistress Lisa stopped. There was no doubt in my mind that her game was to get me caught bound and orgasming. Even that realization almost made me cum even though her fingers had stopped working their magic. Back to the path she went. This time she said it was a family with young children and I'd better not scar the kids for life. In an effort to drive me insane, she this time stood behind me and toyed with my nipples. The rubber bands were doing a remarkable job at keep my nipple hard and sensitive. Once again I felt like I was going to lose my battle. It took all my strength and willpower not to scream out in orgasmic joy as I watched the family pass just feet from my kinky position. This was getting out of hand.
My mistress untied the rope holding my arms above my head and gave my body a few minutes of reprieve. She was back on the path scouting. I saw several groups walk past. When she returned she didn't say a word. She just went behind me and pulled me up close to her body. The show of affection made me swoon. I was done for. She didn't tell me who was coming up the path. It didn't really matter. She now went to work on my nipples and clit. Within moments my arousal roared back and soon I had a very loud and soul satisfying orgasm. As had become usual for our games, I could feel my legs giving way. As I began to slump, Mistress Lisa gave me a little shot to the back of the leg crumpling me to the dirty ground. I was on my back still thrilling and in the throes of my climax when I felt Lisa begin to roll me over in the dirt and down the slight hill through the underbrush. I felt her let go as my momentum carried me the final few feet back onto the main path. I landed with a thud, dirty, striped from the branch, wrist bound, collared, my breasts flopping free from my untied shirt, my pussy and ass on display and still gloriously cumming. I rolled onto my back, still shaking in aftershocks and looked up to see the faces of Cathy, Jeannie, and two other girls. I was beyond humiliated, beyond aroused and beyond rational thought. All I could do was lay there riding out my climax and smile.
Before my mistress could catch up to me, Cathy said, "Hello Tammy." This was quickly followed by a questioning look from Jeannie and then she said, "Is this the slut you fucked on the train?" I was sure she already knew the answer to that question. Mistress Lisa now appeared through the bushes. "Sorry about that," she announced. "My slave's rope got away from me."
Got away from her or she pushed me down the hill so I'd get caught. I guess reality is in the eye of the dominant, but back to my story. Cathy confirmed to Jeannie that yes, I was the "slut" from the train. Jeannie looked at me with a predatory glance. The two other girls were not sure what to make of what had happened. As usual, Mistress Lisa took charge of the situation and asked Cathy to introduce her friends.
"This is Carmen," she started pointing to a young Latin looking girl. "She's from Tempe and is a junior. And this is Debbie," she continued pointing to a striking blonde. "She graduated last year and is working in Milwaukee."
I looked up from the ground at Debbie. She was about 5' 5" maybe 5' 6". Her blonde hair was medium length, cut straight with bangs that swept forward. She was very thin, but athletic looking. A runner's hard body would be the best description of her. From my vantage point I was looking straight up at her breasts which appeared very perky under her t-shirt. They were not huge, a 30C or there about, but they were perfect for her frame and seemed to point straight up. As my mistress helped me stand up from the dirt trail, I got a better look at Debbie's face. She was unbelievably cute with movie star good looks. I caught myself thinking "why couldn't she have been in my class?"
There was an awkward silence as I looked at all the very attractive girls. I'd almost forgotten I was nearly naked on a public trail. Even though I had just cum, or maybe because of it, my mind was processing the possibility of servicing this group as I had done to Cathy on the train. Again, Mistress Lisa spoke up.
"We were going to hike up to Blakiston Falls. Perhaps you would like to join us?"
I was thrilled my mistress had invited these four young women to join us. I was even more thrilled when they agreed to come along. Cathy helped me pull up my shorts and tie my shirt. I kept on the cuffs and collar. As group we headed back to the parking lot to our cars. The trail to Blakiston Falls was at the end of Red Rock Canyon Parkway so we were going to have to drive there. I didn't know why my mistress had chosen this place or how she even knew about it.
The ride was amazing as the scenery of the park was awe-inspiring. I was captivated by the beauty of nature and didn't even notice that we had parked. The girls got out of their car and did a quick stretch. The falls were a short .8 of a mile hike up the trail and thankfully there was not much elevation change. Cathy and I walked together in the lead followed by Lisa and Jeannie with Debbie and Carmen bringing up the rear.
