I gritted my teeth and screwed up my face as I felt a sting and then a sharp pinch at my clitoris. It started throbbing immediately and I wriggled violently to try and knock it loose.
‘Stop that now’, I felt a sharp smack on the right cheek of my ass. I held myself still and tried to breathe through the dull aching that gnawed at me.
I gasped as I felt the leather strap that had been swinging between my legs yanked up tightly against my underside. The huge plastic penis was thrust headlong into my belly. I couldn’t help but cry out, even though I knew I wasn’t supposed to. It felt like I had been kicked deep down inside. It didn’t relent and the dildo didn’t back its way out. She fastened the strap exactly where it was. I screamed out as loudly as I could. I sobbed and pleaded with her to take it out of me. I told her that I was sorry for making the noise but that it was just too big inside me!
‘Shhhhh little one’, she soothed, stroking the side of my head. I sank deeply into the bed tensing my jaw and sobbing, trying to keep quiet for her.
‘Save your strength. Now, on your back on the bed’
With practised ease, over the next few minutes, she reduced me to a state of utter helplessness. The whole time, my anxiety rose and I fretted, waiting for the torment to really begin. I was amazed at how little it took to completely immobilise me and render me completely vulnerable.
She had fastened a bar between my legs. There was a thin metal rod at one end of it which she slid all the way up inside the dildo that was causing me so much distress. The bar then ran right down between my thighs and knees to end between my feet. I had howled as she had waggled the end of it. The movement had been transmitted to the stout intruder inside me which had vibrated, jarring me cruelly in the depths of my belly. The feeling had been a horrendous violation and I had screamed and ripped at the cuffs that held my wrists.
‘No, don’t do that!’ I had cried.
She had ignored me. She fastened snug metal cuffs around my ankles, crushing the plastic ankle straps of my shoes into me. She had then clipped short chains from these cuffs to a ring at the end of the rod that descended from my dildo. This simple piece of bondage was startlingly debilitating; which I discovered in very little time. If I moved my legs at all, it caused the rod to twitch and the massive dildo inside me leapt into life. If I tried to sit up or to twist about, the same thing would happen and I would be howling from the awful sensations within my womanhood.
I lay on my back resigned to having to lie completely still, blubbering hysterically as I realised that I was physically helpless. I was, however, always mentally helpless with my evil Mistress.
She started to hook wires up to me and my mind started to unravel.
‘Please! Please Mistress! I will be a good girl!’ I wept, ’I will be a good girl for you; I will do whatever you want! I will be a better slut, I promise!’
She just carried on with a methodical inevitability. I felt her at my crotch and on the front of my belt, releasing crocodile clips onto the metal fitting on the plate that pushed into my belly and onto the clitoral clip that she had already installed on me. I was quietly gibbering as she hooked little electrical probes to each of the rings that sat in my freshly pierced nipples. As she let the probes clips relax, they gripped around the thin gold loops and I could see that no amount of shaking would knock them free.
‘No, my god, please no, please Mistress Vivienne, please!!!’ I had begged to her.
I knew it wouldn’t help but I had to try and do something. I knew that she was going to torture me and that she was not doing it to punish me for something that I had done. She was doing it for entertainment, because it excited her; in the same way that other women had normal sex, or used a vibrator. She was twisted. It never stopped terrifying me when I saw that she was capable of doing such things and enjoying them. I felt like I was the unluckiest person on earth to have fallen in with this woman.
‘I think we’ll need to quieten you down now. In any case, this next piece is……necessary’
She smiled in the way that I had grown very frightened of and approached my face holding another black-strappy rubber-looking device.
‘Open wide’ she snapped. In spite of all my fear, I still could not disobey her.
My mouth was crammed full of expanding, bitter-tasting foam rubber. I screamed as much as I could as she pumped at an inflation bladder and it grew inside my mouth. My eyes bulged as she clasped at the bladder again and again until the thing inside my mouth stretched my cheeks out. She buckled a strap behind my head which fastened the device inside me and dug into my cheeks, and then she pumped on the inflation ball a few more times, until there was no more room for expansion. I stared up at her, pleading, completely filled and silenced.
The tears rolled down my face. My wrists were sore from the edges of the cuffs rubbing as I tore against the chains which fastened them uselessly to my belt. I wanted so much to be able to free myself and take the dildo and the gag out. I had to keep remembering not to move my legs or to bend my body either, as every time I tried, the sensation in my belly stopped me dead and made me need to scream anew.
Looking up, there was something extending from the front of the gag that she had forced into me.
