His family were kind and loved him. They allowed him to strip naked up in the privacy of his own bedroom. Paul was almost out of his mind with grief. He was only an innocent high school boy. He was not equipped to handle this. His hands shook so badly he could hardly remove his skimpy clothing. He stood bare assed naked in his room, staring at himself in the mirror. How could Matt do this to him? To them? To his family? His cute teenage body was pale and the way he now looked, stoop shouldered and beaten, with swolln red balls, bleary and red eyed from crying, lips swollen and cracked from cock sucking, he hardly recognized himself. He had believed things could get no worse, but now they had. Now Matt had directly involved his family into this. His mom and dad and big broteher and Maria, his big brother's new bride. They were all under the control of this sadistic teenage monster.
Paul sat on th dege of his bed, curled his toes in the rug, buried his head in his hands and cried. It was a tearless cry. All of his tears seem to have been used during the day at school. What a nightmare, and tomorrow promised to be the same. How could he suck off the entire team every day? How could anyone expect that of him? What would happen to him? By tomorrow, the story would be all over school. No girl would look at him, much less speak with him.
"Paul...Son...it's time for dinner." His dad's voice cut through his agony. He sat there, terrrified. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't know if the had the strength. "Son, we dare not make Matt angry. Please, come down to dinner."
Paul hauld himself to his teenage feet and directly collapsed back onto the bed. His legs didn't want to work. He struggled to his feet again. He looked down at his swollen red balls and his thick limp dick. His hand went to it automatically and began to play with it. Matt had said fully erect and wet. His other hand went to his nipples. When he wanted a quick hard on, working his puffy teen boy nipples always helped. His dick grew out over eight inches and throbbed thick and pink. Finally a bit of clear fluid appeared at the pisshole. And Paul was ready to go down to dinner. He knew his father would be taking videos on Matt's orders.
As Paul dsecended the stairs, his hard dick bobbing and his big balls wobbling, he saw the rest of his family fully dressed seated at the dining room table. Maria chewed her lower lip and looked down. Bud(the family nickname for Paul's brother) gently nudged her and told her to look up. Matt would be angry. She raised her eyes to her young brother-in-law's bare assed teen body. She remembered when Paul had been forced by Matt to fuck her. Her face grew red with shame. Paul's dick was huge, no doubt about that. Huge for a grown man and really huge for a growing teenage boy. His eyes had a kind of sickness in them as he looked pathetically at his family. His eyes passed over His bro to his dad, hands shaking as he filmed the whole thing. Then his eyes came to rest on the infinitely sad face of his sweet mother. She clutched her hands and rocked in her chair, torn with grief for her son. Her eyes drank in his naked body. How he had grown in the last few years. She remembered when he was just a little boy and she would cuddle and hug him to sleep.
As Paul lookd at his mom, he saw her eyes involuntarily go down to his erect teenage dick and balls. His legs gave out and he almost collapsed, hanging onto the bannister.
" I don't think I can do this." Paul moaned, his eyes fogging up and his nostrils flaring.
"You have to, Son. You have to to save Bud and me." His father said, momentarily lowering the camera."
"Don't worry, Son," His mother said. "We're all strong here. We can get through this."
Paul reached the bottom of the stairs and started to walk toward the table.
"Son, your penis!" His dad said, amost too embarrassed to speak.
"Huh?" Paul said.
"You're supposed to keep it hard, remember?" His brother said, looking pretty shame faced himself.
"Oh God!" Paul let his hand go down to play with his softening dick. He stood there and played with his dick in front of his family.
"Don't worry, Paul. We are judging you. It is normal for boys to play with themselves. We all understand that.." His mom said to help. It didn't!
Once his dick was fully hard and had a wet head once again, this time with a little string of pre-fuck hanging from the pisshole, Paul hurried to the table and was about to sit, when his father cleared his throat. Paul looke up wide eyed.
"Son, Matt texted me and said that your mother works too hard and you are to serve the meal. You are to serve all of us and then eat your meal, down there!" He pointed to a plate and glass on the floor. "I'm so sorry."
"Jesus Christ, there has got to be something we can do!" But said bringing his fist down so hard on the table it rattled the dinner set.
"Yeah, we can do what Matt Henshaw wants, or we can both go to prison for something we didn't do!"
Everyone was silent for a few moment.
It was very awkward when Paul served the food. In order to set the plates down, he had to stand very close to the diners, his huge erect teenage dick almost brushing against them. They tried to avert their eyes, but it was almost impossible. The humiliation for everyone was unbearable. Finallly the food was served, and Paul knelt down on hands and knees on the floor to eat his meal.
"May I have some silverware, please?" He said with his ass stuck up in the air and his huge balls swinging.
"Fraid not, son, Matt's orders. Can't use your hands either. You have to eat like a...like an animal."
Paul's mom started to cry and her husband had to hold her to comfort her. They tried to eat like a normal family, but the naked boy on the floor, sticking his face into his food, made it very difficult. Also they could not help but notice, with Paul's young ass up in the air, that his asshole was all red and swollen. They knew inside what that was from.
Once again, Paul's mother tried to make things easier. "Don't you worry, son. Soon none of us will even notice you are naked. I feel much better about it already. Don't you, Maria?"
"I feel sorry for Paul, and we all have to help him however we can." She did. She felt horribly sorry for him. She knew hos shy teenage boys are about their still developing bodies. Well, most normal boys are. Assholes like Matt Henshaw flaunted their heavy dicks in front of girls. They assumed that the only thing any girl wanted out of life was to service a big fat cock twenty-four-seven. It's true, Maria did love her new husband's fat fucker, but she was hardly obsessed with it. She did hold it most of the night while they slept, and she would often scoot down and suck on it a little while he was sound asleep. Bud loved a good blow job first thing in the morning. As his new loving bride, she would often wake him up by licking his large hairy scrotum. He loved that. But in no way was she obsessed.
