Believe it or not, one of Matt Henshaw's father's limo arrived to take Paul to the mall on Saturday morning. Paul sat naked on the end of his bed, shaking with fear at the realization that all that had happened was not in fact a horrible nightmare and nothing more. Maria has sobbed all the way home from Matt's house. Paul's sperm leaked from her bare pussy onto the car seat. Her face and hair were clotted with dick jizz. She had been violated.
"It wasn't my fault, Maria. I was trapped by him just like you. I am so sorry..." Paul kept saying over and over. She knew the boy was as helpless as she was, but he had still fucked his big teenage cock into her just married cunt, and she felt somehow abused by him too.
"I know, I know, it wasn't your fault. But that doesn't help the situation. Your brother must never find out. He would kill you. You know the kind of temper he has. He has told me over and over that if another man ever touched me, he would kill him no matter who it was. He must never know about tonight."
Paul agreed. Fortunately his older brother was at a retirement party for one of the guys from the factory, something Matt had probably known as well. Paul's parents were asleep, so the two naked young people sneaked into the house undetected. Paul sat in his room covered with sperm and sweat and dirt, his asshole throbbing with pain and his big balls aching, while Maria took a shower and cleaned up and out. When it was Paul's tern, He actually sat in the tub with the shower running on him, sobbing and curled up in a naked little ball. Maria's new groom came home a bit drunk and of course wanted to fuck his wife, so she had to put up with more cock fucking into her as hard as it could. He was not as gentle as Paul, and his dick was bigger...both longer and thicker.
Saturday morning brought the hope of a new beginning for Maria anyway. Her handsome husband rolled over in bed and fucked her again. She intentionally got him so excited he didn't wear a rubber on his dick. So that if Paul had made her pregnant, she could blame it on this "crazy unprotected" morning fuck. He was of course only too happy to fuck without a condom. He felt he had really scored.
Paul on the other hand, was not so hopeful. He had to go to the Mall. And someone was going to deliver some new clothes to him. That someone was Jim Butcher, a kid in Paul's class who, while not as wealthy as the Henshaws, had a family in the top ten in the town. Jim was a cute, but sneering, snobbish kid. He only kow-towed to Matt.
Paul walked right in. Paul's mother and father knew better than to stop anyone from the Henshaw section of town. In fact they almost bowed their heads when he entered. They kind of just concentrated on what they were doing and didn't say much. Paul's father secretly hoped Paul was making friends with some of the wealthy influential kids in town. It could certainly help him at work.
As Jim went up the stairs to Paul's room, he heard the sound of heavy fucking coming from Paul's brother's room. He smiled and shook his head. He heard Maria's grunts as the big dick slammed into her. He remembered her naked the night before at the party, and his dick got hard in his pants. Shit! nothing like a good morning fuck. Jim hadn't had that pleasure and his dick was randy as hell. He opened Paul's bedroom door. Paul was seated at the foot of the bed, naked, looking at the floor. He lifted his head, wide eyed at Jim.
"Morning Faggot." Jim said. throwing the bag he carried on the bed. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled out his eight inch long, thick foreskinned dick. "Suck!" he said simply.
Paul looked up at him. "Look, Jim. Don't get involved in this. It has gone too far. People are getting hurt. It has got to stop..."
"SUCK MY FUCKING DICK YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKING FAGGOT, NOW!" The teenager screamed at the top of his lungs. Paul as certain that his brother heard it in the room next door. He was sure his parents downstairs heard it. He slipped off the bed onto his knees and crawled toward the fat uncut cock hanging from his classmate's pants. How could he stop this insanity? Jim grabbed Paul by the hair and dragged his cute young face into his dick and fucksack.
"Lick it first."
Paul licked the boys growing dick and his full sack of balls. They smelled and tasted like shower soap and cock. Jim grabbed the boy's ears and fucked his skull like Paul was a two-bit whore. It didn't take long for him to shoot ropes of cum down the kid's throat.