The trail was through the woods and we didn't pass anybody. I guess this one is far enough off the beaten path to afford privacy. Perhaps that is why Mistress Lisa chose it. The falls themselves were nice. There is an observation platform that lets you get up close and personal. The girls were busy snapping pictures of each other with the falls in the background. I got dragged into a few snaps, although given my state of dirtiness and branch marks, I wasn't too thrilled with posing.
We stayed at the falls for about 10 minutes or so before Lisa announced it was time for lunch. She asked if the girls wanted to join us for a picnic. I knew we didn't have much food in our backpack. In truth I theorized the bag was really just full of sex toys but that might have been a projection about what I wanted the bag to contain.
The girls agreed and Mistress Lisa said she knew of a "private" picnic area off the trail. She pointed into the woods. She then came up to me and whispered in my ear, "I hope you're up for this. Don't disappoint me."
I whispered back into her ear, "I trust you mistress. I will not disappoint you."
"Very well," she said in her authoritarian voice. I noticed the other girls had watched us whispering and now we had their full attention since Lisa changed the tone in her voice. "You are filthy. Get those clothes off. You need a bath."
If we didn't have their full attention before we certainly had it now. I was watching the girl's reactions more than that of my mistress as I stripped off my clothes. I could already predict the look my mistress would be giving me right then. I wanted to see how Cathy, Jeannie, Debbie and Carmen reacted. As I expected, Cathy was very interested. After our night together on the train I expected nothing less. Jeannie was a bit of a mystery. On the train she was drunk the first night and seemed not to be in on our secret vibrations during breakfast. Cathy had mentioned she "played" with some of her friends but I had the distinct feeling Jeannie wasn't one of them. However, today Jeannie expressed upset at being left alone in favor of "the slut" on the train. Her tone was not meek, it was very strong. Perhaps the reason Cathy was so quick to submit to Mistress Lisa had submitted to Jeannie before. Carmen and Debbie were tough to read. Debbie in particular was not giving off any signs of how she felt about me taking off my clothes. Carmen seemed like a free spirit. She looked like she was contemplating taking off her own clothes and jumping in the river with me.
I wondered if Mistress Lisa really cared that I was dirty from my roll on the hiking path. I assumed as I dunked myself in the exceptionally cold water of the mountain stream that she was really doing this to show the other how much control she had over me. I felt like the stupid guys you see on TV jumping in a lake during winter. I knew I had to get out of this water a.s.a.p. so I quickly scrubbed my arms, legs and torso and then scampered back onto the shore. I knew I had not done a great job, but Mistress Lisa seemed pleased and that was all the feedback I needed.
She approached me and gave me a strong embrace. She then rubbed my arms and shoulders to jump start the warming process. I was shivering.
"My pet is cold. Would anyone like to help me warm her?" she asked the group.
As I anticipated Cathy stepped forward. Carmen joined her. Each took one of my legs and started rubbing me. From my ankles up to my thighs, the friction from their hands warmed me quickly. Their touch also warmed my pussy from the inside out, although I knew whatever Mistress Lisa's plan entailed, my cumming right now would not be part of it. I knew she would have me servicing the girls first so I tried to keep my mind off my clit and not let my body start craving another orgasm.
The girls quickly finished. Mistress Lisa was looking inside her backpack. She handed me a small tube of lube. I wasn't thrilled. She then pulled out a leash which she buckled to my collar. This was going downhill. She then pulled out a generously sized dildo. But this wasn't an ordinary dildo or plug. This one had a horse-hair tail on it and I knew exactly where it was going.
Mistress Lisa had me bend over and grab my ankles. I'd been working on stretching exercises since out first meeting to make holding this position easier. I heard my mistress ask Cathy if she would like to do the honors. She declined, probably because she wasn't sure what Lisa was asking, but Debbie volunteered. I held my position as Debbie began to rub my ass. She reminded me of Julie, a gorgeous young woman who had complete power over me. I felt the tip of the dildo being rubbed up and down my backside. I had not felt any lube yet and I was worried Debbie would try to force it into my ass without preparing me. Instead, she slid the dildo into my pussy. That was easy for her. I was plenty wet for them. But there was no way I'd be able to keep the dildo from falling out so I knew Lisa's intention was not to have Debbie leave it there for long.
