Mr. Black's Private jet eased close to the waiting black limo which had pulled right out on the field. As Mr. Black stepped from the plane, wearing a cream colored silk zip up jacket over an eggplant colored tee shirt and black thin summer trousers, he was met by the immigration officer.
"Welcome home, Mr. Black. The Governor has arranged everything. If you'll just let me stamp your passport." The middle aged smiling agent did his job and then nodded once again. Welcome home."
Mr. Black looked the man in the eyes. "I have no home. He said. I prefer it that way. A sense of Home leads to ego boundaries, the idea that the world is 'US" against THEM, and 'our side is better than their side."
He took his passport back and moved to the car with his bodyguard. Inside the black limo, he was greeted by a naked thirteen year old blond boy kneeling and holding up a vodka martini on the rocks. Mr. Black eased into the spacious car and it sped across the tarmac. The boy looked up at the man with large clear blue eyes. His skin was still baby soft and smooth, even though his balls hung full and heavy and he had an attractive cut penis.
"Would you like a blow job, Sir?"
"No thank you," responded Mr. Black," I had one one the plane. " He reached over and pulled a bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket. "That's no reason, however that you shouldn't shove this bottle of champagne up your asshole to entertain me." The boy's eyes got even wider for a momenta s he eyed the large magnum of cold champagne. Then he forced a smile and took the heavy bottle from Mr. Black, set it on the floor of the car and squatted over it.
"May I do it this way, sitting on it, Sir?" Mr. Black saw the kid's nipples turn into hard little pebbles.
"Certainly, as long as when you are finished, your cute little ass it touching the floor carpet of the car."
The darling boy gulped. "The wide part of the bottle too?"
"What did I just say? And don't make too much noise, I'm going to make some phone calls."
Meantime, in the very next state, Paul Marshall was worshipping dick. And I do not use the term loosely. He was kneeling and slobbering over a fat ten inch prick belonging to the asylum attendant who would be getting him ready to leave the hospital. Paul stared only at the fuckmeat and sack. He knew better than to look elsewhere. His entire life now revolved around cock and balls. He had been broken and trained. He inhaled the slightly sweaty smell of the spit wet scrotum and fucker. His tongue swiped back and forth, causing the leaking prick to bob and weave. Pre-fuck slop bubbled out of the wide pisshole, and Paul hungrily lapped it up. Cockslime and drool hung from his chin in strings and pooled on the floor. When give permission, he would lower his head and lick the cock crap up off the cement. He nuzzle the nutsack with his nose, causing the walnut sized contents to dance and wobble.
"I'm going to miss you, Asswipe," the muscular handsome attendant commented, holding his massive fucker in one hand and slapping Paul across the face with the dick. Long trails of pre-fuck crossed the teenage boy's nose and cheeks. "You suck dick so much better than my wife. Course we only been married a few weeks, and she's got lot's to learn. She's pretty bad at sucking ass too. But she'll get the hang of it. Maybe I'll ask Mr. Henshaw if I can borrow you for a few days to teach her how to do it. First time she ever sucked ass was in her wedding dress on the night we got married. There she was with her white veil, nose and mouth buried in my ass crack. the bitch had no idea what a wife's duties included. What the fuck do they teach them in Sex-ed nowadays. That's what I get for marrying a seventeen year old cunt. Still, it's worth it. All I got to do is tell the twat that I lover her about twenty zillion times a day, and I get all the free fresh tight young pussy I crave. Lick down under my nuts, Dickbreath."
Paul immediately felt shame that he had had to be told to lick under the nuts. That was part of his job. That was what he had been broken and trained to do. He trembled slightly, fearing punishment, but the attendant was in a good mood. Paul scooted his naked body lower so he could lift his head up and lick under the fat low hanging scrotum. He wondered if the attendant would allow him to lick his asshole. He hoped so. He could use the opportunity to show how well he had been trained. What a good slave he was. Every asshole was an opportunity to prove how dedicated he could be, and a chance to gain good marks against future punishment.
