Every year on the Fourth I join friends on a trip to a small Island in Lake Superior. It is secluded and provides for a great getaway. We fish, boat, have campfires and blow off fireworks. We had done the same thing for so many years we decided to add a little extra interest to our adventure. Beside myself Bob there were Jack, Phil and Rick, long time friends all in out thirties. We had been close forever and brainstorming our fantasies had come up with this idea.
Karen was a local bar bunny we had seen around. She was single living in a studio. She stayed out late and often had too much to drink. We tossed around different names but Karen stuck out as out easiest target.
Karen was a little slutty but very cute. At 5’ 6 she was well figured, just a little heavy, the way we like it.
We felt we could grab her Thursday night, make the drive to our boat and be out on the lake Friday morning. No one would probably miss he till work on Tuesday and by then .
Everything went like a charm. We got the hood over her head with no problem. She was pretty drunk so her resistance was limited. She was bound hogtied and hooded in the van and off we went Driving we took a car trailing the Van. We had a camping tarp to hide her if we were stopped and could use the trailing car if we had a mechanical problem.
The drive up was along one. As soon as we had nabbed Karen we knew we made a good choice.
Just forcing her into the van and tying her up we could feel the generous curves of her body.
Out idea had been to leave her alone on the way up but seeing her laying there we knew we would never make the whole ride just leaving her lay their.
Karen had on a pleasant t-shirt and nice not tight shorts. She was struggling, twisting, trying to scream but her cries were muffled by the hood. Phil was the first to crack. He got up from the bench second seat and sat in the open back area where Karen was. Slowly he began to run his hands over her belly making his way slowly up toward her breasts. Her struggling picked up as she felt the hands moving over her body but there was little she could do. He moved his hand over her breasts slowly following the curves and then rubbing over the nipples.
Jack couldn’t take watching Phil and he also moved to the back of the van with Phil. We had to keep the hood on Karen. We had been masked when we grabbed her and she had not seen us or the Van. If something went wrong we wanted to be able to get rid of her without killing her.
Forced to Cum
Jack began to rub her over her belly but moved down between her legs. He went down both thighs and then began to rub her crotch area. After a few minutes we could feel her struggles change. There began a deep moan we could hear through the hood. Jack moved his hand under her shorts and he could already feel the wetness.
There was lot of time so Jack and Phil moved slow, very deliberate. They could see they had begun to drive Karen crazy. She was moving her hips out trying to get as much contact with Jack as she could Jack was now using his full flat part of his hand rubbing Karen’s pussy.
They wanted to fuck her so bad but that would not happen till we go to the island. They kept rubbing her outside her clothing. Karen was twisting and turning now but not trying to get away. She needed to get off. They had her so hot. Finally she came moaning and groaning, twisting and turning. No one said anything because we didn’t want her to hear our voices yet, but everyone was smiling. We knew had the slut we wanted.
It was a very long drive to Lake Superior. I started reaching under her shorts and the under her panties.
I began to massage her, she was so wet. I had my fingers inside her. She felt so smooth, so soft so inviting. Other hands were under her shorts and her bra. We forced her to one orgasm after another. Watching her twist and groan under out hands. She was all ours to use as we wanted. What a slut we thought.
We were very happy with our choice. She was the bitch for us.
Arriving at the boat dock slightly before dawn we found no one around. Good for us. We loaded up our supplies and our special cargo wrapped in a tarp. It was a two hour ride by boat to our island paradise. Safely way from shore we unwrapped Karen from her tarp, removed her hood and untied her.
She began to scream and rant. She wanted to know who we were. She demanded we let her go.
HA HA, pretty funny. We grabbed Karen and quickly stripped her. . She squirmed and twisted as we admired our catch. She was all we had hoped for, full figured but firm.
Quickly we pulled her to the bow of the boat. Her wrists were tied to the front railing directly. Her ankles were tied wide to the outside railings. She was kneeling facing the front of the boat, her ass up in the air facing backward.
Karen screaming that she was freezing.
It was cold. We were moving at a moderate speed though a cold dense fog. Karen was naked, exposed to the cold air at 15 knots. Moisture formed over her body. Her generous breasts hung tantalizing in the foggy air. I had a sweat pants, a sweat shirt and a rain jacket on. It was cool for me.
I could only relish thinking how Karen was feeling. Naked, exposed completely to us, helpless, freezing.
I knelt behind her running my hands over her butt. I pulled down my pants and quickly was feeling my way into her with my prick. It felt so good, fucking this lovely girl completely at my mercy. Inside her I felt so warm compared to the cold. The wind and fog was blowing against my face. My friends were egging me on, she was protesting, It felt so good, so right. Slapping her wet cold butt was so sweet. I came quickly inside her and was replaced by Jack.
Sitting in the boat it was great watching one after another of my friends fucking this girl. The pleasure I had felt was renewed each time a friend had his turn. When we were all done we let her stay there in the wind. Her protest became begging. I am freezing, help me.
We untied her and brought her down to the cabin area. She was shivering cold, shaking. We gave her a blanket and a choice, Suck cock or go back out into the cold
She didn’t even try to protest. Breaking her was easy. She started with me.
It was so exciting to see her cold shivering with her mouth on my dick. Her hands were on my balls.
She had loss of control from the cold but was doing good. In a little time and my warm cum was running down her face and another of the guys cock was in her mouth. The four of us each had our time in her mouth. The cum was in her face and running down her chin. It was so lovely seeing her cute face dripping with cum.
We arrived at the Island and another boat with three more of our friends was there, Dave, Ken and Bill.
They couldn’t wait to get in on the action. We decide to go out on the lake again with our three friends now on board with us.
They felt Karen up, checking her out including all her body cavities.
Then they put a small flotation device around her neck and chest to keep her head out of the water. Then they tied her hands to a three foot bar. A cable was hooked onto the bar and she was thrown overboard. Off we went with the boat dragging Karen in out wake. She was dragged behind us like a rag doll. She bounced up and down on the water, beaten by the wake of the boat. You could barely hear her screams. We stopped to see how she was doing. Her brief moment of relief ended as we started up again. Again she bounced and bobbed in the water.
When we pulled her out she was hysterical. She was red from the water beating and hysterical. They dragged her into the boat and they began to work her over. Bill had several fingers inside her while he massaged her clit with his other hand. Ken and Bill used their hands and cocks on her breasts. She was pussy fucked, tittie fucked and mouth fucked. They forced her to orgasm many times. Again she showed what a slut she was as she could cum almost without stop. I could not stop thinking how much fun it would be to force her to cum while we tortured her.
Karen was tied spread eagled face up at the front of the boat, her hands tied to the bow railings and her feet roped to the side railings. We sat around drinking beer and fishing while Karen baked in the sun.
Karen twisted and turned as the hot sun on the water started a burn. She begged to be taken out of the sun.
Everyone loved to hear her beg. After three hours she was begging for water. We each go up on the bow and pissed in her face. Then we flipped her over so she could get a tan on her other side.
After another three hours we took her off the bow. She felt the burn, not severe but still stinging.
We gave her water and headed back to shore enjoying BJ’s as we went.
Bill decided to fuck her. She was crying as the sunburn caused her pain as Bill fucked her hard. He slapped her butt, thighs, stomach and everywhere he could that would sting from the sunburn.
As she suffered on our ride back to shore, little could she know what would be in store for her there.
To Be Continued
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