Debbie gave me a few strokes with the fake cock. God, it felt good. Here I was naked on a public trail at a popular attraction and a stranger was fucking me as I bent over for her. Life was wonderful at that moment. After I began to moan, a sure sign I was enjoying myself, Debbie stopped and asked for the lube. I guess pleasure time was over. I felt her applying the gel to my asshole. She then began to work it in with her finger. I was briefly double penetrated. I liked it.
I continued to hold my ankles as Debbie gave me a few strokes with her wiggling fingers to coat my hole with the lube. She then pulled the dildo out of my pussy. I knew what was coming and I braced for the invasion. She pushed, I accepted and quick as a flash, I had a tail as the dildo was securely buried inside my ass.
"Very good," said Lisa. "I'm going to have her crawl in front of us. She is going to be our spotting dog. Does anybody wish to join her?"
Did I hear right? Did my mistress just ask the other four girls if any of them wanted to crawl through the dirt with me? Such an action would certainly mark the girl as a sub in front of her friends. Would Cathy do that?
Nobody got down next to me. That wasn't a big surprise. Nobody got down until I heard Jeannie chastise Cathy for not taking the place she knew she deserved. I saw a look of reluctant acceptance on Cathy's face as she knelt next to me. At least she still had her clothes. I didn't hear any other talking, but the group seemed to be suspended in time and not moving. After what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably only 30 seconds, Carmen joined Cathy and me on the ground. I didn't see that coming at all.
So off we went. Mistress Lisa held a leash clipped to my collar. She was in the lead and I was on my hands and knees crawling behind her. My eyes were focused on her legs and ass. The sway of her backside was hypnotic. I didn’t know what order the others followed us, but I imagined one of them was watching my ass. I tried to keep a little extra wiggle in my butt to give them a good show as I crawled along the seldom used dirt path. My hands and knees were filthy and I felt like a whore for showing my true self to the girls.
I crawled along for maybe 100 yards when Mistress Lisa gave me the command to stand. She said the trail got harder from here and crawling would be too difficult. I took the opportunity to look backward. Carmen and Cathy were both trying to brush the dirt off their knees and hands. Apparently they had crawled just like I had. Mistress Lisa still held my leash as she led me deeper into the forest. After maybe another 100 yards over an uneven rock strewn trail, she paused, consulted a map and then turned north. There was a foot trail which you would have missed if you didn't know where to look for it. We headed deeper into the forest. I had a sense of security I didn't have on the other trail. At least here whatever Mistress Lisa had planned could be done in private.
Suddenly we broke through the forest into a meadow. It wasn't huge, but there was a creek which fed a pond thanks to a crafty beaver and an old picnic table. The first order of business was for Cathy, Carmen and me to wash the trail from our bodies. I pulled the tail plug out of my ass and jumped into the pond while the other girls stripped. I'd never skinny dipped in front of anyone before today, but I almost felt like one of the college girls instead of a middle aged woman as we frolicked and washed. Looking back at the table, Debbie had pulled a blanket out of her backpack and spread it over the table. It looked like we were going to have lunch.
Jeannie set out some sandwiches she had been carrying. Mistress Lisa put out our meager lunch offerings. I knew she had packed more important items, but they remained in the bag for now. When they were ready, Lisa called us over. We were not allowed to redress. Gloriously naked, the three of us sat down on one side of the picnic table while our three fully dressed superiors sat on the other. Jeannie already knew my story. Cathy had told her. But Debbie was most interested. While we ate our lunch I told my tale again. She said she'd never been into the "whole dom/sub thing" but she then admitted seeing Lisa lead me around was hot. This revelation was interesting to me since I'd assumed Carmen had crawled with us under Debbie's direction. Cathy obviously did what Jeannie told her, but apparently Carmen chose to join us on her own. Interesting.
