Paul made it home and through the rest of the day unmolested, undamaged, and under a state of shocked confusion. He hardly spoke to his handsome manly brother who loed to muss up Paul's hair and slap him on the back. His brother had always been a very phyical, horsing around, macho type guy. He slapped Paul's ass like he had done for years and called him "faggot" in his kidding way. But now, considering what had just happened to him, the slap and the name really did hurt. Suddenly being called "faggot" was not just something to which he would retort, "cocksucker" as he had done before. Suddenly, whether he liked it or not, many of the kids at his school did think he really was a faggot and a cocksucker. And what was wort of all was that he was indeed a cocksucker! He had sucked cock! Against his will, yes, but he still had done it. He had had big leaking smelly cocks in his mouth and down his throat. His schoolmates had fucked his face! What if word spread? What if other kids at school learned of it? Some had seen him naked at the party.
Paul decided he may have to change schools. The problem was, Matt Henshaw's dad owned the town. If Matt exerted pressure, Paul would be unable to change schools. Paul lay on his bed in a fetal position most of the night, crying and trying to think of a way to stop the sadistic teen from controlling him. If he made a move against Matt, Paul's father and brother would lose their jobs, and they would lose their home. And Matt had threatened worse than that. He would contrive that Paul's dad and brother had committed some kind of crime and they might end up in prison. Matt's Dad had that kind of clout. But Paul could not stand to allow his body to be abused any further. He could not suck any more dick. It was fucking him up. It was messing with his head as well as his body. He started to think about Matt Henshaw and his enormous dick. Matt had a real cuntbuster. Every girl and boy in school knew it. so he was not only rich and handsome, he also was hung like a fucking horse. Why did some guys have all the luck? As Paul lay there culrled up in a tiny ball in his bed, he felt his own dick get rock hard as he thought of the bully and what he had done. Paul thought about having to suck Matt's dick and balls and ass right in front of the other guys. He thought about how he had been forced to suck off all of Matt's friends and worse than that, to fuck his own sister-in-law. Paul's hard prick started to leak into his boxers. Suddenly the boy's underpants felt totally restricting and so he stripped them down and kicked them off. Jesus! He had stuck his cock into Maria, his brothers brand new bride. If hs bro ever found out, he would kill them both. Why the fuck was his cock hard thinking about this shit? What the fuck was happening to him? Paul cried himself to sleap, his fat hunk of teen fuckmeat leaking pre-fuck all over his thigh and the bedsheet.
In the morning, Paul dressed to go to school. The weekend had been sheer hell, but perhaps the horror was now at an end. Perhaps Matt had moved on to torment some other kid. Paul looked at himself in the mirrir. He was cute, no doubt about it. He dressed in the new tight style jeans that showed his ass and his fat basket just right. He resolved to get himself a girlfriend. To fuck some nice high school cunt and to forget all about the queer horror that had been foisted upon him. Paul parked his car some distance from school. He didn't want to run into Matt or any of his gang. Things went fine for about ten minutes. He entered the building and chatted with some kids he knew. There was one girl in particular who was really cute and kept looking down at the bulge in his jeans. He asked her if she wanted to go out sometime during the week, and she accepted. Paul realized that there was a entire circle of kids in the big school who never hung around with the Matt Henshaw crowd. He would gravitate toward those kids. Then he got to his locker.
'FAGGOT!' the sign stuck to his locker door read. "report to the second floor East Wing Boys Can before classes! "
Paul's feet felt like lead as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. The East wing was the oldest in the school and hardly used any more. The hallway was mostly empty. A few freshmen had their lockers at this end, and the boys he passed looked at him with some fear, as if he had come to bully them. If they only knew. He knew some of the rougher town boys used this boys toilet in which to smoke cigarettes. Paul pushed open the door and saw Matt Henshaw, looking gorgeous as usual along with four other jocks.
"Good morning Paul. I hope you slept well." Matt said, a nice big grin on his handsome face. I just wanted to give you your insructions for the day. We have a kind of rule for you to follow, okay?" Paul gulped and looked around. The old toilet stank of stale piss. The janitors hardly cleaned it because no one really used it anymore.
"I asked you if it was okay to give you your new rule for the day! Is it okay, Shitface?"
"Ugh..yeah." Paul said, looking down at the black and white tiled floor.
"Good. Well, the new rule is that you are to get and maintain a full hard on all day!"
Paul looked up and blinked. "Huh?"
