Chapter 5
“What are you going to do with two of us, Henry…. I mean Master?” asked Harmony the next morning when Kristi presented the pair of naked slavegirls to her father.
“Whatever I want,” he grinned. “And whenever I want. Slaves is slaves.”
“But why Destiny?” Harmony asked.
“Well, let me see how to put this.” Henry furrowed his brow and put a finger to his cheekbone, acting as if he was deep in thought. Then he continued.
“I own a slave who is unbelievably beautiful and sexy. In fact, she’s the most fuckable woman in the world.”
Destiny gasped as she heard the man describe her mother that way. It was true that she was unbelievably beautiful and sexy. But she was surprised that her mom did not protest at being called fuckable.
“It is only logical that my slave’s offspring would be a remarkable creature also,” Henry went on. “And indeed she is.” He reached out and gathered Destiny’s breasts in his large hands and admired them for a moment.”
“So when I heard that her daughter was also available, I placed an order and bought her too.” He gave the plump breasts a squeeze and then turned back to Harmony. “Besides, don’t you know that it’s every man’s dream to have a mother/daughter threesome?”
“And it’s the dream of many women too,” added Henry’s wife, Helen.
Harmony rolled her eyes. Destiny and Kristi both blushed at the couple’s statements. Everyone in the room knew that the mother and daughter would be complete sex toys for the next week.
Harmony had been wondering how this latest turn of events would play out. Now she knew.
She also knew her daughter enjoyed a healthy sexual appetite and that she was bisexual. They had even discussed some of Destiny’s sexual partners and she knew that her daughter enjoyed making love with either gender.
But that had been with boys and girls her own age who she already knew well. She wasn’t sure how Destiny would react to being the sexual play thing of this married couple who were total strangers to her and who were over twice her age. And she wondered how Kristi fit in for the week. Would the couple claim one of the two slaves and leave the other for Kristi? Would Kristi even be a dominant this week or would she become a slave too? She knew that Henry and Helen occasionally claimed their daughter for periods of time. She was sure that whatever the plan was, it would be interesting; embarrassing at times, but it was sure to be interesting throughout their week of captivity.
“Now that we have made the introductions,” Henry said, “if you two ladies will excuse me, I want to test out our new slaves.”
“Kristi, be a good girl and collar our slaves,” instructed Helen. “Then you can go find your collar.”
Well, that answered one question, thought Harmony. But what could they possibly do with three slaves for the week?
“You have a good time with the girls, dear,” Helen said to her husband. “I’ll be in to join you in a bit. I want to clean up the kitchen first.” Henry attached two leashes and led Harmony and Destiny out of the room.
“Come along, girls,” he said.
“Here we go,” whispered Harmony to her daughter as they followed the big man. “Anything is possible from here on out.”
Henry led the pair to the playroom, his favorite part of the house. Harmony saw that the sling was already set up. It was just a question of who would be fucked in it.
“Attach Destiny in it,” Henry told Harmony. “I haven’t had the pleasure of sampling her charms yet. I’ll try her out first.”
Harmony groaned but dutifully led Destiny to the sling, helping her into it. Then, for the next couple of minutes, she fastened the many straps around Destiny’s body and limbs until she was completely immobile and stretched out so that she was completely available.
How many mothers, she wondered, are asked to prepare their daughter to be fucked? For that matter, how many mothers were even present to see their daughter get fucked? Not many, she decided, if any at all.
Henry had stripped down as Harmony worked and Destiny gasped as she saw the log that dangled between the man’s legs. Even though it was only semi-hard, it was HUGE!!!
“Oh, Mom,” she looked at Harmony desperately as she whispered. “I don’t think I can do this. It’s too big.”
Harmony patted Destiny’s bound arm and whispered back reassuringly. “It’s big, kitten. But you can do it.”
Then she turned to Henry. “I should probably leave the room now, Master.”
“Nonsense,” replied Henry. “What kind of mother/daughter fantasy would that be? Come over here and get me ready, girl.”
Harmony groaned at the response. “Yes, Master.”
Destiny watched, wide-eyed, as her mother crossed the room and knelt at Henry’s feet. Her eyes grew even wider as Harmony reached up and grasped the thick cock, lifting it to her lips. Then she heard a moan escape her own lips as her mother’s lips parted and she drew the monster cock into her mouth.
She had never seen her mother in a sexual act before. She knew her mom was a very sexual person and was very open about it. Harmony had even shared stories with her daughter about some of her more erotic and wild escapades. But she had never witnessed the act before.