The lunch was quick. It would have been quicker if I had not told my story. But I since I always became aroused when telling it, I didn't mind. Carmen was ordered to wrap up our garbage to pack back out. Leave only footprints, take only photographs don't you know. I was ordered to unpack our toys. I was surprised to find I'd been carrying more toys than Lisa would have brought just for me. I then realized it wasn't just dumb luck that we ran into each other on the trail. What an idiot I'd been. I'd been setup from the start. My mistress and Cathy probably planned this when I'd been sleeping the first afternoon on the train. Everything came into focus. Mistress Lisa's sub detecting radar found Cathy while I slept. She had setup my humiliating public orgasm in front of her, our wonderful night together in our sleeping car, our second public vibration session in the dining car and now playtime in the great outdoors. I decided that Carmen joining the serving side of the equation wasn't planned because my mistress only brought two strap-ons. She also had assorted clamps, a flogger, a ping pong paddle, two vibrators and two nipple suckers. No wonder the backpack had been so full.
The first command was for the slaves to stand up and step back from the table. We watched as Lisa, Debbie and Jeannie stripped out of their clothes and sat down on the top of the table. Side by side, they spread their legs in an obvious invitation for the subs to service them. Service them we did. Each of us dove in on our mistress. My tongue was concentrated on my task, but my mind wondered if Carmen was licking Debbie for the first time. We switched after about five minutes. We moved one space to the right. I was now between Jeannie's thighs. She had taken on a much harder dominant edge than how I had seen her on the train. I was now sure Cathy was her full time slave. She was also the first of the women to cum sending her love into my mouth. Mistress Lisa was close behind as Carmen worked on her. Lisa called "switch" again and I went to work on Debbie. She had the thighs of a runner and they clamped tightly around my head. I found it difficult to breath and difficult to service her properly. But she was definitely in charge and that made my pussy boil. Still it was no wonder that she was the only mistress not to cum yet as her leg lock prevented me from bringing her off properly.
Lisa and Jeannie were cheering her on, but I could tell that was only making her tenser and was not helping the situation. I tried to lift my head and tell them to knock it off and let me do my job, but Debbie's strong legs and now her grip on my head prevented me from moving. Finally after they had cum a second time, Jeannie and Lisa told her relax and I felt the pressure around my head relax.
"These girls don't know how to eat pussy!" Debbie complained.
My mistress defended me saying that Debbie didn't know how to enjoy herself. She said I was very proficient at getting a woman off and that if Debbie didn't realize that, she was the one with the problem.
"I guess I just need a big dick," Debbie mocked Lisa.
"We can accommodate that request," countered Lisa picking up one of the strap-ons.
"Uh, I don't think so," responded Debbie.
"Well I do think so," said Lisa with a forceful tone.
Debbie looked confused. Lisa looked at Jeannie who sprung into action. She grabbed Debbie by the shoulders and pulled her down onto the picnic table. Cathy, Carmen and I realized what was happening so we jumped at the chance to help hold her down while Lisa affixed one of the strap-ons around her waist.
Lisa didn't take her time sugar coating what she was going to do. If Debbie needed a big cock, she was going to get one. Jeannie and I held Debbie's arms and shoulders tight again the picnic table. Carmen and Cathy held her legs apart. She struggled right up to the point when my mistress first penetrated her with the monster phallus. Apparently Lisa hit the right point because Debbie stopped struggling and started moaning. We continued to hold her, although we all relaxed our grips slightly as Lisa built a rhythm which began to drive Debbie into a sexual frenzy.
Debbie continued to moan as her body warmed to the idea that she was getting the fucking she desired. Soon she was begging Lisa to fuck her harder. I wasn't sure if that was possible. Lisa continued to pound the fake dick into her and made sure to grind her pubic bone against Debbie's clit which each savage thrust. The four of us holding Debbie down continued to relax out grip until we became passive spectators enjoying the brutal pounding my mistress was giving her. Of course I was dreaming of being in Debbie's position. I think Cathy and Carmen were too. We all were standing around the picnic table watching in awe. Carmen was fingering herself. So was Jeannie. I could tell Cathy wanted to as did I, but I wouldn't do that without permission. I couldn't tell if that was Cathy's reason to, but when Jeannie looked at me and pointed to her pussy, I didn't hesitate to drop to my knees and bury my face into her steaming love hole.
