Bedtime was a nightmare of it's own. Paul had to sleep naked between his naked big brother and his brother's wife. No matter which way he turned it was agony. Being a normal, healthy high school boy, if he faced his sister-in law, his fat erect dick rubbed on her body. If he faced his brother, his cock rubbed his bro's muscular ass crack. If his brother faced him, Bud's huge thick uncut dick was pressed against Paul's cock or ass, and if Maria turned toward him, her pussy was right against his prick. Matt's orders were strict, he had to stay between them, and Paul's father had to take pictures of the three of them in bed. Neither Paul nor Maria had the heart to tell Bud that they had been forced to fuck by Matt. but the memory burned in both their minds. Paul's big brother was grateful that Paul was going through all of this agony to help the family, but at the same time, he was angry that this high school boy was rubbing his dick on his new bride. No one got a good night's rest.
In the morning, Paul woke from his light sleep first, feeling something wet on him. He looked down to see his big brother's huge erect penis leaking all over Paul's stomach and crotch. Paul didn't know what to do. Pre-cum poured out of the thick hunk of fuckmeat and soaked Paul's crotch, prick and balls. Then he felt his sister-in-law's hairy pussy rubbing up against his ass cheeks and he remembered fucking her. His own teenage dick got rock hard and began to flop and rub against his older's brother's. The two cocks dick danced, sliding against each other. Paul's fucker thumped against his brother's lower belly. It was agony. Suddenly Bud opened his eyes and bolted upright in bed.
"What the Fuck?" he grunted, blinking and looking down at his own leaking hard-on and then at his younger brother's throbbing fuckmeat. "This is disgusting!" He spat and rolled from the bed. He stood up and stretched, his hairy armpits slick with night sweat. His balls hung low and full and also covered with sweat. And his massive leaking dick stood out from his muscular body like an crow bar. "This is not going to work!" he said looking down at his wife with longing. She was awake now too. Bud turned and stomped to the bathroom, his ass cheeks rising and falling as he walked. Paul found his breathing heavy, and his own dick leaking a small lake on the bed sheet.
No one spoke much at breakfast. They tried to avert their eyes from Paul's naked body as he served them. Paul kept eyeing the bowl of cereal on the floor for him. He would have to crawl down there like an animal to eat it, and they would have to watch. There was a knock at the kitchen door and Matt and two of his high school chums entered, big smiles on their faces.
"Hello Marshall Family, how are you this fine morning? I hope you slept well." Matt Henshaw gloated at the sick humiliated faces he saw before him. Then he looked down at the cereal bowl on the floor. "Oh good, I was hoping I would catch you before you ate your breakfast, Paul. That looks yummy, doesn't it? But It would taste better with some banana on the cereal." He pulled a banana from his school bag and proceeded to slice it onto the dry cereal. Then to the horror of everyone at the table, he pulled from his bag, a plastic water bottle filled with dark yellow liquid. "I Think you will enjoy this so much better than milk on your cereal." It was obvious what it was. It was piss! As he poured the urine from the bottle onto the cereal the harsh acidic aroma filled the kitchen. Paul's mother let out a gasp and put her hands to her face. When the cereal was soaked with the piss, Matt smiled at Paul.
"Okay, buddy, down you go and enjoy your breakfast." On hands and knees, sticking his face into the bowl, Paul ate the piss soaked corn flakes. His fat teenage dick and balls swung between his legs and his ass rode high as he knelt there on the kitchen floor.
"Okay, Paul looks all clean and fresh and ready for school. Who watched him while he showered and shit and pissed this morning?" No one answered. "I said, who monitored his pissing and shitting?" No one had it was clear. Finally Paul's older brother said, "We forgot."
Matt clicked his teeth and shook his head. "You forgot? Well, then tonight Paul will have to be punished for your mistakes. From now one, every single time he pisses or shits at home, I want it caught on camera by one of you. I want to see his spread legs and the turds dropping into the toilet! I want close-ups and long shots...just like you are all little Scorseses. And tonight Paul will be punished for not reminding you. Okay, Asswipe, get dressed for school."
Paul turned to go upstairs.
"Where you going, Shitface?"
"Ugh, to get dressed for school." Paul was totally disoriented.