Harmony’s lips were stretched wide around the cock. At first, Destiny watched about three quarters of the thing disappearing into her mouth. But as the cock hardened and elongated, less and less would fit. Once it was fully erect, only have of its length would fit in.
“Good girl,” said Henry as he patted Harmony on the head. “Does the girl need to be prepared?”
Harmony let the cock slip from her mouth and then replied. “I’m sure she’s quite ready, Master.” In fact, she had seen Destiny’s sex glistening with her juices as she strapped her daughter into the sling. Her pussy was positively flowing. She would have no need for additional lubrication.
“Good,” he nodded. “Let’s begin. Come, girl.”
Harmony groaned again at the command. She had hoped to leave the two of them alone. Her next best alternative was to stay off to the side and out of sight so that her daughter would be less embarrassed and self conscious. Now, it appeared that option would not be allowed either.
She rose to her feet and followed Henry to where Destiny dangled in the air, strapped into the sling that made her body so exposed and vulnerable. Henry stepped between Destiny’s legs with his cock pointing the way.
“Show little Henry the way, girl,” Henry said.
This command drew yet another groan from Harmony. Not only was she going to have to watch but she was expected to participate. Henry wanted her to guide his cock into her daughter’s sex.
Reluctantly, Harmony reached out and wrapped her fingers around the massive cock. Henry inched forward and Harmony aimed it at Destiny’s sex. She noticed that Destiny had gotten even wetter while she was waiting in the sling and the flush in her cheeks and across her chest were evidence to her high level of arousal.
The cock finally made contact with Destiny and Harmony adjusted it to be able to enter the girl. Henry kept inching forward and Harmony watched in disbelief as it slowly slid into her daughter.
“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Destiny once the pole was lodged halfway into her body. Harmony’s fingers were still wrapped around the other half.
“Aiiieee!!!” she squealed again as it kept going deeper. She felt her sex stretching around the log. It was not painful but she had never felt so full in her life. She raised her head and looked across her naked body to see that several inches of it were still outside of her body. Would she be able to handle the full length? She already felt stuffed full.
He pulled out and Harmony saw his tool glistening from the copious fluid covering it. Slowly he pushed back into her, sinking a little more of his cock into her.
“Aiiieee” Destiny squealed. He kept moving in and out and she squealed each time he probed a little deeper. Finally, he was fully embedded in her and she was panting. Harmony looked at her and saw her eyelids fluttering. She trailed her eyes down her daughter’s nudity, admiring her beauty. The firm breasts rocked slightly with each thrust and were capped by unbelievably stiff nipples. Her belly was tight and rippled. And the glistening shaft kept up its steady motion.
“Kiss the girl,” he said.
Harmony did not acknowledge the command other than to move to the other end of the sling. She leaned down and whispered to Destiny before kissing her on the lips. “Sorry, kitten.”
Destiny moaned in response to her mother’s words. Her mind was a swirl of lust at this point and she would not be capable of forming coherent words, even if she had to. She lifted her head and pressed her lips to Harmony’s, parting her lips and snaking out her tongue. Harmony was caught off guard by her daughter’s response but parted her own lips to let her tongue dance with Destiny’s.
“Mmmmmm” moaned Destiny again.
Henry watched his two girls closely. They were both remarkably beautiful. And they both belonged to him. He would enjoy using them this week as he played out the mother/daughter fantasy that he had long dreamed about.
Harmony felt hands gripping her hips and realized that Helen must have entered the room. The hands slid up her sides and then reached around her, gathering her breasts and squeezing them.
“Kiss her nipples, girls,” Harmony heard. She broke the kiss and looked at Henry in disbelief. She noticed that a naked and collared Kristi was also in the room. Henry just nodded back to her.
Harmony sighed in resignation at the command. She saw Kristi step to the other side of Destiny and lower her head to the girl’s breast. She did likewise and sucked the stiff little nubbin into her mouth.
“Aiiieee!!!” squealed Destiny as the two hungry mouths feasted on her breasts. She tensed and then shuddered as her orgasm shook her body. “Aiiieee!!!”
Harmony continued to feed on her daughter’s breast, sucking the nipple deep and then releasing it, pulsing it like that over and over. She should be feeling shame or remorse for these acts. But somehow she felt none of that. Was that because she was in a game and just following the rules? Was it because she was technically a slave for the week and had no choice? Or was it because she had no morals and, therefore, could feel no guilt?