The attendant chuckled and hunkered down a bit in the chair, spreading his legs wider and lifting one foot off the floor. This opened up his dark moist hairy asshole. "Go for it, Bitch!" he laughed, and Paul dove for the asshole, tongue extended and wiggling. The ten inch prick thumped and slapped and waved in the air, pouring out more fuckslop.
"Oh yeah, get that fucking tongue way up my shithole. That feels great. You gotta teach my new bride how to do that. You are one first class faggot. You shoulda' seen my wife's face the first time she saw my dick hard. She had never seen anything like it. She sobbed that she couldn't take it up her virgin cunt. I eased her worries. I told her, 'Not only are you going to take it up your cunt, but up your tiny little asshole as well! That's a wife's duty.' That first fuck on our wedding night was a blast. There is something to be said for a bitch saving her virginity for her husband. She passed out from my prick twice. I pinched and twisted her nipples really hard to help get her mind off my big dick stretching the fuck out of her pussy. I actually lifted her up off the mattress by only her nipples. That must have hurt her like hell, so I did it two or three more times. Get that tongue deep in my asshole, I'm going to fart, and I think it's going to be a wet one."
Paul knew it was part of his job as a slave to inhale as much fart as he could, while continuing to lick the slippery inner rectum. The attendant lifted his ass up off the chair completely, and Paul shoved his tongue in deeper. Then the man he was serving blew a loud, noisy, wet sounding fart. Paul breathed in as deeply as he could. He had been taught to do that to show respect. The slightest mistake in his behavior would lead to terrible punishment, so he wanted to do everything correctly. Now he had a choice to make. Dare he show some initiative or not? Usually it was best to play it safe, but a good slave knows when to take risks to please a master. Paul took the risk. He raised his hands and grasping a muscular ass cheek in each hand, he spread open even wider the attendant's ass. It was a strong, slightly haired ass. The ass of a jock. The ass of a guy who worked out. Paul spread the ass globes and then plunged his face hard against the ass crack, wiggling his tongue as deeply as he could up in the asshole.
"Jesus, what a fucking animal you are. If I didn't have a new wife, I'd try to buy you from Mr. Henshaw and take you home to service me. What the fuck can a bitch do that you can't do except have a period and kids? Oh yeah, that is Heaven. Get that tongue up my shit chute. Hey, wanna here a funny one. That twelve year old twat who arrived at the hospital last week, that slightly retarded one whose parents didn't want her? You know the one I mean, cute and all, but dumb as shit. Well me and five other attendants fucked the crap out of her. We had three dicks in her at once three times a day, and then we double dicked her young pussy. Imagine my dick and Arnie's up her little cunt at the same time. Well, it's not a little cunt anymore. You had Arnie up your ass, you know how big he is. Just imagine him and me up a twelve year old cunt at the same time. And now, guess what? The bitch is pregnant. That's right she had her first period just before she arrived, and we fucked the slut preggies! Now we're playing a game. We are taking bets on who the daddy is. Is it one of us? Or is it Mr. Henshaw. Did I tell you he fucked her too. He also had eight of your buddies from the high school fuck her. Then just for fun, good old Matt Henshaw shoved a baseball bat up her freshly raped cunt and another one up her asshole and made her crawl around that way, licking ball sacks. It was great. Hey, Shitface, keep that tongue moving. Don't get so engrossed in my story, you forget your job."
Paul could have kicked himself. He must never lose focus or concentration when servicing a cock, balls or asshole. To serve them was the only reason he lived. The only reason he was on earth. He was no longer a high school boy. He was a DICKPIG. But he felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He hated to leave the hospital in a way. At the asylum, he had all the attendants' big fat fuckers to service every day. And he was sometimes allowed to do sex shows with that other cute teenage pig patient, what was his name? Paul could never remember his name. Paul couldn't even remember his own name. Was it Fuckhole, or Cockpig, or Dickface? And now, sadly, he was to be taken from the hospital at Matt's orders..."Paul corrected himself, "At Mr. Henshaw's orders, and sent to work at a Dog Kennel. Mr. Henshaw was his teenage master and knew best. Mr. Henshaw had turned him from a normal healthy high school boy into a slobbering asslicking cockpig. Paul didn't know if he would like being a bitch to an entire kennel full of dogs. That meant he would have to suck dog dick all day and all night, and take countless dog dicks with those large knots up his asshole. Paul knew this is probably what he deserved, and Matt Henshaw was only doing what was best for him. But still, he felt somehow depressed and a tear welled up in his eye and ran down his cheek, transferring itself to the hairy ass cheek of the attendant.