"Can't go to the mall without breakfast!" He laughed. The teen cum was quite thick, like wallpaper paste. It clotted between his teeth and coated his tongue. This handsome innocent teenage boy could not believe that he had become a dick dump for these sadistic youths.
Jim wiped his shrinking and still leaking dick on Paul's hair. "Okay, get dressed, Matt is waiting."
Paul climbed numbly to his feet and looked at the paper bag on his bed.
"You've got jizz on your chin. Scoop it up and eat it." Jim said nonchalantly. Just then they heard a high pitched scream and a heavy grunt from next door, as Paul's muscular factory worker brother shot his sperm deep into the cunt of his new bride. That would hold him until noon, when he would demand to fuck again. After all, it was Saturday, the day off. He might settle for a blow job. Maria never thought married life wold be like this. This wasn't what it was like in the movies. Still, she did love her husband, and he was very good to her.
Paul scooped the jizz onto his finger and sucked it off. Then he removed the clothing from the bag. He could not believe what he saw.
"Jim, I can't wear this. Look at it. I cannot wear this in public."
"Should I call Matt and tell him that?" Jim flipped out his cell phone with a grin.
"NO. Oh Jesus. Jim, how can you do this to me?"
"Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I am only here to convey you to the mall, dressed appropriately. The blow job was my pay."
Paul looked down again at the clothing on the bed. A pair of tight white briefs. Okay. That was okay, but the rest. A cut off pink tee shirt. cut off so it would end just below the nipples and with the sleeves cut off as well. Printed on the pink tee shirt was the word, "COCKSUCKER." Then there were the pink girl shorts and the flip flops with little plastic pink flowers on them. Paul was a totally masculine kid. How could he do this? How could he go out in public wearing this? He would see many many people he knew at the mall. Hundreds of townfolks who knew him and his family.
There was also a kind of cape in the bag.
"What's that?" Paul asked with trembling lower lip.
"That there is a cape to cover you with until we get to the mall. Unless of course you want your parents to see you in your new pink outfit. You see, Matt has feelings for you and wants to spare you the embarrassment."
Paul looked around hopelessly. He caught a glimpse of himself naked in the bureau mirror. His mouth hung slack and his eyes were glazed over. He looked mentally ill. Like an idiot he scanned the room, what was he looking for. Someplace to hide? A way out? There was no way out.
He put on the ridiculous clothing. As he tried to stretch the pink tee shirt enough to get it over his shoulders, he noticed that on the back was his name PAUL MARSHALL.. and on the front of course, "COCKSUCKER." It came to just below his pecs, leaving his entire stomach naked. The white briefs were too small and too tight, so that his teenage dick and balls bulged obscenely. And the pink shorts did nothing to help. They barely came half-way up his ass in back, leaving the white undies showing. IT WAS TOTALLY FUCKING OBSCENE. he slid his bare feet into the flip flops.
"Ready?" Jim asked. Paul nodded dumbly. "If it's any consolation, I think you look real cute. You are the cutest faggot I ever saw."
Paul slipped the cape over his shoulders and held it closed in front to hide his attire. He followed Jim downstairs. In the hall, he passed his totally naked older brother padding on naked feet toward the bathroom. His swollen pink dick glowed with the scum of after-fuck and swung heavily between his legs.
"Sorry Bro, got to go wash the cunt juice off my dick. Hiya, Jim, how's it hanging?"
"Not as big as yours..." Jim whistled in appreciation of the muscular factory worker. He watched the strong full ass globes rise and fall as Paul's brother entered the bathroom and closed the door.
"Man, I bet it hurts to get fucked by him." Jim laughed one hand on Paul's shoulder as he ushered him down the stairs."
As they passed Paul's stupefied parents, wondering at their son wrapped up in a cape, Jim Butcher said very politely. "Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Have a good day."
Paul's dad managed a weak smile. "Goodbye boys. Have fun."