It was probably due to all of those reasons, she concluded. She had long ago realized that she was completely amoral when it came to sex. Nothing had ever seemed out of bounds. She bedded regularly with both males and females. She had even been fucked by a dog during her first enslavement by this family.
She had never imagined having sex with one of her daughters, though. She kept pulsing the nipple in and out and turned her head to look at Destiny. Destiny had lifted her head again and was smiling at Harmony through half-lidded eyes.
“Aiiieee!!!” Destiny squealed again as a second orgasm overwhelmed her. Seeing her mother suckling on her nipple had pushed her over the edge.
Even though she knew that it was probably wrong, Harmony was glad that it was happening. She would not have wanted to miss this for the world. Destiny was absolutely gorgeous and was even more beautiful in the sexual act. She was uninhibited and truly was the definition of unbridled passion, just like the auctioneer said she would be.
And her daughter seemed to have no regrets or hesitations about being so openly used in front of her audience. Harmony felt Helen squeezing her nipples and rolling them and she glanced over at Kristi who had her eyes closed and was still suckling on the other nipple.
Destiny climaxed two more times before Sir Henry finally erupted inside of her. After he softened, he pulled out and had Harmony clean him with her mouth. Kristi was assigned to clean Destiny with her mouth and Destiny climaxed again as Kristi’s soft tongue scooped through the folds of her sex.
Chapter 6
“Your mom’s weird,” said Destiny. She had just been pushed into the cage by Helen who left the room after securing her slave for the night. A naked Kristi was already in the cage and was lying on her side on a cushion in the middle of it.
“She did the pony thing with you?” asked Kristi.
“Yeah,” replied Destiny. “Or to me. What’s with that?”
“It’s one of her hobbies,” said Kristi. “She likes to treat pretty girls like they were ponies.”
“She kept calling me pretty pony,” Destiny said. “How weird is that? And what’s with that thing she sticks up your butt?”
Kristi laughed. “That’s the tail. She likes her ponies to have tails and they are attached to butt plugs. Did she use the long one or the short one?”
“”It seemed pretty long to me. And it was pretty darned distracting.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty weird. They both are.” Kristi patted the cushion. “Come lie with me.”
“Okay,” nodded Destiny as she moved to the center of the cage. “But where’s Mom?”
“I assume she’s entertaining Sir Henry.”
“Oh, yeah. Probably.” Destiny lay down and snuggled her back up against Kristi who draped an arm over her and cupped a breast in her hand.
“So did you pull her around the farm in her cart?” asked Kristi as she enjoyed the full breast she was holding.
“Cart? No, I just ran around the corral while she kept snapping the whip. Trot! Canter! Prance! Walk! It was ridiculous! Trot! Canter! Prance! Walk!”
Kristi gave the breast a squeeze. “I guess you have the cart to look forward to tomorrow. And by the way, she seems quite taken by you.”
“Ha!” snorted Destiny. “Well, frankly, I feel quite taken by her. By both of your parents, actually. It seems that they have taken all of us.”
Kristi laughed again. “Yes, you have been quite taken by both of them. And they know their way around slaves. So I hope that you don’t mind a week of total sexual servitude and use.”
Destiny sighed. “Mom tried to warn me. I couldn’t imagine being caught and sold in my wildest dreams. But so far, it’s been exciting. And I had an unbelievable orgasm earlier today when your dad fucked me.”
Kristi squeezed the breast again and then gripped the nipple, letting her finger and thumb stroke along its length. “It looked to me like you had more than one unbelievable orgasm. I lost count.”
Destiny blushed. “Yes,” she said softly feeling her cheeks blushing. “I don’t know how many there were. But they were all unbelievable.”
“So what’s with you being a slave to your parents?” Destiny continued. “Were you raised that way?”
“No,” Kristi replied as she tilted her head forward and muzzled into Destiny’s hair. “There were slaves. In fact, at least one slave was always underfoot. But I wasn’t their slave. It was your mother who started that.”
“Yep, it was your mom,” Kristi affirmed. “That year that I first met you, I brought her here.”
“Yes, I know that part,” said Destiny.
“Well, by the end of the week, she had reached an agreement with Dad. He would get her for four weeks each year. She would get me for four weeks each year also.”
“Yeah, I know all about that part too.”
“Well, the first thing that she did once she owned me was to share me with my father.”
“Wow!” breathed Destiny. “That’s unbelievable!”
“Yeah,” nodded Kristi into Destiny’s hair. “I was pretty surprised. And it has continued ever since. At least it does when I am summoned.”
