Sisterly Love
Part One - Lily
A couple of months ago I would never have thought I’d be in this situation. Naked, blindfolded with my Hands bound above my head in the middle of a large group of Friends and Strangers. To top it off I was happy to be here. Excited by the prospect of what this evening held. I knew I would be in pain, humiliated and used before the evening came to an end but that just heightened my arousal further.
I wasn’t always like this. Less than a month ago I had just started College and was looking forward to my time there. Nervous and scared, excited and hopeful. I never saw this coming at all. It had all started a week into my first year in College.
The rain hammered down on the Bus as it battled the early evening traffic. Through the pounding of the rain the excited chatter of my fellow Students on their way home on the last School night of the week filled the Bus. There was to be a big Party tonight, the first of the year. The Party was being hosted by Gemma Darling, a close friend of my twin Sister - Natasha.
“So are you looking forward to tonight Lily?” Natasha turned around from talking to Gemma. She really was a mirror of myself, the only obvious difference was our Height. Her blond Hair was worn long and wavy down to just below her Shoulders, like mine and she had the sweetest Blue eyes that seemed to pierce into you as if they were examining everything you had hidden. I’d been told by a previous Guy I had been in a relationship with that mine had a similar effect. Reaching the end of our Teenage years we had both blossomed very well into beautiful young Woman boasting an ample Bosom and a slim figure. The only difference there being that Natasha preferred to flaunt her assets where as I was much more shy.
“Yeah. I really am!” I answered and the truth was that I really was excited. Knowing only a few members of the Class I was now in it would be the perfect opportunity to meet some new People. My only concern was Gemma. Whilst Natasha had warmed to Gemma very quickly I never seemed to be comfortable around her. The way she acted made it feel like I wasn’t welcome in the conversation and it was clear for some reason she disliked me.
Finally we arrived at our Stop and I followed Natasha out into the consistent rain. Although Summer had very recently ended, Autumn had begun with a vengeance as if it was tired of waiting for the Summer time to end. Our Home was a detached, Modern House sitting in a typical American Suburb. Running through the rain we both rushed to get in to the warmth and dry shelter.
“Right Lily. The Party begins at eight this evening make sure you’re ready. I won’t wait for you so if you want to get a Taxi with me make sure you’re ready for half past Seven.” Natasha stated as she pulled off her soaked Jacket.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be ready.” I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs. There was the best part of four hours to get ready and I had some Coursework that I needed to work on. Once I had finished with that I had plenty of time to have a quick Shower and sort myself out for tonight. We were both sleeping over so I would have to get some Toiletries and clean Clothes ready as well.
I had been working on my Coursework for the best part of an hour when I was distracted by some shouting from downstairs. Curious, I opened the door and heard the end of an argument between Natasha and my Mother. Only catching the end of it I wasn’t sure what the gist of the shouting was but I did catch my Mother shouting that she wished Natasha would be more like me and get on with her Coursework before the slam of the door echoed through the House. I stood there stunned not sure what to say as Natasha came storming up the stairs. Her eyes met mine for a brief second and I was met with an unfamiliar hostility. I was rooted to the spot and cowered back to my Room not wanting to start a confrontation with Natalie. It wouldn’t surprise me if she went off on one whilst she was in the mood. I just hoped she would be calm by the time we left for the Party otherwise she would be a Bitch all night.
A couple of hours later I was showered and dressed to impress. Well at least I thought so. I was actually a little scared, I never wore anything as revealing as what I had chosen for tonight. It was a Christmas Gift I had received from my Sister last year actually. She had always referred to my style of Clothes as dull and had brought it to try to make me ‘see the light’ as she put it. Apart from trying it out once in my room, I had never worn it outside. I remember how terrified I was at how much the Dress revealed. Checking out my reflection in the Mirror I shivered a little nervously as I saw how the black, silk Dress hugged my tight figure. How it barely contained my Breasts and how the skirt line left very little to the imagination. I stood their for another minute before I thought to hell with it and went downstairs to wait for Natasha to be ready. She came downstairs five minutes later and complemented the way I looked before we called a Taxi.
Holy shit! That was my first reaction as the modern Taxi climbed the hill with ease leading towards Gemma’s Parent’s House. Well I say House, I think a more accurate term would be Mansion! It was at least half a mile away from Civilisation, surrounded by wide open Fields full of wildlife. The Mansion was surrounded by a white, brick wall and as we drew nearer I spotted a large, iron Gate.
Finally the Taxi had finished it’s ascent up the Hill and dropped us off just outside the Gates. There waiting for us, was a young Man who was dressed smartly, checking names off on a List and allowing People entry. God she even had hired help for this Party! Once we had stated our names and were allowed through another young Man, dressed similarly to the one at the Gates led us inside the House and took our Bags and Jackets. It was amazing how much the inside of the House contrasted with the outside. On our way in I marvelled at how brilliantly old this House looked, it must have been Centuries old and it had retained it’s beauty through a lot of dedicated work. On the inside however everything was Modern. From the Modern art hanging on the Walls to the stylish furniture.
“Hey Natasha. Welcome to my Home” Gemma had arrived carrying a Cocktail and I noticed how she had ignored me. Gemma called for Natasha to follow her and I was left standing alone. Left feeling a little insecure as I noticed how many Boy’s Eyes turned as I past I quickly searched for someone I knew.
“Hey Lily. God that’s a nice outfit.” Lisa had called to me over the music from the Table at the back of the room. She poured me and herself a Vodka and Coke then led me to a very expensive looking Sofa where she was with a few other Students I recognised. It occurred to me that this would be my first time I’d ever drunk Alcohol and that I would have to take it easy. It was easy enough to join in the conversation and although this was my first real Party I thought I was handling it very well.