Debbie came before I could finish with Jeannie, although that didn't mean I was done. I heard movement off the table behind me, but I kept servicing her without distraction as I had been taught. When she finally came, I felt my head being pulled back and twisted until I was facing the bobbing cock of my mistress, glistening with Debbie's juices. She didn't have to tell me to clean off her tool. I took her into my mouth deep throating the dildo as if it were one of my well endowed conquests from years past. I choked a little as I was out of practice at sucking cock, but my mistress seemed pleased at my efforts. When she released me I saw Debbie was still lying on the picnic table. I guess my mistress had worn her out. Having been in that position before, I understood.
The other women, however, were still full of energy and very turned on by the show Mistress Lisa and Debbie had put on. Since I was still on my knees it seemed natural that I should now service Cathy and Carmen, which I did before my mistress had me eat her to conclusion as well. Jeannie was ready for another round on my face by the time I had pleasured her two friends so she took me again. By the time I had given four more orgasms, Debbie was sitting back up and ready to fuck. I anticipated she would have me please her orally, but she wanted to give back what she had received. She grabbed the strap-on that I had removed from my mistress before I had pleasured her and began strapping it around her own hips. I wondered who would be the object of her aggression.
Debbie ordered Cathy, Carmen and I to stand before her. She looked at us menacingly while stroking her fake dick like a man would.
"One of you is getting this rammed up her ass. Who is it going to be?"
I looked at Carmen and Cathy. I think all three of us would have volunteered to have her take us vaginally, but her tool would hurt like hell up the back side. I saw Mistress Lisa strapping the other dildo she brought onto Jeannie.
"You three decide. One of you is going to get DP'ed. The other two are going over my knee."
I looked at Carmen and Cathy again. They didn't appear to like either option, but neither was backing away yet either. I made the decision for them.
"I want to get fucked," I announced.
"Very good puppet," my mistress commended me. "Jeannie, spread that blanket on the ground and lay down. Tammy, mount her and spread your cheeks for Debbie. Carmen and Cathy, get your asses over here. By the time I'm done with you, you will regret not volunteering for Debbie and Jeannie."
My mistress sat on the top of the picnic table where she could watch me get fucked and could punish the two young co-eds. I don't know who was louder, the girls taking their spankings and crying out in pain or me taking the double fucking and crying out in pleasure. Either way I'm sure our erotic sounds carried for miles in the open air. I think we were fortunate that nobody found our carnal rendezvous location, although I must confess as Debbie reamed me and I rode Jeannie, I had visions of a group of male hikers arriving and forcing me to service them as well. In my mind I was surrounded by five or six angry cocks with their owners furiously jerking them. As I came from the attention Jeannie and Debbie were giving me, the men all squirted at the same kind. My face and chest was pelted by volley after volley of man goo. Jeannie had no choice by to lay there and get dripped on by the cast offs while Debbie just laughed at both of us.
Alas it didn't happen that way and I didn't feel the need to tell either woman what I was really thinking about when I came. I knew I would confess my new fantasy to Mistress Lisa tonight in the motel room, but for now I decided it was better to keep that secret. When I finally focused back on what my mistress was doing, Cathy was across her lap. Carmen was standing next to the picnic table rubbing her very red ass. Lisa had her fingers deep inside of Cathy who was grinding herself on Mistress Lisa's knee. I could see the wetness dripping from Carmen and wondered if she had the same treatment. We all watched as Cathy finally succumb to her new mistress' intentions and had a noisy orgasm. Everyone agreed it was the best picnic they ever had.
We all dressed and packed up to head back to the parking lot. Although I was allowed clothes, I still had to wear my collar and Lisa still held my leash. Jeannie and Debbie made Cathy and Carmen was back with their hands on their heads like a prisoner walking into prison. I had no doubt they would soon be wearing collars as well. When we reached the main hiking trail Carmen and Cathy were allow to resume "normal" hiking positions, although Lisa continued to walk in front of me holding my leash. This did not bother me in the least as I was proud for everyone to know I belonged to her. I could tell Cathy especially was jealous and wanted Jeannie to "force" her to show her submission to the world.
In the parking lot the girls said they were going up to the next turn off and trying that trail. No sex, just real hiking. We were invited, but my mistress said she was more interested in sex right then and we would be heading back to the motel. She told the girls our room number and said they were welcome to stop by later. We all hugged like old friends, said our goodbyes and parted company.