“How do you find the time?” Destiny asked. “Do you have a family? Do you have a job? I mean you belong to my mom for four weeks. How often do your parents claim you?”
“I don’t have a husband,” Kristi replied. “I do have a job. I’m the president of one of my dad’s companies. It’s a good thing that I’m so good at it and so organized. Otherwise that would never work.
“My parents claim me for about one week a month. Sometimes they travel and don’t claim me for several months. Other times, they claim me for a whole month. But it averages out to about a week.”
“Wow!” breathed Destiny again.
“And do they keep you in this cage?” asked Destiny.
Kristi laughed and raised her head to kiss Destiny on the cheek. “He calls it his kennels. And no. He has not kept me here before, although this was just installed two weeks ago. Maybe this is where he’ll keep me from now on.”
“Well, I would keep you in my bed to keep me warm if I owned you,” said Destiny. “He’s a fool if he keeps you locked up here.”
Kristi gave the breast in her hand another squeeze. “You seem to be adjusting well to your slavery.”
“It’s probably all because of Mom. I watched her as she was being sold. She was so confident and proud and she seemed so at peace with herself. I vowed to try to be like her.”
“Oh, you are exactly like her,” said Kristi. “I’m amazed. I was amazed earlier when my dad was fucking you. You may have been bound but you were in total control of your body. You used his cock for your own pleasure over and over.”
Destiny giggled. “Well your tongue helped too.”
Kristi laughed. “You are exactly like your mother. And that is one of the best compliments I could ever pay you. I love Harmony.”
Destiny rolled over to face Kristi and kissed her. “I know you do. And I love you for that.”
The two of them made love in the cage and then spooned together again with Kristi behind Destiny, holding a breast.
Harmony was placed in the cage later, after the two girls were asleep. She snuggled up against Kristi’s back and draped her arm across her two favorite slave sisters before she fell asleep.
Chapter 7
“This is pretty wild, Mom,” said Destiny the next morning. The three girls had awakened and were waiting to be released from their cage. Currently, they were seated Indian style in a little circle in the middle of the cage.
“I tried to warn you that it would be wild and that it would go beyond anything you could imagine,” Harmony told her daughter. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Oh yeah,” said Destiny emphatically. “I’m having a ball. I didn’t like being treated like a pony but that fuck was the sexiest thing imaginable.”
“It’s funny, though,” she continued. “If anyone had told me that I would get fucked with my mom watching me, I would have told them they were crazy and I would have thought it would be horrible. But it wasn’t. It was so, so very sexy to be fucked with you there. And then when you started sucking my nipple… oh my gosh!!!”
“I thought it was very erotic too,” interjected Kristi.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far,” Harmony said. “Just remember to keep an open mind and that this is all a game. But also remember that things could get a lot crazier. It’s only Tuesday and a lot will probably happen before we’re released on Saturday. But whatever happens, remember that it all ends on Saturday.”
“How much crazier cold it get?” asked Destiny.
“A lot crazier,” replied Harmony. “A lot.”
“Yeah,” nodded Kristi. “Especially with my parents.”
“Well, I like it so far,” grinned Destiny.
It was true that she would have been turned off by the idea of doing the things that she had done so far. Each experience would have been considered unthinkable. She wasn’t sure why she found them so exciting when they actually happened but she couldn’t wait to see what was in store for them next.
“Should we have a hunt again this year?” Henry asked as he and Helen sipped coffee on the sun deck. Destiny was at his feet, doing her best to suck on his massive cock. Harmony was at Helen’s feet with her tongue actively lapping away on the mistress’ sex. Kristi stood nearby to refill the cups when needed.
“We can,” replied Helen. “We haven’t done that in a while. And we have three girls now that we can contribute. Should I ask around and see if anyone’s interested?”
“Yes, that would be good,” nodded Henry. “Let’s shoot for Thursday.”
“Same rules as last time?” asked Helen. “Hunter gets to keep the girls she bags?”
“It was fun last time. Let’s keep the rules the same.”
After breakfast, Henry took Harmony and Kristi to the playroom. Helen took Destiny back to the stables where she received more training on how to be a proper pony girl. After lunch, all three girls fell asleep from having been worked so hard in the morning. Destiny awoke first to the sound of Helen’s voice speaking into the phone.
“Yes, it’s true. And this is on top of our normal four weeks.”
“No, we aren’t going to sell our rights in her to you.”
“Once we own her completely, then we can talk about giving her to you more often.”