“Lily! Look at you looking all Grown up and very sexy I may add!” A familiar voice cut in to the conversation a little while later.
“Paul!” I stood up and hugged him. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol that influenced me to hug him as it wasn’t the normal thing I would do but either way I felt happily surprised with this new confident me. I felt a little dizzy on my feet as the alcohol took it’s effect but I was buzzing and poured myself and Paul another drink as I caught up with him. He had been to every School that Natasha and I had attended but had chosen to attend a different College. In fact Paul and Natasha had been dating fairly recently and although that had ended quite nastily I still felt very close to him. He was as close to a Brother as I would ever have.
I think it was the fifth drink, or was it the sixth one when I really started to feel the effects of the drink. I found myself unconsciously flirting with Paul although I had no intentions of going any further. Not only would Natasha kill me but I just didn’t feel that way about him. I knew he felt the same as well which was why it was comfortable just having a play about flirt.
“Fancy a Dance?” Paul said out of the blue and I agreed. It turned out we were both bad dancers, unable to keep up with the experienced others around us. We were doing all the wrong moves to the ‘Macarena’ when the DJ changed the tone. On came a slow selection and we were left standing there awkwardly. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me but I made the move of leaning my head on his broad Shoulders and gently swayed to the song.
“Thank you for keeping me company tonight Paul. I’m not sure how I would have held up for most this night if you wasn’t here.” The words were slurred but thankfully he understood and didn’t point out how drunk I obviously was.
“My pleasure Lily. I’ve been meaning to call but you know how it’s been with Natasha” He sighed. “How is she by the way?”
“Natasha’s fine. She misses you, you know. She won’t admit it but she does. Give her time and she’ll see that she did wrong by letting you go. Don’t give up on her” I said as the song came to a close and gently kissed him on the cheek. If only there were more Men like Paul. Mature, sensitive and so easy to be around. As we parted I could see Natasha standing next to Gemma glaring at me. If the look she gave me earlier after the argument with Mother was bad, this one was one hundred times worse. If looks could kill The phrase popped into my head. I tried to smile to show that no harm was done, that it was just an innocent dance between Friends. Natasha must have felt differently as she stormed out the room with Gemma following close behind. That was going to be a difficult conversation in the Morning. Still determined to have a good night though I tried to forget about it and rejoined Lisa on the Sofa.
About an hour later I felt a little less dizzy and decided it was fine for another drink. I poured myself another Vodka and Coke and on the way back a Blonde Girl I recognised from College but couldn’t recall her name bumped into me, nearly causing me to spill my drink. The clumsy Bitch didn’t even apologise as she walked on the way she was going without looking back. A little annoyed I sat back down next to Lisa and listened to her opinions on the latest Brad Pitt Movie.
It was in the pit of my Stomach where I felt the first signs that something wasn’t quite right. My head which had recovered a little earlier was beginning to spin and I was very close to vomiting. With as little subtlety as possible I excused myself from the Sofa and rushed to the Toilet. I had almost broken into a run as I hoped the Toilet was empty and thankfully it was. Standing over the Toilet I failed to notice someone else enter the room and lock the door behind them. When I had finished bringing up my guts I turned round and was surprised to see two other People blocking my way out.
“Natasha! Gemma! What are you doing here?” I said weekly but the words barely came out as a mumble. I felt weak and dizzy and had to rely on the wall to keep me standing. The two of them approached me menacingly and brought me to the ground. I tried to fight them off, to ask them why they were doing this but I could barely speak and my Muscles felt so weak. That Girl! The Bitch earlier who bumped into me, I remember now that I knew her as one of Gemma’s Friends at College. She must have drugged my Drink. The revelation that I had been drugged did nothing to calm me. I was helpless, left to the mercy of a Girl who didn’t like me too much and a Sister who was very much pissed off at me. They held me down with ease and ripped off my dress. Next was the matching black, lace Bra and Panties. I used all the energy I could muster to curl myself up and cover up my dignity but I didn’t have enough strength to struggle as they managed to turn me onto my front. The cold steel I felt enclose around my wrists concealed my fate for the evening. There was nothing I could do now that my hands were cuffed and I closed my eyes wishing that this was just a bad dream. With my eyes closed I didn’t see what it was that they put a little tightly around my neck. Lastly my head was held firm as I felt a soft moist touch on my Forehead and then the sensation as it moved across my Head. I then felt the same sensation above my breasts and then on my Stomach just above my Vagina. They were writing on me!
“We’re done I think” Gemma said to Natasha. The excitement clear in her voice. “Help me lift her so she check herself out Tasha” I felt two pairs of hands lift me up and I was turned on the spot. I didn’t want to open my Eyes but in the end I had to. The mirrored image was a blur and I had to focus really hard to see anything. What I saw made me wish I hadn‘t bothered. Everything was on show! The thing that I felt being put on my neck earlier was a pink Dog’s Collar with a leash attached. The writing took a little longer to come into focus but I made out the word ‘Whore’ on my Forehead and ‘Gemma’s Bitch’ on my Stomach. I felt sick with embarrassment and dragged my hills as Gemma tried to lead me out of the room.
I wasn’t sure how long I had been in the Bathroom but it was clear the Party had gotten out of hand. Influenced by Alcohol I spotted a couple making love in the hallway. They stopped in shock as they took in my appearance and followed me into the living room intrigued. The music stopped as I was led in and everyone’s eyes fell on me. I looked down to the floor unable to meet their gaze, humiliated in the complete silence.