Back at the motel we showered together. It felt equally good to remove the built up layers of dirt and grime from our outdoor adventure and to embrace my mistress as the warm water cascaded over our naked bodies. After the shower Lisa produced a small scissors which she used to clip the rubber bands which had been keeping my nipples hard for hours. While they were on they were not overly painful. When they came off, however, that was another story. As the blood rushed back into my poor nubs, a rush of pain shot through my body.
I was worn out, not to mention sore. I hoped she wasn't ready to play immediately after our shower. Lisa seemed to have boundless energy, but apparently she sensed my reluctance and asked if I was ready for another round instead of just pushing me to my knees or pushing me onto the bed. I answered truthfully that I'd really like to rest. She smiled and put me to bed. We spooned with her strong arms wrapped around me. Once I fell asleep I had very passionate dreams which always took the form of me being held tight and teased. I knew this was caused by my mistress never letting go of me as we slept.
I don't know how long we napped. I do know the sun was still bright and creeping around the curtains when an insistent knock on our door roused us from our slumber. My mistress seemed upset at being disturbed, but got up anyway and threw on a robe before opening the door. I was still naked under the sheet as the sun poured through the door as she opened it. Debbie was the knocker and Jeannie was standing behind her.
"Hello girls," said Lisa. "What are you up to?"
"We're done with our hike for today," offered Debbie. "Cathy and Carmen are too worn out to party, but we're still looking for some fun."
The way she said it left no doubt what kind of fun they were looking for.
"We were just napping. I'm not up for any more fun at the moment, but my slave will serve you again. Isn't that right, Tammy?"
"Yes mistress," I replied. Personally I wasn't really up for another round either. I'd rather just cuddle with my mistress for a while longer. But that decision wasn't mine to make.
Lisa let the girls into the room. Before she even had a chance to close the door Debbie was pulling the sheet and blanket off the bed exposing my body to anyone who happened to be walking by. The girls descended on me. I heard the door close, thankfully. Debbie was first on me pinning me down and kissing me hard on the lips. I lost track of both Jeannie and my mistress, although I did hear water running in the bathroom. Debbie was rubbing her body against mine. Her jeans and rough textured shirt felt scratchy on my smooth skin. I heard Jackie exclaim with glee that Lisa had a virtual sex store in her toy bag. Despite my initial reluctance, I was starting to get aroused.
"Let me look," exclaimed Debbie as she broke our kiss and dismounted me.
I stayed on the bed passively watching them as they explored Lisa's toy collection. I then began to salivate as they removed their clothes. Sure they were taking advantage of me, but their young hard bodies made me want them and their aggressive nature made me need them. Lisa returned from the bathroom dressed and looking as beautiful as ever and the girls returned to the bed, riding crop and nipple clamps in hand.
"I'm going out for a while puppet. Serve these girls as you would serve me," my mistress said on her way out the door. As soon as the door was closed Debbie spoke again.
"Did you hear that slut? You belong to us now and you will do whatever we say."
"Yes mistress, Debbie," I replied.
I was thankful the girls didn't seem to have the same understanding of how to punish me that Lisa had. Sure they used the crop on me, but lightly. I also got a hand spanking with my body draped over Jeannie lap, but again it was pretty tame. The situation was enough to have my copious juices flowing freely, but this was really play submission. The clamps were not tight and I spent most of the time eating their pussies over and over.
I wondered if they were going to DP me again. I was certainly ready for it, but Debbie seemed more preoccupied with putting my tongue to good use. Jeannie did give me a good pounding while I ate Debbie, but it was lackluster to me. It just wasn't the same as it had been this afternoon when the thrill of getting caught and the knowledge that my mistress was directing the action made our rendezvous more exciting. Both the girls had several good cums. I did not. I managed to have a little one at the end of our encounter by fingering myself after the girls had given up for the day. The only saving grace was I could watch myself in the mirror and pretend I was masturbating under Lisa's watchful gaze. As I said it wasn't a great climax, but any orgasm is better than none so I was grateful for the release. The girls were gone when Lisa returned. I was still naked in the bed, although I had gone to the bathroom.
"Hello slave," my mistress addressed me. "Have a good time with the girls?"
"Truthfully, it wasn't the same without you," I answered.
"Aw, isn't that cute. You missed me."
"Yes, mistress, I did."