Destiny had to stifle a gasp. It was clear that Helen was talking to someone about her mother. And Helen mentioned owning her mom completely. Did they have plans to make her a permanent slave?
“Oh, and we have her daughter too.”
“Twenty two.”
Destiny’s eyes opened wide. Now they were talking about her!
“Oh, she’s delightful. A nice tight little package. Rounded in all the right places. Perfect breasts. Beautiful face and figure. Simply delightful.”
“Henry seems to think so. Says she’s as fuckable as her mother.”
“If you bag her, she’s all yours. So are you on for the hunt?”
“Good. We’ll be expecting you on Thursday. We plan to start the hunt at nine.”
“Bye, dear.”
That was an amazing call, thought Destiny. They plan to make her mother a permanent slave. And whoever that was on the phone would get her if they bagged her in the hunt. How long would that be for? Could the Saturday release be prevented some how by being bagged and owned in the hunt? She would have to tell her mother about what she had overheard.
It was Harmony’s turn in the sling in the afternoon. Kristi had been the recipient of Henry’s sperm in the morning before he attached the two girls to a plow and had them till a garden bed.
Destiny was ordered to fasten her mother into the sling. It took her awhile to figure out how it worked but, with Harmony’s help, she finally got it straight. Harmony was spread and completely vulnerable by the time Destiny was finished. She stepped aside to await her next instructions.
Henry had removed his clothes by that time and Destiny shuddered as she saw his cock. It was completely soft now. It seemed that Kristi must have handled his needs very well in the morning. But despite being flaccid, it was still very, very big.
“Play with the girl, Destiny,” he said. “Get her excited for me.”
“Sir?” replied Destiny with her eyebrows raised.
“You heard me, girl. Play with the bound one. Entertain me.”
“Oh wow!” thought Destiny. “He wants me to play with my mom.” It was one thing to have her mom kissing her and sucking on her nipple. But it would be pretty forward of her to do something similar.
She glanced at her mother who just nodded back at her. Was that encouragement? Or was her mother nodding because Destiny had been right to question the command? She stepped to the sling and looked into her mother’s eyes. Harmony smiled slightly and nodded again. “Just do it, kitten,” she whispered.
“Oh wow!” This was going to be another wild moment. Her mom had been right about things getting crazier as the week progressed. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Harmony’s. Harmony immediately opened her mouth slightly and let her tongue press between Destiny’s lips. The kiss turned steamy instantly.
Destiny knew that soon she would be commanded to suck on her mother’s nipples if things proceeded like they had the day before. She decided to take the initiative instead of being ordered. She raised her left hand and placed it on Harmony’s belly. She started a slow circular motion over the taut flesh and admired her mother’s body.
The tongues continued to dance together and Destiny moved her hand down to her mother’s Venus mound. The bald pussy was smooth and her fingers enjoyed the silkiness of the denuded flesh.
Destiny was starting to get overheated. She could tell by her mother’s ragged breathing that Harmony was also. She glided her hand upward and gripped Harmony’s right breast, squeezing it before stroking her fingers and thumb upward on either side of the breast until they reached the nipple. She gripped the nipple, feeling its stiffness and rolled it back and forth. A moan escaped from Harmony’s throat.
She stroked the nipple softly several times, feeling it slip from her grip each time. She finally ended the kiss, hearing Harmony groan as it ended. She moved her head and sucked her mother’s right nipple into her mouth as she continued to stroke the left one. Finally, she grasped the nipple more tightly and tugged upward, stretching and elongating the breast. Harmony moaned again.
Her mother’s breasts were magnificent. They were rounded. They were firm. They were full. The texture of the flesh was unbelievably smooth and soft. And to think, she used to nurse at these as a baby.
Henry had called her mother the most fuckable woman in the world. As Harmony squirmed and cooed and moaned under Destiny’s ministrations, she could see what Henry meant. His title for her probably had very little to do with the actual act of fucking. It was probably more a result of her beauty and responsiveness. She was a pure sexual animal.
Thinking of Henry reminded Destiny of his presence in the room. She glanced in his direction and saw that his cock had fully hardened. He was leaning back against what looked like an odd balance beam and was stroking his long pole with one hand while he watched his mother/daughter fantasy playing out before his eyes. She continued to suck on the nipple and gripped it with her teeth, gnawing lightly at it and eliciting another coo out of Harmony.
After awhile, she released both nipples and moved to her mother’s other side. Again, she leaned down and sucked one of the sensitive buds into her mouth, suckling on the right nipple this time.