‘NO!!!!!!’ I had screamed as I suddenly understood. Dull, muted tones emerged as she gently stroked my cheek, smiling as she watched the look of comprehension take hold on my face.
There was a large black rubber phallus curving upwards from the front of my gag. I could see gentle scalloped indentations along the top side as it arced gently up away from my mouth to end far above my nose
Vivienne had smiled down at me, enjoying watching the recognition spread across my body. She moved slowly and delicately but was totally unhindered as I lay trussed below her; her easy prey.
I had screamed and screamed as she had left the room. I thought that it was my best chance to do it and I was frightened that it might displease her if I did it in front of her; I would soon see that I was wrong about this. I wanted to be somewhere else; even after all I had been through, this just couldn’t be happening. She returned with something that I just couldn’t see because the bar wouldn’t let me bend myself upwards enough.
I felt her down at my crotch and then saw her standing again.
‘Almost ready Sweetie’
She was starting to pant and I could see that she was becoming excited. This really worried me; it was going to get a worse soon.
‘Fuck you, leave me alone you bitch, you heartless bitch!’ I screamed, screwing up my face, as if that would somehow make it happen. I knew that there was no way that she could hear what I was saying. Even shouting in a completely incoherent form made me stop for a second; but she hadn’t noticed anything.
‘I don’t expect you to enjoy this at all Anita, quite the opposite. You will find it a very ....’difficult’….experience. This is for me, and this is what I want to do tonight. In a moment, I am going to fuck your brains out while I hurt you, for no reason other than because it pleases me to. The little box beside you, hooked up to this’
She held a control in her hand with a button sitting under her thumb
‘Pressing this will deliver pulses of electricity to your nipples and your clitoris. You will be driven nearly insane by that alone.’
I saw her leaning over into my vision and then climbing over me so that she straddled my shoulders. She smeared lube onto the black monster above my nose.
‘Mmmmmmmmm’, she closed her eyes.
‘No!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t do this Mistress! PLEASE!!!!!!’
I felt her reach behind me and then I froze still. I yelped as I felt something warm, hot in fact, flowing into my back passage. My breathing quickened as I hyperventilated in terror.
‘I’m infusing three litres of sweltering hot liquid into you now Anita. It entertains me to know that the fluid inside you is a mixture of my own and some of the girl’s from the clubs urine. We collected it throughout the day in a container, all of us knowing that I would put it inside you tonight. Aren’t we thoughtful? Feel our hot piss inside you, bitch, causing you to spasm in pain’
As I stared up at her completely aghast, my head swimming, she was even more unhinged than I had previously thought. My guts started to swirl and gurgle and then I felt the pressure. My already crushed waist was being bloated outwards, filled with Vivienne’s collected urine.
She raised herself up and I saw her legs widen as she exposed herself to me. The discomfort in my belly grew and I desperately tried to find a more comfortable position. There was none. I thrashed my head about, waggling the black dildo from side to side like a freakish Pinocchio having a temper tantrum.
She caught the dildo in her other hand, holding my head fast and spread her vaginal lips above me. I could see the light glisten as it reflected off her wetness; she was showing me her arousal. Then she lowered herself onto the thing. The head slid easily inside her flushed lips and in a slow slide, the black dildo gradually filling her up, her pussy flared towards my face.
Before she was against me, the sensation in my belly was unbearable. The uncomfortably hot enema surged inside me. My bowels gurgled and contracted against it, desperately trying to push it out, but it didn’t go and the contracting against its resistance caused me pain. The tiny radius of the thick belt around me was constricting me like a python and it made the enema ten times worse. The final torment was the way it interacted with the unyielding penetration. By now, any movement at all of my legs or of the dildo inside me was absolute bloody murder.
As the realisation hit me, all I could do was scream my heart out, praying for it to end. But the liquid kept slowly, insidiously flowing into me. When I thought where the fluid had come from I was started to choke; I had other people’s stagnant piss inside me. I was more sickened by the thought that Vivienne enjoyed the idea of something so repulsive and that she controlled me. She was nothing short of a psychopath, and she was running completely wild over me.
I couldn’t believe what this woman found enjoyable. I remembered how I had adored her when I had first met her. I remembered how she had crushed me on that day in her office when she had taken my mind and had then fisted me so brutally. I remembered the image of Lisa, strapped below Trisha as she had her poor pussy whipped for her Mistress’s sexual amusement. I couldn’t believe that anyone could be excited by the suffering of another and I couldn’t believe that I was her victim.