“Hey Guys” Gemma announced. “Lily here has agreed to be our entertainment for the evening. DJ if you would be so kind to keep the music at a lower level for the rest of the evening and if anyone here is not willing to watch what goes on here tonight I suggest you leave now.”
Agreed?! Of course she would say that. I looked around the room as quickly as I could attempting to see if anyone had risen to leave or if anyone would try to put an end to this. No one did. There did however seem to be only around fifteen People here now though compared to the masses that were here earlier. I recognised Lisa and the look of shock on her face but was surprised when she smiled and her eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement. Gemma led me further into the room and forced me down onto my Knees beside a single Sofa, where she made herself comfortable. For a little while I was ignored as she started a drinking game involving cards. I was merely just decoration for the time being yet that didn’t make it any easier for me. From time to time Gemma would reach down and fondle with my Breasts or pinch my nipples. She’d also rest her legs on top of my Head or my Shoulders. My face burned more with the embarrassment than from the pain.
During the game Gemma bent me over so that my Arse was held high in the air facing to the left of her Sofa. She then proceeded to use my Back as a footrest. I heard laughing and my shame deepened. My head was screaming for me to get up and fight back but my muscles were not able to comply. I tried searching for Natasha and spotted her sitting at the back of the room, smiling. I’d never felt so betrayed in my life. My own Sister. The one I thought would be the one who’d always protect and look out for me. How wrong I’d been. I was distracted briefly as I noticed Paul had got up suddenly and was struggling to keep himself up. Natasha looked over to Gemma before following him. They’d drugged him as well! God knows what Gemma and Natasha were planning to do with the two of us.
I nearly lost consciousness whilst Gemma and the rest were finishing off their drinking game. Gemma though wouldn’t let me off that easily though. Every time I was about ready to give in to the way the drug and Alcohol had made me feel, Gemma would kick my Shoulder lightly. There was to be no reprieve. Fortunately I was starting to regain a little focus. I was able to concentrate on the surrounding events a little clearer. Still not perfectly but I was in no situation to complain. The Students playing the Drinking Game were mostly engrossed in the Game, though I noticed a few of them every now and couldn’t help but stare at me. When this happened I turned my Head to the floor choosing to avoid their gaze. One thing I had noticed though. If anyone was sober before this game started, they definitely were not sober now. The Drinking Game which involved a deck of Cards was brutal. Mass amounts of Alcohol was being consumed and there was a nearly full Jug sitting in the middle which held a heavy mix of Alcohol inside. I’m guessing one lucky Person would have the pleasure of drinking that later.
Natasha finally brought Paul down as the Game was drawing to a close and I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was completely unrecognisable to me as I took in my Sister’s handiwork. She had given him a makeover, dressed him in a matching pink mini-Skirt and silk top. There was something placed underneath the top to give the impression that he had a set of breasts and as he drew closer I could see the full extent of what Natasha had done. Gone was the Hair on his body, although that wasn’t the only shred of his own masculinity that had gone. His Fingernails were painted pink to match his clothes and he wore a deep pink shade of lipstick. All the make up had been applied with the care I knew Natasha was capable of. Too top it off she had fitted a Blonde wig with the Hair flowing to just below his Shoulders. In fact looking at him now, it was hard to refer to him as a ‘He’.
The Silence inside the room was deafening. Everyone’s Eyes were fixed on Paul, including my own. Natasha led him next to me and forced him onto his Knees on the other side of the Chair. I saw his Eyes briefly and noticed they were glazed. The drug was doing it’s work and it was hard to tell if Paul was even aware of the situation around him. They must have spiked the drink with a bit more than what they gave me.
For the next half hour or so we were ignored as they finished off the Game. It ended with Lisa picking up the last King meaning she had to drink the concoction sitting in the middle. I watched as she eyed up the Drink anxiously and brought it to where she was sitting, spilling a little as she stumbled.
“Actually Lisa.” Gemma called out. “I have a slightly better idea. Natasha can you fetch me a funnel and the black, plastic Bag out of the Kitchen please?”
Natasha was only gone for half a minute before she returned with the bits Gemma required. She delved into the bag and pulled out something I couldn’t recognise. It was a black leather strap, with what seemed like a bathplug attached to it on a chain. She asked Natasha to hold me still as she fitted in the middle part of the strap which held my Mouth open. Carefully she then pulled the strap around the back of my head and fastened it. It didn’t take long for my Jaws to begin aching but that was nothing compared to the shame I felt. Here I knelt, Naked, gagged and humiliated in a room full of my peers.
“Okay Natasha if you can just hold her Head back” Gemma begun and I felt my Hair being pulled painfully and I had no choice but to face the ceiling. I watched in fear as Gemma held the funnel just over my Mouth and begun to pour the drink slowly. The Drinks hadn’t mixed well and the taste was vile. I was unsure as to what was in it but I recognised the taste of Vodka on top of another bitter taste. It was so hard to swallow it all down as the relentless flow of Alcohol continued, my Stomach cramped and I struggled to breathe. After what seemed like an eternity the flow ended and my natural reaction was to heave. I was amazed that I didn’t bring the drink back up there and then though judging by the feeling of Nausea that I felt right now it would do later. The overflow of the Drink that didn’t make it down my throat ended up over my Face, down my Stomach and it began to feel a little sticky. I felt dirty, humiliated and unbelievably tired. It was tempting to just fake passing out to put an end to this night of Hell, but I knew that I couldn’t really go through with that option. The only way this Night would end would be when Gemma ended it. I was under her control, lost in my Shame which was only deepened when she bent down and whispered softly into my Ear that this part of the Evening was being recorded.