She slid her right hand down across Harmony’s belly to stroke the bald Venus mound again. Then she slid her hand even lower and cupped Harmony’s sex in her palm. She could feel the wet heat emanating from her mother’s pussy.
She held her hand there for awhile and then started slowly rubbing up and down along Harmony’s sex. The labia were already parted and ready to be impaled. Destiny’s palm and fingers were quickly coated with copious amounts of the lubrication her mother was secreting.
Harmony was moaning and squirming in her bondage continuously at this point. Destiny glanced upward and saw her mother’s eyelids almost completely closed and fluttering slightly. A flush spread across her chest as a testament to her arousal.
Destiny started gnawing lightly on the nipple in her mouth as she pulled her hand back slightly so that her fingers were at Harmony’s clit. She started stroking the sensitive little nubbin up and down slowly. Harmony climaxed within moments with her body tensing and her belly quivering. She let out a long low groan.
Destiny heard movement and glanced between her mother’s legs. Henry was standing there, positioning his cock at the entrance to Harmony’s sex. He pushed forward, sliding easily into the wet, silken channel, impaling Harmony completely in a single stroke. Harmony was still coming down from her orgasm and let out a series of gasps and moans as she felt the bludgeon filling her.
Destiny released the breast she had been feasting on and moved down her mother’s body. She watched as the thick pole emerged from Harmony’s sex, glistening with the heavy coating of juices. She moved her lips to Harmony’s mound and then snaked out her tongue and shifted her position to reach the bound woman’s clit.
Destiny was in awe. Her mother had watched her having sex the day before but she had never watched her mother fucking. It was beautiful to see the labia being tugged outward as the cock pulled out of Harmony and then pushed back as the shaft sank back in. She watched the pistoning movement as she continued to flutter her tongue over the juicy clit.
Harmony climaxed again and Destiny’s efforts were rewarded with a chorus of moans and coos and squeals. Still, she kept flickering her tongue, trying to climax more climaxes out of the slave in the sling.
Destiny reached out with her left hand and claimed one of her mother’s breasts again, concentrating on the nipple which was stiff and rubbery at this point. With her right hand, she reached beneath Harmony and between Henry’s legs. She found his heavy balls swaying and grasped them lightly, squeezing slightly.
“Good girl,” Henry moaned as she toyed with his balls. This girl was unbelievable, he thought. Maybe this was the one he should permanently own if he could only have Harmony for four weeks each year.
Destiny released the balls and moved her hand to Harmony’s bottom. The sling was well designed. She found that it not only left her mother’s sex exposed and vulnerable, but it also spread her ass cheeks to allow easy access to the girl’s little pucker.
Destiny ran a finger around the exposed little rosebud and then pressed her fingertip into the center of it. Her tongue kept fluttering and she kept enjoying the taste of Harmony’s sex. Her left hand kept toying with Harmony’s nipple, tugging on it and stretching it. Harmony climaxed again.
This action continued for another thirty minutes during which Harmony received three more orgasms. It finally ended as Henry erupted and spewed his sperm into Harmony’s sex. Destiny wanted to continue this exquisite torture but she knew that she should let Harmony rest. She stood up and backed away.
“Clean me, girl,” commanded Henry after his limp cock slipped from Harmony’s body. Destiny had another chance to taste her mother’s sweetness as her tongue bathed the cock. This time, it was mixed with Henry’s saltiness.
“Now clean the girl,” he ordered.
Harmony gasped as she heard the command but Destiny was already lapping away at her sex before she could say anything. The talented tongue probed and scooped, licking away most of the sperm that had been deposited. Harmony had yet another orgasm before Henry finally declared that she was clean enough.
Chapter 8
“You had to expect that it would happen at some point,” said Kristi. “You know how perverted my dad is.” She was spooning with Harmony and holding one of Harmony’s breasts in her hand as they lay together in the cage. Destiny had been claimed by Henry a couple of hours earlier and was presumably entertaining him now.
“I know,” sighed Harmony. “I probably did know deep inside. I probably just didn’t want to admit that he might do that. I just hope that Des is okay.”
“Well, how are you about it?” asked Kristi.
“Hmmm. That’s a problem,” responded Harmony. “Part of me is disgusted that he would have a mother and daughter do those kinds of things together. The other part is like wow! She was amazing! She had me going from the moment her lips touched mine. She really knows how to play a girl. I lost track of my orgasms but it was at least five.”
“Dad said seven,” said Kristi as she squeezed the breast in her hand again. “I’ll have to try her out. Maybe Des and I will get paired together at some point.”