I felt the rippling of electricity. My whole body tensed as she unleashed the first spasmodic pulses upon my nipples and my clitoris. My most sensitive parts were driven to the point of tetanus; every little fibre was made to contract sharply and cry out in pain. All the nerves were alive and shrieking hell at me. My eyes shot wide open. The flesh inside my nipples was so tender that the spurs of electricity lanced right to the very heart of my breasts. My femininity became something terrible as I was made to really appreciate the pain that I could be given.
I screamed at the top of my lungs.
My poor crushed clitoris felt the same, I cursed that I had been born a woman as its sensitivity was used against me and I was made to scream and snort and blow snot out of my nose as I shrieked maniacally below her. I tried in vain to shake the clip loose but it was tightly pinched onto me and shocking me relentlessly. I wasn’t sure that I could hold on without somehow becoming insane.
My eyes wide open, snatching my breath in rapid gasps, I finally noticed what was in front of me. All I could see was her groin, below her smooth corseted body. The full circumference of her taut, filled inner labia was sliding down towards me. The light darkened as she descended, filling my vision, her labia hugging and moving with the ripples on the outside of the shaft as she slid down onto my face. Then she was fully straddling me. At first, she was firm on top of me. Then she was clamping me tightly against the bed, ramming her clitoris into my nose and suffocating me. I wailed and struggled and felt more agony unleashed on my poor buds.
I couldn’t keep still. The intruder in my loins jerked violently inside my swollen, urine-filled gut. I snorted out streams of my own teary mucous as I tried to scream past my air-tight gag. Thin torrents of air vibrated past her upper labia and her thick, fleshy hood as I gasped to inhale through the only orifice left available to me. I heard her sniggering. I was terrified; I realised that she controlled whether I could breathe or not with her genitals. A new level of understanding hit me. I was dumbstruck as I felt what she could now do to me, and what this would do to her.
The air was saturated with her strong woman’s stench; every breath made me heady with her dark pheromones. In the state of complete sensory overload that I was in, it was another sensation that I just couldn’t cope with. Another tide of shocks coursed into me and I jerked into her. She moaned with pleasure as my pain stimulated her mind and my uncontrollable jerking moved the dildo into her. She rose herself slowly up, slinking the dildo almost out of herself and then she began her deliberate descent down onto me again. And then again. And again. And then faster. And then harder. She fucked me and she lost herself on top of me.
My mind snapped. All I could do was to scream out and move the dildo inside her while she electrified me, suffocated me and tortured me for her pleasure. There was nowhere that I could turn my attention to that was not a torment. That was how she had planned it. I couldn’t think because I was being distracted so quickly from one torture to the next; and then on to another.
At one point, the swimming in my head became so severe that I felt like I was passing out. She woke me up. I saw the venom on her face as she viciously stabbed her stiletto heels into my sides; spurring me like she was riding and training an animal. My skin felt open, raw and torn from the sharp tips of her high heeled boots.
‘Don’t you dare pass out bitch’, she screamed, half in anger, half in ecstasy. Her expression relaxed slightly as she resumed her rhythmic, hungry fucking of my face. She kicked into me again, to make sure I was properly awake, and then started to ride me with added vigour.
‘Yee-haaa! Bitch’, she screamed, scratching her heels down me again, raking up new lines along my sides. I rolled, trying to avoid the pain. The ribs on the tip of the dildo inside me twisted against my cervix and I mewed frantically with terrible rotation. I had to submit to lying on my back, to having my face fucked, to my piss enema and to the electrical punishment that she was enforcing on me. I hated being a slave and I hated being alive. She just fucked me more and more.
Every time she came down on me, I would not be able to breathe and she would toy with me as I struggled. As I became more desperate, wilder and redder, she became more excited. She would turn the shocks on so that I would struggle against her and she would moan as my struggles brushed my nose against her clitoris and wriggled the dildo inside her. My pain was her pleasure. Finally, just when I would think I was about to suffocate, she would lift off me. She looked like the only reason she came off me was so that I stayed conscious but she knew that she could torment me once more by doing it all again. She would enjoy watching me gasp for breath, trying to suck in the air without aggravating my own dildo or moving my enema too much. She knew exactly what my torture was and it was driving her wild. With an ecstatic smile, her eyes fixed on mine and her thumb clamped down on the button in her hand. She set the shocks off on me again.
At last, my face sodden with her strong secretions and my own salt-tears, she came. She cried out in total abandon as the fruits of my torment coursed through her and she convulsed in a full body orgasm. She held herself down onto me, completely blocking my breath as she kept the shocks on constantly. She screamed in pleasure as I felt myself drifting. I couldn’t move any air al all into my lungs. The sensory overload and the asphyxia finally shut down my mind. Her shouts of pleasure became distant noises from a different reality as the world faded, the woman and I passed out.
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