"You must not have gotten a good night's rest last night cocksucker. What were you too busy fucking your sister-in-law and sucking your big brother's dick? Rumor is you sleep in bed with them with your brother's cock in your mouth all night. Is that why you are a little dense this morning? I SAID, FUCKHOLE, YOU ARE TO GET AND MAINTAIN A FULL ERECTION FOR THE ENTIRE DAY! IF ME OR ONE OF MY BUDDIES SEES YOU WITHOUT A FULL HARD ON, IT WILL GO VERY VERY HARD WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?"
"How am I supposed to keep a hard on all day? What about in classes and in the hall?"
"I have spies in every class, and we will make sure you are monitored in the halls."
"No I meant, how can I be expected to be hard in class. what if I have to go to the front of the room or stand up or what if someone sees?"
The jocks laughed. "Well, you will just have to be very very creative, won't you?" Matt said. "Now get it hard and let's see how it looks."
It took a bit, but finally Paul managed to produce a hard prick for the jocks. He rubbed himself through his pants. Soon the rubbing would show on the jean material and it would look like a young teens masturbation mark on his pants. Kids who played with their dicks alot often had spots right over the cock where the material was lighter in shade and thinner than the rest of the trousers.
Paul's fat cock had no place to go in he trousers. It looked like an iron bar going down his leg if he wore it down. If he wore it to the side it wrapped half way round to his hip. If he wore it up, the dick head stuck out of the waist band of the pants. Paul pulled out his tee shirt and let it hang over the swollen dick.
"Oh wait, that will never do!" Matt said, pulling out a knife. He cut Paul's tee shirt off about two inches below the pecs, revealing his naked belly.
"Oh God, please don't do that." paul wailed. Kids and teacher and everyone would see his bare stomach and back. And it would draw attention even more to his enormous dick bulge.
"If you let your dick get soft...you will be the sorriest kid on the planet. I am not shitting you!" Matt warned.
Paul turned with his head hanging to leave the toilet. His dick was down his left leg, the entire shape of the prick quite visable.
'Oh wait, buddy, two more things. First, meet me after sports practice in the boy's locker room. The coach has some meeting to go to, and so I am locking up. I want a nice blow job in the shower. And I am sure some of the other guys will want one too. And one more thing. The fucking Spic janitor hasn't cleaned this urinal in a long time, and me and my buddies each took a piss in it, and look...it must be clogged or something."
It was true. There was a lake of dark yellow piss in the bottom of the urinal. Also a cigarette butt.
"Clean that urinal for us, will you. We want to do our bit to keep the school clean."
Paul looked from jock to jock. Each one had a leer on his face. Paul knew what was expected of him.
"How? How can I? I don't have any equipment." he answered weakly and the guys all laughed.
"Sure you do, baby. You got your tongue!" Matt said. "Come on, drink all the piss out of the urinal and lick it clean for us. And eat that piss soaked cigarette butt as well. "
Paul stood very still. He was in a state of shock.
"Your dick is getting soft. Do you want to be punished?" Matt asked, his voice more stern, his own dick looking slightly swollen and hard in his pants.
Paul put one hand down and started to finger his prick through his pants.
"Good boy. Now go over and drink the piss out of the urinal!"
Paul knelt down and began to slurp up the strong smelling and stronger tasting teen boy piss. He gagged and the boys laughed. He choked and snorted and the boys laughed. But they would not relent, and he had to drink the piss. Then he had to eat the soggy ciagarette butt and swallow. Then he had to lick the porcelain clean.
"Could I have some gum or something?" he asked looking up at the circle of jocks watching him.
"No gum. We want you to taste our nice piss all morning. better not talk to any chicks though. It would be really gross if they smelled piss on your breath."
Paul was about to escape from his tormentors, when one of Matt's pals had another good idea.
"We can't see the hard dick well enough. I bet he is wearing underwear!"
"Are you wearing underwear, faggot?" Matt asked.
Paul just nodded.
"Faggots are not supposed to wear underwear. Underwear is for men! Remove your jeans and your underwear. Now."
So Paul was forced to kick off his shoes and peel down his tight jeans. He had to remove his boxer shorts and stand in front of the jocks with his big teenage dick throbbing and bouncing. Then he put his jeans back on. It was totally obscene. Now the entire shape of the hard prick could be seen, including the cockhead.
"That was a great idea, Jack," Matt said."Now we can see the faggot dick much better.And this will help!" He held out two blue pills for Paul to take.
"What is that?" Paul didn't do drugs.