“Yeah, try her out,” agreed Harmony. “I wonder where she learned all of that stuff.”
Kristi laughed and moved her hand to swat Harmony’s ass playfully. “It’s probably in her genes, most fuckable one.”
“I don’t know,” said Harmony. “But she was like a little predator.”
“Harmony,” said Kristi after they had been silent for a little while. “I have to tell you something.”
“I know,” Harmony said. “You are tired of being a slave and you want to end the arrangement we have.”
“No!!!” exclaimed an astonished Kristi. “I love being a slave. Well, I love being your slave. I could take or leave Sir Henry as a master. Why? Do you want to end the arrangement?”
“No, not at all,” replied Harmony. “I love owning your cute little body. And I actually have fun when your father claims me. What is it then?”
“Well, it’s just a suspicion,” Kristi cautioned. “But I think my mom and dad are entertaining the idea again of owning you permanently.”
“What?” Are they going to trade you away for good?”
“I don’t know what they have planned. I have only heard snippets of conversations. But I’m pretty sure that they were talking about you permanently and full-time.”
“Well, how could they do that?” asked Harmony.
“I think they’ll probably just ask you first,” Kristi responded. “They know that your daughters are no longer at home and maybe you would want to be a full time slave.”
“Well, my daughters might not be at home,” commented Harmony. “But my husband is.”
“I don’t know what they’ll do,” said Kristi, honestly. “They might ask. They might offer money. They might blackmail. And it just dawned on me that they might use Destiny to get to you.”
“Destiny?” blinked Harmony. “How would that work?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t had a chance to think it through. Maybe they would get Destiny into some horribly unacceptable situation; one that you would do anything to get her out of.”
“Oh,” nodded Harmony. “Well, don’t say a word to Destiny. I don’t want her worrying. I want her first games to be fun.”
“I won’t,” said Kristi and she gave the breast another squeeze.
A few minutes later, Helen led Destiny into the room and unlocked the cage, pushing the naked slave into the cage. “She’s a little tiger!” said Helen.
Harmony laughed. “Yeah she is. She’s my little kitten.”
Harmony patted the cushion in front of her after Helen left the room. “Come join us, kitten.”
Destiny lay down where her mother indicated and spooned her back into Harmony. Harmony ran her palm down Destiny’s side and patted her bottom before sliding it back up and cradling one of her daughter’s full breasts in her hand. Destiny wiggled and pressed back tighter against Harmony, enjoying the intimacy.
“I hope you’re not having too bad of a time,” Harmony said.
“Oh no!” exclaimed Destiny, a little confused by her mother’s statement. “I’m having a ball. I hope you’re having a good time.”
“Well, what happened earlier today shouldn’t have happened,” said Harmony.
“Do you mean when Master was fucking you?”
“Yes, kitten,” replied Harmony. “I mean that.”
“I thought it was beautiful,” Destiny replied. “I thought you were beautiful. Now I see why Master calls you the most fuckable woman in the world.”
“But he shouldn’t have us doing things together.”
“I don’t see why not,” offered Destiny. “After all, he owns us both.”
Harmony was surprised with her daughter’s reaction. She had not expected her to so fully embrace the rules of the No Return Games. In an odd way, she was very proud of her kitten. But was also a bit disturbing that she was not bothered by the incestuous acts of earlier in the day.
“Well, I think it’s wrong,” Harmony replied. “And I think he shouldn’t be doing those things.”
Destiny rolled over to face her mother. Then she tilted her head forward and kissed Harmony. “And I think that you think too much. Remember, it’s only a game. And even you told me that what goes on in the games stays in the games.” Then she continued the kiss.
Harmony was surprised again at the response and more than a little surprised at the kiss. Instinctively she tensed and then pulled her head back as she felt her daughter’s tongue at her lips. Destiny paused.
“Kristi, can you help me here?” Destiny asked.
“Sure,” replied Kristi. “I’d love to.”
Destiny pushed on Harmony’s shoulder and Kristi grabbed her hip. They rolled Harmony onto her back and Destiny kissed her on the lips again, lying across one arm to keep her pinned down. Kristi was lying on the other arm and took advantage of the availability of the older woman’s breasts. She sucked on one nipple for awhile and then switched to the other, alternating back and forth frequently.
Harmony gasped at the sudden attack. She resisted at first but then her body started betraying her. It was not long until Destiny’s tongue snuck into Harmony’s mouth and the dual assault soon had her moaning.
“Let’s switch places,” Destiny said to Kristi after they had been feasting on Harmony for over five minutes.