"Balls!" he attendant barked, and paul immediately withdrew his spit slick face from the asshole and went back to lapping on the huge nuts in the swinging scrotum. A thought flickered through Paul's numbed mind for just a second. Perhaps if he was really wonderful at ball licking and cocksucking. Perhaps if he did a really amazing job as a dicksucker, they would keep him at the hospital and not send him to the kennel. But he knew that it was not true. It was Mr. Henshaw's decision to send him to become a bitch to dogs. Matt Henshaw thought it would be terribly funny to see this cute young high school boy crawling around naked through piles of dog shit and taking dog dick up his ass while he licked doggie scrotum and asshole. And Paul knew in his heart that Matt Henshaw was right. It would be funny.
Mr. Black kicked off his black handmade Italian loafers and dropped his trousers. A young black houseboy of sixteen picked them up. A few seconds later, Mr. Black's eggplant tee shirt was flung over the back of a chair and the black servant retrieved it. The black boy paused in his labors only long enough to inhale the smell of his master's body from the shirt. He had been with Mr. Black for a year and knew the man would not mind. Mr. Black was often kind that way.
Naked, his tan body catching the white beams of light from high intensity spotlights designed to highlight the priceless paintings in the penthouse, Mr Black crossed to the glass doors to his terrace and thew them open. The sounds of the city at night greeted him. He stood in the cool night air, inhaling the city, opening his arms to it, lifting his head to the moon. His Asian bodyguard stood nearby. He was not really a bodyguard. Mr. Black didn't require a bodyguard. He was more of an assistant.
"Tomorrow, we'll pay a visit to Matt Henshaw, the son of our esteemed politician in the state next to ours. We will teach the elder Henshaw that to crave more power than one deserves, can cause one to lose a son. What good is all the power in the world amassed, if you have no one to whom to bequeath it? And from the photos of Matt Henshaw, I shall totally enjoy destroying the boy. There is nothing so satisfying for me as bullying a bully, and watching as he drops from the top of the world to the gutter. Oh dear, now he will never graduate high school! What a fucking shame." Mr. Black laughed and fondled his heavy scrotum. His huge prick gave a twitch like a snake awaking from sleep and uncoiling.
"Do you know what I feel like? I feel like fucking a Marine. A U. S. Marine just returned from fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. One of those young heros this country is always blowing their horns about. An inner urban boy or country hick who barely makes it through school and is conned into joining the armed forces to fight in an immoral and illegal war...who knows no better than to follow orders to kill, and who is then called a hero by his country for political and publicity reasons. Our heroes...sheep who march into battle and sometimes back without an arm or a leg or a dick and balls. Who don't even know that they are fighting really for Halliburton or B.P. or God knows whom, and who are urged on to their deaths by the American masses who call them heroes and wave flags as they send more and more of them to slaughter. And they call me a monster for wanting to fuck them? They fuck him in a different sense, long before I get to them.
"Yes, indeed. Before tomorrow's activities, I feel like fucking a really cute, dumb young Marine, just returned from battle. A Marine with a girlfriend or a new bride. I want to turn his tight young Marine asshole into a cunt, and I want to her him squeal and beg me to fuck him harder. I want to spit down into his cute young hero's face and watch his toes curl as I slam my dick into his bowels. I wan to pull his puffy nipples until I almost rip them off of his muscular pecs. I want to slam my fist into his full fat scrotum. I want to make him read from the Koran with his mouth full of my cock. I want to piss on him and remove the medals and insignias from his uniform and pin them to his naked flesh. I want to electrocute his testicles until they pull up into his body. And I want to fuck him up so badly, that when I am finished, he can do nothing but sob and beg me to fuck him again. Do you suppose you can find me such a Marine to play with tonight?"
Mr. Black's assistant already had his cellphone in is hand, making the call.
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