While he ate his meal, Paul often had to reach up and masturbate his dick hard. His shame in front of the family made it want to go soft. He didn't know how long he could keep jerking it without cumming. How long could a normal boy keep his prick erect without blowing?
Finally the meal was just about finished. Paul cleared the plates and served coffee. Then his father's cell phone rang. It was Matt. Everyone at the table froze. Paul's father listened with horror in his eyes. Then he hung up and with his face white as a sheet, he looked at his family.
"What is it, Dear?" Paul's mom asked, her hand on her husband's arm.
"It was Matt. He asked how dinner was and then said Paul was such a good boy all day, that he deserves a reward. I'm supposed to film it for him." His lower lip trembled and his hands shook.
"What is is, Dear? What is Paul's reward?"
"He is to lie up on the dining room table, with all of us watching. And...and...he is to be masturbated to orgasm... by his mother!"
Everyone sat perfectly still in total shock for the longest time. Their labored breathing filled the room. Now Paul found fresh tears.
"Mom, you can't. That is the sickest thing I ever heard."
"Paul's right." Bud said. "Let them try to send us up for something we didn't do. Let them take us to court. I won't allow this to go any further."
"Think what you are saying, Bud. do you want Maria here to be alone? How will she live? We could be sent away for twenty years. What would happend to Mother? They would take our house, our car, everything."
Paul blinked and his jaw dropped open. "Dad, do you want Mom to...do you want her to do this to me?"
Paul's mother had to control her trembling as well. "Your father is right, Bud. I have to do it."
"What about me? What about my feelings?" Paul said, his eyes red and his nose running. "I can't take it any more."
"Paul, your father fought in a war. He saw young men only a bit older than you with their arms and legs blown off. He saw them with their genitals shot away. Some never came home. Those who did, put their lives back together again. If they can go through that, you can go through this! Now be a good boy and climb up on the table. Im your mother. There will be nothing sexual about this. We will beat Matt Henshaw at his own game."
But her heart beat faster as she watched her naked teenage son with his strong thing legs and big feet climb up onto the table. She saw his fat dick once again only half hard with a long string of pre-fuck hanging from the broad pisshole. She saw his huge cum laden balls swing and hit his thighs. What a lucky girl the girl who got him would be. What a wonderful lover he would make. Both her sons were so virile. Paul lay on his back and his father caught the scene with the camera.
"Spread your legs a little honey." His mom said. She reached down and her fingers gently touched his full young scrotum. He moaned.
"I can't look at this!" Bud said, turning his head.
"You got to. You got to watch. Matt's orders," Paul's dad said with a choked sound in his voice. "Your mothers never touched another man down there in all the years we been married. Have you, Honey?"
"Never. I love only you, Art. And I am not touching anyone in a sexual way now. I am just helping my baby boy to relax. Just relax, Paul. It will all be over soon." Her hands gently tickld Paul's fucksack to try to bring back his erection. "Come on, baby, let it get hard for Mommy. It's okay to get hard in front of Mommy. I'm here to help you."
Paul was wracked with sobs and his body twisted and turned on the table. His mother tried to calm him.
"How do you like it, baby? How do the girls at school jerk you? Can't you get it hard. Should I roll your nuts in may hand? Do you like it that way?"
'Oh God, I don't know. I don't know. I don't want it any way, not from you!" Paul almost screamed in horror at what was happening.
"We have to get you hard, Baby. I can't bring you off, if you won't help. Help Mommy do this." she rubbed one hand on his hard young stomach now, while with the other she gently picked up the limp penis and rubbed it.
"Oh God, Mom, please don't!" Paul felt like vomiting.
"We have to help your father and brother. Now come on, help me do this!" Her hand rolled the teenage dick. Paul sobbed and brought his fingers up to his nipples and then took them away again.
"Would that help? Would it help if you played with your nipples? Lots of men like that. Go ahead, my darling boy. Play with your nipples while Mommy masturbates you."
Paul's toes curled and he pushed his heels against the hard wood of the table as he lifted his tight young ass up and flicked his own nipples. His mother's hand began pumping up and down, gently moving the skin of her son's fat cock.
"This is fucking unbearable!" Paul's brother said, and Maria sobbed and buried her face in his chest.
"There we go. It's getting harder, Paul. It's getting nice and hard now. Oh and it's leaking too. Good for you. Think about some nice girl at school, Paul. Think about some hot girl at school, and we'll be finished in no time." She kept her own sobs out of her voice. The teenage prick felt so good in her hand, she felt positively guilty. No, she could enjoy this. This was her own son's big dick. She reached down and cupped his teenage nuts and gently squeezed them to bring him off sooner. The fuckmeat was really huge now and pulsing. Her hand flew up and down. Paul's breathing grew heavier, more ragged. His own fingers flicked and pulled at his teenage boy tits. His lean lanky body was covered with sweat. Paul's dad moved in for a close-up of Mother beating the prick of her own son. And then Paul screamd and tensed. His toes dug into the table his hands left his nipples and slapped the wood beneath him. His back arched. The hand pumped faster and a huge gyser of fuck shot out of the dick. Some of it splattered on her face. The rest of it arced high in the air and landed on Paul's naked torso and on the table. She squeezed his nuts harder and a second fountain of fuck sprayed the air. Paul was sucking in air and blowing it out like a whale.
And then it was over. Everyone in the room looked down. Paul shut his young eyes to blot out the sight of his mother's cum splattered face.
There had to be a way out. There just had to.
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