"Oh we, will, you can be sure of that." Jim answered, patting a terrified Paul on the back.
When they got to the car, Paul could see that another boy from school, Pete Jones was in the rear seat. A driver in full livery sat in the front. Jim steered Paul into the car and the boys sat on either side of him. There was plenty of room in the limo.
"Morning Paul," said Pete with a smile. "How was the suck job, Jim?" Paul wanted to melt into nothing. He was so fucking humiliated. Everyone knew.
"It was okay. He's a good cocksucker, but we had to hurry and I didn't have time to get a really good nut sack lick or an ass rimming or anything."
"Well, maybe later. We have to blindfold you, Paul, Matt's orders."
"Why is that?" Jim answered. "We are just going to the fucking mall?"
"To enhance the mystery of the game." We are going to make three stops on the way. Paul is going to get out of the car, blindfolded and open his cape and show whoever is there his new outfit. Fun?"
"Oh please. Who is going to see me? Who?"
Pete grinned. "That is the fun of it. You will never know who. So it could be anyone you meet at the store, or school, or at church. You will never know who knows you are a cocksucking faggot."
Paul sobbed again as they put the blindfold on him.
"Don't you guys realize that I am not a cocksucker. Matt created that whole thing. He made me do that stuff. I am not a cocksucker!"
Jim gently slapped the blindfolded boy, more playfully than painfully. "Did you just suck my dick up in your room or not?"
"Yes, but...."
It was hard to argue with that logic.
They rode around town for almost an hour, and three times, Paul had to leave the vehicle and stand facing he knew not what and remove his cape. he had to show his pink outfit with the ass and crotch hugging queer pink shorts and the obscene cut off tee shirt. With his name on the back of the tee shirt, even the blindfold couldn't disguise him. It was a small town after all. Twice he felt the flash of cameras as pictures were taken. He hard laughter and giggles. One group sounded really young like little kids. Another sounded like older, senior citizens who said things like, "Shocking! Poor Mrs. Marshall with a son like that," and other horrible things.
They finally got to the mall and the blindfold was removed. So was the cape. The mall had just opened and hundreds of families, adults, teens and little kids were milling about.
"Okay, Paul, you are to go into the mall and meet Matt at Victoria's Secret on the second floor." We'll be following at a discreet distance. We don't want to be associate with you. But don't worry, we'll get some pictures.
"I don't think I can do this. I want to. I don't want trouble for my family. I want to, but I honest to God do not think I can."
"Sure you can. Just tell yourself it's something you have to do to help others. Don't be selfish. I was reading this book on the Second World War, and you know, it is amazing what people can put up with if they have to. Don't think about your own discomfort or humiliation. Don't think that you look like a fucking fairy faggot left over from Gay Pride Day. Just focus on what you need to do, and it will go much easier than you think. Yeah, people are going to laugh at you and point fingers. Accept that. Yeah, they are going to think Paul Marshall is a big fucking fruit dicklicker. So what! "Sticks and stones, bro. Sticks and stones!"
Paul turned and started for the mall. They had kept the limo quite a distance away, so it was a long walk. Then, Jim called him back.
"Sorry about this, Paul. I am really sorry about this, and I don't want to do this, but Matt insists." He reached down and began to finger Paul's dick through his shorts. He squeezed and rubbed the fucktube until he felt it grow.
"I don't like touching another dude like this, but Matt insists that when you meet him, you have a full hard on in your shorts. Jim and me will catch shit if you're not rock hard. So bone up bro, the quicker the bettter."
Paul was so nervous and scared, his dick wouldn't respond at first. Jim got really pissed.
"Come on faggot, throw a woody! You think I like standing here playing with you? Pete help me, rub the queer's nipples or asshole or something!"
"I ain't touching him! Not out here. Not anywhere. You think I am out of my mind, touching a faggot's pussy? You think I want to get a disease or something?"