“Why?!” I tried to ask but with the mass amounts of Alcohol that I had just consumed I was beginning to feel the effect of the drug again and I barely heard my own Voice. Now the drinking game had ended Gemma called for the Music to be turned back up again and a few of the People got up to dance whilst the others resumed to just chatting amongst themselves. I was left kneeling next to Paul just in front of the vacant Chair. Part of me wanted to run as far away from this place as I could, away from this Nightmare but even if I was able to gain enough strength to do so, Gemma and Natasha was watching my every move and I wouldn’t get far. I watched them speaking too each other now, unsure where else to look without shaming myself further. They seemed to be having an animated conversation, it looked like they were arguing. The little spat finished with Gemma giving in to whatever Natasha was demanding. I watched her as she walked now in our direction, a mischievous smile filled her Face. When she was close enough she spoke to me in a mocking whisper.
“Natasha may think that this is a temporary payback that she is in control of but I can tell you Lily that she is mistaken. You and Paul are both mine now. I will do with you what I want, when I want. To start with you can crawl over to that Coffee table over there and lie down on your back.” Gemma unfastened the handcuffs and I froze, stunned at her intentions briefly before she whispered ‘Now’ more menacingly and slapped my behind. Without a choice I slowly crawled the short distance to the Table, aware that every eye was watching me. I could feel their Gaze burning into my skin, judging and mocking me with their thoughts. With a great deal of effort I pulled myself up upon the Table, laid down on my back and shut my eyes. I’d rather not think about what was about to happen. I felt the Gemma’s presence and flinched as she traced her fingers slowly down from my Neck to my Stomach, stopping just above my Vagina. My curiosity got the better of me and I risked further humiliation by opening my Eyes to take in my surroundings. All eyes were looking at the centre of the Room where I was based and looking to my left I could see Paul had also been instructed to lay on a similar Table. Natasha was fending to him in a similar manor to the treatment I was receiving. The gentle attention I was receiving from Gemma was beginning to arouse me and I was surprised to feel that I was beginning to get hot. Luckily for me I was currently able to hide the pleasure I was feeling but Paul wasn’t so lucky. From Natasha’s touch I could see that his Member was erect, fighting against the silk Panties he was forced to wear.
“Ladies and Gentlemen” Gemma played up to her audience. “As I said before, both Lily and Paul are our entertainment for this evening.” I listened, wondering what was to happen and was taken by surprise when I felt my Hands being pulled and then tied to the Table’s legs. I winced as the Rope bit into my skin tightly before my Legs were bound to the opposite legs. I watched in fear as Natasha repeated the process with Paul. Whilst Natasha was finishing off Gemma spoke once again.
“Now I think you’ll agree with me that my choice of People in this position here tonight was top class. First we have Paul. If we ignore the somewhat feminine attire, all of us Girls can’t deny how attractive he is to us. Watch as Natasha gently teases him, stroking her nails across his chest causing his ripped Abs to tense. I must admit I got lucky with his Penis. I had no idea he was so well endowed, but Hey. That’s a welcome bonus.”
The Girls in the room cheered their approval of Gemma’s words. I took in their eager Eyes as they struggled to contain their desire in their intoxicated state. Next to be shown off by Gemma was me.
“And here. I must admit I am a little Jealous of Lily. I think it was that which drove me to choose her for tonight. Her perfect olive Skin, that innocent young Face, not to mention her toned Body and ample Breasts. I bet there’s not a Man or Woman in here that could turn her down without some regret.”
Gemma’s hand still gently stroked my Skin as she spoke and I could feel the wetness build up between my legs. My own Body was betraying me. I was bound naked, a room full of People that I would spend the next two years with, being used against my will. Rage, degradation and horror flowed through me yet there was also an overwhelming sense of lust. I could see Gemma notice the way I was feeling and a smile lit her Face.
“Well well. It seems little Lily here is enjoying the attention” Gemma smirked and my Face burned with shame as a few People leaned closer to get a better look. Even Paul who was bound on the Table to my side briefly looked my way though his Eyes didn’t seem to focus on anything. Natasha seemed to be repeating everything that Gemma was doing with me.
“Right carrying on with the show. My next accessory for Lily is these little beauties” Gemma continued and I couldn’t see what it was that she was showing her Audience. She held out the palm of her hand closer to me so I could get a better look. The two little accessories as she called them looked very much like a pair of Contact Lenses. I tried to close my Eyes to stop Gemma putting them in but with my Arms bound there was little chance. A little part of me was confused, wondering what the point of these were but when the first one was placed over my Eye, I understood fully what they were for and panicked. Out of the right Eye where she had placed the Contact Lens I could see nothing. Nothing but Blackness. Whilst I was still recovering from the shock Gemma quickly placed the other. The sense of disorientation was immense. My initial reaction was to blink and when I still couldn’t see I began to panic. I was completely unprepared when Gemma slowly traced her hand from the side of my Face, stroking slowly down my Neck. With my sight taken I was taken by surprise by how much more my other senses reacted. Just the touch on my Skin gave me Goosebumps. My breathing deepened as her Hand neared my private area and gently parted my lips, easing in and out, slowly. The thrill that raced through my Body was unexpected but I found that if I concentrated on the pleasure it would help distract me from the shame I felt. Perhaps that was the only way I could get through tonight. I was already fucked for the rest of the School year there was no use denying that.
