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Review This Story || Author: Maitresse Emeraude

Downward Spiral

Part 4

Downward Spiral Chapter IV: The best laid plans of mice and Mistresses...

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The following story is entirely fictional, the characters, likenesses, and over all the whole basis of this story is not real. The scenes of extreme torture depicted in this story must not be repeated, even with consent…

“How dare you…!!! How dare you to stain me, you pathetic excuse of a slut…!!!”

The Lady said, exerting her best acting to look and sound righteously raging towards pet, not her clumsy slut, while she stood up as if a spring had launched her forwards… trying to tower up the poor kneeling mass of woman flesh that pet had become, all the while marysse had cowered herself in the gathering cloud of Dommes and sluts alike, all of them that had been attracted to the commotion purposely caused by the Lady so she could sully pets image so badly that her Mistress would have no choice other than gift her to the offended Domme, herself…

As for the Hostess herself, upon the confusion she was shocked to hear the furious screams of a guest of her party, so she decided to investigate which one of the sluts in her service had made one of her sisters angry, so she walked towards the crowd now gathered around the mess that was made on the party she had worked too hard to organize, carefully making way to the epicenter of it, and upon reaching it she said…

“Now… What is going on here…?”

Then the Lady saw straight towards the Mistress, her enraged look still on, as her dress was now covered with the entrees and the wine just screeched as she accusatorily pointed at pet…

“Look what that… that thing… did to me…! Look at me damn it woman…!"

Then the Lady “displayed” the mess she was now, alternatively glaring at the Mistress and the slave, inwardly smiling at the good acting she was displaying… the Mistress, on the contrary… looked puzzled at the fellow Domme, as she knew pet was better trained than that, so she said…

“Sister… calm down, breathe in and out… and do tell me, exactly what happened here…“

And looked at the Domme, a sincere smile in her face, trying well enough to calm the righteous fury the sister displayed as she awaited her answer…

“Well, it started after that thing offered to bring more refreshments, it all was all right, and then she begged permission to talk with my girls…”

Started telling her “truth” the Domme, as Maitresse just heard her, noticing something odd on her sisters tale, which kept going…

“After I allowed it she told my dear scum how came no other Domme was talking to me, to which scum here, of course, said that I respected the privacy of my sisters…?”

As she said this, the Domme pointed to her black slut, which was looked by the Maitresse, as she addressed to the girl…

“Is this true, girl…?”

To which the addressed thing said in her best voice…

“Yes, yes it is, Maam…”

And, after that intervention, the girl returns to silence, watching both Dommes as her owner resumed her tale…

“Then the girl looked weird at scum just before she said that she believed that I was not Mistress material and that she was sorry for scum because she was left stranded with a whore disguised as Mistress like myself…”

Then the Maitresse looked at her own girl, a questioning look, which was met with the womans lowered gaze, as, in the moment the Domme started her rants returned to her basic kneeling position: legs spread as wide as she could, breasts pushed forwards, hands on her tights, head upwards and eyes downcast. Then the Mistress turned to her sister, so she could resume her tale…

“Then scum retorted that did have friends and, despite the lack of sisters talking to me, I was a love giver…“

Smiling she decided to purposely ignore marysse involvement for the time being, as the Maitresse scratched her chin in deep thought…

“To which the thing just laughed at my poor scum, then she said that she was not only blind but also stupid, then marysse said that that was not true, to which the girl grew angrier and threw her tray towards me… and all was spilled on me…”

And with that, the Lady finished her tale, while looking on the eyes to the Maitresse whom said…

“Calm down sister… justice will be delivered to you…”

To which the Domme said…

“I truly hope so… now Ive been not only humiliated, but displayed before my sisters by that thing, I do not ask for vengeance, but mere justice and expect the one guilty of my injuries to be properly punished…!”

To this last outburst of rage, the Maitresse looked at her sister as she calmly answered…

“Dont worry sister, rest assured the one responsible of this indignity will be punished severely… meanwhile why dont you let one of my sluts to escort you to your room, so the service personal will give you a nice hot relaxing bath…”

Then, the Maitresse looked to find a serving slut, whom was going to be assigned the task of escorting the Lady…

“You, plaything… escort the lady to her designated guest room and her girls to the service room of it…”

Commanded the Maitresse to one of her girls, this one a petty brown-haired woman whom crawled towards the stained Domme and said…

“If the Lady was so gracious of following this one…?”

And crawled away, followed by the Mistress and her playthings while the crowd dissipated, most of the guests already decided to be on their rooms, so they commanded the serving sluts to escort them to their rooms too, excited already for the auction of the next day…

Well, another part finished, dont forget to review… and rate too ;)…

To Be Continued…

Review This Story || Author: Maitresse Emeraude
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