"Jesus, help me get him hard. People will start to notice." He was rubbing and squeezing Paul's confined dick for all he was worth. "Get hard, will you, Cocksucker?"
"I am tryng. I can't help it. I'm scared."
"Rub your own nipples while I work your dick. " Paul put his fingers up under the tee shirt and started to pinch his tits. He felt a little lurch in his cock.
"That's it, I felt something. I think it's boning up. God, I feel so stupid working a dude's dick. Matt owes me big time for this."
"Maybe if you take out your dick and show it to the faggot, he'll bone up!' Pete offered, trying to stifle a giggle.
"I am not taking my dick out in a Mall parking lot. Shit, there are cars pulling up all around us to park. GET THAT GOD DAMNED PRICK HARD NOW, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT CUNTHOLE!"
At last, Paul's penis thickened and then stiffened and then grew rock hard in the pink shorts. It looked like he had a flashlight in his pants. it was clear that he was sporting a kind size teenage hard on. Jim stepped back.
"There, that looks pretty good. Now Matt said, you are to keep it hard until you meet him in front of Victoria's Secret. He's got guys from school posted all over the mall, and if they see you without a hard on, you will be in big trouble.
Paul was sobbing as he stood there still pinching his nipples. the tight underpants and shorts made the fat dick throb and pulse all the more, pushing out the thin material. "How can you make me do this? How can you treat me like this. I was your friend in school! I was your buddy. How can you do this?"
Jim tilted his head to one side. "Matt Henshaw is a very powerful person. What he wants he gets. And right now. He wants this! Remember don't let your dick go down!"
Paul waked toward the hundreds of people entering the just opened mall. Soon little kids first, and then adults turned to see him. Their eyes grew wide. They stepped back from him like he was diseased. Some laughed, others gasped. Some yelled for security. But Paul was dressed enough to be allowed in the mall, and there was nothing they could do. Boys and girls stared at the huge cock bulge in his pink shorts. Several times he had to reach down and squeeze it to keep it fully hard. Parents shielded the eyes of their seven and eight year old children from the sight of the faggot cock. But the kids wanted to see, so they broke away from their parents and jumped up and down gleefully pointing at the hard dick and laughing.
Pauls ass cheeks pushed out the shorts in the rear and rose and fell like a faggot pole dancer as he walked. Six kids from his school saw him and roared with laughter. Paul heard one of them say, "So it's true then that Paul Marshall is a faggot!" Then they all jabbered about it and started to text their friends. That made Paul's dick start to shrink, so he frantically rubbed it and squeezed it, right in front of his school mates. This time it started to leak and a big wet spot appeared on the front of his pink shorts.
"Jesus Christ, he's leaking..." shouted a thirteen year old teen boy at the top of his lungs and gang of gameboys rushed out of the arcade to see.
A truck driver type rolled up to Paul and grabbed him by the neck.
"Get the fuck out of this mall, now! Animals like you, don't belong with decent people."
"I'm afraid he has every right to be here, " came a voice from behind them both. It was a security guard. A young well built guy of about Twenty-two.
"Every right? He is obscene. He is an abomination!" The truck driver howled, his hands balling into fists.
"I agree with you, Sir. He is a piece of scum. But he is not breaking any mall rules. We have no rules about hard ons or leaking. Only about wearing shirts and shoes. And he meets those requirements."
The truck driver's mouth hung open. "So you are going to let him walk around that way in front of women and children and impressionable teens?"
The handsome guard smiled a bit, just a little smirk almost. "Well, I'll call my manager, but I am afraid we have no choice. It is a free country."
"But his dick leak is running down his leg!"
"I can see that. So can everyone. Sorry!" The truck driver stormed off to call the town police Paul almost collapsed from nervous fear. The security guard leaned in.
"Victoria's Secret in at the top of the escalator to the right. I work for Matt Henshaw. Keep that fucking dick hard and leaking! And smile as you pass that den of Cub Scouts over there. Show them how friendly faggots can be!"
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