Gemma continued teasing me, massaging my tender skin for at least five minutes. In the haze of my arousal, desperation for her to go further I wondered how the Audience were taking all of this in. Were they shocked or excited? I tried listening out for any laughs or outbursts but the room was silent except for Paul’s and my Own heightened breathing. Even the sound of my own breathing stopped as Gemma had pulled away. I laid there silently, unaware of my surroundings when all of a sudden Gemma had stepped up her assault and had parted my Pussy Lips and had inserted her tongue and was aggressively attacking my Clit with her tongue, nibbling occasionally. After all the teasing Gemma was doing earlier it wasn’t long until I was ready to climax and my Body tensed in anticipation to release. Then there was nothing. My whole being ached with pleasure just needing one little touch to send me over. I arched my Body in search of something, anything. Gemma’s laugh caused me to unwillingly stop.
“Lily. I’m going to ask you a few questions before we continue and if you want any chance of being able to Cum you’re going to have to answer them honestly. Do you understand?”
“Yes” I whispered softly, both scared of what she had to ask and desperate for that release.
“How are you feeling right now?”
“Hot… Very Hot.”
“Good. Now do you want me to carry on with what I was doing?”
“And what would you do for me if I was to carry on?”
“Anything” I answered wishing that I didn’t feel this way but I truly would do anything.
“Would you call me Mistress?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Mistress”
“Good. Will answer and refer to yourself as Slut for the rest of the evening?”
“Yes Mistress”
“Try again Slut”
“Yes Mistress. This Slut will agree to your terms”
“Good Slut. Now tell me and the People in this room what it is that you want”
“This Slut wants you to carry on Mistress”
“Carry on with what Slut?”
“Touching this Slut Mistress” The shame I felt before was nothing compared to this. Gemma knew what she was doing, making it appear like I had wanted this from the beginning. I couldn’t believe I was going along with it but her humiliating words were only turning me on further.
“Good. Why do you want me to touch you Slut?”
“Please don’t” I begged quietly so only Gemma could here. She leaned closer, so that I could feel her warm breath on the side of my Face as she whispered.
“Next time you don’t address me as Mistress you will regret it Slut. Now if you want to Cum you’re going to have to ask for it loudly enough for everyone to hear. If you don’t I will keep you in this frustrated state long enough for you to obey my every word, or go crazy. It’s your choice, bare in mind Natasha has allowed me to have you for all of this Weekend. Now it would be easier if you would just repeat after me, ‘Because this Slut wants to cum Mistress’.”
The whole Weekend! Damn you Natasha. If I ever got through this she will pay. I was beginning to panic, the room, silent, was waiting for my answer. I could fight her, choosing not to obey her but as she said I would end up regretting that choice, which was something I didn’t doubt at all. Gemma had been sadistic enough to somehow arrange with Natasha for me to be drugged and humiliated. God knows what else she was capable of and that left me with one choice. To go along with everything she said. It would mean more humiliation and degradation but I guessed it would be a whole lot better than the alternative. I played the sentence through my head over and over again. ‘Because this Slut wants to cum Mistress‘. It still didn’t make it any easier to get the words out of my mouth. It would be openly admitting that I wanted this to happen, making me appear like some kind of Whore. Which I’m guessing is what Gemma wanted. Thinking over the sentence also didn’t help my situation. Strangely the humiliation seemed to only deepen my arousal. So I said the words to seal my fate.
“Because this Slut wants to cum Mistress” I managed to say it clearly enough for everyone to hear somehow. The People in the room were laughing now and was encouraging Gemma to allow it. She didn’t need any further encouragement and she parted my legs before pushing her Tongue back in to finish the job. It didn’t take long and before I felt the familiar sensation run through me and this time there was no disappointment. My whole Body shook as waves of pleasure rolled through. I let out a scream of ecstasy before my muscles relaxed and it took a minute for me to recollect my surroundings and the situation I was in. Shit. I really shouldn’t have said the words Gemma wanted me to. Now the rest of my time at College was going to be beyond humiliating. I couldn’t leave either. My Mother was so proud of both Myself and Natasha when we had decided to go to College. Ever since our Father had died ten years ago, my Mother had brought us up alone and had made a lot of sacrifices for us.
“Well now you’ve seen the entertainment for tonight. I welcome you all to go ahead and have fun with our two volunteers here. There is only one rule with Lily here and that is you will not take her Virginity. We’re not Monsters” She laughed before continuing. “Other than that. I’ll grab some tools to have some fun with on the two Volunteers. They are yours to have fun with. Enjoy”
Oh shit! This wasn’t good. Even though I knew tonight wasn’t going to go well at all ever since I had been drugged, I never thought I’d become the plaything of everyone here. The only thing I was thankful for was that no one was going to take away my Virginity. I wondered if that was what Natasha and Gemma were arguing about earlier and although I hated Natasha for what she had allowed to happen tonight I was grateful for that. Barely a minute had passed since I felt the first pair of Hands explore my Body. With the Contact Lenses in I was unable to see who it was touching me but then I heard a familiar whisper.
“Sorry Lily. I know this must be awkward for you but the temptation was too great. Besides, I’m fucking pissed” Lisa said as if being drunk excused her of all wrong doing. Since Lisa had made the first move others began to join in and I felt another Tongue enter my Pussy. The shame I felt was too great being unable to stop the invasive touches but a part of me was enjoying it, perhaps a little too much. God what was happening to me? I had barely done much more than kiss a Guy before tonight. I was distracted from my trail of thought when I felt something pinch against my Nipples.
“That’s it, use the Pegs like that on Paul as well.” I heard Gemma encourage. The pain fought the last of my defence and I exploded into another Climax. I wasn’t sure how long I was used for. Time was meaningless, all I felt was the mix of the pain from the Pegs and the pleasure from the attention of someone’s tongue as they were placed strategically on my body by my tormentors. There was a side of me that noticed how the Pain enhanced the pleasure I felt to a whole new level. I grew weak as yet another Orgasm rolled through my body and I almost blacked out. After what seemed like an eternity I heard Gemma announce that the Party was coming to a close. I heard the sighs from the People who were using me at the time and felt relieved that I would finally be able to sleep.