"You know, Shithead. Viagra! They will help you keep your hard-on. See, I am trying to help you." Paul was forced to pop the pills. He had tried some once at a party. Some of the guys were taking it so they could fuck longer and harder, just for fun. He knew it kept his dick rock hard and leaking for the longest time.
"Now listen, Faggot. We don't want to see you covering yourself with any books or with your hands or anything. You let everyone see you just the way you are."
"I'll gete expelled!"
"The one exception is in front of teachers. You may cover yourelf when passing a teacher or entering a classroom, or standing in front of a teacher. But not in front of student. And not in front of Mr. Harding!" Mr. Harding was the English lit teacher and everyone knew he was gay. He would stare openly at the jocks dick bulges, and more than one jock had gotten an A in the class by letting "Hard on Harding" suck him. "With Mr. Harding, you sit in the font row and keep it fully hard all class!"
"Oh god, please no!" Paul hated it when Mr. Harding put his hands on Paul's chest and felt his pecs. He hated it when Mr. Harding playfully slapped his young tight ass. He couldn't stand for the faggot teacher to see his hard on!
"Just do as you are told. Now the bell is about to ring, so let's get going. God damn it, Paul, your dick is not fully hard. If I see that again, you are ruined!"
Paul could hardly walk with his prick stiffly down his left leg. He tried to adjust it but it just made it worse. Kids stopped and stared and some giggled or whispered while others roared with laughter.
"God a problem, Paul?" One boy yelled. "Didn't get any, huh?" another boy shouted. And soon the halls were rocking with teenage laughter. Paul wanted to cry, but what could he do?
"Nice tee shirt Paul," a cute young girl said, lauging at his bare belly, and then her eyes went down to his hard dick! "Oh My God, Gross!" she wailed.
Paul wanted to hide, but there was no place to hide. Soon the Viagra kicked in and his dick throbbed even harder. It started to itch, and cock sauce leaked out of the head, soaking the matrial of his jeans and leaving a dark wet spot. Paul tried to cover himself several times, but always there was one of Matt' friends watching him. Now no one would speak to him or hang with him. They all just laughed and looked at him like he was a total freak.
Mr. Harding's class was the worst. As soon as he entered the room, Harding zeroed in on his naked stomach. Paul kept a book over his dick. Mr. Harding was a good looking young teacher, but gay as a goose. He really loved the boys in his classes.
"Is that a new look, Mr. Marshall? It certainly shows off your stomach to advantage!" He beamed looking at Paul's naked belly. One of Matt's buddies moved in.
"Do you have that book you loaned me, Paul?" He asked, taking the book out of Paul's hand and revealing his full leaking hard on.
Mr. Harding's eyes lit up. He studied the long ridge of Paul's dick and the veins and the cockhead showing through the material. His breathing grew ragged. "Looks to me, like you have a problem, young man. I would say a slight problem, but there is nothing slight about it."
"Eh, should I leave class?" Paul turned to go, but Mr. Harding put a hand on his shoulder.
"No, come and sit in the front of the class right in front of my desk, where I can keep an eye on you!" Do any of you know how humiliating it is for a teenage boy to have a fucking hard-on in public? Paul sat in the first desk, other kids seeing his hard dick and laughing. He tried to cross his legs, but it was too painful. He cursed his tight jeans. It was half way through Mr. Harding's lecture on Homosexuality in Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" when Paul felt his dick getting soft. He looked around and saw one of Matt's buddies staring at him. Paul's hand went down and he begant to rub the dwindling dick. Mr. Harding caught the action and stopped mid sentence.
Paul sat there rubbing his cock in front of his queer teacher. The kids in the room looked over at Paul and started to laugh. The Viagra and Pauls administrations got the dick fully up and leaking once again, the dark wet spot spreading. The sexed up teacher felt his own cock stiffening in his suit trousers. So he sat down behind his desk and assigned some reading to the students. Then he just sat there fingering his own cock behnd his desk and looking at Paul's thick teenage fuckmeat.
At the end of class, Mr. Harding asked Paul to stay behind. The kids laughed outright. They all knew about Mr. H. The students poured out of the classroom and Paul sat there, twisting his feet and legs this way and that in embarrassment, his hard dick still leaking.
"Stand up, Mr. Marshall and approach my desk." Paul got to his feet, his cock making it difficult to move at all. His naked tummy fluttered. He walked to the teacher's desk. The last student out had closed the door, and they were alone.
"Just how do you explain this?" Mr. Harding said, pointing to Paul's erection. Paul didn't know what to say. Could he tell the truth? Could he get help, or would it just make things worse. He took a middle course.
