Maria Barber was proud of her position. Although she was still only in her second year as a student librarian she was given almost free rein in the running of the college library. She had built up a position of trust with the college and she didn’t see why she should put that at risk simply because some over-eager student was keen to get their hands on some volume or other.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “The book is on our controlled list. That means I can’t issue it without a signed authorisation from your tutor.”
“Well, let me study it here then,” Gregg was particularly anxious to get hold of the volume and to read the accounts of travels in the foothills of the Himalayas that told of the many legends and magical practices of the peoples there.
Maria shook her head firmly. “No,” she said. “I’m sorry. It’s just not allowed. You can look at the index card if you like. ‘Controlled Issue : Not for reference or lending without Tutor approval’ it says. I couldn’t possibly. Sorry.”
It didn’t look to Maria like he believed her but that didn’t matter. As far as she was concerned the issue was more than a simple bureaucratic nicety. It was a shame in some ways. He was a charming boy. In fact very charming and that curious red jewel he was playing with was certainly eye catching. Very.
****** ****** ****** ******
Maria Barber awoke suddenly. She realised she was in the store room at the back of the library but she couldn’t for the life of her remember how she had go there. As she went to get up she realised that something very strange had been going on. She was half undressed, her blouse unbuttoned, her skirt unzipped and pulled down around her knees. Her hair was awry, loosened from its confining bun and hanging around her bared shoulders and neck where bite marks paid testament to passionate activities of which she had no recollection. Her first thought was that someone might discover her. She could only imagine how such appalling behaviour would be viewed by the college staff and she couldn’t think of a convincing account for what had very evidently happened. She scrambled to her feet pulling up her skirt and buttoning her blouse as quickly as she could. Luckily she had a scarf in her hand bag to hide the marks on her neck. Her efforts with her hair failed to create a convincing result but within a minute or two she felt herself presentable and began surreptitiously to make her way out of the storeroom and back to her desk. No one seemed to have noticed that she had been gone and she knew she wouldn’t mention it to anyone. Besides, she had quite forgotten about the book on the controlled list, the charming boy and his fascinating red jewel.
****** ****** ****** ******
Gregg sat in his flat clutching the book, surprised with his success and very surprised with himself for the manner in which he had achieved it. He could hardly believe what he had done. He was normally someone that just went along with things. Bu this time, just that as soon as the librarian had suggested that he couldn’t have the book, he knew that he would do everything in his power to get it. More than that, he had suddenly known that he had the power, a power that he had not suspected before. It was an extraordinary sensation; suddenly discovering he had unimagined powers and unknown desires.
He allowed himself a smirk of satisfaction. Whatever had driven him to behave as he had, the stuck up Ms Barber had provided an amusing interlude – with the emphasis on lewd – and he was pretty sure that even if she did remember anything about his visit she’d certainly be too embarrassed to say anything. It was, though, he felt, rather like looking at another person. As though his personality had been transformed by his dope trip; a lasting impact that he had never expected.
Gregg Gillstrom put aside thoughts of Maria Barber and the strange visions of his spliff-fuelled dreams and returned to the book. He found what he was looking for. The account of the Swami Pradesh agreed with the little he had learned from Wikipedia but added some important additional data.
It spoke of the hypnotic power of the red jewel in the middle of the Swami’s turban. Gregg had already discovered the suggestive effect of a twinkling jewel and he now suspected that the contents of the small basket had some connection to the Swami. Gregg could testify to the power of the jewel. The fifteen minutes he had spent in lusting play with the librarian’s body, when moments before she had been denying him a book, had been great fun. The soft pale skin of her breasts had run silkily beneath his questing fingers and the flesh of her thighs had been no less pleasurable. And it had all been down to a few passes of the jewel before her eyes. He hadn’t known that it would hypnotise her, actually he had never tried to hypnotise anyone, but it had worked even so. The jewel seemed to know what was required of it and he had known to use it.
The book also described the jewel’s twin, an identically cut emerald. Together the two were the cult symbols of the sect. The book told of the debauched way that the Swami Pradesh’s followers had pursued women in a drug-fuelled predatory fashion, slaking their thirst for flesh with the power of potions, hypnosis and magic. They had terrified local women and the mem-sahibs of the colonial powers alike, abducting them and forcing them into sexual orgies. Gregg smiled. He hadn’t realised that, when he had felt so driven to amuse himself with the librarian’s body, his urges were so much in tune with those whose jewel he now possessed.
Heron’s words went on to tell of the sect’s reputed magical powers that gave them control over snakes. They were the first to show snake charming, the book said. It claimed they could turn snakes into ropes and conjure them just as snakes were charmed allowing them to perform the famous Indian Rope Trick. The whole thing was associated with the Swami of the Snake.
Gregg went on reading for hours until he finally fell asleep in the chair. It was only the sound of the radio crackling into life that woke him; stiff and aching from the uncomfortable position in which he had spent the night.
He put the book away in the drawer of his desk, feeling curiously energised and entirely unrepentant about his treatment of the librarian. As he walked in to college he had to pass the library. As he reached the steps that led up to the entrance, Maria Barber walked up to and right past him, obviously not recognising him at all. Gregg chuckled and turned to watch her go up into the library. He knew why she had that jaunty scarf around her neck.
© Freddie Clegg 2009
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or reposted without permission
All characters fictitious
E-mail: freddie_clegg@yahoo.com
Web Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freddies_tales/
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