"Well clean yourself up and get dressed. We're going out."
I scampered from the bed back to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Lisa laid out the clothes she wanted me to wear. Jeans and a t-shirt was all. No panties and no bra. This didn't surprise me. We headed to the edge of town where we pulled into a tattoo parlor's parking lot. Now I was surprised and more than a little worried.
"I need to head home tomorrow, puppet, and I don't know when I'll see you again. I want to give you something to remember me by," my mistress told me sweetly.
"I'm not sure about this, mistress. I will not have any trouble remembering you. I really don't want a tattoo."
"Oh, don't worry about that. We're here to get you pierced."
"Just your nipples. It will help keep you in the right frame of mind back at school."
"I think I'd rather have a tattoo," I countered.
"If you meant what you when you pledged yourself to me you will stop this silly charade and go inside. If you choose to resist, you'll have your own motel room tonight, the girls will not visit you and you and I will never have any contact again."
I looked into Lisa's eyes and knew she wasn't bluffing. Immediately I lowered my eyes to the floor of the car.
"That's better. Always remember your place in life," my mistress said coldly. "Now let's go."
Apparently my mistress had visited the shop while Debbie and Jeannie were using me earlier. The guy who ran the shop greeted her by name and pulled a small jewelry box out from behind the counter. He looked at me, but didn't address me. He ushered us into a back room where he had what looked like a dentist's chair. My mistress told me to remove my shirt which I did without hesitation. The guy had me lie down on a message table. It was cool in the room. My nipples were beginning to come to life.
The man was preparing his tools and professionally told Lisa to get my nipples ready as if having a topless woman in his shop was an everyday event. Come to think of it, it probably was. Lisa lovingly began to nibble, suck and tweak my nipples. She was doing it not as a mistress would but as a lover. Immediately I felt my pussy begin to juice. Apparently it didn't know why I was here. As much as my mind was fighting against her touch, my body was responding. By the time the man was ready, so was I.
My mistress had picked out two gold bars to be inserted into my nipples. I was expecting the man to use a piercing gun like they use at the mall for earrings. I was wrong. He was "old school" and used a needle for the "personal" touch. Of course he also got a personal feel as he squeezed my breast hard to make my nipple pop up a little more. He then told Lisa to cup my breast in her hand while he did the deed. She was holding my breast while he held my nipple tightly and smoothly pushed the needle through my sensitive flesh. It hurt like hell and I cried out in pain. But I knew better than to move. He relaxed his grip and slid the needle back and forth to bore out the hole a little more. He then pulled the needle out and slid the post in. One side had a gold ball which prevented the post from sliding all the way through. The other side had a matching ball which screwed onto the threads of the post. My mistress released my breast and it snapped back into its natural shape and position. There was a dull ache in my nipple. Looking down all I could see was the small gold balls on either end of the post. I also knew my nipple would never be totally soft again.
I was better prepared for the pain when they repeated the process on my left nipple. It didn't hurt any less, but at least my mind could prepare for it. The tattoo guy warned me that there would be some swelling and that I should ice my nipples. He said after a week I could remove the posts just like I remove my earrings, but that the holes would close eventually so I shouldn't do it too often. He also said the gold in the jewelry wouldn't set of a metal detector so I shouldn't worry about flying. Lisa helped me put my shirt back on. It fell back against my tender nipples. I could tell the shirt was going to serve as a teasing method from now on. Looking at my mistress I know that she knew what I was thinking. The smirk on her face told me I had better get used to it.
I thought we were done, but my mistress then told me to take of my pants. Two thoughts went through my head. One was I was going to pay with my pussy for the piercings. That was bad, although the guy wasn't bad looking and the shop was cleaner than some of the student apartments in Boston I used for one night stands in Boston. When the guy picked up a gold ring instead of dropping his pants, I realized I wasn't done with the piercing. I think I rather would have fucked him.
Again like a lover instead of a mistress, Lisa rubbed my clit until it was proudly displaying itself outside its hood. My body had betrayed me again. Again I screamed as the needle was pushed through and the ring was installed. After it was done, the man plugged in a soldering gun. "Keep her occupied for a minute while this heats up," he told my mistress. She began kissing me and tapping her finger on the top of my clit. I felt no compulsion to try and escape. I felt him push her finger away as he told me to hold very still. He said he was using a low voltage soldier gun with low temperature soldier, but I could still feel the heat from the iron as he heated the ring. My body was completely tense. I don't think I was even breathing.