When the Students had left I heard someone approach me and I shivered as they removed the Contact Lenses. The light was almost blinding as my eyes reacted to it. The Room was empty apart from Gemma.
“Natasha is still here. She is going to now have her fun with Paul for the night. You look really tired, however, for this weekend you are mine and I’m afraid to say your night isn’t quite over just yet.”
Gemma unbound me from the table and rebuffed me before helping me to my feet. The drug was still showing it’s effects and if it wasn’t for Gemma’s arm stabilising me I would have fallen over. My Legs barely had enough energy to support my own weight let alone to walk up the stairs but Gemma supported me as we climbed. She showed me into her room and instructed me to lie down at the bottom end of her bed. I nearly fell asleep there and then but Gemma’s voice kept me conscious.
“Now this is going to go down just like earlier. I instruct, you obey. If you fail to obey then you will be punished.” My vision was blurred as I watched Gemma undress. She had the typical Body of one of those popular Cheerleaders from them American TV Shows. Toned, perfect skin and her Breasts were ample and firm. I wasn’t sure whether it was the events of tonight, the Alcohol or the Drugs but I found myself appreciating her Body. The feelings I felt were foreign to me. I’d never felt attracted to another Woman’s Body like I was now. Gemma was making herself comfortable on her Bed and she stretched out her Feet towards my Head.
“Lick” Her command was simple yet I froze. The thought repulsed me though yet again I could feel the moistness between my thighs. What was with me today? Without thinking I turned my Head away. Gemma pulled herself up, grabbed my Face and slapped me. The blow was shocking and very painful though she didn’t stop there. She continuously slapped my face, alternating between cheeks. The pain and the humiliation brought back what little Fight I had and when she ordered me to obey again, I refused.
“You should have just said yes Slut.” Gemma’s voice was laced with the threat that it contained. Her little work out in slapping my Face barely seemed to have had an effect. “You see, I’ve been planning this for a while. I’ve always had fantasies about having my way with someone like you. Although I never targeted you in particular, the opportunity was just too good to pass up. Then to be betrayed by your own Sister, that must feel terrible.” She laughed, judging the way my tear-filled eyes reacted.
“I’m playing. Natasha would have never given you up that easily. She does love you more than you think. I’ve been playing you against her all night, taking her side about the argument she had with her mother earlier. Yes I knew about that. Then she began to grow jealous that you seemed to be spending a lot of time with Paul this evening. I can tell you two were just close and out of respect to your Sister you would never get with him, though I still suggested it. Through the influence of Alcohol and my Suggestions I played on her anger and got her to accept my proposal to teach you a lesson and that is what I shall now do. I‘ve been buying some stuff over the last couple of years for when this day arrived and I‘m sure you won‘t like the items. You‘ll learn to obey me.”
I found myself shaking from her words, watching in fear as she opened her Cupboard and retrieved a brown box from the bottom. The first thing she pulled out was a piece of black cloth which I guessed was a blindfold. Seems like I won’t be able to see the rest of her toys that she had brought and I wasn’t sure if that made it better or not. The soft, cold touch of leather wrapped around my head and tightened. I was blind once again. It was a situation you would never get used to no matter how times it happened. You could only rely on your hearing to give you any warning of what was going on but at times that’s never enough.
I barely heard Gemma approach as I felt my mouth being forced open as she inserted some sort of metal device, which she told me was known as a Ring Gag. I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that and true enough my Jaws began to ache as they were being held open unnaturally. I tried to complain but the only sounds I managed to make were not intelligible. “Now you’re going to feel a little pinch” Gemma said with a snigger on her inside joke. I tried to imagine what it was she was referring to but within seconds I felt something clamp down on my right Nipple. Whatever they were they caused much more pain than the wooden Pegs earlier. The Nipple seemed to burn intensely with the waves of pain which were relentless and I felt also something digging into my flesh on my Nipple. I was trying to get used to whatever it was that was placed on my Nipple when Gemma attached another on to my left Nipple. The pain reached new heights and I began to thrash against my bindings, desperate to lose the foreign attachments. This only made it worse as it caused my Breasts to move and that only hurt more. I fought with my natural reactions, reasoning with myself that it would be less painful that way. “These wonderful attachments are called Crocodile clips. The teeth that are digging into your nipples will intensify the pain incredibly. Now stand up.”
With my arms cuffed behind my back I struggled to raise myself off of Gemma’s bed. Somehow I managed to push myself towards the edge and jumped off when I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I was fully crying now. Feeling pain all over my Body, humiliated beyond belief, I couldn’t take anymore.
“Well since you won’t stand…” Gemma began without finishing. I only knew her intentions when I felt the first whack hit the top at the back of my Thigh. It was the first of many and I didn’t even have enough energy to try to defend myself. As the whacks kept coming I couldn’t do anything but cry and wish for it to end. It was the worse half hour of my life and when Gemma delivered her last blow I nearly passed out once again.
“Now will you do what I tell you or do I have go further?” Gemma asked indifferently. I used to think of myself as a strong, young Woman, capable of handling pain fairly well but after what I’d been through tonight, I was not sure how much damage would be done. Both mentally and physically. I would just have to fight back tomorrow when I had more strength and could think straight. I simply nodded, without opening my eyes.