“Gladly, sis,” grinned Kristi. She took Destiny’s place and started a passionate kiss of her own with the prone slavegirl. Destiny laid down on top of Harmony and grasped a breast in each hand, squeezing them together and toying with the nipples.
She would suckle and lick. She nibbled and gnawed. Occasionally, she would press the breasts together and suck in both nipples at the same time, pulsing them and raking them with her teeth.
Harmony was moaning at this point. Her two slave sisters were driving her crazy with lust. Lips and tongues were setting her on fire. She gasped into Kristi’s lips as she felt Destiny sliding lower on her body. She clamped her legs together but Destiny easily parted them and then lay down between them with her face hovering over Harmony’s sex.
Destiny feasted her eyes on Harmony’s sex, seeing the petals opened and glistening with arousal. The little pink clitoris was exposed and looked like a shiny pearl. Destiny blew lightly on the little pearl and saw Harmony tremble. Finally, she extended her tongue and scooped up between the wet folds of Harmony’s sex, gathering the sweet nectar.
Kristi shifted focus on the trapped slavegirl’s breasts again. She drew Harmony’s left nipple deep into her mouth and then let her teeth glide over the firm flesh as she drew her head back. Harmony was moaning loudly as Kristi repeated her actions with the right breast.
Destiny plunged her tongue as deep as she could into Harmony’s sex and scooped up between the labia over and over again. Finally, she pulled her head back and looked at Harmony’s pussy again. She ran a finger down one labia and then the other before pushing it in. She pumped it several times and then added a second finger.
She watched her fingers gliding in and out of the wet, warm pussy. It was the most beautiful and the most erotic thing she could imagine. She loved the hairless mound and leaned forward, kissing it as her fingers continued to pump in and out.
Finally, it was time to feast again. She lowered her head again and flicked her tongue over the juicy pearl, hearing Harmony’s moaning getting louder. She pursed her lips and sucked the tiny nubbin into her mouth as she let her tongue flutter over it. Harmony groaned with her body tensing as the orgasm tore through her. Still, Destiny kept suckling and fluttering her tongue over the sensitive clit.
Finally, Destiny stopped and pulled her head back but kept moving her fingers in and out of the swampy sex. She twisted her arm, rotating her fingers inside of Harmony and enjoying the spongy softness she encountered. Harmony’s belly was still rippling, indicating to Destiny that little orgasmic aftershocks must still be shooting through the prone slave. She paused all motions to let Harmony recover. Finally, she settled down and Destiny started anew.
She pulled her fingers out and added a third finger which she pushed back into her slave sister easily. Then she lowered her head and started fluttering her tongue over the juicy clit. Harmony’s belly immediately started quivering again.
“Stop, stop, don’t,” protested Harmony as the greedy mouths started working on her again. She kept repeating it. “Stop, stop, don’t.”
Eventually, the pauses shifted slightly and it was coming out as “Stop…. Don’t stop,” as if Harmony wasn’t sure if she wanted them to cease or continue. Finally, it was just “Don’t stop” being uttered between moans. It did not take long for the next orgasm to strike her and she tensed and groaned again.
Kristi and Destiny were not finished yet. They kept toying with Harmony’s body and kept her pinned down as they took advantage of her. It was the wee hours of the morning when they finally did stop after coaxing four orgasms out of her.
They lay down again in their original positions with Kristi holding one of Harmony’s breasts and Harmony holding one of Destiny’s. Kristi fell asleep almost instantly.
“Nobody can ever hear about what happened this week, kitten,” said Harmony.
“They won’t, Mom,” replied Destiny. “What happens in the games stays in the games. Stop being such a worrier. Besides, I’m having a ball. This has been a lot of fun. And I got to give you eleven orgasms today.”
Harmony blushed at the words even though she was rarely ever embarrassed by anything. “Yes, sweetie. I know. I was there.”
Destiny giggled and nodded. “Yes you were. Oh, Mom, there’s something I have to tell you.”
She described how she woke up while Helen was on the phone. She described what she overheard. “I think they are thinking about keeping you.”
Harmony sighed. “I thought we were beyond that. They tried one other time; the first time. But we came up with a plan that I thought met their needs. I guess not.”
“I’m worried, Mom.”
“Don’t be, kitten,” said Harmony as she gave Destiny’s breast a squeeze. “But whatever you do, don’t agree to anything beyond Saturday. They can’t get to me other than through you.”
“I won’t, Mom,” replied Destiny.
To be continued
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