"Matt Henshaw and some of the guys gave me some viagra as a joke. I'm really sorry."
"I am very concerned. it could be a health problem. How long have you had this hard on?" Mr. Harding licked his lips and looked at the drooling cloth covered teenage dick.
"Ah...since before school." Paul wanted to tell the whole story. He wanted some comfort for the abuse he had been through.
"That's over four hours ago! That could be dangerous. And has it been fully hard all the while?" His hand went out and lightly touched the area where the cockhead lay beneath the material.
"Yes, Sir!" Mr. Harding squeezed the cockhead through the jeans and more pre-fuck liquid squirted out, making the soggy stain even wetter.
Mr. Harding continued to squeeze the boy's cockhead. His other hand went to the kid's naked stomach and played with his flesh.
"You are leaking like crazy, young man. Do you always produce this much dick leak?"
"Please, Sir. I have to go to lunch."
"You have to take care of this problem. Open your pants!"
"Please, Mr. Harding, I'll get in trouble."
"I'm here to help you, young man! Now open your fucking pants!" The young faggot teacher was almost out of his mind with lust. He had spent many a night jerking off to Paul's photo in the year book. He grew impatient. He reached up and undid Paul's belt himself. then he unbuttoned the jeans and the pressure from Paul's dick made the zipper go down. Mr. Harding spread the pants and reached in and hauled out Paul's throbbing leaking dick!
"Oh my poor boy. Don't you have anyone to take care of this?"
"It's okay, Mr. Harding. I'll be okay. I'm not gay!" But the teachers hand was alread around the fuckmeat, pumping it for all it was worth. The teacher's other hand slid up Paul's chest under the cut off tee shirt and started to pull on Paul's nipples.
"Mr. Harding. This is wrong!"
"It's not wrong for two people to love each other!' the teacher almost sang, as he pumped the fuckmeat, pre-fuck slop spraying up onto his face.
'Love? What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I know you are gay. I know you have had a crush on me all semester. I read the notes you sent me!" He pumped the dick harder. The cockhead became even larger and the piss hole opened and spit out pre-spunk.
"What fucking notes?" Paul didn't know what was going on.
"Notes. The notes. How you loved me and wanted to suck my dick! How you wanted me to fuck your ass. At first I thought they were jut cruel jokes to make fun of me, but now I see that they were real. I see now that you do want me!" Mr. Harding's hand left Paul's nipple and went down behind the boy and grabbed and asscheek. "I'll fuck you, Paul. I'll fuck you until you can't walk. I have a very big dick. I'll give you all the fucking you need." His hand slid in between Paul's ass globes and fingered the moist asshole.
"I never wrote you any notes..." Paul said. And then he realized that Matt probably had and signed his name.
"It's okay, Paul. No one has to know. This is our secret. I know how much fucking a boy your age needs. Some of the jocks make me suck their dicks, but I never get to fuck. With you it will be different. I will shove my big prick up your ass morning noon and night. You will be my fucking asscunt! I know you want it Paul. I read the notes. I read the notes where you beg me to turn you into my cunt! I thought they were just nasty teasing notes, but now I see they were real. You really do need your teen boy ass turned into a fucked cunt. Bend over the desk, Paul and let me slam my fucker up your twat!
Paul wanted to hit the teacher. To punch him in his fucking faggot face. But he didn't know what to do? What did Matt want? Did Matt expect him to go along with the teacher's demands? Paul stood there with tears running down his face. The teacher yanked on Paul's swollen dick and turned him around. He bent the boy over his desk. Paul's ass globes were beautiful. They were still quite red from the beating he had taken the day before.
"Looks like somebody's been whipping your ass, Paul? Are you a little slut? Are you a little fucking slut who lets the boy's whip you and fuck you? From now on, I'll be fucking you, Paul. I'll be fucking you all the time." The poor young teacher really was quite crazed. It was like he had finally lost it. All the pent up emotions of being a frustrated faggot were finally coming out. "When you graduate, we'll move in together.You can skip college and just get fucked by me all the time. You can be my personal fuckslave. When I'm not fucking you, I'll keep nice big dildos up your cunt to keep it open for me."
"Mr. Harding, have you lost your fucking mind?" Paul screamed, pushing the frantic teacher back.
"But you want it like this. In your notes you asked me to talk dirty to you. You asked me to all you my cunt and fuckboy!"
"I DID!" In the doorway, with a huge grin on his face, stood Matt Henshaw.
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