“Good. Now I’m going to help you stand. There’s a couple accessories I’m going to add. One of them will cause you a little more pain and the other will reward you for obeying. See I’m not all that bad.” Gemma said laughing. She helped raise me to my feet when I felt something attached to my Pussy Lips. The pain seared through me instantly and I realised the pain was very similar to that of my Nipples. It must have been the same clips that were attached. I then almost screamed as she pulled the clips back and attached them to the inside of my Thighs, stretching them as far as they would go. She turned me on the spot and removed my blindfold. I was facing a full length Mirror and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was fully naked and the first things I spotted were the clips attached to my Pussy Lips and how ridiculous they looked in the way they were stretched with the clips taped to my Thighs. The red marks that coated my Body from the wooden Cane I spotted lying on my Bed echoed the pain I felt in those areas. My Face looked incredibly tired, my Eyes glazed and out of focus and for the first time I noticed how vulnerable the Ring Gag left me.
“Now for the reward” Gemma announced and I looked over the small, pink device she held in her hand. It looked like a little, plastic pod with a wire and a little control device attached to it. I winced as I felt the pod inserted inside my open Vulva. Gemma looked me in the eyes as she twisted the dial on the remote and I felt the first sensations of the Vibrator in action. The device wasn’t set too strong and the pleasant feeling helped relieve me from most of the pain I felt. My eyes closed as my arousal grew but I regained attention when Gemma announced the last item on her agenda. It looked like a roll of black bandage cloth. She asked me to close my legs together and I hesitated a second before remembering the treatment from before and followed her instructions. Gemma started from my ankles and began mummifying me. With my legs held tightly closed the Vibrator felt more intense. Gemma had asked me to hold my arms by my side before she continued above my waist and I moaned a little as she went up past my Breasts with the cloth. I was wrapped up to my Neck and completely constricted. I looked over myself in the Mirror once more and noticed how the cloth, wrapped so tightly accentuated my natural curves. Laughing at my reaction to how I looked, Gemma removed my Gag then instructed me to jump onto the bottom end of the Bed once more and then laid down herself, holding her Foot out testing my commitment to her orders. I tried not to think about what I was about to do and gently kissed the base of her foot.
“Good. Keep doing that. Kiss all over, lick. Treat it like you desire it. Worship it.” Gemma spoke breathlessly, pleased by how it felt. Despite the repulsion I initially felt this wasn’t that bad and I began putting more effort into it, following Gemma’s suggestions. When I was fully getting into it, Gemma started teasing me pulling her Foot away, forcing me to push myself to reach her Foot.
When Gemma was satisfied with my work she rubbed her Foot dry over my Face without warning and I tried without succeeding at moving my Face out the way. She yawned, indicating that the night was about to draw to a close. Or perhaps that was just wishful thinking. She next instructed me to shuffle myself around so that I was facing her leaning against her Pillows, which I somehow managed though with great difficulty. Opening her legs, she told me I knew what I was to do and I don’t know why but without hesitation I pushed my Head closer and forced my Tongue inside her wet Sex. It was hard to say if I was doing a good Job at first. I amused myself with the thought that I wasn’t too experienced in this act, yet. And also in the way I was bound I couldn’t put as much into it. However, it wasn’t too long before Gemma’s breathing grew heavier and I gasped as she struck me with the Cane once again, encouraging me to continue, to put more into it. When her Climax drew closer she pulled my Head, forcing my Face into her mound and she begun grinding as I worked with my Tongue. I was in need for some air quite badly when Gemma released my head and let out a scream of pleasure. Once she had recovered she reached for the remote that was hanging out from underneath the cloth I was bound in and turned the setting higher and it wasn’t too long before I let the inevitable Orgasm pulse through my Body. I felt every sensation of pain and pleasure melt into one sensational release. I crashed back down to the bed and just lay there still, attempting to relax.
“You might be happy to know that a lot of tonight has been recorded by several Cameras I had placed throughout the House for tonight. I will be making up a Facebook account for your adventures. Contrary to Natasha’s wishes I intend to be using you for a lot more than this weekend.” Whilst she was talking Gemma had grabbed the Panties that she was wearing that evening and curiously inserted them into her soaking wet Pussy. When she had finished I tried to begin to argue or even plead against what she said but before I could get a word in she shoved her used, wet Panties inside my Mouth and held them there as she grabbed the black, bandage wrap and wrapped my Head. She platted my Hair into a Ponytail and wrapped around that before I heard a click of the Camera and began to cry once again. When she finished she must have turned the dial of my Vibrator down to the lower setting before she rolled me down to the bottom of her Bed with her feet and announced that it was time to sleep.
As much as I tried to, I couldn’t sleep. The teasing vibrations of the Vibrator caused a dull ache as I willed myself to reach one more Orgasm for the night. On top of that the pain had returned and occasionally I would feel Gemma’s Legs kick out at me as she restlessly tossed and turned in her sleep. Unable to drift off I let my mind wander as I tried to work out how the events of tonight could happen. From being excited at my first College Party to being completely humiliated and used. Not to mention the conflicting emotions I felt battle inside my mind. For all the shame I felt, for all the pain I felt, I had reached a new peak in pleasure and I wasn’t sure if I could go back to how they were before tonight, when I occasionally masturbated lost in fantasies that felt mild in comparison to what had happened tonight. Stop, I told myself. I needed to sleep, as hard as it was to do. I felt Gemma’s feet dig into my Breast once more. This was going to be a long night.
I was woken by a pair of hands exploring my Body. It took me a second to adjust myself to the pitch black surroundings and I noticed that last night unfortunately wasn’t just a bad nightmare. I wasn’t sure when I finally managed to drop off last night but I was hoping to wake up to realise it was just all some bad dream. I tried to stretch my arms but I was unable to and I remembered that I was effectively mummified.