When the ring was hot enough, the man pressed a gold colored piece of soldier against the clasp sealing it. The ring was now permanent. I would not be taking it off, at least now without someone I trusted with a soldiering iron working in tight over my pussy. Again the man repeated the warning about swelling. I knew my mistress would take delight in icing down the naughty bits.
I never was commanded to service the guy. Mistress Lisa paid in cash and we were on our way to dinner. It wasn't fancy. I spent most of the time squirming as my new adornments drove me crazy. Back at the motel Lisa took me to show off my jewelry to the girls. I was stripped and told to lay on the bed. One by one the girls sat on my face while I serviced them and the other girls alternated flicking my nipples and clit and icing them down. They never did let me cum, although each of them did at least once and Debbie rode my face twice. Lisa took me back to our room with my face covered in girl goo and my nipples and clit frozen. Once again she held me tight as we snuggled in bed. This was becoming her modus operandi. She would humiliate and torture me in public and then tenderly hold me in private. She was training me to crave her soft touches by conditioning me to accept her cruel ones.
In the morning my piercings were still tender, but not nearly as bad as they had been the night before. Lisa and I actually made love, not just had sex. She employed no toys and she gently licked my pussy without teasing my nipples. She gave my clit just enough attention to get me over the edge. I decided the gentle attention was a gift from her for following orders these last five days. We were heading home to different cities today and I didn't know when I'd see her again.
Flying from Montana is a bit of a challenge. There are no direct non-stops to the East Coast. We had to drive to Missoula, fly to Salt Lake City and then connect to a flight to O'Hare. Lisa flew first class. She booked me a middle seat in coach. The tattoo artist was correct about my new body jewelry not setting off the metal detector. Apart from my now perpetually hard nipples showing through my shirt and the two men I was seated between sneaking peeks at them, the flight was uneventful. Back at O'Hare my mistress had me carry her backpack while we went to retrieve her luggage. I had about 2 hours until my flight home so Lisa made sure I finished my service to her by retrieving her bags from the luggage carousel and carrying them to a waiting limo.
Her driver, a striking redhead wearing a tailored leather jacket, stretch pants form fitting over her long legs and incredible ass and leather knee high boots took the bags from me a lifted them into the trunk. Mistress Lisa turned to face me one last time. She told me she enjoyed our trip and hoped I would be available to travel again. I pledged to be available to her whenever she wanted. No doubt that was the answer she wanted to hear as she pulled me into a passionate embrace and gave me a deep soulful kiss before getting into the car and driving away.
She left me standing in traffic at O'Hare's arrival roadway. Cars were honking for me to move, but I was in a daze watching the woman I knew I loved drive away. Finally I snapped out of my fog and made my way back into the terminal. There was nothing left for me but to go home. I didn't know her phone number or where she lived, although I knew it was two hours from UW Madison and O'Hare was a convenient airport. In my mind I tried to picture where those two circles would intersect to narrow down her destination.
I went back to the airline counter and checked in my e-Ticket at the kiosk. I didn't have any bags which made things easier. As the screen displayed my seat assignment I realized I was now the one in first class. It was a parting gift from my mistress to give me a couple of hours of comfort on the way home. I smiled at the thoughtfulness and made my way to the TSA screening. As I approached I realized the metal detector may not know about my naughty ornaments, but the new full body scanners in use at this airport certainly would. I swallowed hard and walked into the machine. I held my hand up as instructed (it is like you are being frisked by the police) as the machine looked into my soul. I saw the female agent running the machine tap her ear as if she was receiving a message. She then looked at me and then lowered her attention to the hard nubs on display beneath my shirt. She was still holding her ear as she smiled and nodded. She then looked down at my crotch. I knew there was nothing to see, but the constant attention my clit now received kept me wet and ready at all times.
As I exited the scanner I had the sinking feeling I was headed for an "enhanced pat down" or possible a full examination. But the woman just smiled a knowing smile and told me to have a good flight. I nodded, thanked her and headed straight to the bathroom to masturbate. This was my new life.
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