"You don't have to, we got your clothes right here." One of Matt's buddies threw down a pile of clothing. It consisted of a pair of tan khaki cargo pants which were four sizes too large for Paul. He had to hold them up or they would have slipped off, leaving him naked from the waist down. He actually had to gather the waist together and hold it in his fist to stop the pants from sliding right down over his hips and ass. The tee shirt was by contrast much too small. It left three inches of bare stomach showing. It was pink. There was an old pair of torn tennis shoes without socks.
"Goodbye, Son, we love you. We're so sorry," His dad said with tears in his eyes as Paul left with Matt and his friends to go to school.
School was the nightmare you would expect. Matt had arranged for Paul to suck off Freshman and Sophomore boys between almost every class. He had sucked twelve cocks by lunch. The younger kids really liked getting blown by an older guy, it made them feel important. Paul was fucked by his English teacher after class while Matt and two other bullies watched and instructed. "Come on, you can fuck that ass harder. Plow the little pussy balls deep!" Here was this sweet innocent gentle teenage boy sucking dick and getting ass fucked at school right during the school day. At lunch, Paul was given a sandwich by one of Matt's pals. Paul could see the senior guys at the far table watching him intently with sparkling eyes and smirks on their lips. Paul carefully lifted the top piece of bread from the sandwich to discover peanut butter and jelly...and snot! Five or six guys must have blown their noses on the sandwich. It was covered with nose slime and mucus and buggers. Paul wanted to puke. It was so horribly disgusting, he could not even look at it much less eat it. He closed his eyes and started to cry. He sat alone at a table because kids were avoiding him. He sat there with the sandwich in his hands crying.
"Something wrong, Marshall?" Mr. Carlson asked. He was the History teacher who monitored the lunchroom.
"No Sir." Paul said, red eyed.
"School can get a little rough now and then. Don't worry, we all have bad days. Buck up and eat your sandwich." The teacher patted him on the back and moved on. Then Paul heard Matt's voice behind him. "Buck up, Paul and eat your sandwich."
" I can't. I'll puke!"
"Then you will have to lick up the vomit as well. Don't waste good senior jock snot! Why do you keep causing more trouble for yourself, Paul? Just do what I tell you to do! It's that simple. Life will be so much simpler for you, if you just don't think for yourself. Just follow orders. Now eat it!"
When Paul bit into the sandwich, a roar of approval went up from the senior section of the cafeteria. They must all know what he was doing! Paul could taste the slime from the nose crap along with the peanut butter and jelly. He forced himself to swallow the horrible concoction.
Matt handed him an open milk carton. "Here's some nice fresh piss for you to drink, too. You must be getting used to the flavor by now."
For dessert Matt placed before Paul a dish of vanilla custard covered with something.
"We had six Freshman boys jerk off on your custard for you. Look at all that boy sperm!" This time, a roar went up from both the senior and freshman sections of the cafeteria. Everybody knew what was happening to poor Paul Marshall.
The plan was changed somewhat after school. It was Mindy Marston's birthday. She was a hot bitch that most of the senior boys had fucked and who did her own share of cocksucking. Consequently she was popular. The kids threw a birthday party for her. And Paul was the cake! Believe it or not. He was stripped naked and placed on a rolling cart. His legs were tied back above his head so his young ass rode high, and a large candle was stuck in his asshole and lit. A smaller candle was stuck in the pisshole of his dick. In this manner he was wheeled in in front of thirty upperclass boys and girls. Mindy was delighted. She slapped Paul's ass and his ball sack until he was sobbing. She dripped candle wax oll over his ass cheeks and nut sack. He was now not only the tortured plaything of Matt but also of half the senior boys and girls. They finally untied Paul from his painful position, only to make him get up on a table and dance naked for all of them. The girls squealed at his flopping dick and large balls. A high school boy, having to dance bare assed naked in front of his classmates. Eight senior boys took Paul into the locker room where he had to suck them off. Just as he was getting ready to leave, four more came in and he had to start all over. Paul Marshall had become nothing but a suck machine, a dick slop dump. His throat was clogged with cum and his lips and tongue were swollen from sucking. His balls and ass were covered with candle wax and hurt terribly. And now he had to face home again and the punishment he was to receive. What could it be? Poor young Paul Marshall trembled at the very thought of it.
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