“Good Morning Sleepyhead. I hope you’ve had enough rest for a fun filled day for today. Well, it’ll be more exciting for me than for you I think but still.” It was Gemma who had been fondling me and I felt her reach behind my Head and begin to unwrap the Cloth down to my Neck and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light and my Head felt like it was about to explode in it‘s hungover state. Gemma’s still naked Body came into focus and it brought back more unwelcome memories from the night before.
“Right Slut. I want you, to start with, to lie down on the floor just below my Bed.” Gemma instructed. The hangover was quite bad and I struggled to process her words before she pushed me, urging me to go. With great difficulty I wriggled my way to the edge of the Bed and lied down. I wasn’t sure what to expect until Gemma hung her Legs over the side and she shoved her Foot just in front of my Face. Full of shame I realised what she expected and was surprised by my lack of fight when I began to kiss her feet repeatedly. From there I moved on to sucking on and licking in between her Toes. Amazingly this felt right. I was confused with the way I felt, I shouldn’t be doing this, let alone enjoying it the way I was.
Just like the night before when Gemma was happy with my attention on her Feet she wiped them over my Face and I closed my Eyes in shame. I then felt a huge amount of pressure on my Breasts and I realised Gemma was pushing her weight onto them and she stood on my Breasts whilst she brushed her Hair. The pressure made me aware of the pain on my Nipples again which I assumed had gone numb from the clips. After what seemed like an eternity she stepped off and knelt down to my side and began to undo my bindings. It was such a relief to be able to stretch out my arms.
“Leave on the clips and follow me.” Gemma ordered and cuffed my hands in front of me again. I lifted myself to my feet, feeling the aches from where the Cane had hit the night before and followed her into the Bathroom. On the way I caught a glimpse of Paul and my Sister still asleep. Natasha had her arms around him and he was still left dressed the way he was from the night before. If I didn’t know any better I would have passed them off as lesbians, the makeover was very convincing.
Once inside the Bathroom Gemma locked the door behind her and ordered me to lay down on the cold tile floor. I felt the chill all over as I shivered on the floor and I began to panic as Gemma leant down and put the blindfold back on and to reinsert the metal Ring-Gag. The next thing I felt was a steady warm stream flow down my throat and I heaved at the taste of it and as much as I tried not to I swallowed some of Gemma‘s urine. Guessing that this was being recorded as well, the humiliation was too much and I couldn’t help but cry again. There were still tears in my Eyes when Gemma pulled me up and pushed me into the Shower.
“Wash me” The instruction was simple and fearing more punishment I obeyed. Holding the soap in my cuffed Hands I did the best I could hoping not to annoy Gemma. I was just out of reach of the steady stream of Water and I yearned to be in it to wash away the memories from last night. When I had finished cleaning Gemma she walked out the Shower leaving me there before turning the temperature down to near freezing and I screamed in shock. I was kept under there for two minutes before she finally turned the Water off.
“Oh you made a mess on the floor” Gemma said noticing the rest of her pee which I had refused to swallow. “You’re going to have to clean it, with your Tongue I should add.” I shook my Head in disgust unable to obey. The taste was vile and I couldn’t bring myself to do it, however, Gemma grabbed me by the Hair and forced my face down into the puddle of her urine. I was crying profusely as she wiped the puddle with my Head. I could feel it in my Hair, all over my face. All the while Gemma was going off on a rant about obeying her and slapping my behind.
“Gemma. Enough is enough. Let her go” I was full of relief at the sound of my Sisters’ voice. Gemma angrily let go of my Head and stormed out arguing with my Natasha leaving me laying on the floor, shaking. Natasha was enough. I couldn’t allow Gemma to continue to have her way with me so I got up and had a nice warm shower, fearing that Gemma would hear me and come back up but she didn’t.
As I dried myself off I could hear Gemma and Natasha shouting at each other. The argument sounded intense when all of a sudden there was silence. I almost ran down the Stairs, unaware of nakedness and ran to the Kitchen. I found Gemma standing over a very still Natasha.
“What have you done to her?” I shouted at Gemma before charging at her. However with my Hands still cuffed she easily brushed me aside before I felt something cover my mouth and I breathed in the scent and then there was nothing.
I awoke groggily. My throat felt like I had swallowed a hundred blades and my head was still pounding from the effect of the drinking and drugging last night. I noticed I was gagged again and I felt my arms bound behind me to someone else. I looked round and noticed I was bound back to back with Natasha. She was just coming out of her drugged stupor as well. We were in Gemma’s bedroom on the floor and I feared the worse as she walked in.
“Lily, Natasha.” She announced her present and I felt Natasha struggle with our binds as she looked up muttering something unintelligible into her Gag. I thought I had a rough idea of the words that were coming out of her mouth and smiled to myself under the Gag. Gemma also smiled before continuing.
“I’m sorry to say Natasha this was always the plan. It was so easy to get you to agree to my plans whilst you were wasted the Night before but I knew you would feel the guilt today. Before we start with the fun there’s something I want you both to see.” Gemma laughed turning to the Computer in her room. She logged on to a Facebook account and I was greeted with a picture of me mummified from the night before. From there Gemma proceeded to show us the videos of my captivity last night from the events of the Party to the events upstairs. I could feel Natasha gently stroking my arm as she realised the extent of the damage she had caused. As I turned round to face her, she did to and I could see the tears streaming down her Face as she looked into my Eyes. There was an apologetic look written all over her face and Gemma just simply laughed at the situation.
“Oh the things I have planned for the two of you and Paul” She joked to herself.
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